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By nyrassire

30.6K 939 142

The tales of when the sea snakes daughter falls in love with a kinslayerv (REWRITE) Aemond Targaryen x OC #5... More

Act I
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Nine

1.2K 45 4
By nyrassire

123 AC

As I stood in my chambers at King's Landing, draped in a gown that shimmered like the morning sun over the Blackwater, I prepared for my wedding to Aemond. The great hall of the Red Keep, just floors below, thrummed with the hum of an eager crowd as they made their way to the Great Sept of Baelor. My chambers, by contrast, were a quiet sanctuary where my nerves were gently calmed by the presence of my mother, Princess Rhaenys Targaryen, and Queen Alicent Hightower.

Queen Alicent, adjusting a delicate Tiara, offered a warm smile. "Lyanna, you look absolutely radiant. The entire realm will be spellbound by your beauty tonight."

I returned her smile with gratitude, touched by her encouraging words. "Thank you, Your Grace. Your kindness means a great deal today."

My mother, her eyes misting with unshed tears, added, "Your father, Corlys, would have been so proud to see you today. He regrets deeply that his battle in the stepstone have kept him away"

"I know, Mother," I responded, allowing myself a moment to feel the weight of his absence. "I pray for his swift and safe return."

At that moment, the doors to my chamber opened with quiet authority to reveal King Viserys. His gaze was tender, his smile broad as he took in the sight of me. "Lyanna, my dear, you are the epitome of grace and beauty—a perfect bride to bring honor to our House. I look forward to the day I hold my grandchildren."

His words, meant to be comforting, sparked a flutter of nerves in my stomach. I curtsied deeply, my voice steady despite the butterflies. "Thank you, Your Grace. I am committed to upholding the honor of our house and fulfilling your expectations."

King Viserys stepped forward, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder. "You will do more than that, I am sure. You will excel." His confidence was reassuring, and a new resolve settled over me.

As he left, the room fell silent again, save for the soft rustling of silk and the distant echoes of music rising from the great hall. Turning back to the mirror,

The Queen believed the wedding should be a spectacle unlike any other, and as the time for the ceremony approached, my heart thrummed with a blend of excitement and apprehension. I made my way down the aisle of the grand Sept, the air heavy with the scent of incense and the soft glow of candlelight illuminating the path before me. My eyes met Aemond's, his violet gaze shimmering with adoration. As I reached his side, he took my hand, infusing me with a reassuring warmth that only he could provide. His look conveyed a love so profound it seemed to envelop me completely.

The High Septon began the ceremony with the traditional cloaking. "You may now cloak the bride and bring her under your protection," he intoned, his voice echoing off the ancient stone walls. Aemond lifted the cloak—a rich tapestry of Targaryen crimson and Velaryon blue—and draped it over my shoulders, symbolizing his vow to protect and cherish me.

"We stand here in the sight of gods and men to witness the union of man and wife: one flesh, one heart, one soul, now and forever," the High Septon declared. He then bound our hands together with a ceremonial ribbon, symbolizing our union. The ribbon's silver threads gleamed in the candlelight, a tangible reminder of the sacred vows we were about to exchange.

"Let it be known that Aemond Targaryen of House Targaryen and Lyanna Velaryon of House Velaryon are one heart, one flesh, one soul. Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder," the High Septon continued.

"In the sight of the Seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity. Look upon one another and say the words," he instructed.

Together, Aemond and I spoke our vows in unison, voices steady despite the overwhelming emotions: "Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger..."

Then it was time for our personal vows. Aemond declared firmly, "I am hers and she is mine. From this day, until the end of my days."

With equal conviction, I responded, "I am his and he is mine. From this day, until the end of my days."

Aemond leaned in, whispering with a tender smile, "With this kiss, I pledge my love." Our lips met, sealing our vows in a kiss that drew cheers from the assembled crowd.

Ser Rickard stepped forward, his voice booming as he introduced us anew to the realm: "Introducing Prince Aemond Targaryen and Princess Lyanna Targaryen of House Targaryen." Our shared gaze was full of love and promises of a future together as the guests applauded.

Outside the Sept, the mighty roars of Vhagar and Meraxes filled the air, a fierce and jubilant recognition of their riders' union. The sounds underscored the gravity of our commitment—not just to each other, but to our dragons and our realm.

As the ceremony concluded, the lords and ladies of Westeros approached us, offering their congratulations. Among them were Prince Daemon and Princess Rhaenyra, who approached with their son and my nephews. Despite the underlying tensions, they maintained a veneer of cordiality. "Congratulations, Lyanna," Princess Rhaenyra said, her voice carrying a subtle strain. Her smile, though wide, didn't quite reach her eyes.

Prince Daemon, always one to speak his mind, leaned closer and whispered, "Let's hope this ceremony ends on a happier note than the last one we attended."

Lucerys came up next, his presence always a comfort to me. He wrapped his arms around me in a sincere embrace. "Congratulations, Aunt," he said, his smile genuine and warm, lighting up his face.

"Thank you, Lu," I replied, squeezing his hand. "It means the world to me that you're here."

Lucerys then turned to Aemond, offering him a respectful nod. The moment was brief, and no words were exchanged between them, but the acknowledgment was clear. Despite the complexities of our family dynamics, today, there was an unspoken agreement to put aside grievances for the sake of celebration.

The arrival of House Stark brought a sense of familiarity and comfort. Cregan Stark, my best friend since childhood, approached us with a warm smile.

"Lyanna, Aemond, congratulations!" he exclaimed, his Northern accent pronounced as he enveloped me in a strong hug. "Seeing you two together brings back so many memories, and now here you are, starting your own chapter."

"Thank you, Cregan," I responded, feeling the solid reality of his presence grounding me amidst the swirl of the celebration.

"It's truly a grand occasion," Aemond chimed in, shaking Cregan's hand with a firm grip. Their laughter filled the air, resonating with the deep timber of old friendship and new bonds being formed.

Among the well-wishers, Aegon and his pregnant wife, Helena, offered their congratulations with genuine warmth. Aegon, never one to miss a chance for levity, quipped a risqué joke about the secrets to a successful marriage, causing both Aemond and me to burst into laughter, albeit a bit forced due to the audacity of his jest. Helena, blushing slightly, nudged Aegon with a smile, her enjoyment of his irreverence clear despite her embarrassment.

As the day turned into night, the celebration continued. We danced with joy, our smiles and giggles filling the air. The worries and responsibilities of the world melted away, and all that mattered was the love we shared. Our eyes locked, and in that moment, the world seemed to fade around us.

Eventually, the revelry began to wind down, and we made our way to our bedchambers. Hand in hand, we entered the room filled with anticipation and excitement for the night to come. It was the beginning of our journey together, a journey that promised as much mystery and adventure as it did love and companionship. As we closed the door behind us, leaving the noise of the celebration behind, we stepped into our new life together, eager to explore all that it would bring.

As word of Prince Aemond Targaryen and Princess Lyanna Velaryon's union spread across the realm, celebrations erupted far beyond the walls of King's Landing. From the bustling streets of Lannisport to the secluded villages in the Vale, the people of Westeros celebrated the auspicious marriage of two of their most prominent noble houses.

In High Tide, where Lyanna had spent much of her childhood, the local folk held a festival by the sea to honor their new princess. The castle that once echoed with the sounds of her youthful laughter now resonated with music and joyous cheers. Banners depicting the sigils of both House Targaryen and House Velaryon fluttered in the sea breeze, symbolizing the unity of dragon and seahorse.

"Long live Princess Lyanna, The Sea Princess!" the crowd chanted as the festivities continued into the night. The moniker "the Sea Princess" was bestowed upon her not just for her heritage but for her deep connection with the sea and the creatures that dwelt within it, a connection that was celebrated through songs and stories told by the minstrels.

At a grand feast, a local fisherman raised his cup and shouted over the roar of the gathering, "To the Sea Princess, may her reign be as bountiful as the waters of Blackwater Bay!" The toast was met with a thunderous applause and the clinking of cups, as everyone from the highest-ranking lords to the common seafarers joined in the acclaim.

Back at the Red Keep, Aemond and Lyanna heard tales of these celebrations, feeling both honored and humbled by the outpouring of love and support. As they sat together in the quiet of their chamber, Aemond took her hand gently.

"It seems you've captured the hearts of the people just as you have captured mine," Aemond said softly, a smile playing on his lips.

Lyanna, touched by the gesture and the news, replied, "And I am as much yours as I am theirs. Together, we'll chart a course not just for our love, but for all who look to us in hope."

The unity represented by their marriage promised stability and a flourishing era not only for their houses but for the entire realm, fostering a sense of hope and anticipation for what the future might bring under their joint leadership.


What do you think they are up to before we get caught up to episode 8?? Love to know your ideas

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