My Book of OC'S

By johen1jayme

943 3 0

The stands in my stories can transform themself into weapons like "Tsubaki Nakatsukasa and the Demon Weapons... More

Johan Gojo (Class 1-A | MHA)
Weather (Hero | X-over)
Otomi Mizuki (Hero | X-over)
Jin Lance (Hero | X-over)
Oozora Misaki (Hero | X-over)
Tomasu Houji (Class 1-A | MHA)
Kazaki Yamato (Class 1-A | MHA)
Shirou Gou (Class 1-A | MHA)
Yuto Sakurai (Class 1-A | MHA)
Takeru Yamazaki (Class 1-A | MHA)
Ryu Terui (Class 1-A | MHA)
Hitomi Gotou (Class 1-A | MHA)
Ran Uzaki (Class 1-A | MHA)
Hanaori Kotoha (Class 1-A | MHA)
Umika Hayami (Class 1-A | MHA)
Kazuma Kenzaki (Class 1-B | MHA)
Ryoma Sengoku (Class 1-B | MHA)
Makoto Fubuki (Class 1-B | MHA)
Zoroku Banjo (Class 1-B | MHA)
Hiro Kagami (Class 1-B | MHA)
Inou Masumi (Class 1-B | MHA)
Masashi Yuri (Class 1-B | MHA)
Kagura Izumi (Class 1-B | MHA)
Natsumi Hikari (Class 1-B | MHA)
Megumi Misaki (Class 1-B | MHA)

Bladerun (Villain | MHA)

45 0 0
By johen1jayme

Villain Name: Bladerun

Real Name: Kenny Basco


Villain Outfit:

Birthday: Apr /  10

Zodiac Sign: Aries

Height: 173 (5'8")

Voiced by: Akira Ishida

Battle/Stand Cry's:


"WRYYYYYY ... !"


Basco was a friend to JoJo during back their days of youth and had betrayed him by sending him into My Hero Academia. He was once a kind and friendly person.

But now as the villain: Bladerun. He is stubborn, harsh, short-fused, greedy, sly, cruel and a bloodthirsty fighter who desires to fight the strong.


Name: Nanomachines

Type: Transformation


Bladerun can create, shape and manipulate nanites, machines or robots whose components are at or near the scale of a nanometre.

More specifically, nanorobotics (as opposed to micro-robotics) refers to the nanotechnology engineering discipline of designing and building nanorobots, with devices ranging in size from 100 or 1 Nanometer and constructed of nanoscale or molecular components. This allows the use of nanotechnology: manipulation of matter on a Supramolecular, molecular, and atomic scale.

The tiny robots that the user controls can be programmed to build, destroy and cover themselves with metal. They can produce a suit of cyber armor made of sentient Nano-bytes that covers their body and is nearly indestructible yet still very agile from one small piece of It. It also increases his physical attributes many times that of the average human.

The nanites in his bloodstream can also have the effect of healing his injuries at an accelerated rate, allowing them to regenerate before any normally fatal injuries could kill them. This power is able to upgrade vehicles or take over electrical objects through the use of nanotechnology.

When in use to upgrade vehicles, a cable will come out from the arm; the more cables, the higher/faster the upgrade. Bladerun can shoot a cylindrical bullet that releases nanites which override the electrical object programming. Bladerun is also a living arsenal. He is capable of creating, absorbing and reshaping any kind of weaponry whether it be guns, cannons, swords, hammers, shields etc. from his bodies at will.

He has his own unique arsenal of weaponry housed within his body and can create new weapons at any time or absorb previously existing weapons to add to his own personal arsenal. As a living arsenal, he can also create weapons for others to use as well as creating sets of tools/objects used to achieve a particular objective.


The Transformation of the Nanomachines into a Variety of Machinery, is a Reference to Some Characters with Tech that can Transform.

● Rex Salazar (Generator Rex)

● Cyrax & Sektor (Mortal Kombat)

● Iron Man, Mark 85 (Marvel Cinematic Universe)

● Cyborg & Blue Beetle (DC Comics)

He also has a Power Source Inside Him, That Gives Him an Unlimited Amount of Power to His Nanomachines.

-----[His Stand]-----

Name: Utopia

From: Utopia Dopant (Kamen Rider W)

Namesake: Utopia (American Rock Band)


Destructive Power: A

Speed: A

Range: ∅

Stamina: A

Precision: B

Development Potential: A


[A/N: Ignore the Staff]


Utopia is an exceptionally powerful Close & Long range Stand much like Terra Firma and Contrast Chaos. It has overwhelming physical might and near unstoppable abilities make it one of the most dangerous Stands in the stories.

Extreme Physical Power: 

Utopia possesses phenomenal strength, senses, precision, and incredible speed, being able to easily punch someone right through their abdomen. Bladerun claims that Utopia is even stronger and faster than Terra Firma and Contrast Chaos since it bested the latter in a clash of rapid punches between them. Its main offense is generally characterized by a flurry of speedy punches and the occasional kick.


Utopia's reality-bending powers result from the stands ability to grant wishes and absorbing the aspirations and ambitions of others.

The most seen of Utopia's main powers is telekinesis which is used for bringing people and things to the user, repelling attacks from enemies, levitating objects, and causing great pain onto others.


Utopia can freely generate, shape, and manipulate, the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products, being the visible portion of the fire.

Depending on the substances alight, and any impurities outside, the color of the flame and the fire's intensity will be different. Utopia can also completely control the temperature of the fire at will.


Utopia can create, shape and manipulate electricity, a form of energy resulting from the movement of charged particles (such as electrons or protons). As an elemental power, electricity manipulation is very simple and straightforward accompanied with a near-limitless myriad of uses.

Utopia would be able to discharge large amounts of electricity in order to shock their opponents, potentially paralyzing them, burning them, or even stopping their hearts in severe cases. Utopia would also be able to summon lightning bolts, while even stronger stand users can manipulate it within the skies, or even create thunderstorms at will.

Even if their opponent is resistant to electricity, the immense heat generated from lightning traveling through the sky, which is around 6 times hotter than the surface of the sun, will definitely pose a threat to them.

At a more advanced level, Utopia would be able to exert control over electronics and other devices powered by electricity, allowing the user to remotely access, disrupt, and control technology, such as mobile phones, televisions, computers, traffic lights etc.

Enter would be able to perceive or even control data stored on electronic devices, or even assume control over the entire device purely through electrical connection.

Utopia would be able to use electricity to for more miscellaneous uses, such as enhancing one's senses through Electroreception, the ability to sense natural electrical stimuli which can allow them to sense their surroundings by generating electric fields and detecting the distortions in those fields.

At the ultimate level, Utopia would be able to control electric fields and all charge carriers (Ions, Electrons, Protons, and Positrons), allowing them to manipulate the force that holds atoms together within objects or flow through the nervous systems of living creatures.


Utopia gives its master the ability to generate ice in large quantity and at a rapid rate. Bladerun uses the ice in various ways to fight. Utopia is so powerful it can generate blocks of ice large enough to crush an armored truck and make the temperature around it drop noticeably.

Its real potential is unleashed and the cryokinesis is even more efficient. This power is often used offensively to create icicles that can be thrown with incredible force toward a target, acting like missiles.

The ice is usually generated a decent distance away from Enter but it can also generate shards in his own hands as a close-range attack. Utopia's ice can also be used to create blocks or walls to restrict enemy movement, as well as simply freezing everything around itself to trap a target.

It can also be used to freeze over Bladerun's wounds, preventing them from bleeding out. Utopia can also dramatically decrease the temperature of anything it touches.

When it touches something, the affected object's temperature decreases dramatically. Utopia's power is so powerful it can reach temperatures of about -100 °C easily, freeze gasoline, and rapidly create a large quantity of ice out of seawater (faster than someone could swim).

Naturally, the cold is dangerous to the human body: Utopia can freeze people, dropping the temperature to the point vital functions are threatened and can solidify limbs to the point they can break like ice.

As Utopia drops the temperature, so does the ability of objects to move. At low enough temperatures, Bladerun can simply stop attacks in their tracks, making conventional attacks like gunshots ineffective.

Bladerun can also precisely control her power. He can form specific shapes of ice such as blades to ice skate on or redirect the freezing of a large body of water.

Moreover, if he cancels Utopia's freezing willingly, the previously affected objects immediately return to their normal temperature. If Bladerun stops contact with a frozen object, it will return to its normal temperature.

Time Stop:

Utopia's has the ability to stop time from the User by saying: Za Warudo, allowing only itself, Bladerun, and anyone with the same power, to act within the duration of stopped time.

Individuals with the same power can only act within stopped time for the "duration" that they are able to stop time, but appear be able to perceive all of the stopped time, even if they have not stopped it themselves, and this applies to Bladerun as well.

An individual with the same power does not need to immediately start acting (or 'stopping time themselves') during stopped time, and can start the duration of their time stop later on during the stopped time, and the duration of the other individual's stopped time can exceed the duration of the initial time stop, stopping the original user of the ability from acting for the remaining duration of their time stop.

In the stopped time, Bladerun can move his own body freely along with any object he touches that he wishes to move, allowing him to strike his defenseless enemies, move to a superior position, and toy with his victims.

All force applied by Enter during the time stop continues to exist after the time stop. This is seen when the objects that Bladerun throws can momentarily move during the stopped time before grinding to a halt. A flurry of thrown knives could fly for several meters before stopping near JoJo.

Another unique feature of the time stop is how Bladerun can seemingly levitate in stopped time. Since no forces other than the time stoppers exist during a time stop, there is no force of gravity, allowing Bladerun to move freely in space as he wishes, with the assistance of his stand.

It is notable that Bladerun needs to consciously activate Time Stop, which means that surprise attacks can prevent him from stopping time. Despite time not actively progressing, Bladerun quantifies the duration of Utopia's time stop using seconds.

This ability initially only works for up to 5 seconds in Bladerun's frame of reference before time flows again. However, thanks to an upgrade from Doc, the duration of stopped time increases as Bladerun becomes more accustomed to Utopia and his wound heals, reaching a maximum of nine seconds.

Bomb Transmutation:

Once a target has touched the object, Utopia can detonate the target by pressing its right thumb onto its index fingers' middle phalanx, as if pressing a trigger on a handheld detonator; the charge immediately travels through the target's body before exploding. Additionally, Utopia can blow up the charged target itself.

Time Erasure:

Utopia can erase a given frame of time lasting up to 10 seconds, starting from the instant the ability is activated.

In the erased time frame, other people will be unable to experience anything that happened and will retain no memories of it either. After the allotted time frame, they will suddenly find themselves in the situation they were supposed to be afterwards.

On the other hand, Bladerun remains fully conscious during the erased time and only he can re-adjust his actions. Bladerun visualize a ghostly red image of his foe's next move instead. Enter is unable to attack, or interact with anything, while Utopia's time erasure is active, as the time frame of his own actions would cease to exist as well.

The only exception to the latter is Bladerun himself, and any extension of himself, such as his own blood. As a result, he often relies on the ability to avoid attacks and move himself into advantageous positions, such as enemy blind spots. Using his Stand's exceptional destructive power, Bladerun then directly attacks the enemy the moment Utopia's ability concludes.

Utopia's time-skip ability is portrayed as it a glitched effect, as if the animation itself has corrupted and skipped forward.

DISC Extraction:

Utopia can manipulate people's spirits in the form of special DISCs only it can manifest and preserve.

Utopia can first and foremost extract a portion or the entirety of a person's psyche out of their bodies in the form of tangible DISCs and then put them into people. To do so, Utopia must touch its victim and take the time to physically "extract" the DISC from them; as such, partial extraction is ineffective.

There are three main types of DISCs: Memory DISCs contain a person's memory, Quirk DISCs contain a person's Quirk, and Stand DISCs contain a person's Stand. DISCs may be inserted into another person's head, allowing them to either freely consult the memories inside or use the corresponding Quirk or Stand, much like the original user. Bladerun can use this mechanic to force a detrimental power into someone.

People whose Stand, Quirk, and Memory DISCs are extracted will fall unconscious and may die, their bodily functions stopping and having to be maintained through machines. Putting a Memory DISC back inside their rightful owner will restore them, however, the same does not apply with Stand or Quirk DISCs.

A Stand User with only a Stand DISC can regain consciousness and be capable of learning, but the loss of their will to live results in muscle atrophy and eventual death of the body.

Utopia also demonstrates the ability to insert and extract DISCs of miscellaneous use. DISCs in Bladerun's possession can be issued instructions that the host will instinctively obey without question, and enables them to do seemingly impossible feats like exploding, showcasing the power of suggestion over a physical body.

This extent of psyche manipulation could be expanded to the point which Utopia can fully control a person's mind through direct contact, to which Bladerun can control his victim as long as his Stand inserts itself into their head.

Dimensional Travel:

Utopia allows different parallel worlds/dimensions to co-exist at the same time and/or in the same place. It also allows its user to visit these parallel worlds/dimensions and interact with them.

Bladerun travels by being closed between two objects, shown first by putting himself between a chair and the ground. Liquid materials, such as water count as objects as well, and even dust or steam.

Bladerun only needs an infinitesimal part of himself put between two objects to be able to hop between dimensions. Following that, Bladerun may reappear from anywhere, like emerging from someone's back, presumably by affecting objects in a neighboring dimension.

One of the early facets of this power was that Bladerun was impervious to projectiles as the hit body part would transform simply into a hole, however, this was then left out after its initial usage.

Bladerun can also pull other people or items to other dimensions by forcing them between two objects or into the object he uses as a portal; for instance he can slam a door on them while they are backed against a wall.

However, as no two versions of the same person or thing can co-exist in the same dimension, one of them will have to go back into their own. If not, and if they get too close to one another, both will crumble, splitting into Menger sponges before obliteration, potentially causing an explosive reaction that may harm those close by.

This rule does not apply to Enter himself, and thus he can cooperate with his alternate selves. Bladerun can also only partially drag people into a new dimension, immobilizing them inside an object.

It was demonstrated that people other than the Stand User can pull people to other dimensions if he reuses the same objects that were used to drag them between dimensions.

It is explained that between dimensions, gravity as a force is able to persist with Bladerun when he hops between dimensions. This keeps him from breaking into pieces and becoming scattered across the different worlds.

If Bladerun is injured, he can hop into another dimension and transfer his Utopia to that world's Enter. Said Bladerun acquires the memory of the previous Bladerun and becomes the "main" Bladerun by virtue of now possessing the Stand, but his consciousness remains different from that of the previous owner.


● Bladerun was inspired by Basco Ta Jolokia from Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger.

● His voice was also known or played as:

"Akaza from Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba"

● Bladerun is an expert to make deals or trades with others.

● His 4 Stand's Abilities are based on main antagonist's from each JoJo franchise.

● Half of Bladerun's personality is based on Akaza from Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba.

● The Cryogenic ability of Utopia is referenced to DIO. Before he was a Stand User, his vampiric abilities has Freezing power.

● The Pyrokinetic and Electrokinetic abilities of Utopia are referenced to the Antagonists: Firelord Ozai and Azula from Avatar: The Last Airbender.

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