π‘«π’‚π’“π’π’Šπ’π’ˆ~ 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝑴𝒆...

By lazyshrimp11

57.3K 1.7K 4.2K

{ LawLu } { KidLu } Trafalgar Law Γ— Monkey D. Luffy Eustass Kid Γ— Monkey D. Luffy ~~~~~~ Two Demon Kings were... More

" First Note "
" I'm Sorry, the story will.... "
#63 { END }
" Q & A { With a Small Announcement ) "


494 18 19
By lazyshrimp11

-------No One's Pov------

In the Underworld.

Luffy ended up accidentally dropping his phone, he was with Moocy, on top of Moocy's dragon head, devilish black arrows can be seen, he dropped the phone when Moocy kept dodging every arrow. Luffy looked up to the hellish sky forming a huge storm, and he looked down, he saw Demons fight at each other, as well as in the sky.

Then that's when uncontrollable Demons was after him, Moocy ended up releasing Hellish fire, and for Luffy's safety he ended up flying away as far as he could, however, demons were forming into one.

"Moocy!! Hey!! Demons! Don't hurt Moocy!"

Luffy got mad, pointing at the Demons, the Demons unable to hear everything he says, they were uncontrollable and wild. When the Demons attack Moocy, Moocy attacks back but Luffy ends up losing his balance to fall, "No! Moocy!!" Moocy got distracted by hundreds of demons.

Luffy suddenly got lucky for falling into the river, as he kept coughing, grabbing one of the biggest rocks to crawl out of the water, coughing, his basket is ruined.


That voice was none other than Bepo, "Bepo!!~" Luffy ended up jumping and hugging the demon, a cute, polar bear. "W-Wait!! What are you doing here!? It's dangerous!!! You need to go back!!!" Bepo panic, Luffy pouts, "Is this war?? I have never seen one before!! This is so cool!! Like in the movies!!!" Luffy was totally sparkling of seeing it with his own eyes, Bepo helplessly facepalm. "No!! Wait!! Moocy!!! I need to check on Moocy!!!" Luffy said worriedly. "ARE YOU SERIOUS!? WORRY ABOUT YOURSELF FIRST IDIOT!!!" Bepo raised his voice and got worried and half angry that Luffy doesn't listen to him at all.


When Bepo looked beside him, Luffy was gone as he looked up and was dragged by a Demon. Waving his both hands and legs, happily laughing and enjoying. "THIS IS SO COOL!!!!" Glittering and sparkling out of his eyes, with a Demon.

Bepo felt like his eyes were going to pop out and was gonna die from a heart attack seeing Luffy being kidnapped by a Demon.


And being carried by a Demon, Luffy climbed to the Demon, "Ohhh!! You bring my basket!! Thank you!! And can you go over there?! Because Moocy is there!!!" Luffy says, pointing to the west, the Demon optimistically ignores him because he'll eat the Straw Hat later to power up. Luffy sigh, "I said there! There!!" Luffy ended up holding his head and forcing it to look back, as the Demon's neck cracked.

"Let's go there!!! C'mon!! C'mon!!!"

The neck starts to crack by Luffy's force to look back and to turn his head with roughness. The bones got initially damaged the way Luffy forced his head to turn with such eagerness.

The demon roared in pain and bit Luffy's arm, "OW!! THAT'S RUDE!!! HOW CAN YOU WIN A WAR WITH SUCH RUDENESS AND CRUELTY WITH NO HONORABILITY OF SERVING US HUMANS YOU FREAK!!!" Luffy was holding a rock since earlier when he got caught in the river and smacked it hard on its head. With a big and painful smack, the demon got knocked out and they started to fall.

Luffy grins more, "WOOHOOO!! I FEEL LIKE I'M FREE!!! NYAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" Luffy laughed as he caught another Demon on the back, "Ooh!! You're a different one!!! Nishishishi!!!~" Luffy starts to play with the demons with long ears and wings. "STOP IT YOU SHITTY MORON!!" The demon spoke out of anger, as Luffy was playing with his wings, he got an idea.

"Hey!!! Can I borrow your wings so I can fly!? That would be so awesome!!"


Luffy tried to rip his wings with a sparkling smile, "A-ARE YOU AN IDIOT!! S-STOP THAT INSTANT!! STOP!!! S-S-STOP!!---- STO----!!.." the demon got smack into the huge rock of mountain, falling on the ground, he got knock out when he accidentally hit himself and bump to the rock of the mountain.

Not knowing, Bepo kept following were Luffy was in panic in his whole entire body.

And for Luffy on the other hand, grab a scissors on his pocket, "Yosh!! Sorry!! But I have to borrow your wings!! It's pretty cool if I have wings!!!" He started to cut the demon's wings with scissors, his scissors got broken since the wings had bones. Luffy sighed disappointedly. "So boring.." Then something caught Luffy's attention that made him more exciting.

He saw Demons with Knight Armors.


Luffy rushed like lightning, and then back to Bepo.

"L-Luffy.. wait.. hahhh... Hahhh.. y-your too fast.. I-I can't run anymore..."

Inhaling and exhaling, panting so heavily, just chasing Luffy is making him more exhausted than fighting Demons. It feels like he needs to watch a very enthusiastic kid 24/7. As he felt like he was going to faint. His eyes saw Luffy again, with a rush like lightning.

"L-Luffy! Wait up!!!"

Back to Luffy.

"Can I borrow your armor!?"

"Fucking move it brat!!!"

Luffy pouts and runs to the next demon. Asking the same question.

"Can I borrow your armor!? Please!!"

Got rejected, then ran to another random demon.

"Can I please borrow your knight armor!!? It's just so awesome and so cool!!!"

And then again, got pushed away, he was in the middle of the war and yet he is so enthusiastic.


Luffy finally roared, stumping again and again and wanted the armor so badly. He got rejected and got pushed by other knights, got shove away by Demons, fighting each other.


Then he saw a dead body, with a demon knight, with a golden armor, "ARMOR!!!" Luffy rushed to it, as he was going to have it, and gave it a disgust look. "Ew.. no, it stinks.." Luffy pinching his nose, he sighed.

Luffy only borrows an armor hat and puts it on, "Nice!!~ Ooh!! A sword!!! Awesome!!!!!" Luffy's eyes sparkle, and grab the sword, one thing is, he tried to carry it. "Why is this so heavy!!?" He perfectly carries it.

"Now I'm a knight!! Ahahahaha!!! Prepare for my Knight power!!--.. wait.. Knights should have a cape!! Cape!!! I need a cape!!!"

And back to Bepo.

"W-WATCH OUT LUFFY!! THERE'S GONNA BE A DEMON FALLING ON TOP OF YOU!!!" Bepo panicked once more, as he rushed to him.

The falling Demon, and Luffy starts to look for a cape, and ends up stepping to the left side with one step, and Bepo was closer to him, the Demon ended up falling to Bepo instead of him.

"Cape, cape...!"

Luffy looks around for the cape, and spears, "W-WAIT LUFFY!! THERE'S A BOMB!!!" Bepo shoves the dead demon away, and Luffy just keeps walking, not hearing Bepo on the back, when Bepo says there's a bomb, Luffy's eyes widened and sparkles more, he grabs the bomb. "WOW SO AWESOME!!!!" Luffy says, "I wanna test it!!!" he enthusiastically says.


Luffy ended up pushing it, yet nothing happened. Luffy turned uninterested, "Boring.." he threw the bomb on the back.

"LUFFY!!---.. E-EH!?.."

The bomb got caught in Bepo's hands, Bepo panicked and threw it at the demons, that exactly exploded and killed hundreds of demons with a small bomb. Then he looks again, Luffy is far away again.

Again, Luffy finally found a red cale. "YOSH!!~" Putting it in, with a sword and knight armor hat, now he needs a shield. "SHIELD!!! NEXT!! STEP LIKE A KNIGHT!!!" Stepping one by one, singing while Demons and Demon knights having a war, without a care, Luffy was not actually dodging the bombs, he just kept walking side to side, spinning with excitement as he jumped to the dead bodies.

"Just keep walking! Fighting! Fighting!!~"

Happy smiling, laughing, giggling with excitement while the other hand Bepo, is gonna die from exhaustion and keep avoiding the bombs, the demons and the knights, it was so exhausting just by watching Luffy, like he was totally babysitting a little kid.

"H-How can even the Highness take care of him!? If he's this careless and clumsy!!!" Bepo sweats a lot. "Luffy!! S-Slow down! I need to catch up with you!" Bepo feels like he was not gonna die just because of demons going to kill him, he was gonna die watching over Luffy, and if it did happen in a year, he admits himself to tearing a part, watching over Luffy might kill him out of exhaustion and craziness.

And he finally caught up to Luffy, Luffy noticed Bepo just now and he grin mischievously.

"Ohh!!! Bepo!! Eh???.." Luffy tilts his head on the side, "What's wrong?? Why are you tired? Are you also fighting!? You're so cool!!!!" Luffy cheerfully complimented, Bepo shyly blush, "Oh thank..--- DON'T CHANGE THE CONVERSATION MORON!! YOUR GOING TO KILL ME AND STOP RUNNING!! IT'S DANGEROUS!! WHAT'S WORSE WERE BOTH IN THE MIDDLE OF THE WAR!!!!" Bepo outraged it all, and all Luffy does is pick his nose. "Really? War? I haven't noticed that! Oh well! At least I got some awesome armor!" Luffy stops picking his nose and smiles more pure and innocently, releasing a soft chuckle.

"C'mon now Bepo, it's not like we're gonna both die."


"Kill myself? Moron, I don't plan that. Besides, I have Moocy."

Luffy nonchalantly pointed at his Dragon, Bepo looked at what he was pointing at, it was more terrifying, the dragon itself has taken no damage at all, killing everyone steps in his way.


'T-This.. g-guy is serious i-isn't he?...'

It feels like Bepo's brain is going to explode because of Luffy. Then he stiffened when his hand got grabbed by Luffy. "W-W-What are y-you doing?" Sweating a lot, a bad feeling of chills just runs down his spine. Bepo just feels like he wants to die right now when he just sees that pure and innocent "Smile" across Luffy's lips, with dazzling and sparkling stars around him.

"I found a cave! That way! It's so awesome!! It's a new adventure!!~"

As Bepo look at the cave, shiver run down his spine an terrified look across his face, just looking at the cave that was huge and dark, and most of all, gigantic demon spiders are crawling and devil birds are eating at themselves, with full of webs and dirty vines. A very huge horrific cave.

"N-NO!! I DON'T WANT!!! L-LET'S JUST STAY----..!!!"

Got dragged by Luffy itself, and Bepo felt like crying.



Right now, at Sanji's situation.

"So.. Luffy is in the Demon World!? That moron!! It's War in there!!!" Zoro got worried, "L-LUFFY'S GONNA DIE!!!" Ussop keeps spinning and waterfall tears won't stop as much as Chopper. "But---.." Jinbei got cut off when Ace, Law and Sabo arrived, with Corazon.

"Only us that were going."

Ace says, crossing his arms, "No." they all look at Zoro. Who was sitting calmly and composing, he's been with Luffy ever since. "If you guys are going, we're all coming. This is what Luffy was talking about." Zoro says, Sabo smirks, "How lovely." he complimented, "Wait. Since all of us are coming we're all going to split to look for him." Nami suggested to split to look for Luffy easily, "What's worse, he's an idiot." Law simply said, crossing his arms, "You got that right." Sanji agrees to it.

"Anyhow.. I also need to go, if Luffy got wounds.. I'm always there for him to heal him." Chopper says, "I'm a beast, a beast that Luffy needed, a monster that he needed, I will always make myself valuable to him." Chopper said with such strong words, Robin clapped her hands, and Law patted his head.

"Hey!~ Hey!!~"

Everyone turns to Franky, "Let's split cars shall we!?!" he says, "Yohohoho!!!~ That's awesome Franky-San!!!~" Brook, Ussop, and Chopper's eyes sparkle. "I agree." Zoro said as he nod his head with a smile.

"It is really concerning.. what if Luffy got eaten by demons and his body shredded to pieces?" Robin says with her dark humor circling in her deep thoughts, "ROBIN!!!" Ussop irk, "S-STOP SAYING SUCH SCARY THINGS!!!" Nami also shivers from her words, "Yosh!~ Everything is done!!~ Let's go!! I'm ready!!!~" Yamato laughed as her horns finally appeared from her head.

Ace and Sabo made a portal, "And me, I haven't spoken up yet." they all look at Corazon, "What is it? Dad?" Law asked, "I think Luffy will be safe, Ikkaku, Bepo and Shachi are there, they'll protect him if they see him. Besides, it's not that stressful to look after a single person like him. Luffy is very obedient you know? And lovely!~" Corazon says so proudly about it.

Franky laughed, "Yeah! Your right!~" Franky said with a smile, Robin chuckled, "Let's go! Everyone!!" Sabo said, as they all enter with their awesome, cool, vehicles that are made by Franky.


Meanwhile, on the other hand.

Bepo was behind Luffy instead of Luffy behind Bepo.

Inside the terrifying cave, Bepo felt like he was going to cry.

'DEAR GOD.. MAY MY BODY REST IN PEACE IF I DIDN'T GET OUT OF THIS CAVE IN FULL PIECE! OF MY BODY!!' He even prayed in his thoughts, except for Luffy who was holding a stick, wearing his suit of armor with a red cape. "Aw.. I haven't found a shield yet.. also my armor is only the hat of it.." Luffy sighs disappointedly, 'THAT'S YOUR PROBLEM!?!!' Bepo thought in disbelief.

That's when Bepo's ears went stiff when he heard a soft, and dead growl.

A growl of hunger.

Except for Luffy, "Is there anyone here!?!?" he called, "S-Shhhh!!!.." covering Luffy's mouth, Bepo was sweating in bullets. Luffy removes his hand away from his lips, "Bepo! Don't stop me! This is an adventure!!~ So let's enjoy it!! Nishishishi!!~ I hope I bring Ussop next time!!~" Luffy sparkly says, as Bepo shivers when he sees the devil, red eyes, flickering eyes on the darkness and a growl.



Again, back to Sanji and everyone's situation, in the middle of the war.

Ussop sneeze. He felt chills down the spine, and fear took over him, shivering.

'W-What's wrong with me? W-Why do I feel worse than b-before?? I feel like there's gonna be a bad thing happening to me...'



Just a little note.. soooo.. Just recently, I've made a "LawLu" cover, that maybe it would be my next story or not? A story that is mixed with "Wild Obsession", and part of it is horrific, and the "Thirsty For Your Damn Love" so it's kinda.. mix. Mostly horror, kinda loved that type of story. It gives chills and exciting vibes. Even though I very suck writing horror things so I might as well try.

Maybe if I finish writing this, that would be the next??.. Because if it didn't happen, I might just change it.. because it might also be my.. last? Just maybe, maybe I will update, but it's very slow soooo.. yeah, and there's an announcement after this story about it.

If you guys want to see the cover, just comment down below and you guys will see the cover in the next chapter. ಠ⁠∀⁠ಠ)..



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