The Case of Raimon Mystery In...


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This story is inspired by Scooby Doo and the Mystery Incorporated. Raimon Mystery Inc. is a group of detectiv... Еще

Chapter 1: Raimon Mystery Inc. Is No More?!
Chapter 2: After Four Years With A New Member
Chapter 3: A Disadvantage For Raimon Inc.
Chapter 4: The Storyteller's Warning
Chapter 5: The Fallen Wings
Chapter 6: A 'Golden' Success
Chapter 8: The Swamp Alien (Part 2: A Heartfelt Reunion)
Chapter 9: The Swamp Alien (Part 3: A Student's Revenge)

Chapter 7: The Swamp Alien (Part 1: Alien In The City?!)

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Tsurugi's POV:

(Flashback starts)

At 10:00 A.M., almost four years ago (5 months after Sangoku quited and 3 months since Mari joined Raimon Mystery Incorporated)

Me, Mari, Shinsuke, and Tenma were at the hospital to visit Yuuichi.

Mari, Shinsuke, and Tenma stood by at the hospital room door, while I was inside Yuuichi's hospital room.

"Kyousuke, how are you?", Yuuichi asked.

"I'm fine. And by the way, I have something to meet you.", I said.

I stared at Mari and nods up. Then, Tenma pushed her foward. Mari entered to the door and she walked to us.

"Nii-san, This is Mari. Mari Blake. The one I talked to you about. She made us happy since we met her.", I introduced Mari to my brother.

"Oh. So, you're Mari. I'm Tsurugi Yuuichi. His brother.", Yuuichi introduced himself. "Three months ago, after you guys solve The Giant Bird Case. Kyousuke told me about you several times.", he reminds.

I said to Mari, "He's the reason why I joined Raimon Mystery Incorporated."

"What happened?", Mari asked in confusion.

I explained our backstory.

"It's a long story. When we were kids, we're playing cops and robbers. Nii-san played as a robber, while I played as a cop. Sometimes, we're playing murder mystery. We're both dreamed to be either a police or a detective. One day, when we're playing soccer. The soccer ball went to the river. I was about to get it, but my brother noticed something. He saw a pterodactyl ghost on the post. The ghost pushed it away, which the post was about to fall. He rushed out to save me, but sadly, the post crushed his legs. I was angry at the pterodactyl ghost. I threw at him with the stones. The ghost was about to get me. Fortunately, there's a net caught the ghost right at the time. I was confused that what was going on. I saw something. There was three guys coming through and checked on us. It was the former members of Raimon Mystery Incorporated. When my brother was on the stretcher, we watched their live interview as they showed the ghost. When he said, 'The Pterodactyl Ghost is in fact...", he revealed the ghost as he uncover something. Turns out, it was not a ghost all along. It was a woman in a mask. It was our evil stepmother. We're both shocked. I was rushed into her furiously for what happened to my brother. Later, we're at the hospital along with the three members of Raimon Mystery Inc. The three men were Endou-san, Gouenji-san, and Kidou-san. I asked the doctor about my brother. He said, 'Your brother is fine. Unfortunately, he won't able to walk anymore until he get a surgery.' I was shocked and cried about that happened. Gouenji-san comfort me. All I remembered is it was my fault. And all I remembered is our stepmother was behind my brother's leg fracture. That's when started to resent to those fake monsters."

"That's was so sad.", Mari felt sorry for me and Yuuichi. "So, what will happen next?", she asked.

I answered as my explanation continues...

"Raimon Mystery Inc. took me in and taught me how to solve mysteries. While Gouenji-san visited my brother for me several times. When I became a member of Raimon Inc. with Gouenji-san retired as he became a private investigator. I swore myself that I will catch those fake ghost and monsters who make any chaos and I won't let them hurt anyone just like they did to my brother."

"So, from your resentment turned into hatred toward the monsters?", Mari asked.

"Yes. I hate them so much. I won't let it happens.", I said as I shred my tears with my anger expression.

"What happened to your father?", Mari asked.

"Sadly, he died when we were kids. Before Raimon Inc. take Kyousuke in, our stepmother confessed that she killed our father with poison. She was not actually loved him for mutual love. She was only loved him for his money. Gouenji-san told us.", Yuuichi answered sadly as he pissed for what their stepmother did.

"Since our father's money wasn't enough, she dressed as The Pterodactyl Ghost to robbed the bank.", I said.

"What the such a gold-digger?", Mari said in annoyed. "Anyways, 'Money is the root of all evil'."

"That's right!", I replied with annoyance. "But not all of them.", I continued calmly.

"But, anyway. Thank you for making Kyousuke happy.", Yuuichi was grateful to Mari. "And good luck for solving more mysteries.", he smiled at me and Mari.

Sangoku's POV:

At the same time, at the criminology college school. It was my first year as a college professor.

During Crime Detection and Investigation Class.

The board written...


from the Latin word:
"Terans" meaning across or move and "Portare" means to carry

I announced, "Class, Discussion ends. But, I will give your group performance task. It is a roleplay regarding the 'Traffic Management and Accident Investigation
Transportation'. Divided into 4 groups. Be prepared for the next week and class dismiss."

Me and my students from my class left to the classroom.

I went to my desk at the faculty office to organize my stuff. Another teacher appeared. She has a long black hair, lilac eyes, and wears her eyeglasses. Her name was Trisha.

"Hey, Taichi. Would you join me for lunch at the restaurant?", Trisha invited me.

"Sure.", I agreed.

Later, at 11:00 A.M., Trisha and I are going to the restaurant. We're across the street near to the college school.

When, we had arrived at the restaurant, we ate pork tonkatsu with rice and a pudding for lunch. But, suddenly...

"Is this true? There's an alien in the city?", One of criminology student shocked as he read the newspaper.

We heard the rumor, so I going to the students who read the newspaper.

"Ohayo, Sangoku-sensei.", a group of students greeted me.

"Ohayo.", I also greeted as well. "Did you say 'alien in the city'?", I wondered.

"Hai. But, we don't know if it is true or a man in a mask either", One of students got confused.

Meanwhile, Trisha noticed something on the newspaper stand. She picked the newspaper which the students read the same. She shocked.

"Taichi!", She called me.

I appeared into her.

"Look!", She wanted to show me with a newspaper.

An 'Alien' In The City?!

I shocked as well.

Third POV:

At the same time (At 11:00 A.M.), Tenma, Tsurugi, Mari, and Shinsuke are at the diner for lunch.

"Here's your order", Aoi served four plates of steak.

"Thanks.", the four said in unison.

Aoi added something, "And there's more for Mari." She give her something, "One chocolate pudding."

"Nani?!", Mari surprised. "I didn't order that."

"Actually, Tenma ordered it for you.", Aoi said.

"Tenma. Why?!", she surprised.

"Why not?! That's for you made all of us feel better.", Tenma said.

"Yeah. After some members of Raimon Inc. quited, Tenma and Shinsuke were very sad about it. When they met you and you became a member of Raimon Inc., you cheered them up. They told me several time.", Aoi explained.

"Souka. Anyways, thank you.", Mari said.

"Okay. Dig in.", Tsurugi said.

As they're about to eat, the news has announced.

"BREAKING NEWS!!!", the news reporter said.

Tenma, Mari, Tsurugi, Shinsuke, and Aoi heard and looked at the television.

"There's an alien in the city. Located at the Odaiba Park. Last night, some tourist saw an mysterious creature. It is a ivy-like bigfoot, or also known as 'The Swamp Alien'.", the news reporter informed.

"Eh?! An Alien?!", Aoi shocked.

"That's impossible. It didn't exist on the swamp. It's actually from UFO thing.", Tsurugi complained.

Meanwhile, Shindou, Kirino, and Kariya are at Raimon Mystery Incorporated Headquarters.

The three watched the news and the news report continues. "An alien is out scare any visitors in the park according to the surveillance camera."

The news showed the footage. Shindou, Kirino, and Kariya kept watching as Kariya ate ice cream.

The video started playing. The couple was staying near the lake last night. Later, the light from the lake appeared. The couple shocked.

"What on earth...?", Shindou shocked.

At the footage, the lake was slowly to bubble. Then... Someone pop out of the lake.

Kariya nearly choked with ice cream as he shocked in surprised. Then, he drink a glass of water to stop choking.

At the video, It was The Swamp Alien. He charged and roars toward the couple. The couple ran away and screamed aloud in panicked.

"What the heck?!", Kariya said in panicked.

At the same time, Shindou's phone is ringing.

At the diner, Tenma's phone is ringing.

Nishiki started the group call...

Both Shindou and Tenma answered their phone and opened the phone speaker.

"Nishiki-senpai.", Tenma answered.

"What's going on?", Shindou also answered.

At Odaiba Park, Nishiki was in there away from the mob of polices and investigators. There was also a mob of citizens as well.

"Minna. I'm at Odaiba Park. There's so crowded in there. They said there's was an alien over here.", Nishiki said.

"Yeah. We saw it on TV.", Shindou said.

"Same at the diner.", Tenma said.

"Kudou-san (who is still a police chief in this flashback) is here, too.", Nishiki added.

"Okay. Stay here and we are on the way.", Shindou said.

"We'll be right there. But, we have to finish our lunch first. We'll go as fast as we can.", Tenma said.

Nishiki nodded and the group call ended.

After the call, Shinsuke gobbled up his food, which the rest went awkward.

"Shinsuke!", Tenma surprised awkwardly.

"What?! We have an emergency!", Shinsuke said as he chewed his food.

Aoi chuckles quietly.

Nishiki's POV:

I rushed to the crowd at the park. There's a park ranger who tried to calm the citizens down and keep the away from the crime scene in the distance. The park ranger has long vermilion hair, with small dreadlocks tied with blue hair bands. She has dark green eyes and a reddish skin tone. It was Midori.

"Calm down, Everyone!", Midori said.

"Whoa! Whoa! Chill! Simmer down!", I said as I walked across in front of the citizens.

"Look. It's Nishiki Ryouma of Raimon Inc.", one of the citizens said.

"It's him.", an another citizen said.

Some of them murmured about me.

"What are you doing here?", Midori asked and glared at me.

"I just saw some police cars went here. When I reached here, I read the newspaper about that 'alien' thing. So, I checked it out. I saw the crowds made a chaos and my suspicions was right. So, I called the others.", I answered.

"You're just in time", Kudou said as he walked right behind me.

I turned around to Kudou.

"Chief Kudou, the rest are on the way after they watched the news.", I informed him.

Suddenly, there's an investigator. He has tanned skin. He also has short and spiky black hair. His name was Masaru. He coming toward me and Midori.

"What did I have here?", he asked. "Mari's new friend."

"My name's Marcus Rider. Call me Masaru. Mari's former colleague when she was an investigator.", Masaru introduced himself to me.

"Oh yes. You're Mari's senior and Otonashi-san's one of her apprentice.", I said. "By the way, Nishiki Ryouma.", I gave him a handshaking.

Later... Tenma, Mari, Tsurugi, and Shinsuke had arrived at the park, while Raimon Machine has arrived as well. Shindou, Kirino, and Kariya got out of Raimon Machine.

"Nishiki-senpai.", Tenma said as they coming through the in front of the citizens.

"Rider?!", Mari shocked in surprised. "Why are you here?!", she asked as she appeared to Masaru.

"Otonashi-sensei sent me.", Masaru answered.

"There's so many them! What's going on in here?!", Kariya said.

"Baka! (You Fool!)", Midori said angrily at Kariya and she stepped his foot.

"Owww!", Kariya exclaimed.

"The news said, that alien is an ivy-like bigfoot.", Tenma recalled something, then. "Can you show us the surveillance camera from last night? We need to take a look something.", he asked.

"Sure. Follow me.", Midori agreed.

So, Tenma, Shindou, Kirino and I followed her.

Meanwhile, among the crowd there's a girl who has a camera. She take a photo as her camera lens zooms closely at Shindou. It was Akane.

"Nice! Shin-sama is here to solve the case.", she said in her mind as she clicked her camera.

Third POV:

10 minutes later, Masaru showed Mari, Tsurugi, Shinsuke and Kariya an evidences he gathered. An alien's footprint like a bigfoot, a piece of Ivy, and a clawmark at the tree trunk.

"So, the alien is looks like a yeti in the swamp.", Shinsuke said.

"But, if it was an alien. Why it does have claws?", Kariya wondered.

"In my opinion, aliens didn't exist on the water. It's from the outer space.", Tsurugi said in his opinion.

"He's right. And maybe is it a new sea species?", Mari also wondered.

"I don't know.", Masaru said. "By the way, how's your day with Raimon Inc.?", he asked.

"It was great and I helped them a lot.", Mari said cheerfully.

"Plus, she made us feel even better.", Tsurugi added.

"Souka.", Masaru was surprised. "Anyway, Otonashi-sensei missed you when she watched you on TV.", he informed about Otonashi after Mari moved to Raimon Inc.

"Yeah. She called me several times.", Maru said.

At the same time, the rest are at the security office with Midori. There's an another park ranger named Jones Roberts. He replayed the footage from last night (the same video from the news).

"So, The Swamp Alien pop out from the lake every night at 8:00 P.M.", Tenma said.

"Did you recognize that couple?", Kirino asked as he pointed at the couple in the video.

"Typically, yes.", Jones answered.

"Those two are the students from the criminology college school.", Midori added.

"Did you know what their names are?", Shindou asked for the names.

"The names are Sarah Benitez and Eric Hamada.", Jones revealed the students' names. "We saved their lives when they're both chased by that alien."

Tenma wrote the names on his notebook.

"Well. Let's interrogate those students. Besides, we can gather the detail from them.", Tenma said.

"Hai.", Shindou, Kirino, and Nishiki said in unison.

Later, at 12:00 P.M., Sangoku and Trisha were back at the college school. They're now at the faculty office.

"See ya later, Taichi.", Trisha said as she leave from the office.

"See ya.", Sangoku said.

However, Sangoku's face saddened as he saw the newspaper from earlier. Then, he picked up his phone from his pocket. He read the news article on his phone made by Minamisawa. It was the news about Raimon Inc. when they solved The Case of The Giant Bird three months ago.

(Three months ago, Before Raimon Inc. went to the sacred village. Sangoku looked his old photo with Raimon Inc. at his condominium. He recalled the day he quited [2 months ago]. He received his phone call by Minamisawa.)

("Hey, Minamisawa. How's your day?", he answered)

("Sangoku, I got a great news!", Minamisawa was about to inform.)

("What is it?", Sangoku asked out of excitement.)

("Akane and I were partners for made the news stories about Raimon Inc.", Minamisawa said.)

(Sangoku smiled with his tears of joy.)

("Did you hear that Tenma? Shindou? Shinsuke? Everything is fine. You're not alone anymore", he said in his mind)

("What's wrong?", Minamisawa wondered.)

("Nothing.", Sangoku said)

("Let me guess. You missed them, aren't you?", Minamisawa guessed.)

("You're right. I have regret for quited Raimon Inc. All I remembered is Shinsuke begged me to not leave them and he cried.", he admitted as he started dripping his tears from his eyes.)

("But, you still have a chance to meet them.", Minamisawa comforted him.)

("Of course.", Sangoku said.)

(When Raimon Inc. solved the case and captured Haji/Jiro. Minamisawa and Akane were among the mob of journalists. He wrote the details about the Raimon Inc. and their solved case, while Akane take a photo, including Shindou with her camera. Suddenly, he saw Mari among Raimon Inc. He surprised and shocked gladly, while Akane got jealous.)

("Another girl for Shin-sama?!", Akane said.)

("I hope Sangoku will love this.", Minamisawa said in his mind with a smile.)

(When both of them riding in their car, Minamisawa picked up his phone to inform Sangoku.)

("Sangoku, I have a great news for you.", he said.)

("What is it?", Sangoku asked.)

("They have a only female member of Raimon Inc. She has with them when they solved The Giant Bird Case.", Minamisawa said.)

("Nani?! Who is she?!", Sangoku surprised.)

("Her name is Mari Blake. She is an investigator who worked for Otonashi-san. She was her apprentice.", Minamisawa told Sangoku about Mari.)

("That's great!", Sangoku said with a smile.)

After he looked the news article on his phone, he started looking at their old photo.

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