something in the orange, spn...

By maybankwalker

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[ supernatural -- seasons 6-10 ] SPN Crossover Series: Someone to Stay Something in the Orange This is Me Try... More

001. normal life
002. sam's return
003. shapeshifter alpha and baby
004. cas and uncle sam are psycho
005. vampires
006. truth
007. no soul
008. fairies and ufos
009. backstabber
010. psycho sam
011. normal sam
012. spider-man monster
013. mannequins
014. alternate universe
015. khan worm
016. wild wild west
017. explosion
018. superman
019. not a weapon
020. cas' new role
021. sam's hallucinations
022. cake and pie
023. trial
024. leviathan winchesters
025. psychic town
026. sam's new wife
027. calm before the storm
028. life and death
029. grieving
030. dean's second daughter
031. sam's clown thing
034. dog killer
033. sam's insomnia
034. hospital stay
035. drunk ghosts and weddings
036. bobby's ghost
037. charlie bradbury
038. megatron is the transformer
039. alpha vamp
040. plan gone slightly wrong
041. purgatory
043. back together
044. brunette thor
045. the tooth fairy
046. cartoons
047. dean's new low
048. three birthdays
049. semi decent grandfather
050. new home
051. first trial
052. unicorns
053. second trial
054. sam's sick
055. we're the fucking winchesters
056. old love interests
057. third trial
058. lie or leave
059. health freak
060. wizard of oz
061. dog dean
062. reborn virgins
063. not ezekiel
064. evil angel extraction
065. twin reunion
066. hunter werewolf
067. spa treatment
068. kevin's ghost
069. september 30th
070. winchester meet burton
071. scream
072. snooping and the first blade
073. trapping gadreel
074. vampiric stockholm syndrome
075. cas' army
076. little sisters
077. downfall
078. broken family
079. demon dean
080. finish this game
081. no singing in supernatural
082. dysfunctional family
083. hibbing
084. ninja turtles
085. favorite books
086. good and bad charlie
087. 14 year old dean
088. musical night
089. the book of the damned
090. werther project
091. not alone
092. charlie
093. bunker invasion
094. major daddy issues
Book Three

042. normal year

248 15 4
By maybankwalker

The three get back to Rufus' cabin, Libby rushing out of the room.

"Aunt Natty, Uncle Jacob, the twins are asleep." Libby informs. She frowns at the absence of half of her family. "Where's Uncle Jacob? Where's Ophi and Dean?"

"Uh..." Sam starts.

"Gone." Natalie coldly states, going into the bathroom, slamming the door shut.

"Wh-what?" Libby looks at Sam and Larissa, confused.

"Why don't we talk outside, baby? Give Aunt Natty some alone time." Sam says, holding his hand out. Libby frowns, but goes outside, Sam and Larissa following.

"Where are they?" Libby asks.

"They, um... well, we-- we killed Dick Roman." Sam informs. Libby nods. "But... but I guess if-- if you're too close to him, then... then you die, too."

"What?" Libby's eyes widen.

"They-- I am so sorry, baby." Sam whispers, even though it's not his fault. "They-- I'm not really sure what happened, but... but Uncle Jacob, Uncle Dean, Cas, and Ophi are gone." He sadly informs.

"No." Libby shakes her head. "No, they can't die. Opi can't die."

"I'm sorry, honey." Larissa frowns, looking at the girl with sad eyes. Libby continues to shake her head as she breaks down into sobs.

"No." She cries as Sam pulls her into a hug.

"I know, baby. I know." Sam mumbles, stroking her hair.


It's been about a week and nobody is doing too well. Libby is back to barely talking, not eating, and rarely leaving the bed or the couch. Sam and Larissa try to make sure she eats at least once a day, even though they wish she'd eat 3 times a day, but they know they can't physically force feed her.

Natalie has become dead set on trying to figure out what happened to the others, coming up with whatever research she can. The twins continue to ask for their dad, beyond confused by his absence, but all Natalie can tell them is that he'll be home soon, refusing to believe there isn't a way she can't bring him back. Briar has to cry herself to sleep, wailing for her dad, not understanding why he's not home.

Sam has been distracting himself by fixing up the Impala. Larissa tries her best to take care of all of them, not even making any retorts when Natalie snaps at her. Sam does manage to notice when Larissa stops taking care of herself too long and he makes sure to comfort her the moment he notices.

He knows losing Jacob has taken a toll on Larissa, the blonde practically her brother. He knows she hides it like the rest of them do sometimes, but luckily she's not always as stubborn when it comes to him asking her to talk or providing her comfort.

It's late at night and Natalie fell asleep in one of the arm chairs. Libby is asleep in one of the beds and the twins are asleep in one of the other beds.

"Thanks." Sam sighs when Larissa hands him a water bottle.

"Yep." She sits down next to him. "So... you figure out what you wanna do?"

"What do you want to do?" Sam asks.

"Be wherever you and Libby are." Larissa says. 


"I'm serious. I don't care if we're hunting or not hunting. As long as I got you two, I think I'll be okay." Larissa says.

"Think?" Sam asks.

"You know what I mean." Larissa says.

"Am I a piece of shit for not looking? Not doing what Nat's doing?" Sam looks over at the wall covered in research.

"No. No, you-- you guys have that promise, right? When one dies, the others don't look. It's okay if you keep the promise." Larissa tells him.

"She's not." Sam says, looking at his sleeping sister.

"I know she loves Dean... and Ophelia. But I think her main focus is Jacob. And I don't think they've ever made that promise to each other." Larissa says. "Look, if you want to look for them and you want to hunt, I am 100% with you. If you want to become a normal person with a normal family and a normal life, I am 100% with you."

"Really?" Sam asks.

"Really." Larissa nods. She pecks him on the lips.

"I don't want to keep hunting. I don't want Libby to lose anybody lose. Not like this." Sam quietly says. "She-- I need to focus on her. She's never been this bad."

"She actually has." Larissa argues. Sam gives her a confused look. "When you died. Or when we thought you were dead for a year. She was... somehow worse." Sam quietly sighs, wincing as he thinks of his daughter's pain.

"So you're good with not hunting?" Sam asks.

"Wherever you go, I go." Larissa states.

"I love you." Sam whispers.

"I love you, too." Larissa softly smiles. She gently kisses him before resting her head on his shoulder. "What about Nat?"

"She's a grown adult. I can't really make her do anything. I just have to keep in touch and hope she doesn't drive herself into the ground with this." Sam says.


The three are getting ready to leave, leaving Natalie and the twins at the cabin.

"I want you to call me at least sometimes. And I don't mean once a year sometimes, just-- just let me know you're okay. Or alive, at least." Sam begs his sister.

"Yeah, okay, mom." Natalie quips.

"Nat, are you sure--"

"Sam, I am finding my husband. And Dean and Oph." Natalie states. "You can't stop me."

"I know." Sam softly says. "But seriously, call me. I will hunt you down."

"Thought it was a no more hunting life." Natalie says.

"You know what I mean." Sam says. "Call me if you need me. Or just want me. I'll be here as soon as possible."

"Okay." Natalie nods.

"I love you." Sam tells her. Natalie sighs, feeling some of her inner rage disappear for a moment.

"I love you, too." She quietly says. Sam kisses her on the forehead and gives her a reassuring smile.

Larissa hugs Natalie, rubbing her back.

"If you don't call us when you need to or to let us know you're alive, I'll shoot you." Larissa quietly warns. Natalie lets out a weak laugh.

"I believe that." Natalie mutters.

Natalie walks over to Libby and kneels in front of her.

"Hey, you." Natalie gently says. "You take care of yourself, okay? Eat." She tells her niece, knowing her issues with it in these times. "I mean it, Elizabeth." Libby just nods a little. Natalie kisses her on the head. "I love you." Libby nods again before going outside.


The three are in a motel room and Larissa is trying to find something semi interesting on the TV. Sam is sitting at the table and reading a newspaper. Libby walks out of the bathroom after getting in pajamas after her shower. She has her hairbrush in hand and her hair's damp. She walks over to Sam and holds the hairbrush out to him.

Sam takes the hairbrush and Libby stands with her back to him.

"You feel better? You know, physically? Not covered in car germs and everything?" Sam asks as he starts to brush through her hair. Libby shrugs. Sam quietly sighs, placing a short kiss to the back of her head.

Sam continues to carefully brush through his daughter's hair while she stands there, just wanting to go to bed. Libby's eyes fall onto the newspaper and she reads it, figuring it's a little better than just staring at the wall.

She finds an article about weird deaths where victims had their hearts ripped out. It sounds like a werewolf to her. She pouts, soon feeling her breathing start to pick up. She pictures both Sam and Larissa going on the case and never coming bad. They mentioned no hunting lifestyle, so why is he looking at a hunt? She hasn't been away from either of them for too long since they got back from killing Roman. She's especially attached to Sam.

Sam hears her breathing become short and heavy. His eyebrows furrow in concern as she gently turns her around, heart breaking at the tears in her eyes.

"Hey, hey, whoa, baby." Sam softly says. His words get Larissa to turn, her eyes widening at the girl's state. "Baby, hey. Hey, it's okay. Breathe, honey. Breathe." Same comforts.

He continues to talk her through the panic attack until her breathing is back to normal.

"You okay?" Sam asks, stroking her cheek.

"I-- I don't-- you--" Libby hiccups.

"It's okay. Hey, take your time, Bessie. Take your time." Sam assures as Libby sniffles.

"No more hunting. You said no hunting." She whimpers.

"I know. I-- I know I said that. There's no more hunting." Sam promises.

Libby lets out a small sob as she points to the article in the newspaper. Sam looks at where she's pointing and skims the article.

"No. No, no, no, baby. No, I'm not looking into that. We're not going anywhere near it." Sam promises, cupping her cheek. The warmth of his hand on her cheek seems to help her calm down a little.

"We're not?" Libby sniffles.

"No. No, some other hunter will see the article and go. We're done hunting. I wasn't lying." Sam tells her.

"You promise?" Libby asks.

"I promise." Sam nods. He holds his pinky out and Libby wraps her pinky around his. Sam gives her a small, comforting smile before pulling her into a hug. "We're not going anywhere."

"I miss them." Libby whispers.

"I know. I know. I miss them, too." Sam whispers back, kissing her on the head. He tightens his grip around her as she starts to sob. He looks over at Larissa, sharing a sad look with her.


It's nighttime and Sam is driving while Larissa is in the passenger seat. Sam glances in the backseat where Libby is and sees her lying across the seat, asleep.

Larissa is on the brink of sleep when Sam suddenly brakes, sending her flying forehead, and her face connects with the dashboard.

"Oh, God!" She cries out.

"Shit! I am so sorry." Sam apologizes to her.

"God, dude, couldn't you soccer mom me? Come on." Larissa groans.

"Sorry. Are you okay?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Larissa mutters, rubbing her forehead. Sam glances back at Libby who got woken up, but is thankfully injury free.

"You okay, baby?" Sam asks his daughter.

"What happened?" Libby asks.

"I-- I'll explain later." Sam quickly gets out of the car. Larissa follows and so does Libby. Libby latches onto Larissa's hand, staying glued to her side.

"Shit." Sam mumbles, kneeling next to the wounded dog.

"You hit a dog? Sam, what the fuck?!" Larissa exclaims.

"Wh-- it's not like I meant to!" Sam replies.

"Oh, honey." Larissa mutters, kneeling next to the dog, letting Libby stay attached to her. "Oh, we're so sorry. He's sorry."

"Are you apologizing to a dog?" Sam asks.

"Yes. Dogs have feelings, too. Wouldn't you want somebody to apologize to you if they hit you with their car?" Larissa questions.

"Yeah, but dogs can't really understand us, can they?" Sam asks.

"They learn to follow commands somehow, genius." Larissa retorts. "I thought you were the smart brother."

"Is he gonna die?" Libby worriedly asks.

"No-- no, baby. Hey, we're gonna get him to the vet, okay? They'll fix him." Sam tells her, hoping he isn't lying. He carefully picks the dog up and goes to the door Libby left open, carefully getting the dog inside.

"Here, honey, sit up front with us." Larissa tells Libby, letting her slide into the middle of the front seat. Sam quickly drives off.

"Okay, uh... nearest vet is 15 minutes away." Larissa informs and Sam nods. "Why in the world would you hit a dog?!" She smacks Sam over the head.

"I-- ow! It's not like I meant to." Sam says.

"A precious, innocent, sweetie pie dog. What did he ever do to you?"

"He got in the middle of the fucking road."

Larissa glares at him and Libby pouts at her dad.

"Nothing. No, he-- he did nothing." Sam corrects. "And once again, I did not do it on purpose.

"Mean daddy." Libby says, waving her finger in his face. Sam isn't sure to be offended or happy that she's talking more, so he just stays silent.

~ ~ ~

They get to the vet and Sam carries the dog in.

"Help. We need help. The dog needs help." Sam says.

"That way!" Roberta points to the back.

"He just-- he just came out of nowhere, right in front of my car." Sam lays the dog on the table. "We need a doctor. Are you a doctor?"

"The doctor's coming, sir. But I'm not sure--"

"You're not sure what? This is an animal hospital! You save animals." Sam says.

"Okay, Sammy--"

"Sir." Roberta says.

"Save this animal!" Sam yells.

Libby whines, covering her ears, backing up. Larissa wraps her arm around the girl's chest, holding her close.

"Sammy, breathe. Hey, remember Libby." Larissa says. Sam looks over, glancing down at his daughter who has her ears covered. He manages to take somewhat of a deep breath to try to calm himself down.

"Roberta, can you escort this family out, please?" The vet asks.

"Yes." Roberta answers.

"I did this." Sam says.

"Okay, babe, you're gonna get us kicked out of a damn veterinarian. Just chill out and go." Larissa gently pushes him towards the door and into the waiting room. She ushers Libby in the same direction. Roberta goes back behind the desk.

"I am so sorry for him. He just... he gets... loud when he's worried." Larissa tells Roberta. "And-- and it's been a long night, which is no reason to yell at you, I'm sorry."

"Thanks." Roberta mumbles and Larissa walks over to where Sam and Libby are sitting.

"Be nice." Larissa hisses, pinching his arm.

"Ow." Sam mumbles.

"Look, I know you're stressed and worried about the dog, but don't snap at the people who are going to help him." Larissa whispers.

"Sorry." Sam mumbles, running his hands through his hair.

~ ~ ~

Libby is on Sam's lap and mostly asleep.

The vet walks out, Sam and Larissa standing up, Sam holding Libby.

"He's sustained some serious internal bleeding. There's at least two leg fractures that I can see right now. But with TLC, he should pull through for you." The vet says.

"Thanks, doctor." Sam sighs in relief.

"Thank you." Larissa tells her.

"You're gonna take the dog?" The vet asks.

"Look, I-I would. He's... not mine." Sam says.

"He's not anybody's." The vet says.

"We spend a lot of time on the road." Sam says.

"Don't you think you're responsible?" The vet asks.

"Why do you think I brought him here?" Sam asks.

"Roberta, could you hand this man and woman a trophy on their way out, please? Well, maybe if you were such an upstanding guy, you wouldn't have hit him in the first place."

"Thank you." Larissa motions to her, slapping Sam's arm. "We will take the dog... and not just because you're really good at guilt tripping." She states.

"Wha--" Sam starts.

"It's the least you can do, douchewad." Larissa hisses. The two miss the vet's amused smile at them.


They get to the motel with the dog who lays on the floor.

"So... I'll go shopping for dog food and stuff, I guess." Sam says. "We have to stay for his, uh, follow up stuff. Then we can leave, I guess."

"Cool." Larissa says.

"Are you mad?" Sam asks.

"I'll be good. You should ask the dog, though." Larissa quips.

"I'm sorry I hit the dog." Sam says, wrapping his arms around Larissa's waist.

"Good to know. And I forgive you because it was an accident. But you have to do one thing." Larissa says.

"What?" Sam asks.

"Apologize to the dog." Larissa says.

"What?" Sam chuckles.

"Apologize to the dog. Like I said, they have feelings and they can understand us. He deserves a huge apology from the man that hit him." Larissa states.

"Wha--" Sam gives her a look.

"Daddy, say sorry to the doggy." Libby says from where she's sitting and petting the dog.

"I-- okay." Sam kneels next to the dog, gently petting his head. "Dog... I am so very sorry for hitting you. I didn't mean to and I will be more careful when driving so I don't accidentally hit any others in your species... or you again."

"There you go." Larissa pats Sam on the head. "We need to name him, though."

"Isn't Dog just good enough?" Sam asks.

"Dog? Are you serious?" Larissa asks. Sam shrugs.

"I mean, isn't that kind of good enough?" Sam asks.

"Okay... Human." Larissa says.

"Wha-- Lissy." Sam sighs. "It isn't that bad of a name."

"Okay, well, I'm getting in the shower, Human." Larissa says.

"Are you gonna call me that until we actually name him?" Sam asks.

"I don't know, Human. Guess we'll find out." Larissa says, going into the bathroom. Libby giggles, both adults immediately turning to her. Sam glances back at Larissa who proudly grins, glad she got the girl to laugh.

Sam looks back at his daughter who notices their looks.

"What?" Libby asks.

"I-- nothing, baby." Sam says. "Nothing. We're good." He kisses her on the head. "Love you." He mumbles. Libby smiles a little, focusing her attention on the dog.

"Get to coming up with names, Human." Larissa says before going into the bathroom and shutting the door.

"Okay." Sam rolls his eyes.. "Two can play at this game, Human!" He loudly states so she can hear.

~ ~ ~

Larissa gets out of the shower, drying her hair with the towel. She finds Sam sitting on the couch. Libby and the dog are on one of the beds and both asleep.

"I got one." Sam quietly says, making sure he doesn't wake Libby up.

"What?" Larissa asks.

"What about... Riot?" Sam asks.

"Riot?" Larissa asks.

"Yeah. Yeah, you know, it's... it's a name, and... I don't know, babe. I don't name things." Sam says.

"Riot, Riot, Riot." Larissa whispers under breath. "Okay. We'll go with Riot." She smiles.


"Everett. Hey, buddy, you still on duty?" Sam asks as the three walk into the lobby, Sam holding Riot's leash. Riot leans somewhat against Libby and she starts to pet him.

"Yeah, yeah." Everett answers.

"How's your dad?" Sam asks.

"He's kind of having it rough on the new regimen. Can't keep anything down." Everett says.

"That sucks." Sam says.

"Yeah." Everett mumbles.

"Listen, um, we're gonna stay on another week, okay? But I need you to run it on this card cause I just canceled the one you had on file." Sam says, putting his card on the counter.

"Okay, sure. Figured you guys would have moved on by now." Everett says.

"Right. Well, I'm-- we're kind of in between jobs. Uh... plus, uh, dog has a surgery follow up on Tuesday." Sam says.

"Yeah, you really messed up that dog." Everett says.

"Right. Uh, thanks for that." Sam says, sending a look to Larissa.

"I'm not defending. You're the one who hit him." Larissa says.

"Wha-- I thought you forgave me." Sam says.

"I did. But you're still gonna get shit for it." Larissa states.

The trio's attention goes to the noisy air conditioner.

"Oh, yeah, it's all that thing does. Piss, moan, and eat up money we ain't got." Everett says.

"Well, you got any tools?" Sam asks.

"Hell, if you can fix it, you don't need to go and look for a job. You got one here." Everett says.


Sam and Larissa lie in bed, both awake. Libby and Riot are in the other bed and cuddled up, both asleep. Larissa is playing with Sam's hand as the two are in the dark, ready to go to sleep whenever they actually try to.

"So, uh... I figured since we appear to be staying here for a while. You know, since, um... since you have this new job now and stuff. I was thinking of getting one." Larissa says.

"What are you thinking?" Sam asks.

"I don't know. I figured I could try to see if a diner or bar is hiring. Go back to waitressing." Larissa says.

"Waitressing?" Sam asks.

"Yeah. Yeah, it's... it's not always the best, but it had its moments. It wouldn't be the worst thing to start up again." Larissa says.

"Whatever you want to do. I support you fully." Sam says, smiling at her.

"I've also been thinking... are we just gonna live in motels or are we, like... saving up for some sort of house or some shit?" Larissa asks.

"Uh... that's a big question." Sam weakly chuckles.

"Sorry." Larissa mumbles.

"No. No, you're fine. Um... I don't know. I mean, obviously, a house would be preferrable. Especially with Libby. Much better than these motel rooms." Sam says.

"What about, uh... having more kids? Or, you know, having kids with me?" Larissa asks. "However you'd like to phrase it."

"I wouldn't mind. But if we do, we might wanna get a house and more money first." Sam says.

"Agreed." Larissa nods.


Libby and the dog sit on the floor of the motel lobby while Sam fixes the ice machine. The dog has his head resting on Libby's legs, the girl having a Magic Treehouse book in her lap.

Sam turns the ice machine to test it, and it works.

"Awesome." Everett smiles. "Uh, if you're still on the clock, lady in 118 says the sink's backed up." He informs.

Sam finishes up and grabs his tools, him, Libby, and the dog leaving.

"Can I go back to our room?" Libby asks.

"Uh... yeah. Yeah, if you want. You okay?" Sam asks, knowing she doesn't like to be alone.

"I just wanna lay down." Libby says.

"Baby, you're always laying down." Sam frowns.

"And sitting on the floor is so much better?" She retorts.

"I-- okay. Riot stays with you." Sam tells her and she nods.


Larissa wakes up to rummaging around. She squints her eyes open, finding a lamp on and she can see Sam getting stuff together.

"Hey." She whispers. She glances at the other bed where Libby and Riot are asleep. "What are you doing?" She asks, getting up and walking over to her husband.

"Nat won't answer her phone." Sam mumbles.

"Okay. I-- I mean, I get your worry, but she's also not one to answer her phone. Prefers to be alone. Kinda reminds me of Dean in that sense. You know, sometimes they're a lot more alike than they think." Larissa says.

"Well, careful you don't tell her that. She'll kill you." Sam chuckles.

"Yeah, I know." Larissa mumbles. "You want us to go with you?"

"No. No, I-- I'm sure her and the twins are fine. It's just overprotective twin instincts kicking in. I just... I just wanna go check on her. I'll only be gone for a couple of days." Sam promises.

"Okay." Larissa mumbles. "Think Libby's gonna be okay with that?"

"She's doing better. I think she'll make it." Sam says. "She can call me whenever she gets up and any other time she wants."

"Okay." Larissa whispers.

"Go back to sleep." Sam tells her, pecking her on the lips. He goes over and kisses Libby on the head before leaving.


"Where's daddy?" Libby asks.

"He... went to go check on your aunt and cousins. Make sure they're holding up okay." Larissa informs.

"He left in the middle of the night?" Libby asks.

"Yeah. Yeah, I guess he couldn't really sleep." Larissa says, gently smiling. "So we get some girl time. That sound cool?"

"Yeah, I guess." Libby mumbles. Larissa sighs and crouches in front of the girl.

"I know it's still pretty hard to get through the day." Larissa says. "But I'm really proud with how far you've come. Talking more, only needing the usual demand to shower that you needed before. Eating more. It's progress so it's not supposed to magically become better one random day, but I'm glad you're doing better."

Libby weakly smiles.

"You wanna go watch a movie and then go out to eat? Including dessert?" Larissa asks. Libby smiles a little and nods.


Sam walks into the cabin, grimacing at the smell of alcohol. He looks around at all of the empty bottles on the counters and the few on the table. He looks at the couch where Natalie is asleep, an empty glass in her hand.

Sam creeps back to the bedroom, seeing the twins asleep in one of the beds. He goes back to the couch and carefully takes the glass out of his sister's hand. His heart aches at the state of the cabin and he notices the dark bags under her eyes.

Sam puts the glass down and gently shakes Natalie. The woman jolts awake, pulling a gun out of her jeans and aiming it.

"Whoa, hey, hey, hey." Sam holds his hands up, backing up a bit.

"Oh. Sammy." Natalie mutters, lowering the gun. "Whatcha doing here?" She puts the gun on the coffee table.

"I, uh... well, you weren't answering your phone. I just-- just wanted to check on you." Sam says.

"Oh, yeah. No, I-- I'm doing peachy." Natalie says. She picks different beer bottles up from the coffee table until she finds one that still has some beer in it and she takes a sip. 

"Natty, are-- are you okay?" Sam asks.

"Yeah. Yeah, why wouldn't I be? I, uh, I haven't found anything on getting the others yet." Natalie says.


"I'm fine, Sam."

"Natalie, look at this place. Does-- does this remind you of anything?" Sam questions as Natalie stands up.

"Um... after Bobby died, I guess. Hell if I know." Natalie shrugs.

"Nat, the-- the research, all of the alcohol, the gun on the table. It-- it looks like our childhood." Sam says.

"What? No. No, it doesn't." Natalie argues.

"It's pretty freaking close." Sam says.

"Okay." Natalie rolls her eyes. "You know what? If you're just gonna judge me then-- then you can leave. I don't fucking need this. I need to find Jacob."

"Natalie, you-- you need people to rely on. You can't go down this rabbit hole." Sam says.

"There is no fucking rabbit hole. I am going to find my damn husband." Natalie states.

Sam sighs, debating over what he should say. He knows what he says next will possibly wreck her, but it could help her in the long run.

"You know who you sound like right now?" Sam asks.

"Don't know, don't care." Natalie says.

"You sound like dad." Sam quietly states, picking at his fingers. He looks up when Natalie turns to him, a deadly look in her eye.

"You did not just say that." Natalie whispers.

"Look around. This-- do you hear how you're talking? Do you see what you look like? What this place looks like?" Sam asks.

"No. No, I am-- I am not dad!" Natalie argues. "I-- I am nothing like him. I--" Her voice cracks and Sam sees fear in her eyes.

"I'm not saying you're his copycat or anything, Natty. I'm just saying you're going down the same path he did with mom. And I-- I'm not saying you would ever hurt Justin and Briar. You wouldn't do a quarter of the things he did. Hell, you'd do nothing he did. Not in that sense. But you're fucking yourself up over something that I'm not so sure you can fix."

"I don't-- I'm not dad. I can't-- I won't turn into dad. No." Natalie shakes her head, tears in her eyes.

"I know you want to find Jacob... and Dean and Ophelia. But if you haven't found something by now, I'm not sure there is something, Natty." Sam quietly says. "And you don't need to keep going down this path. Okay, you still have me. And you have Larissa and Libby. You have the twins... who really need their mom. Don't make them lose both parents."

Natalie's face screws up before she lets a sob out. Sam pulls her into his chest, letting her cry into his shirt.

"I just want him back. I miss him." Natalie hiccups.

"I know." Sam mumbles. "I know. I'm sorry."


It's been a couple of months since Sam got Natalie and she and the twins have been staying the same place as Sam, Larissa, and Libby. Natalie got a job at a diner. Sam watches the twins while he works or if Larissa is off while Natalie works, she'll watch the twins. Same goes for Natalie watching Libby whenever both of them are working or if Sam and Larissa want a date night.

Sam walks into the motel room, stopping short at what he finds. The table has a meal on it and a cake is in the middle. Larissa stands by the table with a proud smile, Riot sitting near her.

"What's this?" Sam chuckles, shutting the door.

"Your birthday." Larissa says.

"Seriously?" Sam asks.

"Yeah. Well, we celebrated my birthday... and now that we're, you know, normal people or whatever. We can celebrate yours, too." Larissa says.

"You tried to get out of celebrating your birthday." Sam recalls.

"And you didn't let me skip out. Therefore, I'm not letting you skip out, rather you like it or not. Same thing we did with Libby. Made her celebrate her birthday." Larissa smiles.

"Okay, okay. Fair enough." Sam says. Larissa grabs his hand, leading him to the table. "Where is Libby?"

"Oh, she's with Natty and the twins. She was hungry earlier so I let her eat and so she didn't want to be around us eating, but I told her I'd tell her when it's time for cake." Larissa says.

"You don't want a beer?" Sam asks, noticing only one beer bottle on the table and a glass of water on the other side.

"Oh, no, I have an early shift tomorrow, so don't really wanna... you know, risk anything." Larissa says.

"I thought you had tomorrow off." Sam says, sitting down.

"Well, I did, but Lucy called in sick, so I offered to cover her shift... which is early." Larissa says with a shrug.

~ ~ ~

They finish eating dinner.

"So, should I go get Libs for the cake now? And, uh, it is Natty's birthday, too. So I-- I feel like both of us should blow out any candles." Sam says.

"I, um... yeah, but-- but I have something for you first." Larissa says, picking up a wrapped gift from her seat.

"Lissy, you-- you really didn't have to. I mean, the-- the food is enough." Sam says.

"Well, I... I didn't exactly buy it. Just-- just open it." She says, holding it out to him.

Sam takes the small box in the shape of a rectangle.

"What, is it a homemade watch or something? You pay Nat for a bracelet?" Sam asks, shaking the box.

"Would you just open it?" Larissa asks. She twists the ends of her hair around her fingers, biting the inside of her cheek.

"Okay, okay." Sam chuckles at her impatience. Sam takes the top of the box open and looks at what's inside, feeling his heart stop, his jaw falling slack.

"That... that means positive, right?" Sam asks, looking at the two lines.

"Mm-hmm." Larissa nods.

"You-- you're-- this is-- you're pregnant?" Sam stammers.

"Yeah." She nods. Sam looks between her and the test in shock. "Can you... like, say something? Positive or negative so I know whether to slap or kiss you."

"Oh, my God." Sam laughs, a giant grin on his face. "I can't believe this."

"That's a-a good "I can't believe this," right?" Larissa asks.

"Yes! Yes." Sam assures, nodding. He gets up and walks over to her. "We made a baby." He cups her face and kisses her. They pull away after a few moments.

"So, uh... this isn't upsetting? You know, with us still living in a motel and all?" Larissa asks.

"Upsetting? Baby, no fucking way. This is amazing." Sam tells her. "Are you upset?"

"No. No, of course not. I just-- I was really scared that you wouldn't... you know, we aren't super ready financially or anything, and we already have Libby, and--"

"Hey, hey." Sam cuts her off. "We will figure all of that out. I promise. As long as we love and care about this baby, then we are doing our best."

Larissa smiles, reaching up and kissing Sam again.

~ ~ ~

They got Natalie, Libby, and the twins into the room. Natalie and Sam both blew out the candles on the cake per Larissa's demand, knowing the woman deserved to celebrate her birthday too.

After eating cake, Sam looks at Larissa who nods.

"We, um... we have some news." Larissa says.

"We're hunting?" Libby worriedly asks.

"No, no, no. No, baby, no hunting." Sam assures. "We, uh... well, um..."

"I'm pregnant." Larissa grins.

"Ah!" Natalie grins, hugging Larissa. "Oh, congratulations." She smiles. "Congrats." She hugs Sam.

"Thanks." He softly laughs.

They turn to Libby who has an unreadable expression.

"Bessie?" Sam calls.

"Pregnant? As in... as in a baby? As in I get a half-sibling?" Libby asks.

"Yes." Larissa nods.

"How do you feel about that?" Sam asks.

"Another dog would've been cooler." Libby says.

Sam and Larissa share a look, both having an inkling the girl wouldn't be thrilled.

"Well, uh... you'll warm up to a new sibling. Promise." Sam tells her.

"Yeah, they're not so bad... usually." Natalie says.

"They're annoying babies." Libby mumbles, taking a bite of her cake.


Sam and Larissa are in bed after putting away the leftovers from dinner. Libby and Riot are asleep in the other bed. Larissa is lying on her back and Sam is lying on his side and gently drumming his fingers over her stomach.

"So... do you want a boy or a girl?" Larissa asks.

"I want a healthy baby." Sam says.

"Well, yeah, I know. I do, too. But do you want a boy or a girl?" Larissa asks again. Sam sighs as he thinks about it.

"A girl. An adorable baby girl who looks just like her mama." Sam says.

"Mm. You really do want Libby to hate her sibling." Larissa whispers with a quiet giggle and Sam lets out a soft laugh.

"Why would she hate a girl more?" Sam asks.

"Cause than she's gotta fight for the daddy's girl spot." Larissa says.

"I can have two girls." Sam mumbles.

"Yeah, tell that to a child." Larissa softly laughs.

"Okay, well, what do you want?" Sam asks.

"I think I'd like a boy... who looks just like his dad." Larissa says. "And his sister may not hate him as much."

"Okay, I doubt she's gonna hate any sibling." Sam says.

"Hate, dislike, wanna put up for adoption, whatever." Larissa says. "Anyways, whatever gender it is, it needs to have your dimples." Larissa states.

"My dimples?" Sam asks.

"Yeah. I love your dimples." Larissa says. Sam softly smiles and Larissa pokes one of his dimples.

"They need your pretty green eyes." Sam says. "I can't really poke your eye, so..." The two quietly laugh.

"You could, it'd just hurt." Larissa says.

"Yeah, well, I don't wanna hurt you, so, not happening." Sam says, kissing her on the cheek. "Do you want them to have my puppy dog eyes?"

"I mean... maybe." Larissa says. "On the one hand, absolutely adorable -- to die for. On the other hand... absolutely adorable... will never be able to say no. I mean, I crack enough with you and Libby, but another kid with them on my hands... God. And you? You would never say no."

"I would totally say no."

"You absolutely wouldn't. You already never tell Libby no when she uses them."

"I tell her no." Sam argues.

"No, you don't." Larissa argues. "She gives you just a puppy dog glance and, boom--" Larissa snaps her fingers. "You are absolutely done for."

"Okay, okay. What about names?" Sam asks.

"I don't know. Well, actually, I do know one thing. If it's a girl, her middle name needs to be Joanna." Larissa states.

"Why?" Sam asks.

"For Jo. It's just-- when we were, like, fourteen... we made a promise that if and when we ever had daughters, their middle name would be ours. My daughter's middle name would be Joanna and her daughter's middle name would've been Larissa. And even though she's... she's gone... I don't wanna break the promise."

"Okay." Sam nods, rubbing his thumb over her stomach. "So, Blank Joanna Winchester."

"Exactly." Larissa says.

"If it's a boy, I would kind of like the middle name to be Dean." Sam says.

"Done." Larissa says. "Blank Dean Winchester."

"Exactly." Sam lightly laughs. "I mean, if you want Jacob we could work something out. Jacob Dean Winchester."

"Mm. Justin's middle name is Jacob. And I love Jacob, but too many names in one family is just exhausting." Larissa says. "Do you want their names to mean something? You know, be all, like... philosophical and shit?"

"It'd be kind of cool, but it's not the major priority or anything. Long as we like it." Sam says.

"Well... least we have middle names figured out."

"One baby step at a time."


They're at the doctor's for the first ultrasound and Larissa is lying on the chair. Sam is standing next to her, his hand in hers, his thumb rubbing the back of her hand.

"Okay... this is gonna be a little cold." The doctor warns, rubbing the gel over Larissa's stomach. The woman slightly shivers, but doesn't find it too bad. "Ready?" The woman asks and Larissa nods. She moves the transducer over Larissa's stomach, the three watching the screen.

"Everything's looking great. And... that is your baby." The doctor points to a spot on the screen.

"It's so tiny." Sam whispers making Larissa quietly laugh.

After finishing the doctor leaves to get the photos and Larissa wipes the gel off her stomach.

"So, uh... I didn't wanna look like a total idiot in front of the doc, but, um... what exactly is the baby?" Sam asks. Larissa quietly laughs, but it soon turns into full blown laughter. "What? Come on, you're making me feel dumb."

"No. No, I'm-- I'm sorry." Larissa says, catching her breath. "That's not-- I'm not trying to. I'm... I'm laughing because I was gonna ask you the same thing."

Sam stares at her for a few moments before he starts laughing. Soon enough, both are laughing as they try to figure out where the baby is on the screen.


Sam and Larissa bought a small three bedroom house a couple weeks ago and have been moving in.

"Sammy, I can carry a couple of boxes." Larissa says.

"You're four months pregnant. I don't think so." Sam says.

"Yeah, four months. Not nine." Larissa says, rubbing her stomach.

"Well, it's getting closer, and I'm not letting Baby Winchester get hurt by you straining yourself. Just... just sit down, don't stress over anything. I got this." Sam says.

"Sure. Baby Winchester can't get hurt. But Libby Winchester? Oh, no, she gets to carry all four of her full backpacks in." Libby remarks, walking inside.

"You're the one who insisted you could do it." Sam says.

"Yeah, before she was getting special treatment." Libby grumbles, going to her new room.

"I--" Sam starts.

"Let her go. Let her go." Larissa tells him. "Just some older sibling angst. She'll be fine."

"You should sit down and rest." Sam tells her.

"God, you are so much worse than I thought you would be." Larissa comments. Sam sighs, putting the boxes down.

"I just don't want you or the baby getting hurt." Sam says as he gently pushes her onto the couch and squats in front of her.

"Okay, okay, fine." Larissa rolls her eyes. "Oh." She straightens up, frowning.

"What?" Sam asks, worried. "What? What's wrong?"

Larissa lets out a quiet groan, holding her stomach.

"What? Do you-- what happened?" Sam asks, starting to freak out.

"Oh, my God." Larissa lets out a quiet laugh.

"What? Are you okay?" Sam asks.

"The baby's kicking." Larissa says.

"What?" He asks.

"She's kicking. The baby's kicking." Larissa says. "Here, feel." She grabs Sam's hand and places it on her stomach. Sam feels a force against his hand making him reel his hand back.

Larissa laughs, putting her hand on her stomach and feeling the baby kick after a few moments.

"Isn't that cool?" Larissa asks.

"It's... it's a little creepy." Sam mumbles.

"Sam." Larissa frowns.

"I-I mean, it's cool. It's healthy. It just-- ugh!" Sam shivers.

"Are you serious?" Larissa asks.

"Yes. It's just... weird. Uncomfortable."

"Well, then I guess you're lucky you're not the one pregnant."

"Very." Sam agrees making Larissa lightly roll her eyes. Sam suddenly lets out a short chuckle.

"What?" She asks.

"You said "she."" Sam smiles.

"No, I didn't." Larissa argues.

"Yes, you did." Sam nods. "I'm rubbing off on you."

"You are not." Larissa rolls her eyes.

"Yes, I am."

"No. You are team girl, I am team boy."

"You know... we could go to the doctor's and find out."

"Sam, we agreed to wait until birth."

"Yeah. Yeah, I know. Just getting a little impatient."

"Yeah, I get it. But we agreed to wait. Long as he is--"

"Or she."

"Or she. Long as the baby is healthy, we don't care."

"And yet we still bet five bucks."

"Shut up." She tells him and he laughs. He leans forward, kissing her.

"It'll be a girl." Sam mumbles against her lips.

"Boy." She says against his lips.






"Are we... are we really arguing while we kiss?" Larissa asks. Sam stops his movements.

"Yes. Yes, we are." He nods. "Because it's gonna be a girl."

"It's gonna be a boy." Larissa gently hits his chest.

"Well... guess we'll just have to find out in five months." Sam says.

"I guess we will." Larissa grins and kisses him again.

They both pull away at footsteps and Libby walks in.

"Hey, Beth. Wanna feel the baby kick?" Larissa asks.

"Ew." Libby grimaces, grabbing the small box she came for and returning to her room.

"I feel like we're gonna hear that a lot." Sam chuckles.

"That and "annoying baby," yeah." Larissa nods. Sam softly laughs, pecking Larissa on the lips. She hums in delight, smiling at him.

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