Unlikely Heroine (Volume 3) ―...

By lucidwaterlily

624 28 0


act 3 - phony
act 4 - astray
act 5 - recess
act 6 - found
act 7 - cognizance

act 2 - prepossessing

63 3 0
By lucidwaterlily













(1.15 speed recommended)


This chapter has mentions of harassment in residential areas, work facilities and other areas. If you are suffering through abuse, you are not alone.

Don't be afraid to...!

- Call a hotline in your residential area

- Talk to a person you can trust

- Find a therapist in your residential area

Remember: You matter in this world. You are important, and you deserve the right to seek and call for help.

If you do not want to read this chapter, you may wait for the next chapter or not read this book for your own safety.

In one of Neo Domino City's subway trains, there was many people watching the Fortune Cup from the screen on the ceiling. A couple of high school students watched the tournament from their smartphones. In the second to last cart of the subway train, an old man sat in his seat. Next to him were a trio of junior high school delinquents. The one delinquent in the middle was tall; another on his left was short; the other one on his right wore a green cap. They were laughing loudly at a prank video from the green cap delinquent's phone.

The old man faced himself toward the delinquents and politely asked, "Excuse me, may you please be quiet?"

The young boys didn't listen. They resumed to cackle at the video.

The male elder stood up from his seat and repeated, "Pardon me. May you please lower your voices?"

"Did you hear something?" the green cap student questioned.

The tall one shrugged, "Nah."

"Yeah. Continue the video," the short one told his friend.

When the video was played again, the three students laughed so loud that it pierced into the elder's ears. The uncomfortable old man frowned at the three boys. He reached his hand and tapped the short student's shoulder, who responded by slapping the elder's hand away.

The old man tapped the boy's shoulder; only that time, the short student faced himself toward the elder and shoved him by the chest. The elder winced from the shove. His back bumped onto someone behind him.

He looked up to find himself close to a tall, slender man in a black businessman suit and a bronze tie. The slender male inquired, "May I help you?"

The elder answered, "Yes. I tried to tell these three children to be quiet, for they were being too loud. Sadly, they did not listen."

The dark-haired man's hazel eyes glanced up at the three boys who were still laughing at the video from the phone. He understood, "I see. They are indeed very loud."

"Leave this one to me," the young adult offered to help. The old man moved aside, so the hazel-eyed man would approach the delinquents.

The man cleared his throat, catching the three students attention. The former told them, "Pardon me, children. You are causing a ruckus. I insist you quiet down."

"Says who?" the short delinquent mocked.

The businessman put his hands in his pockets, "Says me."

The tall delinquent stood up and mimicked the businessman's gesture. He talked back, "You think you're better than us? I have you know that I'm the son of a Security. I'll simply call my dad to arrest you."

"Arrest me, huh?" the slender man innocently cocked his head to the right. His lips formed a smile. His hazel eyes stared directly at the tall delinquent, who flinched from the man's gaze.

The slender man's smile didn't waver when he added, "My, that would be troublesome for me. It's my first time in Neo Domino City, and it's also my first time riding a subway train. I have been having a lot of fun. Who knew it it's going to end with my arrest...?"

"...How frustrating," the tall delinquent shivered from the man's words. His friends grew afraid of the vibe emitting from the businessman.

The tall student gulped in fear, but he attempted to stand his ground.

"You believe I did something wrong. Tell me," the businessman firmly placed his hand on the tall student's shoulder. The latter's eyes dilated in fright. He was rendered speechless. His body couldn't move an inch or centimeter. His forehead began to sweat as his heart beated rapidly out of agitation. The boy's anxiety peaked when the businessman queried in an innocent tone, "What was it that I have done to you?"

The two delinquents screamed and hurriedly left their seat, rushing toward the next cart. Once the businessman let go of the tall delinquent, the boy's eyes let out tears. He cried, "I-I'm sorry! I-I'll go! I-I won't call Security! I swear!"

"The one you should apologize is this poor elder. Not me," the delinquent flinched from the man. The former approached the elder and bowed, "My friends and I are sorry for our behavior!"

The old man responded, "It is fine. Be mindful, next time."

"W-We will!" the tall delinquent sharply turned away and dashed out of the businessman's and the old man's sight.

The old man bowed to the businessman, "Thank you, sonny."

"It is my pleasure to help. You may sit in your seat and ride the train in peace," the businessman replied.

"I will," the elder returned to his seat. Just then, he forgotten something, "Oh! I didn't get your name...?"

"...He's gone?" the elder realized that the businessman already left.

Sometime later, the subway train stopped. The door opened and several people exited. Among one of the several was the businessman. He walked to the stairs to exit the subway station.

The slender man was welcomed with the lively atmosphere of one of the City's districts. He entered the sidewalk and walked his way through the busy streets. The people around him side-glanced at him in awe, including the women.

One lady gasped, "Woah...! He's hot! More hot than Atlas-sama!"

"You're right! He is!" another whispered.

"Do you think he's married?"

"I don't see a ring on him."

The female high school students blushed at the businessman and squealed, "So cool~!"

The businessman stopped next to a traffic light, waiting for the signal to cross the street. He took a gander at the screens from the buildings until his eyes were locked at an advertisement of the Fortune Cup.

He mouthed, "So it started."

In the Duel Stadium's arena, the crowd waited in anticipation for the second match of the first round of the Fortune Cup.

(Reader) leaned forward, her dominant hand rested on her cheek as her elbow sat on her thigh. Her eyes stared at the sky above her instead of the arena. She thought, 'Just taking a last look at the sky for a couple of minutes...'

'And... I'm done. All right, time to see what happened thus far,' she mentally decided.

'It's revealed that Bommer is a dueling assassin and a select few are also dueling assassins. He figured out that he dueled Lua, not Luca. By now, Rex and that Rotten Apple Clown Yeager found out that Lua and Luca are twins, and Lua pretended to be his twin sister. Since they found a signal from where she was, they'll go after her to confirm her as a Signer,' she foresaw.

She next predicted, 'Though, that needs to wait. The second match is coming up. Not only that, the next dueling assassin will make his appearance. How the duel will turn out... I'd rather not say. Spoiler territory.'

The woman's mind wandered to the memory of Yusei's recent encounter with a certain teenage girl with dark burgundy hair. She remembered, 'He finally met her. From the first time I watched the episode, she was scary. I hid my face with my dog plushie when I met her intense glare. Seeing it again made me uncomfortable, especially now that I'm in the anime world...'

'Anywho, the match should be starting... right about...,' the moment her non-dominant index finger lazily pointed forward, she heard the announcer exclaim, "Now, here comes our hero!"

"He's the Virtuous, Iron-Blooded Knight! The Battle-Hardened Hero! Just what kind of dueling will you show us all today? Jill deLauncebeaux!" the mentioned duelist in gold armor appeared in his spot on the duel field of the arena. Jill unsheathed his sword, pointing the blade up high.

He proclaimed, "I swear upon my sword! As a blood descendant of the knights of old, I shall win this duel without fail!"

His words had the crowd grow wild in their cheer. The announcer recognized, "Jill deLauncebeaux has already declared victory!"

In the stands, Yanagi commented, "He's pretty popular, huh?"

Jin added, "The guy's not easy on the stomach, acting like he's all righteous, but I hear his skills are something else."

"And, here comes the competitor for this duel! She's a mysterious and beautiful girl whose background and merits are unknown! Will we all witness the coming of a new wave of talent!? Aki Izayoi!" far across from Jill's spot on the field was his opponent and the teenage girl from earlier in the corridor, Aki Izayoi. The teen opened her eyes, meeting her adversary's gaze.

From the stands, Lua thought out loud, "I have a feeling I've seen her somewhere before."

Tenpei told his friend, "Yeah, we saw her earlier."

The blue-green-haired boy responded, "No, it's not that. It was somewhere else before..."

His twin sister became shocked toward Aki. The pre-teen sensed something off from the competitor's deck.

Lua noticed his twin sister's expression, "What's wrong?"

The latter mouthed, "Her deck seems like it's in pain..."

Aki's apathetic, brown eyes glanced somewhere, which caught (Reader)'s attention, 'Her eyes are looking at someone. They're not from here but still here at the same time. Hm... I'll figure it out as I watch the duel.'

Jill challenged his opponent, "I shall not spare you mercy, be you maiden or not! You will take view to the dueling of a knight!"

In unison, the two competitors declared, "Duel!"


Jill deLauncebeaux - 4000 LP

Aki Izayoi - 4000 LP

"It is my turn! Draw!" Jill drew a monster card from his deck. He uses that very monster card to summon it on the field, "I summon Masked Knight LV3!"

A masked knight in heavy armor was summoned on Jill's field.



NAME: Masked Knight LV3

ATK/DEF: 1500/800


LVL: ★★★


Monster Effect - During your Standby Phase,

you can send this face-down card

to the Graveyard to Special Summon

1 "Masked Knight LV5"

from your hand or Deck.

Once per turn, you can inflict

400 damage to your opponent.

If you activate this effect, this card

cannot attack during this turn.

Jill next announced, "Next, I activate its Monster Effect! Persona Blast!"

Masked Knight LV3's Monster Effect attacked the unfazed Aki, decreasing her Life Points by 400.

Aki Izayoi

4000 LP ➝ 3600 LP

"That causes 400 points of damage!" her opponent pointed out. He then added, "And now, I activate a Spell card! Level Up! It sends Masked Knight LV3 to the graveyard to Special Summon Masked Knight LV5!"



NAME: Level Up!



Send 1 face-up "LV" monster

you control to the Graveyard;

Special Summon 1 monster

from your hand or Deck that

is listed in the sent monster's text,

ignoring its Summoning conditions.

The activated spell card Special Summoned a tall masked knight into Jill's field.



NAME: Masked Knight LV5

ATK/DEF: 2300/1300


LVL: ★★★★★


Monster Effect - During your Standby Phase,

you can send this face-down card

to the Graveyard to Special Summon

1 "Masked Knight LV7"

from your hand or Deck.

Once per turn, you can inflict

1000 damage to your opponent.

If you activate this effect, this card

cannot attack during this turn.

"Next up is Masked Knight LV5's Monster Effect! Person Twin Blast!" similar to LV3, Masked Knight LV5's Monster Effect attacked Aki, "That causes 1000 points of damage!"

Aki Izayoi

3600 LP ➝ 2600 LP

Jill decided to end his turn by setting a card on his field, "I set one card to end my turn!"

The announcer commented, "These persistent attacks have caused Izayoi to take 1400 points of damage before even getting to her turn!"

In the box, Yeager snickered, "Look at Jill go. He's been making a vicious onslaught from the start of this bout, hasn't he? Given this is but a matter of time before the Witch's identity is revealed."

The evil smirking Rex side-glanced at Jack, whose suspicions toward the two in front of him heightened.

Returning to the arena, Jill commented, "It seems as though the ferociousness of my evolved Knight has pierced you to the bone."

His words didn't reach to his opponent. She simply gave him her apathetic stare.

He responded, "Keeping silent, are we? You are one eerie maiden."

"Draw," Aki began her turn by drawing a card from her deck. She went on, "I summon Wall of Ivy in defense position."

A wall of plants with thorns was summoned onto the teenager's field.



NAME: Wall of Ivy

ATK/DEF: 300/1200


LVL: ★★


Monster Effect - When this card

is selected as an attack target,

Special Summon 1 "Ivy Token"

(Plant-Type/EARTH/Level 1/ATK 0/DEF 0)

in Defense Position to

your opponent's side of the field.

When this Token is destroyed,

its controller takes 300 damage.

In the stands, Jin spoke, "A defender monster, huh?"

Whilst Yanagi didn't understand, Tenpei did, "She plans to stick to the defensive right off the bat."

(Reader) noticed that Jill wore a cocky smirk, believed that his opponent wouldn't be fighting back.

She shook her head as she thought, 'Boy, I'd wipe that smirk if I were you.'

Aki resumed her turn, "Next, the Spell card, Seed of Deception, from my hand. This allows a Level 2 or lower Plant-Type monster in one's hand to be summoned."



NAME: Seed of Deception



Special Summon 1 Level 2 or lower

Plant-Type monster from your hand.

"I Special Summon the Level 1 Tuner Monster, Copy Plant, in defense position," once the Seed of Deception's effect was activated, an abstract plant was Special Summoned into Aki's field.



NAME: Copy Plant

ATK/DEF: 0/0



EFFECT TYPE(S): Ignition


Monster Effect - Once per turn,

you can select 1 face-up monster

your opponent controls to have

this card's Level become equal

to the selected monster's Level,

until the End Phase.

"Copy Plant's Monster Effect--Copy Plant will share a similar level to a monster on my opponent's side of the field," the teenage girl then pointed at Jill's Masked Knight LV5, "It copies Masked Knight LV5's level."

Jill's smirk changed to a frown when Copy Plant's Monster Effect activated, transforming itself into Masked Knight LV5.

In the stands, Yanagi questioned, "But, what does she reckon to do by just raisin' its level?"

The unnerved Lua and Tenpei exclaimed, "Isn't it obvious?"

(Reader) let out a chuckle, "And so it begins. Ladies, gentlemen, all other folk. We all know where this is going."

In the arena, Jill knew what his opponent was going to do, "Synchro Summoning, are you!?"

Aki began to do that very action, "Level 5 Copy Plant tunes Level 22 Wall of Ivy!"

She chanted, "Chilling flames engulf the entire world. Pitch-dark flower... bloom!"

"Synchro Summon! Appear now, Black Rose Dragon!" on her field appeared the very dragon Yusei and his friends encountered during the disaster back in the Daimon Area. Its full appearance was of a dark pink dragon with its main body covered in rose petals and its tail covered in thorns.



NAME: Black Rose Dragon

ATK/DEF: 2400/1800


LVL: ★★★★★★★

EFFECT TYPE(S): Trigger, Ignition

SYNCHRO MATERIAL: 1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters


1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

Monster Effect - When this card is

Synchro Summoned, you can

destroy all cards on the field.

Once per turn, you can

remove from play

1 Plant-Type monster in Graveyard

to change 1 Defense Position monster

your opponent controls to face-up

Attack Position and reduce its ATK

to 0 until the End Phase of this turn.

Speaking of Yusei, he happened to be watching the duel from the competitor's box room. His arm ached at the moment Aki's Synchro Monster appeared.

Within the stands, Jin shouted, "What is this!?"

The crowd became shocked toward the menacing appearance of Black Rose Dragon from up close. Jill used his Duel Disk to shield himself of the gust of wind emitting from the Synchro Monster. The latter stared down at the opponent before the huge creature.

However, the only person who wasn't fazed besides Aki was a man from one of the entrances from the arena.

At the arena, Jill yelled, "V-Vile witch! So, you have revealed your identity already, have you!?

One person became confused, "Witch?"

Another person noticed, "I recognized that thing! That's the monster that masked witch uses!"

From the competitor's box room, Yusei winced from the pain of his aching right forearm. He was reminded of the events from the Daimon Area incident. He recalled the exact figure of the monster he witnessed on that day.

He muttered, "Black Rose Dragon..."

"It's a dragon of ill omen that bring forth destruction," Bommer entered the room. He glanced at Yusei, "It seems that you're familiar with it."

Yusei made no comment, nor he denied that statement.


(This is an intermission. If you would like to take a break from this chapter, feel free to do so. Otherwise, enjoy this random short skit.)

(Reader): You like heather flowers, Utage?

Utage: Yeah. The purple ones. Do you like heather flowers too?

(Reader): Yeah, but I like iris flowers more. Especially the blue ones.

Utage: Maybe sometime I can find some for you.

(Reader): Really? Then, I'll find a couple of purple heather flowers for you. *smiles*

Utage: *smiles back* That'd be great.

Saiga: Are you sure you two aren't a couple?

Utage and (Reader): We're not, genius.


A loud roar was heard within the arena of the Duel Stadium.

One person from the stands shouted, "It's the witch!"

Another yelled, "The Black Rose Witch has shown herself!"

"It's the Witch!"

"The Witch is here!"

In the duel field, Jill mustered a brave face to yell at Aki, "Witch, no matter what trump card you may play, my heart of steel will stand firm!"

He thought, 'I will use my set card Reactive Armor on the field to hoist you by your own petard.'

Yet, amidst the uproar from the arena and from her opponent, the teenage girl remained indifferent.

Jill inquired, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Aki continued her turn, "I activate its Monster Effect. When I Special Summon Black Rose Dragon, it destroys all cards on the field."


"Black Rose Gale!" as Black Rose Dragon's Monster Effect was activated, a gust of wind, accompanied by pitch-dark rose petals, destroyed all cards on the field.

The announcer became flabbergasted, "What's going on here!? Gale-force winds have engulfed the tournament grounds!"

Everyone within the stands braced themselves from the wind, especially Jill, who queried, "Is this witchly power?"

The moment Black Rose Dragon's effect ended, the dragon itself was gone.

It was still Aki's turn. She resumed, "I set one card, and after that, I activate the Field Spell Black Garden."

A garden of thorn-covered vines and small pitch-dark flowers surrounded the competitors from the duel field.



NAME: Black Garden


EFFECT TYPE(S): Trigger-like, Ignition-like


When a monster is Normal or

Special Summoned, except

by the effect of "Black Garden",

halve its ATK and Special Summon

1 "Rose Token"

(Plant-Type/DARK/Level 2/ATK 800/DEF 800)

in Attack Position to its controller's

opponent's side of the field.

"Rose Tokens" cannot be destroyed

by battle or declare an attack.

You can destroy this card and all face-up

Plant-Type monsters on the field

to Special Summon 1 monster from

your Graveyard whose ATK is

equal to or less than the total ATK

of those monsters.

Jill was shocked to see the field spell around him, "I-Is this... a beast-dwelling garden!?"

"I end my turn," Aki finished her turn.

"Watch out for the Witch's trap!" one person from the crowd called to Jill.

The competitor responded, "I appreciate your good will, but it needn't be necessary!"

(Reader) peered into the arena from where she sat. She searched for someone. Sadly, she couldn't find the person she was looking for due to the field spell from the duel field. She rested her back against her seat and crossed her arms.

"My turn! Draw!" the second the knight duelist drew a trap card from his deck, he smirked. He started, "I activate the Spell card, The Warrior Returning Alive, from my hand! This will allow me to add a Warrior-type monster from my graveyard to my hand!"



NAME: The Warrior Returning Alive



Target 1 Warrior-Type monster

in your Graveyard; add that

target to your hand.

The knight duelist chose to summon, "Masked Knight LV3! Return to me! A proud knight never dies!"

Thanks to the activation of The Warrior Returning Alive, Masked Knight LV3 was summoned onto Jill's field. That happy moment was short-lived, for, out of nowhere, vines grabbed the monster and trapped the creature within its hold.

Jill became flabbergasted, "Masked Knight!"

Aki explained, "While Black Garden is on the field, all monsters' attack points will be halved. And, a Rose Token, will automatically be Special Summoned on the opponent's side of the field in attack position."

One Rose Token, which was a bright pink rose, was summoned onto Aki's field.

"This is Black Garden. A demon realm garden which flowers by using life as nourishment," the apathetic teenage girl picked a pitch-dark rose from the field and held the flower up to her face.

The announcer pointed out, "Oh, my! Now, Masked Knight's attack points is outclassed by the Rose Token!"


Masked Knight LV3

1500 ATK 750 ATK

Jill believed, 'But, even though she decreased its attack points, that does not change its Monster Effect. Your tricks were to no avail!'

"Persona Blast!" Masked Knight LV3's Monster Effect attacked Aki, decreasing her life points by 400.

Aki Izayoi

2600 LP ➝ 2200 LP

The knight mocked, "What say you now?"

Aki responded, "I activate the Trap card, Doppelganger. Whenever I receive damage from a Monster Effect, it inflicts the same damage to my opponent as well."



NAME: Doppelganger

PROPERTY: Continuous


When you take damage from

the effect of a monster

your opponent controls,

inflict the same amount

of damage to your opponent.

The announcer commented, "Oh, my! Jill, who hasn't taken a hit so far, just took a drop in his Life Points!"

Jill deLauncebeaux

4000 LP ➝ 3600 LP

Doppelganger's effect attacked Jill, decreasing his life points by 400. In addition, his face got a scratch from the trap card's effect.

In the stands, Lua became shocked, "A scratch!"

"You're right! He was hurt!" confirmed Tenpei.

Jin couldn't believe of what happened, "Dueling wounded him?"

The scared Yanagi quivered, "Scary~!"

Someone shouted from one area of the stands, "You damn witch!"

"How dare she do that!" another yelled.

"Get out of here!"

(Reader) thought, 'This is just the start. How it really goes... I rather not elaborate. For the sake of the faint-hearted.'

Jill used a handkerchief to wipe the scratch. After, he demanded from his opponent, "Tell me, witch, who can inflict actual harm upon others with her powers... Exactly who are you!?"

His opponent sharply glared whilst she answered in a dark tone, "I'm not the same as any of you."

"Witch, what are you scheming with that look in your eyes!?" the knight was unable to read the female teen. The former clicked his tongue, "I set two cards and end my turn."

Aki began her turn by drawing a card from her deck, "Draw. I activate the Equip Spell, Mark of the Rose. This allows me to gain control of one of my opponent's monsters."



NAME: Mark of the Rose



Equip this card to a monster

your opponent controls.

Gain control of the equipped monster.

During your End Phase,

give control of the equipped monster

to your opponent.

During your Standby Phase,

gain control of the equipped monster.

"I bring your Masked Knight LV3 into my possession," she added. 

Thus, the Spell card was activated. Masked Knight LV3 was marked with a rose mark on its head. The masked monster moved from Jill's field to Aki's field.

Aki reached her hand, which Masked Knight responded by taking her hand as a sign of newfound loyalty.

(Reader) wore a little smirk on her face, "Nothing hurts a duelist than betrayal by its own monster."

Yanagi became surprised, "Well, I'll be. His monster went 'n back-stabbed him!"

Jill didn't like of what happened before him.

"Feel the pain from the blade of betrayal. Masked Knight LV3 attacks directly," Aki declared Masked Knight V3 to attack her opponent.

The masked monster attacked Jill, inflicting damage to him by 750 Life Points.

Jill deLauncebeaux

3600 LP ➝ 2850 LP

Jill yelled, "Making my monster's loyalty waver is indeed the insidious fighting style of a witch!"

Aki continued her turn, "I equip the Equip Spell, Vengeful Servant to Masked Knight V3. When the equipped monster has switched control, this card inflicts damage to the player equal to its original attack power."

The mentioned Equip Spell card was equipped onto Masked Knight LV3.



NAME: Vengeful Servant



When control of

the equipped monster changes,

inflict damage equal to its original ATK

to its new controller.

Jill became confused, "What did you say?"

"End Phase. Masked Knight goes back under your control," Masked Knight LV3 jumped up and returned to the knight duelist's field.

Aki muttered, "Have a firsthand taste of that double-dealer's strike!"

Due to Vengeful Servant's effect, Masked Knight V3 directly attacked Jill, decreasing his Life Points by 1500.


Jill deLauncebeaux

2850 LP ➝ 1350 LP

The announcer exclaimed, "Izayoi is ruthless! Her combo utilizing Mark of the Rose and Vengeful Servant has inflicted massive damage on our knight!"

The knight duelist mustered enough stamina to recover from the attack, "I have yet to begun to fight! I activate the Trap card, Level Change!"

"This card is activated at the End Phase of my opponent's turn. It sends a Level Monster on my side of my field to Special Summon the monster written on the card, ignoring its Summoning requirements, from the graveyard," he explained.



NAME: Level Change



Activate only during

your opponent's End Phase.

Send 1 face-up "LV" monster

you control to the Graveyard.

Special Summon 1 monster

from your Graveyard

whose name is written on that card,

ignoring its Summoning conditions.

"Be revived! Masked Knight LV5!" Level Change was activated, sending Masked Knight LV3 to the graveyard; in turn, Masked Knight LV5 took the previous monster's place in Jill's field.

The announcer beamed, "This looks promising! His Special Summoning has dismantled her solid combo!"

Unfortunately, once again, the happy moment was short-lived, for Aki added, "Black Garden activates."

Because of Black Garden, Masked Knight LV5's attack points were halved.


Masked Knight LV5

2300 ATK 1150 ATK

"And now, a Rose Token is Special Summoned," the second Rose Token was Special Summoned onto Aki's field.

She declared, "I end my turn."

Jill yelled, "Witch, there is no use concealing yourself in your grim garden! The blade of righteousness will pursue you, no matter where you go!"

"Draw!" he began his turn by drawing a card from his deck, "And it's now that my Masked Knight LV5 evolves into LV7!"

The announcer elaborated, "That's right! Masked Knight LV5, using its Monster Effect, will level up to LV7 during the Standby Phase!"

The knight duelist began to Special Summon, "Come forth, Masked Knight LV7!"

On his field, a masked knight much larger than LV5 appeared. 



NAME: Masked Knight LV7

ATK/DEF: 2900/1800


LVL: ★★★★★★★


Monster Effect - This card cannot

be Normal Summoned or Set.

This card can only be

Special Summoned with

"Masked Knight LV5".

Once per turn, you can inflict

1500 damage to your opponent.

Whilst the crowd cheered for Jill, Aki reminded, "Black Garden activates."

Once again, one of Jill's monsters' attack points were halved.


Masked Knight LV7

2900 ATK 1450 ATK

"A Rose Token is Special Summoned," the third Rose Token was Special Summoned onto the teenager's field.

The three Rose Tokens stood in front of her, hiding the female duelist' stern expression on her face.

Jill observed, "By your eyes, you are considering counterattacking with Doppleganger's effect once my monster's effect activates, correct?"

"However, I came prepared!" he continued his turn, "I equip the Equip Spell, Glory Shield to Masked Knight LV7!"

A white and gold shield with blue spikes and a halo was equipped onto Masked Knight LV7.



NAME: Glory Shield


EFFECT TYPE(S): Continuous, Trigger


If the equipped monster attacks,

your opponent cannot activate

Spell/Trap Cards until the end

of the Damage Step.

When the equipped monster

inflicts Battle Damage

to your opponent,

you can select 1 Spell/Trap Card

on the field, and destroy it.

In the stands, Jin noted, "A nice move. Neither Spell or Trap cards can be activated in response to an attack from the monster equipped with Glory Shield."

Tenpei added, "Plus, if it inflicts Battle Damage, it can destroy one Spell or Trap on the field."

In the duel field, Jill declared, "Battle! Masked Knight LV7 shall attack your Rose Token!"

"Persona Big Slash!!" the masked knight monster attacked one of Aki's Rose Tokens.

The announcer called out, "It's a hit! Masked Knight's attack finally explode onto Izayoi! Rose Tokens are null to being destroyed in battle, but Damage Calculations are still applied!"

Aki Izayoi

2200 LP ➝ 1550 LP

"Glory Shield's effect destroys Doppleganger!" the mentioned Equip Spell card's effect destroys the said Trap card.

"Now, you have run out of options! Take this! Persona Big Blast!!" Masked Knight LV7's Monster Effect attacks the unfazed Aki, decreasing her Life Points by 1500.

Aki Izayoi

1550 LP ➝ 50 LP

"Way to go!" Lua and Tenpei cheered.

The announcer pointed out, "She only has 50 Life Points left! Izayoi is hanging in by the skin of her teeth! Plus, she only has three Rose Tokens on her field left! She can't fight back now!"

Suddenly, (Reader) snorted. Next, she began to laugh out loud. Jin heard her laughter, his suspicions toward the woman raised. He wondered, 'What is that you're laughing about, Sekiguchi?'

In the competitor's box room, Bommer and Yusei were still watching the match between Jill and Aki.

Bommer believed, "It looks like this is over."

"The match isn't over yet," reminded Yusei.

"So, you're completely in her corner, it seems."

Returning to the stands from the arena, a woman next to (Reader) became bewildered toward the outlander's laughter. The former queried, "What's so funny?"

(Reader) stopped laughing. The outlander smiled at the woman who flinched, "It's nothing."

"Anyways, let's continue watching the match, yeah?" (Reader) turned her attention back to the match, confusing the person next to her more.

In the duel field, Jill asserted, "Witch, this is the last turn for you! There is nowhere for you to flee!"

"Yes, on this turn...," Aki's glare intensifed, "...it all ends."

"What?" her opponent faltered.

Aki started her turn by drawing a card from her deck, "Draw!"

The knight rationalized in his head, 'Do not falter! This is her witchly scheme. I have an overwhelming lead. The Witch could possibly be after releasing her Rose Tokens for an Advance Summoning, and then use that summoned monster to strike the Rose Token that appears on my field due to Black Garden's effect. Wouldn't that be the gist of it? However, the moment you do so will be your doom. For my set card is Martyr Flag.'

'If I activate this card, my Masked Knight LV7's attack points will double! Come! I will hoist you by your own petard!' the knight duelist became confident of that possibility.

Unfortunately for him...

Sadly for him...

...that opportunity wouldn't happen for him.

"The Field Spell, Black Garden's effect," by Aki's command, Black Garden and the three Rose Tokens began to wilt away to the point of their destruction.

Jill became dumbfounded, "What's happening!?"

Aki explained, "By destroying this card along with all Plant-Type monsters on the field, I'll Special Summon a monster with an attack power equal to their combined attack points from my graveyard."

"What was that!?"

Amidst the fear within the arena, (Reader) tried one more time to find someone within one of the entrances near the duel field. Her eyes slightly dilated toward a certain person she was looking for. In one of the entrances, there was a man with red hair and green eyes with a brown long jacket. He wore a smirk on his lips as he watched Aki perform her next move.

'He's here too...,' (Reader) thought.

"By destroying three Rose Tokens, their total attack points would be 2400! Which means, the monster she'll summon out will, of course, be...!" the announcer knew exactly what monster Aki would summon.

"Not that nightmare again!" someone complained.

Aki summoned exactly the monster everyone thought in their minds, "I summon Black Rose Dragon!"

Black Rose Dragon was Special Summoned onto Aki's field.

The announcer called out, "T-T-There it is! Black Rose Dragon! But the price is pretty hefty! Masked Knight LV7, free from Black Garden's spell, has had its attack points restored back to 2900!"


Masked Knight LV7

1450 ATK 2900 ATK

Jin pointed out, "Black Rose Dragon's attack power is 2400. The odds are stacked against it."

Jill blurted out, "Why did you cast Black Garden aside? It is almost as if you are personally ruining your chances of winning! Vile witch, are you cornered so bad you've gone daft!?"

"Black Rose Dragon's Monster Effect--By removing all Plant-Type monsters in my graveyard, it will reduce your monster's attack points to 0. Rose Restriction!!" pink thorned vines aimed for Masked Knight LV7 and grabbed the masked monster, decreasing its attack points to none.


Masked Knight LV7

2900 ATK 1450 ATK

The flabbergasted Jill shouted, "I-Its attack points are 0!? Then, even if I do activate Martyr Flag and double its attack points, it will remain at 0!"

(Reader) casually stood up from her seat. She moved away and walked down the stairs. Jin noticed the outlander's simple action. He noticed that she didn't express nothing but indifference, similar to Aki. The only difference was the reason for (Reader)'s indifference was she knew the outcome and the said outcome had already came into reality. 

Aki declared, "Battle."

The end result of the duel was exactly how it was in the anime.

"You, knight who hoists such fabricated righteousness...," the female teenage duelist spoke to the distraught Jill, "...Take the cold flames of sorrow upon your form."

"S-Stop! Please stop!!" the terrified knight duelist pleaded. Sadly, his pleas didn't reach.

Aki commanded, "Black Rose Flare!!"

Black Rose Dragon let out a magenta fire breath.

The announcer gasped, "This is just as good as a direct attack!"

Jill screamed whilst he and his Masked Knight LV7 were struck by Black Rose Dragon's attack.

In the box room, Rex, Yeager, and Jack witnessed the end of the second match.

Yeager snickered, "We were allowed to witness the power of a psychic duelist. Now then, what about our main issue?"

A holographic video screen popped up next to Rex and Yeager. In the video screen was Akutsu, a scientist with brown hair and orange-tinted glasses. He reported, "R-Right, sir! Unfortunately, there was no response, sir..."

Yeager glanced at Rex, whose gaze didn't leave the ended match, "Is that so?"

Behind the two men, Jack sat on the couch, holding onto his forearm.

In the competitor's box room, Yusei held onto his forearm whilst he muttered, "Detestable mark, huh?"

Bommer noticed, "What's wrong? Not feeling well?"

"He's fine. He probably has some stuff on his mind," Yusei and Bommer became startled by (Reader)'s sudden appearance.

Bommer asked, "And... you are?"

"Sekiguchi. Just a random person who lives in the City and hates being called a hero," (Reader) held out her hand to the bulky duelist with a grin, "Nice to meet ya."

"...Likewise," Bommer grabbed (Reader)'s outstretchedd hand and shook it.

The outlander praised, "By the way, great speech back there. Nice job on advancing to the second round too. You were pretty cool."

"Thank you," the slightly awkward Bommer acknowledged. He noticed a small glint of child wonder in (Reader). He thought, 'She has eyes of a innocent child.'

'But... why is that there's something else other than those innocent, child-like eyes?' the man wondered.

(Reader) immediately pulls away from the handshake, "Anyway, I'm gonna head out. It's nice talking with you, Bommer-san!"

The woman whistled a little as she left the box room.

Bommer remarked, "Sekiguchi is a very peculiar woman."

"She is," Yusei wore a light smile. 

"I assume you two are close?"

"She is my friend."

"I see."

In the arena, the duel between Jill deLauncebeaux and Aki Izayoi ended with the teenager's victory.


Jill deLauncebeaux - 0 LP

Aki Izayoi - 50 LP

WINNER!: Aki Izayoi

Usually, there would be cheering after a competitor's victory. However, it cannot be said the same for that duel.

A woman's scream echoed in the arena.

One person shouted, "Run! This is no duel!"

"Damned witch!" another yelled.

Excluding Jin, Yanagi, Lua, Luca, and Tenpei, everyone jeered at Aki, insulting her. The victor, however, responded with apathy and stood in her place, staring down at her fallen opponent.


END "act 2 - prepossessing".





BEGIN "act 3 - phony"!

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