Once Upon a Dream | Peter Pev...

By bejeweledgirl

81.6K 1.9K 576

The story of the sleeping beauty has been told time after a time. A beautiful princess cursed to sleep forev... More

Once Upon a Dream
An excited little girl
I know you
Life's a willow
Midnight Conversations
"I'm dying dead"
The fate of the magical world
Running should be a mandatory class
Midnight Conversations (Reprise)
Presents! Hooray!
One step farther away from death
It's sir Peter to you
Our Maleficent meets our princess
I won't say goodbye
Eternal Slumber
Interlude: The dream
Fairytale come true
Once upon a dream
Fifteen years later...sort of
Fun Facts

The aftermath

2.8K 83 32
By bejeweledgirl

Peter was awoken by the wind, the wind in turn seemed to be rearranging into petals. He didn't even have time to process his dream out of fear of the strange creature in his tent. He drew his sword threateningly and the movement startled Edmund. Peter wakes up and draws

The younger Pevensie was just as confused and scared as his older brother. He walked right next to his brother, feeling protected by his close proximity. Finally, all petals rearranged themself into the form of a Dryad.

"Be still, my Princes." The Dryad said, "I bring grave news from your sisters."

Peter's body felt like lead at the Dryad's news. His entire body was frozen in disbelief and utter fear. He could hear Edmund frantically calling his name but it felt distant.  With strength he wasn't quite where he got, he stood up from his bed. His legs nearly gave out but he was determined to see for himself.  He was aware Edmund was following him but Peter was a man on a mission.

His first stop was the girl's tent. He opened the flaps of the tent desperately only to find it empty. Lucy's and Susan's beds were unmade, the sheets all sprawled over the place but Rory's bed remained untouched.  Peter let out a strangled sound, mournful and solemn. Edmund had just caught up with him but Peter was already leaving heading straight into Aslan's tent.

He hoped that perhaps the Dryad was wrong. Rory was fine. She and Aslan were all in Aslan's tent, discussing battle plans, magic or whatever girls and talking animals talked about in their spare time. Lucy and Susan just saw another girl and Lion that looked just like them. Of course, Peter knew he was deluding himself when he opened Aslan's tent with shaky hands. He swallowed hard when he saw the confirmation in the empty and dark tent.

Peter's vision was blurry, and he blinked rapidly to avoid the tears threatening to fall. How could this ever happen?  Aslan was supposed to protect them and lead them to victory. He was supposed to help him protect his family, his Rory. This isn't a fairytale, Peter. Even if the setting is perfect for one. I don't need you. That's what she had told him hours ago after he swore that together they could accomplish anything. His throat constricted tightly and once again he felt his eyes water. Rory had known. That's why she had been so harsh with him, she was in her own way trying to anger him so he wouldn't grieve her when the time comes. Silly girl, didn't she know he was a goner since he caught a glimpse of her?

Peter was about to lose the fight and allow himself to grieve when he remembered that now he was responsible for the Narnians, and he still had a family to protect. The blonde boy fisted his hands, reminding himself to breathe.  He schooled his features in what he hoped was a neutral expression instead and walked towards the military tent. Oreius and Edmund were waiting for him  beside a table covered in battle plans. Edmund's shoulder's sagged when he saw Peter. He didn't need to verbalize it, his vacant eyes gave him away.

"She's right," Peter said in a surprisingly even tone, " They are gone."

The tension in the room, which was already high, spiraled to its highest peak. Peter was still trying to come to terms with the revelation that Rory was gone. Oeirus was shocked, not wanting to believe that his king and leader was dead. Surprisingly, Edmund was the first one to react. He placed a comforting hand on his brother's shoulder. Peter tensed slightly but relaxed when he saw it was Edmund.

"Then you'll have to lead us," Edmund spoke softly but firmly. The older Pevensie's head snapped at the sound of his little brother's wise advice, "Peter, there's an army out there and it's ready to follow you."

"I can't,"  Peter shook his head.

The blonde was facing his worst fears. Helplessness. Rory was gone. His siblings could be next. He had the responsibility of more than a thousand Narnians in his hands. He had failed Edmund, letting him be captured by the witch. He had failed Lucy and Susan who had witnessed a double execution.  He had failed Rory, who was... gone.  He was failing now and he was about to fail again. His breath quickened and he squeezed his eyes shut. Edmund must have noticed his brother's panic because he squeezed his shoulder tightly.

"Aslan believed you could. Rory believed in you," Edmund said valiantly, " And so do I."

Peter relaxed slightly at his words reminding him back about what with Rory what seemed a lifetime ago. Heroes made mistakes, it was how they fixed them that made them heroic. He had failed Rory but his family was still here. The Narnians were still here. And they were all counting on him. He nodded, finally accepting the responsibility he had tried so hard to shred.

"The Witch's army is nearing, sire. What are your orders?" Oreius asked.

Peter looked at the strategy board determinedly. He and Edmund came up with strategies similar to what he heard the Allies were using in the war back home. It felt like a blink of an eye but suddenly the Pevensie boys were dressed in armor and on the battlefield, waiting for the witch army.

A Griffin soared above them, keeping vigil over the witch's army and her arrival. Edmund, Peter, and Oreius were waiting for news  on a small mound, in front of the army. The Griffin dropped right in front of the future monarchs. 

"They come, Your Highness, in numbers and weapons far greater than our own," The Griffin informed solemnly.

Peter resisted the urge to puke. It wouldn't send a good example to his men and his brother. When he saw Oerious comforting expression, Peter knew he had failed at hiding his discomfort.

"Numbers do not win a battle," Oerius told him.

Peter thought of his home and the war. He suppressed a shudder remembering horrible news about bombings, and ambushes. Sometimes it didn't matter just how good an army was if they were outnumbered.

"No," Peter stated gravely, " But I bet they help."

The sound of thousands of steps resounds on the field: The Witch's army had arrived.  The Witch rode up onto her own mound in a chariot pulled by Polar bears. She was wearing a chain mail dress, a gold headdress and nooo it couldn't be...  Aslan's mane on her from the headdress. Peter once again felt faint and sick and tightened the reign on his unicorn.

The two armies were facing each other. Peter looked at Edmund on the hill,  who nodded reassuringly. Peter drew his sword high and might;  with bravery, he didn't know he possed. A trumpet sound echoed through the battlefield, and Peter's army cheered. From the distance, she could see the witch giving out her final instructions before advancing toward them. Peter whistled his signal and the Griffins began dropping boulders on the upcoming army, just like the raids back at home. It was working!

Peter turned to Oreius, filled with determination to win this.

" Are you with me?" He asked.

The centaur drew his sword and smiled solemnly.

"To the death."

That was all reassurance he needed. The blonde boy turned to his army, he knew he had to pep talk his army but there was no time. Instead, he chose to remind them why they were fighting and what they had lost.

"For Narnia! For Aslan!" He shouted passionately, " For our lost princess!"

He charged forward and the army followed him. He could vaguely hear the cheers from his army who were repeating his battle cry. The armies raced toward each other, the front riders putting down their lances. The leopards clashed with the wolves and tigers and the two armies met.  From the distance, Peter watched the witch on her chariot. She was watching from the distance with a smirk. Peter narrowed his eyes as he fought a minotaur. The witch could watch all she wanted but she will pay for everything. He'd make sure of it.

Per Peter's request, Edmund had  stayed behind with the archers. He was in charge of projectiles like rocks and arrows since it had been initially his idea.

" Fire!" Edmund ordered.

A centaur fired an arrow which sparked in mid-air. A phoenix swooped down bursting into

flames creating  a wall of fire that separates the oncoming Witch and the rest of her army.)

"Yes!" Mr. Beaver exclaimed from Edmund's side.

The army cheered but abruptly stopped when the Witch used a spell to just blast the wall away. It seemed she had gotten bored of just watching and began advancing toward the battlefield. Peter who had been watching each of her moves from the corner of his eye turned to his soldiers.

" Fall back! Draw them to the rocks!"  The Pevensie boy roared as he slammed his visor down. He rode forward, if the witch was going to fight, he'd make sure to be the one to catch her. He had to.

Whilst the battle was occurring, Susan and Lucy were back at the stone table watching over Aslan's body. They knew the battle had already begun judging by the morning light. Susan was uneasy at the thought of her brothers leading an army and didn't want them to be on their own.

"We should go," Susan advised.

Susan helped Lucy down from the Stone Table. They began walking away but the earth

shook violently, causing the girls to fall over. Susan could distinctly hear a loud cracking sound. Instinctively, she stood up and help Lucy up but she was too busy looking back at the Stone table.

"Look, Susan!" The youngest Pevensie exclaimed.

The Stone Table was cracked in the middle and Aslan's body was absent. The girls stared at each other in confusion. They stepped forward as if to investigate the scene.

"Where's Aslan?" Lucy asked in concern.

Susan shook her head, not knowing how to answer. They looked up only to be blinded by the sun. The girls squinted their eyes and looked towards the archway noticing a blurry figure. It was Aslans,  alive and well and with a new mane. The girls gasped in disbelief before running and throwing themselves to the Lion. Aslan laughed joyously. Susan was the first person to get back into business mode, realizing it was almost nearly impossible after seeing Aslan die.

"But we saw the knife ...The Witch," Susan began before Aslan interrupted her.

"If the Witch knew the true meaning of sacrifice, she might have interpreted the Deep

Magic differently. That when a willing victim who has committed no treachery is killed in a traitor's stead, the Stone Table will crack and even Death itself will turn backward."

Oh no. This was bad. Susan was utterly horrified at what her and Lucy's actions caused.

"We sent the news that you were dead," Susas said terrified at the thought of her brothers, "Peter and Edmund will have gone to war."

Lucy ever a person of action drew her dagger out.

"We have to help them," Lucy said looking much older than she was.

"We will, dear one, but not alone," Aslan said, " Climb on my back. We have far to go and little time to get there. And you might want to cover your ears. "

Aslan roared loudly waking everything on his path. The girls climbed into Aslan and began their trek through Narnia. Aslan galloped through the woods with speed. They needed to find the witch's castle as soon as they could. After a couple of minutes, they finally saw the icy fortress. They first found the garden, where a lot of Narnians had been turned into stone. They were placed as intimidating decorations, a reminder of what happened to those who opposed the witch. Aslan looked at the Narnians with sorrow.

Lucy stopped dead in her tracks when she noticed Mr. Tumnus as part of the petrified people. The younger Pevensie broke down and began crying again. Susan was distressed. Her sister who was not even ten had just witnessed two executions (never mind the fact that one had resurrected)  and now had found her friend  in this state. The older girl hugged her tightly  attempting to comfort her.

Aslan walked over to the girls  and  breathed on Mr. Tumnus. The girls stepped back as the faun fell forward, now back into his living and breathing state. Lucy and Susam helped the faun up. Mr. Tumnus immediately recognized Lucy and smiled.

"Susan, this is..." Lucy began before Susan hugged the faun enthusiastically. Lucy joined the hug treasuring a beautiful moment in a moment of the war. When they finally shuffled away, they noticed Aslan looking at them with a fond smile.

"Come, we must hurry and search the castle," Aslan advised, "Peter will need everyone we can find."

The group began scouting through the garden, Aslan breathing back life into the petrified Narnians. Susan was watching in awe as everyone turned back to life. The older girl began exploring the garden on her own when she noticed something that didn't quite fit in with the usual "decoration."

"Wait," Susan said, "That's Rory!"

On the back of the witch's garden was an elevated platform made of ice where Rory Browning was resting. the girls approached the platform quickly and their expressions fell at the sight. Rory was still beautiful, brown curls splattered over the platform as a halo but there was no denying her state. She was awfully pale, her chest wasn't rising and falling,  and all of her muscles were relaxed. Rory was gone. But after the impossible things they had witnessed, Lucy didn't want to lose hope that her dear friend might wake.

"Can you wake her up too?" Lucy asked hopefully turning to the Lion.

"I'm afraid her fate is out of my hands," Aslan declared sadly.  Lucy hugged her sister's waist about to burst into tears again. Susan squeezed Lucy tightly and glared at the Lion. Why did everyone get to wake up except an innocent girl?

"But you could wake everyone else?" Susan asked accusingly.

"Her situation is different," Aslan said, taking no offense to Susan's tone, "Princess Aurora was cursed since birth by Jadis. She was supposed to die by her hand."

"Supposed?" Susan noted and Lucy's fingers trembled on her waist. Neither one of them dared to believe Aslan's implication.

"The curse was intercepted by her godmothers," Aslan explained, "Instead she has fallen to deep slumber until her time to awake arrives."

"She'll wake up?" Lucy said waterly, letting go of her sister.

"Yes," Aslan stated simply.

Lucy's eyes widened and covered her mouth in shock. Susan arched her eyebrows, not daring herself to believe it was possible. Ever the logical one, Susan had a billion questions running through her head.

"But how?" Susan prompted but it seemed that Aslan's question and answer's time was up.

"We need to go back into the battle soon," the Lion urged, "Come."

The girls sobered up immediately. With one last look at their sleeping friend, they followed Aslan and the newly unpetrified Narnians. They had a battle to win.

" Fall back! Go on! Fall back!" Peter vaguely heard one of his soldiers call out.

Peter galloped into the rocks, ready to help but one of the witch's dwarfs fired an arrow at his unicorn. The creature was killed instantly, stumbling  and throwing the future ruler into the ground.  In an attempt to stabilize himself, Peter pushed his hands forward but instead fell hard onto them, injuring his arm. Edmund panicked at the sight of his brother unattended, the witch was getting closer and she wouldn't hesitate to kill Peter. Oreius was quicker to react. The centaur charged toward the Witch. Peter watched helplessly as Oreius passed beside him.

"Stop!" Peter screamed. 

Along the way, a  rhino  had joined Oreius's mission. The rhino was the first to attack but was killed ruthlessly murdered. Oreius killed a nearby dwarf who was protecting the witch before leaping at Jadis, The witch ducked, spun her wand, and stroke the centaur. Oreius had been turned to stone.

Peter's lips pressed together in a frown. He would not let Oreiu's sacrifice be in vain. He would not let Aslan's sacrifice be in vain. He would not let Rory's dead be in vain. With renowned strength,  Peter leaped to his feet, ignoring the stinging on his arm.  He lost count of how many dwarves, minotaurs, and wolves he slayed with his sword.

Two griffins dove from the sky towards the Witch, who swiftly slashed each one of them. They turned into stone but since they had been flying, they crashed right into a boulder. Peter attempted to keep his helplessness to himself and turned to his brother. He could still get him out. He could still do one good thing.

" Edmund! There's too many!" Peter commanded as he slashed another wolf, " Get out of here! Get the girls and get them home!"

He barely had time to look at Mr. Beaver for assistance before busing himself in another fight.  Mr. Beaver, however, took his cue and looked at the younger Pevensie.

"You heard him! Let's go!" Mr. Beaver said tugging on Edmund's sleeve.  Edmund realized something,  the Witch had finally arrived at the center where Peter was obliviously fighting a minotaur.  Edmund shrugged Mr. Beaver off and tightened the grip on his sword.

"Peter said get out of here!" Mr. Beaver reminded him urgently.

"Peter's not king yet," Edmund replied before rushing down the hill. He surprised-jumped next to the Witch. The witch jumped back not expecting the attack. Edmund took this opportunity to lunge his sword down on the Witch's wand, smashing it. There is a flash of blue light that startled everyone on the battlefield. Peter turned around at the light and panicked when he saw his baby brother facing the witch. Edmund looked at the destroyed wand in shock, he couldn't believe it had actually worked. But that small pause gave Jadis the advantage, stabbing the younger Pevensie with the remains of her wand.

Hello! It's been a while. First of all, I'd like to apologize for my lack of activity. My new job has been kicking my butt and I hardly have the energy to do something for myself like writing. I hope that this will only be temporary and I can go back to semi-regular updates since we are almost at the end of the book.

I'm not a huge fan of this chapter. This is like the less Rory-centered chapter in the entirety of the book which makes me sad because I absolutely love her. I try to tell myself that this chapter is parallel to Philip's fight against Maleficient in Disney's Sleeping Beauty but it's little comfort. Thank you for your sweet comments and your votes. It's heartwarming to read and it motivates me to get back into writing despite my state at work.

Anyways, hope you have a lovely day.


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