The Apple Of My Eye (Wally x...

Da Juni0r2002

72 3 1

Welcome Home! Waking up in a place with no memories, enjoy your stay in your new neighbourhood! Meet friends... Altro

🍎 Welcome To Chapter 2 🍎

🍎 Welcome to Chapter 1 🍎

39 2 1
Da Juni0r2002

Have you ever felt like you didn't know who you are? Like you woke up and it was almost like you've truly become real? That's how this morning was, my senses were all off as my eyes opened to a world I couldn't help but know I didn't know but it somehow felt right. I was laying on the ground and with small movements from my fingers, I felt the soft friction of the carpet rub back.


Sitting up, my head felt dizzy as I tried to recollect my thoughts but nothing led me to an answer. I knew about how things worked except I didn't know how. Like, I knew I was in a house but I don't remember how I ever learnt about it or previously being in one. Speaking of the house, there was nothing in it, the colour was off-white and the carpet was just a pale grey. It was honestly very unsettling.

Picking myself up now, I now notice my hands... They were a pale pink which was almost normal but not quite. What stood out the most was the four fingers on each hand. Flexing them a bit, they felt soft and petite, an odd feeling to say the least. While I was slowly examining myself, I could hear the faint sounds of voices echo closer. The first sentence I could hear fully sounded like a cheerful feminine person.

"See! See! Like I said! I woke up to go on a walk and I ran into this house! Do you think we have a new neighbour?!?!"

Making my way closer to a door, I pressed my ear on it... were they talking about this house? I assume so if they were slowly drawing closer. Was this a normal thing that happened? Does a house suddenly appear with a person inside...?

"Not another one... I hope this one isn't as loud..." A grumpy man grumbled a bit, followed by some giggles of laughter around him.

"Awww common! Don't get your head in a spin~" Another female-sounding voice rang out, this one was also excitable though was more cheerful to be part of the action.

A tired chuckle stood out to me, and when he spoke it was slow and soothing like he knew he didn't have to raise it to get everyone's attention "Haha... Let's just see, no point making predictions.... Though if I really had to guess.... This one will be perfect." Shivers got sent down my spine though also relaxed my muscles by his. A lulling but mysterious voice... He seemed like an odd character.

"Knock knock~"

Humming his words slightly, a delicate knock was heard echoing through the room I was in. My blood went cold even though I could hear the loud thumping of my heart beating a mile a minute. What do I do...? They didn't seem like bad people but they are strangers.

"Do you think they're not home?" A friendly male perked up gently as it caused a few to stir up wondering where I could be, though the tired male seemed to smirk through his words as he spoke out.

"Maybe but..." I heard the door knob twist and fear widened as my body threw itself far away in a panic. "I think our new neighbour is just a bit shy~"

Now with the door wide open, my body was frozen stiff at the sight of eyes peering in. Backing up more, my body hit the wall behind it as I stiffened "A-Ah! Wh-what... What d-do you want?!" Stuttering out my sentence through my quickened breaths, I watch the figures turn to each other.

"Oh no! They look really scared..."

"I guess we sort of opened their door unannounced."

More voices whispered to each other as worries filled them, though through the chaos one steps forward. His piercing eyes from the entryway took form as it showed a well-dressed man with a calm expression. Turning to the others softly, he raises his hand in a comforting manner "How about I talk to them one on one so that we don't overwhelm them?" I could see his kind smile as he relaxed all his friends who nodded and wandered off to let him handle it.

Now it was just us as he slowly closed the front door behind him "Don't want to let any bugs in now, do we?" His eyes landed directly on mine, it was piercing but his face was soft. "Now... I'll introduce myself and then you can introduce yourself? How does that sound?"

The man was so tranquillizing. His movements were calm and careful as he inches a bit towards my frightened form, his smile growing wider but only to be friendlier. Not for one second did I take my eyes off him... His blue hair with a twist in front, the lack of eyebrows and nose which was strange but somehow wasn't? But what stood out was his fun style of clothes... That and the apple he held in his hand.

"My name is Wally Darling... I'm your new neighbour." Chuckling he reached out his hand towards me "Now you tell me yours." Twirling his wrist a bit, he gestured for me to answer. "U-Umm..." Darting my eyes around the room, I must look like a lunatic to him... I had to play this cool especially if I'm already making a scene in this unknown world. "M-My name...." Darting my eyes around the room, I had to recall his name for a hint of what was normal in this place.

Wally Darling.

It was strange but it seems like everything is a bit strange here.

With a deep breath, I gave a shy smile.

"C..... Ca... Cor...." Struggling to think of a name I just blurted anything out as my eyes once again lock onto the apple in his hand "Cora Apple!"

Wally blinked a bit as I blurted it out before he laughed a bit, covering his mouth to be polite and took a small peek at the apple in his hand "Apple huh? What a coincidence.... I do love apples..." Turning back to me, his eyes lock onto mine "Lovely to meet you Apple. I think you'll fit right in." Stating, the man stood up before reaching a hand to help me up "Though first, you have to meet the neighbours~"

Nodding, I hesitantly took his hand. My brain was filled with questions but the most prominent was just wondering why he was acting like this was normal. Trying to shrug it off, I was lifted to my feet.

"Thank you..."

Mumbling with a sheepish smile, his eyes only continued to observe my own. "Please, I'm only doing what a good neighbour does." Letting go of my hand, he walks to the front door. With a wave of his hand, he signals me to follow him, which I reluctantly do. Stepping outside, the world was bright and colourful. The sun was shining and the few clouds that were in the air were fluffy.

Hearing a shuffle to my side, I turn to see Wally smiling at me with his dreamy eyes "Welcome to our little town, Apple. It's wonderful to have a new face, even if you did pop out of nowhere." Adding, he places his hands on his hip with a small lean "I must learn of your moving company later. Not like I will ever move away, but I'm mostly curious how dare they leave you without any furniture." He seemed to have gotten offended for me, guess he must've noticed the lack of... well... anything inside my home.

Giggling a bit, I held my arm awkwardly "Hah... yeah... they're great... B-but it's my own fault for not filling it with anything yet..."

Tsking out loud he walked off with me next to him "Guess we need to change that...! I will not have my neighbour sleeping on the carpet." Blushing a bit at his response, I softly fiddled with my fingers as I walked next to him.

"By the way...." His eyes were locked onto mine, it was a bit weird, especially with the fact that he rarely blinks. "This is for you..." Grabbing my hand and turning it to have my palm out, he places the apple he was holding in my hand. "Hah hah... I hope you like apples..."

Examining the fruit in my hand, it was one of the most perfect apples I felt like I've ever seen. The sun reflected off its shiny skin causing it to shimmer softly "Y-Yeah! I do actually... I appreciate it." Taking a bite out of the gift, I missed the widening smile of the blue-hair man as his vision never left my form.

"Wonderful... I'm glad you like apples... Because I can't help but love them."

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