The Witch's Son (Boyxboy)

Par rider4u

289 10 0

A cabin, deep in the woods, hidden to all except those who stumble upon it accidentally. What happens to Matt... Plus

The Witch's Son

289 10 0
Par rider4u

A cabin, deep in the woods, vines and shrubs running along the sides of it.
"There's a witch in that cabin." People whisper, although many have not seen it and no one has returned from it.
You cannot find it willingly, but nobody wants to. Some brave soldiers have searched, but all have come back unsuccessful. It is called the Witch's Cabin.
"Matt! Go out and feed the pigs!"
"Yes father!" I yelled, wiping the sweat off of my brow. I pulled my long blond hair back into a low ponytail, resting on the back of my neck. My father hated my hair, but I never cared for what he said. I set down the last bail of hay into the barn and headed to the pigs, food bucket sloshing in front of me. I would say that I have decent muscles, at least for working on a farm for about thirteen if the seventeen years I'd been alive. My father calls me lanky and skinny, nothing like the burly broad man that he is. My pale skin was burning under the sun, but I had no sympathy, do I had to keep working. My father says that green eyes are always a sign of pale skin, so I guess I had no choice.
As I poured the slop into the pigs feeding trough, my father walked up behind me and grunted, the grunt that meant more work for me. I held back a sigh and turned to face him. I stood in front of 6'8" of man with long brown hair and piercing brown eyes.
"Yes father?"
"Son, I need you to go into the woods and find firewood. Tonight is supposed to be the first freeze and I'd like to stay warm. Your mother would have wanted you to listen to me." This was his response to anything that he knew I wouldn't want to do.
My mother died when I was five years old. She suddenly grew sick and she died while I stood at her bedside, holding her hand. My father blamed me, said she was never sick before she had me. He said I stole all of my mothers strength and left her with none. After being told this for 12 years, you start to believe it.
"Yes father. I will leave after I finish with the pigs."
"No son, I will finish with the pigs, I need you to go now before all of the good firewood is gone."
I nodded and dropped the pail at his feet, a bit of slop dripping onto his shoe. He narrowed his eyes at me but said nothing. I went back to our carabiner and grabbed some jerky and a roll. I pulled on my backpack, set up with racks to hold the firewood more easily. I laid my jacket over my arms, my father's warning about the frost being the only thing that registered from him. I pulled on my boots and grabbed my gloves, slipping on the ring my mother gave to me before she passed, hiding it using the glove. If my father knew about it, he would surely take it, for it was made of pure silver and worth more than we have ever had. I slipped out of our back door and headed off into the woods, my only company being the crunch of my boots underneath me.
I had been walking for about an hour when I heard crunching behind me. I turned and locked eyes with a giant wolf. It's eyes were a blazing yellow and drool dripped from its mouth. It's hackles stood on end and it was poised for attack. I slowly reached behind me, grabbing one if the larger sticks I had and swung it down onto the beasts head. Well, I tried to. It grabbed the stick in its mouth and broke it in half. A deep growl rumbled through its chest and it suddenly threw back it's head and howled. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and I started running. To where, I had no idea, but anywhere was better than next to the wolf. I heard the thundering of the wolves paws behind me and I willed myself to run faster. I looked behind me and saw that there were now two new wolves, and I let out a scream. I looked back ahead of me and noticed a cabin, smoke coming out of the chimney and vines climbing up the sides. I ran straight towards it and yanked the door open, not registering the "Hey!" Coming from inside the house. I slammed the door behind me and heard the wolves scratching at the door, eventually giving up and walking away. I let out a sigh and turned around, coming face to face with a boy with shaggy black hair and light blue eyes.
"Who are you?" He said in a deep voice. And I promptly screamed again.
"Whoa! Hey! Quit screaming!" He clamped his hand over my mouth and looked anxiously around the cabin. "My mom might be home and that would not end well for you." He looked pointedly into my eyes, one eyebrow raised.
After he dropped his hand from my face, I stuttered out "Wh-who are you?"
"I do believe that I asked first." He answered, a wide smile spread across his face, hands on his hips.
"Oh. My name is Matt." I responded, feeling a blush rise to my cheeks.
"Well it's nice to meet you Matt. My name is Kody, with a K because my mom thought it was cool." He shrugged, still smiling at me. "Hey, did anyone ever tell you you're really cute?"
A furious blush rose to my cheeks and I sucked my head to look at my feet. I shook my head no.
"No? Well, you are!"
I looked up at him and he had a shy smile on his face. I felt myself smile back. "Thanks." I finally looked around the cabin, noticing the many bottles and jars in the shelves. A cauldron was placed over the fire in the fireplace, blue smoke coming out of the top. "Where am I?"
"Oh! You're in my house! My mom's not home right now, lucky for you."
"Why is it lucky?"
"Because she probably would kick you out. I've never had anyone in the cabin before!" His entire face lit up and I couldn't help but smile back at him.
"So... what do you do in this lonely cabin?"
"I practice my magic! Just like my mom!"
"M- magic?" I stuttered, eyes widening in fear.
"Yeah! My mom's a witch! She's kinda nice, but she doesn't like other people. She teaches me everything she knows! I can heal anyone and anything! I can also protect myself from anything attacking me. She's only taught me one attack spell, but that's because she doesn't like me attacking anyone. She doesn't believe in violence. I mean, I want to learn more, now that I'm eighteen, but still. You know what I mean, don't you?"
"Um... Okay? But, you don't attack people?"
"No! Witchcraft isn't about violence. It's about healing and protection. My mom never fought with people, she only defended herself. When the townspeople attacked her, she only used defensive spells." A dark shadow seemed to come over his face. "My mother says that the only reason I can't meet the other kids is because they would hurt me." He looked at me skeptically "You won't hurt me, will you?"
I shook my head. "No, I won't hurt you."
He nodded his head in finality and then dragged me over to the boiling pot of liquid in the fireplace. "D'you want to see what I made? This potion heals wounds that would normally kill a man! I just learned it, but I tested it and all of the animals are fine. It's really cool!"
I smiled at him and leaned over the pot, looking into the purple liquid. It smelled like lemons and alcohol.
"I have to make sure to watch it, because if I dont, it might turn dangerous and become a killing potion, and that's not good because I have to heal the forest animals with this, not hurt them."
"You know, you ramble a lot. But don't worry, it's cute when you do it." He wasn't the only one that could flirt.
A deep blush filled his cheeks, and he smiled at me. "Sorry, I don't usually have people to talk to. You're the first person to be here in a long time. I usually only talk to my raven, and he's not here right now, so yeah."
"You have a pet raven?"
"Not a pet, a familiar. They get really insulted if you call them a pet. His name is Sorarian and he's really great."
He smiled at me and dragged me around the cabin, pointing out every little thing that he could. He showed me all of the preserved and picked body parts of animals and plants and he heaven showed me how to make a simple healing spell. We walked around in the woods until the sun started to set.
"Um, so my mom might get home soon and I don't know how she's gonna react to you. So just, when she gets home, stay next to me, or behind me, or something. Okay?" He looked extremely nervous, continuously looking between the door and me.
"Okay. I got it."
The door pepper and a scratchy voice shouted "Kody! Have you finished that potion?"
"Um, yeah mom. I have, but don't freak out, okay?"
"Freak out? Why would I..."
A tall woman with long black hair with streaks of gray walked into the room. She took ones look at me and turned to Kody. "Explain."
"Okay, so this is Matt. He was being chased by wolves and he found the cabin. He just walked in and so I decided to show him around because the wolf stayed for a while and I wanted a friend and please don't freak out."
She was gradually getting redder as he kept speaking.
"You should have just left him to the wolves! People are dangerous, have I taught you nothing?"
"But mom! He's really nice and he hasn't tried to hurt me once! And he's really cute! Mom, come on!"
"No, Kody, if you're going to associate yourself with people, the. Why don't you go live with them! Get out of my house!"
"No, mom!" I grabbed on to Kody's arm, trying to be reassuring.
"Get out. I don't care where you go, as long as it's not near me."
"Fine! I don't need you anyway! Come on, Matt!"
I followed behind him up to his room, where he threw some clothes and a couple of spell books. "Kody, I'm really sorry, this is all my fault."
He looked up at me and crossed the room, grabbing onto my hands. "Hey, this isn't your fault. If it wasn't for you, I'd never get out of this hell hole, so thank you." He put his hand on my cheek and I felt a blush rise to my cheeks.
"No problem." I smiled at him and he pulled my face closer to his, slotting his lips with mine. I gasped but eventually melted into his grasp, kissing him back.
He pulled back and smiled at me, moving his hand down to tangle my fingers with his.
"Do you want to run away with me?" Kody asked breathlessly.
"But..." I thought about my life at home, my unforgiving father, my deceased mother, what did I have to go back to? "Yeah. I'd love to." I smiled at him and tugged him in for another kiss.
When his bags were packed, he stormed through the front room, holding onto my hand and ignoring his mother. I made brief eye contact but she glared at me and I quickly looked back to the door. Kody pulled me out and tugged me deeper into the forest, to where the trees created a canopy above us, with just enough light to find our way.
"I've seen a cabin before, when I ran out when my mother was gone. It's a little run down, but I think we can fix it up and make it a proper home."
He pulled me forward and whistled a small tune. A large black raven came out of the canopy and landed on his shoulder.
"Meet Sorarian. Sorarian, Matt. Sor, you have to be nice to Matt because he's going to live with us and I kind of like him a lot okay?"
The bird seemed to nod and landed on my shoulder. I grabbed onto Kody's hand as we went deeper into the forest, into our new life together.
"There's a pair of witches in that cabin" people still whisper, but this time, there a hint of fondness to it. The old cabin is run down and deserted, but the new cabin is lovely and energetic as ever, filled with the pitter patter of small feet from the 2 adopted kids living in the cabin.
People visit often, those who are sick or hurt, but some also visit just because. There's non reason, but you don't need one to visit, they love guests. The cabin is still hard to find, unless you're actually looking for it.
The house is filled with so much love that the town has prospered and is better than it ever has been, all thanks to a kid who stumbled upon a lonely kid looking for a friend.
It is called the Witch's cabin.

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