Ayanokouji in Regressor Instr...

By MRd7075

24.2K 1.1K 326

Ayanokouji got transported to new world after accepting an invitation. in this timeline Ayanokouji is 20 year... More

chapitre 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
I need help
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
Author note

chapter 8

1.2K 76 38
By MRd7075

POV Lee kiyoung

‘A [Commander]?’

This one line glowed blue, while the other three were white.

I guess it was because of the rare grade. For now, I began reading the class descriptions from top to bottom.

[Warrior (Common)]

A capable warrior fighting at the forefront of a battle is a must-have for every party. After changing to this class, you will gain basic knowledge on using all kinds of melee weapons such as swords, spears, axes and so on. Afterwards, you will be able to unlock other melee classes, such as [Barbarian], [Knight], [Paladin], [Cavalryman], [Mercenary] and more. Strength, vitality and endurance are increased by 1 point each.

[Archer (Common)]

An archer specialises in ranged attacks. After changing to this class, you will gain basic knowledge on using bows and arrows. In addition to being able to unlock adjacent class paths such as [Thief] and [Assassin], you will also have a chance to advance to a higher grade [Archer] class such as [Spirit Archer] or [Magic Archer]. Agility is increased by 3 points.

[Wizard (Common)]

A [Wizard] is a long range class with the ability to use magic. After changing to this class, you will gain basic knowledge on using magic. Later on, you can unlock other classes such as [Warlock], [Alchemist] or [Summoner]. Magic power is increased by 3 points.

The first three options didn’t look too bad.

Choosing [Warrior] would improve my three stats that were the most difficult to raise, while choosing [Archer] would allow me to learn how to use ranged weapons… For someone like me, who just wanted to chill at the back, it was a very appealing class.

Likewise for [Wizard]. It would boost my magic power, which was still an unknown factor for me.

However, what I was the most curious about, was the rare class that appeared, [Commander].

[Commander (Rare)]

This class has little to do with combat skills. Instead of participating in actual combat, a person with this class reads the situation of the battlefield and gives orders from behind. Changing to this class would provide a wider field of view. It’s not known what other classes you could unlock later. Intelligence is increased by 1 point.

Honestly, until I read the description, my mind was set on [Commander].

However, now that I had learned the pros and cons of all the classes available, I felt a headache incoming.

A [Commander’s] abilities weren’t that bad.

‘But what’s the point of having a wider field of view here?’

And it only increased my intelligence by 1 point.

When you take into account that all other classes offered me 3 extra points, I would lose out on 2 points.

And that wasn’t all.

‘What about my path of development for the future…?’

It was unsettling that there were no mentions of any possible class to be unlocked afterwards.

I then remembered that Kim Hyunsung’s class was also a common grade one, [Swordsman].

It was very possible that he had unlocked some other classes with a rare or even heroic grade.

However, as someone with the Sword Expert attribute, he set his sights on being a [Swordsman]. He probably tried to follow the path he already knew instead of trying something new with lower efficiency.

While I was thinking about this, I saw Kim Hyunsung coming this way.

"Who might you be? Could it be Lee kiyoung friend?."

He already noticed that there's a new person here, so he just asked him a simple question, I guess he just wants to judge the situation depends on his answer.

"Well, I'm not his friend, we just met, I came here after hearing a lot of noises."

Kim Hyunsung seems to accept his answer as he gave him small nod.

"My name is Ayanokouji kiyotaka by the way, nice to meet you, how about you."

"I'm Kim Hyunsung, likewise."

After a simple greeting between them, Kim Hyunsung turned his head towards me.

“Looks like you guys unlocked some classes.”


For this guy, who already knew his own direction of growth, choosing a class was just a formality. On the other hand, I had a lot to worry about because this choice would decide my future. Park Deokgu then opened his mouth, asking for advice.

“Hyung-nim, this…”

“What is it?”

“I’m just not sure about this. I have Warrior and Priest as options, both of which are of common rank. I also see a rare grade class, Shieldman, but I don’t know if it’s good.”

“You have Priest in your options?”

“For Priest, I could change to Paladin afterwards… and it seems like Warrior can change to Berserker, but… Wouldn’t it be nice to have a rare class at first?”

Considering Park Deokgu’s potential was the highest for vitality and endurance, [Shieldman] indeed seemed like the right choice for him.


“Well, it says that this class is all about defense. It explains that there are bonuses to using a shield, but the problem is that it’s unknown what other classes I could unlock later. Oh, and I would lose 2 points of my strength… but at the same time I would gain 3 points in endurance and vitality.”

“It doesn’t sound bad.”

It was Kim Hyunsung who spoke before I could even open my mouth. He offered his advice even though he wasn’t asked.

“You seem to be someone who has high endurance… Your strength would drop, but such a big rise in endurance and vitality would be amazing. And even if you lose 2 points of strength, you will still be 4 stat points ahead.”


In an online game, the presence of a tanker, a warrior who fights in the forefront, would be essential.

Seeing Kim Hyunsung’s reaction, the system here wasn’t that much different.

Not only priests, but tankers were also valuable here.

“Hmm… You think so?”

“Have you unlocked any attributes yet?”

“Not yet.”

“As for me, I have a common grade class, Swordsman, and an attribute that boosts my damage. At first, I wanted to choose Warrior to increase my strength, but I had a hunch that a swordsman with great increase in agility would be a better option for me. Afterwards, I unlocked an attribute by accident, so I think my choice of class was the right one.”


He was the type of guy who expressed his opinion openly.

The quality of the class itself wasn’t too important. The most important thing was how well this class balanced itself with the stats, attributes and abilities of a person.

So it was all about what had the best efficiency.

Although he didn’t insist on it too strongly, Kim Hyunsung clearly wished for Park Deokgu to choose the rare grade [Shieldman] class.

“What do you think, Hyung-nim?”

“My opinion is similar. It’s unknown if in the future you would get any attributes that increase your damage, but we have Hyunsung-ssi after all, and he can make up for your lack of attack power. And it would be nice if you could increase your stats by 4 points… But still, the choice is yours.”

“That’s right…”

“How about Priest then…?”

“That’s the worst choice.”

[Priest] was the worst option here.

I just couldn’t imagine him with this class. Maybe it could work if he later changed to something like [Paladin], but…

Park Deokgu’s talent for magic wasn’t particularly great.

After a while, for a short amount of time, Park Deokgu’s body shined with a blue light.

He had successfully changed his class.

“What did you choose?”

“Just as you said, Shieldman seems to be the most suitable class for me.”

“Is that so?”

“I think that even now I can protect you pretty well, Hyung-nim, but it would be nice if I could do so even better. And as for the offensive, I guess it’s not bad to leave it to others. Playing with magic seems to be dangerous, what if I explode because of it? That said, being on the frontlines is a little scary, but I think I can handle it.”

“It’s a good choice.”

Kim Hyunsung also approvingly nodded his head, then turned to me.

“If you don’t mind, can I ask what Kiyoung-ssi chose?”

I was silent for a moment, before answering.

“I haven’t chosen anything yet. I have three options for common grade classes: Warrior, Archer and Wizard, and also one rare grade class: Commander.”


I noticed his facial muscles stiffened for a second.

‘It’s a trap card.’

This barely perceptible reaction made me convinced that [Commander] was a trap card here.

“Um… I see.”

“Oh my god, Hyung-nim! Commander! This class would be perfect for you! I just know it!”


“I mean, aren’t you totally like some cool commander, Hyung-nim? Just imagining you giving orders from behind like a boss… Khh… Under Hyung-nim’s command I will surely win every battle!”

Park Deokgu was full of excitement, but honestly, I didn’t see myself as a commander type.

And also…

‘I don’t know anything about war strategy.’

I had never ever read any book about the art of war.

I wasn’t very good at playing chess or Go, and I didn’t have a particularly outstanding mind compared to others.

If you asked me about my experience in this area, I could only think about this short time in the distant past, when I played some online strategy game. I don’t even remember what its name was now.

In fact, with my character, I was more fit to be a scammer rather than a commander. I guess [Thief] would be quite a fair option for me.

“I can’t wait for you to give me orders, Hyung-nim!”

‘This bastard…’

He was cute.

Apparently, he already thought I would choose [Commander].

“It says this class would provide me with a wider field of vision and 1 point increase in my intelligence. As for other classes, you guys probably know about them.”

“With this class, there’s little to no gain. At least the other three would increase your starts by 3 points…”

I felt my throat getting dry. Becoming a rare grade [Commander] was definitely a trap.

“You have to be a Commander! Commander!”

I decided to ignore this idiot who was getting all excited by himself, and pondered more deeply on this problem.

“Having a rare grade class for now would be nice, but I’m also worried whether this class would enable me to advance to something better in the future. All the other classes are of common grade, but it’s obvious they won’t stay like this. Choosing your first class is very important, so…”

“I’m telling you Hyung-nim, you should be a Commander! Commander! Please, command me!”


“I think the Archer class wouldn’t be so bad for you, Kiyoung-ssi. It would help us a lot, if you could attack from a distance… and later on you could change to something like Thief…

“Hyung-nim, choose Commander! Commander! Let me follow you!”

“For now… it would be more helpful to increase your stats.”

“There’s nothing to argue about here! Hyung-nim was born to be a commander! He has to be a Commander no matter what!”

“Archer would be better for him…”

“Commander is better!”







“Archer is better!”

“Commander is even better!!!”

They were just making me more confused.


I left those two guys to argue by themselves.

I set my sight on our new guest, since the other guys didn't help me much, hearing his advice may prove to be useful since he already has a class.

Ayanokouji seems to be amused by the bickering of the two of them, as he had small smile on his face.

"Hey Ayanokouji, can you give me your advice on this matter."

He seems suprise as I asked his opinion, I guess he didn't expect me to ask him this kind of question, he judged it will be rude if he suggested something while we barely knew each other.

But this thing is related to my future, I need all opinions I can get in order to choose what's suitable for me.

"Well, I don't know about the [Commander] class, but according to your description, it's seems like a tasteless one."

Just as I thought, the [Commander] may really be a trap class, 3 people shared the same opinion so it must be true.

"As for the [Warrior] class..."

He hesitate a little to say his opinion.

"You don't have to be nice, you can give me your honest opinion."

I cut off his hesitation by saying that, I need his true thoughts, not his sweet words.

"Well, I saw your fight earlier, Excuse me for saying this but I think close melee isn't your thing, if it wasn't for your meat shield over here guarding you, I think you would have long been dead."

'fuck, it's like he became a different person."

Well I only told him not to be too nice, but what the hell with his remarque, are you calling me useless, and why did he have to call Park Deokgu a meat shield.

He payed my glare at him no mind as he continued speaking.

"That leaves us with [Archer] class, to be honest I don't recommend this class as well."

"Your reasons."

I asked him for his reason for saying that, since Kim Hyunsung already recommended this class.

"Obviously the [Archer] class focus on the physical side of the person, meaning that all your future classes will be physical, and base on what I saw, I don't think you have high talent in this area."

"So, the class that is the most suitable for you is the [wizard] class, even if you don't have high magic talent, I think there is still some ways to increase it."

"But if you really want to decide, I think you should look at your status window and choose base on your growth potential."

After Ayanokouji finish his explanation, all of us were left amazed, even the two who were fighting stopped their bickering and listened to him at some point.

I guess he won their respect by just his intellect.

' As expected of Legendary intelligence, he's not simple at all.'

His speech was flawless, he covered all possibilities, this also made me realize the usefulness of second opinion, I can't always be the only one who make plans.

'a smart person with good fighting potential, now how am I supposed to win him over so he can work for me.'

Well, this thing can be done slowly, since I can't fool him like I did to the others.

Now, I should choose the most suitable class for me, honestly after listening to Ayanokouji The [Wizard] was actually quite tempting for me. Although my magic power was truly a sad sight, I felt I could work around it, relying on my high intelligence.

‘What should I do?’

The most important thing was to make the best use of my strong points. Anyway, my Mind’s Eye already told me that I was a hopeless case.



In the end, I had to choose a class that seemed to be the most efficient for me.

As I made my decision, I closed my eyes and with a flash of light I could feel how my body changed a little.


I successfully changed my class.

Kim Hyunsung and Park Deokgu spoke at the same time.

“Commander?” “Archer?”


Hello readers, do you like the story so far?

What I want to ask you is if you have any suggestions for the heroine, I mean her personality and behavior.

And please try to upload any pictures that you think is good to be kiyotaka girlfriend.

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