Game Character Onyx: 27-Years...

By GameCharacterOnyx01

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27-Years old incarnation special meantime for every sins everyone had made decisives to be sacrifices along i... More

Temptation Divinatory Crushiao


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By GameCharacterOnyx01

After longest time ago back when Michael Ng was ten years old that where he is still busy as "Game Character Onyx | Codename: 01" from very at every wars battlefields had been going on around her later on lately rarities plus therefore Lucy was like about seven years old from the beginning left before when she was six years old watching him fight back from television shows New York City Brooklyn thus she was three when she'd first met Michael Ng back recently early when this earlier looking that this day forwardly from their dearest sincerity childhoods cameo ever even since as kids children, watching over him lots many years past months, weeks, days, nights, ane specially decades ago severely again never seen her in her whole life at all savings.

In lots many years passes doubted traces that so many ages ago that Michael Ng shown his true identity spare sparrow for the day and so undercovering when Miss Lucy was hiding away from him spotted experience seen saw him de-morph his "DX-Driver" belt turning off for the mission today orders from Dr. Professor Yiabra heading back to base going returning to his room in Brooklyn therefore although that she's still kept on watching browses viewer at him at all for years even throughout her age ending to her last seventeenth-birthday of course broadway.

Smoothly back in "College University" in her eighteenth age of life startling beginning of schooling trimester while yet lately before Michael Ng was somehow twenty-one years old, falling into the line store shopping stocks slottery in at the same classes includes twenty-two and twenty-three years old as well meeting for almost three years sudden whenever Michael Ng recommended showing of his stunts still forever lately rarity over the past few years later ago. Try manifestational pamming marking passions sweet lovers tainted otherwise legacy silently quietly exquisitely enthusiastics proclaiming obtaining earnings reward Michael Ng a special thank you gift which shall  may bestow a prizes to make made it happening graciously happily enough to spar fundamentally having habits entertainments celebrity throne for more yet come. Starring for more broadcast that Michael Ng had ever going throughout his mission from headquarters lettering email from Dr. Professor Yiabra goes straight to her trip campaign business sneaking up around thou saint recalling never been caught sight but then though after following Michael Ng's footsteps secretly atone to be awarenesses is all about at stake here this afternoon in at his dorm room, Lucy hacked into Michael Ng's laptop and saw everything she knew for from the beginning of that year sincerely after following Game Character Onyx right on schedule and serves him well of course even after battling so many lots of enemies to kill regardless approaching according due to as planned though, Michael Ng went through the "Rewritten History" projector and which figures it was it is supposed to be that coming here so locating inside at a covering caver tunneling throughout a seashore hidden caveman simply almost incident accidentally touches it and knows every in all of mights god's specialty heavenly mother's godly miraculously individual glorious grand brand granted powers lightened her way yet knows every artificial intelligent knowledges outsmarted visualizing specialty reality marble virtually thread feats sway testing monument texturizing complete bewarn readily or not pretty soon enough to trying to save Michael Ng's future battling every each wars is gone too far well.

Not letting to see him once more eternity again that she knew realizes that Michael Ng was reincarnated twenty-four years old as a woman, twenty-five years old perfectly as a completed man terror, and twenty-years old restricted responsibility woman so dreadfully meaner for the lasts that Lucy was inspiring what leads Michael Ng battling every mission in at asap courses diplomatic progresses taken down out too seriously watching him over the past few years.

Nights such a few longest times ago that she'd still witnessingly getting involved with Michael Ng and not even a single men were belonging dating her breakups, since years has passed that well finally because you know why; Lucy has yet decided to chose Michael Ng Game Character Onyx will be finer shall may have done in years pass eons later ago for almost two decades ago finally already lasted pains it well dweller brought amongst a fight smashdown shocking supernatural known herself entirety lifetime song lifespan merely never regrets experiences not nothing to see him goes gone ever again risen offspring off-limits preparation for her knockout airing singsong waiting for her excitements realistically suspected expectedly close plans on datings!~

When Lucy was completely there rejoining Michael Ng taken out his motorcycle pulling out his gas in the year of 2022 last July ago meeting up each other together again didn't notices her but somehow of course eventually that well finest saver tries to finding his true love soulmate girlfriend at least here at all but adventurously repairing Michael's toolkit fixing up a little bit much aliking Miss Lucy at all brooming for her ride scooter mysteriously taken out her helmet insight playing alongside timelessly rode scraping off suddenly oftenly having themselves in at commons despite for any efforts hanging in there in time plus this but then literal necessarily breaktime wishing soul should've telling him this right on baby! Michael Ng and Lucy are simply already has gonna tagging numbering checklist phone call deciding to loving beautifully so much incredibly amazingly rouse inner outer cores of serenities meet folklore may proceed something meeting some original special they've both were are temporarily hastily makings.

Seeing Michael Ng again finally that yet lately later on after before she was so happily rejoining in for from Michael and comes speaking of which is perhaps then right now that as it sounds so far well done indeed deciding to picking up a call for today still right back in at Texas awaiting for sitting right at in front of the bench locate to where Michael's household home privacy achieve goal worshipping officially it's a miracle that he'd already came back home quickly make it made it here in no time compromising to relax rest assure this that moment momentarily here now till of course and so they've been dating for their whole year decided to joining up with Michael Ng forevermore than yet anything that's possible though?! Gladly Lucy was really bare to about fight alongside against it beware naturally of course splendidly goes to fantasies amaze rare prosperity opportunity editioned amuse graceful dated Michael Ng is a marvelous wisest choice that Michael Ng is still attaches admires sexiest beautiful feminist he'd ever encountered experience for the rests of his life forever but then come speaking of which perhaps now is the time that cooling every supra-celestial heavenly mother platinum ultimately all ultimatum supers stars for every beautiful has yet going on dating Lucy for the rests of her life in a views!

2023 of Happy New Year enjoying every each fireworks yet before war is going on place here at hands but beginning to kept on frontline till then Michael Ng and Lucy were holding each other's hands altogether as a true husband and wife alike later again trustworthy date watching over their starry skies top above beautifully stars solstice lays letting one of their friends to let them be for tonight because it's their special day for the night out privately singsong their only serenities blessing atone upon thy grasp worshipping having too much gifted somehow alone.

Lucy was going through with Michael Ng emotionally passionate where Game Character Onyx was really angered temper regret revenging hatred suffer so many of his pains and sadness due to his dark times of sufferings upset anguish berserking hated everyone in every societies who just stands in his way bitterly more longer than yet before that purposely here that time, so madly angrier had yet disposal regardless what he'd never forgives is was way too much so dang darn seriously for crying out loud sadly, Miss Lucy close the door shut still inside Michael's room  yet lately later on before wars going on around  here in this battlefield of course so and comes really near stressfully comfort him confessing propose tried to saved her beloved solacing miraculously magically mystically manages has yet finally rescuing moments together cuddle way too much romantical rhyming grateful thank god admirables in Lucy's emotional relaxation. Few moments later even after Michael Ng had yet coming for an ends to play it suddenly that he'd still misses his old masters and mistresses back onto his childhood divine teachings just like god does over these past few years later ago past away including Miss Sayaka Kanda when he was twenty-six years old last time earlier still mourns in grief at ease so far, ramparted included Haruma Miura died when Michael Ng is twenty-five and Maon Kurosaki she'd died last February ago too either as well too this far needed to say is that saving realize Lucy is more resembling between Sayaka and Maon alike their tallests heights and more same finest well beings as Sayaka Kanda at all times amongst with Lucy's original serenity blue-eyes remarkably truly amazingly that furtherly prettier furthermore almost remembering his childhood had his true love of Lucy the same female girl person just like her originate god dear bless him more welcoming even so actualize singing in at his inner outer cores of serenity lyrics by a true Heavenly Mother. Figures she'd still knows Michael Ng is really Game Character Onyx after noticing realizes comes out figurations that he'd figure it all out figures finding out Lucy's!

Even every missions letting Lucy will shall may tags alongside beside with Michael Ng forever as Game Character Onyx for every missions untold to anyone serious for sure conduit refilling for starters organizing driven his motorcycle Mortalia a living motorcycle alive-being takens out on a situation dating seated behind his driveways roading abroad definitely empower excites for more than usual regressively copy that down readily or not here we go so far desperate on affair!

Lucy was really forever falls in loved with Michael Ng justly wanting to get married soon as possible in his next future again enough to bargain postpone dated as much as ever grace to encourages bravery intellect so many Michael Ng's pasts and finally read so many intelligences knowledges ultimately doen gone over the past few years ago special specially amazing event beautiful come for an ends grabbing hold on onto it for sure haven flashlight chose by her god blessing channeling fully upon pond beautician nice gentle kind an ally prosper elegantly words. Wed groom bride for readily to get married soon in Michael Ng Game Character Onyx's future once more again to literally letting this fell forth thou coming and yet began to happily ever after.

Lucy's true love is titlement duce to originally originated naming entitlement known himself as Michael Ng Game Character Onyx whose everlasting forever evermore serene serenade melodics lyrics rhythms such more Celtics serenity singing sang a grand opening ending sharing chosen to decide trying to save his life from now on even when nobody will mostly guaranteed his way pathway through here every tonight praise solace glance miracles will come to him steadily heartwarming calmly rejuvenates anew life gaining in Onyx's way wish just for his sake felt so miraculous findings saver is believing that's possible lonesome atonement better more than just badly wounds sorrow for this goodness happily ever after had has began yet happening admires truly wonderful to adore especially specially conquest for all in the name of Heavenly Mother's sacred parting bless bestow rests in her hands grasp musically dear powerful divinity enlighten.

.......~The End~.......

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