Being Daughters of Simon Cowe...

By karmickween

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the three daughters of Simon Cowell , will meet the five boys of one direction ..... will they get along with... More

Chapter 1
☺Chapter 2☺
Part 2 of Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
part 2 of chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22

Chapter 21

53 2 0
By karmickween

Harry's pov ,
Got up bright and early and went to Serina's house , well actually i hid , o saw that guy where we got the flowers , and Put the Pink roses at her Door step and rang the doorbell , she opened it .. and picked it up

Serina's pov ,
I heard the doorbell so i answered it , but nobody was there , but theres a Bouquet of pink roses on my door step that has a Card , "Happy Valentines Day !!! Hope you Love it xxx - Harry" i read , "Like it ??" I heard harry and look at him , "I love it " i said and put the flowers down and hugged him , "thank you" i said , "Your Welcome" he said and pulled away , "i also got you this Pinky" he teased , and give me a varsity jacket that says styles , and its Pink duh.., "Haha very funny Styles , its also pink" i said and he Grab my waist and begin leaning , this was my and harry's first kiss ....

Sophia's pov ,
I heard someone knock on my door , and saw white roses on my doorstep , "ooo theres a card" i said , and opened it , "Hey Sophia , Happy Valentines Day Love! , Sorry i cant be with you now cuz your in another country , I'll be thinking about you worldwide hahaha , Love Li" i read , "Oh Liam.." i giggled ,

Yvonne's pov ,
I heard a knock on The door , "Zayn you get it" i said while shaking him ,"Zayn!!" "ZAYNIE!!" he's really asleep , i rolled my eyes and get it myself , i got roses outside, after that i imidiately hugged zayn , "Wha- what happened??" He ask , "Thx. " i said and he smiled , "i have another gift for you , but you'll have to wait when i wake up" he said and i pouted , "unfair zayn!" I said ..... and shake him until he was annoyed , "ok ok " he said and pulle out a bracelette , "Thx Zayn!" I kidsed his cheek but he Automaticly Sleep again .... but i got the dog tag and put it on him

Rina's pov,
Banging noise , ughhhh stupid banging noise , "Louis....Louis???" Ughh , where the hell is he , i search for him upstairs , then heard a noise coming from the living room , i went down and saw louis holding a bouquet of green roses , "happy Valentines Day babe!" He said , and i hugged him , "Thanks Lou!!"i said , "Here i bought this for you" he said and took out a necklace that has the letter L , "thx lou" i said , "Here i'll put it on you" he said , i Held my hair up so he can put it on , "Oh and i also bought you this" i took out the baller , "aww cute Lourina" he said put it on , "and this" i got the jacket out of the bag, "Still you dont have to buy me this" he said , "sorry i already had" i said , and he smiled ,

Alli's pov ,
I got up early to suprise niall , but when i got out , i saw him sitting on my couch , "Well your up early" he teased , "so i am , why are you up so early?" I ask , "same thing your doing" he said then pulled out a bouquet of flowers from his back and gave it to me , "thank you and i got something for you too" i said and got the cake out of my secret Hiding place , and gave it to him , "Alli did you bake this??" He ask , i shook my head , "no i didnt , you do know im only good at cupcakes" we giggled, "and here" he pulled out a teddy bear behind his back , "What a cutie" i said and hug the Teddy bear , then i saw niall already got a piece of cake "later" he pouted and i giggled , "i'll just visit my family Their in town today is it ok with you??" He ask and i nodded , "i'll live niall haha" i said and he laughed too , heres a surprise he kissed my forehead before leaving ,

Messenger :
Kori, Yvonne , Allison , Sophia , Serina

Allison: Hey Gurls , and again dont tell this to u know hu, Niall's so sweet !! , he got me a bear and blue roses ..... ::>_<::

Sophia: gotcha! Even im in another Country still Liam send flowers Daddy Direction is soo SWEET as always ;))))

Yvonne: i thought no one call him dat eva....

Sophia: but i still doo ...

Korrina: Wat u gurls talkin about??
~ Korri'sBabe

Allison: Louis why do you have Korri's phone??

Korrina: She's in the bathroom taking a bath ~ Korri'sBabe

Allison: ohhh ok ...

Serina: hey girls hey louis

Korrina: Sup ! ~Korri'sBabe

Serina: I have a MAJOR PROBLEM My uncle just forced Lea To Marry Her boyfriend, actually it already happened

Korrina: whats the major problem in that i mean she gets to marry the one she loves ~ Korri'sBabe

Serina: the major problem is that their only 19 , Who gets marry at that age????

Allison: Lady Gaga??

I giggled ,

Sophia: did she marry???

Yvonne: dont know... hey Seri!

Serina: hey Yv!

Sophia: 19 Getting married?? Thats a very young age !!

Korrina: Absolutely but why did her father Or your uncle forced her ? ~ Korri'sBabe

Serina: Because he's sorta the Men that looks out for MONEY , and her boyfriend's family is Rich so he forced them but their happy but then This so called husband saw a girl and plans to dumped Lea his own wife

Allison: Say wha???? Their already married and his Hittin on another girl??

Korrina: if u ask me your uncle is CRAZEHHH ~ Korri'sBabe

Sophia: yeah you shouldnt force your daughter or your Son in getting married just because you want money .....

Serina: i know , Mum says he's always like that since he was little ...

Yvonne: what do you mean???

Serina: well My mom live in this beach im working at , actually owns it , and i got a house Near it , And when they were little they were the richest people in this town because of the beach many people from other countries visit and pay , and each day my uncle asks for money just for fun , buying useless stuffs...

Yvonne: what a Weirdo

Korrina: Seriusly how long does Rina Take a bath??? ~ Korri'sBabe

Yvonne: Probably 30 mins

Sophia: man what does she do in there??

Serina: Maybe Singing all her favorite songs

Korrina: Maybe

Allisom: so what happened to your cousin?

Serina: well goodthing it wasnt a permanent Marriage .... He was able to cut the real wedding off

Korrina: you mean she's only engaged??? ~ Korri'sBabe

Serina: no , its like a teen marriage , then the real Wedding will be when their old enough .....

Korrina: teen marriage??? ~ Korri'sBabe

Serina: hey Uncle's words... He told me ..

Korrina: Did he even graduated from College or just Dumbschool??
~ Korri'sBabe

Serina: actually only Highschool

Korrina: ohh ... ~ Korri'sBabe

Yvonne: hey alli why are u not chatting?

Allison: i am and im too busy reading your convo./s

"Alli I'm Home!!" I heard Niall

Allison: well gotta run Niall's home he'll absolutely beg me to bakebcupcakes...

Korrina: THIS TIME IM READY TO RUN!! ~Korri'sBabe

Yvonne: ok bye

Serina: bye

Sophia: bye

Korrina's pov ,
I got out of the shower to see Harry , and ofcourse i was already dressed , "Hey saw Louis using your phone" he said and i nodded , "Lou what are you doing to my phone?" i ask while giggling , "Chatting with your sisters , Sophia and Serina" he answered , " how did you get the password??" I ask "duh isnt it obvious its Lourina" he said and i giggled , "you saw me changing the password didnt you?" I ask , and he nodded i giggled again , "its just our secret now take a bath harry is gonna take us out" i said , "where???" He ask , "he didnt tell me" i said and he nodded and went to the Bathroom


Korrina: Hey Korri Here!

Serina: Nice try Louis

Sophia: yeah your not fooling us this tims

Korrina: guys its reelie me!!

Yvonne: it is her when she forgot a spelling of a word she'll just pronounce it

Korrina: told ya!

Serina:ok ok sorry

Sophia: BTW i gtg , got Family Business running ;) bye girls , Tell Li i said Hi

Korrina: gotcha!!!

Yvonne: is Alli still on?

Korrina: i think not ... besides its Valentines Day probably Niall tuk her out for a date

Yvonne: ur probably right..

"Rina lets go!" I heard the boys ,

Korrina: gotta go harry is going to take us out

Yvonne: you mean your dating Harry???

Korrina: no Dude , i have a boyfriend and Serina is Dating Harry i saw their Text ;) aint that right Pinky?

Serina: Rina!! :((((

Korrina: im just teasing you Seri , Sorry :(

Serina: its alright!! :)) bye

Korrina: bye


Korrina: btw Seri call harry Curly ;)

Serina: got ya! :))

"Rina!!" Harry whined , "now you two have matching nicknames" i said , "where are we going?" Louis ask , "Lets Visit my mum and Gemma , then lets go to the Carnival with Pinky , on a double date " harry said , "this is why he's my best mate" louis said and i nodded , i drove to his parents house , or his mum's house and harry exitedly went inside , "Hey sis wheres mum??" He ask , "having a date with you know who , Hey Louis , who's her" she ask and pointed to me , "she's Korrina ,one of uncle Si's Daughter and my girlfriend" he said and nodded , "ohh , You were on fire when you sang sparks fly" she said , "thanks" i said , "anyway happy valentines Day sis , tell mum too!" Harry said and then we left so we can go to Serina's house , and was the one who drive to serina' house , "hey Korri , Louis , Curly...." i high five Serina , "Pinky!" Harry teased , "So im thinking , Carnival with these two " Harry said , and point at me and lou , "Double date?" She ask and harry nodded , "Maybe later when the Suns Down" serina said , "now thats romantic...." i said , and High five Serina again , "ok then what will we do to past the time?" Harry Ask , "We can go to the park , buy ice cream , Hit the nearest Arcade ...." serina suggested , "ok to the park" harry said and we all giggled then i drive to the park , "So what will we do here?" Serina ask , "Football?" I ask , "We dont have a ball.... " louis pouted , "Lou Remember the emergency " i ask , and he nodded and got the Ball out of the trunk , and we played , "ouch Lou!" The ball hit my head , "Sorry Babe you ok?" He helped me up and kissed my forehead , "i think so" i said , " hit the nearest arcade?" Serina ask , and we all nodded and got our butts in my car and head to the arcades , "Awesome!!" I screamed , "Look Just Dance 4 cmon!" Serina screamed and pulled all of us there , "Rocko! Ya know my Friends are very famous they need a body guard" Serina said and 5 body guards Surounded us , we dance and dance even got a higher score than louis >.< , "ok thats great now were done and clearly the sun is down , lets go to the Carnival!" Harry suggested and we all nodded, "i didnt know you could and again i drove there , This is soooo cool "Roller coaster!" I scream , "Later' louis said and i nodded , "thats cute but-!" Serina pointed at the stuff toy , "i'll win it for you" harry said "I know your sweet harry but i want a dolphin" Serina said , "I bet Harry Can win" louis whispered In my ear , "I bet he cant" i said , "If he wins You'll have to kiss my lips right here right now" he whispered , "If i win?" I ask ,"you'll only kiss my cheek?" He whispered , "i wont kiss you The whole Car Ride" i whispered back , "deal" he said , and harry played the dart game, GOSH HE WON , "Lips Please!" Louis awkwardly said with a pose , i kissed him and he smiled , "weird" Harry said , as he gave serina the Stuff toy "if you dont want it i could give it to gemma" harry said , "no its ok ,i'll keep it , thanks by the way" she kissed harry's cheek "ROLLER COASTER , ROLLER COASTER!!!" I said , "you go ahead with Louis , we'll be at the Ferris Wheel ,since its romantic" harry said , i rolled my eyes , "Oh please , Nothings more romantic Than screaming in a roller coaster" i said , "Yeah" Louis said , "both has the same thing in mind" serina said , and giggled , "we'll just see you two later , say at that spot" serina ask , and points at the Giftshop , "gotcha lets go Louis!" I said and pulled him to the roller coaster , "sweet!!" Were on the end, the best seat in the house! , here we go , i heard a Scream While we go to the Loops , And i felt louis held my arm , i had my eyes closed the whole time , "this is life!" I said and felt that its finished , i opened my eyes and Louis' hair was a messed , "haha look at your hair!" I said while we got off , "Why yours is messy too" he said and messed it up more ,

Yvonne's pov ,
"Romantic Dinner.... i like it" i said as we got out of the restaurant , "So lets head home?" Zayn ask and i nodded , and saw a Pink flower On my doorstep That has a note on it , i picked it up , "Happy Valentines Day -Luke" i read , "he's not taking you away from me now is he?" Zayn ask , "no he's not" i said and got inside ,seeing Liam Watching TV he looks sad , "Whats with the Face Li" i ask , "This is the first Valentines Day without Sophia" he said , "Hey cheer up , Atlease she has a reason " i said and he nodded , "Cmon Zayn lets Cheer Him up!" I said and he nodded ,

Alli's pov ,
me and niall had a picnic in my room a ROMANTIC ONE , Candles everywhere , but now were cleaning it all up , cuz we also had a food fight , after that , "So sad The Night Changes Fast" he said , "It'll never Change me and you" i sang , "i didnt realize that" he said and i giggled , "Too bad" i teased and he giggled ,

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