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By dxrkcupid

7.4K 293 56

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โœงห–ยฐ. ๐๐„๐– ๐–๐Ž๐‘๐‹๐ƒ, ๐๐„๐– ๐๐‘๐Ž๐๐‹๐„๐Œ๐’
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โœงห–ยฐ. ๐‘๐„๐’๐Ž๐‹๐•๐„

894 35 13
By dxrkcupid


A young man named Takemichi Hanagaki, had been scrolling through the articles upon articles of information about the Tokyo Manji Gang for who knows how long, as the police officer, Naoto Tachibana was behind him and made sure he read every bit of information he needed to know of the dangerous gang.

Naoto was the younger brother of Hinata Tachibana, who was Takemichi's ex-girlfriend in middle school.

An accident involving Takemichi being pushed onto the train tracks had ended up getting him killed, and somehow made him havd the ability to travel twelve years into the past.

And while he was in the past, he had warned younger Naoto about the future involving him and Hinata being killed by being caught up in a dispute among members of the Tokyo Manji gang.

Because Takemichi warned Naoto, he was able to escape his fate. But his sister wasn't so lucky.
That's why they have been locked in Naoto's apartment for two days straight and hadn't had a wink of sleep.

Takemichi let out a yawn as his eyes began fluttering shut, but was woken up when Naoto cleared his throat.

Naoto stared at Takemichi unimpressed, "We need you to know everything, all the intel on the Tokyo Manji gang." Naoto sternly explained as he sipped on his coffee.

Takemichi deadpanned at Naoto, "I think Naoto's insane. He's trying to kill me." Takemichi thinks dramatically as he lets out another yawn.

Five days ago, on July 1st, Hinata died during a festival when a truck was aiming to ram into some stalls, and she was one of the unfortunate victims.

She was only twenty six years old.

"In that report, you'll find some of the things the Tokyo Manji gang has been up to that haven't been reported by the media. That's information my predecessor risked his life gathering." Naoto showed a photo of a bloody man that was beaten beyond recognition.

Takemichi gasps in horror and covers him mouth with his hand, he was feeling sick just by looking at the picture.

"That's him in the last photo. He was working undercover when he was found out and killed." Naoto stared at his coffee sorrowfully at the memory of his predecessor.

"In his eye socket, in place of his gouged out eyeball, there was a miniaturized video recording device that captured his murder." Takemichi couldn't believe people in the Tokyo Manji gang were that cruel to do that to somebody. That proved that they truly were a dangerous gang that shouldn't be underestimated.

"So I began requesting transfers, until I finally got assigned to my predecessor's position six months ago. The death of this investigator is under wraps, because they didn't want to cause panic, though that's really only part of the reason." Naoto put his coffee down on the table, and walked towards the board that was covered in pictures and evidence against the Tokyo Manji gang.

"Tokyo Manji, or Toman for short, was already under Tetta Kisaki's control before any of this happened." Naoto was trying to fill with as much information as he could into Takemichi's brain about Toman. But he was confused about one thing.

"Do we really need all this stuff to save Hinata?" Takemichi questioned.

"If we have one problem with your power, its that you're limited in what dates you can go back to." Takemichi groaned in disappointment, "That's really just your observation. You're obviously alive right now. So what happened back then must be real. But I don't even know for sure if I can go back─"

"If we can go back to the day she died. If we could just keep her from going to that festival, then it might be possible to save her life." Naoto interrupted Takemichi, but as much as Takemichi felt frustrated, he couldn't blame Naoto at all.

"But since we can't go back to the exact date we want, we'll do everything else we can right now." Naoto turned to face Takemichi, face written in determination.

"You need to go back in time, to middle school, twelve years ago, and meet a certain someone."
"Huh? A certain someone?" Takemichi asked, voice laced in confusion. Naoto put his hand on the board between three photos that were put next to each other.

"Toman has two leaders, Manjiro Sano and Tetta Kisaki." Takemichi stared at the photos in shock.
"No way." Takemichi said nervously, but then he noticed the third photo.

It was a person with (skin color), (hair length and hair color), and cold (eye color) that stared straight into his soul. They looked more terrifying than the men in the other photos.

"Who is that in the third photo?"

"This is (full name), they are Kisaki and Sano's most trusted right hand person, and the gang's most deadliest member. They handle most of the dirty work the gang assigns them to do, I wouldn't be surprised if it was them who killed my sister." Naoto tsked at the sight of your photo and looked at Takemichi again.

"Sano and Kisaki. If these two had never met each other, today's Tokyo Manji gang never would have existed. Which means that my sister Hinata wouldn't have had to die either."

"I understand. I need to go back to middle school, and somehow make sure those two never meet, but how do I make time-travel happen? I didn't do it on purpose." Takemichi got up from his seat and he started to think of how he even got back from the past in the first place.

"You told me that right before you came back to the present, you shook hands with me, right?" Takemichi remembered when he shook hands with younger Naoto, "Uh, yeah." Takemichi confirmed.

"So I think that must be the trigger." Takemichi stared at the palm of his hands, "A handshake, huh?"

"That evening, you saved me from those punks. I think because of that, I may have become a part of the way your power works." Naoto explained.

Takemichi thought that Naoto was a bit crazy, but he actually believes that Takemichi can travel through time. That's why he is talking this so seriously.

"Takemichi, are you ready?" Naoto held out his hand for Takemichi to shake. The fact was that Takemichi wanted to save Hinata too, just as much as Naoto does. "Yeah."Takemichi says, eyes matching Naoto's determination.

"Sano and Kisaki. They met in August, twelve years ago. Just locate one of them, stay by their side, and stop the two of them from ever meeting."

"Right. I'll give it my best shot." Takemichi smiled, maybe he could do this.

"But in order to find either of them, you'll have to befriend (Name)." Takemichi blinked twice, "WHAT!? BEFRIEND THAT CREEPY PSYCHO?!" Naoto stood calmly as he patiently explained, "From what we could find, we know that (Name) was close friends with both Kisaki and Sano when they were in middle school. That's why they probably have a high rank within the gang. If you find them, you'll easily find either Sano and Kisaki." Takemichi takes back everything about Naoto being sane.

There is no way that he could ever become friends with the person who probably killed Hinata. This was crazy!

But the memory of Hinata made him think, if he could befriend (Name), and get on their good side... Then maybe they wouldn't kill Hinata. It was risky, but it was worth a shot.

"Only you can save my sister." Naoto keeps his hand out, staring at Takemichi intensely.

Takemichi swallowed any doubts away, and quickly shook Naoto's hand before he could change his mind.

Static cracked and the time leap with made.

Second POV

July 7th, 2005

It was a beautiful day outside, it was perfect to take a walk in the park with friends. And that's what you did. Thankfully Mikey and Draken were free today, you enjoyed their company.

You took a bit out of your chocolate chip cookie and took out your phone, went though your contacts until you found who you were looking for. Tetta.

You opened his contact and began texting him.


Hi, Tetta. How are you?

Tetta is typing...

Tetta: Good, thank you for asking. I passed my advanced integrated math final with the highest grades.

Omg! That's amazing! Good job! ( ^ v ^ )b

Tetta: Thanks. How are you?

Pretty good. I beat up a couple douchebags for picking on a girl earlier. Honestly, how pathetic do they have to be to pick on a woman who's smaller than them?

Tetta: Truly despicable.

Exactly. Anyway, are you free today?

Tetta: Unfortunately, no. I'm busy with something
important. I apologize.

It's fine! We can hang out when you've got time.
I'll text you later! :)

Tetta: Bye.


You turn off your phone and put it back inside your pocket. That was the third time this week Tetta told you that he was busy. School must've been kicking his ass a lot. You hope he was alright.

Ever since Tetta transferred into that private middle school, you've never saw him that much anymore. You couldn't say you blamed him though.

From your own experience with school, its very stressful and hard. So you couldn't imagine what Tetta was going through. But you still couldn't help but feel frustrated. You just wanted to hang out with him again, even if its for a couple of minutes. You wanted to see him.

Man, you sounded pathetically clingy. It's one of the curses of having a crush on somebody, you guessed. Tetta has his own life, you shouldn't be so focused on it.

All you can do right now, is support him.

You let out a exhausted sigh.

"Hey, (Name). What's got you lookin' so down?" Draken questioned, he was concerned at your lack of speech.

Oh, right. You were supposed to be on a walk with Draken and Mikey around the park.

"I'm fine. Thanks for asking Draken." You smile gratefully to Draken, and he smiles back. A tint of pink on the edge of his cheeks.

"Can I have some of your cookie?" Mikey asked. Eyeing your cookie hungrily. You stood on your tippy toes, and held your cookie far away from Mikey. "You already have your dorayaki, Mikey." You sternly refuse.

"Awww, come on. Just a small bite." Mikey tried to grab the cookie from you, but quickly gave up when he was obviously too short to reach it.

"Sorry Mikey, but I don't give up my sweets." Mikey let out a defeated sigh, you pat him on the head as an apology, Mikey leaned into your touch.

You chuckle softly at his behavior, but unbeknownst to you, Draken rolled his eyes at your interaction. He was annoyed at the fact that Mikey was acting like a stray kitten, instead of the commander of Toman. Honestly did he always have to act this way around you?

Yep. He was definitely feeling annoyed because of that. No other reason.

Ever since you were kids, Mikey always stuck by your side like glue. But you never minded, you enjoyed his company like you have with the rest of your friends.

But soon your moment was ruined when you heard commotion near you.

"Do you guys hear that? Like, chanting?" You ask.

"Yeah, it's coming over there." Draken pointed to a small area where the chanting was coming from.

Mikey swallowed a piece of his dorayaki, "Well, let's follow it." When Mikey started following the chanting, you and Draken went after him. And when you arrived at the source, you were a bit surprised.

You witnessed a huge crowd of teenagers that you knew were in Toman, they were crowded around the center like it was a fight club.

And in the center of it all was Kiyomasa and a guy with blonde hair and blue eyes, but he looked beaten very bad. You couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

"Well I'll be damned. I knew Kiyomasa was shady, but this is a new low." Draken growled under his breath.

"He's going to drag down Toman's reputation if he continues to do this. I'll handle it." You say as you raise your hand, preparing to use your powers. But Draken stopped you, "It's not worth it, (Name). Don't waste your energy on a piece of shit like him."

"Can I kick him in the stomach at least?" Draken chuckles, "Of course." You pump your fist in victory.

"Let's go." Mikey said nonchalantly and walked towards the fight with you and Draken following.

"Go get me my bat! If he wants to die, then I'll grant his wish." Kiyomasa said with a sadistic smile, looking ready to actually kill the blonde.

You heard whispers amongst the crowd, you can sense that they were all caught off guard about Kiyomasa wanting to fight with a weapon when this was supposed to be a fist fight.

"Hurry it up, damn it!" Kiyomasa shouted impatiently.
Draken, finally having enough, steps forward with you silently doing the same.

"Hey, Kiyomasa." Draken calls out.

Kiyomasa was ready to snap at whoever it was for interrupting the fight, but quickly shut himself up when he realized it was you and Draken walking towards him.

"You're scarein' the crowd." Draken said calmly, Kiyomasa gulped nervously. Draken smiles in amusement at Kiyomasa's fear.

"Calm down, dumbass." Whispers erupt among the crowd at the sight of you and Draken.

"Hey Ken-Chin, (nickname)." Mikey teased as he munched on the last bit of his dorayaki. Draken turned to Mikey annoyed.

"Wha? Don't call me by that stupid nickname here."

"Why do you always choose to call us by those nicknames in public?" You deadpanned. Mikey showed you his empty hands.

"I'm out of dorayaki. Can I have some of your cookie now?" Mikey asked hopefully.

You crossed your arms, "No."

"Damn it." Mikey quickly deflates.

Everyone immediately bowed at the sight of Mikey, and they all shouted, "Good day, sir!"

Mikey licked the dorayaki crumbs from his cheek and walked towards the blonde guy.

A random dude with black hair and blonde streaks whom you noticed was always by Kiyomasa's side, suddenly started talking to Mikey.

"Sano-kun! I'm in your biker gang #3! My name's Akaishi!" Mikey didn't even bat an eye towards the guy's direction.

"Please shut up and get out of the way." You say with a not so polite tone. "Mikey doesn't talk to guy's he's not interested in." Draken said as he shoved the guy aside.

"S-Sorry about that..." The guy couldn't say anything else after that.

When Mikey walked towards Kiyomasa, he wasn't bowing to Mikey the proper way. It pissed you and Draken off at the little respect Kiyomasa had for Mikey.

"Good day, sir." Kiyomasa choked on his sentence when you shoved your foot hard against his stomach. Kiyomasa clenched onto the spot you kicked him, and groaned in pain.

"Kiyomasa, who died and made you king? Make sure you're that far down when bowing to our commander." Draken stared at Kiyomasa like he was the shit under his shoes.

"Y-Yes, sir and captain." But without you or Draken noticing, Kiyomasa was glaring at the both of you with hate.

When Mikey was finally face to face with the blonde guy, he fell on his butt in fear, away from Mikey.

"Hey, what's your name?" The blonde stuttered before answering, "T-Takemichi Hanagaki."

"I see. So Takemitchy." You deadpanned when Mikey already came up with another nickname for this kid. Takemichi stared up at Mikey confused at the nickname, "Huh, Takemichy?"

"That's what Mikey said, Takemitchy." Draken told Takemichi.

Mikey grabbed the back of Takemichi's head and pulled him within two inches from his face.

"Are you... really in middle school?" Takemichi shakes at the sight of Mikey's dark empty eyes staring him down. "Takemitchy, starting today, you're my friend, all right?" Takemichi froze and tried to process what Mikey had said.

Mikey stood up again, and started walking towards Kiyomasa.

"Are you the one running these matches?" Mikey asked Kiyomasa. You knew that look in Mikey's eyes, he was going to beat Kiyomasa to a pulp. As he rightfully deserves.

Kiyomasa was sweating nervously, "Uh, Yes..." he answered.

Everyone waited for something to happen, Mikey smiled and chuckled darkly. Then he proceeded to do an upper kick on Kiyomasa's face, effectively breaking his nose on impact.

But before Kiyomasa could fall to the ground, Mikey held him up by his hair, "Who do you think you are?" Mikey asks, not really expecting an answer, his dark eyes gleaming in anger.

Kiyomasa lets out grunts of pain when Mikey starts beating him. The crowd could only watch as the commander of Toman punishes the delinquent.

By the time Mikey is finished, Kiyomasa's face is covered in bruises, and hanging onto consciousness by a thread. Mikey stomps his foot on Kiyomasa's forehead as a final blow.

"Okay, then," Mikey smiles at both you and Draken, acting as if he didn't beat somebody to a pulp, "Let's get going, Ken-Chin and (nickname). Taking bets at this little fight club is lame." Mikey removes his foot from Kiyomasa's head and proceeds to walk away.

"Stop bringing Toman's reputation down." Draken glares down at Kiyomasa's barely conscious body.

"Don't bother attending the next Toman meeting. From this day on, your expelled." You say with venom on your tongue, you don't bother taking a second glance at the piece of filth.

Your attention turns to Takemichi, who is still on the ground; face covered in bruises by Kiyomasa. Feeling pity, you start walking towards Takemichi, the crowd watching with batted breath as you do so.

Takemichi flinches when you put your hand out for him to take, "Can you still walk?" Takemichi is surprised by your question, but answers anyways, "Y-Yes, I can." Takemichi takes your hand and gets himself up.

But the moment you touch Takemichi's hand, you were suddenly overcome with flashes of memories that weren't yours.


A young man who had black hair and blueish grey eyes was talking to Takemichi, who looked older and had black hair as well.

"Bosses Sano and Kisaki. Prevent those two from meeting. Then we can save my sister"

You were then greeted to a picture of a girl with short burnt coral hair and burnt coral eyes, who was smiling at you (she was probably smiling at Takemichi).

"I'll protect you, Takemichi." The girl told you/Takemichi.


You were snapped out if the flashbacks when Takemichi let go of your hand. "Thank you..." Takemichi muttered quietly.

"U-Um, no problem." You grinned at him with uncertainty.

"(Name), let's go." Draken tells you, he and Mikey were waiting for you.

You wave Takemichi goodbye, and proceed to go with Mikey and Draken.

"Takemitchy, see you later." Mikey tells Takemichi before walking away. "Y'all wake up and scram already." Draken commands the crowd to leave the park.

Takemichi was feeling confused, Mikey had just befriended him out of nowhere, and you had helped him up and were genuinely nice to him.

Were you two really the heartless criminals Naoto told him you both would become in the future? At least he saved time from trying to befriend you to get to Mikey.


You were watching TV in the living room with Emma, it was some cheesy romcom that you weren't really paying attention to. Your mind was preoccupied with other things, like what happened today when you touched Takemichi's hand.

You just wanted to help the poor guy up, you didn't mean to dive into his memories. You haven't been able to do that since that one incident with Papa. So why now? And why with him?

"(Name), can you do something quick for me?" Emma asked, with a sly smile. You know that smile... You sigh, already accepting your fate, "What?"

"Can you go to the shop and get some snacks?" Emma bats her eyes at you innocently. "What's the magic word?" You ask with a raised eyebrow. She lets out an exasperated sigh, "Please?"

"Much better, the usual?" You get up from your seat, hands inside your pants pockets.

"Yep. Here's the money." Emma hands you two thousand yen, and proceeds to continue watching her romcom.

"See you." Emma didn't answer back, probably too distracted with her romcom. You weren't sure why, but you had a feeling that Emma was distancing herself from you. You don't remember doing something to upset her, hopefully these snack would cheer her up.

"Where are you going?" You let out a shout when Mikey appeared out of nowhere. You sighed in relief, "The real question is, where did you come from?" Mikey shrugs with a carefree smile.

"I'm going to the store to get snacks for Emma, would you like anything?" You ask.

"No thanks, I was just wondering where you were going this late. Stay safe alright?" Mikey puts his hand on your arm in a troubled manner. You put on a reassuring smile.

"I will. I'll see you." Mikey almost reaches out to you again, wanted to feel your touch one last time before you left the house.

Emma watches your interaction, how were you so blind to see that Mikey has liked you since he first brought you here?

Emma was great at seeing when chemistry between two people were there.

But she guessed that the chemistry was clearly one sided on Mikey's part since you didn't show a crumb of an interest towards him. You always called him one of your bestfriends, and you meant it.

She always sees you texting someone on your phone, though. And whenever you text that person, you smile and blush like an idiot. So you clearly liked someone already, but who? Well, not her poor big brother that's for sure.

But why would you want to date anybody else when you had Mikey right there? Mikey had always stuck to your side ever since Shinichiro died. She remembered the day of the funeral like it was yesterday.

~ Flashback ~

The rain was pouring hard that day, it always had to be raining in a funeral. It was the only time Emma had ever wore on black, and she was standing behind Mikey as he kneeled on the ground sobbing, with you right beside him.

Emma, Draken, Mitsuya, and Pah were all there too. Paying respect to Mikey and his family.

Mikey held onto you like a life line as you let him cry on your shoulder. You tried your best to comfort him, but he just continued to grieve. You and Draken were the only ones who stayed with Mikey when the others had to leave.

And since then, Mikey had always been with you.

~ Flashback Ends ~

Emma could feel herself tear up at the memory. Hopefully you will wake up and see that Mikey cares for you as more than a friend.

Mikey stared at the door with a blank face, standing infront of the it and waiting for you to come back.

When you arrived at the store, you walked to the sweets aisle and began to search for the snacks that Emma wanted. But you were struck with remembering one of Takemichi's memories again.

• • •

"Bosses Sano and Kisaki. Prevent those two from meeting. Then we can save my sister"

• • •

Sano? Kisaki? They were obviously talking about Tetta, and Mikey, or maybe Emma? They both had the same last names, so you couldn't conclude which of the two that man was talking about.

But why were they talking about them? And preventing them from meeting? What was all that about? And saving the man's sister?

So many questions with so little answers... Unless you could see Takemitchy again and ask him.

Since Takemitchy is Mikey's friend now, he would have to hang out with him. So that would be the perfect opportunity to ask for an explanation.

But wait...

How would you be able to ask about his memories without exposing your powers? The only people who know about your abilities were Papa, the bad men, some members of Toman, and Tetta (of which you revealed on accident). It would be very complicated, but you still wanted to know what in the world those memories meant.

You snapped out of your thoughts when you heard the store door opening and loud laughter erupting. You looked over to where the laughter was coming from and see three guys at the alcohol aisle.

"Man, did ya see the reaction on that guys face? It was priceless." A guy that had black hair that was shaven on the sides, and a scar across his nose, spoke up.

"Hehe. He looked like he shit his pants." A dude with blonde hair and a black mask chuckled under his breath.

"Both of you be quiet, we are in the middle of a convenience store, do you wanna cause attention to yourselves?" A voice that you would recognize a mile away, told the two guys off with an annoyed tone. The two apologized and stayed quiet for the most part. The said voice that you recognized was none other than your c̶r̶u̶s̶h̶ friend, Tetta.

But that was weird. Why would Tetta be hanging around with two jerks this late at night? Didn't he say that he was busy today? Unless... He had lied to you about being busy, just so he could be with these two instead of you...

Tetta looked too busy with his "friends" to notice you. The last time you've been with Tetta was two weeks ago, and he seemed to change a lot those past two weeks. His skin was tanned, hair was shaved to a buzzed cut (you remembered when you had that same haircut, it made you shiver), and his hair was dyed blonde.

You didn't want to encounter him like this, so you quickly got the snacks Emma liked, went to the cashier, paid for your stuff, and sped walked out of the store.

You couldn't believe it. Tetta had actually lied to you.

You know fully well that friends aren't supposed to lie to the other. You also know that Tetta knew about what friendship meant to you. Have all those times he told you he was busy also lies?

He would've never lied to you, at least not without a reason. If so, he better have a good ass reason for ditching you.

You arrived at Mikey's home safe and sound just as you promised, but your mood was sour due to your discovery. Mikey took quick notice to that, "Are you okay? What happened while you were out?" You took a quick breath and faked a smile, "I'm tired is all, I think I'm gonna go to sleep now." You weren't exactly lying when you said that you were tired (from everything thats happened), so this didn't count as a lie.

You quietly gave Emma her snacks and the leftover change from the money she gave you, and went to your room. You let out a sigh when you shut the door and took a look around your bedroom.

The room itself was pretty basic, aside of the Nonbinary and Pansexual flag that were hung with pride on your walls. You smiled at the sight of them and walked towards your bed and laid on it.

Over the years, you've come to terms with your identity, and what genders you were attracted to. And it was all thanks to that special book you've found that day. That day when you met Kisaki and your other friends, the day when you've eaten a good breakfast, the day when everything in your life changed for the better.

You've learned so many things about this country, and you've grown better at how to handle your powers, dare you say, you were better now than you were before.

You still haven't told anyone that you're from a different time, and the possibility that you're from a different world too. Considering that Papa still hadn't found you yet, and you know first hand at how determined that man is.

Not only that, but after you... opened the gate... the monster hasn't showed itself anywhere. No missing people, it hasn't come for you, nothing. But then again, it could be just the bad men covering them up. But you've been safe in school, besides some bullying from classmates and disgusted stares from adults.

Its been three years, and things have been pretty normal. So you shouldn't feel so nervous.

Your room actually used to belong to Mikey, before he gave it to you and moved into Shinichiro's room after he died. The thought brought great sadness to you, because Shinichiro's room is probably one of the only things Mikey has left of his brother.

You loved Mikey like a brother, and you viewed his family as your own. So when Shinichiro died, it was like a stab through the heart. Especially after everything he had done for you to make you feel welcomed.

If you had known what Kazutora and Baji were doing that day, if you had known that it was them in the shop, maybe none of what happened that day would have existed. Maybe Shinichiro would've been alive...

Tears formed in your eyes, and you quickly wiped them away. You had school tomorrow, so you needed your rest.

It wasn't your fault. You didn't know. It wasn't your fault. Right?

The Next Day || 12:00 PM

Classes were boring as usual, your teacher was blabbing about a series of math problems that you unconsciously copied on your notebook.

You realized very early on in school that some, if not, ALL of the stuff they teach you is probably useless, and you wouldn't need this information in the real world. And you definitely didn't need to know what Ratios, Rates, and Proportions were when you were going to be a delinquent with Mikey.

The sound of that annoying broken fan your math teacher always brings to his class snaps you out of your thoughts. Listening to that thing daily is like hearing nails against a chalkboard. It was driving you insane.

Why did he even need that fan for anyway? It wasn't that hot outside, and the windows are always open in his class. You didn't understand him at all. You'll handle this alone.

You focused on the squealing fan, on the power that keeps it turned on, and cut it off. The fan suddenly stops its annoying noises.

Thankfully, your classmates and your teacher were too busy with this pointless work to notice the fan turning off. You wipe the blood that was dripping from your nose off with your hand.

Finally, now you can focus in peace. You didn't know why, but your gut told you that it was going to be a decent day today. Everything is going to be chill and relaxing, and no stupid stuff is happening-

"What school are you bastards from?!"

"Get the hell out!"

The sounds of boys yelling and hits being thrown drown the school halls as the door to your classroom suddenly opens, and Mikey pops out.

Why did I have to jinx myself...? You thought with exasperation.

"Hey, (Nickname)!" Mikey shouted with a carefree smile. Draken leaned against the door, waiting for you and Mikey.

Your classmates and teacher were confused at what was happening right now. And frankly, you were too.
"Mikey!? What are you doing here?" You said with confusion.

"We're going to play, and I want you and Takemitchy is come with us!" You stared at Mikey with surprise at his calm behavior. You knew Mikey was bold, but he has never done this before. He knew how much you valued your education, so why is he doing this?

"Excuse me young man, but I'm in the middle of teaching. What reason do you have for interrupting me?" Your teacher asked angrily to Mikey.

Mikey simply stared at his with one of his "Don't mess with me" dead stares, "I want to be with my friends. Got a problem with that?" Mikey told the teacher with a monotone. Your teacher immediately backed off and wrote an excused absence for you.

Mikey turned toward you with a cheerful smile, as if he didn't just threaten your teacher, "Ready to go?" Mikey asked.

Mikey is one of the reasons why people in your school don't mess with you. Those who still didn't like you, were too scared to bully you in person and only did it online.

You didn't know whether to be grateful or annoyed for Mikey's influence on your social life. But as long as those cowardly homophobes left you alone, you felt good.

You followed Mikey out the door and gasped at the sight, "Holy damn!" You shout in surprise. Guys you recognized as third year students like you were on the hallway floors, they were all beaten and some even knocked out.

"Wait here while I get Takemitchy." Mikey pats your head affectionately before he walks inside Takemichi's classroom, which was next to yours. How come you've never noticed him when he was right next to you?

After a few minutes, Takemichi walks out of his classroom and gasps in horror at the sight of beaten third years. "A-Ah, our third-years..." Takemichi says in shock.

You put a reassuring hand on Takemichi's shoulder, "You aren't the only one who was shocked at this sight," Takemichi ended up flinching away. You back up a few inches away cautiously, "Sorry if I scared you, Takemitchy." You apologized.

Takemichi felt a bit surprised that you apologized, but smiled nervously, "It's okay, (Name). But... Um, what exactly am I looking at here?" Takemichi asked Draken. You were looking at him too, expecting an answer.

"Huh? This? They pissed me off, so I hosed them." Draken said bluntly. Both you and Takemichi sweatdropped at his answer. While you were already used to this kind of behavior, Takemichi was terrified and confused out of his mind.

"All of you wimps, line up. Lay down on your stomachs." Draken commands the beaten third-years. Of course they were going to do this. You thought with a sigh, already knowing what Mikey and Draken were going to do.

All the third-years immediately did as they were told, fearing that if they disobeyed they would get another ass whooping. The boys line up across the hallway just as Draken told them.

"Hey, you're too far apart. This is gonna hurt you more than it hurts me." Draken tells the third-years. At least he was being truthful?

The third-years let out groans and yelps of pain as Draken and Mikey took their time with walking on top of their backs. You covered a burst of laughter with the palm of your hand. This was just too hilarious.

While Takemichi was wondering what he was getting himself into, Mikey called out to you, "Come walk with us (Nickname)!" You wave your hand in a "no" gesture, and you give him a half apologetic smile, "Tempting, but I'll pass." Mikey and Draken feel a bit disappointed at your answer, but respected it.

"Apparently Udagawa's crew is trying to gain control of Shinsen." Draken told Mikey. "Cool. Let's go kick their asses." Mikey said in a chill manner.

Takemichi was almost impressed at how your two friends enjoyed tormenting others like it was a part of their daily routine.

"Hey, Takemitchy, how are you? Are the bruises on your face healing good?" You asked as you followed behind him. Takemichi was taken aback once again at your kindness. You are always so nice to him and ask about his well-being, there is no way you could become a murderer in the future. Right?

"I'm healing pretty okay. Thanks for asking." Takemichi answers as he rubs his neck awkwardly. You smile at him warmly, trying to make him feel comfortable. Meanwhile, Mikey and Draken were feeling a bit irritated at your interaction that they both unconsciously step harder on the poor third-years backs.

Soon you guys arrive in the lockers near the main entrance of the school. Students from other classes began gathering in the halls, some wondering what a top delinquent like Mikey was doing in their school, while others had no idea what was going on.

"You been good?" Draken asks as he wraps his arm around Takemitchy.

"We just saw each other yesterday." Takemitchy said anxiously.

"You're free today, right?" Mikey asks Takemitchy, "Actually, I'm not." Takemitchy stated. You agreed with him. "I'm pretty busy today too, Mikey. It wasn't cool of you to just barge into our classrooms like that." You said with disappointment. Mikey childishly pouted at you.

"But I wanted to hang out with youuu. Come on, be with us for a bit." Mikey almost whined out.

"Huh? Mikey-Kun, are you listening to us?" Takemichi asks as he wiggles out of Draken's grip.

"Mikey, I love you. I really do," Even though Mikey knows that you don't mean love in a romantic way, it still makes his heart beat harder, "But you can't be doing this, especially when we are almost so near into high school. Not only that, but I don't really like it when people stare at me." You could hear the whispers of your pears around you, their stares glaring holes into your back.

You hated to admit it, but even though you were one of the captains in Toman, and probably the most strongest member there because of your powers, you had a love-hate relationship when the spotlight was on you.

"You two don't need to be so nervous, jeez. We're just gonna talk." Mikey said, annoyance clear on his tongue. You couldn't help but feel a bit irritated when he said that, "Ugh, fine. But please promise me this'll be the last time you do this." You asked with seriousness.

"I promise," you get a feeling he didn't mean it, "Okay, now let's go." Just as you guys were about to leave, until a feminine voice stopped you.


You turned to face the mysterious person, and it was a girl with-

Burnt coral hair and eyes? And her hair is short? You thought in confusion, why did you have the feeling you've seen this girl before? Wait. You remembered Takemichi's memories, and in one of them, it showed a girl who looked just like her! But what was she doing here? She looked ready to yell at someone.

Draken was confused who this girl was, "Who're you?"

"Hina?!" Takemitchy yelled in shock. So her name was Hina...

"Sorry, I'm a bit busy today." Takemitchy told Hina sheepishly.

Hina clenched her fist, see continued to walk towards Mikey, raised her hand up, and slapped Mikey across the face...

Everyone gasps in shock, Mikey was silent, Draken was furious that a girl dared to slap his friend, and Takemichi was horrified at what his girlfriend had done.

You were shocked for a moment as well, but then that shock turned into amusement. Either this girl was dumb, or she didn't know who Mikey was. Either way, she was dead.

Hina grabbed Takemitchy's hand, "Let's go, Takemichi-kun. Don't let these people bully you."

"Huh?" Takemitchy asked with confusion.

"I'll protect you." Hina exclaimed.


"I'll protect you, Takemichi." Takemichi's memories flooded your mind once again.


I see. So this girl thought that we were bullying Takemitchy, and came to "protect" him. She's a good person. You thought, your respect towards the girl grew. Hopefully your other friends saw what she was doing...

"Hina..." Takemitchy stared at Hina with admiration. But it didn't last, as Draken grabs onto Hina's arm to stop her.

"Hey, don't make me kill you, brat," Draken glares down at her, "You slap him outta nowhere, and now you're peacing out? Who the hell do you think you are?"

"Who do you think you are?" Hina comebacks.

"Wha?" Draken is genuinely surprised at her boldness.

"You just waltz into a school you don't go to and try to take him by force. That's not something friends do! Takemichi-kun is injured all the time lately. And if that's because of you two..." Hina turns to glare at Draken, "I'm going to put a stop to it!" You could see from afar that Hina is nervous due to her face sweating. But she still stood her ground against Draken.

Preach on sister. You thought, your respect for this girl keeps growing. Then Takemitchy grips onto Draken's shoulder, "Let go of her." Takemitchy tells Draken.

"What was that? I don't think I heard you correctly!" Draken demands, Takemichy is shaking but continues, "I said, let go of her, you asshole!" You blinked in surprise, this kid really has some balls on him.

"So... Who do you think you're talking to?" Draken glares deadly at Takemichi, but he stood his ground, "There are some things I just won't ever give up on ever again!" Takemichi tells Draken off.

Draken blinks in confusion, "What? Ever again?"

Mikey watches the scene unfold, you would've asked if he was okay, but you knew that it would take a lot more than a slap to piss him off.

"Aw... And I thought we could be friends." Mikey says solemnly, but it quickly turns into anger, "Now the question is... How do you want to die?" Takemichi blinks in surprise, his eyes consumed with dread.

"Just promise me... Just promise me one thing. Don't ever lay a finger on Hina!" Takemichi tells Mikey, Hina stares at Takemichi with surprise and admiration.

What a brave guy. He's willing to protect this girl even if it costs him being beaten again, You think. You smile proudly at Takemitchy's boldness.

"What? Like I care." Mikey said as he raised his fist to punch Takemichi in the face. Takemichi braces himself for the punch, but just as Mikey's fist was an inch from his face, he stopped.

"Jk!" Mikey says with a smile. I knew it, you thought with an amused smile. The reason why you didn't step in to help was because you knew that Mikey was just joking with Takemitchy.

Takemichi stands there in surprise, his eyes tearing up as he proceeds to try to process that was happening.
"Jeez, you're so gullible, Takemitchy," Mikey says as he pats Takemitchy's shoulder, and walks away from him, "Like I'd ever hit a girl."

Takemitchy let's out a relieved sigh.

"Takemitchy... You actually threatened me." Draken said, impressed with Takemitchy.


"It's cool. There are times when you can't give up. There aren't many guys who'd say that about a girl these days," Draken smiles at Takemichi, "Its pretty old school. You're pretty sharp." Takemichi lets out nervous laughs.

"That was badass what you did, you were willing to take a beating to protect someone who cared about you. And for that, you have my respect." You tell Takemitchy with a thumbs up, and then you stared at the girl besides him, "You're name is Hina, right?"
Hina nods her head "yes", a bit taken aback.

"I have respect for you as well. You've won the jackpot for having a girl like her, Takemitchy." You complimented both of them, Hina and Takemitchy blush at your comment and you walk away to join Mikey and Draken outside.

"Um, Takemichi-kun... What's with those guys?" Hina asks.

"Actually, (Name), the one with (h/c) hair, is NonBinary." Takemichi corrects Hina. Hina gasps in embarrassment and shame, hoping you didn't hear her misgender you.

Outside of the school, Hina bows her head to Mikey as she spews out apologizes for slapping him. "I'm sorry! I had the wrong idea." Hina tells Mikey.
"It's fine. That was one hell of a slap, though." Mikey jokes.

"I'm so sorry!" Hina apologizes once again.

"Its fine to do what you can for the one you like," Mikey glances at you for a second, before turning away, "but don't push yourself too much. Things can go really wrong, depending on who you're dealing with." Mikey tells Hina.

"Right!" Hina agrees, Mikey laughs in amusement.

"Okay, I'm gonna go." Hina tells Takemichi, and turns to walk back inside the school, "Uh, sure... Wait, what about our date?" Takemichi asks. So it was as you suspected, they were dating.

Hina turns to face him again, "We can do that another time. Your friends came to see you, after all." Hina waves him goodbye.

"Bye-bye! Don't slap me in the face next time!" Mikey said jokingly.

"See you later, Takemitchy's wifey!" You say teasingly, waving back to her. Takemichi covers his red face with his hand and Hina flushes as she quickly walks through the doors.

"She seems nice." Mikey tells you.

"She seems nice? She is nice. Man, you are one lucky guy Takemitchy." You tell Takemitchy, and he smiles at your comment.

"Its rare to find someone like her. Make sure you take good care of her." Mikey says, staring at Takemichi expectingly.

The sky was a pretty orange, signaling that it was the late afternoon as you and your friends ride your bikes around the road that was near the river in the city.

Mikey was riding with Takemichi, while you were with Draken. The breeze of the wind made your hair flow and move. It was hard to believe that it has been three years now. Your previous buzz cut hairstyle transformed into a (Your hairstyle) that you really liked.

All physical features of yourself that the scientists made to you was gone. Well... Almost gone. You still had the tattoo of '011' on your wrist. You usually covered the tattoo with the help of Emma's makeup, so that nobody would get any ideas while you were in school. Only your close friends knew of your secrets. The few of many that you weren't ready to tell them yet.

You knew it was hypocritical of you to say that. Your moto was that friends always tell the truth, and that it was not okay to lie. But in this case, if you told your friends about the true horrors you've seen while you were in the laboratory, it could danger their lives. And you wouldn't have that. Ever.

Meanwhile, Takemichi was thinking over what Naoto had told him. In twelve years, the Tokyo Manji gang are involved in gambling, fraud, violence, and murder. They were an evil organization that would resort to anything.

Then Takemichi remembered all the times where Mikey showed that he was not an evil, corrupt person. From destroying Kiyomasa's fight club, to refusing to hit Hina.

He also began to recall when you had shown genuine kindness and worry for his well-being. From helping him up when he was beaten by Kiyomasa, and at school when you asked if his injuries were healing okay.

Both you and Mikey were amazing individuals, who didn't show a hint of bad intentions. Takemichi was beginning to second guess if the two of you were really the leaders of that evil Toman.

"Say... Mikey-kun. So, uh... Why did you take a liking to me?" Takemichi asks.

"What a dumb question." Mikey tells Takemichi bluntly.

"Uh... Sorry." Takemichi apologizes, and you frown, Takemitchy really had to stop being so tense.

"Well..." Mikey started, "I have a brother who's ten years older than me. He's dead now." Takemichi is surprised, you didn't blame him, "He was totally reckless. He had no problem picking fights with guys way stronger than him." Mikey says, smiling at the memory of his older brother. You smile too, but it was thin.

"I see. He must've been pretty cool." Takemichi says.

"He was nice and hilarious, and made me feel welcomed when I was still new to this country. I'm glad I met him." You say with a bittersweet smile, Mikey feels happy at your words.

"You remind me of my brother, Takemitchy."

"B-But I'm not that cool at all! How do I seem like that?" Takemichi said, face written with surprise and bashfulness.

"Yeah, he definitely wasn't lame like you, Takemitchy." Mikey teased.

"Now, that's just mean." Takemichi deadpanned at Mikey's comment.

Soon you arrive at the destination you were biking to, and leave your bikes on the side of the road.

Mikey stares at the river in front of him with a content smile, "Nowadays, people just think delinquents are lame. When my big bro was alive, there were so many biker gangs around here," Mikey says as he turns to face Takemichi, "You could always hear their super-loud bikes as they went by." Mikey then faces the sunset.

"They all acted super tough. They fought all the time... But they always cleaned up their own messes. What's so lame about that?" Mikey asks, not really expecting an answer as he sits on the grass.

"That's why I'm gonna make a new era for delinquents. You should come with me." Mikey suggests, but Takemitchy looks unsure of his offer.

Mikey stands from his spot, "I like you, Hanagaki Takemichi." Mikey says as Takemichi stares at him in astonishment.

"There are plenty of guys who are good at fighting. But you know... Standing up to anyone for something you won't give up? There aren't many guys like you." Draken says as he smiles at Takemichi, who smiles back at him too.

"We definitely need someone like you in our gang. You seem like an amazing dude who will do great things." You agree and pat Takemichi on the back.

"Think about it, Takemitchy." Draken says as he and Mikey walk towards their bikes. As they were about ready to leave, they notice that you aren't with them.

"Are you coming, (Name)?" Draken questions.

"Nah, I want to walk home with Takemitchy. Since we're all friends now, I wanna get to know him better. Is that alright, Takemitchy?" You asked, but your eyes held a little seriousness to them.

This could probably be your only chance to talk to Takemichi alone, and while you did want to get to know him, you also wanted to ask him about his memories.

Takemichi was hesitant about accepting you to walk with him, but then he remembered his mission, and that you were friends with both Mikey and Kisaki. In the future, you are also one of the most dangerous leaders in Toman. And if he becomes close to you, he could find out how to prevent those two from ever meeting. So...

"Yeah, it's alright. I wouldn't mind having a walking buddy with me." Takemichi accepts.

"Thanks a lot! Well, I'll see you later at your house, Mikey. Bye Draken." You greet them farewell before turning away and beginning to walk with Takemitchy.

Mikey was ready to object when Draken stopped him, "(Name) is perfectly capable of taking care of themself. They'll be fine." Draken explains sternly.

Even though Mikey still doesn't want you to leave, he reluctantly decides to drop it. Bidding you a quiet farewell.

This was so much awkward than I thought! Both you and Takemitchy thought. You were halfway to Mikey's house, and neither you or Takemichi have struck up a conversation.

How do you even begin a conversation about seeing someone's memories? Telling people about you're abilities was so much easier when you were still a young-dumb eleven year old.

You have to talk to him/them now or else you'll never have the chance again! You and Takemichi think. Speak you fool! ​Both of your minds thought. You both took deep breaths, and began to talk, "There's something I have to tell you." ​​​​Are you two jinxing each other in your speech now?!

"A-Ah, sorry. You go first." Takemichi says sheepishly, "No no no, you go tell me first. I feel like yours is more important." You insist, but you aren't really sure if what he wanted to tell you was as important as yours.

"No you! And no take backs." Damn, he really got you there. You laugh at his good comeback.

"Alright, alright, you got me. But just know that what I'm about to tell you is very private information that I only trust my friends to keep. And if you are dumb enough to tell anyone this, you're life will probably be in serious danger." Your demeanor suddenly changed from bashful to serious, and Takemichi gulps anxiously but urges you to continue. Both of you have stopped walking.

"All the captains in Toman, Mikey, and Draken are the only ones who know of my secret. But since Mikey has taken a liking to you, it was only a matter of time before you found out too. Takemichi, I have powers." Takemichi blinks in surprise, but you continue, "I can do so many things that other people our age can't. Let me show you."

You look around for something to test on, and you see an empty glass bottle on the ground.

You close your eyes and focus on the glass. Takemichi watches with unease as you kept putting pressure on the bottle until cracks began to form, they kept forming until the bottle suddenly exploded and the glass shattered all over the sidewalk.

Takemichi lets out a surprised scream, but quickly shut up when you glanced at him with a drop on blood running down your nose. You were lucky it was so late and nobody was out today.

"A-Are you okay? You're nose is bleeding!" Takemichi reaches into his pockets for a tissue, but you just wipe off the blood with your wrist.

"Thanks, but I'm okay. This happens everytime I use my powers." You said bluntly.

"Does it hurt when you use them?" You nod no, "It doesn't hurt, I just get really tired after I use them for too long. I don't know why it does that, but as long as it's not painful, I don't really care." You say with a tiresome tone.

Takemichi couldn't believe what he was seeing. You had powers? Actual super powers! Just like him! But was he really thinking about revealing to you about his powers as well? He might blow his cover if he tells you...

"Takemitchy, do you remember when I helped you yesterday?" Takemichi nods, "When I touched your hand, I accidentally saw your memories. And in some of them, I saw you talking to a guy with black hair." Takemichi stood frozen as he stared at you with shock.

You saw his memories with your powers? And you saw a memory of him when he was in the future?! Great, now he had to spill the beans...

"Alright, I'll admit it. I have a secret too, but you can't tell anyone about this one. That includes Mikey, Draken, the entirety of Toman." You're hesitant, but motion for him to continue, "Just like you I have powers. I have the ability to time travel twelve years from the past and future. I'm twenty six years old right now, but I'm in my middle school self's body. The guy with black hair is my girlfriend's younger brother Naoto. And the reason why I'm here is because I want to save her from her tragic death that happens in twelve years..." Takemichi ranted, you continue to let him speak for what felt like hours.

Takemichi told you about his future life, the future of Toman, the future of your friends, and your future...

To say that all of that was an overload would be an understatement, but after a few minutes of letting the information sink in, you began to understand now.

"I see... So I turn into a criminal, Toman's an evil organization, and your girlfriend Hina dies because of us... All because Mikey and Tetta meet?" Takemichi is silent as he stares at the ground, but he nods.

"Then I guess its official." Takemichi takes his eyes off the sidewalk at your words.

"I'll help you Takemitchy." You smile with determination.

Takemichi blinks, "Y-You would?" You huff, "Of course I will, I want to protect Toman's future, as well as protect my friends. And in order to do that, all we have to do is prevent Tetta and Mikey from ever meeting, right?"

"Yes it does. And since you're friends with both of them-" It was like you could read his mind.

"-Then it'll be easier to keep track of them. I got it." You give Takemichi a thumbs up, Takemichi smiles warmly at your confidence and gives a thumbs up back, "Exactly. Man, how did I not notice you and I went to the same school? Takemichi asks.

"I dunno, I honestly thought you would've known me because of all the rumors they spread about me." You say as you and Takemitchy began walking again.

"Well, I don't care all that much about rumors. Its a pathetic way to get false information." Takemichi says, you feel like weight was lifted when he said that as you smiled.

Unbeknownst to the both of you, one of the two people you were supposed to keep tabs on was walking past you with his friends.

And he felt his eye twitch at the sight of you smiling with another kid who wasn't him. But he moved forward, and continued walking with his "friends" behind him.

Takemichi stops walking and turns to face the kid's back. You ask what was wrong.

"I thought I've seen that guy before..."

If only you two had been paying attention.


Mikey Sano > 70% (no change)
He knows that you will probably never see him in a romantic light, and that he will always be viewed a bestfriend to you. But he doesn't mind if you both end up together in the future or not, just as long as you keep your promise to stay by his side. He doesn't want to lose you like he lost his brother. He loves you very much.

Ken Ryuguji > 35% (-5)
It was originally forty percent, but it went down by five percent when Draken saw how much time you spent around other people who weren't him and Mikey. He's been keeping his tiny crush on you on the low for years because he didn't want to stand in the way of Mikey's romantic interest in you.

Tetta Kisaki > 90% (-5)
Kisaki has taken interest in you before you even knew him. And over the last three years of you being friends with him, he has grown an attachment to you and likes you a lot. And he knows that you like him too. Kisaki is far from an idiot, he has known that you have an interest in him for a long time. And that makes him overjoyed. It makes his plans of trying to woo you a lot more easier, and a step closer towards his goal of marrying you. Everything that he is doing is all for you. That's why he has not been hanging with you that much, so that his plans could go smoothly. He hates not spending time with you, but soon you two will be together all the time. If his plans go accordingly. There is still a lot of work to be done. The reason why it went down five percent? Why the hell were you with Takemichi? And why is he making you smile like that? Only you should do that to him! Whatever... He is just a nobody anyway, after all you only love him. And he'll make sure to keep it that way.

You have found that another person has powers just like you. Albeit, he only has one, its still amazing you've met someone with your similar abilities. Takemichi Hanagaki is certainly an interesting one, but you will help him if it means that it'll protect your friend's futures. But while you've made a new trusty ally, you're beginning to distrust you're old one, Tetta Kisaki...

A/N: Holy fucking shit this was sooo long. 😭 I'm glad I'm finally going into the plot. I'm tired so I'm not gonna bother writing anything else for the notes. It's 11:14 PM as I'm writing this. See you guys later!💕

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