𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙜, 𝙆𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙖𝙣...

By Leyah_eroticstories

705K 13.1K 1.8K

❝Bad Girls Get Fucked Like Whores.❞ ━━━━━━━ Tears were now flowing freely down my cheeks as he looks at me wi... More

❝𝓒𝓸𝓹𝔂𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽𝓼 & 𝓐𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻'𝓼 𝓝𝓸𝓽𝓮𝓼❞‼️
Chapt. 1
Chapt. 2
Chapt. 3
Chapt. 4
Chapt. 5
Chapt. 6
Chapt. 7
Chapt. 8
Chapt. 10
Chapt.. 11
Chapt. 12
Chapt. 13
Chapt.. 14
Chapt. 15
Chapt. 16
Chapt. 17
Chapt.. 18
Chapt. 19
Chapt. 20
Chap.. 21
Bonus Chapt. 22
Chapt.. 23
Chapt. 24
Chapt. 25
Chapt.. 26
Chapt. 27
Chapt. 28
Chapt. 29
Chapt. 30
Chapt. 31
Chapt.. 32
Chapt. 33
Epilogue. 🩷
New Story Alert-🎉🤍!

Chapt. 9

19.4K 385 52
By Leyah_eroticstories

Flashbacks will be written in Italics.
Example: (Please enjoy this chapter).

Two months later.

Unknown - I wonder if your boyfriend knows the secret you're hiding from him.
Received 5:15 p.m

I frown reading the text message. Nobody has my number, only my friends and family.

What secret? The only secret I'm keeping from him is— shit. Nobody knows about that, I made sure of it.

I didn't realized I was about to cry until I felt a jerk on my shoulders. I rolled my eyes putting away my phone as I turn to Blake who won't stop bothering me.

I'm currently in a cafe drinking some coffee when he came in next, taking the empty chair.

"Why won't you go on the date with me? Just one?" He fussed and I groaned.

This guy really doesn't know the meaning of no it seems. I hate guys that think it's okay to keep bothering a girl who says no.

I mean, he's nice and all but definitely not my type. I'm not going to lie, he's kind of freaking me out these pass months with his constant pestering.

I even started feeling uncomfortable around him, he's just weird but nice somehow.

"I already told you, I'm already in a relationship." I told him for the twentieth time.

He rolled his eyes with a smile. "You need to keep your options open just in case."

I frowned. Huh? "What are you getting at?"

He smirked. "You can never know if the guy you're with is cheating on you, so if I were you I'd keep my options open."

Is he serious? I laughed loudly gaining attention from a few people.

"Have a wonderful day, Blake." I grimaced and walked out of the coffee shop.

This guy needs a recheck, and fast too. He's becoming a nuisance, an annoying one at that.

I need to get home, I'm exhausted and we have a week's family trip to go on.

Actually, our flight is tonight.

The entire Romano family is going on a trip to Jamaica. My friends are also coming and Killian too.

I'm excited. I've heard about how fun Jamaica really is, my parents went there already and they loved it so much.

I can't wait to see what's the excitement all about. I plan on having fun this week, leaving everything behind.

After I got home, I quickly finished packing and went over to my brother's house because I was traveling with them to the airport.

Our family is too much, so some of us will be going with the twins private jet while some will go with my parents.

After I reached the house, I helped Skylar with the kids and everything else as we wait on everyone to get ready.

"Hi Godfather." Parissa screamed running to the door and my heart rate sped up.

"Hi sweetheart." Killian picked her up and kissed her forehead. "You're the only one I missed."

Rissa giggled at him and he smirked. Killian is actually Parissa's Godfather, they're pretty close and he treats her like his daughter as well.

Our eyes met for a second and he smirks before looking away. They all started packing the bags in the cars as we all settled in.

Couple minutes later, we finally got inside the private jet. We all took our seats and buckled in. Killian purposely took the seat beside me and I rolled my eyes when Silas kept looking back at us.

"Why do you have to be so direct?" I whispered at him.

He chuckled lowly and it sent sent a shiver down my spine. A good one though. "Fuck, I miss you."

I cleared my throat and wiggled in my seat suddenly feeling hot as his hands held unto my thighs.

It might be because it's been so long since we've had sex, it's haunting me for sure. I mean, he's back since two months now and we haven't even had sex yet, it's just that we don't just let our relationship be all about sex.

Since the two months he's back for— we've only just hang out, talk, go on dates, chill at his house or mine.

No sex, no foreplay, just kissing.

I groan feeling frustrated with the situation and he chuckled knowing exactly what got me hot and bothered.

"Patience flower, you know I'll eat that pussy soon." He smirked at my flushed face and I quickly looked away from him.

He's impossible.

"Okay, so some of you will have to go to a hotel while the rest stay at the house because it only has 10 rooms." Dad stated to all of us and we nod.

Most of us stayed at the hotel while the rest ent to the house nearby. I dropped on the bed exhausted from the flight.

I unpacked my things before taking a shower and then slipped into bed falling asleep.

Two ½ years ago.

"It's time to take a break Sienna, we will be here for the next couple of hours." Seb stated as I sat down taking up my juice and gulping it down.

"Are you sure?" I asked him taking a sip of my juice, even though I've been feeling cramps in my stomach for couple hours now but maybe it's my period coming.

"Yeah, just a couple minutes rest." He stated and I nod, just as I let out a scream holding my stomach. "Hey what's wrong?" He asked coming over to my side quickly.

I groan as the cramping got even worst. "My stomach, it's hurting." I breathe harshly through my nose. I suddenly felt something running down my thighs and I lifted my dress up to see what it was.

My eyes widened. Blood.

Why am I bleeding? Is it my period? Something is wrong.

"Oh shit, we need to get you to the hospital. Now!" His eyes widened as he picked me up and rushed out of the building.

"What's wrong with her?" I heard Blake's voice say and I groaned feeling the cramp worsening.

"I'm bringing her to the hospital, something is wrong with her." Seb rushed out saying as he laid me in his car quickly. I could see Blake typing furiously on his phone as the car droved off to the hospital.

I hope everything is okay was the last thing I thought about before going unconscious.
• • •

"Where we going first?" I question the group as we made our way out of the hotel. It was now 10 a.m and we decided to go somewhere to eat before doing something else with our day.

Me, Alessio, Sky, Silas, Zina, Killian, Lucien, Alec, Alex and Nico are going to tour the place while the rest is back at the house with the kids, still asleep.

"I don't know, mom gave us the address of a jerk center where we can go and eat something. Let's put the location in the car then we can go there." Alessio murmured.

We all packed up in a seven seater car, we all didn't fit so some of them had to sit in laps.

As the car drove, I looked out the window at all the trees and house. Jamaica is truly a beautiful place, I've heard about it but I didn't believe it.

"The sun is so hot here, oh my God." Nico complained as we got out of the car and walked over to the jerk center.

It is hot here, very hot for real but that wasn't even my concern right about now. My only focus was the smell of the food, it smelled delicious.

I read on the menu that they had; jerk chicken, jerk pork, jerk fish, rice and peas, festivals, French fries.

We all ordered after we settled down. I ordered the jerk chicken with rice and peas, plantains, avocado and some vegetables on the side.

I love food.

Well, I'm a big foodie afterall.

• • •

After we finished eating our food, we decided to go on a drive, getting familiar with the roots.

I made sure I bought slices of pineapples and ate them through the ride. It is afterall my favorite fruit— something has to be wrong with you if you don't eat pineapples.

I was hell bent on not sharing my pineapples. If you know me, the only three things I'll never share are my pineapples, skittles and doritos.

We also got some coconut water that we drank on the way as we decided we would start touring on foot. While everyone was in the front, Killian and I stayed behind.

He knew how much I walked slow so he stayed back with me. He also made sure to hold my hands firmly in his so that he didn't lose me.

Luckily, my brothers had much more things to worry about than why Killian's holding my hands.

Later on, we decided to go on a cruise instead of walking around when we got tired. We paid and finally entered the ship.

There were people already on board, music playing, food on display. It was just beautiful.

Killian and I stayed together the entire time while the rest wandered off to wherever.

He sat down and pulled me down unto his lap and I squealed. "What are you doing, Handsome? Remember my brothers are here."

I whispered to him and he chuckles, "Hm, I know but they're not here now or they?"

He's right.

I got comfortable on his lap as he hummed to the music that was playing. We sat there in silence taking in the beautiful view. I absolutely love the smell of the sea, it somehow gave me a peaceful feeling.

I peck his lips before standing up as I saw the others making there way back to us. Luckily, I saw them first, so I took a seat beside Killian.

"This view is amazing, isn't it?" Alex asked as they all looked around.

"Very much." I answered while drinking more of my coconut water.

"Yeah, I wouldn't mind being out here for the rest of my life." Sky stated.

Nico made a disgusted face and I chuckled, "Oh hell no, I'm about to be sick!" He turned his head and vomit up everything in the sea.

I quickly looked a way with a cringed face while he emptied his stomach.

"You nasty ass just out here embarrassing us." Killian says to Nico and we all laughed.

"Shut it, bitch." Nico glared at him and he just shrugged.

I pulled out a Doritos out of my bag and started munching on it. Alessio grabbed the bag from my throw couple into his mouth, Silas was the next one to grab it and throw some out in his hands.

I looked at them with my mouth hang open. Did they just do what I think he did? Ate my fucking doritos?

They gave me back the chips with only about four inside, I threw it at them as they squealed.

"At this point I don't even want it anymore." I said still trying to figure out what just happened.

"We weren't gonna give you back anyways." Alessio says and I glared at him as he hides behind Skylar.

This motherfucker thinks that just because he's my brother I won't shoot him.

"I'll shoot you." I threatened, getting looks from a couple of people nearby and I gave a nervous laugh. "—with my water gun of course."

They looked away and I groan hearing Alessio and the rest laughing at me.

If only they knew.

"Here baby." Killian whispered into my ear, giving me a bag of doritos that he took out of his bag.

My eyes lit up and he chuckles as I took it from his hands and immediately opened it, while taking a few in my mouth, hearing the crunching sound of it.

"Thanks, Handsome. Want some?" I asked him and he took out one eating it. He made no move to take anymore so I continued eating everything by myself, blocking out everyone and everything else.

The rest of the day surprisingly went amazing.

-What's up with Blake?👀

Family trip, yaaayyyyy!😍

Oh shit wait, the secret— 💀


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