Beloved With Green Eyes 𖣔 De...

By abi_loves_pecanpie

699 63 42

Evelyn Torres had been an honorary part of the Winchester family since her dads closest friend John took her... More

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By abi_loves_pecanpie

**This chaper contains a good amount of spice continue at your own risk**

February 14th 2002 - five years ago

"Dean, can you please turn that crap down? I'm trying to focus over here." I yelled over the loud rock and roll, playing out of the impalas speakers.

He lets out a chuckle as I turn back to the lore book in my hands, letting out a huff of annoyance.

"You're so uptight, Evy, sometimes worse than Sammy. '' he states with a smirk as I roll my eyes.

"John told us to work on this case together, and if you haven't noticed, it's been me taking care of it."

"That's not true. I bought you coffee and donuts this morning." He pointed a finger as I rolled my eyes for the second time.

"My hero." I dryly responded back to the newly twenty two year old.

"Hey, it ain't easy hustling pool." he then looked over with a wink."You can consider it a Valentine's Day gift, sweetheart."

I let out a chuckle. "That's not a very romantic gift."

"Well, if it's romance you want, I got plenty of that to give." He said in a suggestive tone, making my cheeks go warm as I focused on the book hiding my face behind my hair. 

"Shut up, your gross Dean." I tried to act disgusted, but my nineteen year old mind couldn't help but wonder about the possibilities of those kinds of things with Dean.

March 8th - 2002

"Okay, you two stay here. I'm going back to that damn library to drag your brother out of it." John Winchester spoke to Dean and I as I frowned at John's distaste for Sam's endless studying.

I was the only one who knew about Sam's acceptance into Stanford and how he's been busting his ass day and night to pass his finals and graduate the top of his class.

"Yes, sir." Dean replied to his Dad as I held up two fingers in salute before he grabbed the impala keys and slammed the door behind him.

The quiet sound of the TV played through the all but silent room as I flipped through another page of the lore book that John gave me to study.

I hear the TV click off, and Dean stands up, letting out a dramatic groan.

Choosing to get under his skin, I ignore his words and continue to read the pages.

He lets out an even louder groan as I continue to ignore him, making his patience grow thin with me as he walks to my bed and sits down on the edge beside me and huffs

"Yes, Dean." I finally ask, holding back a chuckle at his dramatics.

"I'm bored," he replied as I failed to pay attention to him.

"Go out then, your dad won't be back for at least an hour."

"But I want you to go out with me. It's not as fun alone." He rebuttals as I shake my head.

"I'm sure you'll find someone while you're out." I answer, having no plans to abandon what I'm doing.

"You always have your nose in a book. Why don't you pull the stick out of your-"

"John has given me a home for the past eleven years, so if he asks me to research something..." I gesture to the book. "I'll research."

I figure that he's through bothering me when the book gets taken right out of my hands.

"Hey!" I exclaim, reaching for the book dangling above me.

He lets out a chuckle finding amusement in my frustration.

"Cut it out, Dean. I have work to do." I huff, reaching for the book again as he pulls it back further.

"No can do Evy. You're gonna have to try a lot harder to get this back." He taunts as my face heats up in annoyance.

I reach for the book again, taking him by surprise at my speed before ripping it out of his hands and jumping further onto the queen sized bed curling into a ball around the book to protect it from the hands of Dean again.

"Evy no! You are gonna have fun with me like it or not." He exclaimed, kicking off his boots and crawling up the bed to where I was before using my biggest weakness and tickling me.

"No, Dean, stop! Stop!" I exclaimed in between laughter, feeling my grip on the book loosen before he grabbed it from my grasp and held it up again.

"No fair!" I yelled, reaching for the book again before giving up and collapsing on the mattress, still laughing and too out of breath to fight for a silly book.

Dean continued to chuckle. "I love it when your face gets all red like that."

I felt the tips of my ears go red as well from the tone he used suddenly, becoming very aware of his legs on both sides of me pinning my body to the mattress.

The energy in the room seemed to switch into something foreign as we both felt it, and our laughter subsided, the grey of my eyes catching his deep green ones.

I've never been so close to Dean Winchester that I could notice the gold flakes sprinkled throughout the green or the light freckles he held on the tip of his nose.

The room was silant except for the sound of our heavy breathing as his eyes flicked from my gaze to my lips as he brought himself down closer to me.

His soft lips came down onto mine, making my heart skip a beat at the feeling that came with it.

I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about what it would be like to put my lips onto his, but nothing in my imagination could create what it felt like.

A moment passed of the sweet, delicate feeling until the air started to grow thicker around as Dean threw the lore book behind us onto the nightstand, and the kiss deepened both of us hungry for more.

Dean's lips pulled off of mine, and i almost spoke up to protest, but instead, i was silanced as he made his way to my neck where he seemed to make me feel things I never had before.

I pulled my arms from below me and wrapped them around his neck, digging my fingertips into the short hair on his head as he kissed along my neck releasing the sexual tension that has grown over the years between us.

"Dean," I let out his name in a moan as he found my sweet spot working delicately on it just to tease me more.

"See, I told you we'd have some fun." His gruff voice whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my spine before sucking on the lobe of my ear, making me let out another moan feeding into his movements.

My hands moved from his neck to the hem of his shirt, pulling up on the soft fabric. He gathered what I was trying to do and sat up on my hips he was straddling before pulling off his shirt and throwing it down on the motel floor.

Breathless as I looked up at his chiseled form riddled with scars from hunts, his lips turned into a devilish smirk. "Your turn, Evy."

I put on a smirk of my own and pulled my shirt off before Dean pulled the rest off for me and threw it down with his as I now laid in only my black bra with his eyes running over me like a wild animal.

"You gonna do something, Winchester, or do i have to take it from here?" I asked with a cheeky grin as he came back down onto me, putting his lips on mine like a starved man as I felt the bulge in his jeans now pressed into my jean shorts.

My hands ran up and down his bare back, desperate to touch every part of him. His cold hand came up to support my back as arched and pressed my hips into his gaining a growl from him.

Pressing even harder on my back I got the message and pushed myself on him again as he let me down and moved his lips off mine again Pressing down onto me as our hips moved together and his lips worked down my neck and onto the tops of my breasts.

"Is this okay?" He asked as I just looked up to the ceiling, waiting for more.

"You have no idea how okay this is." I spoke, and that was all he needed to move back down to my chest and start sucking on the top on my skin that was sure to leave a dark hicky behind.

"Oh my god," I breathed out and felt Dean grin into my skin before moving the kisses back up, leaving a trail of pleasure all the way back up.

His movements not being enough for me I made the move to flip us over so I know sat on his hips feeling the large bulge below me making my boldness worth it.

I decide to grind lightly on him, watching the feeling drive him insane. "You know Dean, I never thought you would have felt this way towards me." I played, pushing on him again.

He grabbed my hips and pressed me onto him. "I haven't stopped thinking about this moment since I learned how to do this moment." He breathlessly got out as I leaned down onto him.

"Good." I smirked and moved down to his neck, happy it was my turn.

He grabbed my ass as I sucked along his neck, finding the spot he tensed up to fighting back noise.

"It's okay to say my name, Dean. I won't stop." I breathed, continuing back to my task on giving him a hickey of his own.

"Evelyn" he breathed as my lips moved back to his and I felt his fingers work away at the zipper on my shorts as he flipped us around again in a swift motion moving off the bed to pull them down slowly making me anticipate when I would feel him on me again.

I looked down to see that I wore my bright pink underwear that I've had since junior year.

"That embarrassing." I chuckle as Dean's eyes meet mine again.

"Lucky for you pinks my favorite color." He rebutted climbing back onto me as I worked on the buttons of his own jeans.

Before he could slip them off, he couldn't fight the urge to run his hand up along me, making me shiver even with the cloth of my underwear separating any real contact.

Seeing my reaction, he moved down the bed gripping the damp pink cloth with his teeth and slowly began to pull them down as I felt his hot breath close to every place I wanted it to be.

My mindless euphoria came to the utmost abrupt stop when the sound of the impala engine stopped us point blank.

"Oh no," was all I got out before Dean jumped off of me as I pulled up my underwear and quickly grabbed my clothes from the floor below.

"Crap, crap, crap," Dean muttered as I jumped off, throwing his shirt at him.

"Button up your pants!" I exclaimed as Dean was focused where his teeth were moments ago. "If your dad sees us like this, you can say goodbye to any kind of privacy!"

That was enough to snap him out of it as he buttoned his jeans back up and I ran to the bathroom shutting the door with a lock before hearing the motel door open with the voices of John and Sam behind it.

Breathless, I let out a giggle at the adrenaline of it all and looked into the mirror.

I had a hickey starting to form on me from the mouth of Dean Winchester, and I knew from that point on that there was no way this could lead anywhere good.

April 23rd - 2002

I sat at the motel room table with Sam on the side and Dean beside me talking about a new case John discovered leaving us to do the lore work...again.

Sam's eyes were on the book, but he was more focused on complaining about John's lack of respect for us.

"I mean you and Dean are adults, and he lets you go out on your own!" He exclaims as I feel pink tint my cheeks as the noticing of me and Dean's recurring absence.

"You're right Sam he should respect you more." I answered the boy, knowing that any other response would make him shut down with me like he has with Dean.

"Thank you!" He threw up his hand as I felt Dean's hand place on my upper thigh.

I stiffened at the contact but went back to my conversation. "Maybe he'll come around after graduation," I shrugged as Sam let out a sigh, turning back to the math book he had out instead of lore.

His minor rebellions make me chuckle and look like nothing compared to what most kids his age do.

"Or maybe you should just let the guy protect you, Sammy." Dean spoke, gaining an eye roll from his younger brother, making me chuckle.

My chuckle was stopped as Dean's hand moved up my thigh and under the skirt I had on.

I was trying to ignore his attempts at bothering me, but I continued in my task as he moved one finger to play with the hem of my underwear, making me go flush.

My eyes took notice of Dean's smirk playing onto his face as I tried to focus on my notes but flinched when he moved my underwear and started moving his finger around my clit that was already wet for him.

He looked over at me, catching my eyes as I gave him a warning look to stop messing around, especially in front of Sam.

His shoulders just shrugged his and continued to rub his finger more before entering a second on obviously trying to take it up a step.

After he moved to take it further, I pushed back in my chair as his hand ripped out, and I grabbed the impala keys from the table.

"Dean, let's go get food." I stated as Sam looked at me with knitted brows at the sudden outburst.

"Good idea. I'm starving." He smirked before getting up and grabbing his coat from the back of the chair. "Hold down the fort, Sammy."

Sam nodded his head all but ignored his older brother as I quickly rushed out the door with Dean hot on my heels.

"In a rush to get out of there, huh?" He chuckled as I narrowed my eyes at him from across the impala room.

"Shut up and get in the car." I demanded still flusterated with his teasing.

Dean turned over the engine and the impala roared to life as I fought the urge to have him take me right in the motel parking lot but I knew that things would be a lot more fun in private.

The drive didn't take long as Dean was anticipating what was to come next as well.

He stopped the impala in a secluded back road wooded area, which would be almost impossible for anyone to find.

Without any other moment, Dean turned off the engine as I moved over the bench and stratled his hips, taking his lips as my own.

The kisses picked up, and I could feel him grow under me. "You sure are Dominate tonight." He smirks as I pull back to grab a small fistful of his shirt in my hand.

"Don't tease me like that with anyone around ever again, you hear me?" I asked, pulling him close so that our foreheads and noses were touching.

"Yes ma'am," he breathed as I pulled him close and started kissing down his neck slowly and pushing down on him to tease him the best I could.

"Evy." He growled, growing aware of what I was doing.

"Hmm," I responded, smirking at my success.

He grabbed the impala door handle and pulled in open, stepping out and setting my feet on the ground before closing the door behind him.

I was confused about what he was doing until he pushed me against the impala, kissing me hard and needy.

My hands pulled off his jacket as he pulled off my shirt, making me gasp when the cold metal of the impala touched my bare back.

Next went my bra as he unclipped it and tosses it to the side, revealing myself open to him on his car in the middle of the Tennessee forest.

He cupped my breasts before I pulled off his shirt, pressing myself against him as we kissed.

I ran my hand over his bulge and that must have been the breaking point for him when the next thing I knew he was opening the back seat and setting me inside before removing his jeans and boxers before crawling inside with the door shutting behind him.

Without protest, I let him remove the underwear down my legs and toss them into the front before lifting up my skirt and aligning himself with my entrance.

"Ready, sweetheart." He asked as I nodded my head, which he moved around teasing me. "Words Evy," he demanded.

"Dean, I'm going to explode, please." I begged as he smirked and thrusted into me.

I let out a gasp and felt him start to enter me as he trusted again and pulled out, pushing in a third time, making me scream.

The momentum built up until he was fully inside of me, and I felt him fill me up as I let go as well seeing stars in my bliss.

Both breathless, he pulled out and collapsed on me, careful not to hurt me but to cover me with his whole body.

"You're mine, right?" He asked with uncertainty that made me giggle.

"Always." I replied confidently, playing with his short hair.

But in the back of my mind, I had a feeling that wouldn't hold true.



I personally don't like explicit words they just gross me out, but I think for my fist smut chapter(and the fact I'm very much a virgin), it's not horrible!!

I'm sorry if you don't like smut, but I really wanted to do a smut chapter oops

Okay, next chapter with pretain more to the plot, I promise!!

Love you guys!


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