The Twin Sparrows

By DeadMC66

64.7K 2.7K 732

Wade is Jack Sparrow's brother. Mute, Gentlemen, ladies man. However he never abandons his brother. Now they... More

The Sparrow Twins
Blacksmith Duel
The Black Pearl
Escape Port Royal
Recruitment in Tortuga
Isla De Muerta
Pirate Battle
God Forsaken Island
Undead Pirates
The Sparrows Escape Again
The Black Spot
The Search
Escape Pelegosto Island
Tia Dalma
Return of the Ex-Commodore
Liar's Dice
The Kraken
Isla Cruces
A Debt Paid
The Song has been Sung
Raid at Singapore
The Journey
The Locker
Going Back
Choosing Sides
Shipwreck Cove
Declaration of War
Maelstrom Battle

Davy Jones

1.7K 86 9
By DeadMC66

Ocean No POV

The Pearl was floating near a wrecked ship that it looked like it got karate chop in the middle by a giant. It was a very stormy night so it was hard to make out the ship but there was light thanks to the lightning.

Will: that's the Flying Dutchman?

Jack was brushing his beard with his hand but then remembered it's the hand that had the Black Spot so he put it down. Wade was next to him as was Gibbs.

Will: she doesn't look like much.

Jack; neither do you. Do not underestimate her. <elbows Gibbs>

Gibbs: must have run afoul of the reef.

Jack; so, what's your plan, then?

Will: I row over, search the ship until I find your bloody key.

Jack: and if there are crewmen?

Will: I cut down anyone in my path.

Wade:<shakes his head>

Jack: I like it. Simple, easy to remember.

Will went down the ship's already built in ladder where Ragetti was waiting with a boat.

Ragetti: your chariot awaits you, sire. <laughs>

Jack: Oi! If you do happen to get captured, just say Jack Sparrow sent you to settle his debt. It might save your life.

Ragetti: Bon voyage!<laughs>

Will started rowing away as Ragetti climbed back up.

Jack: douse the lamps.

The crew started dousing the lamps as Anamaria took the dog down below to keep it safe and dry as she had a feeling that something bad was going to happen.

Will kept rowing as he saw all the lights of the Pearl go out. He reached the broken ship as he had a lamp of his own as he looked around. He walked over to some ropes and saw a corpse. He heard something as he saw a man pulling on a rope as if he were raising the sails but it didn't really do anything and he was shaking a lot. Will didn't notice some other men hiding whenever they could.

Will: Sailor.

Sailor: hoisting the jib, Captain's orders.

Will: Sailor!

Sailor: hoisting the jib. Bring up with a round turn.

Will: there's no use. You've run aground.

Sailor; no. Beneath us. Foul breath.

Will started getting scared as he remembered Gibbs's tale of the Krakken. A man fell from a mast as Will walked over.

Will: Hey! Hey!

Will put the lantern on a hook as he turned the man over and he had no face. It looked like a giant octopus suction mark took its place which was scaring Will more and more.

The REAL Flying Dutchman appeared rising out of the water in a very epic fashion as fish pirates were coming out of any surface that was still intact as they grabbed the scared survivors.

Pirate: down on your marrowbones and pray.

The pirate attacked Will with the chains and balls as Will jumped over him and took his sword out to clash with another pirate and kick him away as he stabbed the first pirate before hitting him away. He dodged some slashes as he dipped the blade of his sword on a barrel of oil before he kept fighting and hit his lamp making the sword go on fire waving it around.

Will: get back! Get back!

One fat fish pirate attacked as Will slashed his belly letting out a lot of fish to spew out and other disgusting things as he backed off then Will got hit in the side of the head knocking him out.

It wasn't long and the rain stopped as four survivors and Will all got lined up and on their knees as if waiting trial and execution. Will heard thumping as he looked to his left and saw a pirate with a right crab peg leg, a crab claw for a left hand and octopus tentacles as a beard. He walked to his Bosun who was named Marcus and he had a hammerhead shark head for a head.

Marcus: five men still alive. The rest have moved on.

The man known as Davy Jones walked a little forward before he kneeled in front of the shaking sailor lightning a pipe.

Jones: do you fear death? Do you fear that dark abyss? All your deeds laid bare. All your sins punished. I can offer you an escape.

Man: don't listen to him!

Jones looked over at who said that and it was a man who was holding a rosary. He grabbed that man by the throat using his claw.

Jones: do you not fear death? <smokes his pipe>

Man: I'll take my chances, sir.

Jones:<let's him go> to the depths.

One of the pirates slits the man's throat and dumps it over the rail and into the water.

Man2: cruel blackguard!

Jones: Life is cruel. Why should the afterlife be any different? I offer you a choice. Join my crew and postpone the judgement. One hundred years before the mast. Will ye serve?

Scared Sailor: I will serve.

Jones: there. <sits up then looks at Will> you are neither dead nor dying. What is your purpose here?

Will:<seeing no other option> Jack Sparrow sent me to settle his debt.

Jones; what is your purpose here?

Will: Jack Sparrow... sent me to settle his debt.

Jones: did he, now? I'm sorely tempted to accept his offer.

From the Pearl, Jack was using a spyglass to see Jones talking to Will but then Jones turned to look where Jack was and when Jack lowered his spyglass, Jones was in front of him. The fish pirates grabbed everyone else as hostages having their swords at their throats.

Jack; oh.

Jones: you have a debt to pay. You've been captain of the Black Pearl for 13 years. That was our agreement.

Jack: technically, I was only Captain for two years, then I was mutinied upon.

Jones: then you were a poor Captain, but a Captain nonetheless. Have you not introduced yourself all these years as Captain Jack Sparrow?

Jack: you have my payment. One soul to serve on your ship. It's over there right now.

Jones: one soul is not equal to another.

Jack: aha! We've established my proposal is sound in principle. Now we're haggling over price.

Jones: price?

Jack: how many souls do you think my soul is worth?

Jones: you have two options: your brother's soul or 100 souls.

Jack: I pick the second option.

Jones: three days.

Jack: you're a Diamond, mate. Send me back the boy. I'll get started right off.

Jones: I keep the boy. A good-faith payment. That leaves you only 99 more to go. <laughs with his crew>

Jack: have you not met Will Turner? He's noble, heroic, a terrific soprano.

Wade:<thought> 2 out or 3.

Jack: worth at least four. Maybe three and a half. And did I happen to mention... he's in love? With a girl.

Wade:<thought> Elizabeth is no girl. She's a she-devil.

Jack:<walks around him> due to be married. Betrothed. Dividing him from her and her from him would only be half as cruel as actually allowing them to be joined in holy matrimony. Eh?

Jones: I keep the boy. 99 souls. <turns to him> but I wonder, Sparrow, can you live with this? Can you condemn an innocent man, a friend, to a lifetime of servitude in your name while you roam free?

Jack: yep. I'm good with it. Shall we seal it in blood? I mean... ink.

Jones grabs Jack's hand that had the Black Spot with his normal-ish hand as to shake on it.

Jones: three days and as to make sure you keep your word...

The man who was holding Wade disappeared into the floor taking Wade with him.

Anamaria: Wade!

Jack: no!

Jones: you will have your brother back when I get the 99 souls. Three days.

Jones and his men disappeared as everyone was let go. Jack looked at his left hand and saw the Black Spot disappear.

Jack: Mr Gibbs.

Gibbs: aye.

Jack: I feel sullied and unusual.

Gibbs: and how do you intend to harvest these 99 souls in three days?

Jack: fortunately, he was mum as to the condition in which these souls need be.

Gibbs: ah. Tortuga.

Jack: Tortuga. Set the heading towards Tortuga!

Jack went to his Captain's Cabin as Anamaria followed.

Anamaria: Jack.

Jack: aye?

Anamaria: we need to get Wade back.

Jack: and we will, but right now we need a large crew and leverage.

Anamaria: leverage?

Jack: leverage. We will start with getting a bigger crew first. Go back to your post, we need all the help we can get.

Anamaria: aye, Captain. <walks away>

Merchant Ship

The Captain and the two superstitious sailors were on the Captain's cabin as the Captain was looking over some papers.

Captain: it's an outrage. Port tariffs, berthing fees, wharf handling and, heaven help us, pilotage. Are we all to work for the East India Trading Company, then?

Man: I'm afraid, sir, Tortuga is the only free port left in these waters.

Captain: a pirate port is what you mean. Well, I'm sorry. An honest sailor is what I am. I make my living fair and I sleep well each night.

Both sailors got scared when they saw something flying outside the window.

Sailor: sir!

They all looked out and gasped when they see Elizabeth's dress flying around. They went to the deck and saw the dress floating in a very ghostly way. The old sailor and the other man who originally found the dress joined them as the dress pointed at the Captain.

It wasn't actually a ghost, it was Elizabeth using her dress as a puppet to make it seem like the ship was haunted.

Man: she wants you to do something.

Captain: she's trying to give a sign.

The dress flew to the right of the ship then to the left as it knocked over a lamp making it crack and started lighting a word in fire.

Captain: over there! Look for a sign!

The Captain and the men went to the left side of the ship completely missing the word on fire as Elizabeth couldn't believe they were that stupid.

Man; look, there! There it is! There's the sign!

Man2: that's seaweed.

Man: seaweed can be a sign.

Elizabeth dropped down using a rope as she sat on a barrel then looked at the Fire so her face couldn't be seen.

Elizabeth: what's that over there?

They all walked over and saw the word being spelled: Tortuga.

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