
Galing kay fantasy_rotica

130K 2.6K 1.3K

What's home, if not the first place you run away from? What's love, if not that unexplainable, blazing feelin... Higit pa

Trigger Warnings And Aesthetics
Twenty-eight (R)
Thirty (R)
Thirty-three (R)
Thirty-four (R)
Forty-one (R)
Forty-four (R)
Forty-five (R)
Forty-nine (R)
Fifty (R)
Fifty-one (R)
Fifty-two (R)
Fifty-three (R)
Fifty-five (R)
Fifty-six (R)
Fifty-eight (R)
Epilogue I (R)
Epilogue II (R)

Thirty-nine (R)

2.3K 42 54
Galing kay fantasy_rotica

Ariana Grande ft. Ty Dolla $ign - safety net.


"BUT YOU DON'T LIKE BROWN chocolate, Ina." My eleven year old cousin, Majid, speaks up, eying the heart-box of chocolates which were anonymously delivered to me this morning.

Boy, don't I know it? I detest brown chocolate.

When Joan came into the kitchen to inform me of a package waiting for me at the door, I did not expect it to be chocolates. Who the fuck thought it was okay to anonymously gift me chocolates?

I exhale. "Any card attached to it?"

The delivery guy shakes his head negatively. "Nope. It was ordered and sent to this address."

"Maybe it's not for me."

He rolls his eyes and I suddenly understand why it irks Mr. Ash so much. I feel like smacking his forehead.

"Ma'am, we've been through this. You're Alaina, aren't you?" He groans frustratedly.

Who could have possibly done this? I mean the only man who continuously gifted me chocolates - upon I specifically told him I didn't like them - was date seven. And he got married sometime late last year.

"I don't like brown chocolate. You can have it." I mumble conclusively and move to shut the door.

"It's not really in my job description to eat deliveries..."

"Well, today's an exception. Goodbye." I interrupt him and slam the door shut.

For the love of God. I take my palm to my forehead, rubbing it slowly. If date seven has somehow decided to leave his lovely wife and taunt me with dark chocolates, he has another thing coming at him. Like a restraining order.

"Alaina, you should have just given it to me." Majid grumbles.

Majid is Aunt Lora's first child.

My mum dropped him off on her way to work to keep me from running crazy - as she put it - especially during these perilous investigation times - as she also put it. Turns out Majid wasn't feeling too well and Aunt Lora wanted mum to babysit, but today is one of those rare days that mum decided to go to work. She owns a small hair shop near her house.

She didn't ask for Mr. Ash's permission because of what I told her yesterday - she said he isn't my boss anymore, so she didn't need it - and I totally understand her reasoning. But this is still Mr. Ash's mother's house and I honestly don't want any trouble.

"Thought we've groomed you enough to not collect things from strangers?" I look down at the kid.

"It's not from a stranger. It's from the delivery guy and he said it's for you." He complains.

"I'll get you chocolates later. For now, come finish your lunch." I pull him alongside me and we go back into the kitchen.

His unfinished plate of pancakes still sits on the counter, untouched. He's yapping about not having appetite, but he just took his meds so he has to eat.

We are alone in this house. Jid came with my mum few minutes after Theresa and Joan went somewhere earlier in the morning. I don't know where because I didn't ask, but I think she forced Joan to follow her to the book club; said something about Joan not reading her books and uni opening in few weeks.

As for Mr. Ash, he didn't come back yesterday. And I don't give a fuck.

I stared at my drenched self in the bathroom mirror for approximately three minutes last night after the cops dropped me off, trying to convince myself not to care whether or not he was with Ingrid. Thankfully, it worked.

It didn't.

And you might be wondering; cops? Yes, cops. I don't know how they got their intel or for what particular reason exactly, but Paul was pulled over for DUI. We both tried to explain to them that he only had few glasses of wine earlier on, but they weren't exactly buying anything we were saying.

One of the two law enforcers insisted on taking me home in their patrol vehicle, while the other drove with Paul to the nearest station in his Spider. It was a really sour end to the night, I swear, but we couldn't do anything about it.

Thankfully, Paul sorted it all out few minutes after getting to the station—he texted me.

"Alaina." Majid calls me, pulling me out of my thoughts.


"Will you still let me swim if I don't finish my lunch?" He innocently asks.

We made a deal. He said he likes the pool out back; I told him that if he ate to my satisfaction, I'd let him in the pool.

I look at him for a few seconds, pity gnawing at my heartstrings. He's really forcing himself to eat that. "Okay, fine. You've had enough. Drop it. I'll go put on swim gear and meet you back here. How's that?"

"Awesome!" He grins and immediately sprouts up from his seat to go wash his plate.

I get up from my own chair and head for my room. Since no one's home, I can at least have some fun with my lil cousin.

I don't spend much time in my room because all I do is take off my extra large Princess And The Frog t-shirt and panties; and put on a purple two-piece swim suit with a nude see-through robe, before I head back downstairs.

When I get to the top of the staircase, I hear some sort of commotion. It sounds like there's a ruckus...and it's coming from the living room. Like dozens of people are in the house.

Did someone break in? A robber? Or armed robber?!

Oh, no. Majid's all alone in the kitchen.

I want to rush downstairs and look for him, but the kitchen is directly in front of the living room, and if there's anyone - or people - there, they'll see me immediately I step in. I have to be silent so nobody notices me.

I gently throttle down the stairs and over to the living room, making sure my footsteps aren't loud enough to draw attention.

I land on the last step and take a peek inside the living room.

Ah, shit. Majid is smack dab in the middle of four large men dressed in expensive suits, and a lady with a pixie cut. They're all giving him all their attention with handshakes, fistbumps and hair ruffles.

I freeze. Who are these people?

As if sensing me, one of the men turns to look in my direction and an unwanted tremor runs down my body. I'm suddenly aware of my robe being the only thing covering my body from the practical crowd in front of me.

It's Mr. Ash. And he looks...surprised to see me.

The last time I saw him, I was driving out of my mum's house beside Paul. After I shouted at him. He looked like shit last night.

His eyes rake over my form and a subtle frown overtakes his features.

Almost as if an alarm blares in my direction, every other person in the room turns to look at me.

I only recognize one other man - Jason. He and Mr. Ash are the only men not covered in tattoos and ruthless expressions.

One of the tattooed men wolf-whistles and Jason reaches out to smack his blonde head.

The heavily tattooed lady with a pixie cut smiles at me. Unlike others in the room, her smile is soft and gentle; not loaded with lust.

Mr. Ash grabs Majid's hand and gently pulls him away from the crowd in the room. Wow. He didn't flip out at the little strange boy in his mama's house? Or does he know Jid's my cousin? I mean, he did say he researched me and all that.

He brings Majid over to me and gives me a look that tells me to leave.

I swallow due to his...intense gaze.

Sir, I want nothing more, so I take a hold of Majid's shoulders and lead him back into the kitchen.

I know I should just leave the house totally and go to the swimming pool out back, but I want to hear what Mr. Ash and Jason are going to discuss with these strangers.

Since they came in with Jason, I'm suspecting that they could be his fellow work associates. Although, there's just one teeny thing: these men - and that lady - don't look like RCMP agents. One, neither of them are in uniform, and two, they look...dangerous.

I suddenly wonder what type of people work for Mr. Ash and if his business is a hundred percent legit. He's really rich and from what my grandfather used to tell me, really rich people dip their hands in shit sometimes.

"Who are those people?" Majid asks, distracting me for a moment.

"I don't know." I reply without looking at him. But then I suddenly snap my head over to him. "They were talking to you. What did they tell you?"

He shrugs. "Nothing much. They just asked who I was and which of them is the most good looking."

"And?" I ask impatiently.

"I chose the one staring at you right now. I like him the most and..." I tune him out.

Of course Majid somehow thinks I actually care which of them is the most attractive. I was asking about who you told them you are, genius.

"Not that..." I counter but pause, losing my train of thoughts.

Staring at me right now? Who is...?

My question dies at the tip of my tongue when I look over at the living room to see Mr. Ash looking at me.

Good God. Our eyes lock for few beats.

"He's really good looking, isn't he?" Majid asks me. "And he's nice too."

Nice, my ass.

I don't reply the little boy. I might as well be underwater with Mr. Ash because his question sounded muffled against my eardrums. In fact, I can't hear shit.

"Is he your boyfriend?"

Now, that question tears my gaze away from Mr. Ash's.

"What? No. I'd rather eat a whole shipment of dark chocolates."

"Shit. Then you must really hate him."

"Yes, I do. And what did Aunt tell you about cussing?" I scowl at him.

"She said I could cuss only when I'm supporting family."

"Shut up." I roll my eyes when he starts laughing.

"Why do you hate him though? He seems to really like you. I mean, he hasn't stopped looking at you." Majid looks in Mr. Ash's direction and back at me.

I will not look at him. I will not look at him. I will not look...

"Stop saying that." I mutter while simultaneously sneaking a glance across the kitchen, towards living room. Yeah, I'm a loser.

Mr. Ash is still looking. But he's not the only one. That blonde, wolf guy is also looking and grinning sheepishly at body.

"Majid, which guy are you talking about?" I sure as hell hope it isn't wolf guy he's linking me up with.

He looks back at the room and chuckles. "Oh, no, not Mario. Davian's the one I'm talking about. Mario is cool, but I think he'd be a better match for Sandra."

Davian, huh?

I ignore his crude-ish remark about my friend, solely 'cause my heart is too busy doing that annoying thing behind my ribcage; that annoying thing where it deceives me into thinking I'm short of breath.

"Did he scold you, or ask who you are...or pinch your cheeks like a lobster?"

"I think he already knew who I was." Jid replies me. "And no, he didn't pinch my cheeks. Why are you asking me all these?"

To find out if my mother perhaps made a mistake by not requesting for Mr. Asshole's permission before bringing you over.

So far, I don't feel like she did though.

I ignore my cousin, getting up from my seat and moving to the sink. I need some water. My throat is parched from looking at Mr. Ash act so in-charge in that damn suit.

When I squat in front of a cupboard to get a cup, I feel it on my exposed thighs; hot, like a branding iron - his eyes.

He's still looking. And I can bet his net worth that he's not happy at my choice of dressing either. But it's too bad he can't do jack-shit about it now. I'm innocent so I'm not working for him anymore.

I grab the cup and get up, gently closing the cupboard. Then I move to the sink.

I'm filling my cup with water when I hear it.

"I think Davian's distracted." Jason comments, making sure everyone in the room hears it.

Wolf guy and Majid start laughing.

I don't flip my head to regard the scenario; I don't want to see his face.

By the way, I think I already know Jason's reason for that sly remark. I'm sure he said it because Mr. Ash's attention has been on me since I walked in on them.

He is being distracted by me.

I don't hear his hushed reply to Jason's comment though. I wish they can hold their ridiculous meeting using the latter's previously loud tone because I need to hear what they're saying. They're practically whispering to one another.

After drinking water, I leave the cup on the sink and join Majid again in my previous chair.

"Alaina, are we going to swim or not? Aunt Carol will be here soon." He asks me exasperatedly.

"We will. We will." I mutter. "Before we go though," He groans. "How did you know their names?"

"Uh, they told me?" He says it as a question, like I'm stupid for even asking.

"Tell me."

"I'm pretty sure you already know Davian." I frown at his suggestive tone, but I don't say anything. "Mario is the one who whistled when he saw you. Jason is..."

"I know who Jason is."

"Well, okay. The man that hasn't spared you a single glance is Juan. And the pretty lady is Iris."

I immediately get something similar to an epiphany - they're here to discuss about Lara.

If that's the case, then I'm meant to be in the meeting. Why didn't he invite me?

Probably because every other person is dressed up for a meeting, and the only meeting you're dressed up for is a meeting with the CEO of a porn magazine.

My subconscious is partly right.

Mr. Ash would never let me in such a gathering dressed like this. But that doesn't mean I'm not going to get my answers some other way.

Even with the echo of his deep voice massaging my skin, I know he's back to staring at me. I feel it all over.

He's talking to his friends, but he's looking at me. How does he do it? Why is he doing it?

His stare awakens something feral in me and I suddenly get a terrific idea.

No, the idea isn't going to help me get answers - at least I don't think it will - but it's going to get me something else that I've been wanting for an entire week. Something I should not want, but hey, it's the hormones...the very stubborn hormones.

I ignore the negative screams of don't! that my subconscious is blaring in my head, and I throw caution to the wind.

I want Mr. Ash's entire attention.

I want to piss him off just to see how he'll react now that I'm no longer bounded to him by law. That sounded weird. Bounded to him by a piece of paper. That also sounded fact, forget it.

I slowly take off my robe, tossing it on the kitchen counter. Then I pull Majid alongside me, heading for the pool out back.

If he wants to stare at me, he might as well just see everything he wants to see.

And it's obvious he's getting entertained because his voice addressing his little boy band - plus an extra girl - is put on pause.

The demeanor of the atmosphere transitions to something more intense and visceral.

That only means one thing - he's seen me.

Before I leave the house, I steal one final glance at my ex-boss.

He's leaning forward on his sofa, with both arms bent at the elbows and leaning on his thighs; a part of his lower lip is in-between his teeth and his blazing green eyes are stuck on my ass.


That Mario guy whistles again and I can't help the smile that makes its way to my lips.


Majid and I burst through the doors leading out to the swimming pool. We didn't technically burst through the doors, but I'm sure the picture is clearly gotten.

"Oh, shit!" Majid shouts in excitement and immediately flings his shirt over his head.

"You're not exactly supporting family right now, dude."

"If you tell my mum, I'll tell your mum you wore underwear in front of four men." He remarks snidely. "And a lady."

"Touché." I smile widely.

Majid is my favorite cousin. He's cute, smart and he's not a snitch, regardless of his last statement.

"Well, knock yourself out, kiddo." I announce, leaving his side and moving to the other side of the pool to get in.

Somehow Majid believes he's a grown man, so he doesn't like bodily contact with me or any of my friends. He says it feels weird. That's why I give him some distance in the pool, going to the far end.

On the plus side, there's a floor-to-ceiling window on this side of the pool in front of me that lets me see what's going on in the living room.

When I look at the window, I see through it; all five of them are engaged in what seems like a serious conversation.

But then all of a sudden, Mr. Ash stands up and begins to walk away. The others follow his lead and I huff in mild annoyance. The window isn't that large so I just lost sight of them - they've moved out of my line of view.

I don't have to wallow in disappointment for too long though because Jason, Mario and Iris file out the house through the backdoor.

Mr. Ash and Juan are nowhere to be found. I frown. They must have gone to the spare room that's used as an office upstairs.

Mario and Iris stop in front of my cousin to play with him.

Jason moves closer to my spot in the pool and squats down to my level. His skull rings steal my attention momentarily.

"What's good, cariño?" He grins at me.

"Nothing's good. What are you guys talking about and why am I not invited?"

"Calm your tits..." He grins. I half-expect him to look at my cleavage that is littered with pebbles of water, but his gaze doesn't leave my face. "...Davian will tell you everything."

"No, he won't. He's avoiding me."

He scrunches his face up and leans in closer to me, lowering his voice to a whisper. "So you mean to say he hasn't spoken to you since...?" I catch a faint scent of smoke and nicotine. Jason doesn't smoke, does he?

"Nope." I pop the 'p.' When his eyes linger on me for few beats, I fold. "Okay, fine. He tried to speak to me yesterday but I might have...sorta...maybe...kinda..."

"You didn't let him." He states.

I nod hesitantly. "I...scolded him."

He huffs a laugh. "Jesus."

It wasn't my proudest moment, but I couldn't hold the words in anymore.

"What? Can you blame me? He literally ignored me for a week after that night at Play Dirty when we found out the truth!" I eye the glinting gold ring on his nose. Wasn't aware of his nose piercing either until right now. "I told you he would do this even after I prove my innocence to him. Your best friend is pathetic."

He laughs out loud now. "You have no idea, cariño. If only you knew how pathetic."

I'm about to ask what he means, but he keeps talking.

"Well, you made us move our meeting. Thank you very much."

"Move it where, and how was that my fault?"

"You don't need to know where. As for how it was your fault, I'm very sure you know how." He finally eyes my body submerged in the pool. "Just stay in here." He looks up at my face and awkwardly pats my drenched curls, getting up when he's done. "Oh, yeah. And don't follow us unless you're dressed in a hoodie and sweatpants that are four sizes too big."

I groan out in frustration.

"Your boss's orders." Mario butts in.

"He's not my boss." I instantly retort.

"Well, none of us minded the distraction. It's a lovely sight." He tips his jaw at my form. "I don't know why Davian had to overreact."

"Shut up, Mario." Iris spanks his head exactly how Jason did few minutes ago. Then she looks over at me. "He's a pervert. Feel free to slit his jugular vein with a mini knife anytime."

"Ookay, Eyeballs. Enough talking. Davian must be waiting for us." Jason interrupts her by grabbing her bicep and pulling her away with him.

"It's nice to meet you, Alaina. I've heard so much about you!" She screams dramatically as she's being pulled away, back into the house.

My guess is they're going to meet Mr. Ash. Urgh.

I'm still looking in their direction when something slick and shiny comes into my view.

It's Mario. He's leant over and literally shoving a card into my nostrils.

"Call me sometime. I promise you won't regret it."

I eye the card for a minute or two, then I take my gaze to his face.

Intricate jawline, killer grin, metallic eyes and a blonde buzz cut. And I thought Jason's aura reeked of sex. This one 'ere reeks of sex and few felonies. Did I even mention his thick accent? Jesus.

"Rio!" I hear Iris's voice scream out from inside the house. "Get your horny ass in here!"

"My arm is getting tired, Alaina."

"How do you guys know my name?"

"How do you think?"

I think Mr. Ash or Jason told them.

Sighing in surrender, I wearily collect the business card from him.

Then he straightens his spine and finally leaves me alone.

They're fools for thinking I'm not going to snoop on them. And fuck the hoodie and sweatpants thing; Mr. Ash isn't my boss anymore.

"Majid." I call the kid.


"Did you see where they went?"

He's on that side of the pool facing the backdoor, and he's too smart for his own good. I'd bet my left nut - that I don't have - that he saw exactly where they entered.

"Yeah. Upstairs."

Attaboy. I was right.

"You're going to go up there in your underwear, aren't you?" He lazily inquires of me, playing with the water.

"Don't be ridiculous, kiddo. I'm putting on my robe."

"Golly, that's so modest, Alaina. Aunt Carol would be very proud."

I scowl. "When was the last time you were smacked?"

He mimes zipping his mouth shut and grins at me. I roll my eyes, getting out of the water and heading to the kitchen for my robe.

Before I leave though, I toss Mario's card on one of the chairs decorating the pool area.

If they entered the room I think they did then it might be a hassle eavesdropping. I've never entered that door since we moved in here and it's not like I've cleaned this house either so I didn't have any reason to. The last time I snooped around, I was busted and scolded.

Anywho, I will not let that thought deter me. I put on my robe and skip lightly back out to the pool area. I look at Majid having fun in the pool and a light smile makes its way to my lips.

I tiptoe gently back into the house and up the stairs.

After about two minutes, I'm in front of that door - the door to his spare room office. I'm about to knock on impulse, but I immediately catch myself and rear my hand backwards. Well, shit...home-training will be the death of me.

I place my head sideways on the wooden door, straining my ears to check if I'll hear anything. I can hear few voices but they sound faint. Something catches my attention though.

"And what if he's already found out about the fake flashdrive?" It's a feminine voice - the pixie cut girl, Iris.

"I doubt that. Even if he has, he's not capable of killing Lara McCain. Or is he?" A male voice now. Probably Mario.

Oh. They're talking about Leon; wondering if he has found out about the switched flash drive. Why would he want to kill Lara though?

I tune in to their discussion again but I can't hear anything clearly; just muffles and an occasional mocking laughter from Mario.

My legs begin to itch and I realize I've been standing in front of this door for almost twenty minutes. And my mission has been futile.

I groan out in frustration.

By the time I realize the amount of noise I made, it's already too late.

I immediately slam my hands over my mouth.

Great job, Alaina. Just great.

Pin-drop silence...for five heartbeats.

Pheew. Maybe no one heard me and I'm just overreacti...oh no, no, no, no.

The door to the office is slowly pulled open from the inside and someone's huge shadow is cast upon my short frame.

In my defense, I didn't necessarily enter the meeting. I was eavesdropping. Jason didn't warn me against that.

"What?" A mean, gruff voice interrupts my train of thoughts.

I look up's Juan.

"Well, nice to see you too, Juan."

"It's Hu-an." He immediately corrects my mispronunciation; the ever-present glower still on his face, before his eyes give me a once-over like I'm an old hag. "Thought you were asked to dress properly before joining us?"

Congratulations to me 'cause I think I may have found someone more grumpy than Mr. Asshole.

"Meeting's over." Think of the devil, and he shall speak. Mr. Ash orders his crew to disperse and they obey him, starting from Juan who brushes past me like I'm the reason for all his problems.

"You're in deep shit." Iris mutters as she passes me.

"Tell me about it." Mario agrees with her quietly, smiling at me and winking as he passes.

I immediately follow in his wake, not wanting to face the consequences of my disobedience, and not wanting to be in a confined space with my ex-boss. I haven't forgotten the promise I made to myself to avoid him; that's exactly what I'm doing.

I don't get too far though because someone's large hand grips my wrist. The gentleman-like manner of the grip has me relaxing into his touch, thinking it's Jason.

But when I turn around, I get the biggest shock of my life.

Yes, bigger than the shock I got when I saw Mr. One Night Stand's dick.

It's Mr. Ash.

My pulse skidaddles to my nape.

Jason whooshes by us, muttering something about using protection. I want to flip him off but all coherent thoughts fly out my mouth in form of a gasp when Mr. Ash pulls me into his office and closes the door.

"What did Jason tell you?"

Oh, shit.

No matter how utterly brave and loud-mouthed I get, I am never prepared to be in the same room with Mr. Ash alone.

I morph my tone into something stable. "You should be getting a serious sense of déjà vu right now."

"What?" He frowns subtly.

"We all know how this goes; I ignore you, you get pissed, and then you hurt me."

"You forgot the part where you don't listen." He says sternly.

"No. You forgot the part where you're not my boss anymore so I don't have to listen to you anymore."

His jaw ticks. Once, twice. Then like he's been wanting to tell me this for a while, he asks, "Why did you beg your grandfather to keep working with me?"

My pulse travels farther away from its actual position.

Of course he's asking me this. I'm not surprised he is, because of what grandpa asked me last night.

"I didn't..." I trail off when his eyes narrow infinitesimally at me. I could just lie to him, but he'd catch me red-handed and misinterpret the entire situation. "Once. And I didn't beg. I requested."

His tongue visibly moves about in his mouth as he thinks. "Why?"

"I did it so you wouldn't turn off our compromise; not because I cared about you or your company."

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah, really." I remark. "I couldn't care less if both you and Ash Enterprises rot in hell."

He's unaffected by my words. "And yet, you haven't left."

"Huh?" I scrunch my face up at him.

"If you care so little about me, you should be with your mama and grandfather." He explains. "I'm sure they're both currently well aware of your innocence."

"My grandfather isn't aware of the truth just yet."

"But your mama is." He doesn't ask.

"Yeah, I told her." I answer. "You don't have to worry though. I made her promise not to tell him."

A humorless chuckle. "Your grandfather's the last person on Earth I can ever be worried about, Alaina." He says my name like that.

My voice is fleeting. "You underestimate him."

"You underestimate me."

It's hard to find my voice again, but I do. "If he finds out about my innocence, he's going to come here and he's going to..."

"To what?" He interrupts me roughly, taking a step towards me. "Punch me?" His question is pure mockery.

I take a step back. "Oh, he'll do more than just punch you." I breathe. "He'll take me from you." I don't know why I say it the way I say it, but it's already been done, and I'll blame it on the fact that my senses are going into overdrive, slowly.

"Or he'll come here and leave on a hospital stretcher." Another step. "Without you too."


I don't know why I instantly believe that Mr. Ash can do all these things he just mentioned. He can beat up Mr. John and keep me here with him against my will too.

It's probably because I know how crazy he can get, and because of the scary men downstairs who obey his instructions like toddlers.

"You wouldn't dare hurt my grandfather." I glare daggers at him.

"I would dare...if I wanted to." He deadpans. "And no one would do any fucking thing about it, not even you." His sentence is punctuated by my back colliding with the desk in here as I keep trying to back away from him.

I know Mr. John doesn't scare Mr. Ash in the slightest and for some reason, that thought mundanely excites me, because momentarily, it feels like I don't have a choice; like he's going to keep me with him whether my family or me likes it or not.

But at the same time, it also makes me frightened because he's so cruel...and I know he doesn't make empty threats.

"Are you scared?" He's currently few inches away from me.

"No. I'm not..." My lie is interrupted when his hand shoots out towards me, instantly shutting me up and making me close my eyes tight in expectancy.

My pulse is erratic.

His soft, mocking chuckle strokes my nipples. But not as much as him grabbing the top of my swim bra to yank it upwards and cover my cleavage.

That's why he darted his hand towards me. I thought he wanted to hurt me like he always used to do.

"What did you think I wanted to do to you?"

Hearing the amusement tinged in his tone, frustration claws up my system and I pop my eyes open.

I slap his hand away from my body, pinning him with a hard look. "I thought you wanted to hit me." I state. "Isn't that like your thing?"

He tries to close the little distance between us. On reflex, my hands blindly fly up to find his chest and stop him from pressing his hard body against mine. Oh, God, those push-ups are paying off.


I know, subconscious, I know.

He easily captures both of my hands and pins them on either side of me atop the cherry desk behind me.

His chest collides with mine.

"Stop it." I squirm in his hold but he just blinks, regarding me with his eyes like I'm a baby poodle. "Mr. Ash, let me go."

Please. You're turning me on and I don't want that.

His suit-clad chest is brushing my very wet chest, scraping my nipples and making my pussy moist with something other than water.

"I don't want to let you go." His breath grazes my face; my lids flutter.

That statement is heavy, like he doesn't just mean letting my hands he also means he doesn't want to let me go; he doesn't want to let me leave him.


My heart gallops; my nipples are so strained, they hurt.

Being alone with this man is always a bad bad decision.

"You can't keep me here, Mr. Ash." I tell him, sounding shaky and practically almost begging him to just let me go. "The contract is vain now. I'm not yours anymore." I remind him of what he said to my grandfather that fateful night in Montreal.

She's mine for five more months...

"Anymore?" He sounds entertained. "So you're admitting you were mine then?"

Shit. "No. I didn't admit to anything." I get defensive. "What I'm saying is, you can't keep me here against my will. We made a deal."

"Look at me."

I don't. I can't. Especially not with my hands caged helplessly on either sides of me; not when he's getting my hormones riled up and urging them to make me do stupid things.

He tsks like he's annoyed. "Look at me, Alaina."

"Please, just let me go..."

He does, but I leave my hands on the desk, just because I know I can't push him off of me even if I try.

"Don't be scared of me, Alaina." His hand does the work of grabbing my jaw gently and forcing me to look at him. Sometimes it literally hurts to look at this man. "I'm not going to keep you away from your family. You're the one who's still here."

"It's impossible for me to not be scared of you, Mr. Ash." We're so close to each other, it seems like he wants to kiss me; so I lean away from him, taking my head few inches backwards.

"Try and make it possible 'cause I'm not making that mistake of hurting you again."

Seeing the scorching sincerity in his green orbs, I'm compelled to look away from them.

Of course he's saying that now. He's only saying it because he finally believes my innocence.

"Why haven't you told your grandfather about your innocence yet? Why did you tell your mama to hide it from him?" His hand leaves my jaw and takes a stray curl behind my ear. I shiver. "Aren't you as eager to leave me anymore?"

My core heats up at the timbre of his last question. "Of course I want to leave..."

"Then why are you still my office," an abrupt pause that feels strangulating, "in a bikini?"

"I meant what I said last night."

"You said lots of things last night."

"When I told you I'll leave only after getting justice for Taylor and I, I meant it." I tell him as means of clarification. "That's why I'm still here."

"Fucking look at me."

"You're not my boss anymore..."

He ignores me; his hand grabs my chin this time not-so-tenderly, shoving my face upwards to lock eyes with his. "So you're not leaving until the investigation is complete?"

My gaze hardens. "Why, you want me gone?"

"Far from that." He wets his upper lip. Fuck. "I want to know how much time I have to make you forgive me."

My insides turn to jello. Gobsmacked. Yes. That word describes my expression.

But then it falls, transitioning to a scowl. "I will never forgive you."

He frowns deeply, his eyes narrowing into slits. "I will make you forgive me, Alaina."

He might have as well said, 'I will make you cum, Alaina.' because I'm speechless.

His phone buzzes in his slacks and he blinks away from me, letting my chin go and stepping away from me. "I've got shit to do. We'll talk about this more when I get back."

I'm not talking to you, I want to say. But instead, I go for: "I don't want to."

"Didn't ask."

I scoff, straightening my spine and exhaling numerous times in relief. "I'd rather jam my lips with your stapler. Repeatedly."

Quietude for three excruciating seconds. "Be my guest." He grits his teeth and does something unbelievable.

He's faster than usual when he spins on his heels and heads for his office door. I don't even understand what's happening until he leaves the office and slams the door in my face, locking me in.

Crap. I dash to the door.

"Hey! Hey! Open this door." I yell, slamming my fists on the door repeatedly and making noise. "Mr. Ash!"

It's no use. He's gone.

He trapped me in here like a fucking prisoner...and now, my inward feelings of claustrophobia are suddenly my reality.


Two hours.

Two bloody hours of pacing up and down aimlessly; singing and re-singing the Secret Tunnel song from Avatar: The Last Airbender; and scribbling the shitty lyrics on his files, books, receipts...anything at all I could find on his bloody desk.

I'm annoyed.

I'm pissed at him; even moreso seeing his organized shit on his desk, so I disarrange them in a fit of all the rage I've been bottling up since the night of the blue flashdrive.

I shove everything on it to the floor, then I climb on top of the table and sit on it.

Almost immediately after settling down, I hear it.

Click click.

The door is unlocked and Mr. Ash walks into the office.

He closes the door and the anger I feel towards him quickly transforms to panic when I hear it again.

Click click.

He locked the door. He locked us in.

The dread that coats my skin with tremors and goosebumps also manages to turn me on, instantly.

When he turns around to face me, his eyes dart around the room and I must be hallucinating because his lips make the smallest tilt upwards.

He's smirking? Or not. I mean it disappears as quickly as it comes so I can't be too sure.

He starts walking to me; stalking towards me and pinning me on the table with eyes harboring dark intentions. Like a predator.

I try to take a step backwards but I realize that I'm sitting on his now disorganized desk and I have nowhere to run to.

I steel my back and my jaw, meeting his dark gaze head-on. I might as well prove stubborn since I can't run away. By the way, he's not my boss anymore so he can't hurt me.

I keep chanting the last sentence in my head like a mantra until he finally comes into my personal space.

When he reaches me, he invades my system with him. It's annoying how much my core loves this little distance between us.

Our initial stare contest is over. I lost. Again. Not because I backed down, no, but because as he kept coming closer, my eyes became level with his chest - I didn't want to strain my neck to look into his eyes.

"Where were we?" He asks coolly, like he didn't lock me in here for two entire hours.

I ignore him.

"Well? Say something." He breaks the tension-ridden silence. "Where's all that attitude you had in your mama's house?"

My body itches with the desire to knee him in the balls. I thought he wanted to apologize. I mean, I know I told him to shove it up his namesake, but still.

"It's still here. Get the fuck out of my way." I order him.

"You wanna know something about your attitude, Alaina?" He asks me.

"It pisses you off?" I've heard it once, I've heard it a thousand times. "Stale news."

"Nō, it's not doing that anymore." His voice becomes a bit throaty as he delivers his last sentence. "Now, it's giving me a hard-on."

I instinctively take a brief glance down at his slacks and...good God. My breath hitches in my trachea; I almost choke.

I hear his deep, half-chuckle indicating he saw what I just did.

To hide how affected I am though, I roll my eyes at him.

"Roll your eyes at me again." He orders calmly. Too calmly, but I know it's a facade. I know that calm. It's the calm before a spank. His belt and a sore ass flashes before my eyes.

My breath hitches. Again. What is wrong with me?

"I don't want to." Yeah, we both know that's not the reason I don't roll my eyes again.

"Let's talk, Alaina." Mr. Ash suggests.

"I don't want to talk to you either."

He huffs. "You're angry at me."

I bar my teeth behind my lips. "Do you also know that birds fly?"

"Tell me what I can do to make you stop ignoring me." He ignores my sarcastic retort and makes a sentence that sets my skin on fire.

"You're the one who's been ignoring me!"

"I tried to talk to you yesterday." He says.

"After a-hundred-and-sixty-eight hours of ignoring me." I scoff incredulously. "Well, I suppose a week's nothing to you; you've ignored me for more."

"What should I do to pacify your anger towards me?"

"Go jump in front of a speeding bus." I blab the first thing that pops up in my mind, feeling my skin burn hotter with aggravation.

He grunts and suddenly yanks my knees apart, stepping in-between my legs and placing his hands on either sides of my thighs.

"Mr. Ash, no." I argue pathetically in an attempt to uphold those promises I made to myself as I cried on my bed that fateful night.


Mon Dieu. I give up the stubborn act and rear backwards, trying to put enough distance between us.

My core on the other hand screams for joy. She practically drools at the newfound intimate bodily contract which she's missed so much.

I should leave this place. I should seriously leave this place.

"Quit bluffing." He orders, looking down at me. "And tell me what you want me to do."

"I'm not bluffing." I state. "Go to the bus stop or something, and throw yourself at a..."

"What if I take you out on a date?" He drops a bomb.


My breath hitches. Again! And this time, it doesn't return to normal. It's ragged and animalistic.

"W-what?" I stutter in shock, his question forcing me to take my eyes to his.

"Yeah. We could go right now." He keeps talking, his green eyes shining with a flame of hope. "Anywhere you want."

The nerve of this man keeps baffling me each fucking time.

A date? What the...? A date can't fix everything! It can't even fix one thing.

Does he think taking me out and spending a few dollars on me will make things okay? Do I look like his bimbo? Do I look like Ingrid?

"I want to leave."

"Alaina..." He calls me frustratedly; it almost sounds like a whine.

"Just. let me leave, Mr. Ash."

He tenses up, probably sensing that I'm currently serious and void of all sarcasm and jokes.

He steps away from me begrudgingly and moves to the side.

I immediately hop down from his desk and make a beeline for his door.

Before I get to the door though, I pause in my tracks, recalling the initial reason for my ending up in here.

I turn to face him to see that he has settled down onto one of his sofas at the corner of the office.

Knowing him and his grouchiness, he might not answer my questions, but I push my luck.

"Who are those guys?" I ask. "Juan, Mario and Iris. Who are they?"

"It's Hu-an, Alaina." He corrects me. "And they're close associates of mine." He...actually answers my question. Thankfully, he didn't push me away or threaten me like that time in his kitchen.

"RCMP?" I keep pushing my luck.

He makes a brash sound similar to a snort. "Nah."

I don't think he wants to explain their sources of income to me, so I ask something else, "What were you guys talking about in here?"

He looks at me and his eyes harden before he looks away. "Lara."

"What about her? Who wants to kill her?"

He looks at me again, a small smile overtaking his handsome features. He ought to know that I got that bit of info from eavesdropping. "We went to her house earlier and she wasn't around; it looked like she traveled or something because most of her stuff were gone."

"So you broke into her home?"

His smile widens. "Yes. We did." He pauses and hardens his countenance again. "We drew two conclusions. One, either she left after giving Leon the flash drive, or two, Leon found out he got scammed and eliminated her, thinking she intentionally played him."

"You've confirmed she was the one who met up with Leon that night?"

"No. But she's the prime suspect, considering your friend said Leon was only approached by women." He tells me, his countenance morphing to that of disgust as he talks about Amara. "We can only be sure however, when we question her."

"Did she travel, or is she dead?"

"Jason checked all the records of flights and train bookings and whatnot; Lara hasn't left this city. So we're gonna cross our fingers and go back to her house tomorrow." He pauses. "Hopefully, she just went to spend some time at her boyfriend's and he didn't try to watch the footages on the fake drive he was given before trashing it."


He hums his positive response.

I suddenly recall that both parties pecked each other in one of those footages in the flashdrive.

"I'll go with you guys tomorrow." I offer.

His head immediately snaps up to meet my gaze. "No, you will not. It's too dangerous."

My heart does that shit again. The shit where it makes me think it skips a beat.

I blink and the heady feeling stops.

I don't respond him; I just resume my previous mission of leaving this dark office.

When I get to the door, I try to yank it open but it doesn't budge. I yank it again. And again. I'm about to try a fourth time when something invisible smacks me on my forehead. Oh, I totally forgot he locked it.

Of course you did, Dufus. My subconscious decides to speak up.

I walk briskly towards him, jutting my palm out in silent request for the key.

He reaches into his pocket - how can such a simple action look so sexy? - and brings it out.

But he doesn't hand it to me; he just holds it, suspended in mid-air.

"Don't slam my door, Alaina." He orders. "Close it gently."

I ignore him and reach for the key but I don't grab it because he takes it out of my reach.

I snap my eyes to him. He's smirking. Fucking asshole. He's enjoying my irritation.

"What did I say?" He asks me with a sly grin, like he's asking a child to repeat after him.

"Slam my door, Alaina, don't close it gently." I smile sweetly at him. "Satisfied, boss?"

He startles me when he growls and flings the key across the room, then he grabs the back of my thighs and yanks me towards him, slamming me down on his.

I let out a loud gasp.

He scooches out of the sofa a little so that I can properly straddle him.

His hands immediately find my ass and he squeezes like he's frustrated with me.

The tension between us finally combusts with a match of lust, and I'm burning. I'm burning for him.

I'm not supposed to be enjoying this as much as I am, for God's sake! This man is everything wrong for me; he did everything wrong to me, and yet, I can't seem to control myself emotionally anytime I'm around him.

Once again, in this moment, I don't care about anyone or anything. I don't care about Ingrid Reid. I don't care if he was with her last night. I don't care about the advice my friends gave me. I don't care about Theresa. I don't even care about myself.

I just care about him.

Jesus, it's like he's blurring the demarcations on my scale of preference where he's supposed to come in last; he's making me forget how pissed off I should be at him for ignoring me for a week and locking me in here.

My subconscious was right. I'm too weak to resist Mr. Ash.

"Fuck." He groans, burying his nose in the crook of my neck. "You don't know how fucking crazy you're making me, Alaina."

I inhale air harshly through my teeth.

God, he sounded so hot.

All I can suddenly think of is how his groin isn't directly under my heat. I need the contact.

Would you look at that? Now I'm longing for a sex simulation. Me. Alaina.

Well, I guess this is a tad bit decent compared to all the other things I've let this man do to me. He's making me go fucking crazy as well. I'm doing things I wouldn't normally do for other men, and I'm doing them without thinking twice.

I move my ass a little hoping to graze my heat along his hard-on but I end up grinding on him.

Mr. Ash moans, and I swear it's the sexiest shit I've ever heard. It amps up my morale and I lift my hands from my sides, dropping them on his shoulders.

"Don't." He grunts out, his words tickling the flesh of the hollow of my neck where he's still nesting his head.

"Don't what?" I ask sweetly.

I know he wants me to stop moving; and I know I should heed to his one-word command, but I ignore him.

I steel my upper body and move my waist in a circular motion on him.

He moans again, but then his hand on my ass moves down to my thighs, holding them in place and preventing me from moving any further.

I scowl.

Quicker than lightening, he's up from my neck and in my face. "Where'd you spend the night?"


"Did I stutter?"

I must be high from our proximity, because I actually answer his stupid question. "Here. Where else?"

Paul did ask me to spend the night at his condo, but I politely declined his request—even before the whole cop fiasco thing—because...I dunno, I guess I'm just not comfortable with spending the night at a random guy's house, no matter how close we are, especially when there's no valid reason to do so. What would Paul and I even do, for fuck's sake?

The only man whom I've stayed the night in his house over and over again is this one right in front of me, and there were many valid reasons for my doing so; not to mention, I've also grown sort of accustomed to it. Judging from our current position, I've grown so accustomed to it.

I might just be seeing things, but a maximum look of contentment is automatically set alight in Mr. Ash's jade orbs once he hears my answer to his question.

"Did he touch you?" The vehement contempt at which that pronoun is pronounced educates me on who he is.

Again, I ask, "What?" in utmost bewilderment.

"I saw him pull you both over at some street." He confesses. "Why?"

Paul did that because I asked him to do so. I wanted us to wait out the rain. That idea went up in smoke however, when the blue and red lights appeared out of nowhere all of a sudden and a white man in uniform knocked on his car window.

How those men were working under the rain and miraculously found us will forever be a mystery to me. It's like they were being paid just to intentionally be pains in the ass.

But what bothers me is the fact that Mr. Ash followed us.

Jesus Christ. What kind of a psycho tails people in their car? And most importantly...why did he do that? I know he doesn't like Miller, but you don't see me tailing he and Ingrid now, do you?

"Why did you follow us?"

"Answer the damn question."

"And if I say yes?" I ask him. "If we did do something in his car, what then?"

His jaw clenches.

No, it can't be.

"Are you...jealous?" I ask, completely bewildered.

The question seems to catch him off guard because his grip on my thigh loosens. I seize the opportunity to grind on him again. Luckily for me, he shifts and his groin ends up exactly where I want it.

I sigh in content. I've fucking missed going physical with him.

My grip on his shoulders tighten and I grind into him again, feeling his erection brush on my clit. I bite my lower lip stifling a moan. Oh, fuck.

"You don't need to be jealous, Mr. Ash. Nothing happened. Paul and I are just like you and Ingrid." I grind into him again, a bit harder than the last ones, then I rotate my waist slowly.

His eyelids flutter and his grip comes back on my thighs; only this time, it isn't too strong and I can keep moving.

"Wait, maybe you do need to be jealous. I mean, I did catch Ingrid in your bed." And you probably spent the night with her as well. Another grind; another roll of my waist; a masculine guttural sound from him. "Maybe Paul and I did something similar in the back of his Spide..."

A rough grip on my chin silences me. "Shut the fuck up and take off your robe."

My teeth let go of my lower lip and I release a soft moan.

Then I oblige him. I leave his shoulders and take off my robe, throwing it on the floor.

His hand leaves my face and resumes its previous spot - idle on my thigh - as his eyes wander around my wet body while I place my hands back on his broad shoulders and continue to grind on him.

I throw my head back and release a loud moan when both his hands find my ass with a loud spank.

His fingers tuck the parts of my panties covering my ass cheeks into my crack; the action strokes my clit with a vengeance and I shudder violently on top of him.

"Oh, God."

"You're such a horny little thing, Alaina." He chatters; his voice sounding more strained than before as he palms my bare ass and presses. "Tell me; do you like the feel of my cock on you?"

Oh, God. When he talks dirty, it drives me insane.

"This doesn't mean shit. I still fucking hate you." I grit my teeth while rocking him faster. "Urgh, God." I cry out, rubbing my clothed wetness on his erection over and over again.

"I know you do." He delivers another sharp spank on my ass cheek. "But you're going to cum for the man you fucking hate."

God, yes. Yes, I am. I shouldn't, but I'm going to either ways.

"Fuck you." I moan, my finger nails digging into his crisp suit jacket as I keep chasing my orgasm fervently.

Mr. Ash squeezes my ass hard and trails one of his hands up to my swim bra. He yanks down the cup and begins to play with my boob.

"You just have to be so fucking sexy." He groans, then drops his forehead on my damp shoulder. His hand on my ass pulls me closer to him, so close that my chest and his are pressed tightly together.

His hand working my boobs doesn't stop; it keeps pulling and squeezing and tugging my nipple as his breath fans my cleavage. It's so huge and hot that it coats my skin with screaming meemies.

From the sounds of his panting and the size of his breath, I can tell his mouth is open.

Fuck, Mr. Ash is so affected by me.

Keeping in mind that this is the first time we're both being stupid with both my hands free and untied, I decide to carry out all my fantasies and imaginations; so my palms leave his shoulders and curl around his neck, pulling us impossibly closer together.

He tenses for a bit, but he soon relaxes into my touch.

He suddenly raises his pelvis up and slams it against my core.

I can't help the strangled moan that escapes my lips. I also can't help but dig my nails into the nape of his neck as I keep grinding into his erection.

It's like we're fucking with our clothes on.

"Mr. Ash." I whimper into his ear, resisting the urge to suck his lobe into my mouth.

"You're close, huh?"

"Mm." I whisper, creating deeper crescent marks on the flesh of his neck.

"Cum for me." He commands. Then he smacks my cheek. He does it a second time. And a third. "Cum on my fucking slacks."

I guess that does it.

"Shit!" I cuss as I unconsciously drag my nails across his nape, riding out my orgasm as it hits me hard like an ocean tide.

When I'm done using his hard-on to my satisfaction, I lean off of his shoulders and he lets go of my boob.

Our eyes immediately lock together.

Mr. Ash maintains eye contact and takes one of his hands to both of mine curled around his neck, then he gently pries them off him.

His hand lingers at his nape though and he suddenly grins. "Jesus Christ. How's my back gonna look when I fuck you?"

Heavenly Father. My eyes bulge.

He's talking about the marks my nails gave him, and he said 'when,' not 'if.' 'When!'

The nerve of this man. He hasn't even apologized for one week ago and yet, he's threatening to fuck me.

He's also talking about missionary.

I know, subconscious.

Images of us fucking flash at the back of my mind, making my cheeks tingle and the bundle of nerves down south alerts me that she's ready for round two.

His hand leaves his neck and grabs my soppy hair, yanking it backwards harshly. "The next time you wear shit like this in front of other men, I'll burn all your clothes and get you ones that fit my taste."

Hoodies and sweatpants four sizes too big. He doesn't have to say it to make me understand.

After he threatens me, he lets go of my hair and gently fixes my messed up swim-bra. My heart pulsates at the sight.

When he's done with that, he relaxes into the sofa and pins me with a hooded stare as if silently telling me, 'you may now leave.'

My nerves are ablaze. The feel from the memory of our past ecstasy two minutes ago washes over me and I want a repeat.

Fuck, no, I can't do that again. I just had an orgasm. And I hate him.

Mm hmm.

I grudgingly tear my gaze away from his and scurry up from his thighs.

There's a wet spot right on his groin. My cheeks tingle some more when I realize what it is.

Mr. Ash is looking at me hungrily. He didn't cum; he's still horny.

He suddenly gets up from his sofa.

I think he's going to lunge for me and fuck me right here and now, but I'm met with mixed feelings of disappointment and gratitude when he moves towards the door. He isn't headed for the door though, he steps to the side a little and squats, picking up the key he tossed away earlier.

Then he walks to the door and unlocks it.

I guess that's my cue, before I do something stupid - stupider - like sitting on his god-damn perfect face.

I make a beeline for the door. Again.

When I'm out of the office, this time it isn't his grip that stops me, it's his voice.

"I won't stop trying 'til you forgive me, Alaina."

I want to tell him that means he'll keep trying until he dies, but the door is closed shut, and I hear it again. Click click.

A dark room, a man with a raging hard-on and a locked door equals what?

I try not to think about it, but of course I still think about it. The image flashes through my mind and I suddenly want to barge into his office and take care of his erection myself.

No. No. No. No. No. No.

I banish those evil thoughts from my head and turn to go downstairs, but then I hear little, irregular footfalls up the stairs.

"You're finally done." Mario and my little cousin show up in front of me.

Mario is grinning with a stupid, wide smile on his face. And Majid is looking lost. His eyes are droopy and look unnaturally dilated.

"Why is my cousin smiling like that?" I ask Mario cautiously, ignoring his suggestive remark.

"I should be asking you that." He chuckles mockingly. "You're his babysitter."


I inhale, then exhale.

"What did you give him?"

I suddenly remember that he and Iris were talking to Majid when Jason was talking to me. They connived to drug my little brother.

They wouldn't. They wouldn't dare!

Mario suddenly bursts into laughter. The kind of maniacal laughter that definitely is not normal.

"Some brownies." He replies me.

"Jesus! Why the hell would you do that?" I rush over to them, pulling my cousin away from his grasp.

"He asked for some."

I squat so I'm eye level with Majid. "Aww, you poor baby," I ruffle his curly hair. Then I grip his cheeks like Mr. Ash always did to me, except more gentle. "If you tell my mother about anything that happened here today...and I mean anything, I will kill you."

Majid cracks a lazy sneer and nods his head more times than necessary; he almost topples over and hits his forehead on the floor.

I stand up, giving Mario death glares. "As for you, you better hope this shit wears off before his aunt comes to pick him up."

I brush past him, pulling Majid along.

"Don't worry, Hotstuff. He just had a bite...or five!" Mario continues with his laughter, shouting after our receding figures.

Hot...what? These guys are such assholes.



Who wants Davian and Alaina to fuck already?

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