Remedy (SCP-049 x Reader)

By Loomingx

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A new scientist joins an observation team responsible for SCP-049, and surprisingly... gains his interest. (C... More

Chapter 1: The First Encounter
Chapter 2: Book Club
Chapter 3: "A Slap in the Face"
Chapter 4: Trial and Error
Chapter 5: A Bear and Breakfast
Chapter 6: Lavender, Drawings, and Mysteries
Chapter 7: Transfixion
Chapter 8: From Fondness to Fortune
Chapter 9: Mutual Captivity
Chapter 10: A Too-Long Awaited Reunion

Chapter 11: A Fear of Love and Death

3.9K 164 178
By Loomingx

Earlier during your walk, it was mentioned by the computer than an SCP blocked the way between you two and the path towards the exit, forcing you both to find a new way out.

"What kind of SCP can't we look- oh..." You said, your voice trailing off.

The doctor nodded, "Let's not risk our lives to pass 096..."

Eating another snack and rubbing the tiredness out of your eyes, you began down a different path, nervous about where the two of you were heading.

Thankfully the computer was there to help you both.

...but what did 049 do to earn the computer's help?

Shaking your head, you continue matching 049's pace down the white tiled hallways, the dim lights reminding you that the main power still hasn't been restored.

How much longer will the backup generator last, feeding this entire building?

You had both arrived at an elevator, 049's gaze meeting yours before looking back at the elevator.

"We must take this down to get to the other side of the facility now..." 049 said, hitting the button.

As the doors opened, motioned for you to enter first, following after you.

After you both entered the elevator, the doors closing before you two, 049 pressed the button to the lower floor and it descended.

A soft catchy instrumental song played over the elevator's speakers, but the silence between 049 and you was still a little uncomfortable.

"So..," you started, "Have you ever tried.. escaping before? You seem to know where you're going."

049 turned to you before looking back towards the doors, nodding.

"I have tried, and on some occasions, even came close to escaping this dreadful place."

You twisted one of your feet around uncomfortably, knowing you've probably bothered him with such a question. It seemed like you reminded him of sour memories.

"Sorry- I shouldn't have brought that up... my bad-"

"No need to apologize, my dear doctor. All is well."

You nodded, the elevator stopping, doors sliding open.

049 led the way out, walking through very dark cylindrical corridors, the only light coming from the dim red emergency lights.

After half an hour of wandering around this basement-like level, all that seemed to accompany you and the plague doctor were crates wound up with plastic.

"Where is the next elevator... this place is spooky." You whispered to 049.

"I cannot help but agree with you... something seems-" 049 started, the sound of footsteps down an adjacent corridor making him go silent.

049 and you look down the corridor, the plague doctor grabbing you and swiftly hiding behind a crate, peeking around it as his arm was outreached in front of you - protecting you.

"Hello? Is someone there? I'm wounded!" A voice called out.

Quickly you grabbed 049's arm, almost jumping up and down with happiness, 1048 nearly falling off you.

"Doctor! We should help them! What if they can-"

His head raised a bit in surprise, wrapping one arm around your waist and his other hand covering your mouth, tucking both you and him as far possible in the corner of the crates.

Before you could complain or struggle against 049's grasp, the head of something like a de-skinned dog with jagged slimy teeth peeked around the corner, practically reaching into where 049 and you previously were.

"Help. Doctor- Help!" It said, eerily mimicking your voice perfectly.

What the hell is that.

Thank god 049 pulled him and you away in time, or else... you didn't even want to think about what would happen.

Why is this dog-thing even free, roaming the under-belly of the site?

Was it also released during the breach?

If so, was it the computer- and why would it let out such a thing?

It could probably rip you and 049 into two without much of a fight...

Speaking of that, why didn't it rip you both apart when it saw you two?

Could it be possible... that it can't see?

As the dog scampered away down the hall, the plague doctor grabbed your wrist and hastily led you down where the dog came from.

"Why are we going where it came from? Are you insane-" You angrily whispered at 049, putting both him, 1048, and you at risk.

The plague doctor grabbing you again pulled you tightly against the wall of the next corridor, letting another dog pass you both as you held your breath.

Turning your head to see where this one came from, you find the elevator you were both looking for, dead bodies of both scientists, guards, and D-Class littering your path.

049 grabbed your wrist harshly, tugging you towards the exit in a rush.

Being practically dragged over the bloody bodies as 049 briskly walked around them wasn't helping you keep your footing.

Especially with all the slick blood coating the corridor to the exit.

"Slow down! I'm gonna slip-" You whispered to him, worry filling your gut as the next step you took with your blood-coated shoes slipped, your entire body creating a loud SPLAT into the viscera.

The noise echoed through the corridors, thumping footsteps rushing toward the three of you, which you could only assume was the dogs.

You wanted to scream so badly, the blood seeping through your clothes, hair, and pretty much every part of you.

049 quickly scooped you and 1048 up into his arms, making his way into the elevator and hitting the close button just in time.

Hitting the button as the large dogs pounded on the doors, it ascended, getting you and the doctor closer to escaping this hell.

The doctor set you down as your legs shook, barely keeping you upright as you took deep breaths.

"Are you alright? I apologize for not considering you... The exit was-"

You cut him off, your voice strained.

"I am... covered... in blood! Covered! Drenched! Sopping in.. blood and other disgusting liquids, doctor! You can't- I understand you've been around dead bodies, and know how to get around them, but I don't! I don't deal with dead bodies, on a regular basis!" You argued, your face going red with embarrassment and frustration.

"I am terribly sorry... so terribly sorry..." He said quietly, fiddling with his now bloody fingers.

You huffed, crossing your arms and turning away from him.

"Are you angry with me, dear? I truly mean it when I give you my apologies-"

"Don't dear me! As soon as we are out of here, you're finding us a shower!" You cut him off, sighing.

"" He asked, his head tilting as you looked back at him.

As you realized what he was asking for elaboration on, your face began to flush again, beet red, gasping in shock.

"Are you insinuating-! Why would I- That-!" You turned away from him to hide you face from him, the thought of doing something as intimate as that with him making you... uncomfortable.

Was he even- would he- no!

Don't you dare think of doing something with...


Your thoughts were cut off as you heard him laugh under his breath, turning to see his hand covering where his mouth would be.

"Are you laughing at me right now?!" You screamed.

"Never, my dear doctor! That would be awfully rude of me!" He said, snickering in between his words.

"I can hear you laughing, it's not funny! You can't just- that's intimate- and we..." You turned back to the door, feeling confused as butterflies filled your stomach.

"As much as I would enjoy washing off this filth with your company, the likelihood of us finding a shower... I am unsure of." He said matter-of-factly. 

You turned to him, eyes wide and mouth open.

Did he really just say that, without care?

His head slowly turned away from you, seeming to get.. embarrassed?

"Did you just say you would-" The doors opening and interrupting the two of you.

The hallway before you was pristine, seemingly untouched by the breach yet, lights working.

This area must be powered by a different generator... but why?

"Seems like a light containment zone... There is a chance we could indeed find a shower." He said, his hand wrapping around yours, leading you out of the elevator.

Before you two could continue, 1048 hopped down off of you, landing on the ground and waving farewell to you.

"1048... are you leaving? You stay safe, alright buddy? I hope I see you on the flip side..." You said, becoming worried for the small bear.

"I am sure you can handle yourself, can you not?" 049 asked, crouching down to the stuffed teddy bear.

1048 saluted 049, turning and walking away down the hall, disappearing behind a corner.

You sighed, "Yeah, it can, if its buddies are around here I'm sure they can hold their own weight against humanoid-like SCPs at least..."

049 put a hand on your shoulder, "It'll be alright. Let us find somewhere to clean up." 


An hour passed as 049 and you wandered this level of the facility, finally coming across someone's abandoned living quarters.

Must've been someone higher ranking than you, because this is much more spacious than yours, and with its own private bathroom!

It'll be nice not having to share a communal bathroom with others for once... or in this case, for a short time.

049 set down the duffle bag that you nearly forgot he was carrying.

How come he could carry the duffle bag, 1048, and you, through and over bloodies bodies?

He was a lot more agile and strong than you knew... then again, you never took the time to feel his muscles and check.

Your face flushed, turning quickly and digging through drawers in the room, finding a clean pair of clothes and undergarments before heading for the bathroom door.

"I'm going first! Knock if you need something!" You said quickly, throwing open the door and closing it behind you quickly before 049 could say anything possibly inappropriate.

You turned on the shower to a hot temperature, ripping off the disgusting clothes you wore and stepping into the streaming water.

You sighed with relief as the hot water cascaded down your tired and aching form, quickly melting away any wet and dried blood from earlier.

Reaching down and picking up the bathing supplied, you washed your hair and body, the red and brown water finally running clean.

The bandage around your shoulder was soaked. You'd have to ask 049 to change that after getting out.

"I really needed that." You sighed, opening the shower door to reach for a towel.

A towel that wasn't there.

You were so excited to take a shower... that you didn't check for one.

Barefooted on the tile, dripping water, you grabbed the handle of the bathroom door and opened it slightly ajar - peeking out.

049 sat on the bed with a towel beneath him, absorbed in a book he must've found.

"" You asked meekly, 049 looking up, eyes locking with yours.

"...yes? Is something wrong?" He said, quickly getting up and coming towards you.

"Don't come closer! I- I forgot a towel! Could you- could you grab me one?" You stuttered, your grip on the handle of the door so tight that it was turning your knuckles white.

He stood still for a second before turning to one of the drawers, pulling out a soft white towel and handing it to you slowly.

"Thank you!" You said quickly, taking it from his hand, pulling it to you and closing the door.

You looked in the bathroom mirror, your face bright red, shaking your head and quickly drying yourself off and putting on the clean clothes before wiping the water off the floor.

Opening the door, you wrapped the towel around your shoulders, leaving the bathroom door open as you sat down on the bed next to him.

"You can take a shower now.. uh- but- Do you think you could re-wrap my shoulder first?" You asked nervously.

049 nodded, heading into the bathroom to wash his hands before coming back out, taking his supplies out of his bag - from inside the duffle bag - and beginning to re-sanitize and wrap your shoulder.

"...thank you." You said quietly, as he tied off the bandage around your shoulder.

"I am more than happy to help, my dear doctor. Any who... how does it feel?" He asked, still kneeling in front of you, taking your hands in his.

"A lot better, actually! I would have taken off the bandage before the shower, but I forgot since it's not nearly as painful as before." You mentioned, looking at the cleanly wrapped wound before turning your sight back to 049.

It was quiet for a moment, his hands still around yours, thumbs massaging your knuckles and digits.

"" You asked, worried since his mind seemed somewhere else.

He looked up quickly, "Ah! My apologies, I best take that shower now. Thank you..." 

Picking up the bloodied towel from where he sat, using it as a barrier between him and the bed, he grabbed a new clean towel and headed into the bathroom - door quietly closing behind him.


What was he thanking you for...?

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