Punish me, Professor, I dare...

By TheStephanieFlora

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Reader is a student at Hogwarts, and a super rebel with Snape. She gives him hell in every way she can to bre... More

Chapter 1 : How did we get here?
Chapter 2: Emergency
Chapter 3: A Drop of Liquid Lust
Chapter 4: Distance
Chapter 5: I See You
Chapter 6: Lend me a helping... arm?
Chapter 7: Stalemate
Chapter 8: En Garde!
Chapter 9: Green with Envy
Chapter 10: Sour and Sweet
Chapter 11: Purple Haze
Chapter 12: A cat outside the bag
Chapter 13: Reinforcement
Chapter 14: Stripped
Chapter 15: Control your emotions. Discipline your mind.
Chapter 16: Stretched out by revenge
Chapter 17: Riddles and Dark Chocolate
Chapter 18: Golden Cage
Chapter 19: Revelio
Chapter 20: Contactless Touch
Chapter 21: The Ellgar Trial
Chapter 23: Merciless Masquerade
Chapter 24: Kill to Protect
Chapter 25: A Secret's Price is Disownment
Chapter 26: SSSS
Chapter 27: Overwritten Scars
Chapter 28: Family Feud
Chapter 29: Standing alone against the World
Chapter 30: It takes two to Tango
Chapter 31: Disconnect
Chapter 32: Gruesome Graduation
Chapter 33: Monochrome
Chapter 34: Theory of a Rebel
Chapter 35: Up Against The Wall
Chapter 36: Prince and Princess
Chapter 37: The Dark Mark
Chapter 38: Build It For Me
Chapter 39: Burn The Whole World If I Must
Chapter 40: Father

Chapter 22: The Wolf's Thievery

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By TheStephanieFlora

Snape's office and bedroom became a sacred place for me after our delicious encounters. The vibe in these rooms has such a soothing and arousing effect on me, that if I could, I would spend all my free time here, just relaxing and watching Snape's everyday routine. As per the bat's request, I came down to his office after dinner, he very politely apologized and said he has a bit more grading to do, and I should make myself comfortable until then. I offered to help, but he refused, and now, bundled up with a blanket in a leather wingback, I'm eyeing my potion master, as he elegantly moves his gift quill in and out of red ink.

Before sending me back to my dorm, Snape gave me a vial of Felix Felicis too, fulfilling Dumbledore's request, but playfully threatening me that if I dare to use it on my upcoming midyear exams, he will know, and I shall be punished. Of course, I teased him, asking seductively, how hard will I be punished, to which he just pinched my butt and said he was serious. I reassured him, that he shouldn't worry, I'm still top of my class, and I don't need luck to pass the exams, although I'm a bit nervous.

Drax jumped me the moment I entered the common room, hugging me violently, barely letting me breathe. He was super glad to see me return, and after a few long minutes of teary reunion, Vincent stepped out from behind Drax with a smirk. Turns out, the cherry prince felt like something was not in order with this whole Rohan situation, so he pestered Drax until my poor friend spilled everything to him, thus Vincent asking Dumbledore if he could be a key witness at the trial too. I apologized to him for keeping my case a secret, fortunately, the Slytherin boy understood my reasons, and I finally had the opportunity to thank him for standing up against Rohan. We never thought he would resort to a dirty trick like this, and I was sorry Vincent lost his best friend, but the redhead confessed, that they weren't that close anyway, so it's not a big loss for him. I think with this, I got a step closer to Vincent, and we might even have a very nice friendship blooming in the near future. We discussed the details of his birthday party, which will take place right after the exams. This couldn't be more awesome, since it'll be the perfect time to celebrate.

In the end, my day went by quite nicely, I took a calming stroll near the forest, truly enjoying my freedom, and when the bell signaled dinner, the long-forgotten butterflies have come to life once more in my stomach. In one hour, I'll be with my dearest potioneer, and we can finally touch each other freely, without restraining ourselves. During the feast, I got a quite tempting order in my mind, Snape told me to drink the red liquid before coming to his office. When I asked him what the mysterious potion was, he answered with a 'you shall see' and left me hanging in curiosity. So, I had no choice but to gulp down the burgundy liquid before descending on the stairs -it's sweet taste honestly surprising me- and patiently wait for its effect. There was no immediate result, no change could be felt after the potion hit my stomach, so I shrugged, and made my way to the dungeons. Severus would never poison me; I trust him with this.

Coming back into the present, the book I borrowed from the professor's shelf lays open in my lap; the encyclopedia of ingredients for healing potions lost my interest long ago. The chilly office is only lit by the fireplace and the singular candle on Snape's desk, the master always liked to stay in modest darkness, the calming gray mantle suffusing over us. My eyes linger on Snape's elegant fingers, the soft scratching of the quill lulling my senses. I watch him tracing lines on the paper, and unconsciously, I press my pointer finger to my lower lip, opening my mouth just a rift. His hair seems a bit more wavy and voluminous, and the urge to run my fingers through it catches my being with full force. His concentrating gorgeous face is tempting and inviting, like a source of light for a moth on a summer night.

"Enjoying yourself?" his molten gold voice slips in the atmosphere, startling me a little.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to stare..." I start fidgeting with the corner of my blanket in embarrassment. A short pause with him watching my curled-up body, then his baritone resounds in the room again.

"What is it that is so alluring to you on my person? Your habit of staring became stronger in the last period, and I always wondered what makes your gaze linger on me so?" he asks with genuine interest, jotting down a few words on a longer parchment in his hand.

"I-well, you're very handsome to me, you have a mysterious aura, a commanding presence and..." I'm weakly trying to find my words, but his question threw off my balance a little.

"And the fact that I'm your superior fuels your arousal even more, correct?" he finishes my sentence instead with a chuckle, as I turn my face away with a blush, squeezing my eyes shut. Bullseye. He can read me like a book at this point, so I don't even try to resist.

He resumes his work, and I try to immerse myself again in the book before me, but I fail miserably as my eyes drift up again, restlessness crawling up under my skin. I see his sitting silhouette across the room, his cassock hugging his upper body deliciously, I imagine undoing every button one by one to reveal his fiery hot torso. His beautiful, long legs rest under the table, and I wish for nothing more than to crawl under the furniture and bury my face between them. My dear teacher shifts his gaze to me for a second, a foxy smirk in the corner of his lips, but returns his focus to the paper under his hand.

My body started heating up all of a sudden, and with my breathing becoming heavy, I slide the blanket off me, letting it pool near the chair's legs. A thin sheen of sweat covers my forehead as I close my eyes with a deep breath, my hand slips between my thighs, squeezing them together, trying to alleviate the sudden wave of overwhelming arousal. What is happening?

A couple minutes are enough, and I'm slightly squirming in my seat, biting my lower lip, digging my nails in the armrest, and pressing my back to the leather, completely worked up. The training pants with my thin top feels like a sauna on my skin, I want to rip them off, because I can't take this heat anymore. My half-lidded eyes travel up from his polished shoes, over his calves, all the way to his slightly open thighs. As I stop at the delicious growing bulge, I lose control of my mouth for a few seconds, and whisper out with a huff into the sultry atmosphere,

"I want your cock..."

Snape jerks his head up with slightly wide eyes, but changes his expression into a smug one, placing the quill in the ink holder, leaning back in his seat, folding his arms together over his chest.

"Now now, Miss, is this any way to talk to your professor? You know my stance on profanity, dear. I'm afraid I'll have to punish you for your untame tongue." he says in a teacherly manner, standing up, rounding the table, and leaning his bottom on the edge, arms still crossed. We're facing each other now, and my body is quite literally shaking with need, I lost control of myself in just mere minutes, and this is the moment I realize, the potion must be behind my raging lust.

"Have you finally figured it out?" he asks, reading my mind, beckoning to me with his finger, the come-hither motion sending a straight shock to my dripping pussy. I stand up, although my legs are trembling, and this new state making my head spin with want, I make my way in front of his relaxed posture. Keeping eye contact, my hands are viciously gripping the sides of my pants. What the hell was that potion? It's like all my senses were heightened a hundred times! My body is so sensitive and just plainly in heat, that I think one single touch could send me over the edge. It didn't hit me right as I swallowed it, so this means it has a delayed effect. Which also points to the fact that this sly bastard was waiting for the potion to develop its power over me, that's why he got busy with grading! Severus, you little...!

"On your knees." he drawls lowly, and it takes all my willpower not to moan from sheer bliss. I slowly drop to my knees in front of him, like a servant to her king, adoration in my eyes as I raise my head to him.

"You wanted my cock, little minx. Help yourself." he stares lustfully down to my red face.

There's not a single second of hesitation, I move to undo his buttons to free his half-hard member, the bat hisses with pleasure as I run my tongue over his shaft, then swallow him whole immediately. I simply cannot control myself, it's like this potion brought out my deepest, most hidden, raw rutting I ever possessed. Almost like a strong sense of breeding. My sexual desire somehow has been reduced to primal instincts, which scares me in the back of my head, because now all my body wants is to copulate with him. I have no logical part active in my brain left. What the hell is happening!? There's only one thing on my mind now: being fucked senseless. Like, I don't want to be able to stand up after type of fucking. And filled to the brim with cum. Oh yes, just coat me with semen on the inside, I want my pussy to be so overflowing with your essence that I just become one with your fluids...

Ahhh, Severus, what the fuck did you give me???

I'm vigorously sucking the potion master off, looking up at him with teary eyes, I slip my hands under his cassock and white undershirt to rake my nails over his hot chest. Snape of course reads my thoughts and notices my confusion about the potion I consumed, so he decides to stop keeping me in the dark.

"I assume you've already figured out the potion's effects. Tell me, dear, did you smell the potion before drinking it?" he entwines his fingers in my hair, slightly gripping my locks. I shake my head with small movements, his hard member in my throat not giving me too much space to move. Snape tuts, and slides his hand from my hair to my jaw, caressing the underside and front of my neck, feeling out his own shaft there.

"It's a pity. You could've been able to recognize this particular concoction. I brew only one since the beginning of this school year." as the words leave his smirking mouth, realization is slowly dawning on me, but he places the cherry on top. "The fumes of this very potion made your body betray you in that peculiar detention you served in September. The stronger relative of Amortentia: Desiderium."

I choke on him for a moment when I hear his explanation, and after a set of whimpers, I return to devouring his manhood, not being able to stop my crazy sex drive. Still, in my head I'm shocked to find out that I drank the very potion he used to lure me in his trap, to make me confess my attraction to him, and now I'm completely at his mercy again.

"Let me hold a -ah- two-minute potion class for you, dear. Desiderium is listed as a very rare potion, seeing some of the ingredients can be harvested only once every three years." the master places his hand below my ear, starting to softly guide my pleasing movements with a low moan. "If brewed correctly, its fume will reveal a person's deepest, most hidden desire. However, if the potion is drunk, in about thirty minutes the consumer gets overwhelmed by sexual drive, the liquid bringing out the primal need for mating, making the senses extremely heightened and sensitive. This doesn't create obsession like Amortentia. This creates unstoppable lust and a hundred-percent chance of conceiving a child. So, this is why-" he pulls me off his cock, reaches under my arms and lifts me up, turning around and placing my butt on the edge of the desk. The master nestles himself between my knees, fetches a small ball-shaped thing from his pocket, it looks like a chocolate truffle at first. "-bite down on this, my little minx." he pinches my chin with his thumb and index finger, making me open my mouth. He gently places the ball on my tongue, and as soon as I hear the crack between my teeth, I'm roughly bitten on the neck, and my pants are gone in seconds, along with my ruined panties.

"Ughhh this tastes horrible! What is this?" I whine in a daze, as I'm laid down on the table, Snape pinning my hands above my head, and although I want to touch him badly right now, his dominant style overrules any and all initiative.

"Contraception." he growls in my ear, and the next second I'm split apart by his girthy pleasure rod, a shriek escaping my mouth, my body's sensitivity is through the roof.

"I only need you to be unbearably sensitive for me tonight, not fertile. The potion's effect lasts for approximately one hour, meaning, you have one hour of intense pleasure ahead of you. Brace yourself kitten, because I plan on using up every second." he whispers the filthy words onto my panting lips, and from this point on, my every thought is wiped out by the relentless thrusts of the master. My moans come in different pitches, each perfect hit on my sweet spot eliciting a new set of sounds from my mouth. I am wet like I've never been before, the obscene squelching sound echoing softly in my ears only turns me on even more, thus placing me in a vicious cycle. His weight on my body feels heavenly, I'm kissing the man with everything I have, and he eagerly drinks up my whimpers. My body doesn't need much to fall apart, only after a few stronger thrusts the dam is broken inside me, and I'm arching my back off the table with a strained animalistic sound. The absolute intensity of my orgasm shreds my body to pieces, my muscles flex so hard, that I manage to break out of Snape's pinning grip, and now I'm grasping his cassock on his back with white knuckles, shaking in his arms. I'm beyond shocked to feel my climax lasting almost double its usual time, the potion elongating my rhythmic constrictions around my lover's cock.

Severus straightens up, pulling my torso along, lifting me off the table. He slips his hands under my bottom; I'm hanging onto his form with my arms around his neck. His sweaty forehead touches mine, as the professor murmurs his words to my heaving lips,

"Quite quick for the first one. But I'm far from done with you."

My hypersensitive body is carried inside the dark bedroom, I can see the outlines of the furniture, but I'm soon dropped gently on the bed, with Snape grabbing his wand from his desk.

"Arms above your head." he gives the order quietly with maximum authority and I comply without question, my body is burning up, knowing I'm finally in his own bed again. His scent coming from the linens hypnotizing me deeper into losing myself and I watch him as he ties my wrists to the bedpost, and also conjures silky ribbons under my bent knees, tying my calves to my thighs. I'm on full display to the potioneer, and the man places his wand on the nightstand with elegance, then begins to undo the buttons on his cassock agonizingly slow. I watch his stripping silhouette in the semidarkness with my mouth agape, the fire coming from his office providing just a small shadow of light, but for me this is perfect. I could explode as his gorgeous torso comes to sight, and as he completely discards his trousers, standing before me with a full erection, I whimper with need. I want to open up my legs for him even further if I could, but my exposure already reached full capacity, my dripping pussy leaking onto his covers. He approaches my body like a hunting panther, elegant but infinitely erotic, his muscles flexing sexily under his skin, and then I feel his weight pressing my body deliciously into the mattress. His rock-hard cock is invading me once again, I'm aware he hasn't finished yet, and this time, I intend to make him cum with me.

"Tell me if my weight is uncomfortable." he sighs softly in my ear, sliding his hand under my back and neck. I'm so lost in feeling him that I just whine out an answer, and then the chase of our climaxes is on again. As I lay there under him, consumed whole by rapture, a thought crosses my mind. It's unfair that only I am the one with heightened senses, my lover also deserves to see stars when he ejaculates! So, I sneakily let my strings cascade from my tied-up fingers all the way to his nape, and the moment I make contact with his brain, he halts his movements, looking at me with confusion. Before he can say anything I shush him and whisper,

"Trust me."

I don't get an answer, but he patiently awaits what I have in store for him. I search the pleasure center in his brain, and give it a boost, making his genitals and skin much more sensitive. My work is not nearly as good as this potion's effect, but at least I can enhance his euphoria a bit. He tenses up with a surprised moan, a small quiver running over his physique. Eyes wide, lips parted with short breaths, the master looks at me in awe.

"Can you feel it?" I ask with a happy giggle, a grin spreading on my face. His answer however, is just a growling attack to my neck, while he dips himself into me again and again, his thrusts are no longer calm and controlled, but rather erratic and urgent, like he's the most desperate for a mind-blowing release. My mounds are covered by his warm palms, he rushes his climax, and I think this is the first time he's experiencing this level of indulgence. My eyes roll back as the potioneer hammers my sweet spot over and over again, thighs begin to quiver while he's gripping the pillow next to me with force.

It happens in a flash- the master breathes his warning in my ear, just a second before exploding deep inside me, this triggering my second ascension to heaven. Tense muscles press together as we ride out our bliss, my professor slamming his trembling hand on the bedpost above my head and gripping my hair at my nape with the other. Strained whimpers leave our mouths, I'm thrilled to witness a side of Snape never before seen, infinite satisfaction filling my body, as I watch the most severe of my teachers completely losing control sheathed inside me. I feel the throb, the warmth coating my walls, then I hear the exhausted sigh above me. Snape struggles to hold himself up, trying not to crush me with his weight as his body slowly starts to lose strength, so he delicately pulls out of me, and collapses next to me with a heavy exhale. My strings retract also, and after a short time catching our breaths, the bat reaches for his wand and unties all of my restraints.

The pleasant buzz spreads in my limbs as I'm finally able to stretch them, and with a simple movement I roll over, landing on my lover, straddling him. His cheeks are cupped and I reward him with a slow and very deep kiss, stealing air from him as I caress his tongue with mine. I'm still unable to get enough of his taste, but I decide to let him calm down properly, so I lay my head on his chest, listening to the strong rhythm of his heart.

"Thank you." I say, playing with the fine hairs on his chest.

"For what?" he asks with a dry voice, placing his arm over his eyes. His after-sex tone is so hot, I could die here happily.

"For accepting me."

There's a small tense pause in the air, but soon enough I feel the tips of his fingers drawing circles on my back in a soothing and caring manner. I understand. This is his answer. I bury my cheek deeper in his skin, and slide my hands under his back, hugging him close. I adore this man so much.

"By the way, I'm invited to Vincent's birthday party in the Vaarn manor. I was wondering if you wanted to come with me." I start the pillow talk in a soft voice, propping my chin on the back of my hand over his heart.

"Shouldn't you keep your focus on your exams?" he asks in that teacherly style he knows turns my knees into jelly, eyes open just a crack.

"I am!" I whine a little. "But I don't want to go there alone. Drax has Vincent as partner, I'm the only one without an escort!" Snape sighs, placing his arm under his head.

"Believe it or not, I received an invitation too." he says a bit annoyed, he never liked parties and celebratory gatherings.

"What? How so? Vincent invited his own head of house?" I ask mildly startled.

"No, I received the invitation from Vaarn's father. Death Eaters have quite strict mannerisms between themselves. Each of us is expected to be there, but honestly, I planned on declining. I'd rather not attend."

"Vincent's dad is a Death Eater?" my jaw hits Snape's chest.

"Indeed. But now, that I know you want to be present at the party, I have no other choice but accompany you. I wouldn't want to let you attend a gathering without supervision, especially when said party consists of Death Eaters in majority." he says somberly.

"Severus, what are you talking about? What do you mean Death Eaters in majority?" I'm starting to feel a touch scared, and the bat notices this in my tone.

"The Vaarns are a highly elitist family. They are obsessed with purebloods, the entire family line was placed in Slytherin, and I heard Edric wants to turn his own son into a Death Eater also. He wishes to make the announcement at the party, this is why each one of the followers has to be present. I think you and your friend will be the only odd-one-outs, I'm surprised Edric and Abina allowed their son to invite 'outsiders'." he muses to himself, but my jaw is still on the floor from disbelief.

I can't believe my ears. Vincent will be forced to turn into a Death Eater? Now that I know his true nature, he would never agree with their principles! And if the rumors are true about Vincent's father, he will be fuming when he hears his own son's decline. Vincent would never join the Death Eaters. He doesn't want to join, does he?...

"It is settled then. I shall take you to the birthday party, but only on one condition. You stay close to me, and you don't engage in unnecessary conversations." he states seriously, now with fully open eyes focusing on me.

"Alright, alright, I won't speak to anyone." I say mockingly, rolling my eyes, but Severus catches my chin between his thumb and index, frowning.

"I'm bloody serious here. And do not. roll your eyes at me." he berates, voice playful but carrying just a nuance of threat, and setting my core ablaze nonetheless. The rebel in me awakens immediately, hearing his order, and of course I must tease him, to get myself even more worked up.

"Or what?..." I breathe the words on his lips in a sultry manner, a filthy smug smirk painted on my face. I know what I'm doing, and he knows what I'm doing, but he also knows that I will take his instructions to heart in the end. I'm just... playing with him right now, because rebels don't take orders from anyone.

I start to grind my yet again wet folds into his hardening cock, and it very much looks like the master enjoys my teasing too, because he grabs my hair at my nape, pulling my head completely back, exposing my neck fully. He leans close.

"Do not test my patience, little minx. Remind me again how many spanks did I lay on your pretty bottom, perhaps you want to receive them all? And a few more just for your cheek." he bites my bottom lip, ripping a heated moan out of my throat, and at this point I'm certain that the professor will make me scream his name many more times tonight...


Exam period arrived, and the school was swarming with nervous and stressed-out students, everyone struggling to get passing grades, some giving everything they got, some not so interested.

On our fiery hot night with Snape, I managed to sleep like a baby, after I got fully spent reaching my fifth orgasm, thus falling into a deep slumber immediately. Waking up in his bed always warmed my heart, and as we slowly got ready for the day, the bat started asking me test questions to prepare me for the exams. He asked me potion questions while I took a bath and brushed my teeth, then switched the subject to dark arts as I was dressing up. Also, I could not resist, I asked him to let me button up his cassock for him, because it was such an intimate gesture for me, and I have a feeling that the same goes for him too. Pushing the buttons through their hole slowly, one by one, savoring every movement, I quietly answered his questions about patronuses, Inferi, hexes and many more. That morning was so peaceful, so full of intimacy and bliss, I wished I could have each morning like this for the rest of my life.

The first exam on schedule was Potions, which I successfully passed with flying colors, thanks to my dear bat always asking me questions whenever he had the opportunity, thus keeping my memory refreshed at all times. Transfiguration and Charms were also a walk in the park for us, since me and Drax were top of our classes, the test presented no difficulty whatsoever. We managed to nail each and every exam, and now, we're standing before the last test for this semester, Dark Arts.

To be honest, I'm surprised I managed to concentrate, seeing Vincent's party worries me quite a lot. As the days pass, I can't help but feel fear creeping up inside me, the thought of being surrounded by Death Eaters scares me the more I think about it. I can't refuse attendance, because I would hurt Vincent's feelings and more importantly Drax's feelings too. Somehow I have to silently participate without being too much in the middle of attention, and hope to not get cornered by an avid follower of Voldemort.

As we take our places in the classroom, the late-afternoon Sun shining softly on the walls, a slightly sick-looking Lupin walks out before us, waving his wand toward a stack of paper on his desk. The papers are distributed, and the DADA exam begins. Today is full moon, Severus told me Lupin's secret, not that I wouldn't have figured out myself, because duh, he gets sick every full moon. Only someone stupid wouldn't notice. Which is apparently 90% of this school according to Snape; students are either too dim or just oblivious towards their surroundings. Poor professor looks horrible, but I struggle to focus on the questions on the parchment, my only luck is that I went over these topics with Snape a hundred times already. Hm, another dream came true, I had Snape as my own DADA teacher for a short period. And he is a damn good teacher, so I better not disappoint him.

My anxious thoughts manage to slightly take control over me, so after we finish the written part, and are told to produce a corporeal patronus for the practical part, I'm a total failure. I'm only able to conjure some white mist out of my wand, but Lupin sees that I'm not myself today, so he gives me an 'Acceptable' nonetheless -because he already saw that I'm able to produce a full corporeal patronus- and tells me to stay after the exam.

With my heart hammering up in my throat, I watch each student produce their patronus with my lower back leaned on a windowsill, and I can only guess why Lupin asked me to stay. Is he going to scold me? I've never performed so poorly in any of his classes, so maybe he will express his deep disappointment with my lack of focus. Or maybe he'll start asking questions, which is worse, because I can't let him know why I was so nervous today. In less than a week I will attend a party full of Voldemort's followers, and I can't just lay my cards out to Lupin like that, no matter how helpful and kind he was to me before my trial. Furthermore, I'm nervous for Vincent too, I just got to know him better, to make friends with him, I wouldn't want to abandon our work just because he's forced to join the dark side. And Drax would be devastated! If Vincent converts into a myrmidon, their relationship is over! Not to mention I would betray Snape if I told Lupin anything about the party! Oh Merlin, what can I do!?

The bell pulls me out of the myriad of thoughts, and I watch as the students happily leave the classroom, the majority displaying a huge grin, Lupin always grading them kindly and believing in their abilities. Of course. I got an 'Acceptable' because he knew what I was capable of, and he didn't want to ruin my passing grade streak. I feel horrible. I don't deserve this level of kindness, to be given a grade blindly.

When the last teenager leaves the room, Lupin flicks his wand, closing the door, and turns to me with warm eyes.

"Come closer please. Don't worry, I will not scold you or hold you accountable for anything." he motions to me with his hand from the teacher's desk, and I sheepishly make my way over to the professor, halting a few steps before his form. He's gently leaning on the desk next to him, I can see he's barely keeping himself upright, and a faint pained color covers his usually heartfelt face.

"Why couldn't you hold your focus today? You produced a beautiful and perfect patronus cat a month ago, what disturbs you at this time, so much so, that you couldn't even do a non-corporeal? Can I help you in any way?" he asks softly, no hint of forceful prying whatsoever, he's just genuinely interested in my wellbeing.

"N-no professor, it's nothing of importance, I just... umm..." I struggle to find my words, remorse eating me on the inside, for having to keep my mouth shut, thus painting a hurtful image to Lupin with this.

"Nothing of importance? Miss, something that blocks off a corporeal patronus entirely is not something insignificant." he pauses, taking a small step closer to my form. "Come on, you know you can trust me. We did so many therapy sessions, and they eased your mind a lot." the DA teacher switches to a more informal tone and drops his volume a little, creating a heart-to-heart atmosphere. An uncomfortable tingle creeps up my back, paired with a horrible gut feeling, like something bad is going to happen if I remain here for too long. When Lupin sees that I'm still hesitant in opening up, he places his hands in his pocket -his signature move- and comes up with something different.

"How about this. I am willing to change your grade to an 'Outstanding' if you can produce your patronus for me now. But first, you have to give out everything that bothers you." he offers with a warm smirk, pointing at me.

"Professor, I really can't... I don't think I-" the words leave my mouth in a staccato, my self confidence gone, and the rising tension inside me is not making my job easier. I feel like I could explode at any moment, I've never faced a difficult situation like this before, and helplessness is choking me as I stand before him. I'm fumbling with my hands; I really don't know what to do now. I don't want to fail this exam and drop from my leading place, but I simply can't disclose the future events to Lupin which eats at me like maggots at the moment! I either betray Snape and my friends or I lose Lupin's trust and fail, dropping from my first place in class. Because he's sure to give me a failing grade if I refuse his offer. Crap! Now I'm fully covered in shit. I feel if I don't say something soon, I will destroy the good relation I built with this teacher, who happens to be one of my favorites. I respect him and look up to him, it would hurt me deeply if I lost his favor. I hate myself so much at the moment for being so weak. Why can't I be decisive and strong like always? Where's my everyday character? Why am I so sensible?

Suddenly, the DA teacher does something I never thought he would; he approaches me, getting extra close, only a few inches separating us, and the next second I feel his warm hand on my cheek, caressing the skin under my eye with his thumb. I'm so startled that I freeze to the spot, not able to utter a word or move a muscle.

"You're on the verge of crying dear, you won't be able to produce a patronus like that." What? Me? Cry? Where did he get the idea- a silent tear slowly makes its way to his thumb, and he smears it below my eye, piercing his gaze in mine. Apparently my body can't face the tension anymore and I begin silent-crying, tears falling from my open eyes, but no sobbing is present. A pitiful light passes through Lupin's eyes, and the next thing I know, I'm embraced by the DA teacher, he pulls me in a tight hug, resting one hand on the back of my head, while keeping my shoulders close to his chest with the other.

"Shh, it's okay. Pour it all out, you'll feel better. I'm here for you." he whispers in the air above my head, keeping my body firmly in place. I stand with my arms next to me, shocked, small rivers flowing down my cheeks uncontrollably. My eyes are blocked open, I simply cannot digest the situation. What is happening? Professor Lupin is hugging me. I shouldn't let this happen. Should I push him off? But if I push him off, then maybe I'll hurt him. Should I stay like this? Is this ok? I don't think this is ok, but if I'm able to get rid of this dreadful tension in my head by crying in Lupin's arms, and then produce a patronus for him, then I suppose it's alright if I stay as I am...

It happens in a second. I hear the knock, the click of the knob, and the voice that pierces a thousand knives in my chest.

"Lupin, I brought the Wolfsbane-"

His voice cuts off. My head shots in his direction, I see his soul shattering to a million pieces in his eyes. No. No. This is not happening. I can't breathe.

"What is the meaning of this?" comes the icy tone from the door. It's like he cast Sectumsempra on me, I feel like my skin is covered in cuts and I'm constantly bleeding.

"Ah, Severus, thank you very much for the potion, you're a lifesaver. Don't get the wrong idea, the young miss had a difficult time conjuring a patronus, and the next thing I know she broke down crying. I was just consoling her, an innocent hug, nothing more." he explained with a chuckle as he let me go, and stepped over to Snape, taking the potion from his hands.

"I suggest you choose your consoling methods more wisely, Lupin. Someone might interpret them as something entirely different. You're a teacher, don't forget." he spits with absolute disdain, and Lupin is left speechless, while Snape storms out the door.

Come on. Move. Move!!! I imaginarily punch myself to lift my leg, and almost in a hyperventilating state, I grab my bag and sprint towards the door, bumping into Lupin on the way. I hear him calling my name as I dash out the door, and I barely catch the corner of Snape's robe disappearing at the end of the long corridor, taking an abrupt turn. My legs are flying forward as I summon my highest speed, running after my professor, now freely sobbing with a sword in my heart.

"Professor Snape!" I call out desperately, but his distant form ignores me, and my panic rises tenfold. No. No, no, no!!! Please, please do anything but ignore me!!! I follow his upset form through every hallway and turn, calling out to him like a wounded animal, but he's just too fast for my trembling legs to keep up. As we get to the dungeons, I see his office at the end of the hallway, and he's approaching it dangerously fast, so I try my last shot, reaching out towards him with my arm and clutching the shirt on my chest with the other.

"Severus!" I cry out, pain echoing off the cold stones of the dungeon.

It is all in vain. The heavy door angrily shuts behind him, and I fall to my knees on the floor, breath caught in my throat. This is it. I've destroyed everything.

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