Hello again (Twice x male Y/N...

By nagisasrevenge

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Twice x Male Y/N (18+) (Sequel to My Only One) Y/N comes across a injured girl and helps her along the way, l... More

Chapter 2 - Uh guys?
Chapter 3 - A normal day
chapter 4 - it's been a while
Chapter 5 - care
Chapter 6 - comeback
chapter 7 - break (pt 1)
chapter 8 - break(pt 2)
chapter 9 - break (pt 3)
chapter 10- having to let go
chapter 11 - welcome home
chapter 12 - time flies and the past too
chapter 13 - last stand
chapter 14 - heaven
chapter 15 - home

Chapter 1 - it is you.

4.3K 40 11
By nagisasrevenge

I stand in the dark hallway that is my home.

"Honey I'm home!" but i get no response back, she must still be out.

I walk through the surrounded by framed pictures of me and my wife.

As I walk through the hallway, I reminisce about when we first re-met all those years ago.

Present day (2020)

As I walk through an alleyway after dropping off some money to Daehyun's and Minji's families, I see a girl kneeling on the floor, I can see that she had scraped her knee and was wincing in pain because of it or could it be?

I go up to her and I kneel down to her level as I took off my facemask

Y/N - are you okay miss?

She responds with pain as she held her knee

? - I twisted my ankle while running down the street and I scraped my knee, ow

Y/N - Do you need help with anything?

? - Yes please, if you can, my house is just down the street, just a couple minutes away, do you mind bringing me there?

She was wearing a facemask as she looked up at me. But her eyes, her eyes were beautiful as crystals, as if her cries would be of diamond. But I feel like I know her already

I stare at her and admire the beauty within but it makes me zone out for a bit vaguely remembering someone from the past,

? - hey, you okay?.

I snapped out of it as I shook my head

Y/N - I'm okay don't worry

I helped her up and I put her on my shoulders as she giggled

Y/N - Here, I'll bring you back to your place, alright?.

She nods and we head onwards.

? - thank you.

We walk for a while as we talked

Y/N - If I could miss, do you think I can help you clean up your knee at your place?

? - Sure but i have to tell my unnies, that someones coming over

Y/N - So, what's a girl like you doing on the street like that?

? - oh, I was running to rush to my house so I can catch my unnie's birthday hehe

Y/N - Oh, so how old are you? Out of curiosity?

? - I'm nineteen. you?

Y/N - Oh im 20 haha, So I guess I'm your oppa then?

? - Thank you then oppa, for helping me

She seems familiar now that I keep thinking about her eyes, just like that one time

"He must be the same bodyguard from last year. He's the one that reminds me of Y/N"

The quiet girl thought to herself as she rode on his back as he carried her

We reach her place and it's a small two story house guarded by a gate as I opened it as I walked up to the front door as I slowly let her down

? - I'll just knock on the door really quick

Mina knocks on the door, and someone opens the door.


a girl who who has big eyes like someone I remembered a year back hugs her

Wait. it's THE big eyes looking girl from Twice? The one I bodyguarded for?

Jihyo! That's her name!

"Mina? Where does that sound familiar?"

Jihyo - He- hey! I know you!

Y/N - hey Jihyo

Jihyo - the bodyguard!

Y/N - that's me.

Jihyo - thanks for helping Mina, I didn't expect you to be here!

Y/N - me neither.

Mina looks around confused as she looks at her unnie

Mina - Oh that's him?, he offered to help dress my wound on my knee, just let him in Jihyo-unnie

Jihyo - sure come on in!

she then whispers in Jihyo's ear, as she lied about being surprised to see him

Mina - y'know, he could be a really good candidate for in house manager by the way.

Jihyo just nods as I just awkwardly stand there

Jihyol smiles at me and signals me to come in.

Jihyo - come in!

Mina walks in limping but nonetheless manages to get in fine as I worry about her as I lay my hands out just in case she falls

I took off my shoes and entered the living room. There were 7 other girls as me and Jihyo and Mina stood by each other which I presume are the rest of the Twice members

There was decorations everywhere and confetti and a huge sign that said "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEONGYEON"

Jihyo - GIRLS!

her voice was just naturally loud that it also startled me. They turn to her as I just stood there

The girls in the living room fixated their eyes on me as they saw me, until Jihyo spoke up as they just listened

Jihyo - This man here, is Y/N, he bodyguarded us remember? He helped bring Mina back home to us and he'll stay here for a bit while he helps Mina with her wound, so introduce yourself to him for the time being

Mina sits down beside one of her members as they line up on the couch one by one to introduce themselves.

The tall girl who was known as Tzuyu bowed at me as she walked towards me

Tzuyu - annyeong, I remember you.

Y/N - me too Tzuyu

She smiles as then the pale girl who's skin looked like tofu stands up as well,

Dahyun - Annyeong, Dahyun. you're the guy that saved Sana right?

Then sudden movement came from the girl beside Mina,

The blonde girl that looks like a tiger roars as she excitedly ran up to hug me as I hugged her back as I haven't seen her in ages

Chae - hey Y/N!

Y/N - hey Chae.

Jihyo - you two know each other?

Chae - he's.......

Y/N - a friend of Somi's

Me and Chae look at each other as I raise my eyebrows to keep her quiet about me and Somi's ever being together to the girls as she lets go of me as the next girl went up to me

Beside Mina, was another girl. She quickly snaps out of her own trance and looks at me, she stands up awkwardly and bows,

Momo - Sumimasen, Momo

Y/N - it's okay Momo

She smiles as Sana got up as she hugged me

Sana - thank you Y/N

Y/N - for saving you that time?

She nods as her cute cheeks made me blush

Y/N - it's no problem Sana-ah

Sana - still.

She smiles as she lets go of me as next up was the birthday girl herself

Jeong - heya.

Y/N - happy birthday by the way.

Jeong - thanks, Y/N right?

Y/N - that's me.

Then the girl with bunny teeth got up and bowed at me also known as Nayeon

Nayeon - Nayeon, hello

Y/N - hello Nayeon, I remember you as well

She smiled as she walked back to her seat

We laugh as Jihyo turns around and bows

Jihyo - Jihyo, the leader of these 8 girls

Y/N - I remember, as always a pleasure again to see you again.

She smiles as I look at Mina, and she takes off her mask.

Mina - hey Y/N, remember me?

Y/N - yes of course, you were the girl that told me that I looked like someone that you used to love

Mina just nods as she looks at Chae

Mina - mind getting the 'thing'?

Chae just nods as I just stood there as Jihyo goes off to grab a drink.

I wait patiently for Chae to come back as I ask Jihyo where the first aid kit was

Jihyo - I'll just grab it

Jihyo gets up and grabs the first aid kit and gives it to me as I made my way to Mina as I kneeled down and started to dress her wound

She flinches a bit as I look at her

Y/N - you okay?

Mina - stings.

Y/N - sorry about that.

Mina - keep going, it's fine.

We had this weirdly comfortable atmosphere with each other like we knew each other for years.

The girls continued back to partying as I soon finished up dressing it with a plaster

Y/N - all done.

Mina - thank you.

She gives me an elegant smile as I closed up the first kit and gave it back to Jihyo

Y/N - thank you

Jihyo - no problem.

I stood up as I just looked around

Y/N - hey. Maybe I should go, it's getting late and-

I hear as Chae runs down the stairs as she hands Mina something

Chae - sorry you hid it pretty well.

I scratch my head in confusion as Chae suddenly grabbed my arm as I looked at her

Y/N - what's up?

Chae - she has something to show you.

I look at Mina as he got up slowly as she held something in her hand

Mina - hey. Are you from Honshu by any chance?

Y/N - I- I am actually? Why?

She opens her hand to me as I take it from her as it was a polaroid as it laid on his front side rather than the back.

I turned it around as it was me in school. Sharon on my lap, we both did peace signs as we smiled before we had our first kiss together.

My eyes widened as I looked at her.

Y/N - w- why do you have this?

Mina - it's me.

She started to tear up as her tears started to fall as the music suddenly stopped as the started to look at us

Nayeon - what's going on?

Y/N - S- Sharon?

Her diamond tears fell as I suddenly hugged her, unable to process what just happened in front of me as I held the polaroid tight.

Y/N - wh- where have you been?

I started to tear up as well as she held me tight, my arms around her shoulders with hers under mine

Mina - he- here. Yo- you idiot.

Y/N - n- no. th- this can't be. n- no way-

Mina - I'm s- so- so- sorry. I should've told you sooner-

She cries in my arms as Chae patted my back

Chae - and there they are. Reunited once more.

Momo - woah what's going on?

I let go of Mina as I caressed her face as I took a long at the same beautiful face that I had forgotten because of time and injuries

Y/N - y- you've grown-

Mina - y- you too.

We let go of each other as we faced the girls as she wiped her tears.

Mina - I'm sorry, I'll explain.

Mina and I were childhood friends who grew up together in Honshu who both similarly were born in the same hospital back in San Antonio in Texas. Our parents were friends with each other long before both her and I were born.

When we were 13 - 14. We were involved in an incident which caused Mina to suddenly disappear as a result of it. Me and Mina always had each other growing up and we were practically our own friends but we were both targets of bullying.

One day, as me and her were out and about, as I bought us drinks after school, she was being bullied by some boys and some girls our age. I obviously had to fight back but it resulted in me being beaten by them as well. Mina didn't react well to this as her anxiety would soon kick in as a result of my involvement in it. Mina would soon have a panic attack straight after my beating as the bullies would taunt and harass her as I was being beaten.

I was scrawny, weak. And pathetic as I was beaten.

After a few hours, the bullies left us as they spat on me as Mina cried on my barely breathing body as I breathed in a painful breath of air. My dad would find us near the shop as the shopkeeper knew us our whole lives and were close friends with our parents.

Mina would stay with me on the way to the hospital. Holding my hand as she watched me go into surgery, for the injury caused on my body by the bullies.

Her parents would soon notice the change in her after the incident to the point where it gave her diagnosed anxiety and a panic disorder which was to be regularly taken care of.

Her parents would soon send her to Korea from what she told me, but to never tell me, as they thought it would break my heart.

I woke up in the hospital bed alone, with no trace of Mina. And soon after the discharge, I never saw her parents again, as rumours said that they moved somewhere in the region.

Mina would soon find solace in ballet and eventually dancing and singing where she became an Idol. But was always searching for me ever since then, until now. That our paths have crossed once more.

As Mina finishes up the story, I hold her hand as she ruffles my hair as she tells me it's okay.

Y/N - I spent all these years looking for you Mina, I missed you so fucking much

Mina - me too.

I wiped my tears and I let go of her hand as something took over me, panicking me a bit.

Y/N - I'm sorry girls, can I just get a whiff of fresh air real quick outside?

she nods at me as I quickly rush outside to the front door without my shoes. As I close the door behind me, I quickly think about what to do or say right now as my thoughts raced in my head

Mina clears her eyes of tears as Jihyo stood forward to talk

Jihyo - why didn't you tell us?

Mina - it was personal.

Sana - but not to us?

Mina - I'm sorry okay? I just. I just didn't want anyone to know, I was unsure if I would ever see him again and just. I'm sorry alright?

The girls just stood there silent until Jihyo cleared her throat as she remembered something Mina said earlier

Jihyo - girls, Mina here said he could possibly be an in house manager for us here since well. He helped her out and we kind of need an in house manager, and since she knows Y/N, wouldn't it sound okay?

The girls just nod as they began to ask questions

Momo - can he cook?

Mina - From what i can remember he used to take care of me in every single way, cooking, cleaning, medical wise, and he was really good at taking care of me while I was sick

Mina blushes at a memory of her and Y/N when they were kids all of a sudden.

Jeong - I think, We should keep him at the house for a few days and we'll see how he takes care of us, alright girls?

They all nod at Jeong as they began to mutter to themselves

"I mean he is kinda hot i won't lie to you unnie"

the members talk amongst themselves, seeing and hearing what you can do, making them agree to the terms.

Jihyo - Great, I'll tell PD-nim that we're gonna make a contract for him alright? I'll head to the building really quick to get a contract ready, so continue the party without me? and please, make him comfortable.

As I collect my thoughts, the front door suddenly opens to Jihyo peeking her head out

Jihyo - Y/N?

Y/N - yeah?

I wiped my tears as I properly faced her

Jihyo - I'm going out to the JYP building really quickly, so I want you to take care of the girls for me okay? And please, if they say anything, just tell Mina to call me alright?

I nod and tell her goodbye and she waves at me and smiles, it's not like I actually have anything to do anyways. I'm quitting my convenience store job after all.

I walk back inside and the girls are already back partying as Mina puts her back on the wall of the hallways waiting for me.

She sees me walk in and immediately hugs me so tight,

Y/N - Sharon, it's alright. I'm staying for a while then.

Mina - Sharon? Still using my American name?

Y/N - do you mind?

Mina - nope. Keep calling me Sharon

She giggles as I look at her

Mina looks at me and stares at me looking into my eyes as I indulge in my best friend once more reunited

Mina - You still look like the little kid would sleep with me after a nightmare haha.

Y/N - I know. You still look like my penguin in penguin PJ's

Mina wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me on the cheeks as she hugs me.

Mina - Thank you for coming back to me Y/N

Y/N - I should honestly thank you for hurting yourself on the way here

We looked at each other more and more as I began to lean in to give her a kiss. Our first kiss in years.

She accepts it as she closes her eyes as she lets my lips touched hers as we share our first kiss, a sweet yet the same feeling from all those years ago.

Until, I hear chuckling behind her as we break off from each other, startling us.

I see the 7 girls chuckling behind the wall as they record us.

Y/N - girls?

They run back to the living room as they laugh.

Mina - don't mind them haha.

I pull her in for another hug as I held her hands as we chuckled to ourselves as we walked back to the living room.

After quite some while, the party still goes on raging as ever. Mina sits beside me on the couch as I drink some beer out of my bottle, Mina hugs my side as me and Chae start talking.

Chae - wow, so who knew huh?

Y/N - yup. haha

Chae smiles at me and asks me another question.

Chae - still got those tats?

Y/N - of course I do!

Chae - take it off.

Y/N - aw christ.

I take off my t-shirt forgetting that the other girls were around me as I revealed my heavily tattooed body

Chae touches my tattoo as Mina gets up to see it for herself as the girls started


Y/N - over the years, sorry about that

Mina - n- no it's okay. I like it

Mina looks surprised as well as she smiles but also shocked knowing her little Y/N has grown up now.

The rest of the girls take notice of Mina and Chae admiring my piece, so I decide to do the unthinkable.

As Chae admires them, she thinks to herself as she thinks about an idea that eventually comes to fruition later on the line.

Sana rubs her hand down my arm, as she bites her lip

Sana - wow.... I didn't know you were built like that....

Sana stares at my abs as I realise I WAS HALF NAKED.

The girls stares at my abs as well and most of them blush,

Jeong - Happy birthday to me, oh my god

Nayeon - wow.........


Momo covers the maknae's eyes from my body.

Dahyun just looks away as she blushes, her pale skin turns into an embarrassed tomato red.

Mina - whoops

Mina suddenly jumps to cover my bare chest as she jumps on me, her face touches my pecs as she realises the hardness of my muscles. She blushes as she realises what she did.

Everyone - MINA!

the girls shout out as they try to pry her off my chest.

Mina - come with me Y/N

Mina suddenly stands up and drags me to her room, breaking off the hold from the girls as I quickly grab my t-shirt on the way.

The girls complain with a bunch of no's and awe as she dragged upstairs to what I presume is her dimly lit bedroom.

Mina closes her door as I sit on her bed. I put on my shirt.

Y/N - sorry about that

she pants sitting on the entrance of her door as I sat down beside her

Y/N - It's alright Sharon

I get up and pull her up to make her stand, but I suddenly trip backwards onto her bed as I hold her hand.

She suddenly falls on top of me and sits on my lap facing my way.

Mina - woah...

As she stares into my eyes once more,

My heart skips a beat as I realise how elegant and amazing she's become over the years. My love for her never changed both as a friend and somehow I've always kept deep in my heart.

She closes her eyes as she goes in for a kiss again,

I close my eyes as well and we both go in.

Just like that, it was like fireworks, it was a feeling so euphoric and so sensual that I couldn't begin to describe it.

I held my hand close to her face as it kept going.

She wrapped her arms around my neck as it kept going, no tongue just pure passion.

I opened my eyes as I let go of the kiss to stare at her, and there I saw it. Her eyes filled with stars, something I haven't seen since we were kids. That's when I knew she had always loved me.

We kiss again but I keep my arms around her waist, as we fall back into her bed.

It was about to escalate until I heard a familiar cackle from the oldest maknae.

We suddenly open our eyes and we see the girls including Jihyo watching us as they filmed it with Jihyo smirking as she watches us get embarrassed. Mina suddenly jumped into bed and into her blankets and I well, just sat there.

Y/N - Hey... girls....

I awkwardly waved at them as I looked away with Mina hiding herself out of embarrassment

Chae - ah, young love.

Mina - How long have you been there guys?

Sana - Long enough to see it escalate hehe

Jeong sees something rise out of my pants as I felt it

Jeong - AY! He's got a boner!

"Oh shit"

I stand up and I jump into bed with Mina as well beside her.


Then I realise we're both in bed and we just hung our heads in shame

Sana - Now we know what Mina's going to get for dessert for now on, maybe I can be the palette cleanser"

she bites her lip at the thought of her and Y/N and Mina together in bed.

Jihyo thinks to herself as she buries her hands into her face.


Dahyun walks away to grab a drink in the living room as Nayeon and Tzuyu with Nayeon and Dahyun thinking about the snake in your pants.

Momo and Chae think the same thing,

"I want a taste of Y/N"

Momo and Chae walk out, letting her and Y/N have some time.

Jihyo - OH Y/N this is your contract for JYP and uh, i'll leave you to it guys, USE PROTECTION MINARI!

Jihyo grabs Jeong still flabbergasted at the sheer size of my boner out the door with the door slammed shut.

Me and Mina look at each other embarrassed by being caught as we both sigh

Mina - d- do you wanna go back out and continue Jeong's party?

Y/N - y- yeah sure.

Mina - Hey, look up at me for a sec

I look up and all of a sudden Mina gives me a peck on my lips,

She smiles deviously with her gummy smile and quickly jumps out of bed and runs out the room.

I sit there surprised but I hold my lips, savouring the kiss from my best friend.

I soon get up and run after her holding the contract in my hands to a room of girls partying with loud music blaring.

I sat down on the couch beside the now drinking Nayeon as she faces me

Nayeon - so. You thinking about joining us?

Y/N - Ne, Nayeon, Jihyo gave me this opportunity so why not?, I already know all of you already, and hey. I need a job anyways.

I read quickly through the contract and came up with the conclusion that it'll be okay, it's not like I care about the pay, I just care about her and hopefully these girls.

I grabbed a pen out of my pocket, which I stole from the convenience store, and signed the contract.

Nayeon blushes at his bold statement, she keeps drinking as she stands up grabbing my hand

Nayeon - here, come on and dance with me

Nayeon pulls me up from the couch where I leave the contract, where I join Sharon as she dances alongside the other girls.

Nayeon continues dancing with me but gets a bit close, Sharon on the other hand is dancing with Chae and Sana.

I think Nayeon's trying to flirt with me but, hey I don't mind.

Sana takes notice of this looking my way, so she slowly gets herself over to me alongside Nayeon, Sana winks at me with Nayeon smiling at this gesture.

They both start to dance a little bit sensually on me,

Sharon takes a hold of this, looking my way at her unnies. She glares at me as she tells Chae that she'll be back in a bit, dancing her way towards me. She looks at me as well seductively as she butts in front of me, shoving away Nayeon and Sana.

Sana&Nayeon - YAH!

Sana and Nayeon shout out, but none of the girls hear as the music is too loud, Mina just

smirks at them,

Mina - he's mine.

Mina stares at the two, and sticks her tongue out.

Nayeon and Sana pout as they slowly dance away from the two,

Y/N - well, hello there, jealous already?

Mina - shut up

Mina gets close as she puts her finger on my chest, as I look down, she puts her finger on my chin and she smiles at me. I smirk at this as we keep dancing, as the current song dies down.

It turns slow as the girls look around and look for a partner. They ignore me and Sharon as Sharon suddenly hugs me.

She held tight on me, seeming to never let go of me again.

The song is a slow song, and I recognise it.

I hum it to Mina as she smiles,

Y/N - You still remember huh?

she smiles as she nods her head, her eyes closed. Putting her face into my chest.

Mina - How could I ever forget? It was our favourite after all

I smile at the beautiful penguin in front of me.

Y/N - Sharon, look up for me?

Mina looks up at me, looking into my eyes, as the song reaches its climax, She closes her eyes knowing what to expect.

As for the first time, I understood what she really meant to me as I went in for the kiss, as I held her face in my hands as we swung side to side to the song.

The song that was meant for us.

We close our eyes, as we both lean in to each other,

We share a long passionate kiss as the song reaches its end.

As we pulled out of the kiss, clapping was heard as I opened my eyes.

I look around, as I realise the girls were watching the whole time as they cheer and clap for us.

Nayeon and Sana pout as they clap as they wished it was them too. While the baby beast herself suddenly jumps on me, which apparently was a hug from the beast herself as now she could be comfortable around me now that I have joined them.

Chae - congrats Y/N!

she shouts in my ear, as Mina worryingly asks me if I'm okay.

Y/N - Gwenchana, Gwenchana Sharon

I laugh with the cub on top of me hugging me which was quite comfortable

Mina smiles at the scene with me and Chae, as the girls help me up with Chae holding onto my arm. I give the cub a kiss on the cheek as the girls whistle.

Mina smiles as she watches Chae hold onto me

Mina - It's alright girls, Y/N is for all of Twice haha

Y/N - really?

Mina - I was lying, I ain't a jealous girl. I just wanted your attention.

Y/N - ever so clingy.

Mina - hey, you loved it when we would hang out

Y/N - did it say it was bad?

We both laugh as Chae whispers in my ear

Chae - so. About Somi...

Y/N - hey. Can we talk about that later?

Chae - sure

Chae eases up on me as I just move a bit making her comfortable with her arms around me

The girls smile and laugh as this, as the girls begin to surround me, giving me kiss on the cheek from all of them except Sharon as I blushed a little

And the girls go back to dancing as Chae sat on me with her still wrapped around me as Sharon put her head on my shoulder

Mina - But don't forget girls, he's still mine at the end of the day

She smirks as she gets the last kiss holding my head with her hand. Her lips connect with mine for a few seconds until we let go.

Chae looks up at me and then to Mina as she tilts her head

Chae - can I give him a proper kiss too?

Mina - of course, you helped me find him as well

She smirks. giving me her gummy smile to tell me it was okay, and then a smile towards Chae, telling her to actually go with it.

I look at Chae, and she leans in forward, going up from her hug, to give me a kiss. She locks her lips with mine, putting tongue in.

As Mina watches, she smiles as she knows inside, at the end of her career, He was the man she was going to marry and be with for the rest of her life.

Mina goes to the living room to get a can of beer celebrating herself and your reunion.

Chae wraps her arms around my neck as she gets in closer, saliva exchanging as she gets hot.

Chae - wow shit, you taste really good. I should've just stolen you myself.

I feel my little guy starting to act up again, but Chae starts to get REAL close.

Chae feels my little guy as she puts her body against mine,

In the distance Mina sees this, and heads over to me and Chae.

Chae feels my little guy, and she stops kissing me and looks me into the eyes, she looks at me with passion. Mina taps Chae's shoulder and nods at me and her to come with her upstairs.

No one seems to notice the fact that we were gone, as we head upstairs together with Chae on my other arm still holding on.

As we reach the room going inside, Mina starts making out with me with Chae on my arm,

Chae - ah come on!

Chae gets off my arm and locks the door as Mina brings me to the bed pushing me down

Chae - lemme have some!

Chae angrily shouts as she takes off my shirt as Mina kept on going

The two girls begin to undress me as Sharon begins her assault on my neck as Chae takes off my pants.

Chae sees the outline of my little guy starting to become the beast it is, my hog of a log starts to rise its grave as Chae takes off my underwear and then,


Mina quickly looks back and sees Chae astonished by the sudden slap my penis gave her,

Mina chuckles and continues her assault on my neck and on my tongue as we passionately make out.

Chae, frozen looks and examines it, it's bigger than anyone she's ever seen before, her lips drool from her excitement and hunger to just put it inside of her, she adores it.

She touches it with her small fingers and begins to stroke it, I flinch but I don't say anything.

I start to take off Sharon's clothes, one by one. Slowly revealing her beautiful figure makes me get more erect and aroused by the penguin's elegant skin and features.

Meanwhile, Chae takes off her own clothes, seemingly already naked by the time Sharon only took off her pants. As Sharon takes off more, Chae begins to suck on the tip of my penis, her eyes furrow in ecstasy as inside she feels so hot and so aroused. Chae thinks in her head that her precious Sharon shouldn't be the only one to take me as well for herself.

Chae begins to put her whole mouth on my dick, feeling her the back of her throat with her mouth only halfway through, I stare at this until Sharon puts a finger on my chin saying,

Mina - look at only me big boy.

she smirks as she looks at me with such seductive luscious eyes as she starts to attack my neck again and my lips.

My fingers find its way to her soft, yet perfect pussy where i begin to put in my fingers, she moans as i put it in slowly, whispering in my ear,

Mina - fu- fuck.

Her sensual voice makes my cock twitch inside Chae's mouth.

At this point, we're all naked and it turns me on even more, knowing the love of my life is with me now, and also because I'm grateful to be here right now .

Chae begins to take my dick even more, with her throat and mouth adjusting to my size, she starts to bob up and down faster as spit starts to get everywhere as she keeps bobbing her head, I hear her mouth making sounds which gets me to moan in Sharon's mouth as her tongue swirls in my mouth.

Chae uses her tongue wrapped around my cock circling it around, as I moan even more.

She puts her small hand on the base of my cock and starts to jerk me off while she sucks the living soul of my hog.

Mina decides she had enough and instead she lines her pussy up to my mouth,

Mina - gimme some attention too.

My tongue begins to lick her pussy lips as she moans in pleasure,

Mina - a- ah! Fu- fuck! mmhmm~~

Sharon moans in pleasure as my experience tongue begins to fuck her.

Chae stops sucking to furiously jerk me off, her spit lubing her hand up and down as she watches smiling at my cock.

Chae - it's ready for you

She jerks my wet dick keeping it nice and warm for Mina to sit on

Mina eventually gets off, and begins to position herself on top of me.

Mina - I promised myself my first would be for you Y/N, and now you fulfilled it

She slowly inserts my dick inside her virgin pussy,

Mina - ah sh- shit!

she shouts as she never took a penis before, let alone even your size.

Chae smirks at this as she kisses Mina, and I watch knowing this turns me on even more, releasing a bit of precum into Mina as she's halfway through.

Chae finishes her make out session with Mina as Mina is already fully taken my dick, bouncing herself slowly but moaning louder as she goes down slowly from everytime.

Chae looks at me and crawls to me,

Chae - I want a taste of you~

her eyes looked so horny that I knew that I was going to cum twice today. probably.

Chae sticks her tongue inside of me as we kiss.

Mina bounces up and down as she watches her best friend and soulmate make out, she instead doesn't feel anger or jealous but rather, fulfilling happy at the sight.

After a minute or two, Mina feels it coming, her orgasm that she longed for.

She didn't know that she would cum for the first time in such a short amount of time, all thanks to your insanely talented cock of yours.

Mina feels it, as she lets out a loud moan signalling she just orgasmed and came on your dick as she falls on her back, as cream drips onto your cock. Her's to be exact.

As Mina catches her breath, with Chae and you just looking at your still erect penis waiting to be fucked again. Mina slowly gets up and crawls beside you giving you a small kiss before looking at Chae

Mina - enjoy~

As Chae quickly pounces on my dick, no lube or nothing. Her small pussy takes my dick instantly where then, Chae feels an orgasm just coming up already from just instantly being in it.

Mina lies down beside me with her on my chest, eyes closed to catch her breath.

Chae begins to bounce on my dick with haste, showing that she had done this before. But Chae was acting differently, with every bounce, her tongue would stick out more as her brain gave her rushes of dopamine and pleasure from every stroke that went inside her.

Her cream drips down my dick as it secretes with every stroke. And then suddenly,

Chae finally felt it as well, her mind pushed her to the core of pleasure and she came on my dick falling backwards as well.

I haven't yet came so I tap Mina, to signal her to get up and she does so,

Y/N - ge- get on your knees girls-

I commanded them as I stroked my dick feeling its edge.

Chae gets on her knees immediately sticking out her tongue as Mina does the same.

I furiously jerked my cock to my breaking point where I felt it coming.

I moan as loud as I could, not caring about the others downstairs as I release my load onto their faces.

The biggest load I have ever come, hitting and drenching their faces like it was ranch dressing.

My god, I felt nothing but pure pleasure.

My cum hit their tongues with perfect precision, as they took load after load filling up their mouths.

After a few more seconds, it stopped and closed their mouths and swallowed my load. I pant as I sit down on the bed as the girls join me in the tiredness of what we just did.

Mina - I love you~

She gives me a kiss on the cheek before she dozes off.

Y/N - I love you too.

I give her a kiss on her forehead as she soon fell asleep.

Chae - fuck- wow. Thank you Y/N~

She gives me a kiss on the cheek too as I looked at her as I sighed

Y/N - about Somi...

Chae sat up as Mina was already away snoring.

I got up catching my breath as I stood up as I went over to the end of the bed, sitting at the edge as Chae crawled to sit beside me.

I chuckled a little as I looked at her as she had some sorrowful eyes

Chae - sorry about her.

Y/N - it's okay. It's been a while.

Chae - it wasn't your fault that she left.

Y/N - really? Because it really felt like it.

Chae holds my hand as she leaned in to hug me

Chae - we couldn't do anything about it. Not you or me.

Y/N - I know.

Chae - and I'm sorry about Minji too. I heard about it from her dad

Y/N - how's he by the way?

Chae - he's okay. We're still waiting for her to come back since The Black Label announced that she would hold some announcement for her in the coming days

Y/N - she's coming back?

Chae - y- yeah. She's different.

Y/N - oh.

I let go of Chae as I looked down at my fingers as I fidgeted with them then I looked back at her

Chae - she's the same Somi. She just looks a bit different. I don't want you to worry.

Y/N - I'm not. I just don't know how I'm gonna face her. She just left okay?

Chae - I know I know. It still wasn't your fault.

Y/N - how!

I stood up a bit angry as I stood in front of her but I quickly cleared my throat realising that Mina was asleep even though music raged below us from it's muffled sounds

Y/N - I- I- put myself in danger! I risked my life. She was right to leave! I should've just died that day instead of making her worry about me!

Chae started to tear up as I immediately calmed down as I looked at her sad face as she stood up and hugged me

Chae - don't say that.

Y/N - I- I'm sorry.

She started to cry on me as I patted her on the back as I kissed her forehead not out of pity but friendship. As we too, lost Somi.

Chae - don't you say that again.

Y/N - I'm sorry. I- I- I just miss her.

Chae - me too.

She cries on me as only the muffled sounds of music could be heard as the dimly lit room felt so familiar.

I smiled a bit as she cried knowing at least, this is a new start again. And maybe just maybe, I wouldn't be able to fuck this up.


After last night, we went back to bed joining Mina as Chae held me close as I slept in the middle with Mina's head on my chest as she moved to feel my touch. And here I was, I woke up with a bit of a headache but well enough to realise that I'm in bed with Sharon and Chae, I try to wipe my eyes but I forgot that both girls were on my arms, I took a deep breath and looked at them, appreciating their beauty while I have the chance, On my left is Sharon and yet, she looks as elegant as she ever was, sleeping on my arm with all of her comfort just layed on my one arm, her mouth still in a smile as she's still dreaming about yesterday and last night.

I look to my right and I see the baby beast Chae smiling as well but with a bit of swollen eyes from last night, she was quite cute as every time she breathed through her nose, her nose flares. I take a good look at her face as well, knowing I have two cute girls on both of my sides.

But alas, all good things must come to an end so my ego wouldn't get the best of me,

I slowly slither my arms away from the two girls as I also slither my way out of the bed, but before I actually leave the bed, I give the girls a kiss on the forehead.

Chae would move around a little but it would bring her closer to Mina which would give her the impression that I'm still there.

I finally get out of the bed and I stretch my arms out while taking a yawn looking around the room.

It's like my room, but girly?

I mean don't get me wrong with the anime figurines and the literal brightest gaming setup I've ever seen in the corner where the figurines sat with posters of the girls showing above the setup, but it literally looks like my room, minus the two girls and king size bed.

Though I must say, it's nice as hell. The Ikea decor and very minimalistic style, I walk around buck naked as I look around the room. When I come across a bookshelf which again, to remind you, I actually don't know who's room is this. I grab a black copy or a book? Which I'm not sure about but I will investigate.

I open the first page and it reads:

'Minari's diary :p'

And that's when it struck me.

The gaming setup, the anime figurines, and the minimalist design.

It truly is the setup for a elegant penguin such as her-

Oh, is that a ps4? Oh shit i wonder if she got Ghost of Tsushima, that shit is banging i won't lie to you.

Anyways, I put her diary back on the bookshelf without reading anything from it, because she'll open up to me about stuff anyways, I don't have to pry from a book to find out anything.

I find my underwater under the bed and put it on, and I head looking for the bathroom as I unlock the door. The hallway is pretty damn big. I can tell you that these girls have been making serious money and in any way I ain't jealous.

I prefer a small place to live in but hey that's just me even with a lot of money. I open every door in hopes of finding the bathroom coming across the girls' other rooms. As I open one, I come across Tzuyu sleeping in her bed, closing the door quickly to not disturb her. As I open another, again. I find Momo sleeping in her bed, again quickly closing the door, I repeat the same process peering in every room which has their own unique decor signifying their personalities and interests as I peek in in every one of them, until then. I found the bathroom. I quickly head in and take a quick piss.

As I finish up and take a quick wash of the hands and also my face. I head out back to Sharon's bedroom, retracing my steps.

As I head in, I can see a very awake penguin sitting up patting Chae's head as she snores.

She smiles at me with her signature gummy smile I've seen so many times, her morning delight of a smile already lighting up the entire room like it was the sun.

I smiled ear to ear as I walked up to her side as she laid in her blanket giggling happily as the morning sun.

Y/N - Morning sweetheart~

As I go up to her and give her a big kiss on the lips as a way to say good morning,

Y/N - So how was your sleep my penguin?

I asked her while I laid beside her in bed as she made space for me

Mina - More than anything I could ever ask for Y/N~ thank you~

Y/N - hehe, well, my Sharon, can you please help me make breakfast and I have no clue how to get around in this big place of yours

She laughs a bit as we stare into each other's eyes

Mina - You can if you give me something first

She looks at me with a seductive look.

Y/N - which is?

I suddenly felt something but really, it was just her lips on my cheek.

Mina - You. Y/N, I want you to give me you~

Y/N - Of course, you can have everything of me, I'm just as yours as you are mine forever and always

She smiles at what I say and puts me in a hug.

She slowly breaks it off and she gets Chae off her, giving Chae a kiss as well on the cheek.

Mina whispers under her breath as she moved Chae's hair to the side

Mina - Thank you Chaegie for giving my Y/N a good time

We both get out of her bed to put on our clothes, and we head out her room towards the kitchen downstairs, while we hold hands.

I noticed it was only 5 am but yet I was energetic as ever as Sharon helps me and shows me the kitchen making breakfast for the girls, who fortunately had a free schedule today.

Me and Sharon would make a big breakfast for the girls and for ourselves as we goofed around, like lovers but yet we still acted like the biggest best friends we still were.

As we finished, we looked at our masterpieces of what we called breakfast, full american baby.

Pancakes, waffles, grits and sausages and a side of orange juice on the side, well, from what we can remember back in Texas before we moved to Honshu anyways, since it was a special reunion between us too so why not.

Momo came down first smelling food, greeting us with a smile. She comes up to us giving Sharon a hug and also me somehow, but hey who was I to complain.

One by one, the girls would come down smelling the food we made, greeting us with either a hug or a kiss or hell even both, until it was time for us to eat as well at the table.

The OT9 together again and with, well. Me.

I sat beside Sharon with Jihyo at the far end like the leader she is.

Y/N - so what's with the kisses?

Nayeon - nothing, we just want to

Sana - hey, we didn't get our share.

Jeong - you told us Mina that he was ours to share.

Mina - he is!

Tzuyu - so can I give him a kiss then?

Mina - go ahead

Tzyuu goes over to me while I had food in my mouth for a quick peck which she gives me as I just sat there dazed

Mina - happy?

The cute maknae just nods as she goes back to her seat

Momo - I'm next okay?

Dahyun - hey, I'm here too you know?

Jihyo - yah. Don't argue right now, it's our first morning together with him, shush!

The girls chat amongst themselves and to each other while also asking me questions after Jihyo made the two straighten up in their seats

Jihyo - so how long have you known Mina?

Y/N - For far too long to be honest

I chuckle, while she elbows me in the side, laughing.

Nayeon - So, what was that noise upstairs after you guys took him? Hmmm Chae and Minari?

Nayeon and Sana ask as they look at us with suspicion.

I look at Chae who instantly blushes and looks down at her plate nibbling on whatever on her fork, where then I look at Sharon but to no avail, does the same as Chae.

Y/N - w- we-, um-, uhhhhhhhhhhhh-

I get all red and flustered as I try find the words to say anything,

The girls then laugh as me and Chae and Sharon look at each other flustered.

Jihyo - We all know you guys did it

She laughs as the girls laugh as me,Chae and Sharon just blush, Jihyo puts her hand on my shoulder as she comforts me

Jihyo - It's alright Y/N, atleast fuck one of us next tonight, which is ME!

Everyone - EH???

"NO IT HAS TO BE ME!" Tzuyu, Sana and Nayeon shout out.

"NO HE WOULD LOVE TO BE WITH ME!" Momo,Dahyun and Jeong also shout out as well.

They all look at Chae and Mina waiting for an answer,

Mina finally looks up and sighs

Mina - Well, at least treat him nicely guys, just dont tire him out tonight

She looks at me with a smile.

The rest of the girls look at each other with competition in their eyes as Mina goes back to eating and Chae looks at me, flustered.

We finish up our breakfast on a positive note, asking them what they're gonna do today since it's a free day.

We all sit on the couch with a cup of coffee in my hand, as they are conversing as Sharon sits beside me, her head on my shoulder, and Chae sits on my lap facing me with her arms wrapped around my neck, and her face nuzzling on my chest.

I take a deep breath looking around me then also taking a sip from my mug. With these girls suddenly appearing in my life out of nowhere giving me another chance at happiness, around my Sharon, and around these rambunctious 8 girls, I think I can do it right this time, and hey, what a life you know.

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