fools of love ! | cho guesung.

By vantaedium

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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ | 𝐈𝐍 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐇 A consequence of how far I obsess over Guesung, the oh so famous st... More

welcome to fools of love !
𝓲 .jealous of the stars.
𝓲𝓲. jealous of the stars II
𝓲𝓲𝓲. angel kisses.

𝓲𝓿. worth it ?

421 5 0
By vantaedium

summary : When your best friend, Heechan, sets you up with someone who he knows is the perfect match for you, you begin to contemplate his words when said perfect match almost leaves you stranded. Definitely not the first impression Guesung had hoped for.

pairing : cho guesung x gn!reader, strangers to friends to more (?)

genre : romance, humor (attempt), fluff.

warnings : a small misunderstanding (i'm seeing a pattern here), mentions of food and alcohol, cussing, a kiss (?)

Admittedly you were pissed.

Very pissed because you were not the type to go on blind dates because for one you didn't believe you'd ever be able to get along with someone who you'd never met in your life, not even once, a typical stranger let alone go on a date with them in your first-time meeting.

But also secondly your paranoia was on another level and you also hated to admit it, you were very nervous. Which is normal right? Yet the thing was you were feeling a little insecure. Insecure about whether the stranger who was going to arrive anytime soon now, yes you had arrived there first, would find you well...attractive.

Then again though, that is all you were, strangers, and you think you fuck it who cares about their opinions as you down your 2nd cup of ridiculously expensive red wine, it seemingly cooling your nerves as well as leaving a sweet aftertaste that complimented your slightly bitter insecure thoughts. Yet you had gone out tonight, even Heechan, your one and only best friend who was in fact the one who set you up (more like forced to be set up) on this blind date.

He did say the guy was a good friend of his and was the perfect match for you while all you had done was scoff at his words and roll your eyes at finally finding your perfect match because, in your 23 years of existence, all men ever did to you was disappointed. [ Except Heechan though but you would never admit it to him.]

You took a deep breath calming your nerves and once again rose your hand up to look at the time on your dainty little watch you adored since you bought it with your very first paycheck.

'8 :47' it read and you could not help but frown a bit, unknowingly it had already been 17 minutes past the initial meet-up time Kangin had told you on. You do think showing up ten minutes earlier was a bit extra but you thought it was better just in case now you had been waiting for almost half an hour and you were getting even more bored.

You picked up your phone, ready to cuss at your best friend for setting you up with a no-show, his good friend or not, it was still asshole behavior for standing you up. Feeling some inkling of embarrassment begin to creep up your mind as you also realized you did agree on this and have skeptical thoughts regarding this Heechan's so-called friend initially agreeing thinking you were desperate and decided to toy with your agreement and not show up.

On the third ring, Heechan picked up and you could hear the slight surprise in his voice because he didn't expect you to call so...soon.

"Yo Y/N- wait why are you calling me right now? Aren't you supposed to be on your date?" He asked with genuine confusion and you could tell he had no idea.

Letting out a sarcastic chuckle "Well since you're so eager to set me up with a self-date, I thought why not just call you in hmm?"

"Self-date wha- Hold on Guesung is not there?" He asked now with concern hinting in his shock "Trust me I wouldn't have called you in if your Guesung hadn't been a no show."

You spat through gritted teeth in an agitated voice as you ran your free hand through your hair which had taken so much time to do. You were also beginning to feel hot in your coat as it had been a cold night in Seoul so you decided to leave on your coat even though you did feel like ditching it so you could do the cliché your date gives you his coat as you feel cold.

Now you just felt stupid as you wished instead of his coat or jacket, you wished he had been the one to show up. You felt stupid to feel a bit hurt over a fucking stranger but it was not like you didn't have the right to. Heechan had given you some high expectations through his tales of his friend about how incredible he is and so totally your type. You felt obligated to tell Heechan he owed you a lot, maybe a strawberry shortcake with some chocolate milkshakes would make up for it, but still, you felt it was not enough.

"You so owe me for this seriously like what an assho-"

"Wait just a minute, Guesung should have been there, he literally left my place at 8 wanting to show up early even when I insisted for him to go like at 8:20 or something." Heechan defended his teammate who was basically his dongsaeng as well.

"Let me do one thing I'll call him yeah?" He said as he sat up from his lying down position, and just as you were about to respond to him, the little bell on the door jiggled, indicating someone had walked in.

A rush of cool breeze swept in as the man quickly closed the restaurant door behind him, catching his breath as he swept his hand over his previously tame hair which had become slightly messy as though he had been running through the night as the wind tousled his perfectly set pulled back slick hair.

And that was not too far off, as Guesung looked at his own expensive watch that sat on his wrist, cursing mentally as he realized he was late.

Very fucking late.

His eyes lifted up as he tried to smooth down the imaginary wrinkles on the blazer of his Louis Vuitton Suit, fixing up his black tie properly and making sure his hair was once again set as to how it was before, or well tried to but a few impatient strands escaped and rested gently on his forehead.

He scanned the room, hoping you had not actually ditched him because that would imply you already had a judgment on him, which he knew was not a good one as it would also mean you thought you'd been stood up and already concluded him an asshole.

He mentally once again cursed at the paparazzi who had gone absolutely nuts once he had left Heechan's apartment, following him while shoving their cameras in his face all while the bright lights almost blinded him. He knew to expect this already but he had underestimated his own fame once the world cup had ended, and alas faced the consequences on the worst possible days out of all.

Him being the gentleman he was and also just for the sake of you being a stranger as well, didn't want them to intrude on his own privacy or even endanger your own privacy, so he stalled them, tried to stall them, and shot quick texts to Kangin of help which the latter had been more than helpful as he distracted them so that Guesung could literally make a run for it.

It was good, he was an athlete and a fit one at that because holy fuck running almost 15 minutes continuously in a damn suit was very very impressive.

You had looked up the moment the bell had jiggled, stuck in your own star-struck daze as you looked at the man who'd stepped in, and blinked to make sure you hadn't accidentally fallen asleep and this wasn't one a trick of your hyperactive imagination.

Your jaw dropped literally when his eyes locked with yours as a look of acknowledgment followed and he began making his way toward you.

Holy fucking shit, that- that's Guesung ?!?

You whispered out your thoughts unknowingly and a static sound of a chuckle echoed in your ear as you pulled the phone out of your ear, slightly cringing at your words when you realized you had thought out loud, mentally wanting to hit yourself.

"So I'm guessing he has finally shown up huh? Well, don't forget the rules of a first date, no kissi-" You hang up as Heechan's chuckle came through, and before he could begin his teasing as you felt your own face heat up at the cut words and cleared your throat placing your phone down on the table and sat up straight as Guesung finally made his way over and stood next to his own seat.

"Um sorry, but are you perhaps Y/N? I am Guesung. Heechan's friend, you know the one who uh- organized this whole thing." He spoke with nervousness seemingly apologetic and it did make you think back a little on your judgment of him being an asshole but you couldn't jump to conclusions just yet. Frankly, the man was the definition of a model, the looks, the height, and everything, you'd think he would have the ego of a typical male but the apologetic look on his face and the tone of his voice contradicted your own judgment.

You raised an eyebrow, crossing your arms, as you tried not to let your heart be biasing your angry thoughts but God it was so hard especially when his eyes twinkled with sorriness and one of his hands raised up to fix his tie for the third time since he stepped into the restaurant (yes you kept count)

You clicked your tongue narrowing your eyes, as you leaned back to look into his eyes directly "Well Guesung, for your information, yes I am Y/N you know the person who you've kept waiting for almost an hour now." You finished chuckling sarcastically, your last few words being laced with more spite than you intended to and you suppose it was now the hunger taking over.

You decided it was rude to keep him standing, even though you suppose he could have sat if he wanted to but you felt like he was waiting for your permission and that little thing did more to your heart than you wished it would have, you lifted one of your hands, pointing towards the seat in front of you "This table is not meant for one you know? You should take your seat since it is yours anyways."

His eyes widened slightly, as the tip of his ears became a light shade of pink in embarrassment and you almost felt bad for being hostile towards him but it was not your fault as well because he had yet to explain as to why he was late. He sat down in front of you, and even though he was nervous, he didn't let it affect him physically as in he made sure to not let clumsiness play a part tonight, as he sat down letting his hands rest on his lap, and even when he sat down he still managed to make you look small, or maybe he was just too tall you justified your average height.

"So, why? Why were you so late?" You sat a little straighter as he cleared his own throat, running his hand through his hair once again, a habit, you noted. He let out a sigh of relief as he relaxed slightly in his seat, you eyed his frame, trying not to obliviously check him out again for the 10th time, it was just to observe his body language, you argued with yourself.

He seemed slightly out of breath which made you furrow your eyebrows, you of course could not see that when he first walked in but now you could clearly see it and wondered, unconsciously pouting slowly as you tried to think of reasons while being lost in your mind.

Guesung's eyes moved to your lips as he scanned your face and noted the small furrow and pout, before even fully thinking of an answer, he replied "Sorry, really, I promise I did leave early but- but the media, they can't just give me a damn break, ever since I came back to Seoul, they have been on our backs like fucking hawks, I swear I tried to come early but I had to run here and I had no other better option than that, it got really crowded and again I really am sorry-"

"Hey, hey first of all calm down." You told as he was going to continue his ramble, placing your hand on his which were now folded on the table, fiddling clearly showing his emotions, and you placed yours on top because you could not really think of any other reason other than hoping it would somehow calm him down.

Comfort from a supposed stranger seemed to have worked.

He stopped fidgeting and took a deep breath as he looked away, his cheeks now a shade of scarlet and you really tried not to fall then and there like a shameless person because you did have some self-respect but the man in front of you was just too...too cute. You pulled away your hand quickly once he seemed to have calmed down and he continued, now a little more relaxed,

"The reason I got even late was that I called up Kangin so that he could help me out of the whole mess and it did work but also- I had to make a run for it here...quite literally."

You widened your eyes as he finished talking and now it made sense as to how disheveled he looked when he walked in, though it did not make him any less attractive, and were honestly impressed because running in a damn suit let alone running itself was a task, though you suppose him being an athlete, of course, benefitted him in that aspect, unlike your non-existent work out routine.

"That's- that's wow okay, I definitely was not expecting that I won't lie, I think I forgot you guys are like famous now."  You told chuckling at the end, an indicator that you weren't as upset anymore because his explanation did make sense and you also told the honest truth because you genuinely forgot these guys were actually famous after the whole world cup thing.

"Though are you alright now? Do you want some water or something? I didn't order anything because I was waiting for you since I didn't know what you'd like." You asked him with ease and he nodded skeptically, unsure whether you were being sarcastic or not as you rolled your eyes seeing the skepticism on his face "Look it's fine I guess, I forgive you for being late, it's not your fault I suppose."

Guesung looked at you surprised by your words but they did the work as he let out a sigh of relief, you understood more easily but then again you did already have a famous best friend so he guesses you have already experienced the tardiness of another showing up way late than you did,

"But! You still have a lot of making up to do."

You finished with a cheeky tone to lift up the mood and with a tiny smirk which Guesung couldn't help but let out a chuckle at which you also giggled a bit trying not to be swayed so easily but the way his eye became small crescents as his cheeks pulled up.

Clearing his throat, he gently spoke "Then I guess we deserve a proper introduction right?"

He leaned ahead, while he crossed his arms, taking in a casual stance, evidentially feeling more at ease now as the misunderstandings had been cleared, and you raised an eyebrow at his posture, wondering what he was thinking.

" come here often?" He said in an flirtatious deep voice, which broke any resounding tension, that had you smiling as you leaned forward wanting to muse along with him.

"Never been here in my life." You said whispery, as you continued smiling, his eyes now twinkling in delight which made you giggle as you put your hand to cover your mouth, your own eyes now squinting in laughter.

"Interesting, interesting...there's always a first for everything isn't it ? I see you already ordered something to drink huh?"

"Well..." You said trying to appear deep in thoughts for an answer "I hadn't known I would have wait so long for you. And maybe I needed the liquid courage." You shrugged at him and he laughed at your response shaking his head,

"Then I am sorry to have kept you waiting," He spoke with sincerity again, and even though you had told him it was okay, you still replied, "All's forgiven but again you still have a lot of making up to do."

He giggled at your words and then smirked slyly "Oh don't worry darling, I promise I'll give you the time of your life."

"That's a bold proposition." You spoke, your eyes shimmering with mirth as one corner of your lips turned up, you bit your lip trying not to grin like an idiot again.

"Babe, you don't know me just yet then but you'll find out eventually." He winked at you which made you slightly blush as you tried to cover up the fact that he was affecting you with nervous chuckles.

"Well then I'd be delighted to find out more about you, Mr. Cho Guesung."

And the rest of the evening went with the same ease, both of you flowing into an effortless conversation as he told you about his own life, which lead to eventually you telling about yours, what you did for a living, your friends and family, especially how you knew Heechan, which you told that he was a good friend of yours since your high school days and he paid attention to everything you told with an interest that had your heart fluttering.

Though he was shocked when he found out you barely knew anything about football, as you had always been more of the literature and music nerd rather than the sporty type which he of course did not mind, even though he was a football star, he knew it was not everyone's cup of tea. He was delighted when you promised you would come to see one of his games if he was willing to teach you about the sensational sport to which he agreed more than eagerly which had had you chuckling.

Guesung and you had been in your own bubble, just talking and the apparent chemistry between you both seemed to work well. So, when the time came to eventually end the evening, the tiny disappointment was something inevitable and to your unknown surprise, Guesung felt the exact same way.

Gosh Heechan was right...for once. Why does the evening have to end so soon?

You both thought as you exited the warm restaurant now the cool Seoul breeze passing by making you rub your hands over your arms, even though your coat did sit comfortably on your arms, let us just say you felt extra sensitive to the entire winter season no matter how much you'd think you layered up.

Guesung saw your smaller form shivering while your teeth chattered, a habit you had whenever the weather got too cold even by a little, unknowingly smiling gently as he began removing his blazer. You noticed this and widened your eyes,

"Oh no Guesung, it's totally fine, you'd be cold and anyways I already am wearing a coat-"

Before you could argue more, he had already placed his larger blazer over your shoulders, now it completely draped over you while masking you in his cologne.

It smelled...nice, just as he did of course.

You looked at him and grinned, your eyes shining under the soft moonlight and Guesung felt his heart skip as he got lost in the stars they held. And under the moonlight, he too looked like a prince, his features delicately standing out as your eyes traced his angel kisses.

"Thank you. And actually thank you for showing up as well...for a second there I thought I was stood up you know ?" You spoke jokingly as you slipped your hands through the blazer, now fully enveloped in it, letting it fall till a little below your waist. It seemed perfect as though it were meant for someone your size.

You continued to smile even though you now jokingly narrowed your eyes, your cheeks pulled up, indicating you were messing around with him, not meaning that you were upset now, well you were before he had his explanation but as the evening passed by, time felt unreal as you spent it more with the man who had a charming smile and an equally charming personality. The whole evening was indeed worth it when you realized the grin on your face refused to remove itself in his presence.

Guesung rolled his eyes as he clicked his tongue, trying to not smile widely at your cuteness but he failed to do so as he bowed his head in a fancy way "My deepest apologies, your majesty, is there any way to possibly earn your full forgiveness right now ?"

You giggled gently at his accent, playfully putting your finger on your chin as you stared off seemingly in deep thought "Well, I do know one way?"

You bit your lip as you stood in front of him, trying not to burst out laughing at the way his eyes shone with curiosity and eagerness at your answer.

For a man as tall as one would think would be intimidating, he was not definitely playing the part, you thought.

And in a moment, you stood on your tip toes and placed your hands, gently on his shoulders as you raised your head and placed a soft peck on his cheek. You stood back at your place, now bursting out in laughter as Guesung looked taken aback, his face now feeling warmer despite the harsh winds, because he was, out of everything, not expecting that.

"I think all is definitely forgiven now."

author's note : and here is another one shot! this one is pretty light hearted, just a bit of banter and idk cuteness i suppose ?? let me know what you think hehe also this is most likely just going to be a guesung one-shot book but i also don't mind uploading one shots of other players if you want me to :) 

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