Marvel: It Takes A Monster...

Da Necessary_Chaos

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An unprecedented crisis has the very multiverse eating apart. Creatures of the night roam dimensions that the... Altro

Another night in the office (?)
The calling
Feet first into mayhem
Better late than never
Stabbing in the dark
Seeing Red
Final Girl
Father Matthew
Lieutenant Castle
Photographer Parker
The Hunter
Communion of the cursed
St. Carnage

NatɄⱤØm ĐɆmo₦₮Ø

390 24 11
Da Necessary_Chaos

"I trained you better than that"

"I really hoped you would stay away from this path"

"I guess it can't be helped, you really do take after your useless mother"

"I...I thought you would be happy to see me"

"Where do you think you're going? A Bloodstone does not flee!"


"Do you not love me anymore, little crow?"

A blinding crimson took over momentarily, dethroned only by the absolute darkness that followed suit. The taste of blood overpowered the senses, impossible to ignore until you found yourself eventually drowning in it

It was suffocating, but your body was never allowed to react to it, as another flash of light took place shortly after

With it, came a violent breeze

The roughness of the body colliding and rolling into something, a surface

But more importantly, you could breathe

You inhaled deeply just as your eyes opened, adjusting to this new place, wherever it was

Under your hand, you could feel the grass. Short, cinnabar-colored, unnervingly even, but that was hardly the oddest thing here

The sky itself was a dark shade of red, and the clouds themselves were no different. Hardly any sound was heard, not even the wind dared to become the center of attention

This whole place felt...surreal

Like a dream in which you were still conscious, but were bombarded by the feeling that something was wrong, horribly so

Fortunately for you, you'd soon discover that you were not alone in this place

You found yourself suddenly on your back. You looked up only to find a pistol aimed right at you. When you looked past it, you found the woman holding it

It was Elsa, wearing an odd white shirt and shorts, what happened next you weren't sure if it was the result of near drowning, the concussions or finally fucking losing it

But this angle allowed you to appreciate just how gorgeous the woman actually was, not even her bringing her weapon closer to your face could distract you

Elsa: Give me a good reason not to kill you

The way the scarlet skies bounced off her large hair brought her features to your attention. The brightness of her green eyes, the muscles she had gained over literal decades of fighting evil, the overall authority she gave off while holding you at gunpoint

You were just at a loss for words, really

So naturally, you said the first thing that came to your mind

You: You...are stunning

Her eyes went wide at this comment before she kicked your rib. You could've sworn you saw red in her face, but that could've also been this place in general

Elsa: Alright. It is you

She said while doing her damnest not to look at you in the eye. Good thing you were busy holding yourself

You: Wait, was there any doubt?

Elsa: I've had some...unpleasant encounters with some impostors

You stopped when she said that, and a relieved sigh left your lips shortly after

You: Oh thank god

This comment made her turn to you with a raised brow

You: I thought I had finally lost it. Started seeing dead people out of nowhere

She wouldn't admit it, but it was a relief for her as well. It's never a good sign when you see a dead loved member

Elsa: Speaking of, where in the Devil's arse were you, huh? You left me to do all the bloody work! LITERALLY bloody!

She crossed her arms to give you her signature scowl

You: Oh, don't EVEN. Just look at me!

The woman eyed you from head to toe. Blood stained a good chunk of your outfit and bruises were pretty much all over you

Elsa: You look like shit

You: Exactly. Jack and I were facing what's pretty much evil incarnate and w--

Elsa: Wait, Jack? And where's the lapdog at?

You stopped mid-rant at her question and looked around. There was nothing but grass and a couple of rocks around you. But more than that, the two of you seemed to be the only ones here

You: ...fuck

Needless to say, she was not amused

Elsa: Don't tell me you lost him

You: This asshole broke his arm and I sent him to rest while I dealt with it, but as soon as I killed the fucker, this huge hand dragged me here

Elsa: we were summoned here

It didn't take her long to spot her own weapon lying in the grass, and next to it was the bag the counselors used to put her clothes in

A smile crept into her face at the sight of it

Elsa: Finally. I can get rid of this absurd fit of theirs. My thighs are killing me

You turned to see her reach for the bag, what you weren't expecting, however, was that she began to undress right in front of you so casually

You could feel the warmth in your face just as the heart changed its beat drastically

You: WOAH!!! What do you think you're doing?!

Elsa: What does it look like? I'm getting my damn clothes back!

Now normally, someone getting undressed in front of you wouldn't be an issue, especially since you knew damn well that she was hot

But right now? You had some other priorities. Namely, figuring out where the hell were you

Elsa: I'm not staying in that hormone trap they call a uniform any longer

You were gonna open your mouth to argue but then looked at the uniform. Was it even the right size?

You: ... fair

She covered her bust with one hand while aiming her rifle at you with the other

Elsa: Now look away before I fucking shoot your brains out

You: Alright alright! A warning would've been nice...

Elsa: That is your warning

You raised your hands in surrender and promptly turned around, groaning as you did so

You: Fuck's sake

For the sake of not making the angry lady even angrier, you ignored the sounds of the various zippers and focused on other things

Mainly, the sky. There were no signs of the sun anywhere, no way to tell if it was day or night, not even a single star

Elsa: If I catch you staring I will--

You: Don't bother. I'm looking at the sky...I have a reason to believe this is a pocket dimension

Elsa: How do you know?

You: Look at the sky. Do you see anything up there? A guiding star? A moon? Anything?

Elsa: now that you mention it, that would explain why this place feels so...

You: Weird?

Elsa: Yeah. Like a lucid dream of sorts

She placed her jacket on and turned to you, fully clothed

Elsa: Alright pervert. I'm done

She then walked up to you and rested her elbow on your shoulder

Elsa: A pocket dimension, huh? I can see that

Suddenly, the ground below started to shake, almost knocking you off your feet. From the cracks in the ground, the red fog started to come out, the very same you had encountered earlier

Elsa: Not this shit again!

But it didn't surround the scene as you'd expect it to, instead, it disappeared into the distance, as if following something or rather, reacting to something

As far as trails go, this one was pretty obvious, and neither of you hesitated to follow it, weapons at the ready

You: Hey Bloodstone, what do you think we're facing?

Elsa: My best guess is something demonic

You: Blessed ammo it is

From your courier bag, you took out a flask and began crafting the ammunition that would help you

It wasn't long until a dark tree came into view, long dead without as much as a leaf within its branches. It was an abomination so massive it made it look as if it were multiple trees

Various trinkets hung from it. Photos, dolls, crosses, holy medals, bones. A murder of crows sat at the branches, pitch black in appearance and with only white orbs for eyes standing out

You: Yeah, that looks demonic

Elsa: You don't say...

She slowly raised her weapon, making the crows turn to her and open their beaks at the same time

A bloodcurdling scream forced you to cover your ears, but it wasn't the only thing

The tree itself began to split from the trunk, the crunching gave way to a hole, and from it, a hand came out. It started clawing its way out until a chunk of the tree fell off, and when it did, the crows fell silent

A cloud of this red fog came out of the tree until a silhouette could be seen, and with it, a voice

"About time you two showed up"

With your weapons now having a target, this stranger came into view, revealing a young, disheveled woman of black hair and a long tattered dress. Various trinkets hung loosely from her neck and wrists

Elsa: Who the fuck are you?

You: ...Wait, you live in the tree?

A toothy grin appeared on her face the moment she laid eyes on you. She raised her hand, and dark energy concentrated around it. Soon enough, a book appeared before her

But this was no regular book. This one was bound in flesh, with teeth acting as a sort of lock. You could feel the amulet from within your coat vibrating at its mere presence

???: My name is Blair, and I'm just her humble servant

She did a slight bow after that, while Elsa and you looked at each other confused, and then at her

Elsa: "Her"?

Her grin turned into a tender smile, which was somehow more unnerving

Blair: You felt the pulse, didn't you? The first sign of her arrival

Your eyes narrowed at her words. Strange reassured you that nobody else knew the source of this issue, that it would take anyone else months to piece it together

He was wrong

The wind picked up as Blair spoke. Her grin turned into a tender smile, which was somehow more unnerving

Blair: She will take over all of creation, and I intend to welcome her with open arms with the biggest massacre in the country

But that smile didn't take long to transform into a growl the moment she locked eyes with you

Blair: Or at least I would've if YOU hadn't killed my toys!

Elsa and you shared a knowing look, at least now you knew where the psychopaths were coming from

A soft giggle left her wicked lips before she shrugged

Blair: Oh well, at least she'll get a consolation prize

You: Ah, so that's why you brought us here

She pointed at you with a wide smile

Blair: Ding ding ding ding!

Suddenly, lightning struck the grass in front of you, forcing you to jump back to avoid the blast as best you could

Elsa was the first to respond to this aggression with her own

Elsa: Then you shouldn't have given me my rifle, darling

At a moment's notice, the monster hunter drew her rifle out and shot Blair in the head, only for her bullet to melt before it could even touch her

A faint purple glow revealed itself around the witch, who laughed at this act

Blair: If I'm going to SLAUGHTER YOU LIKE THE CATTLE YOU ARE, you can at least make it interesting!

From her pocket, she brought out a dagger, and with a sinister tone, she announced:

Blair: I sure will

She ran the dagger across her hand and smeared the resulting blood all over the book. Not a single drop went to waste

The book screeched before it opened on its own, revealing its macabre contents written in blood eons ago

With glowing red eyes, Briar started to levitate, the book along with her. Its pages violently flipped at the words she chanted

"𝕶𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖆𝖗 𝕸𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖚𝖚𝖘 𝕺𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖚𝖗"

The clouds began to swirl around the tree, bringing with them a violent wind

Elsa: Don't let that bitch finish!

You: Huh. They usually beg me the opposite

You jumped into action and began to shoot the shield around Blair, but before one of your bullets could connect with it, a crow swooped down and took the hit instead

The animals shrieked and descended upon you, using their razor-sharp claws and beaks to hurt you as much as they could


She punched one of them out of the sky and shot another. With your attention shifted to these demonic crows swarming you, Blair grinned

"𝕴𝖓𝖉𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖚 𝕹𝖔𝖘𝖋𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖚𝖘 𝕯𝖊𝖛𝖎𝖈𝖙𝖔 𝕳𝖔𝖘𝖙𝖊"

You had managed to set up a shield around both of you while Elsa got her gun reloaded, but even if that stopped the crows for a moment, it wouldn't stop what followed

"𝕶𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖆𝖗 𝕯𝖊𝖒𝖆𝖙𝖔𝖘..."

And with a grin, all hell broke loose


The ground began to shake once again, with much more force this time, strong enough to create a fissure, and with it, came an army of bloodcurdling cries

You tackled Elsa out of the way before the ground opened up below, but that was hard from the worst of it

From these unnatural formations, decrepit hands emerged and began to flail wildly, while others started to pull themselves up


An army of the dead pulled itself together before you, creating even more distance between you and Blair

A cackle echoed through the battlefield. It wasn't long before all undead eyes were on you

You looked at your weapon, Sally, and then at them

You: Well...shit

Blair raised her hands as if mocking a divine entity and laughed once again

"Come to Mama"


"I forgot how good this show was"

Jack stated to himself before eating some of the pudding he requested. The television in his room was playing the credits to Miami Vice

His broken arm had mostly recovered from his encounter with Red. He still felt sore as hell though


A frantic Annabelle made her way into the man's room, nearly making him drop his food

Jack: Annabelle?! Where's Y/N?

Anne: H-H-He's gone! I-I do--

He sat up and placed a hand on her shoulder

Jack: Hey, hey, take a breath, okay?

The blonde nodded and imposed order on her racing heart with a deep breath. While she did, Jack took notice of her battered state

Her clothes were stained with blood, part of her jacket was torn, and there was a cut on her forehead that was yet to be treated

Whatever had taken place, it was urgent enough for her to put aside her own well-being, he guessed...but that didn't make it any better

Anne: We...we dealt with Red, he's gone

Jack nodded along, silently asking her to continue

Anne: B-But as soon as it was over, something came for Y/N. It grabbed him and just...vanished

Jack: What was that "something?"

Anne: It's hard to describe. It was red fog at first, then this... giant hand grabbed him

Jack went to grab the stone you gave him to reach him. Not only was it glowing as you said, but the glow had turned a sinister red, and from the symbol, blood began to drip

He was pretty damn sure it wasn't supposed to do that, and he was scolding himself for not noticing something like this earlier

Anne: I-It was some sort of portal. It closed before I could follow

This got him to look at her with a raised brow

Jack: Follow?

She nodded

Anne: I owe it to him, for everything he did

Jack couldn't help but smile tenderly at this

Jack: He's a monster hunter. That's what he does

He got up and put a shirt on, letting out a heavy breath as he did

Jack: As for me, it's about time I do something too

Anne: And what is that?

He turned to her and grinned

Jack: I'm gonna go save his ass, but first...

"I'm gotta call some friends"


A bullet went through a zombie's head before you kicked him away, just in time for another one to lunge at you and be hit in the knee

You took out your blade and sliced the head with one swift move

Elsa: Hey!

You turned to Elsa who threw one of them your way. You stopped his momentum with a punch and crushed his head with your boot. You and the redhead soon found yourselves back to back, blasting away at the horde Blair summoned

Suddenly, a pair of arms lunged from underneath the ground and latched on to your leg, revealing just a torso

You: Aw, shit!

Elsa stomped on an enemy before looking over her shoulder

Elsa: You alright?

A purified head revealed itself. The corpse roared at you with ghastly yellow eyes

You: I got this

???: ɨ'ʟʟ ֆաǟʟʟօա ʏօʊʀ ֆօʊʟ!!

You lifted that leg and slammed your elbow against the undead, throwing him into the ground

Before it could even get up, the barrel of your gun forced its way into his open jaws

You: Swallow this

With the pull of the trigger, the head exploded into a million bits. Groovy

A high-pitched laugh caught Elsa's attention, but when she turned around she was met with a small plastic being lunging at her with a knife

She screamed as she struggled to get it off. It wasn't long before she grabbed it from behind and tossed it into the air

Without wasting any time, she took aim and blasted it into pieces

Elsa: I fucking hate dolls!

Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed the murder of crows flying your way, so you took out a small stone with a rune carved on it and looked over your shoulder

You: Duck!

Without questioning it, she complied in time to avoid the crows flying straight towards you, meeting a firey end with the blaze that this carved rune unleashed


The swarm immediately retreated as if to avoid losing more of its numbers. At the same time, Blair suddenly fell and she held herself, coughing blood before she glared at you


She raised a tense hand and chains suddenly dropped from the sky, interrupting your blaze and holding you in place

Some of these chains had hooks, and they dug their way into your skin, painfully lifting you off the ground as they wrapped around you

Elsa: L/N!

Despite your best efforts, you were forced to let go of your gun when the chains tightened their grip around your extremities. Blood was already becoming visible through them

Not only that, but the undead were starting to close in

Elsa: No you don't!

She jumped into the fray by tackling the nearest one to the ground and spraying the others with bullets

Elsa stomped his skull as she got up and drew her pistol to add more firepower

But this army of darkness was unrelenting. For every one of these creatures taken down, another one took its place

Just when Elsa blew a zombie's head off, another doll latched to her leg and started scratching. Before she could even do something about it, the crows descended onto her and began an assault of their own

Even then, the monster hunter did not grace them with a cry of terror. No, she fought tooth and nail, killing as many things as she could

From behind her, a faint f/c glow could be seen before one of the chains broke down, setting one of the arms free, and revealing the enchanted porcelain underneath

The crows took notice of this and deviated from attacking Elsa. With a ragged breath, you narrowed your eyes and pointed your artificial hand at them, preparing to blast them with magic


But they never reached you

A hellfire-imbued chain went through every single crow at unnatural speeds. No matter how much they tried to escape

Soon enough, ashes and feathers rained from the red skies

Blair screamed and she fell on her knees when she felt this connection severed so violently, ripped from her with hellfire. She shook violently at the sensation, as if she could feel the same fire eating her alive

And the voice that followed pierced her very heart


The chains wrapped around your body were cut down in one swift move, but before you even reached the ground, you were caught

You didn't even need to see her to see who it was

Valkyrie: Are you alright, Y/N?

You couldn't help but smile at the sight of the friendly face

You: I am now. Thanks

She smiled back before setting you down. Elsa let out a sigh of relief, and just when a zombie was about to attack from behind, it was lifted and torn apart with ease by the man who called everyone here

Jack: Everyone alright?

The redhead turned to the half-beast and a scowl formed soon after. At the same time, the Rider burnt the nearest bunch of zombies, giving you all time to breathe

Elsa: Just where were you? Sticking your thumb up your a--

You: What she means is "thank you", Jack

She looked at you, only for you to gesture to her to zip it. The woman just rolled her eyes

Elsa: Yeah. Thank you

Jack nodded and everyone stood side by side before the army. Their cold dead gazes fixed on you

Valkyrie: What are we up against?

You: A crazy witch auditioning for an evil goddess

Jack: Sounds about right

While reloading, Elsa pointed at the book floating in front of the still-recovering witch

Elsa: She's drawing power from that book. We get rid of it, we stop the bitch

The Rider took a step forward and sensed the stench of the book. That unmistakable rot. Then, he slowly pointed at it

Rider: That cursed book reeks of sin. I will enjoy turning it into ashes

You got ahold of your weapon and cracked your neck

You: You heard him, people. The book doesn't make it out of here

Valkyrie let out a warcry as she charged into the enemy, slicing through the undead, with the rest of you following suit

The brutal fight continued, but this time, the odds were vastly different. Possessed dolls or undead beings, they all fell with ease

Blair whimpered as she got rid of the blood in her mouth, weakly looking up in horror at her army being decimated

Blair: N-No...

Her fingers dug into the dirt beneath when she clenched her fists

Blair: will NOT stop me. Not now...

The sinister aura around her grew stronger, transforming her pain into rage. The adrenaline kicked in with this breath of new life


She set her sights on the spirit responsible for the death of her crows and raised her arms with seemingly a lot of weight on them

On command, a giant chainsaw guide bar erupted from the ground, tearing through where once stood the Ghost Rider until only a couple of bones were left

A manic laugh was heard from across the battlefield, but it would wear off when she noticed the reaction of her enemies

Elsa blasted a zombie away before pivoting and kicking another through the head while Jack shook off the ones climbing onto him, right in time for Valkyrie to slice them off and you spraying bullets into the horde that lunged from behind

Blair: Uh, hello? I just took out--

The witch was interrupted by the remains of a zombie were hurled at her, sliding off the shield that kept her safe

She was distraught by the way you fought as if nothing had happened, dipping yourselves further into the bloodbath and slowly slashing your way towards her

But in reality, you were just making time because you all knew, there was no such thing as destroying a Ghost Rider

And soon, Blair would find out that too

From the crater left behind by the chainsaw, a powerful flame cut a swathe through the red skies, a sinister beacon for what was to come, and incinerating the poor devils that stood too close to it in the process

As soon as the flame stopped its blinding force, it revealed the Rider back on his feet. Holding on to his chains and his flame burning brighter than before

This time, she saw your group smirking

Blair: No. No no NO NO NO!!

The witch summoned the chains from the tree as fast as she could in a desperate attempt to slow him down like she did with you

When the metal made contact with the leather, however, the spirit just tilted his head as he stared at her. Two burning orbs stared at her very soul

That's when she came to the horrifying conclusion that all of these attempts, they had all been for nothing

The Rider got ahold of the chains that dug into him and whipped them as if they were his own, imbuing them with the very hellfire he worked with. Akin to electricity, the fire traveled through the chains

Blair's eyes went wide when she saw the fire coming her way, but when she tried to protect herself, it was too late. An explosion threw her back into the tree, with the remnants of her shield burning away before her very eyes

You: Shield's down...

You were the first to take note of this. You stuck the rifle to the side of a zombie and destroyed its torso before turning to Valkyrie

You: Valkyrie, if you please!

The Asgardian punched a hole through her enemy's head and gave you a nod. She tossed the reanimated corpse aside before she let out a cry and hurled her trusted Dragonfang toward a new target

No matter how many objectives tried to stand in the way, the weapon spun with deadly force, keeping its course the very same until Blair finally...


An agonizing cry caught your attention. When you looked at the source, you found Valkyrie's sword stabbing through Blair's heart, nailing her into the tree in the process

The fight came to a sudden halt, with the undead stopping completely as if the connection had been severed

For the first time, you were all able to take a breather and reload

Reacting to the girl's suffering, the book floated closer to her, scouting to see if she was truly dead

Suddenly, a gasp, a feeble attempt to cling on to life, made all the more desperate when she saw the rest of you approaching her

Adrenaline kicked in to motivate what little she could do, despite the blood and life escaping her by the minute

Shaking, the girl smeared one of the book's pages with the blood that was escaping her body and mustered all her strength to usher one single request


The book reacted to the blood and pushed itself back. It flipped its pages violently and the undead suddenly broke into formation, making a barrier to keep you from reaching the vulnerable girl

Black tendrils sprouted from the cursed book and wrapped themselves around her wrists before another one went straight to her throat, jumpstarting putrid black veins to spread under her skin. A myriad of whispers overtook the scene shortly after

Growling, the undead were the first to move as they hurled at you with their claws and teeth, their moves akin to those of a rabid animal

The whispers grew in power and volume, or at least they did until the roots of the tree wrapped around Blair and snatched her into the tree itself, leaving only her army behind

You: Alright and what's going on now?

Elsa: Does it look like I fucking know?! Keep shooting!

Suddenly, lightning struck the zone where you stood, blasting you away and prompting Valkyrie to rush to your side, cutting down anyone who dared stand in her way

Valkyrie: Y/N!

The blonde nailed her sword to the ground before she got ahold of you. It was in times like this you were glad your clothes were far more resistant than they looked, didn't prevent your face from being covered in ash though

Valkyrie: Can you hear me? Are you okay?

Soon enough, a hand on her shoulder told her everything she needed to know, and your smile just confirmed it

You: Yeah, I'm fine. Ma--

You flinched mid-sentence at the feeling of something cold falling on your face. Brunnhilde raised a brow at the sight of it as well, blood dripped from your face, yet you had no wounds

That's when she felt something on her shoulder, another drop, and then another, and yet another

Elsa dug her boot deep into a zombie's throat, crushing it with ease until she spotted something red dripping on her rifle

Elsa: What in the...

When she looked up, however, the answer was given

Blood rained from the skies, quickly covering the battlefield in a sinister tint, but it wasn't the only thing

Lightning struck the area again and again, increasing the frequency just enough to become a problem. You quickly got up and began to chant

You: Everyone, to me!

As lightning struck, the rest of your allies grouped up with you in time for you to raise your hands and chant:

You: Shield of the Seraphim

A magic bubble safely encased the group. You focused your energy on keeping the spell long enough to avoid getting killed by those bolts of lightning, such was the case with the various undead that got caught in the crossfire

But this was a distraction, something to keep you busy until the sinister being had fully consumed Blair until eventually, the firing stopped, leaving a massive red cloud of dust in its wake

You finally broke the spell with ragged breath. Jack placed a hand on your shoulder

Jack: Thanks for the shield

You just gave him a thumbs up

It was then that you became aware of the strange silence that had taken over the field...or at least until Elsa broke it

Elsa: Fucking hell...

You followed her distraught gaze and found yourself repeating the same curse the minute you spotted the humongous silhouette hiding behind the dust

It was its screech that finally gave it away. In front of you stood half a titan, made of exposed flesh and chunks of the very same tree buried into its body and in some instances acted as poorly placed armor. A myriad of demonic sigils was carved into its flesh as well

Monstrous roots had replaced the legs of this entity, keeping it on the ground as it moved. Finally, the head was a skull of an animal you could not recognize, some pieces of flesh still held onto it

As blood continued to rain, you came to your senses

Elsa: We need a plan, right now

You stored your gun away and instead took out your chained blade

You: I got a plan, slice and dice

With that, you separated the blade and threw it with all your might, managing to nail it to the creature's arm before pulling you up thanks to the chain

Elsa watched you slice your way on top of the monster in utter disbelief. Not because of the impressiveness of this act, but because of the obvious lack of a strategy here

A loud groan left her lips as a result

Elsa: "Monster specialist" my ass. God fucking damnit, Strange...

A hand latched onto her boot. When Elsa looked down, she found more zombies, but this time, they looked different. Some were even more rotten, while others had animal-like features and spikes

Elsa: Okay, that's it

She stomped on it and took out a weapon resembling a shotgun, but instead of shooting bullets, this one released a batch of soulfire when pumped

Meanwhile, you ran across the creature's arm and began to slice to your heart's content, calling back your sword and tearing the flesh as much as you could with each strike

But in your rushed attempts to figure something out, you failed to notice the hand looming over you. Before you knew it, a crushing weight fell over you and swatted you off the creature

You crashed into what little grass there was, seeing as puddles of blood were forming thanks to the now pouring rain, but there was hardly any time to rest, as giant bladed fingers erupted from the ground and began to tear everything they came across with a wicked laugh

The Rider rounded the fingers together with his chain and turned them to ashes, while Elsa ducked under the razor blades and fired away

Elsa: Oi L/N! How's that brilliant strategy of yours coming along!?

You: Fuck off I'm figuring something out!

You leaped over one of the zombies and broke its arm, beating him with it, but when Elsa looked at the creature, she noticed something

The myriad of slashes and cuts you made were healing, and when they did, the veins underneath began to glow. They all converged in the chest

And with it, a revelation came

Elsa: It's the heart! We need to get rid of it!

Intrigued by this, you took aim and loaded a special bullet into the gun. You fired at the chest of the monster and made it explode, and shortly after, the exposed heart began to glow and cover itself with the repaired flesh

Rider: So now what?

You: We need to see if we can outrun the healing factor, or at the very least overwork it to death

Jack didn't need to be told twice. He howled before lunging at the enemy, tearing apart the zombies until it nailed itself to the flesh and ruthlessly began to slash away

You looked at the creature and then at your courier bag and took out a green flask

You: Bloodstone, you got corrosive rounds?

The woman nodded, switching weapons, or at least until the blood reached her knee, and she was suddenly pulled back by a decrepit hand. She smashed her elbow into the face of her enemy and sliced them off with a knife

Elsa: Fucking hell!

She then turned to you

Elsa: Whatever you're planning, do it now!

You nodded and threw yourself back into the action. With the rain drowning the battlefield with blood, moving was becoming increasingly difficult, and the undead were taking full advantage of it

Even then, the monster hunter refused to give up, but she wouldn't have to fight for long. The monstrous roar of an engine took over just as a trail of fire evaporated the blood with ease. The Spirit of Vengeance stepped out of the bike once he was by her side

They exchanged nods before he took out his chains and began to slowly swing around, bringing forth more fire, making way for a tornado that defied the crimson rain and any reanimated corpses that dared attack, even more so by Elsa's firepower

The beast roared at this act, but just when it was about to bring down a furious fist, a painful sting took over the hand. A strong acid was quickly dissolving the muscle and exposing the muscle

It shrieked in pain, but it would not stop there. You dug your sword into it and ran your way all up the right arm while Valkyrie did the same in the left one and Jack clawed his way up, or at least until he got dragged down by more enemies

Despite its best efforts to shake you off, it failed, and the more it thrashed around, the more the sea of blood was disturbed

The healing factor was working its damnest to keep up with the damage done to the body, but it all came to a brutal stop when both your blade and Valkyrie's met at the monster's chest and slid your way down, just enough to expose a layer of flesh, and behind it, the powerful orange glow of the heart could be seen

Valkyrie: This won't do, we need something else to attack while we keep the wound open

You: Aye

While still hanging on to your blade, you looked around the battlefield and caught Jack ripping a head with his jaws before picking up another undead and ripping her in half, and throwing the body at another foe. You found your answer

You: Jack! Here boy!

You started whistling in a taunting manner that caught the attention of the werewolf, who immediately growled at the tone you were using

You: I got a chewing toy for you!

You directed his attention to the orange glow barely hidden, and before the gap could close, you dug your blade even more, causing the skin around to erode once again

You: Come on boy! G--

The loud roar of the beast stopped you. The werewolf charged at high speeds, closing the distance and using the undead as stepping stones until he lunged with all his might, reaching the exposed chest before the wound closed on its own

This last layer of resistance didn't stand long against the mighty claws of the beast, but he stopped to take in the scene he had barged into

Glowing a sinister orange, the giant heart hung above it all. Blair was in the middle of the room, her arms and legs all but engulfed by the fleshy walls of this chamber

The previous look of defiance was gone from her face, replaced by an empty husk and black tendrils that had spread all over her skin

But the minute he stepped forward, numerous eyes in the walls flashed open, and they all focused on Jack


Back in the field, blood had all but taken over the area, reaching up to your neck with no signs of stopping anytime soon

Having been thrown away by the creature, you were forced to continue the fight on the ground and try your hardest not to drown

Ghost Rider's motorcycle ran around in circles at record speeds, creating a hellish barrier that kept the blood at bay and gave you a solid ground to step on as you dispatched the incoming hordes of undead

Elsa: How much longer?

Valkyrie impaled one of them with her sword and sliced it in half with one swing

Valkyrie: We'll hold the line for as long as we need

Elsa: I'm running out of bullets here!

You: That can be solved

You smashed your elbow against a jaw and kicked your foe into the ground before smashing the throat with your boot

Then you turned to Elsa and tossed her your rifle, but before anything else could happen, an agonizing shriek deafened you all

You looked at the monster desperately clawing around at its own chest. The erratic movements were sending the blood ocean into a frenzy of its own

But your eyes went wide when you saw it turn around to fall right on top of you


In a split-second decision, the Spirit of Vengeance called his vehicle and got ahold of you

Rider: Hold on tight

You were tossed into the vehicle. Elsa and Valkyrie followed the example and the hellfire chains whipped the sea open, revealing a path for you to travel away, narrowly escaping the massive waves that resulted from the fall

You looked back to see the monster twisting in pain when suddenly, something bursted out of its chest. It was the werewolf, drenched in the glowing liquid and viciously mauling away at the remaining skin

With the creature's last breath, the rain stopped, but before the blood crashed into the motorcycle, you once again raised your arms and focused

You: Shield of the Seraphim

The bubble appeared just in time to keep you from actually drowning in blood. It was submerged in blood for a moment, and as soon as it washed down, you lowered the spell

Before you knew it, you were back at the red fields, with the sky becoming clearer, and the once overwhelming blood ocean reduced to a myriad of puddles, with a disintegrating army of the dead

And of course, a giant corpse

But much like the army of acolytes, it began to disintegrate slowly, peeling the layers away, revealing Jack in his human form, carrying Blair in his arms. Everyone lowered their weapons at the sight of it

It was over, finally over

Elsa: Is she...

Jack: Dead

Valkyrie: I suppose a burial is in order. Enemy or not, everyone is worthy of this much

While the discussion continued, the Rider approached the carcass of the fallen enemy, still turning into ash. He looked down and just...stared

Knowing well that hiding would not work, the book emerged from the ashes and hissed at the Rider, with chains coming from it to attack the hero, only to be met with lethal flames

A gloved hand got ahold of the book and forced it open no matter how much it struggled and hissed

Rider: No more victims

His eyes began to glow as his jaw lowered and with it came the fire of punishment and vengeance. He unleashed a blaze straight into the book, earning its unnatural shriek when the fire burnt the flesh-bound tome, forever destroying the cursed knowledge within its pages

The red fog bleed from the rotting book until it caved in on itself, and the burnt bits flew off into nothingness

When he turned around, he found the rest of you finishing up the burial, as per Valkyrie's insistence, and it was with a heavy breath that the Rider relinquished control back to its human host 

The skies, while still red, presented a lighter shade, simulating the presence of the Sun. The wind was gentle in its breeze, and it was with this newfound calm that you looked up

You: It's over...

This got a nod from Valkyrie and a gentle smile

Valkyrie: It is. The amulets no longer perceive a threat. You did well


The redhead pretty much collapsed on the grass, discarding her weapons and even forgetting about the others present

You ended up joining not long after, despite the light of a portal opening up nearby. The exhaustion was now starting to make itself noticeable, having to deal with supernaturally boosted murderers took a bigger toll on your bodies than expected

You might actually need Strange to give you a check-up

Jack: You still have to report what happened to Strange

Both of you let out a loud groan at this news, much to your allies' amusement 

Elsa: Fuck me, this never ends

You: Tell me about it...

Now that the immediate threat was over, this place was actually very relaxing. Lying on the grass, watching the clouds. It was only a matter of time before you spoke what was in your mind, but you wouldn't be the only one

Elsa/You: I could go for a drink right now

Bloodstone and you turned to each other with a raised brow

. . .

The breeze of the field had been replaced with the unnatural, yet charming quietness of the Sanctum

After taking a shower, you were going to tell Strange about your mission, but something had come up and you were asked to wait for a moment. That's what you were doing while staring out the window

The light of the other side hit your face ever so slightly, yet you seemed so...distant 

So much so that you failed to realize you were not alone anymore

Valkyrie: What's troubling you, Y/N?

You looked away to find the Asgardian leaning against the doorway

You: Is it that obvious?

She just nodded, earning a chuckle from you, but the smile quickly vanished when something crossed your mind. You figured it woudln't hurt

You: Well, I actually wanted to ask you...

She listened carefully as you gathered the strength to look her in the eye and ask

You: Have you...seen Estrid around lately?

By her confused reaction, she had given you an answer. But then again, the question itself seemed so out of place, you ought to provide some context

You: I'm sorry. I know it sounds ridiculous and--

The gentle pressure of her hand on your shoulder snapped you out of it. You didn't even notice when she closed the gap between you. By her eyes you knew what to do, so you took a deep breath and started again

You:...there were some illusions out there, people we knew. It was so odd, but it felt so real I just...

Valkyrie: You just wanted to make sure

You nodded, earning a softer look from the woman 

Valkyrie: I assure you, Y/N. If Estrid were around, she would do nothing but sing praise to you

You: Am I though? She sounded quite disappointed I took the one path they didn't want me to

Valkyrie: Right now you are doing it to protect all of creation. You serve the highest of callings

With a gentle touch, she then she cupped your face

Valkyrie: Estrid knew the importance of fighting for what is right. I'm positive that she would've done the same thing in your place. That's just what you are, noble souls

She let go to offer you one last tender smile

Valkyrie: And by no means, a disappointment

You: I...

You just looked at the Asgardian in awe, but it wasn't long before a smile of your own appeared

You: ...I needed that. Thank you, Brunnhilde

Her smile grew brighter as she nodded

Valkyrie: Of course

With that, she turned to leave, but stopped when she reached the doorway, she looked over her shoulder

Valkyrie: For the record, if I do see her, I will let you know. You have my word

You were left alone in the room, your thoughts more serene than before, so by the time Strange opened the door, he found a much more composed monster hunter

Somewhere, a young blonde kid walked through the golden fields of her paradise, grazing over nature with her fingertips

Her charming laughter became part of the ambiance, but she stopped when she felt something, slowly, she reached over to her right wrist. On it rested a small bracelet composed of wooden spheres, with runes carved into them so long ago

She smiled at the feeling of it, and a single name escaped her lips with such tenderness and love


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