Desired Dreams - Klonnie


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When Klaus and Bonnie share dreams of a future together, they desire and get attached to the prospect of that... More



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She held the delicate material in her arms, she loved it as much as she didn't want to admit it. She framed it on her body, and looked in the mirror it seemed it would fit perfectly.

She gulped, "Where'd you get this dress, Bon? It looks amazing." Caroline says to her, and Bonnie let a small smile fall on her face. "I had it gifted awhile ago." She told her blonde friend.

"Well, let's see what it looks like on you." Caroline urged, and Bonnie chuckled to herself. She walked into her bathroom, and started to change into the dress.

It fit her perfectly, as if she was always destined to wear this dress. A relieved smile plastered her face, she felt beautiful and felt pretty for one of the first times in her life.

"Woah, Bon. Thats amazing." Elena stated, her mouth in shock. "You think?" She questions, feeling the material on her skin. Caroline and Elena nodded in unison, "Let's style your hair, next." Caroline said.

Quickly rushing Bonnie to a chair, she straightened Bonnie's curly hair. It reached mid-waist, and Bonnie started to add some make-up. "Damn." Matt stated when he walked in the room, and Caroline giggled.

"She looks hot, doesn't she?" She told Matt who nodded his head, Bonnie blushed slightly. "Your date is one lucky guy." Matt stated, and that raised Elenas interest.

"So who is your date?" She questioned, everyone just assumed that Klaus was turned down by the witch.

"We'll see."


The Ball had just begun, he was talking to Carol Lockwood about the council. Not really paying attention, he noticed the Salvatores arrival, Elena and Caroline. He was questioning where Bonnie was.

Taking a sip of his champagne, everyone's heads turned to the door in shock. Bonnie Bennet was the hottest person in the room, he was stuck in a gaze.

"Damn." He heard few mutter, "She has one lucky date." Some random stated from beside him, Klaus smirked as he started walking forward to Bonnie, who felt a bit intimidated under everyone's longing gaze.

"You look ravishing, love." Klaus states taking her hand and kissing the back of it, some scoffed in jealousy. People still kept an eye but turned back to there other conversation, "Thanks." She told him.

Taking his drink and taking a much needed sip, Klaus was amused. "Must be exhausting with everyone here wanting to get under your dress." Klaus teases with a smile.

"Yep." She muttered and then shook her head, "Wait, what?" She questions, Klaus chuckles. "Come on, love." He states, and places a hand on her lower back. She gives him a weary glance, on there walk Bonnie is intercepted.

"How about we get out of here, I can show you things this guy can't?" A man winks at her, and Bonnie is taken aback. Klaus is not impressed, a jaw clenched. "How about you find the nearest cliff and jump off it." Klaus compels and the man nods.

"Klaus." Bonnie warns, and Klaus sighs. "Correction, stab yourself in the thigh when you get home." He compels and the man nods, Klaus had a smirk and looked at an unimpressed Bonnie.

"He should learn to back off." Klaus whispered in Bonnie's ear, and she clears her throat. "Didn't realise I was yours, must of misread that contract when i agreed to be your date." Bonnie counters back.

Klaus smirks, turning her round so she could face him, he pulled her close to him she shuddered at the closeness. They were now chest to chest. "Yes, You're my date." He starts, and Bonnie cuts him off. "Tonight."

"For tonight, you are mine." He tells her in her earlobe, and Bonnie feels a weird sensation. Klaus loved the closeness he had created, he felt happy and quite possessive.

"In your eyes." She told him, sending him a smirk before pulling away from his arms. "Now, I have to speak with your mother." She told him, giving him a peck on the cheek and walking away.

Klaus lips are slightly parted, his tongue gently placed between his teeth. He smirked to himself, "If you hadn't claimed her, I would certainly have her for myself." Kol tells Klaus.

"Who wouldn't." Klaus countered, and Kol smirked. "I always knew you a had a thing for witches." Kol teased, and Klaus raised a brow. "Just this one." He replied.

He went to grab himself some more champagne, he was happy with the progress he had created. She wasn't disgusted by him, or showing any signs of dislike.

"What are you doing with Bonnie?" Damon questions, walking up to Klaus with Jeremy in tow. "She's my date, Damon. Snatched her before any of you lot could."

"Your using her, she's smarter than that." Jeremy counters, "She wasn't so smart when she was dating someone like you, but she's realised now, her true potential." Klaus countered, and Damons jaw clenched.

"Bonnie hates you, she's even tried to kill you multiple times. You killed Elena, what's to make you think she would start hanging out with you?" Damon questions, feeling a smirk on his face.

"Just the reason she accepted my invitation, and the dress."

"Wasnt it just last week you were plotting for Caroline to seduce me, I'm not a childish boy. I'm an a thousand year old original hybrid who will kill people, and I would take great pleasure in doing the same to you both, if you question my intentions again." Klaus threatens, and walks past them.

Elijah was the next one on his stop, "I assume that had something to do with Miss Bennet." He stated and Klaus nodded with a smirk, "Jealous, the lot of them." Klaus stated.

"Well, she does look exceptionally beautiful." Elijah stated and Klaus gave his brother a harsh look, "In the case she does forgive your indiscretions, I do hope that you won't mess this up."

Elijah told him, and then indicated for Klaus to look in a direction. Bonnie had walked back into the ball with a content smile on her face, she was intercepted by Elena and Caroline.


"Bonnie what are you doing here with Klaus?" Elena questions, "It's a thank you, for the dress." Bonnie responded feeling like she was going to be heavily scolded, "Bonnie, he's bad."

"He killed me, and Jenna. He's made my life a living hell." Elena states, Bonnie turns to Caroline who spoke up, "He turned Tyler into his slave."

"I know, but we are not Saints either. Stefan went all ripper, and Damon is practically on the same level as Klaus." Bonnie countered, "How could you say that, Bonnie?" Caroline said.

"Bonnie, Klaus will use you." Elena stated, and Bonnie let out a frustrated sigh. "I've already spoke with Esther, she told me that her family will not do anything bad, to harm the innocent people in Mystic Falls. So we should all accept that since they are planning to stay." Bonnie told them calmly.

"Your unbelievable, Bonnie." Caroline scoffs, Bonnie didn't want to have a full blown argument with Caroline. "I'm going to go." Bonnie stated, and Caroline glared at the witch.

She was jealous, the idea of Klaus liking her actually made her smile and excited, she could be with the most powerful person, and he was very hot. But for the first time ever, Bonnie took a boy from right under her nose.

Bonnie knew that she needed fresh air, so that's where she headed to an outside porch. "I must say you handled yourself well, back there." Klaus stated and Bonnie turned to him.

"You were listening?" She questioned, and he nodded. "Yes, must say Caroline is quite the hypocrite." Klaus stated, and Bonnie chuckled. "They all are." She mumbled.

"I've had my confrontation from Damon, he wasn't pleased to say the least." Klaus told her, she shrugged her shoulders. "I guess I'll get mine later." She told him.

"What did my mother want to talk about?" Klaus questioned and Bonnie smirked, "She told me that she could get you and your siblings inline, and I have my doubts."

"Well, I tend to not listen to anyone." Klaus added, and Bonnie nodded. "She seems to really care about you all." She told him, and he looked shocked.

"I killed her."

"I'm sure she remembers, but the love of a child does a lot." She told him, and he let out a shaky breath, he contemplates her words. "She never showed emotion when we were growing up." Klaus told her.

"I'm sorry about that." Bonnie apologised and Klaus let out a smile at her consideration, "You tend to apologise for everyone's wrong doings, love." Klaus pointed out, and Bonnie shrugged.

"Let me show you something." He tells her, and she raised a brow. "Are you taking me to my grave?" She questions, he chuckles placing a hand on her lower back.

"Quite the opposite." He stated, and Bonnies eyes widen. "We are barely friends, and I-" She quickly told him, and he pursed his lips. "The mind you have, love." He says.

Bonnie flushes with embarrassment, "Well, what was I supposed to think?" She huffs, and he turns his head to the little witch. "Proposal of our marriage." Klaus stated and Bonnie let out a laugh.

"I wouldn't say yes."

"And if our relationship progressed to that stage I don't think you would be able to deny me." Klaus told her and she shook her head. "Without getting the urge to kill you, doubt it." She teased.

"And after you would say yes, Rebekah would be all over planning our wedding. Then next thing you know, your my wife." He acted as if that was his life.

"In your dreams."

Klaus chuckled at the irony, "And to keep you on your toes, if you were my wife I would put poison in your coffee." He told her, and she smirked as they walked down a hall.

"And if you were my husband, I would drink it." She told him, and tilted head. "Touché."

"Now here we are."

It was a room filled with paintings, and they were great. "You steal paintings? Quite a hobby." Bonnie exclaimed, "I don't need to steal my artwork, love." Klaus told her.

She turned to him in shock, "What! You can paint." She gasped and he chuckled at her reaction. "Yes, when I do have free time I tend to paint and sketch." He told her, a giddy smile on his face.

"Well they are quite impressive." She states and be nods his head, "You draw landscapes, not people?" She questions, and Klaus looks at his paintings. "I travelled a lot over the years, I prefer the view than the people." He states and she nods.

"This one's my favourite." Bonnie pointed out and he walked to where she is stood, "New Orleans." He told her, and Bonnie tilts her head. "You drew a red moon, was it an eclipse?"

"Yes, 200 years ago, although only the Supernatural can see a blood moon." He informed her, "Why?" She questions, "Witches, they like to spice things up. It's there way of proving there power over us."

"Seems a bit...pathetic." She mumbled and Klaus chuckled, "I've been saying that for years, it still doesn't stop to amaze everyone else though." He states.

"Brother." Finn states walking in the room, Klaus was annoyed by the interruption his brother had created. "Mother is having a toast." Finn said, and waited for the two to move.

"Ok, thank you." Bonnie told Finn politely with a smile, and Klaus gave his brother a slight glare. Bonnie walked forward and Klaus follows behind.

The three arrived, and she caught the eyes of Stefan who maneuvered his way to her. Klaus was giving Stefan a warning glare, "Your being childish, Bonnie." Stefan whispered to Bonnie, who rolled her eyes.

"Go back to fighting over Elena with your brother, would you." She told him bluntly, and her eyes widened at her words. Klaus smirked putting an arm around Bonnies shoulder, which she did not shrug off.

"It has felt like a millenia since my family has been reunited together, and if you would all drink your champagnes in appreciation." Esther states.

As servants started walking round handing champagne glasses, Bonnie felt like there was something wrong. "Magic." She muttered, and Klaus looked to her. "What, love?" He questions.

"Pretend to drink it." She whispered to him very quietly, and he didn't question her. He pretended to take a sip and recognised the blood inside it, "Now if you could join us in the ballroom, for a century old waltz." Esther beams, happy that her children have been linked.

Klaus was suspicious but didn't show it, "You promised me a dance, love." He stated holding a hand out for her, she took it and Stefan grabbed her wrist. "You will regret this Bonnie."

"No, you'll regret it when you need me for your witchy problems."

Klaus kissed Bonnie's temple, looking directly at Stefan who had a clenched jaw. "Don't put your hands on a lady, Stefan." Klaus told Stefan, and he let go.

Klaus led her to the dance floor, people were watching with envy at the hit couple they created. Bonnie put her hand on his shoulder, whilst he pulled her closer by placing a hand on her waist.

"I assume you'll tell me later." He tells her, and she nods. "I think I know." She told him, and he was curious. "I just didn't suspect it." She told him, not believing that Esther had plans to link her children.

"I'd like to say that having you in my arms is relieving." He whispers in her ear, and she raises a brow but let's him continue. "Everyone here is looking at you in ways I should only be allowed to."

His hot breath on her neck, he spun her around. "And how exactly are they looking?" She questions, as there hands interlocked once again.

"Lustfully, and possessively, like your the only girl in the world." He told her and she blushed slightly, staring into his blue eyes. She smirked leaning closer, "Then do something about it." She replied, and he felt flustered at the gaze she was giving him.

Klaus was smirking and enjoying the company right now with Bonnie, he looked at her lips. But she pulled out of his arms as there was a partner change, she sent him a charming smile.

He felt like his knees would buckle and he had to gulp down the feeling of jealousy, "Bonnie, my brothers girl for tonight." Kol stated and Bonnie smiled.

"Hello, Kol. Having a nice time?" She questions him, "With you in my arms, how couldn't I." He said, and they both noticed Klaus angry gaze - he was dancing with Caroline who was all over him.

Bonnie was annoyed at her friend and turned back to Kol, "Found a nice girl to hang out with?" She questions, and he lets out a dramatic sigh. "There all boring, you on the other hand. Your different Bon Bon, wish Nik didn't get to you first." He flirted.

"I'm sure you'll find someone you like." She told him, and he shrugged. "Enough about me, how have you and my brother gone from enemies to lovers?" He questions, "Nik tends to kill anyone he finds an enemy."

"Reassuring, and we are not lovers. Just acquaintances for the night." She told him, and he was surprised. "You two aren't together?" He questions, and Bonnie frowns. He twirled her expertly.

"Why would we be?" She asks, as they reconnect there hands.

"He tends to ask about your whereabouts every minute, and was gushing about you going to the ball with him." Kol informed her, and Bonnie blushed. Hard.

"Looks like your both blushing." Kol whispers and Bonnie sees Klaus blushing and stating at her. She quickly looks away with embarrassment. "Getting different reactions from my brother is fun, but making him blush - that's a new one." He said, rather loudly to any supernatural around.

"I think you've broken him, Bon Bon."

The partner returned to there original pair, and the song changed to 'Wildest Dreams', "Do ignore my brother, he's quite w-"

"Honest." Bonnie interrupted and he frowned, "Not the words woman over the years have told him." He replied and Bonnie chuckled, "Who made the playlist?"

"Rebekah, she is obsessed with the Talia Swift singer." Klaus told her with a groan, "Tayler Swift, and it seems me and Rebekah need a chat." She corrected him, and he smiled.

"You like Swift?" He questions, "She's got great songs, especially this one." Bonnie told him, and he smiled at Bonnie's happy face. "Don't tell me your an Ed Sheeran fan." Bonnie teases.

"Actually love, I prefer peace and quiet." He told her, and she was shocked. "Understandable." She muttered, and he placed a hand on her back.

He dips her down, and pulls her back up and stares into her green eyes. It was a tense moment, and both eyes flickered to eachothers lips.


A yell is heard from outside, Klaus groans letting out a frustrated sigh. Bonnie mind finally registers, and she clears her throat. 'What the actual hell is she doing?'.

"Come on, love." Klaus took her waist and walked them both to the commotion. "Are you crazy?" Stefan hisses at Damon, Kol happened to have a snapped neck.

Elena came rushing out to see what was going on, Damon was being reckless once again. "I suggest you leave before Kol wakes up, he's the type to hold a grudge." Klaus advised.

"Would do us all a favour if they left." Rebekah stated staring at Damon, who was angry and noticed Bonnie. Standing comfortably in Klaus arms, he sped towards her but she reacted quicker.

Not moving a muscle, she inflicted a power anyuersm on him. The Mikaelsons were impressed, "Bonnie!" Elena warns, and Klaus scoffs. "He came at her, just some painful self defense." Klaus told her.

"Bonnie don't." Stefan stated in worry, and Bonnie rolled her eyes. "He needs to learn." Bonnie stated and crouched down to Damon in pain, "Once I'm done, your going to leave me and the Mikaelsons alone and mind your own business." She told him.

He nodded, crying out in pain. "I'll leave them alone." He gasps out, and Bonnie sighs standing up, stopping the aneurysm. Klaus was smirking and Kol stood up and smiled at the witch, "I think you've done the job for me." Kol said with a happy mood.

Elena ran to her boy toy, "I'm starving." Bonnie blurted and Elena looked up at her friend in anger, "Save the glares for your boy toys, darling." Kol stated, and Klaus pursed his lips.

"Stefan." Elena called out to Stefan, "Do you have any fries?" Bonnie questions Klaus, and he shrugs. "I'll get delivery." He states and Bonnie nods eagerly, Rebekah was smiling at Bonnie.

"Let's get away from the testetrone, Bon Bon." Rebekah stated, linking arms with Bonnie earning glares from her two brothers, "That's my nickname for her." Kol complained.

"She'll get bored of you, sister." Klaus called out, and she raised her middle finger in the air.

"I heard you like Taylor Swift." Bonnie told her and she smiled proudly, "Yes, she's got great songs."

"That's what I told your brother but he shook his head in disbelief." Bonnie exclaimed and Rebekah chuckled, "Fave song?" She questions.

Rebekah was leading her to her room, "Better than Revenge." Bonnie told her, and Rebekah gasped nodding her head. "Same." She squealed and Bonnie chuckled at her enthusiasm.

"How about we get changed. We are having a sleepover." Rebekah states and Bonnis just nods her head.

"Here you go." Rebekah hands her some clothes.

'Sleeping at Klaus house already, Bonnie! This was not the plan!'

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