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By your_local_kinnie

617 34 17

[COMPLETED} ๐ˆ๐ณ๐ฎ๐ค๐ฎ ๐Œ๐ข๐๐จ๐ซ๐ข๐ฒ๐š ๐š๐ง๐ ๐Š๐š๐ญ๐ฌ๐ฎ๐ค๐ข ๐๐š๐ค๐ฎ๐ ๐จ. ๐“๐ก๐ž ๐ญ๐ฐ๐จ ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž๐ฆ ๐ก๐š... More

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72 5 0
By your_local_kinnie

Salty sea air was all that the two young boys could taste in their mouth, and it was a taste they weren't used to after spending the entirety of their lives in Japan, until now. The HMS All Might docked herself on the shore and some of the passengers started to retrieve their belongings and make their way down to the dock. 

Izuku and Katsuki were nervous, they had spent two months of their life on this ship, and they were quite sad to leave it and see where they had ended up. But they had no choice, they had to see where they were. 

"Katsuki! Izuku! We're going, and we're gonna leave you two on this ship if you don't hurry yourselves up!" A certain blonde haired woman called out, Katsuki's mother. Katsuki rolled his eyes, he really couldn't stand his mother much, especially after two months of her pretence on a cramped ship. Despite that, he reached up and grabbed both his and Deku's luggage (you see, this arrogant four year old loved to show off to his best friend as much as he could) despite it being quite heavy. Izuku grinned gratefully at his friend for carrying his bags, before practically running off to see where they had ended up. 

The first thing Izuku noticed when stepping off the HMS All Might was the difference in temperature compared to Japan. Japan was notorious for its cold seasons, but despite the fact it was currently December, it wasn't particularly cold wherever he was now. Approximately, the sunshine Izuku had bouncing off the back of his neck was equivalent to the sunshine that Japan usually experienced in April. Along with that, wherever he was now, it really was breathtaking. 

Sunshine bounced off the water that the ship was docked on and partially blinded Izuku's eyesight. The stark contrast in the style of buildings that surrounded him was rather shocking. Some buildings looked new, and made of smooth stone, whereas some looked like they were seconds away from collapsing. All Izuku could hear was sea waves crashing around him alongside some people trading in the market and selling goods. 

Many of the buildings around Izuku were very tall in stature, and some birds circled the very peaks of those magnificent buildings. He envied them, being able to see the entirety of this amazing place from an eagle's view must be amazing. 

"Kacchan! It's so cool here, look!" Izuku said happily, with a huge smile on his face whilst clinging onto his friend's arm. 

Katsuki himself looked around and took in the beautiful sights of where they were but one problem arose. They didn't actually know where they were; they had been told a very long time ago but it was such a long time ago that they had forgotten. 

"Hang on a minute, where are we?" He said, his nose scrunching up in confusion. 

Masaru, Katsuki's father, walked up behind Katsuki, lowered himself down to meet the eye level of the two boys and spoke to them with a gentle tone of voice. "You two really don't know where we are?" He asked, with his eyebrows raised. Katsuki and Izuku shook their heads. 

"Apparently, we're in a place called Rome, in a country called Italy." Masaru answered simply. 

After hearing those words, Katsuki and Izuku simply looked around at the beautiful scenery around him."Well, I like it here!" Izuku said, a huge childish smile growing onto his face. Katsuki nodded slowly, he wasn't so sure about this place. 

"You two better wait for your mothers, okay? They're just getting all that luggage of ours, not that there's a lot of it." Masaru requested. 

"But Dad, it's so boring right here! Can we at least go into the little market over there?" Katsuki said, pointing over at an almost empty market, where it didn't look like much was happening. There was just simply some middle aged people setting up stalls of things like fruit and vegetables, as well as some things that weren't food too, like wooden toys for children and books that were intended for both children and adults. 

Masaru sighed, and nodded. "Make sure you don't go out of sight, okay?" He asked, smiling at his infant son. Katsuki nodded happily, and grabbed Izuku's wrist, perhaps a little harshly, before guiding him over to the marketplace. Masaru sighed, looking at his son and Inko's son together. They looked simply amazing together, like their inseparable friendship had been written in the stars before their births. 

Izuku was now a little bit nervous, he knew that it was super early in the morning and yet there were so many people outside, setting up stalls to sell from. Katsuki quickly found a stand that had been half set up that held a bunch of toys on it. They didn't look like the most brilliant toys in the world, they were things like wooden blocks. But something was better than nothing, right? 

Yeah. Of course it was. Katsuki considered buying something for Izuku, but he realised that he didn't have any money that could be spent here. That really was a shame, as some of the toys there didn't look so bad, and maybe Izuku wouldn't mind owning something there. 

"Kacchan, our mothers have finished unpacking all our stuff from the ship now." Izuku alerted Katsuki through tugging on his sleeve. He wanted to go back to the HMS All Might and see his mother, he was already missing her a fair bit. 

Katsuki glanced over his shoulder and saw that Deku was indeed, right. Mitsuki and Inko were very deep in conversation as they carried their bags off the ship, and they seemed to be talking very animatedly. 

The brown-haired parent and the two children watched the two women carry their very few and precious belongings off the ship. 

"Right! Have you found someone who can help us out yet, or have you been standing here like lemons the entire time?" Mitsuki said, in a rather bossy tone. No one answered her. "Well, I think that one answers my question." She said with an air of finality in her voice, before crossing her arms. She was clearly disappointed in the three of them. 

The five of them- Inko had joined them recently- looked around the sparsely populated marketplace and saw a little family, a little girl who had auburn coloured hair, chocolate coloured eyes and a very bubbly personality with her parents. 

She looked around, and saw the two very nervous looking families. She looked a little concerned for them, after all, she had never seen them around before. Perhaps she should try and help them? 

So, nervously, she made her way up to Izuku, who looked more friendly than Katsuki, and introduced herself. 

"Uhm... H-Hi? I'm Ochako Uraraka and..." She stopped herself and took a deep breath to control her nerves. Her parents had told her not so long ago that whenever she was upset, or perhaps nervous about something, taking deep breaths really helps with nerves. "I've never seen you guys around before, are you new here?" She asked politely, before pausing and waiting for someone to answer. Izuku nodded, perhaps a little timidly. 

"Yeah, we're new. We moved here from a place called Japan, have you ever heard of it?" Mitsuki asked the little girl, Ochako. She shook her head, after all, Geography in itself was very underdeveloped. 

"Well, can I show you..." She paused where she was talking and counted how many people were there. "One, Two, Three... Four, Five..." She mumbled, before getting back to what she was saying. "Five around?" 

Izuku nodded again, he was much too shy to say anything verbally. However, this time round, Ochako noticed him nod. She must have liked the look of the boy because she smiled widely and courageously took his hand before leading him down the busy street. And of course, the rest of the adults followed them. 

Katsuki rushed forwards, he wasn't impressed at his best friend walking with someone else, especially someone who he didn't know. So, he entwined his hand with Deku's and listened in to their conversation. Right now, they seemed to be having a pretty mundane conversation, things like names and ages. 

"Who's that blond boy next to you then?" Katsuki heard Ochako ask. 

"Oh, that's Kacchan!" He said happily. "He's so cool, but he can be a bit grumpy sometimes." Izuku added, with a giggle at the end. 

"Who, me? Grumpy? No way, that's old hag if it's anyone. Also, my name isn't Kacchan!" Katsuki responded, in a usual childish manner. 

"Oh? If that's not your name, what is your name?" Ochako asked, cocking her head to the side in curiosity. 

"Katsuki Bakugo." He answered, clearly proud of his name. It did mean 'powerful' after all, so why wouldn't he be proud of it? 

"Y'know, I think you'd get along with Kirishima." Ochako said, that stupidly sweet smile staying on her face. It was kind of creepy. 

"Who on earth is that?" Katsuki asked, a light little smile on his face. If this pink cheeked girl believed that he would get along with whoever this "Kirishima" dude was, she must have been right. 

"Oh yeah! How about... how about I take you to his house and you can see if you like the looks of him or not?" Uraraka suggested. 

Katsuki shrugged. "Whatever you think is best." He really didn't mind, and perhaps this "Kirishima" dude would be somewhat decent. 

And so, from those words, Katsuki had roped himself into getting dragged to the weird "Kirishima" dude's house. Not exactly something he totally wanted to do, but here we are. And one thing that was even stranger was that Ochako wouldn't answer any of his questions that he had about the "Kirishima" guy. 

After some time passed, the five of them ended up at Kirishima's house, a pretty decent sized house. It looked like it had two floors, and it didn't look too run down like the other houses they had seen on their journey here. Ochako went up to the recently painted front door and knocked upon it thrice. A young boy, who seemed to be around the same age as Katsuki (but perhaps a few months or so older or younger) came to the door. He had ruby red eyes that seemed almost identical to Katsuki's paired with flat-looking black hair. 

"Hey Eijiro, there's been a bunch of new people who have joined us from a place called Japan that's really far away and I was wondering if you'd be interested in making friends with any of them. Particularly this one here." She said, before indicating Katsuki at the end of what she had been saying. 

"Hey bro!" He said as a greeting towards Katsuki, holding up a flat palm. Katsuki was educated enough to know what to do with that, and he did exactly as he should. His palm met with Kirishima's as they High-Fived. "So, what's your name?" He asked, smiling a very toothy grin. 

His teeth were sharp, and he was missing a few of his front ones. Izuku didn't like the black-haired boy's sharp teeth, and clung onto Katsuki's shirt to show that he really didn't like it. Katsuki felt like he had no choice but to wrap his arm around Izuku to try and comfort the green-haired boy, as he spoke to Kirishima. Personally, he didn't think that Kirishima was as bad as people were making him out to be. They could totally get along, if Katsuki was up to it. 

"Me? I'm Katsuki, Katsuki Bakugo." He introduced. 

"What about the little green-haired kid on your arm there?" He asked, bowing his head down a little to meet Midoriya's height. For a four year old, Kirishima was quite tall and Midoriya was pretty short, probably due to the fact he was born quite a bit earlier than he should have been. Honestly, it was a miracle that he was even there with them right now. Katsuki dipped his head down and gazed at the very cute boy clinging onto his arm. 

"Do you want to introduce yourself, or do you want me to do that for you?" He asked softly, not wanting to scare the boy further. 

"You... you do it, Kacchan." He whispered shyly, his grip on his best friend's arm doubling. 

Katsuki nodded in understanding what he had just heard. "And this cutie right here, that's Deku." He said, ruffling the pretty green curls that sat upon Izuku's head fondly. 

"I'm not Deku! I'm Izuku!" The so called "cute" boy insisted, in which Katsuki nodded along with. 

"Yeah, Izuku, Deku, same thing really." He said. 

"Well, do you prefer to be called Deku or Izuku?" Kirishima asked kindly, a smile appearing on his face. Izuku was warming up to Kirishima more and more. 

"I mean, most people call me Midoriya, which is my last name, but my mama and other people who are close to me call me Izuku. And then Kacchan calls me Deku. 'Cause Kacchan's a big meanie." He said, crossing his arms. He really did look utterly adorable. 

"Oi, I'm not a big meanie! Shut up!" Katsuki snapped. However, just before he was about to go further with his insults, he felt his mother's hand on his shoulder, restricting him from doing so.

"That's quite enough, brat." She said, causing Katsuki to huff in annoyance. 

From there, it seemed pretty awkward between the two families and Eijiro, until Eijiro's mother came along behind him. "Kaminari's asking for you to come back..." She stopped herself mid-speech, surprised at seeing some random people who she had never seen before at her door. "Eiji, who are these people?" She asked. 

"Ah, I'm sorry for the intrusion ma'am, but I saw these people down at the south dock. They're new here and they came from a place called Japan. I was simply showing them around, and I thought that both of them would make good friends with Kirishima." Ochako explained, in which Kirishima's mother understood. 

"Well, you guys better come in. Maybe you can play with Eijiro, but his friends Denki and Mina are here right now. Oh well, you guys can just play as a big group. That should be fun." she said, indicating for the six of them to follow them into the living room. 

The living room was occupied by two people already. A girl with darkish skin and light red hair, a boy with purely blond hair, however, it was a darker shade than Bakugo's. Kirishima sat down next to them and saw that they were playing. "Hey guys, there's some new people who are going to join us. Katsuki Bakugo," He indicated towards Katsuki through pointing. "And Izuku Midoriya." Yet again he did the usual pointing thing towards Deku this time. "They're pretty decent, so be nice." He said, before inviting Katsuki and Izuku to sit down with them and play. 

A few hours of their day was spent playing with them, before it was decided that they should really get going and spent the rest of the afternoon looking for somewhere that they could stay for the night. Hopefully there would be something suitable for them all. 

After a short while of walking they realised that Rome was divided up into districts and some were a lot richer than others. They hadn't even been here a whole day and that much was obvious. Some districts were where the wealthy men resided and the others were the poorer people and diseases were. Currently, they were desperately searching for somewhere to stay in a poorer district of the country's capital. It was only around 2pm in the afternoon and yet their priority was to be getting to appropriate lodgings. 

However, their plans were postponed entirely. Ochako, the little girl who was showing them around Rome, had seen a lot of her friends playing with a ball and wanted to join in. She had done exactly that, and Katsuki and Izuku had been invited to join in as well. They did not want to decline that offer, so they simply didn't. 

They were introduced to another little group of friends, Shoto Todoroki, a boy with heterochromia and two different colours in his hair (red and white). Tenya Iida, a very bossy little boy with blue hair and blue eyes and finally, Tsuyu Asui (who preferred to be called Tsu) with long green hair and matching green eyes. Not the same shade as Midoriya's hair and eyes though. 

Katsuki and Izuku spent an hour playing with them as their parents got more and more annoyed at how much they were getting distracted. It took a very angry-looking Mitsuki to say to Ochako: "Excuse me, but you did say that you would be taking us to a place to stay for the night. We are getting a bit low on time here, so could you... wrap up what you're doing with your friends and do as you promised?" She said, doing a very good job at not snapping at the girl. 

Ochako nodded and waved goodbye to all her friends before leaving, with Izuku and Katsuki following close behind. Except, they were stopped by Tenya, of all people. 

"I know you guys are probably just looking for a place to stay tonight, but earlier today, I did find two empty, neighbouring houses. When the time comes for you to look for a permanent living situation, I would consider it there. You know which houses I'm talking about, Ochako, right?" He said, in which Ochako nodded. She had been with Tenya when they had discovered those two houses, after all. 

"That sounds wonderful, we'll take a look tomorrow. You are right though, right now, we're just trying to find somewhere to stay for tonight. Thank you for letting us know about that." Inko said gratefully to the blue-eyed boy. He nodded happily, and went back to playing with his friend group. 

It took another fifteen minutes for them to reach the hostel they were going to stay in tonight, and a further forty minutes for them to check in properly, but they were in their rooms and unpacking all of their belongings that had survived the tsunami and earthquake into the rooms by 4pm. They had decided to eat dinner at 5:30pm, which was a very lovely occasion. 

By 8pm, all the members of both the Bakugo family and Midoriya family were fast asleep, excited to see their new homes tomorrow and dreaming vividly about it. 

A/N: When I said 'really descriptive', I meant it. And so, this chapter sits at 3100 words. 

I'm sorry this chapter took such a long time, I was unmotivated for this story for quite a while because I was focusing on Schizophrenia and I kept losing my device, so I couldn't write, but I promise that I'm back now! 

I hope you enjoyed this update, have a really lovely day/night! 

-River 💕

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