Until we meet again {IDOLiSH7...


715 42 17

"Promise we'll meet again?" "Promise!" 4 young boys promised they'd see each other again, and it was a recurr... Еще

Ch 1
Ch 2
Ch 4
Ch 5
Ch 6
Ch 7

Ch 3

101 6 1

Readying their gear, the soldiers are all ready to set out before dawn. Usually Torao would be taking charge of the troupes, but due to his injuries from earlier battles which are not healed yet, Iori insisted he'll do the job, especially if there were a chance they would need to battle. Despite Torao insisting he would be fine, he could not win against the young prince.

Meanwhile with the eastern soldiers, a soldier who was on guard duty noticed the western soldiers approaching from afar and notified the other soldiers, waking them up. Yaotome Gaku was one who was confident in his combat skills, however one glance at the approaching enemies, it was obvious they were outnumbered and clearly at a disadvantage. They couldn't risk losing anymore troops, and besides he received an order from someone a certain someone last night, so, he made the call and instructed his soldiers, "Fall back! They're only here to rescue the villagers so their priority won't be on us."

Gathering their horses, eastern soldiers retreated leaving their campgrounds. Hearing the ruckus outside was alarming for the captured but were met with soldiers wearing the familiar western uniform not soon after. Safely locating where the captured were, it was a sigh of relief that no one was missing or hurt, and to their surprise none of them was starving- hungry yes but not starving or dehydrated. Deductions aside, they needed to ensure everyone's condition was doing alright.

"This is quite troubling..."

Sighing, a new problem arises. All of the captured were chained on the same chain by the leg to prevent them from running away, but they require a key to unlock it. While Iori discussed this matter with the others, a young boy spoke up, "I-if you're looking for a key, the kind big brother from yesterday handed me this," pulling out a key from his pocket.

As suspicious as it is, it wouldn't hurt to try. To their surprise, the lock actually unlocked, freeing all the hostages. The question arises in Iori's mind of who the 'kind big brother' the young boy mentioned earlier. Could that mysterious man be the one who supplied them food and water last night?

Even with all those questions, it would be better if he questioned them when they felt safer in the capital.


According to those people, a redhead showed up in the middle of the night and gave them food and water. After reassuring them for a while he was attacked and blocked the incoming attack and told the attacker to stand down which the attacker did instantly. The redhead so happens to be the prince of the western kingdom and gave the key to the boy before he left.

Redhead... A part of Iori was reminded of someone he hasn't seen in years, but he can't confirm that it is him. And if so, why? I wonder how they're doing...

Pushing the thoughts out of his mind, he returned his focus to the meeting in hand which soon ended anyways.

"Tsk. They're taking up so much resources. It's better to just throw them out in the streets."

"Yeah. Who cares about them anyways? It's not like they'll make any difference to the kingdom."

Whispers of selfish nobles continued to spread, which were not gone unheard to those talked about. Haruka couldn't sit around and not do anything; he wanted to be of help to the one who saved him and his village.

"Um- Your highness!" the mint haired boy jogged up to the prince after finding him walking in the hallway, gaining his attention. Turning around, Iori waited for Haruka to catch up.

"Do you need something, Isumi-san?"

"Um... I still haven't thanked you for saving everyone... I want to repay you somehow so please! I'll do anything I can to help you!"

"Help..." Iori thought for a second. They weren't lacking in numbers for any of their sections, but he supposed an extra pair of hands wouldn't be too bad, especially when Haruka's willing to learn, "Tell me some of your qualities then."

"Eh- Ah, um... Let's see... I'm not particularly strong, but I can do some heavy lifting. Hm... I know how to read and write...?" Haruka questioned his own abilities. He isn't the most athletic in his village, though he does help with farming as he lives with his grandmother. His parents passed away a few days back, so he helped with mundane stuff. He also loves reading so he has a wild knowledge of words which is uncommon in small villages.

Not being able to pick out his own talents, Haruka came in face with reality that the chances of being able to help out is slim, and seeing how Iori was silent made him doubt himself even more.

"Well then," Iori spoke again, "I suppose I do need a personal assistant, if you're up for it."

"E-eh?!" Sure, maybe a small minor role, but to be appointed as the prince's personal assistant?! Haruka was shocked to hear the offer. Yet again, he started doubting himself. Is he good enough to assist the prince? Their classes are so different too...

"Is that a yes?" Iori asked.

"O-of course! It would be an honour to be working with you!" Haruka nervously replied, "... but if I may ask, why offer such an important position to me...? N-not that I'm not grateful-!"

"Hm. I can understand where you're coming from. To put it simply, this position has been open for a while because I've simply never chosen someone to do the job for me, and quite frankly I won't be able to trust someone with such an important role. However, I saw your determination and bravery, the will to help and save the others hiding, so don't doubt yourself. Although your background would be vastly different from most here, I believe you have what it takes."


A gentle soul hummed as he walked down the hallway of the castle, taking the long route to his destination. The warm rays of sunshine hits his skin and reflects off his crimson red hair, like the warm embrace he lost touch with long ago. He wasn't particularly in any rush, but again, he shouldn't really be letting his brother wait.

"Hm? Ah-! Momo-san!" Seeing a familiar face, the red head jogged up to a black haired male with white on the tip of his hair.

"Your highness! It's good to see you well," Momo replied, only receiving a pout. The older chuckled, "Alright, alright. Riku-kun."

Smiling, Riku is now satisfied. He has always hated being called that title because it makes him feel different, alienated from the others. Despite that, he was still understanding that it was just how the world works, and there's not much he could do to change it. He has requested a few of the staff in the castle to call him by his first name instead which they agreed on if only they were alone. It would be great trouble if someone heard the prince be called by his first name.

Sunohara Momose, or Momo for short, is one of the most trusted staff in the castle, which is why he is usually tasked with important documents, "Anyways, where are you going?"

"Tenn-nii found out I sneaked out last night so I'm going to his office to talk about it..." Riku sighs, "Just when I thought I got away with it."

"His highness does have a sharp eye after all. You can hide anything from him."

Saying their goodbye, the two went on their way. Dragging his feet, Riku didn't want to face his brother's rath, yet he knew he had to face the consequences of his actions. Taking a deep breath, he knocked on the twin doors to the king's study. "Come in," he heard the familiar voice say. Familiar as it is, it was cold and not the same as he remembered. Riku misses the warmth in his brother's voice.

Pushing the thoughts out of his mind, he opened the door and entered. Behind the desk stacked with paperwork is his brother, and standing on the other side of the desk handing him some paper was a cream-haired male.

"Oh my. Seems like he has arrived. Well then, I'll take my leave now." The cream-haired male said. The male, Natsume Minami, is the castle's head doctor. He had already checked on Riku's health earlier in the morning and was most likely giving the report to the king, now leaving for the brothers to have a private chat.

Letting out a heavy sigh, he started reading what was written on the paper, "Triggered attack after successfully entering the castle without anyone noticing you were gone for the night... Do you know how risky it is? What if your attack was worse than it was and no one found you in time?! Keep doing such reckless things and yet you wonder why your health isn't improving..."

"But I'm fine now! Besides, we both know that my health isn't going to improve at all, no matter what we do. At the very least, it isn't deteriorating." Riku hates to speak about his health that way, but it is the hard truth.

No matter what Riku says, the answer will always be the same for Tenn. Despite his hard exterior, he cares more than anyone about Riku. He just wants the best for him yet plans for the battle gets in his way, continuously piling up stress. This back and forth argument has been happening for as long as Riku can remember, yet nothing has been resolved or made any improvements.

Indeed, Nanase Riku has a chronic illness known as asthma. It started appearing more often as he grew up, leading him to not be able to travel long distances and ultimately separated him with friends he made as a child from the other kingdom who were also brothers. He regretted not being able to at least say a goodbye and deep down, he wishes to know how the two are doing.

"Enough. I'm warning you, and this will be an order if it has to be. Stop with your reckless actions and at least have someone, most preferably Inumaru, with you all the time."

The cold words sliced through Riku. He understands that his brother is only worried about him, but he wants to have freedom and has been desperately trying to bend the rules but to no avail, the efforts were useless. Sending him off, Riku exited the room. Results are always the same anyways. Once Tenn's mind is set on something, it would be near impossible to change it.


"What's wrong? Is there anything on your mind?"

"Hm..." Riku continued to stare blankly into the book he's reading, not being able to focus.

Seeing the prince's plain reaction, there has to be something going on. It is unlike how he usually is; being all energetic and cheerful all the time but now he's quiet and has a blank look on his face.

"If you'd like, I'd be more than happy to lend you an ear," the blond, tall male said. Rokuya Nagi is one who had taught Riku throughout his teenage years. Although he may be only a year older than Riku, his knowledge is endless.

"..." Riku closed his book and set it on the table, "I'm just feeling... lonely..."

After thinking about the brothers he met in his childhood, he started missing them. He missed the times where he would sneak out of the castle with Tenn to meet up with the other two brothers.

Telling Nagi about what happened, Nagi could see the picture. With years spent with Riku, Nagi has heard all about what Riku has to say. The two were also close in terms of friendship.

"Well then, let's go." Nagi stood up from his chair with a reassuring smile on his face.

"Go? To where?"

"You've mentioned about this hidden area in the forest between the East and West where you'd meet your friends, right? Let's go there! Maybe it'll lift your spirits more," Nagi suggested.

"But..." Riku was hesitant. Touma is still at the mission so he didn't have his bodyguard with him.

"His highness said to always be with someone, and didn't say it couldn't be me, right?" Nagi winked, "I can handle fights just fine and I know you are capable too."

Before leaving the castle, they notified Osaka Sogo, the head butler, to tell him their whereabouts. The location is dangerous, being in between the border of the east and west, however Riku knew the best way to the place, being able to sneak out of the castle on a weekly basis. A hidden passage from the castle would be able to lead them close to the location.

When they arrived, Riku smiled widely. Everything was the same as he remembered.

"If you'd like, I saw an edible berry bush nearby," Nagi noticed while on his way here.

"Ah! Yes please. I remember that bush! We used to eat the berries from it when we were young," Riku replied.

Heading off, I would only be for a minute or two before Nagi returns, but nevertheless leaving Riku alone. Nostalgic memories flooded back to his mind. I wonder how they are doing... The garden was in a good state, almost as if someone has been maintaining it this whole time.

As the cool breeze brushed on his face, Riku closed his eyes to relax, eventually letting melodies flow out of his lips. The songs weren't anything fancy, the warmth in his voice livened the area.



Iori had finally found some spare time, finishing his work early, so that he would return to his safe haven- the only place where he felt at peace. Investigating, it seemed to be coming from the hidden area which led him even more on edge. Has someone found this spot?

Hidden behind trees, he could finally get a good look at the figure there. Red hair... sunset eyes... that familiar voice...! Iori found himself drawn to the beautiful voice, lifting his fatigue away; wanting to get closer to hear the voice.

The redhead stopped singing suddenly, standing on guard and looked in Iori's way, "Who's there?!"

Not wanting to cause any panic,Iori stepped out from behind the trees and put his hands in the air, showing that he doesn't intend on fighting nor is he a threat. The redhead's eyes widen seeing the raven head emerge from the trees.


As shocked as they are, the two still remained on guard, analysing their situation. Most noticeable thing that they both noticed about each other was their clothes, and most importantly, the royal crest embroidered on it. 

Both seem to notice another rushing from behind Riku, "Nagi. Stand down."

Instead of trying to get rid of Iori, Nagi now focused on protecting Riku, standing between the two princes, "But-"

"Don't worry. I'll be fine. I'd like to have a private talk with him so if you would," Riku said, sending Nagi far enough away so he wouldn't hear their conversation. Of course, Nagi obliged but would watch them from afar to ensure Riku wouldn't be in danger.

Finally, the two were alone, yet the silence was so loud. Before Iori could utter a word, Riku spoke up first, "Sorry for suddenly disappearing..."

"I'm not one who pries and I'm sure you have valid reasons for your disappearance," Iori cooly replied.

"... you're not mad?"

"What happened in the past can't be changed. Something else must've prevented you from meeting us again and that can't be helped. You don't have to reveal your reasons," Iori held his chin, in a pose where he's thinking deeply, "Thinking back, I did find it strange that both you and Tenn-san didn't reveal your last name. Intentionally or not, perhaps we were still young and carefree."

"Heh, I could say the same with you and Mitsuki-san."

After Riku lets out the chuckle, the same silence returns.

"... So how is Mitsuki-san? Ah- his majesty," Riku asked, trying to prevent the silence from continuing any longer.

A frown formed on Iori's face, "He's stressed to say the least. I'm assuming it's the same on your end?" to that Riku nodded.

From childhood friends to now enemies by circumstance, the war separated the two kingdom, "*sign*... I hope everything will be resolved peacefully soon..." Riku sighs.

"Ah-" That reminded Iori. The captured villagers mentioned about the red haired prince who helped them, "Did you... no, why did you help the villagers when they were captured?"

"You've figured it out?" Riku grinned, "Well, no matter which kingdom they are from, what class they are in;  they should all  be treated equally. Even if they are from the other side, I don't want them to suffer..." he paused, "...do you think there's something we can do to stop the war...?"

Hearing that question, Iori had to think, "If there was an easy way, I would've done it already but seeing as how this is a political issue, it would take time to resolve. But I promise I'll do everything in my power to stop it from continuing," he declared.


Heyo~ Thanks for reading this chapter! Seeing as all characters mentioned and appeared are on a side between the East and West now, I'll list them off, as well as their role, so you don't get confused. I, the writer, also get confused sometimes so I guess this is also for me to look back on.

Iori - Prince
Mitsuki - King
Yamato - King's personal attendant
Haruka - Prince's personal attendant
Ryuu - Guard
Torao - Head of soldiers
Tamaki - Soldier in training
Yuki - Head strategist

Riku - Prince
Tenn - King
Touma - Riku's guard
Gaku - King's guard
Momo - Official document organizer
Minami - Main doctor
Sogo - Head butler
Nagi - Riku's teacher

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