[BL](MTL) The wealthy young m...

By Darkknight123457

42.2K 707 85

https://m.shubaow.net/267/267080/ Author: Langkong Yise Category: BL doujin Release time: 2022-11-11 Latest:... More



4K 74 5
By Darkknight123457

Chapter 21

    Lin Feinian heard Song Nanyi's sudden realization.

    "It's Boss Huo. The gift from the boss should be regarded as a red envelope." Song Nanyi said hello to the camera.

    "Hi, boss."

    Huo Yanzhou didn't post any barrage, but Song Nanyi didn't care.

    He pulled Lin Feinian to say goodbye to the fans.

    Lin Feinian recovered from Huo Yanzhou's gift, and bid farewell to the fans gently.

    "Good night everyone." Lin Feinian waved his hand. "See you tomorrow."

    After the live broadcast ended, Lin Feinian stood up and wiped his sweat.

    The wind direction of the air conditioner in the dance practice room is generally not turned very high, mainly because the cold wind will dry up the sweat and cause a cold.

    Suddenly there was a commotion at the door, and Lin Feinian heard someone shouting "Mr. Huo".

    Could it be Huo Yanzhou who came over?

    Lin Feinian looked towards the door, just in time to meet Huo Yanzhou's sight.

    Song Nanyi was still thinking dully about what to eat for dinner, until he was pushed by Zhong Jianye, and then he noticed that Huo Yanzhou had arrived at the door of the dance practice room at some time.


    Seeing Huo Yanzhou walk in without hesitation, Lin Feinian touched the back of his neck: "Mr. Huo."

    "Have you had dinner yet?" Huo Yanzhou's voice is very magnetic, and it is the most popular imitation bubble among voice actors nowadays sound.

    But compared to the bubbly sound that was deliberately lowered and imitated on the Internet, Huo Yanzhou's voice is much more real and refreshing.

    Or it can be described as the bubble sound of adding detergent to remove oil.

    Lin Feinian replied honestly: "No, I was just going to eat."

    They planned to go to the porridge shop they had been to before, and they were going to record a group show tomorrow, and Mei Liu told them not to eat greasy and spicy food.

    "Let's go, I invite you." Huo Yanzhou's eyes fell on Lin Feinian fieryly.

    Behind him, a group of people who came to deal with the live broadcast had already left with the live broadcast equipment, only Mei Liu was left standing outside the dance practice room.

    "Okay." Knowing that Huo Yanzhou was repaying his gratitude for saving him when he was a child, Lin Feinian lost a lot of unknown fears towards Huo Yanzhou.

    Ten minutes later, several people were sitting in the box of the porridge shop.

    According to his own habit, Lin Feinian still only ordered a serving of plain porridge, and also ordered a sparerib soup.

    Because of Huo Yanzhou's presence, Zhong Jianye and Qi Jun talked less and less.

    Fortunately, there was Song Nanyi, a social expert, who called Lin Feinian familiarly, and discussed with him which soup was more delicious.

    "What does Mr. Huo eat? The seafood soup and seafood porridge in this store are delicious." Song Nan buried his head in the mobile phone order.

    Lin Feinian doesn't have a high appetite, so he has already ordered his own food.

    After hearing Song Nanyi calling Huo Yanzhou, Lin Feinian turned his head to look at Huo Yanzhou on the left.

    Huo Yanzhou drank the tea provided in the store, and said in a deep voice, "It's the same as every year."

    This time is exactly eight or nine o'clock in the evening. After a month of publicity, this new commercial plaza has already had some traffic. There are many tables with people sitting, talking constantly, and the atmosphere is quite lively.

    But in this lively environment, Lin Feinian's box was quiet.

    After Huo Yanzhou finished saying that sentence without changing his face, everyone looked at him.

    Lin Feinian almost thought he heard it wrong, and looked at Huo Yanzhou blankly.

    It's not the first time that he has been called Niannian by the nickname. People who are a little familiar with him will call it this tacitly, but Huo Yanzhou is definitely not among them.

    God knows, he only met Huo Yanzhou once when he was a child!

    After rescuing Huo Yanzhou who was almost comatose from the river, Lin Feinian pulled passers-by to call the police and called the emergency call. After Huo Yanzhou was rescued, he was busy participating in his competition .

    The time spent with Huo Yanzhou is only two hours, no more.

    Qi Jun twitched his lips: "Is Mr. Huo and Niannian on good terms? It seems that Niannian's signing in Haohai is a good coincidence?" "

    Not bad." Huo Yanzhou put the teacup on the table and made a crisp sound .

    Is it not bad?

    Lin Feinian was even more confused, and the eyes he looked at Huo Yanzhou became more and more confused.

    Then he heard Huo Yanzhou say: "When I was young, I saved me every year, which counts as a great kindness."

    Zhong Jianye moved his lips, but did not speak.

    The atmosphere became more and more strange.

    Lin Feinian, who was the person involved, couldn't sit still anymore, got up and said, "I'm going to the toilet."

    Then he fled in despair.

    He keenly felt that there was something wrong with the way Huo Yanzhou looked at him.

    Lin Feinian's college roommate is very obsessed with Lujiang Literature City. When he was in college, he often whispered about the domineering president Bai Yueguang, because the protagonist saved the president when he was a child, and when he grew up, he repayed his favor in various ways. The president insisted on using his body to stay at the protagonist's house.

    Lin Feinian... Lin Feinian shivered.

    This should not be the case.

    Besides, the house they live in is still rented by the company. Strictly speaking... If Huo Yanzhou really wants to live in it, it's really feasible! ! !

    Lin Feinian didn't really want to go to the toilet, he went to the toilet and washed his face, trying to wash away those messy thoughts.

    After washing his face, Lin Feinian flicked the water off his hands, only to find someone standing in the pool next door.

    He didn't care, thinking that he accidentally splashed someone else when he swung the water, so he whispered sorry.

    Low laughter came from the side, somewhat familiar.

    Lin Feinian looked up and found that Huo Yanzhou came to the bathroom at some point and was standing beside him.

    "Mr. Huo." Lin Feinian took a step back.

    "Just call me by my name." Huo Yanzhou looked at the person in front of him who had been reading for two lifetimes, and suddenly smiled, "Go to eat after washing, the soup has already been served." Lin Feinian blinked: "Ah

    , Okay."

    Seeing Huo Yanzhou enter the cubicle, Lin Feinian tilted his head in confusion and walked out of the toilet.

    He returned to the box, and Song Nanyi was looking at the food in front of him with his arms propped up.

    Seeing Lin Feinian coming in, Song Nan howled in a low voice: "Niannian, Mr. Huo hasn't come out yet?"

    Lin Feinian sat down beside him: "When did Mr. Huo come out?"

    Song Nan As soon as he touched his stomach that was almost hungry, he said, "Just now, as soon as you walked on the front foot, he got up on the back foot and went out."

    Is it a coincidence? It must be a coincidence.

    Lin Feinian's head is now full of the boss who has been brainwashed by his roommates, and he can't think independently at all, so he simply doesn't think about it.

    "Why don't you eat?"

    "The captain said he would wait for Mr. Huo to come back." Song Nanyi said pitifully.     Qi Jun suddenly said: "Niannian , be careful

    Mr. Huo."

    Lin Feinian: "Huh?"

After carefully asking what was going on, the box door was pushed open from the outside.

    Huo Yanzhou was seated next to Lin Feinian, and when he caught Lin Feinian's sight, he slightly raised the corners of his mouth.

    Lin Feinian:! ! !

Chapter 22

    After the meal was over, Lin Feinian's mind was full of what Qi Jun said.

    After dinner, Huo Yanzhou's driver drove the car and parked in the parking lot beside him.

    Several people took advantage of the opportunity and got into Huo Yanzhou's car.

    On the way back, Lin Feinian kept sticking to the innermost place carefully, wishing he could be a few meters away from Huo Yanzhou.

    In embarrassment, Lin Feinian shifted his gaze around until he touched the embedded computer in front of Huo Yanzhou.

    But the most important thing is that the interface on the computer is exactly Lin Feinian's live broadcast room an hour ago, and it also shows that the live broadcast has ended.

    After Lin Feinian found out, he kept staring blankly at the interface of the live broadcast room.

    Song Nanyi was rubbing his stomach and saying that he had eaten too much. When he wanted to talk to Lin Feinian, he found that Lin Feinian was looking in one direction in a daze.

    "What are you looking at?" Song Nanyi followed Lin Feinian's gaze and saw the live broadcast room that hadn't exited yet.

    Song Nan said nervously: "Mr. Huo watched the live broadcast in the car, so the boss invited us out for dinner as soon as he arrived at the company." Lin Feinian was still in a daze,

    Song He also thought of what Nan Yi said, but he didn't know how to respond, so he just blanked his head and stared blankly.

    Until the real mouth appeared for Song Nanyi.

    As soon as Song Nan finished speaking, Lin Feinian's eyes slowly fell on Huo Yanzhou.

    Huo Yanzhou was resting on the car seat, but when Lin Feinian looked over, he met Huo Yanzhou's side face with closed eyes.

    Huo Yanzhou's facial features are extremely powerful, even with his eyes closed, he can feel the unprovoked aura.

    Lin Feinian suddenly wanted to know what he had experienced in these years.

    When he rescued Huo Yanzhou, Huo Yanzhou at that time was much thinner than now, obviously five years older than him, but only half a head taller than him, lying on the ground wet all over, so fragile that he seemed to be broken.

    The memory is not deep, when Lin Feinian returned to reality, he found that Huo Yanzhou had opened his eyes at some point, and was staring at himself for a moment.

    Lin Feinian hurriedly looked away.

    Huo Yanzhou responded to Song Nanyi in a low voice: "Yeah."

    Song Nanyi still said over there: "Mr. Huo is very busy. He came to see us so busy. The four of us are really flattered." "It's

    okay." Perhaps because he just got up from closing his eyes, Huo Yanzhou's voice was a little hoarse, "I want to have a meal with Niannian."

    Lin Feinian:?

    Who would you like to have dinner with? Why did he seem to hear his name in a trance?

    Lin Feinian looked around in the car as if seeking proof, swept across the silent Qi Junzhong Jianye, and finally landed on Huo Yanzhou who was looking at him with a half-smile.

    Looking at Huo Yanzhou's dark abyss-like pupils, Lin Feinian hurriedly avoided his sight.

    But he avoided his sight and couldn't avoid his voice.

    Huo Yanzhou's voice sounded again: "Do you want candy?"

    Huo Yanzhou's hand appeared in front of him, with the palm facing up, and a yellow tangerine peel candy was placed on the palm.

    A very common sugar, the price is so cheap that it is almost invisible now.

    Lin Feinian looked at the familiar Chenpitang, his expression was in a trance again.

    He raised his hand to take the sugar, and when his fingertips touched the temperature of Huo Yanzhou's palm, he curled up suddenly.

    "Thank you." Lin Feinian thanked in a low voice.

    "You're welcome." Huo Yanzhou changed hands and gave him a bottle of water, "But I can only eat one. Mei Liu said that you should control sugar.

    " Throwing it into the mouth, the familiar taste of sweet and sour spreads on the taste buds.

    The sweet and sour smell of tangerine peel candy lasted until Lin Feinian picked it up.

    On the sofa, Lin Feinian hugged and stroked the cat's tail.

    After Qi Jun took a shower, he came down from upstairs in his pajamas and went to the kitchen to pour water.

    Soon, Qi Jun came out of the kitchen holding two glasses of water.

    After a crisp sound, a glass of water was placed on the coffee table at hand.     Qi Jun sat down beside Lin Feinian: "In the future , it's better to stay

    away from Huo Yanzhou."

That's right.

    Although Huo Yanzhou's behavior tonight was not as exaggerated as what his college roommates saw, the actual meanings are similar.

    "But Mr. Huo doesn't seem to be the kind of coercive person."

    "So just try to avoid it." Qi Jun didn't want to put too much pressure on Lin Feinian.

    The kitten didn't understand the human world, so it lay in Lin Feinian's arms and barked sweetly at Qi Jun.

    Qi Jun stroked the cat with a smile, and then said to Lin Feinian, "Go take a shower and sleep, tomorrow we have to shoot a group show." "


    Lin Feinian didn't put the cat down, but went straight back with him Room.


    The group performance was recorded the next morning, but Lin Feinian didn't know the exact time, and Mei Liu kept it secret, only saying that the time was uncertain.

    But Lin Feinian really didn't expect that the recording team would come so early.

    Lin Feinian was wearing a sleeping t-shirt and black knee-length shorts, and his face was still wet from washing. When he opened the door sleepily, he happened to meet the camera that had been set up in the living room.

    Lin Feinian: ...

    he looked at the filming staff standing in the living room, and Wang Ming and Li Yun, who were smiling with their teeth bared, and silently retreated to the room, closing the door instead.

    There must be something wrong with the way he got up.

    Lin Feinian lay back on the bed, trying to repeat the steps of getting up in the morning.

    But before he came again, the phone kept beeping, notifying that there were unread messages on WeChat.

    The sound of the notification woke up the sleeping cat at the foot of the bed, and Qiancai yawned, stood up and wobbled to Lin Feinian's hand, fell down with a snap, and continued to sleep snoring.

    Lin Feinian opened WeChat while touching the cat in his hand.

    The source of the news is a group of four people and one cat named st.

    [ST four people and one cat]

    Song Nanyi: Damn, I just looked downstairs, there are a lot of people, did I wake up? ? ?

    Zhong Jianye: Maybe I didn't wake up

    Song Nanyi: Could it be a group show? It won't start filming so early, will it? ? ?

    Song Nanyi: Are they breaking into houses like this?

    Song Nanyi: Damn, shit, shit! Why is Sister Mei still

    following them Zhong Jianye: Can you stop swiping the screen, your eyes hurt

    Qi Jun:.

    Lin Feinian:.

    Zhong Jianye and Lin Feinian lived in the downstairs room, and they were also facing the shooting team outside.

    After knowing that there was a group shooting team outside, Lin Feinian took a rest and went back to bed to sleep again. After petting the cat a few times perfunctorily, he reopened the door and walked out.

    This time, Mei Liu didn't give him another chance to leave, and walked out from behind the crowd, and put breakfast on the dining table: "Are you up? Go get the others up and have breakfast together." Knowing that calling teammates to get up is also the same as a team

    . Great point, Lin Feinian responded and started calling people one by one.

    The first one was Zhong Jianye who slept with him in the downstairs room. Lin Feinian knocked on the door and said, "Brother Zhong, wake up, Sister Mei brought breakfast." There was a sound in the room, and soon the bell

    came See Ye's reply.

    "Come on right away, Niannian, go and call the others first."

    Lin Feinian went upstairs with the camera brother again, and woke up Qi Jun and Song Nanyi in order.

    Qi Jun came out fully dressed less than half a minute after Lin Feinian knocked on the door.

    But when calling Song Nanyi, Lin Feinian really lost some strength.

    Because Song Nanyi was still lying on the bed and refused to get up.

    Under Mei Liu's order, Lin Feinian entered the door, left the cameraman outside, and personally went to arrest Song Nanyi who was bedridden.

    When Song Nanyi was pulled up by Lin Feinian, he laughed until he lay on Lin Feinian's shoulder.

    Lin Feinian went to the closet to take out the clothes Song Nanyi wanted to wear, and seeing him smiling like this, he asked puzzledly, "What are you laughing at?" "Look at

    this." Song Nanyi spread his mobile phone in front of Lin Feinian , that is the chat history in the group after Lin Feinian left.

    After hearing Mei Liu's voice telling Lin Feinian to wake them up, Song Nanyi took the lead in asking Zhong Jianye and Qi Jun the order in which Lin Feinian would wake them up.

    Qi Jun and Zhong Jianye tacitly responded to the order, which was exactly the same as the order Lin Feinian called them to get up!

    Lin Feinian was silent.

    "You guys are so boring." Lin Feinian whispered.

    Song Nanyi still couldn't help laughing, he threw himself on Lin Feinian and pinched his cheek: "Niannian is obviously too cute."

    Lin Feinian didn't know why people always praised him for being cute.

    Song Nanyi is like this, and so are his college roommates.

    Lin Feinian didn't understand, he sighed vainly, and urged Song Nanyi to change his clothes quickly.

    "I'm going out first, get up quickly, and get your clothes."

    After finishing speaking, Lin Feinian walked out of Song Nanyi's room and closed the door for him.

    Fearing that Song Nanyi would lie down again and continue to sleep, Lin Feinian gave the instructions again through the door of the room, and only after receiving a positive reply from Song Nanyi did he go downstairs to help distribute breakfast together.

Chapter 23

    We ate breakfast together under the camera. Lin Feinian ate whole wheat bread without changing his expression, while the music played one of the songs from the album.

    Song Nanyi took the initiative to ask Mei Liu with a wink: "Sister Mei, when will our album be released?"

    Mei Liu was also sitting at the dining table having breakfast with them, and she was drinking soy milk slowly.

    "It's already on sale this morning, can you give some refreshments to your album."

    Oh shit?

    Lin Feinian couldn't hold back, laughed out loud, and choked on the whole wheat bread again, turned his head and coughed non-stop.

    But there is no less smile in the cough.

    The sarcasm at the corner of Zhong Jianye's mouth became bigger and bigger, Song Nanyi angrily twisted a large piece of bread, and forced it into Zhong Jianye's mouth: "Shut up, don't laugh." Qi Jun handed Lin Feinian his

    own Lin Feinian took a sip of the iced Americano, his whole face wrinkled in bitterness.

    "I declare that iced Americano is worse than whole wheat bread." Lin Feinian scooped up the mineral water on the side, and gulped down half of the bottle.

    Song Nanyi said: "It's fine if it's bitter, it still has a sour taste, so the captain likes to drink it."

    Qi Jun looked indifferent, walked to the island in the kitchen and made himself another glass of iced Americano.

    Then, in front of Song Nanyi, he drank it in one gulp.

    Song Nanyi frowned as if feeling empathy.

    "A glass of iced Americano in the morning will reduce swelling." Qi Jun glanced at Song Nanyi's face.

    "You also need a cup."

    "..." Song Nan turned to Lin Feinian to complain, "The captain mocked my face for swelling."

    Qi Jun said with a cold face: "That's your own idea, I didn't say that "

    Seeing Song Nan being deflated, Zhong Jian Ye unceremoniously added insult to injury: "If you eat any more, your face will really swell."

    Lin Feinian took a bite of the whole wheat that tasted not much better than the iced Americano, and shrugged at Song Nanyi's mournful face.

    After breakfast, Zhong Jianye and Song Nanyi leaned on the sofa and watched TV. "Singer's Spring" was replayed countless times on the TV.

    Qi Jun sat on the lazy sofa on the enclosed balcony with his laptop and guitar in his arms, composing songs seriously, and occasionally called Lin Feinian over, pointing to a certain song and telling Lin Feinian how to choreograph.

    Lin Feinian had learned choreography. He counted Qi Jun's beats and danced a dance that he had choreographed neatly.

    "Can this get the beat?"

    "What if I make the back faster." "

    The movement can also be faster, but it doesn't feel as good as before. If you want the back beat to be faster, you can change it to this... ..."

    The four completely ignored the camera, immersed in their own small world.

    The theme of this group shooting is their daily life. For the four of them who have been busy with their schedules for the past few days, this is a rare holiday.

    Time passed slowly, the decorative clock hanging on the wall turned a half circle, and the sun slowly rose from the east to the middle of the sky.

    Song Nanyi browsed the takeaway software with his mobile phone in his arms, and occasionally asked other people for their opinions and asked them what they wanted to eat.

    Qi Jun and Lin Feinian were immersed in creation, and their reply to this was only two words.

    Zhong Jianye was not that attached to eating, so he picked up Song Nanyi's phone and looked it up and down, and finally returned it.

    "Eat whatever you want, not too spicy." As soon as

    Song Nan found it difficult to choose, he suddenly said, "Why don't we go out and eat coconut chicken, it's quite light."

    Lin Feinian raised his head and looked at Song Nan Come over: "Coconut chicken? It may not be convenient to go out to eat now."

    Song Nan tilted his head: "Then we can make it ourselves, this tutorial is not difficult."

    Make your own lunch?

    Lin Feinian subconsciously looked towards the camera and silently counted the number of people.

    "You can do it yourself." He stood up while supporting the small table, and continued, "Then let's buy more, there are quite a lot of people."

    Song Nanyi actively raised his hand: "Niannian and I will go shopping together! "

    Zhong Jianye pinched Song Nanyi's dreadlocks: "Your hair is too conspicuous, I just go with Niannian."

    Song Nanyi touched his braids with his backhand: "It's okay, Niannian's hair The color is also very conspicuous."

    "But only Nian Nian among us can cook, if he doesn't go, do you know what to buy?"

    Song Nanyi closed his mouth and made an ok gesture: "Then I'll take it apart Express delivery, the toy I bought for picking has arrived."

    Qi Jun was still immersed in his own creative world, the other three split up, Lin Feinian put on his hat, and drove to a nearby supermarket with Zhong Jianye.

    "Fresh chicken, and... six coconuts." Lin Feinian thought about the number of people, "There are so many filming staff, it is estimated that three pots are needed to cook. Fortunately, our dining table is big enough." "But at home it

    seems There are only two pots." Zhong Jianye recalled, "I'll buy another one."

    "Okay." Lin Feinian agreed.

    He looked over at the vegetable area, and said to Zhong Jianye, "I'll go over there to buy some side dishes, and you can come here to meet me when the time comes." "


    Lin Feinian picked a few that everyone liked more As side dishes, I also took two boxes of Song Nanyi's favorite beef slices.

    The beef slices were cut and placed in disposable boxes by the merchant. Lin Feinian picked two boxes and put them in the shopping cart.

    He was pushing the shopping cart to leave, but was accidentally hit head-on by a shopping cart in front of him.

    "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Before Lin Feinian could react, he heard the apology from the other party.

    Most of the aisles in supermarkets are not very wide, and Lin Feinian is not angry about being bumped into.

    He pulled down the brim of his hat, said in a low voice that it was okay, and then pushed the cart back to the vegetable area.

    Yu Han held the shopping cart tightly in her hands, and looked at the back of Lin Feinian leaving, she seemed to see the smoky purple hair leaking from the gap in the hat.

    Lin Jincheng came over from the other side of the shelf and saw Yu Han standing still, putting the ribs he got in the shopping cart, and asked her, "What's the matter, who did you see?" "It seems that

    Azhou likes it." People." Yu Han was not too sure.

    She quietly clenched the hand holding the shopping cart.

    I don't know why, but when I see that young man, I always have a strange feeling in my heart.

    Lin Jincheng followed Yu Han's line of sight to look, but there was no one there.

    Yu Han smiled and turned her head: "Maybe I misunderstood, by the way, did you get the ribs?" "Yes, do you want to

    make corn rib soup for A Zhou?"

    "Yes, you insist on letting him go to Haohai Entertainment practice, I saw that he was busy for several days and didn't go home."

    "He chose it himself."

    "Okay, okay, it was Ah Zhou who chose it himself, but I feel sorry for Ah Zhou who made him stew. Let's go."


    Lin Feinian and Zhong Jianye finished shopping for vegetables, they pushed the shopping carts to the underground garage.

    After putting the dishes away in the car, Lin Feinian pulled the co-pilot away and sat down, while Zhong Jianye drove back to the community.

    When entering the parking garage of the community, Lin Feinian felt that the car was a little stuffy, so he lowered the window a little.

    He looked out the window casually, just in time to see a woman sitting in the back seat opposite, and lowered the window.

    The eyes of the two collided unpreparedly.

    Lin Feinian was very impressed with this face, and he had searched the news on purpose before.

    It is Lin Jincheng's wife, Yu Han.

Chapter 24

    When Lin Feinian realized that it was Yu Han, the car had already slid into the garage.

    Zhong Jianye talked to Lin Feinian while backing the car into the garage: "What were you looking at just now?" "I

    seemed to see Mrs. Yu Han from the Lin Group just now." Lin Feinian was a little uncertain in his words.

    "Yu Han?" Zhong Jianye was slightly taken aback.

    "Yes." Lin Feinian nodded.

    After Zhong Jianye parked the car, he stroked his chin and thought for a while, and said, "It's not surprising, this community was developed by the Lin Group.

    " There are also large villas in the landscape lake.

    "I heard from my dad that Uncle Lin and Aunt Yu Han came back from abroad a few days ago. It seems to be true." Zhong Jianye said.

    Lin Feinian was also a little surprised when he first saw the person in the news.

    After talking to Zhong Jianye, Lin Feinian forgot all about Yu Han, and after parking the car, he and Zhong Jianye carried the vegetables and drinks they bought into the elevator.


    On the other side of the underground garage, Yu Han looked out the window in bewilderment and shock.

    Lin Jincheng sat on her right and was grabbed by Yu Han.

    "I seemed to see a pair of very familiar eyes just now."

    "What?" Lin Jincheng bent his head closer to Yu Han and asked her.

    "Very much like you, very much like you." Yu Han described inarticulately, "It's really exactly the same as your eyes when you were young." Lin Jincheng

    hugged Yu Han's shoulders and leaned into his arms: "Then The next time you see him, you have to point it out to me, it seems that he lives in the same community as us, and we will definitely meet in the future."

    Yu Han also knew that she was excited, and during the years when she couldn't find her child, every time she saw a child who looked like My own or Lin Jincheng's children will mistakenly think that they are my children.

    Under Lin Jincheng's gentle words, Yu Han calmed down slowly, and she slowly closed her eyes: "Yes, I hope to see you again in the future."


    Feinian went straight into the kitchen after returning home with the dishes.

    Song Nanyi was picking up and assembling the newly bought cat climbing frame by the window. Qi Jun put the guitar aside, got up and went to the kitchen to wash his hands, and helped with Zhong Jianye.

    The method of coconut chicken is very simple. The purchased coconuts have been punched in the supermarket. After the coconut juice is released, the most troublesome thing is to take out the coconut meat.

    Just as Lin Feinian was about to cut with the knife, Qi Jun called him to stop.

    "I'll do it." Qi Jun took the knife and coconut from Lin Feinian's hands, knocked on the coconut shell a few times, and took out the coconut meat inside in two or three strokes.

    There were a lot of coconuts, and Zhong Jian Ye came to help knock the coconuts after washing the dishes. Lin Feinian stood in front of the pot empty-handed and paused for a moment, then smiled.

    Since Qi Jun and Zhong Jianye snatched the job of knocking coconuts, Lin Feinian took it to clean and blanch the cut chicken pieces.

    The soul of coconut chicken is the sauce. Lin Feinian mixed more than a dozen sauces and put them in a small bowl. Song Nanyi, who just arrived, brought them to the table for him.

    In less than half an hour, a sweet and strong smell wafted from the kitchen, mixed with a faint scent of coconut, and soon filled the entire living room.

    The staff who came to shoot all got up before dawn, and stuffed a few buns hastily into their stomachs in the morning, and they were already hungry by this time.

    Smelling the rich aroma of coconut chicken, many staff members swallowed their saliva subconsciously.

    Coconut chicken is not difficult to cook, nor does it take much time.

    Before the hour hand came to half past twelve, Zhong Jian Ye and Qi Jun brought the coconut chicken together with the pot to the table.

    Lin Feinian took the last pot, handled it and said to the staff: "You guys still need to shoot the material now, how long will it take? Let's have dinner together after shooting."

    The cameraman in charge of the on-site shooting and the on-site director turned their heads to discuss a few words, and then compared the number of ten to Lin Feinian.

    "Ten minutes? Then I'll wash the dishes."

    Coconut chicken can not only eat chicken, but its sweet soup is also very good for cooking.

    After placing the bought vegetables and beef slices on the table, the cameraman took a close-up shot of the equipment on the table, and then put the equipment in the distance and rubbed his hands.

    When Mei Liu came over, everyone had just sat down and prepared to eat.

    "Everyone is eating? I also want to ask you what you have for lunch."

    Song Nanyi patted the empty seat beside him: "Sister Mei, come quickly, the seat is reserved for you."

    Wang Ming and Li Yun raised their chopsticks and pointed at Mei Liu smiled.

    Mei Liu wasn't too polite, went to the kitchen, took chopsticks and a bowl, sat down, and tried to eat a piece of chicken.

    "Not bad, do you do it every year?"

    Lin Feinian smiled embarrassedly: "I followed the tutorial, I haven't done it before."

    Song Nan was in a hurry, and his words were a little unclear: "Okay Eat, I want to live with Niannian forever."

    Everyone laughed.

    Lin Feinian was eating quietly, Mei Liu was chatting with the director in charge of on-site inspections about the shooting results in the morning, Qi Jun and Zhong Jianye also rarely spoke.

    Some staff members were discussing gossip and interesting stories in a low voice, and Lin Feinian listened quietly.

    The atmosphere at the dinner table was lively and lively, and the only dedicated camera continued to work with a red light flashing on the side.

    After lunch, Lin Feinian was kicked out of the kitchen by Song Nanyi.

    "It's fine for me to clean up the bowls. You go and pick them up with me. I'm a little scared by the crowds today."

    The kitchen was guarded by Song Nanyi, and Lin Feinian couldn't go in to help. He shook his head helplessly and went back to the room. Check out the situation.

    Qiancha was indeed frightened by the people outside, and was sleeping soundly while hiding in the corner of Lin Feinian's room. When he was awake, he lay at the foot of the bed, looking at Lin Feinian outside from a distance.

    As soon as Lin Feinian returned to his room, he stretched his tail and walked towards him with elegant cat steps.

    Then it fell down at hand with a slap, Mi|Mi screamed.

    "Okay, okay, let's touch it." Lin Feinian skillfully scratched the cat's chin, looked at the cat's comfort and purred, smiled and shook his head.

    Thinking of what Mei Liu said about Weibo needing more business, Lin Feinian took a photo of Jian Jian acting like a baby, opened Weibo and posted it.

    st Lin Feinian: Maomao oh [photo jg]

    lsut has recently attracted a lot of fans in a short period of time by virtue of its strength and looks, and it can be regarded as a new popular boy group.

    Lin Feinian's Weibo has just been posted for a while, refresh it, there are already hundreds of comments below.

    And the most popular comment is indeed the comment that wants Lin Feinian to post a selfie.


    , I took my phone and went outside.

    Mei Liu was sitting in the living room, and when she saw Lin Feinian coming out, a smile appeared on her originally stern face: "It seems that I asked you to post a Weibo just now, and fans are clamoring to see your photos, so go find Qi Junnan Let's take a picture together."

    Lin Feinian originally planned this way, nodded, and found the other three with his mobile phone in his arms.

    The four of them squatted in the kitchen, leaning against the Nakashima counter, and took a photo of the scissors that no one used ten years ago.

    Satisfied, Lin Feinian took this photo and posted a new Weibo.

    Full marks idol! Satisfy all reasonable demands of fans!

Chapter 25

    After lunch, Lin Feinian naturally sat on the balcony with his arms in his arms. The blackout curtains over there had been pulled up. Qi Jun also picked up his guitar again, and sat in the morning seat, with a pen and paper in his hand, from time to time Write and draw on paper.

    Qi Jun saw him coming, and said: "I said this before, I think the action here can be..."

    The rest of the voice gradually became quieter, drowning in the air.

    Song Nanyi was idling on the sofa with a book in his arms, and Zhong Jianye came to the door to change his shoes on the shoe-changing stool and was about to go out.

    Just when the on-site director went out to answer a phone call and came back, seeing Zhong Jianye wearing shoes, he smiled: "Guess your task in the afternoon? Why are you wearing shoes now."

    Zhong Jianye was stunned: "What task? Our afternoon Still have tasks?"

    "Hey." The director was still holding the cigarette he smoked while answering the phone outside, but he pinched it before entering the door, and smiled with a pungent tobacco smell, "Tuan Zong can only shoot like this. It's nothing to look at, I just discussed it with Sister Mei, and you have a task in the afternoon." The

    director's voice was not silenced, and the other three people in the living room heard it and looked this way.

    The on-site director stretched out five fingers: "The signatures of the five seniors were collected before dinner time, and it is stipulated that they are not allowed to leave the community." "

    Five signatures?" "It must be seniors, right?"

    Lin Feinian also met some people in the talent show. Although they were eliminated early, if there is no restriction of seniors, it is not impossible to let them come to sign and exploit loopholes in the game.

    "Yes, it must be the signatures of the seniors." The word senior was bitten hard, as if worried that they would be fooled.

    Lin Feinian let go of his hands, and jumped out of his arms. With graceful cat steps, he jumped onto the cat climbing frame that was set up before the meal, lying on his side, licking|playing with the cat's paws.

    The tasks are all over, and the leisurely vacation is naturally gone.

    Lin Feinian put on his shoes and followed Qi Jun and the others downstairs.

    The community is very green, lush trees and flowers can be seen everywhere, and there are three words Xiziwan hanging on the side, which is the name of this community.

    Standing in the pavilion, Lin Feinian was at a loss for a moment.

    Song Nanyi waved his hand indifferently: "I'll call my mother. She hasn't been wanting to see my godmother recently. I think this afternoon will be good."

    Song Nanyi said, squatting in the corner with his mobile phone , Started to discuss with my mother.

    Zhong Jian Ye stretched his waist. He originally wanted to change his shoes and go downstairs to practice his voice. Now, although the purpose of going downstairs has changed, he can also use his voice in the middle of completing the task.

    Followed by the camera team, Zhong Jianye started to practice his voice as before calmly.

    Qi Jun put his hands in his pockets: "Let's go, just take a walk in the community, in case you meet some seniors." This is not the

    first time Xiziwan has appeared in a variety show. The security here is extremely strict, and many famous Celebrities and rich people, when many variety shows are filming artists' homes, they glance at the panorama of Xizi Bay by the way.

    Lin Feinian lived in Xiziwan for more than a month, and it was the first time he walked in the community so leisurely.

    "There are hardly many people during the day." Song Nan followed after finishing the call.

    Lin Feinian was so tanned by the midsummer sun that he could hardly keep his eyes open. He covered his forehead with his hands and scanned the surrounding area, then turned his head and said to Song Nanyi: "In this weather, we are more like idiots walking around outside." Song

    Nan It was too hot at first, and after listening to what Lin Feinian said, he silently raised a gesture of approval.

    Fortunately, the sky paid off, and when I walked to a shady tea pavilion at a corner, I really saw a senior actor.

    That is a movie actor who has been acting for many years. Although he has won few famous trophies, he was nominated for Best Actress in a very famous international literary film award.

    Song Nan's eyes lit up when he saw her sitting in the tea booth listening to music and drinking tea.

    When Lin Feinian was still thinking about how to politely ask someone to ask for an autograph, his wrist tightened, and Song Nanyi had already pulled him into the tea booth.

    "Aunt Xue!" Song Nan ran into the tea booth in a panic.

    Xue Yin took off the earphones and looked back curiously, and was a little surprised when she saw Song Nanyi: "Nannan."

    She turned her head and looked behind, and when she saw the camera equipment, she asked him: "Are you recording a variety show? "

    Song Nanyi took the card and marker pen given by the program group: "Ahem, we are recording a group show, just the boy group my father mentioned in the circle of friends." "I know, st?" Xue Yin

    smiled He smiled, "I've watched it recently, and the little guys are all handsome."

    Song Nanyi rubbed his head in embarrassment.

    Lin Feinian sighed inwardly, and made up for Song Nanyi: "Mr. Xue, I'm sorry to disturb you. We have a task to collect the signatures of five seniors.

    " pen and task card, signed his name, and said while signing: "Oh, I am listening to your song, the song "Snow Falling" in the album is really good, I have listened to it several times, Nan Nan he Parents are tweeting wildly in Moments."

    Lin Feinian subconsciously looked at the camera behind him.

    Xue Yin said in front of the camera that their album songs are good, as if she was deliberately trying to make them popular.

    It is easier for an old movie actor to say that the new song of the album is good, than Lin Feinian and the others have promoted it countless times.

    After getting the signature, Song Nan shook his dreadlocks indifferently: "It's okay, her next play is directed by my dad, it's a kind of human relationship." "But I didn't expect to meet

    him here. I want to ask my mother to come over and take me to the houses of my uncles and aunts."

    Wouldn't it be easy to have five signatures like this.

    Qi Jun was wearing a white shirt, loosened his cuff buttons, and nodded in agreement: "A few friends of my mother are also in the villa area next door. You can also go to their house for a while." Since

    Mei Liu agreed to this task, explain this task It's a sight to be photographed.

    Lin Feinian was caught in the middle in a daze, and found in a daze that all his roommates seemed to have backgrounds.

    Qi Jun and the others confessed to this on the day he joined st, but Lin Feinian didn't have much idea about it.

    Before that, he basically knew the background from Ruan Siji and Gu Guanhe.

    As the protagonist of the original text, Gu Guanhe's background is definitely not small.

    The second young master of Gu's Group, who runs an important but not busy business in the family, and has a big brother who is responsible for inheriting Gu's Group by his side. The shares are transferred to the account every year, and there is still a lot of free time to spend with the protagonist. You come and I abuse you.

    Lin Feinian hung behind Qi Jun like a little tail, and suddenly he had more thoughts in his mind.

    I always feel that after he rejected Ruan Siji and stayed in the variety show, his life trajectory was completely split, and he ran in the completely opposite direction.

    It's just...

    Seeing Song Nan turn around and hug his shoulders, the smile that disappeared from the corner of Lin Feinian's mouth slowly reappeared.

    But this feeling is not surprising, he likes his current life very much, and he likes Qi Jun, Zhong Jianye, Song Nanyi, and some people from Haohai Entertainment even more.

    Compared to the group of teammates in his dream who would only be lazy, have low morals and even break the law, Lin Feinian feels that his current life is simply not too good.

    He will not let his life go back to the plot of the original book.

Chapter 26

    The greening of Xiziwan is very good, and they walked along the shady path avoiding the light, Zhong Jianye hummed the only lyrical slow song in their album.

    Not paying attention to the time and direction, the few people walked to the villa area next door.

    Zhong Jianye hummed to the ** part, and Lin Feinian still had the time to fill in the notes gracefully.

    Lin Feinian's voice always had a cold air when he sang, especially when he became serious, and when the smile disappeared from his eyes, when he stood on the stage and looked at the camera, he looked like a cold god among the crowd.

    Zhong Jianye's voice is also very deep. His and Lin Feinian's voices are like two extremes, but every time they sing together or harmonize, they can blend together strangely.

    The sultry wind brought hot air to the pavement, and several people were more or less sweating, but everyone didn't care.

    Song Nanyi also looked like he could rave on the spot at any time, but fortunately, Qi Jun was calm.

    The villa area in Xiziwan is not densely populated. Every household has a large garden and garage, and the paths outside are filled with flowers suitable for all seasons.

    Song Nan glanced at the direction and said, "It's all here, why don't you go to the godmother's house for a while, anyway, my mother will come over later."

    Lin Feinian turned his head: "Who is your godmother? "

    Meng Jiao, my mother and Aunt Meng are as close as sisters. When I was still in my mother's womb, Aunt Meng discussed to be my godmother." Lin Feinian listened carefully

    . , holding many domestic best actress awards, but the two literary films that hit the world didn't even get a nomination, which is completely opposite to Xue Yin.

    Lin Feinian did not expect that these two people would live in the same community. The career fans of these two people are also arguing like a raging fire every day. One mocked the other party no matter how many domestic film awards he won, and he didn't even have a single nomination in the world; the other A family that ridiculed such good acting skills has been nominated internationally, why don't you see an award in China first.

    The place where Meng Jiao lives is in the villa area of ​​Xiziwan, Song Nan has been rushing to her place to knock on the door.

    Three minutes after knocking on the door, the door opened, accompanied by Meng Jiao's loud laughter.

    "Let Auntie see your teammates, hey, your teammates are all good-looking, they have grown into Auntie's heart." Meng Jiao was wearing loose and straight jeans and a white vest on her upper body. The age of fifty did not let her figure down. Out of shape.

    But what he said...

    Lin Feinian silently took a step back and stood behind Qi Jun.

    Meng Jiao noticed Lin Feinian's movements, covered her mouth and smiled happily: "Oh, I'm just joking, it's so cute, come in."

    Lin Feinian still stood vigilantly behind Qi Jun, and Qi Jun also moved to the side Moved, completely blocking Meng Jiao's line of sight.

    Song Nan knew the character of this godmother early in the morning, so he dragged his voice and said helplessly: "Aunt Meng...don't tease Nian Nian like this, Nian Nian is more shy." "Oh, don't

    guard me like a wolf, I don't What are you doing, you are all so young, I still have some morals." Meng Jiao called people in and brought them mineral water.

    "I only have this, let's make do with it."

    Lin Feinian sat between Qi Jun and Zhong Jianye, watching Song Nanyi pounce on Meng's pampered golden retriever, clenched the mineral water in his hand, and unscrewed it from time to time. Take a sip.

    It seems that this will relieve the tension.

    Meng Jiao was just teasing these juniors according to her temper. She has a bad personality and loves to play.

    But seeing Lin Feinian eagerly looking at the mineral water in his hand, and pulling his teammates out as soon as he found something wrong, I really wanted to laugh.

    Some people can always use their personality to win the likes of others, and Lin Feinian is such a person.

    Meng Jiao couldn't help feeling weak when she saw it. She usually loves raising cats and dogs and calls herself a mother. Seeing Lin Feinian like this, her mother's love is overwhelming.

    Lin Feinian just lowered his head to avoid Meng Jiao's gaze, and when he looked up again, a plate of small cakes appeared in front of him.

    "Eat it, eat it, it's okay to eat it once in a while, this little cake is delicious." Meng Jiao looked at Lin Feinian lovingly.

    Lin Feinian took the plate with the small cakes politely, looked at Meng Jiao's eyes that seemed to be eating people, and really didn't know whether to take a bite.

    Qi Jun blocked it with one hand: "Teacher Meng."

    Seeing someone helping him, Lin Feinian was relieved, it was really difficult for him to parry an elder with a personality like Meng Jiao.

    Lin Feinian knew that this was his own old problem, maybe it was a childhood experience, and when he was mentally prepared, he could socialize normally like ordinary people, but once something unexpected happened, Lin Feinian was very nervous. It is possible that you will not be able to keep up with these rhythms, and you will be completely stunned.

    Fortunately, Song Nanyi's mother came very quickly.

    Song Nanyi's mother is Gu Songzhen, who was a famous beauty in the last century, but many netizens regret that Gu Songzhen gradually disappeared after marriage, which greatly reduced the time for filming.

    Gu Songzhen came here with a thermos. When he came in, he didn't see Song Nanyi, but when he turned his head, he saw three people sitting in a row on the sofa.

    "Teasing the dog in the yard." Meng Jiao knew what her girlfriend of decades wanted to ask, so she said in advance, "Now that I heard the movement in the house, I should be washing my feet and going back to the house. What did you bring? It smells so good."

    "It's soup, you are different from those young children, the one on the left is yours." Gu Songzhen put another thermos on the tea table, looked at Lin Feinian Qi with a smile Jun and Zhong Jianye: "I brought it for you too. It's fish soup. You should be able to drink it."

    Gu Songzhen came prepared in advance, and Lin Feinian watched her take out three soups from the thermos. After a while, a bowl of thick, white and fresh fish soup appeared in his hand.

    "I know that your schedule is very crowded recently and you are very tired from dancing and dancing. I don't bring much for you. You won't gain weight after drinking a bowl." Gu Songzhen was very gentle. After speaking, he carefully took out a piece of paper for Lin Feinian, Let him be careful not to spill the soup.

    As soon as Song Nan heard the movement in the house, he pulled the dog back from the yard, and when he saw Gu Songzhen, he called his mother and rushed towards him.

    Seeing that Gu Songzhen hugged Song Nanyi tightly with distaste on his lips, Lin Feinian suddenly remembered what the dean said to him before he left last time.

    What the dean said was actually right.

    Although he wanted to be a star when he grew up because of his love for the stage, when he first had the idea of ​​becoming a star, he just hoped that his biological parents could see him in front of the TV.

    Lin Feinian thought of the red string the size of a baby's wrist, and now he sent it to a time-honored shop to order it into a bracelet.

    Maybe after shooting tonight, I can take some time to get the things back.

    Lin Feinian lowered his eyelids, suppressing the envy in his eyes.

Chapter 27

    Gu Songzhen came here not only to deliver soup to st, although her works have been greatly reduced in recent years, she is also a senior who meets the requirements of the program group.

    Gu Songzhen also brought Song Nanyi's father's signature. Lin Feinian took the random signature on A4 paper and pasted it on the task card of the program group with 502 glue.

    The cameraman in charge of filming watched Lin Feinian's operation in a daze, and quickly called the director, wanting to ask whether this counted as completing the task.

    But before he could make a call, Song Nanyi and Zhong Jianye grabbed his hand together.

    Zhong Jianye pulled the corners of his mouth and showed a perfunctory smile: "The regulations didn't say that you can't post them."

    Song Nan nodded: "Yes, the regulations said that the signature should be placed on the task card, but they didn't say how to put it on. .”

    Qi Jun silently looked away, avoiding the eyes of the cameraman brother asking for help.

    Pretend not to see jg.

    The cameraman could only shift his gaze to Lin Feinian, who seemed to be the most well-behaved member of the team.

    However, the most well-behaved team member held up the task card with the A4 paper on it, and looked at the cameraman expectantly.

    Cameraman: ...

    Song Nanyi didn't wait for the cameraman to respond, he raised his hands and feet and announced the final result on his own: "Okay, thank you brother cameraman for agreeing, let's cheer for this!"

    Lin Feinian was very supportive, Seal-style applause continuously.

    The cameraman who was forced to make a decision: ...

    He twitched the corners of his mouth, wanting to say that you guys are pretty good at acting, and he doesn't need to participate in the beginning and end.

    But in any case, Lin Feinian and the others have already obtained four signatures.

    "The task is only one more away." Lin Feinian stretched.

    Meng Jiao rolled the marker pen she just used for signing on her finger, and shrugged at the four of them: "I can't help it."

    Lin Feinian put away the four task cards and hugged them in his arms, turned half-turned and discussed with Qi Jun: "Let's go out for a walk." Qi Jun agreed, and as the

    captain, he took the lead to thank Meng Jiao: "Thank you, Meng Jiao. Teacher."

    Lin Feinian also stood up following Qi Jun, and thanked Meng Jiao along with Qi Jun.

    Zhong Jianye, who let go of the cameraman, returned to his cool look, but nodded slightly at Meng Jiao when Qi Jun thanked him.

    Song Nanyi and Meng Jiao couldn't be more familiar, so he didn't go through so many procedures, he just sniffed and said goodbye to Meng Jiao's godmother, and squatted down to tease the golden retriever who was grinning happily the whole time.

    Not long after eating the coconut chicken, they drank another bowl of soup, and the four of them felt a bit full more or less.

    Lin Feinian walked down the path in the villa area with his head down. Most of the yards of the villas were full of flowers and plants, and he could smell the fragrance of all kinds of flowers when he walked along the path.

    As they walked, Lin Feinian raised his head and found that they had almost reached the deepest part of Xizi Bay.

    "In this hot weather, I probably won't meet other seniors again." Lin Feinian couldn't help but said.

    The high temperature of thirty-six degrees in midsummer is the hottest two or three o'clock in the afternoon, and there are almost no people like Xue Yin who appear outside.

    Only the four of them foolishly walked outside against the sun.

    Lin Feinian looked like grass that had been shriveled by heat, and his whole expression looked sleepy.

    Zhong Jianye and Qi Jun were not much better, and Zhong Jianye was sweating a lot on his head. He was wearing sunglasses, and "I'm sick" was written all over his face.

    The back of Qi Jun's clothes was already wet.

    Qi Jun said: "Go back first, there is no time limit for the mission, you can come out at night."

    The cameraman was carrying the machine, sweating more than the four of them combined.

    But he still dutifully reminded Lin Feinian and the others: "The director didn't say when the deadline was due, but dinner can only be eaten if the task is completed."

    Lin Feinian touched his slightly protruding stomach, and felt that it would be okay to have dinner later.

    Even Song Nanyi, who loves food the most, sneered slightly, and his appearance was exactly the same as when Zhong Jianye sneered.

    "We're not afraid of being hungry, my mother just finished her soup."

    Cameraman: ...

    Sitting in the st dormitory, the director who has been watching this side through the monitor: ...

    Fuck! ! ! Mistake! ! !

    The four of them turned around indifferently, and as they walked, Lin Feinian suddenly raised his head and said, "Why don't we go back in the underground garage? There is no sun over there." "..."

    Qi Jun pursed his lips, "Forgot."

    Zhong Seeing Ye Meifeng tremble twice, he finally helped his forehead.

    Song Nanyire's voice became quieter: "Yes, why don't we go back through the underground garage, maybe we can meet other people in the garage." The probability of meeting people in the garage is much higher than under the sun


    The villa area is close to the high-rise area to avoid insufficient high-rise parking spaces and the garages that come with the villas. The developer has also set up some parking garages underground in the villa area.

    With Lin Feinian's reminder, the four of them hurriedly found the nearest underground garage entrance, and they felt refreshed as soon as they entered.

    "Comfortable." Song Nanyi sighed.

    Lin Feinian was still holding the four mission cards and walked at the end of the team.

    Suddenly, the turn signal lights up from the blind spot ahead, accompanied by a low-pitched whistle.


    Lin Feinian looked in the direction of the car curiously, it was an army green off-road vehicle, passing by the four of them at a low speed.

    Lin Feinian only glanced at him and politely looked away. Just as Song Nanyi was talking to him, Lin Feinian turned his head to look at Song Nanyi.

    When Lin Feinian looked away, the window of the driver's seat suddenly lowered, and a handsome face looked over here.

    After listening to what Song Nanyi said, Lin Feinian turned his head, and half of his profile appeared in the man's sight.

    When he saw Lin Feinian's face, the man's heart suddenly accelerated and he subconsciously stepped on the brakes.

    Lin Feinian only heard the screeching sound of wheels rubbing against the ground, and looked blankly at the car parked not far behind him.

    Just in time to see the head deep in the driver's seat window.

    Lin Feinian's heart also skipped a beat, and he blurted out: "Yu Qing!"

    The other three also saw the man in the driver's seat, their faces were very surprised and pleasantly surprised.

    If there were passers-by at the scene, it would definitely cause screams, because the man in the driver's seat was Yu Qing, a well-known original singer in Huaguo and even the world.

    Yu Qing pulled away from the driver's seat and got out of the car, walked straight to Lin Feinian, his eyes never moved away from Lin Feinian's face from the beginning to the end.

    He stared blankly at the familiar eyes in front of him, opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

    Then a mission card with st Tuanzong appeared in front of his eyes.

    Holding the four completed task cards, Lin Feinian looked at Yu Qing eagerly.

    "Hello, Teacher Yu, can we ask for your autograph?"

Chapter 28

    The st logo was printed on the task card, and Yu Qing belatedly saw the person behind the familiar young man in front of him.

    "From the Zhong family?" Yu Qing's eyes finally stopped on Zhong Jianye.

    Zhong Jianye politely said hello: "Yes, Teacher Yu."

    Yu Qing's eyes returned to Lin Feinian, he settled down, and then slowly remembered that the youngest son of the Zhong family had also entered the entertainment circle recently, Formed a boy group with President Qin's son in Haohai Entertainment.

    Lin Feinian didn't know why Yu Qing was always staring at him, so he could only maintain a polite smile without knowing why.

    Just when Lin Feinian felt that he couldn't stop laughing, he heard Yu Qing's hoarse voice.

    "What's your name?"

    Lin Feinian stopped turning his head for a second.

    Is Yu Qing asking herself?

    "Mr. Yu, I'm Lin Feinian from st." Lin Feinian bent slightly and replied.

    Lin Feinian couldn't help muttering in his heart, he didn't understand why Yu Xiangyang only asked him a question.

    But after thinking about it, none of Zhong Jianye, Qi Jun, and Song Nanyi had full ties to the entertainment and business circles. It was normal for Yu Qing to know the three of them but not himself.

    Yu Qing took a deep breath secretly, knowing that her abnormality was too obvious, she sorted out her emotions a little bit.

    He took the task card in Song Nanyi's hand, and signed his name in two or three.

    Lin Feinian was standing closest to Yu Qing, watching Yu Qing finish writing his signature, his happy eyes rolled up.

    Mission accomplished! Five signatures, just right.

    Lin Feinian happily waited for Song Nanyi to take over the mission card of the last chapter, but the mission card with Yu Qing's signature appeared in front of his eyes.

    Yu Qing directly gave the task card to Lin Feinian, his eyes fixed on Lin Feinian's face for a moment.

    "Do you need a group photo?" Yu Qing asked.

    Lin Feinian nodded heavily without thinking.

    Opportunity to take photos with the top singers in the country! Only a fool would refuse!

    Before Lin Feinian could figure out how to shoot, Yu Qing had already turned around and stood beside Lin Feinian, and said to the shocked photographer, "Send me a copy after shooting.

    " The backup was sent to Yu Qing's mailbox according to what Yu Qing said.

    Before leaving, Yu Qing looked back at Lin Feinian for a long time.

    Lin Feinian:? ? ?

    After watching Yu Qing leave, Lin Feinian wanted to say that Yu Qing was a little strange, but he caught a glimpse of the cameraman following him from the corner of his eye, and quickly choked back the words that came to his lips.

    After collecting all the signatures of the five seniors, Lin Feinian solemnly handed them over to the on-site director.

    The on-site director happily applauded them: "Now you can have dinner."

    Lin Feinian was not in the mood, but considering that the other three were novices in the kitchen, he asked them if they would like to eat.

    Song Nan covered his stomach and shook his head desperately: "I can't, I'm too full, I don't want to eat for now."

    Qi Jun and Zhong Jianye didn't really want to eat dinner either.

    Now only the staff on the sidelines are left.

    Seeing him looking over, the on-site director waved his hand: "Don't worry about us, I've already ordered box lunches for them."

    Lin Feinian nodded to show that he knew.

    After completing the task, Lin Feinian didn't want to move anymore. After sitting on the sofa for a while, he went back to the room to pick up.

    Just as Lin Fei left, Qi Jun and Zhong Jianye also stood up and said, "I'll go and pick it up too."

    Song Nanyi stood at the vent of the air conditioner, blowing air-conditioning, and saw that the three of them had left the living room , and followed up as if to join in the fun: "Hey, wait for me!".

    Lin Feinian fell on the bed, and when he saw his master coming in, he also jumped onto the bed, lay down on Lin Feinian, and yelled sweetly: "Meow." Qi Jun and

    Zhong Jian Ye stepped forward one after the other. After entering Lin Feinian's room, the two sat down on the small sofa by the window.

    The last one to come in was Song Nanyi. As soon as he stepped into the room, he heard Qi Jun say, "Close the door."

    Song Nanyi closed the door with his backhand, and he knew that there was something to avoid the camera by looking at Qi Jun.

    "Yu Qing looks a little strange today." Qi Jun was afraid that Lin Feinian might misunderstand, so he added, "The kind of strangeness that is different from Mr. Huo." Yu Qing saw it too directly, and Lin Feinian also noticed it

    . .

    "He seems shocked, but I haven't seen him before." Lin Feinian hugged the cat and touched the cat's back repeatedly.

    Zhong Jianye looked at Lin Feinian's face and suddenly frowned.

    Song Nanyi: "It's so complicated. You are so good-looking every year, so you won't be attracted to it again."

    Qi Jun glanced at him indifferently: "If this word gets out, you don't need to be entertained. It's a mess."

    Yu Qing has countless fans, and the fans have a wide range of ages.

    It can be said that out of ten random people on the street, at least two of them can confidently say that they like Yu Qing's songs, and at least half of them have heard Yu Qing's songs.

    Song Nanyi covered his mouth: "Didn't you know he was in Niannian's room?"

    Zhong Jianye suddenly said, "I probably know why Yu Qing keeps looking at Niannian."

    Qi Jun tapped his finger on the table Knocked.

    Zhong Jianye said: "Niannian and Uncle Lin's eyes are a bit similar."

    Qi Jun frowned: "You mean Lin Jincheng?"

    Zhong Jianye: "Yes."

    His eyes are similar to Lin Jincheng?

    Lin Feinian raised his hand to touch his eyes.

    He was a little puzzled. When he read Lin Jincheng's information, he also saw Lin Jincheng's photo. How could his calm, calm and oppressive eyes resemble his own.

    Zhong Jianye explained: "I'm not talking about the present, but the photos of Uncle Lin when he was young. I saw them at my brother's. At that time...the Lin family hadn't experienced any changes.

    " The ups and downs are well known in the upper circles, he said: "So Yu Qing looked at Nian Nian in a daze, probably just nostalgic." After the

    problem was solved, Qi Jun rubbed his brows: "Probably."

    Lin Feinian let go Cat, sat up: "Probably just a misunderstanding, will the group show still be filmed at night?"

    Qi Jun: "Well, the highlight of the first round is our daily life."

    Song Nanyi stretched his waist : "As long as you don't enter my room to take pictures."

    Qi Jun came to Lin Feinian and petted the cat, and then said: "I sweated so much this afternoon, let's take a shower, and we will go to the company to practice dancing together later. Sister Mei said that she can properly disclose the other dances."

    "Okay." Lin Feinian never rejected the practice room, and he would agree to stay in the practice room if possible.

    The four of them dispersed, as if the small discussion just now had never happened at all.


    Qing drove the car from the passage of the underground garage to the villa where her sister lived and recuperated temporarily.

    After parking the car, Yu Qing couldn't wait to walk directly into the villa.

    Yu Han was reading a book in the corner of the living room. Seeing her younger brother coming to see her, a smile appeared on her face: "Why are you here? Didn't you say you weren't in Haishi recently?

    " Yu Qing sat down next to her sister.

    Lin Jincheng heard the voice downstairs, and came down from upstairs: "Xiaoqing."

    Yu Han and Yu Qing said a few words briefly.

    Yu Han: "Have dinner here? It just so happens that Azhou is also at home."

    In the past, Yu Qing would drive away after watching his sister. There is never a shortage of innings one after another.

    Yu Qing: "Okay."

    Yu Han was taken aback: "Really?"

    "Really." Yu Qing looked towards the kitchen, where Aunt Zhang, the nanny who had stayed in the Lin family for more than ten years, was cooking.

    "Sister, I want to eat fried pork ribs."

    Yu Han said, "Then I'll go to the kitchen and tell Sister Zhang that Azhou is upstairs, so if you feel bored, go and play with Azhou.

    " Yu Qingzao was familiar with the tone, and nodded to show that he understood.

    When Yu Han entered the kitchen, Yu Qing's complexion changed and he walked to Lin Jincheng's side, lowering his voice: "Go to the study, I have something to tell you." Lin Jincheng looked at his

    wife who was obviously dismissed, and led Yu Qing into the upstairs study.

    As soon as he came in, Yu Qing took out his mobile phone and clicked on the photo with Lin Feinian just now.

    "Look at this child."

    When Lin Jincheng saw the photo on Yu Qing's phone, his expression changed suddenly, and he grabbed the phone: "Who is this?"

    "A little star, I saw it when I entered the community. "Yu Qing said, "His surname is also Lin."

    Lin Jincheng's hand holding the mobile phone showed veins.

    Yu Qing continued: "When Niannian was stolen, did he wear a card with his nickname on him?" "

    Yes." Lin Jincheng's chest heaved greatly due to excitement, "Before Hanhan said It should be him."

    "My sister saw him?"

    "Only for a moment."

    Yu Qing passed the point of excitement, he was much calmer than Lin Jincheng.

    "Go and investigate this matter, don't tell sister yet." Yu Han's accidental premature birth had caused great harm to her body, and the disappearance of Nian Nian made Yu Han emotionally broken for a long time.

    These years, they never gave up looking for children, but repeated failures made Yu Han's not-so-good body sink even deeper.

    "Okay." Lin Jincheng understood this truth, and he was still holding Yu Qing's cell phone.

    Fingers fumbled across the screen for the smiling face in the photo, no matter how excited he was, he couldn't hide the panic behind the excitement.

    Lin Jincheng was also afraid, afraid that this time it would be another oolong.

    Yu Qing was afraid that Yu Han would find out, so she went to look for Huo Yanzhou after she walked out of the study.

    On the rooftop of the second floor, Yu Qing pushed open the door, holding the wine from the wine rack in her hand.

    There are some vines and flowers planted on the roof, which are still blooming brightly under the scorching sun.

    Yu Qing walked to Huo Yanzhou, put one hand on the glass fence at the edge of the roof, opened the wine bottle with one hand, and took a sip with her head raised.

    When Yu Qing appeared on the rooftop, Huo Yanzhou knew it.

    But he didn't take the initiative to make a sound, just looked in one direction quietly.

    It wasn't until he heard the sound of the wine bottle being opened that Huo Yanzhou turned his head to look at Yu Qing. Seeing him drinking wine, he frowned: "Aunt Yu knew she would say you." Yu Qing took a big

    gulp of himself, put down the bottle and said with a smile "Then if you don't tell her, she won't know."

    Huo Yanzhou stopped looking at him.

    Yu Qing found that Huo Yanzhou was looking in the same direction from the beginning to the end, and asked curiously: "What are you looking at? Do you have a sweetheart?"

    He said it casually, but unexpectedly heard Huo Yanzhou respond.


    "Huh?" Yu Qing said hello all over her head, she didn't even drink the wine, and followed Huo Yanzhou's line of sight to look, but it was in vain.

    "No one?"

    "Go back." Huo Yanzhou was indeed looking at Lin Feinian.

    The planning of the whole group show was done with him. Originally, Qin Linyang meant to allocate a moderate amount of funds, and then invite a working group with good capabilities from the company to shoot the group show.

    But when Qin Linyang's plan came to Huo Yanzhou, he directly added a zero to the budget, and replaced the director with someone who is capable of making variety shows in the industry.

    The capacity of the entire production team has directly doubled.

    "Tsk! You actually have someone you like." Yu Qing put Huo Yanzhou on the shoulder, "Can you tell me who it is?" "

    Aunt Yu knows."

    "My sister didn't tell me when she knew it." Yu Qingyi He patted the glass railing, "I'll ask her later."

    Huo Yanzhou didn't intend to hide it, but he knew Yu Qing's character too well.

    Lin Feinian's figure had long since disappeared around a corner, Huo Yanzhou turned and left the rooftop, and said something before leaving.

    "Don't make trouble with him, he's timid."

    Yu Qing was the only one left on the roof, holding the wine bottle, turned around and leaned against the railing, and chuckled softly: "It's so protective."

    Yu Qing still took Huo Yanzhou's words After listening to it, he didn't ask Yu Han about it.


    summer night was very dark, the four of them arrived at the company, and there was still the afterglow of the setting sun in the half of the sky outside the window.

    The four of them practiced the basic movements first. Lin Feinian saw the beautiful sunset outside the window when he was pressing his legs, and said: "When the fans see the group show, they have to wait another week for the editing, or we can start the live broadcast directly. .”

    Qi Jun thought about it, and felt that this proposal was good.

    "Okay, it's not bad to start a live chat."

    The four decided, and finally started the live broadcast with Qi Jun's mobile phone.

    They still used the st live broadcast account that the company applied for last time. After opening the live broadcast, they shared the live broadcast room on Weibo.

    It didn't take long for fans to click in one by one.

    Lin Feinian was still stretching his legs. Like Song Nanyi did before, he clicked on the live broadcast room with his mobile phone.

    [It's actually a live broadcast! ]

    [There is a cameraman, is this a show? 】

    Qi Jun nodded: "Take a group show, and you can watch it in a week."

    The barrage suddenly became excited.

    [Have the group shows started filming yet! so fast! ]

    [The progress is so fast, is this the progress of the resources keeping up, I'm so envious, my little messy group has not had a group show since its debut for three years] [The front is a bit yin and yang,

    your company can't keep up with it, Running to sour st have a good company? ]

    [With resources, you can't eat without working hard? Besides, st's strength is worthy of this resource. Besides "Singer's Spring", have they been on any other good programs so far? ]

    [Some time ago, st has been running commercial performances everywhere, and there are many direct shots on the spot. You can run these commercial performances, but you don’t want to go to these commercial performances if you think they are low? ]

    [Sisters, calm down, ignore these people who deliberately come to the fire, waste time and mood! ]

    [I want to see you dance hey girl! 】

    After Lin Feinian stretched his legs, he got up next to Qi Jun and found a place to sit cross-legged, just in time to see the barrage saying he wanted to see hey girl.

    Lin Feinian smiled and said, "Aren't you tired of watching it? Do you     want to watch something else


, why haven’t the dances of the other four songs been released yet?]

    [This can’t be watched, it should be kept secret by the company]

    Song Nan nodded: “Sister Mei has asked to keep it secret, but if you want to watch it, you can Let me show you a little sneakily.”

    The cameraman following: ? ? ?

    The barrage passed too quickly, Lin Feinian saw a barrage telling him to get closer, so he put his face in front of the phone curiously.

    "Why do you get closer?"

    [Ahhh, this angle! It is to tell you to get closer, not to make you face the camera! ]

    [Handsome guys and beautiful women don’t know how to find the best angle for themselves]

    [Maybe because they look good from every angle, so they don’t care at all (dog head)]

    [This angle seems to keep me in the corner every year (bhi )]

    [The angle of death is good-looking. It is worthy of being called the new generation of Wanyan group. I like Qi Jun's gentle scum face. I don't know what he looks like wearing glasses. I want to see him wearing glasses. 】

    Qi Jun held Lin Feinian by the collar of his shirt and pulled him back, away from the camera.

    Lin Feinian continued: "Hey girl should be tired of hearing it, why don't you watch the boy."

    The boy is the sister song of the title song hey girl in the debut album. The style is similar, and they are all mixed with hi-o .

    [Ah, I want to see it! can I see! ]

    [Didn't it be said that the agent banned it, you should take it easy]

    [Worry about being afraid, you won't be scolded by the agent every year, right?]

    [As long as Zhong Jianye doesn't speak, his expression is cool]

    He picked some questions and answered them Screen: "It will be fine, if you want to see it, I will show it to you."

    The bullet screen floated across a large area, wanting to see two words.

    The four of them found a place to support their phones, and Song Nan turned around to adjust the boy's music.

    The music plays, the four

    In the practice room, Lin Feinian and the others took the remaining blue-gray sky and orange-red afterglow as the background, stepped on the beat, danced powerfully and beautifully, and also got full marks for the expression management when they were on camera.

    A song lasted only four minutes, and the few people stuck at the end, and the stuck movements corresponding to hey girl caused continuous screaming in the live broadcast room.

    [Ah, ah, ah, so handsome, so handsome every year! ! ! ]

    [I'm really convinced! I don't want to get into it either, but they really shine when they dance! ]

    [Let's take a risk... You guys finished the whole dance]

    [You won't be scolded, shit, I'm starting to worry. 】

    "Dancing?" Lin Feinian was a little surprised, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and sat cross-legged in front of the camera of the live broadcast mobile phone again.

    Realizing his mistake, he quickly turned his head to look at Qi Jun: "Captain..."

    It's over, the dance is high, and only dance is left in his head when he dances.

    Qi Jun closed his mouth in a rare way, and he also forgot.

    The four of them treat the stage with the same seriousness, even in a small dance studio, as long as there is an audience, they will perform seriously.

    But Mei Liu, who dances to this song, doesn't plan to release it now.

    "I'll call Sister Mei." Qi Jun got up expressionlessly.

    [Hahahahahaha, I'm out of play]

    [I want to laugh while feeling distressed, but this dance is really handsome! ! ! It's so similar to hey girl's style, but it's another taste to dance out completely]

    [Good guy, I'm bored after eating and I want to find a live broadcast to watch, hasn't st only debuted for two months? How come there are already so many fans in the live broadcast room]

    [No, I was a passerby before I came in]

    [I became a fan after I came in? 】

    [Please, who can stand such an eye-catching dance, good-looking and powerful, is it my fault for being attracted to fans? It was obviously their fault! ! ! 】

    Lin Feinian couldn't help laughing when he saw this super long barrage.

    The lights in the dance practice room provided soft light overhead, and a beam of light fell into Lin Feinian's eyes.

    There is light in his eyes.

    Not long after Qi Jun ended the call, the sound of high heels appeared outside the door.

    The four of them stood up in unison and stood against the wall.

    Mei Liu walked in, pinching her waist angrily: "I just walked for a short while! Why did the whole dance of the song flow out!!!"

    Song Nanyi said haha: "This is an accident, Accidentally, we only wanted to dance a small part, to show the fans a little bit, and satisfy their curiosity by the way."

    Mei Liu's voice continued to rise: "Then accidentally finished dancing the whole part?"

    Song Nan Yi's innocent face: "Yes."

    Lin Feinian apologized decisively: "I'm sorry, Sister Mei, it's my fault."

    Mei Liu looked at Lin Feinian, who was the most worry-free and obedient in the whole team, and stroked her cheek angrily. Heart: "Don't talk to me for now, let me take it easy."

    Lin Feinian worriedly observed Mei Liu's situation.

    Mei Liu kept comforting herself with thoughts: "It's okay, it can still be saved. If the dance is spread, it will be an announcement."

    Qi Jun and Zhong Jianye stood silently at the far side.

    Song Nan hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, it's a preview." "

    !!!" Mei Liu angrily said, "You've seen someone who used the whole song as a preview!"

    Lin Feinian pulled Song Nan down. clothes, and whispered: "Shhh, let Sister Mei digest it.


    [How can it be so funny hahahahaha]

    [Sister Mei is in the mood of a standard working dog at this time, and she is especially like Party B who encountered a mentally retarded operation of Party A hahahaha] After

    comforting myself for about ten minutes, Mei Liu's mood finally calmed down Some.

    She wiped her face stupidly: "Forget it, just treat it as a warm-up, and don't spread the dance of the three songs, then I will hold a debut concert for you." 【

    ! ! ! Did I hear you right?]

    [Concert! ! ! when and when! I thought it would take half a year since debut to hold a concert! ]

    [Looking at the situation, the concert group should have been prepared a long time ago. There must be a lot of fans from other companies in the live broadcast room, and it is probably going to be sour now] [What is so sour, as if

    someone has never held a concert, Of course, it’s almost as long as it’s not your family, after all, Haohai Entertainment’s prince group] [

    Boy groups launched by capitalists are different, awesome]

    [Are you dogs? Capital, if you have the skills, don’t make money from fans]

    Seeing that the barrage was about to start, Lin Feinian and the others finally discussed with Mei Liu and returned to the live broadcast room interface.

    Seeing the quarrel in the barrage, Lin Feinian paused, obviously not understanding what just happened.

    It is common for fans in the entertainment industry to quarrel, but Lin Feinian still tried to comfort him.

    Seeing someone on the bullet screen saying that he signed the contract because of Haohai's resources, Lin Feinian was very puzzled.

    He said: "Okay, let's stop arguing, about resources... I signed the contract because of the resources promised by Haohai. If the arrangements for my future are too bad, why should I sign with this company?" Lin

    Fei People who don't understand this sentence in the past year, is he going to put aside a promising company and go to a company with no resources and no plans to help the poor?

    [Ignore them, you're out of your mind to ask such a question]


    This topic has been kept on Lin Feinian, which is not good for his future development.

    Qi Jun changed the subject aloud: "Okay, before you said you wanted to see hey girl, let's show you the dance." [

    Okay! ! ! ]


    After dancing two dances for the fans and singing a few more songs, the four of them chatted with the fans while doing basic skills training.

    "By the way! I haven't seen the sales of our digital album yet." Song Nan saw the bullet screen reminder and suddenly remembered their first digital album.

    "Let me see?" Lin Feinian cut out from the live broadcast room, "Total..."

    Seeing the numbers above, Lin Feinian narrowed his eyes, raised his phone to his eyes, and looked at the large string of numbers behind him A little dazed.

    "Ten million..."

    Lin Feinian:! ! !

    Lin Feinian shook his hand, raised his head in surprise, and met the gazes of the other three people asking for answers, his voice was a little puzzled: "Our company doesn't sell sales, does it?"

Chapter 29

    "What's wrong?" Three heads stretched out in front of Lin Feinian at the same time, looking at the sales results on the mobile phone.

    Then the four heads petrified together.

    【surprise! ! ! Surprise! ! ! ]

    [Your sales are exploding! ! ! ]

    Lin Feinian looked at the data, Shihua's face slowly became serious, he looked at the barrage very seriously: "You didn't buy it repeatedly, let's not buy digital albums repeatedly for the data, buy a copy of listening songs That's good, if we have money, we can save it and eat some delicious food."

    Qi Jun nodded: "Niannian is right."

    Zhong Jianye fell down, and the earring on his left ear flashed in the live broadcast room .

    "ST doesn't care about album data."     Song

    Nanyi pointed with his fingers: "Hot pot barbecue steak... There are so many delicious foods, don't give up these for false data."

I only bought one copy]

    [Okay, I'm guilty, I bought two copies, but I bought one with my sister's mobile phone! My sister said that the song is very nice, it's not a loss! ]

    [This is the first time I've heard that idols are so popular, st is really a breath of fresh air]

    After telling fans not to waste money buying albums repeatedly, Lin Feinian began to say hello and goodbye to everyone.

    "The live broadcast is coming to an end, the group show will be at 8:00 next Saturday night, and the fruit video will be here or there." Before the end, Lin Feinian also promoted a wave for the group show.

    [So reluctant]

    [It's almost over, and I'm going to go to study at night, college students are in pain, can you hear Nian Nian saying goodbye to our cuteness? ]

    [The front one is so cruel... Well, I also want to see Song Nanyi acting cute, is it okay, I am still working overtime, can I see Song Nanyi acting cute at such a painful moment

    ] Can we expect a Qi Jun? 】

    【Fuck, you guys are so ruthless, let's do this, since it's a group, we have to be neat, or come together! 】

    "Show cute?" Lin Feinian thought for a while, "How can you be called cute?"

    Zhong Jianye said uncertainly: "Thank you, we'll see you tomorrow. Does this count?"

    [Half of it]

    [Not counting not count! ]

    Song Nanyi: "You guys are good or bad, so you know how to bully others?"

    Zhong Jianye showed a disgusted expression, as if you and his uncle were talking about something.

    [I'm sorry, I threw up, I couldn't help it]

    [Don't speak, just make a move, I want to see the little rabbit move]

    "Little rabbit?" Lin Feinian raised his hands above his head, comparing two rabbit ears on top of his head , bent his fingers, "Is that so?

    " Others want too! ]

    "This is much simpler." Song Nanyi performed the same pose as Lin Feinian without any pressure, and also took the initiative to add a voice: "Little rabbit, I will say goodbye to you.

    " Yes, the little rabbit and the cuteness saw it together! ]

    [This is cute, what I said before really gave me goosebumps] After

    Lin Feinian finished his movements, he turned to look at Qi Jun and Zhong Jianye who were expressionless behind him.

    Zhong Jian Ye put on a sullen face, trying to escape.

    Qi Jun also slowly looked away.

    As long as I don't look at each other, I don't know what you're going to say.

    Lin Feinian grabbed the sleeves of the two of them and tugged: "Brother Zhong, captain."

    Song Nanyi smiled as he covered his belly without showing any face: "You guys have today too, hahaha, don't even think about running away, fans want to Look."

    In the end, the four of them stood in two rows, one behind the other, doing this childish action together.

    "Little rabbit, I'll say goodbye to you guys!"

    Each of the four voices had a different feeling when they said it.

    Lin Feinian's voice was cold. When he said this, he looked at the camera seriously. Although it lacked some soft taste, it still sounded good.

    Song Nan pinched his goosebumps and made a voice that made the barrage laugh non-stop.

    Zhong Jianye's voice was muffled, and his face was full of lovelessness, which was too different from the cool look in the previous shots, and made fans howl that he was unconventional and cute.

    As for Qi Jun...

    Lin Feinian wanted to laugh seeing Qi Jun's tense muscles, but fortunately he held back.

    After the live broadcast room was closed, Qi Jun returned to normal from the tense state.

    Song Nanyi's laughter penetrated the entire dance practice room.

    "Hahahahahahaha! I never expected to see the captain and Zhong Jianye acting cute together in my lifetime."

    Zhong Jianye closed his eyes and took a deep breath, endured it, but couldn't hold it back, hugged Song Nanyi and rolled on the ground, hitting him stand up.

    In the past, when Zhong Jianye and Song Nan had a big fight, Qi Jun would stop it.

    But today he didn't seem to see the fight between the two of them. He met the curious eyes of the staff outside and closed the door of the dance studio.

    Lin Feinian: ...

    I'm sorry, what should I do if he wanted to laugh too.

    However, Lin Feinian held back anyway.

    Zhong Jianye and Song Nanyi also quickly ended the war, ending with Zhong Jianye's victory.

    Song Nanyi was pressed to the ground by Zhong Jianye, pitifully like Lin Feinian asking for help: "Niannian, help me, Zhong Jianye is a reckless man, I can't beat him with such strength." Lin Feinian went away laughing

    . Pulling him up, Zhong Jianye didn't stop him, and when Lin Feinian came over, he let go of Song Nanyi's grip.

    The live broadcast is over, and the slapstick is over, and the next step is normal training.

    The four of them did not leave the company after the live broadcast ended, but repaired their emotions and started daily practice.


    The group show only took one day, and the next day, the four of them started their busy schedule again.

    In just two days, Lin Feinian took the time to look at Weibo during his break, and found that the square on the sales topic of ST's debut digital album was full of quarrels.

    There is a topic like this:

    ——This fan bought ten copies per capita, and the data they swiped out is still publicized. Really, they don’t want face?

    There is also this:

    ——Blow it with real data. Well, a boy group that debuted less than two months ago has sold so many debut albums. Who will believe it

    ? Lin Feinian only thought it was funny after reading it.

    Wang Ming came to bring him clothes, just happened to see Lin Feinian's mobile phone interface, thought he would be in a bad mood, so he persuaded him: "Don't look at these every year, many of them are fans of other idols of the same type, and they come to blackmail on purpose. Yours."

    Lin Feinian also knew: "I'm not angry, don't worry."

    "That's good." Wang Ming put his clothes aside and scratched his head, "Actually, not only Weibo, but also the eating melon forum. The high-rise is discussing this, but many passers-by are standing on our side."

    "Melon-eating forum?" Lin Feinian nodded, and this forum used to be visited occasionally, but it has been a long time since he was too busy recently.

    "Let me see."

    Lin Feinian said, holding a bath towel in one hand and wiping his dripping hair, with the other hand, he slid out of Weibo, found the melon-eating forum with one hand, clicked in and started eating melons.

    Although this melon is their own.

    This melon-eating forum is anonymous, so there is more maliciousness in it than Weibo, hiding in the default avatar and default nickname to speak, many people are unscrupulous and stinking here.

    Lin Feinian originally thought that it would take some time to find the post, but he didn't expect that their post would be hung on a tall building as soon as he entered.

    He clicked in, didn't read the content of the post first, but shared it in the group.

    Song Nanyi's message was sent out immediately.

    Song Nanyi: Ah, this post is still there. I saw it last night.

    Zhong Jianye: What did you say?     Qi

    Jun: Discussing whether the sales figures were faked by the company or fake purchases by fans     .     He clicked on the post and began to love reading it.     The post has more than a thousand floors, and it is all about the authenticity of the data.     There were not a few people who sprayed it, especially when the passers-by in the front row of the post hadn't appeared, there were several people with high-level voices, and they just mocked the new group for not being able to achieve this result.     But soon after someone eating melons entered the post, they posted the link of Lin Feinian's live broadcast a few days ago, mocking which one in the front row was black, and came to mock because they were envious of st's achievements and resources.     Post subject: Li Tao, is ST's sales really not mixed with water?     Main building: A new group that just debuted less than two months ago, how can it do this? This group has no bright spots at all     . If you want to save face and suffer, who will believe this sales?     4l: The country is really going to crack down on fake sales     6l: I suspect that there are many st professional fans in our forum, who specialize in criticizing and commenting     . It's so popular, I'm afraid I'm envious of ST's sales data, your brother definitely can't

    20l: ST has no highlights at all? You look at the faces of the four of them and try to say it again? Not to mention the strength, the appearance of the whole group is the bright spot, okay?

    34l: The dance is also very good, and there is a steady group of people on the whole open-mic scene. They appeared at the music festival a few days ago. They are so handsome and gentle to the audience. A fan threw the phone up, Zhong Jianye received the phone, took a group photo of the four of them for the fan and returned it back

    36l: I'm so envious! ! ! It would be great if my brother would take pictures with my mobile phone. Woohoo

    40l: I don’t know whose fans the ones in front are, but whoever has eyes...

    120l: I’m afraid it’s because you have a lot of tap water in your house, so you think other houses have tap water Well, during the st live broadcast a few days ago,

    I told fans very seriously not to buy more, just buy a copy of listening songs, thank you for sharing the link. Is the group really so good, is it worth being a fan?

    124l Reply: Worth it! All the staff graduated from professional universities, Zhong Jianye and Lin Feinian graduated from the Dance Academy of Peking University, Qi Jun graduated from a well-known foreign music academy, and Song Nanyi graduated from a certain 211 literature major.

    125l: Oh my god, that's awesome. The Peking University Dance Academy has a very high requirement for culture courses. It seems to be 211.

    132l: Zhong Jianye has a Haishi household registration blessing, but Lin Feinian came from a small place, he is really good, his pure culture class can report 985, and his dance score is also in the top ten in the province. When I checked it, I was shocked. I got

    234l: Thanks for the country’s rectification of the entertainment industry, Jiulouyu is really not so crazy after a lot less, but education like st is still rare. 236l:

    I’m Mu Qiang. Pay attention to

    438l: Are the four of them really the protagonists? They are good at studying, and they are also very good at singing and dancing. If you just pick one of them and put it in another group, you can take on every skill.

    668l: They are still working hard! The recent process of st posted by Haohai Entertainment has almost no free time. The four of them insist on taking time to practice dance every day, and only sleep for four or five hours a day.

    680l: So this sales, they are worth it, hard work + talent + appearance + IQ and EQ, they will stand at the top of domestic entertainment within a year if I give them a sip.


    There were a lot of picks and picks in the early stage of the post, but the eyes of passers-by are discerning. They may like to eat melons, but they are also very uncomfortable with this kind of non-existent smearing behavior.

    When Lin Feinian returned to the group after reading the post, the news in the group was already 99+.

    Most of them were written by Song Nanyi. Lin Feinian looked at the messages on the screen, smiled and shook his head.

    His finger pressed the exit button, intending to exit WeChat and change clothes.

    Just as the finger was about to press down, a message popped up at the top of the phone screen.

    Huo Yanzhou: Are you going back to Xiziwan tonight?

    The message hovered on the top of the phone for about three or four seconds before it was withdrawn.

    But Lin Feinian's heart was frightened by this message.

    Although he thinks that Huo Yanzhou is not the kind of person who forces others, but seeing this news at first glance, no matter how you look at it, it will make you think wrong!

Chapter 30

    Lin Feinian was going back to Xiziwan, but when Huo Yanzhou asked, he didn't know how to answer.

    Said he would go back? I still don't know what is the meaning of Huo Yanzhou's sending this message. If the meaning is not good, I said that I will go back.

    But if you can't go back, you can only sleep outside tonight.

    I still want to go back and hug the cat. Lin Feinian has been busy with various announcements recently, so he doesn't have much time to pet the cat.

    The message had to be answered, Lin Feinian took a deep breath, put his fingers on the keyboard and started typing.

    Lin Feinian: If there is no sudden increase in the itinerary, I may go back to the top office of the high-end office building in Xiziwan

    . Huo Yanzhou still has a thick file at hand.

    He held his mobile phone in one hand to reply to the message. If an assistant came in to deliver the documents, he would definitely find that the new president called Cold Chain Hades had a gentle expression on his face, as if he was dreaming.

    Huo Yanzhou: I recently lived in Xiziwan, and the elders at home are not here. If you go back, can I trouble you to walk the dog?

    Lin Feinian just read this message, and the next second, a huge black and white photo of Alaska appeared on in front of you.

    The huge furry is countless times bigger than the pick.

    Lin Feinian:! ! !

    He quickly replied: Of course! Do you need to change the water and add food to him, will he be afraid of me, is there any precautions?

    The attitude of being estranged and polite one minute ago has completely changed 180 degrees now.

    Realizing that he was not as popular as a dog, Huo Yanzhou held his ear with one hand, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he was not too sad or angry.

    Huo Yanzhou: Just take him for a walk around the community. Next to the community there is a special park for pets to walk. There are special people responsible for cleaning. Lin

    Feinian: Okay, yes, what is the dog's name?

    Huo Yanzhou: I miss it, tell him to think about it and miss


    Lin Feinian suddenly thought, by choosing this name, is he missing someone?

    Moreover, why is the nickname called Xiangxiang instead of Niannian, obviously Niannian is more fluent.

    Lin Feinian had many doubts, but he didn't ask directly.

    After all, it was someone else's business, and he and Huo Yanzhou were not familiar with each other, so it would be impolite to ask.

    When going back, Lin Feinian's strange mood was captured by the other three in the team.

    Qi Jun: "Why are you so excited, do you really want to pick it up?"

    Lin Feinian was holding his mobile phone to spend time watching small videos, and happened to be watching a commercial performance stage video shot from the perspective of a passerby, and he liked it by the way.

    Hearing what Qi Jun asked him, Lin Feinian remembered that he forgot to mention the changing room.

    "I just chatted with Mr. Huo for a while." Lin Feinian temporarily turned off the small video.

    Qi Jun stopped what he was doing: "Mr. Huo?"

    Lin Feinian: "Yes, he asked me if I would go back to Xiziwan tonight, and if I need help with something."

    Song Nanyi said anxiously: "It's not because he wants to help Take care of the elders at home or the cats and dogs."

    Lin Feinian, who just wanted to say that Huo Yanzhou asked him to help walk the dog:? ? ?

    He looked at Song Nanyi with puzzlement in his eyes: "How do you know?"

    "Everyone who chases someone likes to make these excuses." Song Nanyi asked urgently, "So he really said that?"

    Lin Feinian restored Huo Yanzhou's original words: "He said he couldn't go back tonight due to urgent matters, and the elders are not at home, so let me help walk the dog."

    Zhong Jianye snorted: "You can believe it, the property fee in Xiziwan villa area is one year . Hundreds of thousands, let alone walking the dog, you can treat the dog as an ancestor."

    Lin Feinian:?

    "So, he's lying to me?" Lin Feinian's eyes widened, a little at a loss.

    Qi Jun patted Lin Feinian's shoulder and didn't say anything, but the look that he couldn't bear to look at had already explained everything.

    Lin Feinian: qaq

    Song Nanyi shook his head: "Niannian, please read the target manual more quickly. These are all means to be ranked first."

    Lin Feinian felt that he was out of touch with the world. I didn't know there was such a manual.

    If you like someone, just say it outright! How could he still make these small moves in a subtle way!

    Lin Feinian: "Then what should I do... Shall I refuse with Mr. Huo?"

    Not so good...

    Song Nan thought for a while, clapped his hands, and said, "He might come back in the middle of your dog walk, and then say The matter is settled and I came back earlier than expected, and I can take the dog for a walk with you afterwards."

    Lin Feinian didn't understand at all, and listened to Song Nanyi's words very trustingly, and nodded from time to time: "Then I What should I do? Isn’t it a little difficult to solve.”

    Song Nanyi said: “It’s easy, I’ll just go for a walk with the dog with you, and I’ll be by your side as a light bulb, the kind of walking with a dog under the moon The romantic and ambiguous atmosphere of walking is gone."

    But Lin Feinian had some question marks.

    Is it really romantic to walk side by side with a dog under the moon?

    The weather is a bit muggy even at night. Not to mention the small flying insects that can't stop killing the grass on the roadside like to buzz and bite the exposed legs and arms.

    But Song Nanyi's confident expression convinced Lin Feinian.

    Zhong Jianye also said, "I'm going too, that Alaska is a bit fierce, I'll help you lead it together."

    Zhong Jianye's words drew Lin Feinian's attention away.

    He was a little curious: "Do you know that dog? Mr. Huo said he is called Miss. Are you missing someone from the past?" "Yes

    , Aunt Yu's circle of friends often posts pictures of dogs." Zhong Jianye said, "Dog It’s not Mr. Huo’s, it’s raised by Uncle Lin and Aunt Yu.”

    “Is it Lin Jincheng’s wife, Yu Han?”

    “It’s her, and it’s called missing because...the only child of Uncle Lin and Aunt Yu was accidentally stolen. I lost it, and the child’s nickname is Nian Nian.”

    It turned out to be like this, so the dog was named Nian Nian because Lin Jincheng and Yu Han were expressing that they had always missed that child.

    Lin Feinian finally understood.

    "Then let's take care of the dog. They must be very sad after losing their children. The dog should be a new psychological sustenance." After arriving in Xiziwan,

    Lin Feinian went to the villa in the innermost part of the villa area according to the address given by Huo Yanzhou. Place found Villa 66.

    The garden of the villa is planted with a large area of ​​seasonal flowers and green plants, and the entrance is paved with cobblestones. It looks no different from other nearby villas. It is completely unexpected that this house lives in the head of the Lin Group, one of the top commercial companies in Huaguo. .

    Song Nanyi and Zhong Jianye accompanied him. When he opened the door, Song Nanyi worried that Huo Yanzhou would come back at this time and block Lin Feinian in the villa, so he took the initiative to say that he would wait for them outside.

    "If Huo Yanzhou comes over! I'll inform you immediately."

    Lin Feinian frowned, and then quickly let go: "Mr. Huo shouldn't be like this... Maybe he really had no choice but to find me. "

    Song Nanyi shook his index finger: "nonono, men like to use such small tricks when chasing people, trust me, you can't go wrong.

    " I'm coming back."

    Huo Yanzhou gave the access code, and after entering the code, Lin Feinian entered the villa and saw Alaska in the photo.

    Alaska is a large dog. Although the size of the dog can be felt from the photos, Lin Feinian was still a little surprised when Lin Feinian actually walked up to the dog.

    Seeing outsiders approaching, Alaska has been watching them vigilantly, the tail that was wagging happily stopped, and the front feet pressed hard on the ground, and the body crawled forward slightly.

    Lin Feinian tried to comfort it: "Think about it and don't be afraid, we are here to take you for a walk."

    The muscles on Zhong Jianye's arms also tensed up, and his eyes were tightly fixed on the waist-high Alaska to prevent it from falling. Attack Lin Feinian.

    A low growl was already rolling in Alaska's throat.

    "Woof!" The low-pitched barking unique to large dogs sounded in the house.

    Lin Feinian remembered what Huo Yanzhou had said to him.

    ——Seeing strangers miss you will look fierce, but it’s all pretending. It’s very timid. If you touch its head, it will become good and run with you.

    Lin Feinian wanted to go up to touch it, but Zhong Jian Yela stopped.

    "It's okay." Lin Feinian didn't give up because of Zhong Jianye's stop.

    He took two steps in front of Alaska, seeing the dog's teeth bared more and more fiercely, and his eyes also became fierce, Lin Feinian was not afraid.

    For some reason, Lin Feinian believed in what Huo Yanzhou said. Obviously he and Huo Yanzhou didn't have a deep relationship, but he subconsciously trusted Huo Yanzhou.

    Lin Feinian raised his hand and touched the back of the dog's head regardless of the aggressive state of the dog that would bite his palm at any time.

    Good, very comfortable.

    Alaskans are long-haired dogs with large heads that are more comfortable to touch.

    It's a completely different technique from the cat's head!

    Lin Feinian felt a little flustered, and completely forgot to pay attention to the dog's state. When he came back to his senses, he found that the original fierce dog had changed a long time ago, sticking out his tongue and closing his eyes, not too obvious about enjoying it.

    What Huo Yanzhou said is true.

    Lin Feinian's heart relaxed, and he quietly increased his affection for Huo Yanzhou.

    Now Huo Yanzhou has 11 points in his heart, and 10 points are the filter points that saved him when he was young.

    Happy things cannot be enjoyed alone, Lin Feinian beckoned Zhong Jianye to share together: "Come on, the feel of a dog is completely different from picking it up, it's so comfortable." Zhong Jianye was silent for a second, and Lin

    Feinian Nian's words moved her heart, and she raised her hand to touch it.

    Gan! Really cool!

    A dog's broad head is simply uncomfortable to the touch.

    Touching it, Lin Feinian found that the dog was completely lying on the ground, but its head was still held high, and it was written all over its body that I am very satisfied, please continue to touch it.

    Lin Feinian really wanted to keep touching like this, but this was someone else's home, and the things he promised Huo Yanzhou hadn't been finished yet.

    "Look and think about it, I'll go find the leash." Lin Feinian said, walking towards the entrance, and found the black and red leash at the place Huo Yanzhou said.

    Seeing the leash, the dog became even more excited. Regardless of Zhong Jianye who was still touching its forehead, he raised his foot and ran to Lin Feinian, stood up and threw himself on Lin Feinian's shoulder.

    Lin Feinian didn't pay attention, and was thrown into his arms by a big dog weighing nearly one hundred catties.

    If he hadn't practiced dancing well enough, he would have been crushed against the door by Gouzi.

    Zhong Jianye hurried over to help him pull the dog away, but the dog was still excited to rub against Lin Feinian, and kept barking non-stop.

    "Hey, let's put on the leash first, shall we?" Lin Feinian touched the dog's head and helped him put on the leash, fearing that the dog would not cooperate, and talked to him gently.

    After putting on the leash, Lin Feinian and Zhong Jianye led the dog out of the villa. Song Nanyi didn't come back to Huo Yanzhou, but he still said with certainty: "It's not now, it will be halfway through the walk. Trust me, I will definitely come back .”

    Zhong Jian Ye gave him a white look: "You have been single for more than 20 years, are the bibles you talk about really useful?" "..."

    Song Nan stared at him dissatisfied, "Why do you still discriminate against people! I don't talk about it because I don't want to!"

    Lin Feinian led the dog to the pet park alone, hearing the quarrel between Zhong Jianye and Song Nanyi.

    Shaking his head and smiling, he lowered his head and petted the dog. Looking at the dog's cute appearance, he suddenly wondered whether Lin Jincheng and Yu Han would miss the lost child more every time they saw the dog.

    In this case, is keeping a dog really a psychological comfort for them?

    Lin Jincheng and Yu Han undoubtedly loved their only child very much. Lin Feinian felt sad for the couple's loss of their child, but at the same time couldn't help but wonder, would his parents think of him the same way.

    Or will he give birth to a younger brother or sister after losing him for a few years, and give them a name that misses him.

    Like miss it.

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