[BL](MTL) The wealthy young m...

By Darkknight123457

42.2K 707 85

https://m.shubaow.net/267/267080/ Author: Langkong Yise Category: BL doujin Release time: 2022-11-11 Latest:... More



4.4K 91 15
By Darkknight123457

Chapter 11

    Lin Feinian's heart skipped a beat.

    Even Mei Liu frowned, as if you were talking about something.

    Qi Jun directly took out his mobile phone to look at the trending search, and the others were reminded by this action, and they all opened Weibo as if they woke up.

    The car was driving quietly towards the city center, and there was silence in the car.

    After seeing the hot search content, Lin Feinian had only one thought in mind.

    That's okay too?

    He looked at the hot search in surprise. The hot search on Weibo is a big fan of Che Yanyue, but he is also a very famous blogger who sucks makeup.

    This blogger is quite famous on Weibo, she is a little rich woman, and she has several fans of her idols, but she said that Che Yanyue is her favorite.

    This time Che Yanyue appeared in Shanghai, and the blogger, as a big fan, naturally went to pick up the plane. Unexpectedly, he ran into the st group of four who were just about to take the plane to Beijing.

    She, who loves to look good, was immediately attracted by the outstanding looks of these four people, and the camera that was originally aimed at Che Yanyue also involuntarily turned to the four of them.

    Because she often posts handsome photos of Internet celebrities from various countries, she has also attracted a lot of fans on Weibo. This is not the first time Lin Feinian has seen her on the trending search.

    But I didn't expect that I would appear in her camera this time.

    I have to say that this blogger’s photography skills are pretty good. There is a skylight at the top of the airport for lighting, so the interior of the airport is very bright. Lin Feinian is a standard cool white skin, which is particularly prominent under the lens.

    The most amazing picture is the four of them standing together to make way. Lin Feinian was framed by Zhong Jianye's shoulders. He turned his head to look at Zhong Jianye, and was captured at that moment.

    Lin Feinian heard Wang Ming lamented that the comment area was simply a big chicken crowing scene.

    [So handsome! Hao Hai's vision for artists is amazing! 】

    【Is this going to Beijing to participate in some program? want to squat]

    [I wipe, the snapshots are so good-looking, this can be called Wanyan group, Qi Jun and Lin Feinian's faces poke me the most, I like cleaner boys] [This is a moth compared to the one a few days

    ago The contestants in the draft are not much more handsome. Sure enough, high-quality stars still have to look at Hao Hai. Those who want acting skills have been the best actresses and actresses, and they have produced several popular actors who want traffic. ! To be funny, there are variety stars like Shi Tianyou, who are simply the ceiling of the entertainment companies in the circle]

    [Because Haohai is backed by Lin, the businesses of Lin's group are basically one-on-one, and his real estate is the most reassuring to buy ... This is a private enterprise that has been named and praised by the government! ]

    [I forgot to say that the Lin family donates a lot of money

    for every major event in the country, and he is especially

    willing to do charity. What? What did I miss, what does the stolen child mean? ] [You can find out after a search, but it's best not to ask. There seems to be a department     in

    the Lin Group that is dedicated to this topic.

, Children are really desperate if they are stolen, and the death of a human trafficker is not a pity! ! ! 】


    After reading the directions on the hot search, Mei Liu was surprised, but also a little happy.

    "You guys have a good start. Two waves of trending searches in succession have brought you a lot of popularity." She spoke at a leisurely pace, "Next, it depends on whether you can stabilize this wave of popularity and go up by yourself. I'm crawling."

    Qi Jun let go of the hand holding the phone, squeezed it twice with his slender and strong fingers, and raised the corner of his mouth: "Of course."

    Song Nanyi and Zhong Jianye looked at each other and said in unison: "We can !"

    Even Lin Feinian, who is relatively introverted, frowned: "No, we can succeed."

    The confidence of the four of them infected Mei Liu and the two assistants, and the car was filled with their cheers.

    The car was parked in the hotel. Lin Feinian and the others had just debuted. This music variety show was acquired by the company's ability. The program team did not expect too much from st, a boy group with little traffic for the time being.

    Therefore, the program team didn't book any good hotels for them.

    Mei Liu was well aware of these things in this circle, and only her ability to absorb money was high enough to be respected, and she was not angry at the way the program crew was fooling her, so she just waved her hand and went to the hotel front desk to rebook a few rooms.

    "Take a rest first, rehearsal in three hours."


    Lin Feinian slept for a long time on the plane, and he chose to go downstairs when he was not too sleepy, and went to a nearby dance studio to rent a room to practice dancing.

    After practicing for more than half an hour, he suddenly received a WeChat bombardment from Song Nanyi.

    Song Nanyi: Niannian, I can’t sleep, are you asleep

    Song Nanyi: Although it’s just a rehearsal, if we don’t perform well, there will definitely be staff members who will go out and write small essays to satirize us

    Song Nanyi : Thinking about this, I’m already so angry that I can’t fall asleep, ahhh, I think about it and practice.

    Lin Feinian received a WeChat message, stopped his movements, half an hour of dancing, for him with strong basic skills, the atmosphere is not breathless of.

    He replied to Song Nan very calmly.

    Lin Feinian: I rented a dance practice room at the dance studio opposite Forest Dance, do you want to come?

    Song Nan replied quickly, almost the next second after Lin Feinian sent the message, the emoticon package was pasted in front of Lin Feinian's eyes.

    Song Nanyi:! ! ! !

    Song Nanyi: (wound to death jg)

    Song Nanyi: Wait for me! Ten minutes to arrive!

    As soon as Song Nan said ten minutes, it was ten minutes. Ten minutes later, the door of the dance practice room was pushed open from the outside, and Song Nan walked in.

    Behind him, Qi Jun and Zhong Jianye also followed behind in silence wearing masks.

    Seeing Qi Jun and Zhong Jianye, Lin Feinian was not surprised, and smiled and handed them the mineral water he bought: "Drink?"

    Song Nanyi took it, unscrewed it, took a big gulp, and finished drinking He also muttered: "The weather is really tormenting. The temperature in Beijing in the north is even higher than that in Haishi in the south. I almost got heated just across the road." "Don't waste time." Qi

    Jun Looking down, he commanded the station in the small dance practice room, "Let's start." In the

    small dance practice room, four people can barely stand to practice walking.

    This stay is two hours.

    When the time agreed with Mei Liu was approaching, the four of them put on masks and left, because the dance practice room was rented by Lin Fei yearly, and it was also his information, so Lin Feinian asked them to go out to find Mei Liu first, while he himself Go to checkout.

    But when he took the mobile phone to pay, he found that the mobile phone had long been out of power and turned off automatically.

    Lin Feinian: ...

    He silently turned his head and looked at the gate that had long been empty.

    At this time, Qi Jun should have gone out to prepare to cross the road.

    Lin Feinian sighed, and when he was about to ask the sister who collected the money if she had a power bank, the sister saw Lin Feinian's predicament and promptly reminded: "We can pay by scanning your face here." Lin Feinian's eyes lit

    up , took off the mask and pointed it at the face-scanning payment machine, and after entering the tail number, the payment was successful with a click.


    Lin Feinian put on his mask, said thank you in a low voice, turned around and trotted away from the dance studio.

    The elder sister who was left alone to collect the money stared at Lin Feinian's back as he left in a hurry.

    Taking out the phone and facing the back is a burst of crazy shots.

    Then log on to Weibo, find the st Chaohua that was just created a few days ago, and send it on the Weibo account that has already surpassed the third|level of Chaohua.

    ST's first small fans: Ahhh! ! ! I saw four people from ST in Beijing!

Chapter 12

    This Chaohua post has been posted endlessly, and the few thousand people in Chaohua are all live accounts. After seeing this post, they all came to ask her what she meant.

    [I know st is going to Beijing to participate in a music show, but I probably won't go out to play at this time]

    The first batch of small fans of st replied: [I didn't go out to play! It's time to rent a room to practice at the dance studio! ]

    [Wow, are all four of them handsome! ]

    The first batch of small fans of st replied: [I don’t know, they are handsome in terms of body shape and eyebrows, but they all wear masks. A baby's skin that can't even see a pore]

    [Is there a photo? Do you have a photo! ]

    The first batch of small fans of st replied: [No! I saw Niannian's by accident. He came out to pay, but his phone ran out of battery. Niannian acted very embarrassed at that time, so cute. Then I reminded the store that you can pay by scanning your face. When he pulled off the mask to pay I just saw it]

    [ wow! It sounds like he is very introverted, can he really be a star? ]

    The first batch of small fans of st replied: [You are so handsome when you dance! I saw a figure by the window when I passed by, just watch tomorrow's live broadcast, everyone! ]

    [Sisters put me on the top, some sisters may be chasing stars for the first time, st is still a little confused group, this matter can't be revealed, otherwise the marketing account will take screenshots and say that we are crazy about marketing] The first batch of

    st The little fan replied: [That's right! Like it for you! 】

    The topic is almost over here, there are not many people in Chaochao, everyone is enjoying themselves in a lively enclosure, clamoring to be the first batch of fans, and they will become old fans if they talk about it in the future.

    On the other side, Lin Feinian had also arrived at the program recording location.

    The name of this music program is "Singer's Spring". The name sounds quite earthy, but it is a very popular live broadcast nowadays. Every Saturday night, many viewers will watch the live broadcast accompanied by dinner.

    The stage of the show cost a lot of money, and there are tens of thousands of spectator seats below, so what you want is a sense of reality without editing.

    But now it's just rehearsal time, the staff are busy running around the venue, explaining the positioning and adjustment details to each guest.

    When Lin Feinian and the others passed by, only one staff member came over to tell them to wait, and none of the others, let alone take them to the lounge.

    Qi Jun is well versed in the rules of the entertainment circle that look down on worthless starlets, so he led Lin Feinian and the others to the tens of thousands of auditoriums below the stage, and sat down at a random place.

    Song Nan crossed his legs and licked the sunflower seeds he picked up from Wang Ming on the road, while introducing the lights of the rehearsal on the stage.

    "The lighting of this show is amazing. Well-known lighting artists are very popular in the circle, but unfortunately there are too few of them. It is said that this one was invited by the director." Zhong Jianye was wearing a

    cool hi-o costume, The earrings on the ears were replaced with the same black color as the clothes.

    Once in public, he began to look cool in a baseball cap and rarely spoke.

    Song Nanyi held the sunflower seeds in front of Lin Feinian: "Do you want to eat them? The original taste is very fragrant."

    Lin Feinian shook his head, his eyes were fixed on the stage in front of him, and he calculated the position of the dance later.

    He wasn't very nervous, this might be the first stage for the other three, but his first stage had long been dedicated to that shit|shit talent show.

    Thinking of that shit|shit draft, Lin Feinian straightened up suddenly.

    "Where's Sister Mei?" Lin Feinian looked around, but he didn't see Mei Liu and Wang Ming, only Li Yun followed them.

    "We're negotiating with the on-site director. We don't have much right to speak, but Sister Mei's words are much more useful." Song Nan cracked a handful of sunflower seeds while speaking in a cohesive manner.

    Lin Feinian subconsciously looked at Qi Jun.

    Qi Jun rubbed his hair: "It should be a problem with the sound source on site, Sister Mei will take care of it." He

    was rubbed again.

    Lin Feinian lowered his head and touched his head.

    Is it so easy to touch?

    Whether it is good to touch Lin Feinian is unknown, but both Qi Jun and Zhong Jianye like to take advantage of their height and touch Lin Feinian's head whenever they have the opportunity.

    Qi Jun's technique is a bit reserved, but Zhong Jianye doesn't hold back his movements at all, and can often rub Lin Feinian into a daze.

    Soon, Lin Feinian saw Mei Liu come out from a dark place and called them to the front of the stage.

    "The next account will be you guys. This is ST's first stage to face the audience and fans."

    Lin Feinian's brows turned into the moon: "Don't worry, sister, we will prove ourselves."

    Lin Feinian had just finished speaking, not far away There was a bright mocking sneer.

    After laughing out loud, the person who made the sound seemed to realize that his voice was loud, moved his figure, and ran to the crowd of staff with his back to them.

    Lin Feinian accepted the situation well, and shrugged helplessly towards the other three.

    As soon as Song Nan put his weight on Lin Feinian's shoulders, he still spoke casually: "Oh, I was ridiculed. I can only prove myself." Mei Liu has long been familiar with Song

    Nan One character, gave him a look to signal to keep quiet.


    Lin Feinian took the headset handed over by the staff, followed the prompts of the on-site director in the headset, and walked onto the stage according to the program group's plan.

    The stage was very high, and the stage lights were all turned off after they came up and stood still.

    It was dark on stage, and even darker off stage.

    Lin Feinian stood in the darkness, but his eyes were shining brightly staring at the empty auditorium below.


    A beam of light lit up on the top of the stage, covering all four of them in the beam.

    The prelude to the memorized music followed by the lights.

    When the first beat of the intro comes, all four move.

    All the blue spotlights around the stage were turned on, changing with the rhythm of the dance of the four.

    The moment the music started, Lin Feinian was immersed in the dance.

    His university dance teacher once commented that Lin Feinian is very suitable to stand on the stage, because when he dances, his whole body is shining.

    At that moment, his introverted personality no longer affected his performance, and his body moved with the rhythm of the music.

    The powerful yet beautiful movements were constantly changing, and none of the positions were left behind. When the music started, Lin Feinian even sang the high-pitched part together with Zhong Jianye.

    No breath at all.

    At the end of a song, the four people clicked and clicked just in time for the last note to fall. The spotlights that were originally scattered gathered together again, enveloping the four of them.

    Many staff members below were stunned.

    Several of the girls blushed with excitement, looking at the four of them on the stage with excitement.

    Obviously they didn't wear uniform stage costumes, but when they stood on the stage, all four of them were shining!

    A girl took out her mobile phone and posted a Weibo full of screaming words on her Weibo account.

    ——Ahhhhhhhhh, st is too strong! Looks handsome and dances even more handsome! Help me directly into fans!

    It wasn't until several seconds after the music ended that Lin Feinian heard the director's voice coming from the headset again.

    "Okay, okay, you can come down now, and the staff will take the headset."

    Some staff surrounded him, and Lin Feinian cooperated to take off the headset.

    Just as the headset was about to be taken off, Lin Feinian heard the national quintessence of a live director in the headset.

    "I, is this the hi-o that young people say, it seems really handsome."

Chapter 13

    When Lin Feinian heard the quintessence of the country, he subconsciously looked at the other people, and when Song Nanyi curled his lips, he knew he had heard it too.

    The headset was taken off and handed over, and Lin Feinian's shoulder was hooked by another arm.

    Song Nanyi buried his face on him, his shoulders shaking as he laughed.

    "It seems that our hard work has achieved good results."

    Lin Feinian thought it was too hot. Although the air conditioner was turned on on the stage, only part of the rehearsal was on, and the stage and audience seats are too big together. It doesn't work either.

    He pushed Song Nanyi away and touched his sticky and sweaty neck.

    The sweat on the other three people's body was not much less than his. It was impossible not to sweat after dancing at such a fast pace.

    Wang Ming and Li Yun came over in time and handed them wet towels to wipe off their sweat.

    "It's over, sister Mei."

    Teacher Li Yun relayed Mei Liu's words: "Sister Mei asked us to wait in the car. She and the director have something to discuss."

    Qi Jun said: "It is estimated that there are some things that have not been discussed."

    Several people walked outside, talking from time to time.

    The driver didn't leave the car, and the air conditioner in the car was always on. As soon as they got into the car, the clothes were filled with air-conditioning.

    Wang Ming carefully shielded them from the direct cold wind. After getting along with each other for the past few days, Lin Feinian found that the personalities of these two assistants were very different, but at the same time they were quite complementary.

    Wang Ming is a man of great gourmet food. He is not tall but very careful. He can always notice many points that Li Yun can't.

    And Li Yun is much taller and has also learned martial arts. One is to protect them under special circumstances, and the other is to help Wang Ming lift some heavy objects.

    Although Lin Feinian feels that although they maintain their body shape for the sake of being on camera, it does not mean that they are too weak to lift things.

    A few people in the car guessed what the director said, and Mei Liu kept negotiating with him.

    After about twenty minutes, Mei Liu got into the car with a dark face.

    As soon as he got in the car, Mei Liu said to the driver: "Drive back to the hotel."

    Qi Jun will not keep silent on this kind of team business.

    He was the first to ask, "Sister Mei, did the director make any request?"

    Mei Liu twitched the corners of her lips. She was wearing bright red lipstick today, and her sense of irony was stronger when she did this gesture.

    Mei Liu said with a dark face, "He said that you had no stage experience before, and he was afraid that you would not approve of your stage fright."

    Lin Feinian said, "He asked us to half turn on the mic?"

    In the previous talent show, Lin Feinian Almost all of them are sung half-open.

    But it's not because he can't sing, it's because other contestants are holding back, even when the microphone is half turned on, the treble can't go up and the bass can't go down.

    Even if the mic was half turned on, those performances were specially tuned by a tuner before they started broadcasting. Lin Feinian originally sang well, but was messed up by the tuner.

    Lin Feinian was secretly angry. It was difficult for him to accept such a large stage with the microphone turned on halfway.

    "No." Mei Liu's face darkened even more, "He asked you not to turn on the microphone."

    Song Nanyi blurted out, "Isn't that lip-syncing?"

    Zhong Jianye's face also darkened.

    He is the lead singer in the team, and the program group asked them not to turn on the mic, almost stepping on Zhong Jianye's face.

    He raised his mobile phone: "Who is this director? I want my brother to buy his show."

    Lin Feinian: ...

    He took Zhong Jianye's mobile phone: "Calm down."

    Zhong Jianye growled: " He is looking down on me!!!"

    The most difficult part of this song is only two places, one is the part sung by Zhong Jianye solo, and the other part is the high-pitched part sung by Lin Feinian and Zhong Jianye at the end.

    Mei Liu's next sentence made Zhong Jianye calm down.

    "I only give them the full-mic sound source."

    As the captain, Qi Jun thought a little more than Zhong Jianye and Song Nanyi.

    ""Singer's Spring" used to discuss the topic of the contestant's lip-syncing when it was not popular, but later someone in the program team released a live video, which confirmed that the contestant's lip-syncing was slandered, and the show also gained traffic because of it. We have come so far."

    "Not bad." Mei Liu gave Qi Jun an approving look.

    After listening to Qi Jun's words, Lin Feinian was thoughtful.

    "Is this the director's self-proclaimed topic?"

    "The first marketing account to talk about lip-syncing belongs to his company." Mei Liu sneered, "Now that the program traffic has started to decline, it seems that he wants to repeat the previous operation."

    But Lin Feinian and his new group have just debuted, if this black material gets caught up in time, and it is clarified in time, this topic will always be with them.

    "At that time, please pay attention to the scene." Mei Liu finally instructed.

    The car returned to the hotel, and the four of them got out of the car and went to have dinner together.

    After dinner, Lin Feinian couldn't sit still and went to the dance studio opposite, and rented the room for the afternoon to continue dancing.

    Soon Song Nanyi and the three of them also came, and the four of them practiced until nine o'clock in the evening. They were afraid that they would disturb others if they were too late, so they planned to stop and go back to rest.

    While paying, Lin Feinian was suddenly stopped by the girl.

    The girl carefully asked him for his autograph, Lin Feinian was stunned for a second, as if he didn't expect to be recognized.

    The girl explained: "I often voted for you during the talent show. You were so good-looking at the time. I liked the performance with your smoky purple hair the most. But the show crew didn't show you and didn't show you. Now it's all right. , It seems that you are doing very well in the new company."

    Lin Feinian took a pen and signed her autograph with a smile, and called Qi Jun and the others to sign it together.

    When returning the pen, Lin Feinian whispered and solemnly said to the girl, thank you for liking her.

    With a subtle good mood, Lin Feinian went back to take a shower and lay down to sleep.

    The next morning, the four of them arrived at the backcourt lounge early to put on makeup after breakfast.

    They were the fifth in line to appear on the stage, and there was not much time left for them to put on makeup. Fortunately, Mei Liu had known about the pissing nature of the show crew, so she went to the branch company and asked for a make-up artist to come over.

    On the stage, the lights went out, and Lin Feinian stepped onto the stage in the darkness.

    Unlike the rehearsal, this time the audience was full of audience. The excitement from the previous singing still remained on their faces, and the fan groups of some other performers were still squatting behind the seats with guns on their shoulders.

    Lin Feinian let out a breath of foul air slowly, the music played and the lights turned on.

    Maybe it was the intensive practice last night that had an effect, or maybe it was the tens of thousands of spectators in the audience that stimulated the four of them.

    Today's stage is even more perfect than yesterday's rehearsal.

    Mei Liu was afraid that the director would hype up the topic of lip-syncing after their performance, so when the four of them were practicing dance yesterday, Qi Jun urgently added a section of ra during a gap.

    Mei Liu was a little surprised when she heard it, but soon understood the reason for this ra.

    Ra wrote quite straightforwardly, bluntly expressing that this paragraph was edited urgently to prevent people from rapping too much like lip-syncing.

    The four of them sang ra in unison, looking at the camera with handsome and fierce eyes.

    At that moment, the atmosphere and cheers reached the highest level in the audience.

    The on-site director looked at the bruised face of the director next to him, and in his heart he called the quintessence of the team called st again.

    ox! ! !

Chapter 14

    The live broadcast of the music program is also started at the same time.

    In the official live broadcast room, when the host announced st's appearance, the lively barrage was much less. Some people were asking what st was, and some were discussing whether st would sing out of tune.

    However, the number of viewers is here. Although the barrage is much smaller, it still doesn't seem sparse.

    Lin Feinian's previous hot searches had already attracted some fans, but the fighting power of Yan fans is much weaker than that of career fans. When the bullet screen unscrupulously discusses whether ST will become a laughing stock, not many fans dare Come out and fight these barrages.

    But in the blink of an eye, a large number of gift effects suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room.

    The original topic was immediately diverted by this generous gesture.

    [I'm so rich, boss, boss]

    [Fuck, I did the math, I made half a million in one minute, really rich...]

    [Half a million! ! ! I wipe, there is no one suite in a small county]

    [There is no down payment in a small city]

    [A bathroom in Haicheng is gone...] [

    Help, I am dying of laughter, why are you all measuring by houses]

    [Converted into houses, it can be more clear How much is 500,000 yuan (people who spend more than 100,000 yuan a year but do not have a house say so)]

    Now many music programs have opened live broadcasts to achieve a sense of reality, but the environment for gift giving is very harsh, and even There are also ID card authentication and face scanning authentication links.

    In such a complicated process, many bigwigs gave up on rewarding, and some bigwigs with complicated situations don't want their information to be lost to the program group.

    It's not uncommon for people to throw 500,000 in one go like this, but most of them are fans of local tyrants or fan-raisers, and most of them only throw it when they are performing to the peak.

    While chatting in the barrage whether the 500,000 gift was for the last guest or st, Lin Feinian and the others had already started performing.

    There is no doubt that st's strength is sufficient, and the cheers of the audience are the most obvious example.

    The barrage that was originally ridiculed in the live broadcast room gradually disappeared, and a large number of meaningless exclamation points filled the entire live broadcast room.

    Throughout the performance of the song and dance, the boss who has been wearing id years has not stopped delivering gifts.

    Until the end of the performance, he firmly occupied the top spot with 3 million gifts.

    Now no one asks who this person gave the gift to, because the barrage in the live broadcast room is simply a large-scale fan-attracting scene.

    [Fuck me, that ra is so handsome! ! ! ]

    [Why is Song Nanyi so handsome, yet so handsome when he sings ra with a straight face! ! ! ]

    [Lin Feinian is so good at dancing, mom, he shines on stage! 】

    【The high notes of Zhong Jianye and Lin Feinian are also very nice. This song is so passionate. Is this the title song of their debut album? ]

    [The fans finally dare to speak out, it's the title song! In addition, there are four other songs. The company's official blog revealed that there are also lyrical songs, but they haven't been released yet]

    [From now on, I'm a fan of st! ! I can't even tell which is more handsome! But Lin Feinian is my favorite]

    [I like Qi Jun, so the ra was actually written by Qi Jun]

    [Written by Qi Jun? When did you say it]

    [Ra sang, some people want them to lip-sync, but lip-syncing is better than not singing, so he wrote ra overnight]

    [Liming is better than not singing, that's right! ]

    [Damn it, how hard Shi Lei suppressed Lin Feinian's strength, this dance ability can directly reach the top of the draft. ]

    [So Shi Lei is dead, I hope he stays behind bars for a few more years, it's disgusting, and it's even more disgusting when I think of a contestant I once liked being voted out until eliminated] ... The barrage is very lively, the topic


    Weibo Not less.

    This is st's first stage since it announced its debut. Lin Feinian and the others gave a perfect answer to the expectations of many people who eat melons and fans.

    As expected, not long after the performance ended, st's "Singer's Spring" jumped to the top of the hot search list on the first stage, and it was on the top list in just one hour.

    At this time, Lin Feinian was waiting in the background to remove her makeup.

    After washing their faces, Lin Feinian and Song Nan put on their hats together, and were going to visit the night market in Beijing.

    The two greeted Mei Liu, and then took a taxi directly to the most famous night market snack street.

    Lin Feinian was dragged by Song Nanyi to a small stall. Song Nanyi made a comparison: "One serving of octopus balls, no tomato sauce.

    " A serving of octopus balls appeared in Song Nanyi's hand.

    Song Nanyi ate and sobbed and said, "Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo out this is this street deserves to be pushed hard."

    Lin Feinian bought a bottle of mineral water and squeezed it in his hand. After that, the water was handed up very presciently.

    "Eat slowly." Lin Feinian shook his head helplessly.

    The two boldly shuttled through the crowded night market. Before leaving, Song Nanyi took Lin Feinian to take a selfie.

    And then they... couldn't get a taxi.

    "Wow, there are too many people here." Song Nanyi squatted on the ground bitterly, clutching his belly, "I refuse to take the subway back."

    Lin Feinian: ...

    he can only beat Mei Liu A phone call was made, but Mei Liu and the others would not be able to make it through.

    "Evening rush hour, the road is blocked." Mei Liu really hated Song Nanyi, "How much has he eaten, why don't you take him to digest it first."

    Lin Feinian glanced around, except for people. Still people, as time goes by, there are more and more people in the snack street.

    "Forget it, I'll go to the branch office group and ask if there is anyone with a car nearby." Mei Liu was really helpless.

    Qi Jun had been watching the comments on the Internet, and when Mei Liu hung up the phone, he raised his eyebrows: "Can't you come back?"

    "Too many people." Mei Liu sighed again. "There's really no way, I'll go to the branch office group and ask."

    After Mei Liu asked such a question in the branch office group, there was a quick reply.

    When she saw someone posting something, Mei Liu just wanted to say that it was resolved, but her eyes suddenly caught the spokesperson's note.

    Zhong Jianye saw that Mei Liu's expression froze, and he asked, "Can't find it? If you really can't find it, let them find a hotel nearby to sleep overnight." "No."

    Mei Liu hurriedly sent a message to Qin Linyang, and at the same time Zhong Jianye replied super fast, "Mr. Huo is going to pick up Niannian."

    The room was suddenly quiet, and the spoon in Zhong Jianye's hand fell on the marble table, making a crisp sound.

    Zhong Jianye: "...Mr. Huo?"

    Mei Liu nodded, for the first time she regretted her decision very much.

    If I had known earlier, it would be better for the two of them to take the subway back.

    As for Lin Feinian, he soon received Mei Liu's reply.

    Mei Liu: Mr. Huo is coming to pick you up

    Mei Liu: I will come down to pick you up at the entrance of the hotel and let Song Nanyi

    follow you

    closely Uncomfortable, he squatted on the side of the road and asked Lin Feinian bitterly: "Niannian, is there a car to pick us up?"

    Lin Feinian: "Yes..."

    Song Nanyi: "Why do you have such an expression that you came to pick us up?" It can't be a tricycle."

    Lin Feinian closed his eyes bitterly: "It's Mr. Huo."

    Song Nanyi:? ? ?

    Five minutes later, the two people who moved to the side of the road saw a black Maybach slowly stopping in front of them.

    The window of the back seat of the car fell down, Huo Yanzhou looked straight at Lin Feinian, skipping Song Nanyi.

    Lin Feinian froze all of a sudden, feeling as if a tiger had grabbed the back of his neck.

    As soon as Song Nan saw Huo Yanzhou's eyes, there was only one thought in his mind.

    It's over!

    This person really took a fancy to them Niannian! ! !

Chapter 15

    Lin Feinian looked at the remaining two seats, the passenger seat and the back seat.

    He turned his head and looked at Song Nan, and they walked towards different car doors tacitly.

    Lin Feinian put all his hands on the co-pilot's door and pulled it.

    Did not pull.

    The driver of the car got down and stopped Song Nanyi who wanted to open the back seat door: "I'm sorry, Mr. Song, but you can't smell coriander."

    Song Nanyi paused, and slowly lowered his head to see the packed snacks in his hand.

    The boss is very generous, with a bunch of green coriander sprinkled on top.

    Song Nan looked at Lin Feinian for help, but Lin Feinian walked up to him helplessly, "Sit in the front." Song Nanyi

    shut his mouth, and began to regret why he had to take a copy home.

    Lin Feinian closed the rear door, thinking it would be locked like the co-pilot's, but he didn't expect it to open with a light pull.

    The interior of the luxury car is top-notch. Lin Feinian sits in the car seat that fits the curve of the body, sniffing the precious car perfume in the car, but feels very nervous.

    His heart was hanging high, wishing to sit against the car door, far away from Huo Yanzhou on the other side.

    There were four people sitting in the car, but it was extremely quiet.

    Lin Feinian closed his eyes and pretended to sleep, counting the time in his heart. I hope to arrive sooner, but the weather is not going my way, and the evening rush hour makes the traffic jam.

    But unexpectedly, after counting, Lin Feinian really fell asleep.

    The main road was too congested, so the driver turned a corner on a fork and turned to a small road to avoid the heavy traffic and continue driving.

    But the small road was far less stable than the asphalt road, the car bumped, and Lin Feinian, who was sleeping soundly, fell down the back of the chair.

    Song Nanyi, who was sitting in the co-pilot and witnessed the whole process, curled up his toes nervously, wishing to move to Lin Feinian and Huo Yanzhou to block him.

    But Song Nanyi doesn't have the ability to teleport, so his wish is doomed not to come true.

    Song Nan watched as Lin Feinian slipped and leaned his head on Huo Yanzhou's shoulder.

    It's over! ! !

    Song Nanyi hurriedly looked at Huo Yanzhou's expression, but the lights in the car were not turned on, and Huo Yanzhou's expression completely melted into the darkness.

    All he heard was a chuckle from inside the car.

    It wasn't from the driver, Lin Feinian was sleeping too.

    Huo Yanzhou caught Lin Feinian who was asleep, and did not shy away from Song Nanyi at all.

    But he just idly helped Lin Feinian, looked down at Lin Feinian's sleeping face, and chuckled.

    Song Nanyi quietly grabbed the phone and found Mei Liu's number.

    Once I see Huo Yanzhou doing something that shouldn't be done, I will make this call immediately!

    Song Nan watched Huo Yanzhou vigilantly all the way, but found that Huo Yanzhou had no other actions after catching Lin Fei.

    He kept the posture of sitting upright, and it was nearly an hour's drive without any change.

    Until the car stopped in front of the hotel.

    As soon as he saw the place, Song Nan turned around and woke Lin Feinian who was still sleeping.

    Lin Feinian woke up in a daze, rubbing his sleepy eyes: "What's wrong?"

    Looking at Lin Feinian who was not fully awake yet, Song Nanyi wished he could pull him to sit up first.

    Once excited, Song Nanyi increased the volume: "Get up, we're at the hotel!"

    Arrived at the hotel? ? !

    Lin Feinian woke up suddenly, and then found that he seemed to be leaning on something hard.

    He sat up abruptly, and when he saw his pillowed shoulder and Huo Yanzhou's half-smile expression, Lin Feinian cracked open.

    Lin Feinian: ...

    help me! ! !

    He looked towards Song Nan who was in the passenger seat, desperately calling for help.

    Song Nanyi also had no choice but to take a deep breath, and said, "Thank you Mr. Huo for coming to see us off, then let's get off first?" Hearing

    Song Nanyi's initiative to help him out, Lin Feinian almost I was moved and cried.

    He slowly shifted his gaze, looked back at Huo Yanzhou who was sitting beside him, and said in a low voice, "Thank you Mr. Huo, I'm sorry just now." "It's okay."

    Huo Yanzhou laughed again, "Get out of the car." Let's go."

    "Okay." Lin Feinian breathed a sigh of relief, got out of the car without stopping, and ran away with Song Nanyi.

    Huo Yanzhou sat in the car and watched Lin Feinian leave without moving.

    Until the driver reminded: "Mr. Huo, shall we go now?"

    "No, I'll stay here tonight." Huo Yanzhou lowered his gaze.

    The driver hurriedly said, "Then I'll book a room."


    As soon as Lin Feinian returned to the room, before Lin Feinian had time to take a sip of water, Qi Jun, Meiliu and Zhong Jianye came over.

    Lin Feinian took a small sip of water, and Mei Liu and Qi Jun sat opposite him. Zhong Jianye was sitting on the back of the sofa, one leg was still hanging in the air, swinging casually.

    After taking a shower, Song Nanyi also ran over with his wet hair.

    "Are you okay, Mr. Huo didn't do anything out of the ordinary, right?" Mei Liu asked impatiently.

    Lin Feinian drank most of the bottle of mineral water, but his mouth was still a little dry.

    He shook his head indiscriminately: "Probably not."

    Qi Jun narrowed his eyes: "What should be? Did he do anything?"

    Lin Feinian: ... He didn't do anything.

    You should ask me what I did! ! !

    With a sullen face, Lin Feinian told what happened in the car.

    "So you fell asleep, I don't know if Mr. Huo did anything?" Qi Jun turned his sharp gaze to Song Nanyi who had just pushed the door open.

    "Nanyi, what did Mr. Huo do after Niannian fell asleep?"

    Song Nanyi was taken aback by the opening of the trial, and shook his head after realizing Qi Jun's question.

    "No, Mr. Huo didn't do anything, just sat all the way."

    Song Nanyi tilted his head and thought for a while: "But when Nian Nian just fell down, Mr. Huo laughed, and the rest is gone."

    What Without even asking, Mei Liu and Qi Jun sighed heavily at the same time.

    Mei Liu: "It's my fault. I shouldn't have asked in the branch office group. I forgot that Mr. Huo came to inspect the branch office during this period of time."

    Lin Feinian retorted: "It was originally about me and Nan Yi, don't blame Mei Sister."

    "Besides, Mr. Huo didn't do anything, maybe what happened before was just an accident, what if Mr. Huo just thinks I'm pitiful." Lin Feinian thought cheerfully.

    Mei Liu single-handedly recruited Lin Feinian into the company, and naturally knew that Lin Feinian grew up in a welfare institution.

    She touched Lin Feinian's head: "Let's go back and change the color." The

    smoky purple color on Lin Feinian's hair was touched up some time ago, but after staying in Beijing for two or three days, the roots of his hair started to turn black again.

    He also patted his head: "What color should I change it to?"

    "I'll take you to a hair stylist to have it done." Mei Liu smiled.

    Zhong Jianye often used his trumpet to browse their Weibo chats. He raised his hand and suggested: "Pink, it's not overturned when you grow up white and dye light colors every year. I think many fans want to see him dye pink.

    " Fei Nian didn't care what color he dyed, he lowered his head and drank the remaining half bottle of mineral water, only then could he suppress the uncomfortable feeling of dry mouth.

    Early the next morning, several people got on the plane and returned to Haishi early.

    What Lin Feinian didn't expect was that they ran into Huo Yanzhou again on the plane.

    Fortunately, Huo Yanzhou didn't speak to him, which made Lin Feinian less nervous.

    But Lin Feinian was also very puzzled, Huo Yanzhou didn't act like the kind of money owner who would support celebrities, Zhong Jianye also felt that Huo Yanzhou was not that kind of person from the information he learned from his brother.

    Then why, Huo Yanzhou would take the initiative to ask the company to sign him, and he can unconditionally tilt resources?

    Do you really feel sorry for yourself?

    But there are so many celebrities in the entertainment industry, and he is not the only one with a poor background. Many people have climbed up from the bottom bit by bit, and I have never seen Huo Yanzhou take care of them.

    At Haishi Airport, as soon as Lin Feinian and the others landed, Mei Liu's phone started ringing non-stop.

    As soon as she connected several calls, she called the four of them together when she came back.

    "There is urgent news."

    Qi Jun: "What?"

    Mei Liu glanced at the airport pick-up gate.

    "You guys performed so well yesterday, you attracted a lot of fans in just one day." Mei Liu said, "Just now the company called to say that they saw a lot of new fans at the airport who spontaneously came to pick them up." Mei Liu's tone

    began Seriously: "The chaos has already been caused, and the airport is now coordinating."

    Qi Jun understood: "Sister Mei wants to ask if we go and take a look?"

    Mei Liu nodded: "This matter is a bit troublesome, no matter what Whether you show up or not, there will be marketing accounts who will use it as an argument."

    But they must show up to appease the group of fans who have caused confusion.

    Qi Jun pulled down his sunglasses: "Go, we have to settle the matter."

    Mei Liu nodded: "I think so too. Wang Ming and Li Yun just went out to order milk tea."

    Lin Feinian reminded: "Remember to make a few cups at room temperature, some people can't drink ice."

    Milk tea in midsummer, milk tea shop Ice is added silently and normally.

    "I will remind you."

    After waiting for more than half an hour, the people who were sent by Haohai Entertainment and the security at the airport finally settled down the fans who spontaneously picked them up.

    Mei Liu also appeared in front of them with the four ST members at this time.

    As soon as a few people appeared, there were screams in the crowd, and some people tried to shout their four names.

    Lin Feinian smiled apologetically when he saw the strange looks from other normal tourists around him.

    He put his index finger on his lips, and said softly: "Shhh, be quiet."

    Song Nan jumped to the crowd of fans, his dirty braids were combed into a high ponytail today, and he put it on his head. A black megalodon is also drawn with a special stroke under the tail.

    It looks cool and cute.

    As soon as the fans were reminded by Lin Feinian, they also realized that this was a public place, so their voices lowered a lot.

    "Song Nanyi, you are so handsome today! You are so handsome and cute!"

    "Look at me every year! You are so good every year."     "

    Qi Jun, you look really good with glasses!"

Is the treble good?"

    The four stood among the fans, talking to them in low voices, without any airs.

    They also noticed that they were not only surrounded by fans, but also paparazzi with cameras.

    Lin Feinian heard someone wanting his autograph, followed the voice, and walked towards her after confirming the voice.

    When signing, Lin Feinian was still talking to him.

    "Come here so early, isn't today Wednesday?"

    The girl smiled: "After graduation, you will collect rent at home. Don't worry every year, there will be no skipping or skipping classes."

    Lin Feinian: "Later the assistant will give you Send milk tea, you can take a cup before you go."

    After speaking, Lin Feinian said to the people next to the girl who were holding cameras: "I bought it for you too, and you can take it."

    Those people were stunned, and heard Lin Feinian spoke.

    "The weather is so hot, are you hot carrying the camera?"

    The girl next to her suddenly smiled.

    "It's hot, but this is our job."

    Lin Feinian also smiled, with a gentle voice: "Then work hard."

Chapter 16

    Li Yun and Wang Ming took the staff of the milk tea shop and pulled a cart of milk tea to distribute to all the fans.

    There were four more glasses.

    Song Nanyi picked up the extra cup very naturally, inserted the tube, and took a big gulp.

    "It's delicious."

    Song Nanyi burped contentedly.

    Qi Jun and Zhong Jianye were grateful for this sweet thing, Wang Ming and Li Yun also took a cup each, and Lin Feinian took the last cup and drank it himself when he saw that no one was touching it.

    He actually likes to drink sweets, including scrambled eggs with tomatoes. Lin Feinian is an unswerving lover of sweets.

    But since he chose to become an idol, Lin Feinian began to quit sugar properly.

    He rarely drinks milk tea which is super high in sugar.

    After distributing the milk tea, the four said goodbye to the fans, boarded the company's nanny car to pick them up, and drove directly to the company.

    "You guys have another interview this afternoon." Mei Liu said.

    "Okay." Song Nanyi held the iced milk tea and leaned weakly on the car seat, "What kind of magazine, it won't ask us strange questions." "Don't worry, the questions have been screened." Naturally,

    Mei Liu didn't small mistakes like this.

    Lin Feinian sat in the innermost place, holding the milk tea and sipping on it, looking at the roadside shops that kept receding outside.

    The car was leaving for the company and driving. After getting in the car for more than ten minutes, the good mood of seeing the fans has gradually faded.

    At this time, Liu Yaochun's inspection should have been completed, but Lin Feinian has no holiday in the afternoon.

    Lin Feinian was holding the phone, which still displayed the conversation with Liu Yaochun ten minutes ago.

    The other party said that he watched the live broadcast and praised Lin Feinian for getting better and better.

    But when Lin Feinian asked about the test results, the other party avoided talking about it.

    Liu Yaochun's reaction made Lin Feinian realize that something was wrong. The test results should be unsatisfactory, and Liu Yaochun's wish for a child might come to nothing.

    Zhong Jianye noticed that Lin Feinian seemed a little depressed, so he looked at him a few more times.

    "What's the matter."

    "It's okay." Lin Feinian shook his head, he didn't know how to tell his teammates about this matter, and he couldn't say anything about Liu Yaochun's sex.

    The conversation between the two attracted the attention of other people in the car, and now even the sensitive and carefree Song Nanyi noticed Lin Feinian's depressed mood.

    "By the way, I'll bring the cat back after a while." All the windows of the dormitory were sealed up, and since Liu Yaochun had been in Haishi Hospital during this time, Lin Feinian didn't bother her.

    "I forgot, what kind of cat do I raise every year, and I will be the cat's godfather." Zhong

    Jianye opened the shopping software: "I'll buy it something to eat."

    Qi Jun then contacted the workers: " A friend has raised a cat, and he has promoted a store in Moments before, the custom-made cat climbing frame is very useful, we can also--"

    When they interrupted, Lin Feinian laughed through tears, and hurriedly stopped the cat who wanted to spread it all over the house. Qi Jun, who orders cat climbing frames everywhere.

    "He doesn't need these, it's a little raccoon dog." Speaking of his own cat, Lin Feinian also smiled more.

    "It hasn't grown up yet, only about four months." The cat was picked up by Lin Feinian when he graduated. The mother cat brought the kitten to Pengci. Too fierce was retired.

    Lin Feinian had no choice but to raise it by himself.

    However, when the kitten was here with Lin Feinian, it never showed such a ferocious breath as in the adopter's video. Instead, it always turned its belly over and let Lin Feinian touch it.

    After Song Nan heard this, he said, "That's great, it means it likes you, and only you."

    But Lin Feinian was worried that the kitten would be too aggressive towards other teammates.

    Lin Feinian had no choice but to say in advance: "I'm worried that the cat has a bad temper. If he is fierce, I won't let him out."

    His room is quite big, and it's not bad to keep the kitten alone in the room.

    Zhong Jianye said: "Don't worry, we will get along well."

    Lin Feinian blinked.

    When Zhong Jianye said seriously that he would get along well with cats, it was really funny.

    After arriving at the company, the four of them didn't have time to change their clothes, so they heard the receptionist say that the people interviewed by the magazine had arrived.

    When they arrived at the interview room, the interview room had already been set up, and Lin Feinian and the others only needed to sit down on a bench.

    It was a very young girl who was in charge of asking questions, holding a card full of questions in her hand.

    After the four of them were seated, the person in charge of the camera immediately aimed the camera, and turned on the lighting at the same time, illuminating the already bright room.

    Lin Feinian rubbed his eyes, thinking it was simply visual fatigue.

    Lin Feinian doesn't know if he will get snow blindness after watching it.

    They struggled through the interview in this blinking-eyed environment, and closed their eyes almost at the same time after hearing the announcement that it was over.

    Even the girl in charge of the interview showed a painful expression: "You can remove one of the lights, it's too dazzling." The

    cameraman was indifferent, and said indifferently: "The light is for you."

    The girl's expression became miserable: "Down You don't have to mock me like that."

    After complaining about her colleagues, the girl in charge of the interview looked towards Lin Feinian unconsciously.

    The four members of the st team are very white, especially Lin Feinian, who is cold and white, who seems to be shining in front of others.

    "I'm so envious." The girl muttered.

    But she soon became happy again, took out the notebook from her bag and ran to Lin Feinian.

    "Hello, can I ask you for an autograph! My best friend really likes you."


    After the interview, a few of them went to the dance studio, fell on the floor and let their heads go blank.

    "Sister Mei said there will be a press conference tonight." Song Nan looked at the roof with absent-minded eyes.

    Zhong Jianye closed his eyes and took a nap, but did not respond.

    Qi Jun comforted him a few words, but the sentence "It's not too busy now, and it will be busier in the future" is better than not comforting him.

    Instead, Lin Feinian said: "It's better to be busy than not busy."

    Only being busy can prove that there is traffic, and that their careers are slowly getting on the right track.

    "Yes." Song Nanyi clenched his fist, "I want to become a top ra singer in the circle!!!"

    Zhong Jianye: "Chick."

    Song Nan rushed fiercely and fiercely when he heard Zhong Jianye's sneer To him: "Ah, ah, you are laughing at me again!"

    The longer we spend together, Lin Feinian becomes more and more used to the enemy model of Song Nanyi and Zhong Jianye.

    He calmly put the hat on his face, and took out the earphones and stuffed them into his ears.

    If you can't see or hear it, it means that it didn't happen.

    The phone on the floor vibrated, and Lin Feinian opened his eyes to look with difficulty.

    It was Liu Yaochun's WeChat account. She had returned to the small town and sent Lin Feinian a photo of the kitten.

    I haven't seen it for more than a month, and the kitten has grown up like a balloon, and Liu Yaochun coquettishly wants to pet it.

    The corners of Lin Feinian's lips were originally flattened, but after seeing the photo of the kitten, they curved uncontrollably.

    Lin Feinian: Aunt Liu, I will come back to pick it up after a while.

    After sending this message, Lin Feinian's hands paused, but he continued to type a few times on the phone's keyboard.

    Lin Feinian: There are not many children in the town who want to learn dancing. I will rent a house for Aunt Liu in Haishi. Let's come to Haishi to live for a while and have a rest, okay?

Chapter 17

    The evening press conference was held at the company's own recording site. The four of them walked past after dinner, without airs.

    When he went in, Song Nanyi even chatted with a reporter.

    The reporters at the press conference were all invited, and Haohai managed extremely strictly in this regard.

    Haohai disdains using special means to create topics, they will never disregard artists' wishes and create topics with high traffic but not well-known reputation for them.

    For press conferences like this one, the reporters invited to participate have been screened, and they will never embarrass their own artists.

    The press conference was actually Haohai's second official announcement to the outside world. When st was first established, there was not much traffic. Even with Shi Lei's affairs as a stepping stone, it couldn't attract too many topics.

    But st's first step was so good that it attracted too many and enough topics.

    On the night their show ended, clips of their performance went viral on Weibo and several video sites.

    That's why Haohai prepared a press conference as soon as they came back, in order to increase the presence of the word st through the explosive traffic.

    After the press conference, Mei Liu smiled and pulled up the few people who were slumped on the chairs and didn't want to move.

    "Let's go, let's have something fun tonight."

    Song Nanyi said weakly, "What is it?"

    "Do you want hot pot?" Mei Liu looked at the map on the phone, "There is a newly opened Haidilao nearby. It's opened, can you go?"

    Song Nanyi got up very unmotivated: "Go!"

    Lin Feinian and Zhong Jianye were leaning against each other, but Song Nanyi urged them to get up and eat hot pot, and even stretched out his hand to hold Zhong Jianye. See Ye pulled up.

    Lin Feinian, who had lost his backrest, let himself limply fall down the chair, and was caught by Qi Jun, who directly lifted Lin Feinian by the back collar and sat him up.

    "Go, the car is still waiting outside." Mei Liu also knew that they had worked hard today, "The box over there has been reserved."

    Lin Feinian also stood up, trying to grab the hat and put it on his head, but Found the hat lost in the dance studio.

    "Sister Mei, I'll go upstairs to get a hat." Lin Feinian stretched, trying to regain some energy.

    Seeing that Lin Feinian could fall asleep with his eyes closed, Mei Liu was so distressed that he simply said, "Why don't you just go back to sleep."

    Lin Feinian shook his head: "Nan Yi likes hot pot very much, and I have been eating hot pot for a long time, too. I haven't eaten, and the location has been fixed."

    After speaking, Lin Feinian yawned big.

    "I'm going to get a hat, and then I'll go to the garage to look for it."

    It was already dark, and except for the public relations department who was on duty and some agents who were working overtime to consolidate resources, most of the floors in the company had turned off the lights and it was pitch black.

    After Lin Feinian entered the elevator, he directly pressed the floor number of the dance practice room.

    After taking the hat, Lin Feinian came to the elevator door and found that the elevator had already ascended to the top floor.

    "Huh." Lin Feinian secretly felt something was wrong.

    But he was too sleepy to realize the consequences of the elevator going to the top floor.

    Until the elevator stopped on his floor, as the elevator door slowly opened, Lin Feinian also saw Huo Yanzhou standing inside.

    Huo Yanzhou was wearing a white shirt and suit pants, which was very simple, but Huo Yanzhou was even more handsome than a male model.

    Lin Feinian forgot what he was going to do next, and just thought in a daze.

    Huo Yanzhou has a really good figure.

    Huo Yanzhou looked at Lin Feinian standing outside the elevator, and moved aside.

    "Aren't you going to come in?" The magnetic bubble sound is very nice.

    Lin Feinian walked in blankly, and only realized after entering that he was bewitched by beauty.

    He hid in a corner, not knowing where to put his hands and feet for a while.

    The familiar low voice came to mind again.

    "Which floor to go to?"

    "Ah...the negative second floor." Lin Feinian came back to his senses, hurriedly pressed the -2 floor, and walked a little further in, trying to distance himself from Huo Yanzhou .

    The point is, he still has to do all of this as if nothing had happened, as if the movement of walking inside was just a coincidence, not because he disliked Huo Yanzhou.

    No one told him to do it|Idol still knows how to act! ! !

    Lin Feinian wanted to cry but had no tears.

    The elevator was descending, Lin Feinian's attention was all on Huo Yanzhou.

    When he saw Huo Yanzhou raising his hand towards him, his eyes widened, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind at that moment.

    What should I do, call Sister Mei first or call the police first, will the police be difficult to deal with.

    Lin Feinian thought quickly, until the back of his neck felt warm.

    Huo Yanzhou pinched the back of Lin Feinian's neck with ease, and rubbed his eyebrows helplessly.

    "I don't remember me."

    Huo Yanzhou observed for two days, and found that Lin Feinian looked at him more and more strangely.

    He flicked Lin Feinian's forehead skillfully.

    "Ah—" Lin Feinian covered his forehead and wanted to back away, only to find that his back was already clinging to the inner wall of the elevator.

    He heard faint sighs in his ears, as if the person who made the sound was experiencing a very headache.

    But by his side, Huo Yanzhou is the only one.

    Lin Feinian secretly glanced at Huo Yanzhou, and found that it was really him who was sighing.

    Huo Yanzhou reminded him: "When I was young, Xiaohe next to the Children's Palace in Changjia City, you rescued me."

    Lin Feinian's body slowly petrified...

    His pupils dilated slightly, and he turned his head to look at Huo Yanzhou in disbelief: "No way, it's you!"

    Huo Yanzhou pinched the back of Lin Feinian's neck: "Remember? "

    I remembered it." All the problems were solved at this moment, Lin Feinian rubbed his head embarrassingly, "Okay, what a coincidence." My God, he was still guessing whether Huo Yanzhou wanted to

    sneak Rule yourself! ! !

    Lin Feinian almost fainted.

    Passed out in embarrassment.

    Huo Yanzhou caught a glimpse of Lin Feinian's hand holding the hat, and asked him: "Going back? Do you need to send it?" "

    No, no, no, I'm going to eat hot pot with my teammates." Lin Feinian quickly refused.

    Although he already knew why Huo Yanzhou wanted to help him, but now he is too embarrassed and needs some time to relax by himself.

    Lin Feinian felt that his toes could dig out a new company building in place. After the elevator door reached the second floor, he hurriedly said goodbye and wanted to slip away, but Huo Yanzhou pulled him from behind.

    "Not adding a contact method?" The smile in Huo Yanzhou's words almost overflowed substantially.

    Lin Feinian nodded quickly as he was held back, as long as he can get out of this awkward place, he can do whatever he wants.

    He sent his WeChat QR code up, saw Huo Yanzhou scan and add it, and ran away in no time.

    Huo Yanzhou also got out of the elevator, and the driver who was waiting on the side of the car came down and looked in the direction where Lin Feinian disappeared, his eyes were full of curiosity.


    After Lin Feinian found the nanny's car, he closed the door and rushed in.

    Song Nanyi inside was discussing with everyone what to eat, when he saw Lin Feinian swiftly rushing into the car, he was stunned for a while.

    "Why are you in such a hurry?"

    "Is Train to Busan being filmed outside?"

Chapter 18

    As soon as Song Nan finished speaking, he found Lin Feinian looking around in a panic.

    He put his hand on Lin Feinian's face and pinched his cheek.

    "Hiss, it's so hot." Song Nan looked suspiciously at Lin Feinian, "Go get a hat, how does it look like..." Song Nan thought about his choice of words: "It's like spring

    . Lin

    Feinian stared, and patted Song Nanyi's hand.

    Qi Jun also shouted in warning: "Song Nanyi!"

    Song Nanyi hurriedly made an ok gesture: "Wrong, wrong, I won't say anything."

    Naturally, Lin Feinian knew that Song Nanyi was just joking, so he took the Zhong Jianye handed over the mineral water taken from the car refrigerator, and put it on his cheeks to try to cool down.

    After calming down, Lin Feinian said to them, "We don't have to hide from Mr. Huo in the future."

    Qi Jun: "What do you mean?"

    Mei Liu was still working with a laptop. He also cast his gaze towards Lin Feinian.

    Lin Feinian pursed his lips and briefly explained what happened in the elevator just now.

    After Song Nanyi stroked the story line, he finally understood: "So, you and Mr. Huo have known each other for a long time?"

    Zhong Jianye also said: "Indeed, Brother Huo was only accepted by the Lin family when he was thirteen years old." I brought it back."

    Lin Feinian still felt unbelievable: "I didn't expect such a coincidence."

    He was ten years old when he rescued Huo Yanzhou, and Liu Yaochun took him to the city's Children's Palace to participate in a dance competition. During the break, he saw a The boy was pushed into the river, and he was pulled up in a panic.

    It was a remote path, and Huo Yanzhou didn't know how to swim at that time. If Lin Feinian hadn't passed by, Huo Yanzhou probably wouldn't exist now.

    After Lin Feinian finished talking about his childhood, the people in the car were not too shocked.

    Song Nanyi explained: "Even if the Huo family collapsed at that time, they still had a lot of resources. There was only a ten-year-old child left in the family. With a little manipulation, he could take down the remaining things of the entire Huo family group. It's perfectly normal to do something that kills people and silences them."

    "Ten years ago, it was much more chaotic than it is now." Zhong Jianye also said simply.

    Mei Liu and Qi Jun looked normal, but Lin Feinian was a little surprised.

    In other words, the world view has been subverted.

    Ever since he could remember, he had been raised in an orphanage.

    In the early years of the orphanage, although it was barely enough to eat and wear warm clothes, there were not so many disputes. At most, a few children fought for a piece of candy.

    When encountering such a situation, Lin Feinian hid far away in the corner, and if he got hit hard, he ran to find the dean to solve it.

    Haidilao is located in the center of the newly built commercial plaza, and the flow of people has increased during this time.

    They reserved the box in advance, and were taken directly to the box by the waiter after they went there.

    There are many artists in Haohai, and there are also many people who come to eat at the only hot pot restaurant near the company during this period of time. For this kind of guests who have reserved a box in advance, the people in the hot pot restaurant have prepared in advance.

    "Only order one spicy pot." Seeing Song Nanyi excitedly ordering food with a tablet, Mei Liu warned from the side.

    "One spicy pot is enough, but there should be more—"

    After receiving Mei Liu's warning eyes, Song Nan swallowed, and forcibly cut off the second half of the sentence: "Okay, a small spicy pot, and a clean water pot , the other two will eat pork belly chicken soup and a portion of three delicacies pot bottom."

    Zhong Jianye laughed: "Eat spicy pot, you have to be self-aware of your own acne constitution."

    Seeing Song Nanyi covering his ears in the When he shouted "I know, I know", Lin Feinian burst out laughing.

    The food is still pleasant. After eating the hot pot, Lin Feinian's original embarrassment almost dissipated.

    Back in the dormitory, Lin Feinian hurriedly asked her for a half-day vacation when she heard Mei Liu explain that she would have a day off tomorrow and had no schedule.

    "I'll pick up the cat."

    "I'll take you back." Qi Jun said, "Cats are prone to stress, so it's more convenient to drive by yourself, and it can take care of the cat's emotions."

    Lin Feinian thought about taking a taxi to the town Haishi is so troublesome, he nodded in agreement.

    "Thank you Brother Qi."

    Qi Jun smiled: "Thank you, let's rest."


    There is no cloud in the sky, the air is full of burning and sultry heat, and the trees are lazily standing on duty by the roadside.

    On the road from Haishi to the small town, the scenery was beautiful. Lin Feinian sat in the passenger seat and looked out the window at the receding mountains, rivers and trees, and Song Nanyi's voice of gossip was in his ears.

    Lin Feinian rubbed his eyes, then looked back at Zhong Jianye and Song Nanyi in the back seat.

    Zhong Jianye plugged the earphones to physically isolate Song Nanyi's voice, and leaned on the seat with his eyes closed to take a nap.

    Song Nanyi propped his arms and looked out the window while talking to Lin Feinian unilaterally.

    It's about the gossip of some older generations in the entertainment industry. According to what Song Nanyi said, it's all about what his parents have experienced.

    "You don't know, my dad directed a movie before, and the little third actor with a hook-up financial backer dropped a check and said he would add to the show, which made my dad angry." Lin Feinian remembered that movie, but in the end the

    girl Two seems to have changed.

    "My dad scolded me back at the time, but after I went back, the more I thought about it, the more angry I got, and the next day I met a man's wife who came to tear up the mistress, and his wife was much more generous, taking double the money to make my dad terminate the contract. "

    My father confiscated the money, but he did use this reason to terminate the contract." As soon as

    Song Nan finished speaking, he poked his head through the gap between the co-pilot and the driver's seat, and looked at Lin Feinian expectantly: "Why? So, is it exciting!"

    Lin Feinian was like an emotionless cheering machine, clapping mechanically: "Wonderful." "

    Then let me tell you a cool ending. His wife finally took Xiaosan to court and sent the old man to Xiaosan." I paid more than half of the money I went out and came back, and then I divorced the old man chicly and went to travel around the world with money and children." "

    Speaking of which, you should have heard of this person, and there was a lot of noise on the hot search before."

    Lin Feinian Without even looking at it, he stretched out his hand and pushed Song Nanyi back on his seat.

    "Be careful, it's coming soon."

    "It's coming soon! Is there anything delicious in our small town? I checked when I came here, and it is said that there is a delicious and cheap Mala Tang here."

    Lin Feinian: ... ...

    Qi Jun parked his car at the entrance of the orphanage, and Lin Feinian went in to say hello to the director, and bought some food and clothing for the remaining children in the orphanage.

    Liu Yaochun was already waiting for him at the orphanage with the cat. When he saw him coming, he smiled and handed the cat over.

    It was a black raccoon dog, locked in the air box, and it started to purr when it saw Lin Feinian through the iron gate.

    "Do you still remember me?" Lin Feinian squatted in front of the flight box, hooking the kitten's paw to tease it, "Qiancha, long time no see."

    Lihua turned his stomach inside the narrow flight box, wagging his tail , The snoring became louder and louder.

    The dean came over and asked if he wanted to have lunch with his friends here.

    Lin Fei asked Qi Jun when he came, and nodded.

    But he told the dean: "I bought a lot of stewed vegetables when I came here and put them in the kitchen. You don't need to cook too much.

    " Being bullied in the circle, and meeting Lin Feinian's teammates, I can't wait to entertain them well, hoping that they will take care of Niannian in the future.

    Lin Feinian could understand the simple idea, but he was still worried that the dean was too tired. After putting the kitten in the room, he went to help in the kitchen.

    In the small playground of the orphanage, Song Nanyi was already getting along with the children. Zhong Jianye and Qi Jun also held a child in their arms and taught them how to sing in a soft voice.

    After Lin Feinian washed the fruit and distributed the children, he left a copy for each of the three of them.

    "Can't these children be adopted?" Zhong Jianye said suddenly.

    When Lin Feinian heard it, the raised corners of his lips slowly flattened.

    He said to the only mentally handicapped child in the yard: "Take the apple and go play with them."

    The child ran away obediently.

    Only then did Lin Feinian say: "The healthy children have been adopted."

    "The rest are disliked."

    Song Nan blurted out without thinking: "What about that year? Good-looking and smart."

    Lin Feinian's smile completely disappeared.

    He wasn't angry, just looked in the direction of the kitchen.


    "I wasn't really smart when I was young." Lin Feinian lowered his eyes, looking at his toes.

    However, he quickly raised his head again, and the smile returned to his face: "And I am also very lucky. When I was thrown on the side of the road, I was picked up by the old lady and sent to the orphanage. The auntie dean also treated me very well. To Aunt Liu who has been teaching me how to dance."

    Lin Feinian looked at the group of children in the orphanage: "I think I am very lucky."

Chapter 19

    The four of them watched the children play around all morning, and then had lunch on the spot.

    Song Nanyi originally wanted to eat that cheap and delicious Malatang, but both Zhong Jianye and Lin Feinian couldn't stop him, and finally Qi Jun yelled.

    Zhong Jianye pointed to his chin and said, "Eat another bowl of Malatang today, and tomorrow my face will be full of acne."

    Song Nanyi covered his face: "I don't get acne!"

    Fortunately, Qi Jun's words are very effective, Lin Feinian felt relieved and went to the kitchen to help choose and wash vegetables, and occasionally came out to feed Song Nanyi a braised pork.

    After lunch, Lin Feinian wanted to give the dean some money again, but this time he was stopped by the dean.

    "I just gave it to you last time. You have grown up too. It's time to save some money and start a family." The dean refused to answer anything.

    Lin Feinian was not easy to handle while holding the cat, and he wanted to persuade him a few more words, but he took the money back when he saw the dean acting like he would lose face if you gave him any more money.

    "By the way, just wait here, I'll bring you something." The dean patted the back of Lin Feinian's hand, and hurried back to his room.


    Lin Feinian stood in the room with the flight case, curious about what the dean said.

    Soon the dean came back, but she held a red rope in her hand.

    "You wore this on your wrist when you were a child, but you couldn't wear it when you grew up, so I took it off and put it away for you." The dean held the red rope with loving eyes, as if thinking of the past.

    "There should be some kind of pendant tied on it, but the grandma who brought you here has never seen it, so it should have been taken away before." The dean sighed.

    Lin Feinian's attention was already on the red rope.

    The red rope has turned yellow, and it is woven into the usual pendant style, but it is empty, as if something is missing.

    Lin Feinian took the red rope, which was woven for newborn babies. The loop was so small that it didn't even take up half the palm of an adult man's hand.

    "Some time ago, I found this when I cleaned up the house, and I thought it would be better to leave it to you." The dean said, "Now that the Internet is so complicated, it would be even better if I could find my parents through this." Lin Feinian clenched his

    fist , Hide the red string in the palm of your hand.

    "I'm already this old, I don't need it anymore." Lin Feinian shook his head.

    "It's different." The dean persuaded earnestly, "Since your parents can bring you this, they must care about you. Maybe they are also looking for you." Lin Feinian gripped

    harder , Speaking of parents, his eye circles gradually turned red.

    Lin Feinian was the child brought up by the dean alone, how could she not understand this child.

    "You have always wanted to be a star on TV since you were a child, and you also hope that your parents can see you." "

    Aunt." Lin Feinian raised his head with red eyes and smiled bitterly, "But it has been so long, they Maybe they have a new child and a new life."

    "But they won't forget you."

    Lin Fei murmured young, "Why."

    The dean touched his face and wiped away his tears.

    "Because they are parents. Parents will never forget their children."


    Lin Feinian had already adjusted his emotions when he went to find the other three people in st.

    But the three of them still noticed Lin Feinian's reddish eyes at a glance.

    Lin Feinian walked in front of them with his head down. Just as he stood still, he was hugged by Song Nanyi.

    As soon as Song Nan leaned in front of Lin Feinian, a beautiful baby face suddenly magnified in front of his eyes, and Lin Feinian shrank back in fright.

    Zhong Jianye mentioned Song Nan and pulled him behind him: "What are you doing?"

    Song Nanyi wanted to refute that he just wanted to care about Lin Feinian, but before he could speak, Zhong Jianye covered his mouth.

    Lin Feinian was still a little sad by the dean's aunt, but when he saw Song Nanyi and Zhong Jianye arguing but caring about him, he couldn't help it, and the corners of his mouth curved slightly.

    Knowing that other people were worried about him, Lin Feinian shook his head at them, and explained a few words: "I'm fine, I just talked to the dean's aunt." "Let's go." Liu Yaochun came to see him off


    she He rejected Lin Feinian's proposal to live in Haishi for a period of time.

    "I'm getting old, and I want to spend the second half of my life here safely," Liu Yaochun said.

    "The test results came out. I may not be able to have a child of my own in this life."

    Lin Feinian didn't know how to comfort him, and his hand holding the red rope became tighter and tighter.

    Liu Yaochun raised his hand and put it on Lin Feinian's clenched fist: "Okay, don't worry too much about me, the doctor also persuaded me for a while." "

    Next, I plan to raise a cat and a dog." Liu Yaochun and Lin Feinian talked about future plans.

    "Then I'll keep the cat." Lin Feinian knew that Liu Yaochun liked it very much. He knew it when he sent the kitten to Liu Yaochun for the first time and saw her holding the kitten with a smile on her face.

    But Liu Yaochun refused.

    "Qianchai likes you more, and..." Liu Yaochun said, "You are alone in Haishi, and I don't feel relieved that you don't have Jianjian by your side." "Qianchai likes you very much." Liu Yaochun smiled and

    gestured Lin Feinian went to see the cat in the car.

    After getting into the car, Qiancha was released from the air box, and now he is lying on the window, with the meat pad sticking to the window glass, looking at Lin Feinian eagerly with his tail cocked.

    Like a puppy, not like a cat.

    After Liu Yaochun finished speaking, he urged Lin Feinian: "Go."

    "Don't worry about me, if something really happens, Auntie won't be polite to you, she will definitely take the initiative to trouble you." Liu Yaochun smiled and looked at Lin Feinian, who was nearly forty years old, and there were already slight wrinkles at the end of her eyes.

    In the sight of Liu Yaochun, Lin Feinian got into the car.

    As soon as he opened the car door, the raccoon cat rushed to his hand, turning its belly to pet it.

    No restraint.

    Lin Feinian casually scratched the kitten's chin, then turned around to bid farewell to the auntie dean who came out and Liu Yaochun who was standing by the side of the road.


    Yanzhou brought the big tonic soup made by the nanny into the ward.

    Yu Han was lying on the bed, and "Singer's Spring" was playing on the TV on the wall.

    As soon as Huo Yanzhou came in, he saw the music program on the TV, and looked precisely at Lin Jincheng who was sitting beside the hospital bed cutting fruit.

    Lin Jincheng spread his hands: "It has nothing to do with me, it was Xiao Quan who leaked the word last time."

    Xiao Quan is Huo Yanzhou's secretary Quan Xian, who came to deliver information a few days ago.

    Yu Han's complexion was still much ruddy: "The person you like, of course I want to take a look."

    Huo Yanzhou sat down on the empty chair beside him, unscrewed the heat preservation box, took out the soup that had been warm inside and put it in At the small dining table, she said resignedly at the same time: "Look, Aunt Yu can look at it any way she wants." "

    Then have you seen it? When will the child you mentioned come out?" Yu Han drank Said while watching the singer singing on TV while eating the soup made at home.

    Huo Yanzhou had watched this show over and over for a long time, and said without having to watch it: "The next show."

    "It's so fast, then I have to watch it carefully.

    " I didn't drink half of the bowl of soup, and the host on the show was already shouting ST's group name.

    There is no transition in "Singer's Spring". Basically, the show host will call out the singer's name, and then jump directly to the song singing scene as soon as the screen goes black.

    The TV gradually came on, and the laser lights illuminated the appearance of the four people on the stage.

    Yu Han looked at the person in the lower left corner, and narrowed his eyes slightly: "Is this the child you've been looking for?"

    Huo Yanzhou followed Yu Han's line of sight, and when his eyes touched Lin Feinian's face, he hummed softly one time.

    "It's him."

    "It's so good-looking." Yu Han put down the spoon, smiled and stroked his palms.

    "Yes, he is very good-looking." Huo Yanzhou narrowed his eyes, with a gentle expression.

    "If you like someone, treat him better. Some time ago, I saw some people scolding their children on the Internet." Lin Jincheng educated him and said, "Nowadays, the Internet is full of hostility, and children will be punished if they don't do anything well." Zoom in and scold."

    "I know." Huo Yanzhou said.

    His voice was calm, giving people a great sense of security: "With me here, he will never be bullied again in this life."

    Lin Jincheng and Yu Han laughed.

    Neither of them paid attention to the three words "this life" that Huo Yanzhou said, they just regarded it as the time limit for making a promise, but they didn't think that it was something Huo Yanzhou had experienced before.


    unexpected harmony between Jiancai and the other three made Lin Feinian feel a little relieved.

    Seeing the kitten and Song Nanyi lying on the sofa sleeping together, one person and one cat covered with a blanket, the sofa is not too crowded.

    Lin Feinian was washing cat food bowls for the kittens in the kitchen, and occasionally glanced at the living room to prevent the person and the cat from falling asleep and rolling to the floor.

    The quiet time stopped at seven o'clock in the evening, and the sun had completely sunk, leaving only a touch of orange red on the edge of the distant skyline.

    It was at this time that Mei Liu came over, bringing dinner for the four of them.

    The four of them sat in a circle around the dining table, eating dinner with less oil and less salt, while a cat stepped on a new cat climbing frame and played happily.

    Mei Liu was holding the edge of the table with one hand on her hips and the other, talking to them about the itinerary for the next few days.

    "Before you sign the contract, you should know the company's plan for you."

    "I know, is it a group show?" Lin Feinian was the one who signed the contract last, and the one who remembered the contract most clearly.

    "Yes, the filming team for the group performance is ready, and we will start recording the group performance after this week's schedule is over."

    Song Nan raised his hand: "Can I know in advance what the group performance will be shooting?"

    Mei Liu slightly A smile: "I can't."

    Song Nanyi: ...

    Mei Liu clapped his hands: "Okay, I wish you good luck, by the way, what's the name of that cat?"

    Lin Feinian replied: "Pick it up, pick it up. "

    Mei Liu nodded to show that he knew: "I will tell the property manager that if you are not at home, the property manager will come up to pick up cat food every day."

    Lin Feinian already knew this, otherwise he would not have dared to take the cat from Liu Yaochun took him away.

    If you can't get good care, it's better to stay with Liu Yaochun.

    The cat, who was playing with the pompom hanging from the cat climbing frame, stopped playing immediately when he heard Lin Feinian say his name, jumped off the cat climbing frame and lay down at Lin Feinian's feet.

    Mei Liu said: "It's going to be hard work, is everyone okay?" It

    was quite normal for the schedule to be packed during the ascending period, and none of the four of them said anything, and they ate the unpalatable dinner with a natural expression.

    Outside the window, the last remaining touch of orange also fell into the darkness.

Chapter 20

    In the following week, the four of them were running all over the world and announced their itineraries.

    Within this week, Shi Lei's investigation results came out.

    "People have already entered. Although the time has not been very long, the stains in life will definitely not be removed." Mei Liu poked her waist and told them the result.

    Lin Feinian asked subconsciously: "What about the talent show variety show?"

    "Mr. Gu of Tianhe Group has increased investment and found a new director. Three days later, the final debut final will be filmed. It will still be broadcast live. The talent show is completely transparent for Show fairness."

    Lin Feinian lowered his head, his expression was unclear.

    Gu Guanhe is the slag Gong in the original book.

    After joining st, Lin Feinian stopped paying attention to the affairs of Ruan Siji and Gu Guanhe. He thought that as long as he stayed away from the protagonist of the original book, his future would no longer be affected by the plot of the original book.

    Looking at it now, although Shi Lei went in, the plot was not interrupted, but resumed.

    Song Nanyi: "After they make their debut, will they compete with us?" "

    Of course." Mei Liu put the bag on her shoulder on the table and made a moderate sound.

    When she spoke again, Mei Liu spoke with a little smile: "Why, you don't have confidence anymore?"

    "Impossible." Lin Feinian closed his eyes.

    He had been in the talent show for so long, and he was very familiar with the so-called "strength" of those members.

    There are talent shows almost every year. After five or six years, almost all the good seedlings have been scrapped by the previous ones.

    Shi Lei's draft contest, which has been temporarily organized for Ruan Si, can even be described as "a mixed bag of fish and dragons", and there are as many as ten internet celebrities.

    Zhong Jianye also said: "We will not lose."

    Song Nan was eager to try: "I don't know if we can be on the same stage, I want to test their strength."

    Mei Liu: "That's for later."

    She took out a document from her bag: "Let's see, this is your group plan."

    Qi Jun was the closest, took the document, and gently With a shake, the paper shakes open.

    There are only four sheets of paper.

    "Is it so little?" Song Nanyi said, and leaned over to have a look.

    Then it was discovered that only one of the four sheets of paper had content, and the other three were all photocopied.

    Song Nanyi:! ! !

    Mei Liu said with a smile: "Of course, what I'm showing you is only a brief introduction. By the way, there is a live broadcast for fans tonight, in the dance practice room." "Oh."

    Song Nan held the A piece of paper with no more than a hundred words on it simply wrote the introduction of this variety show.


    Gone! ! !

    Lin Feinian heard that there was a live broadcast tonight, and asked Mei Liu for some precautions.

    He has never broadcast live before, so he doesn't know what to say when facing the fans in the live broadcast room.

    Mei Liu said: "Relax, just be natural."

    She mentioned another thing: "Do you remember the fans you saw when you left the airport that day?"

    Lin Feinian said he knew.

    That was the first time he saw so many fans who liked him, they enthusiastically wanted a group photo, and said they liked him bluntly, this kind of experience was unprecedented.

    "I asked the public relations department to pay attention to the remarks on Weibo, and I was worried that some marketing account would lead you to improper management of fans." Mei Liu said, "The result was that the public relations department told me that no marketing account mentioned this matter. , On the contrary, there are a few companies that have been praising you for being gentle to your fans."

    "If you can handle that situation, then the live broadcast will definitely be fine." Mei Liu is still quite confident about her vision of selecting candidates.

    Lin Feinian thought of the people with cameras who were chatting with him, there were men and women, but in Lin Feinian's eyes at that time, they were just ordinary people who worked hard and struggled to survive.



    In the evening, the live broadcast started on time in the dance practice room. After the professionals adjusted the camera, the live broadcast officially began.

    When the live broadcast started, the four of them were still sitting in the corner of the dance practice room discussing what to eat at the end of the live broadcast.

    Wang Ming called them twice, but there were still songs playing in the dance practice room, and none of the four heard Wang Ming calling them.

    By the time they knew that the live broadcast had started, the fans in the live broadcast room had already laughed for two rounds.

    Lin Feinian touched his nose in embarrassment.

    The four of them greeted the audience and fans in unison: "Good evening, everyone."

    [Every year! Mom is here to see you! ]

    [Hi mother-in-law upstairs, daughter-in-law is here too]

    [Nan Yi, don't even think about eating! ! ! Gained weight again! ]

    [Zhong Jianye, I like you! ]

    [Qi Jun, you are so good, I love you so much]

    The screen of the live broadcast mobile phone is not big, Lin Feinian moved forward to see the barrage in the live broadcast room clearly.

    When he saw the screen-full husband getting closer, although he knew that this was normal for fans, he was still so ashamed that his face blushed suddenly.

    A super long barrage floated across the barrage, which attracted Lin Feinian's attention.

    [What's the content of today's live broadcast, and I want to see you dance hey girl again]

    Hey girl is the title song of st's debut album and the only dance that appears on stage.

    "Sister Mei said that singing and dancing will be performed live, so that we will regress if we don't practice today." It was Song Nanyi who answered, and he took a mobile phone from some staff member to watch the live broadcast.

    Lin Feinian nodded, and asked the fans in the live broadcast room warmly: "What do you want to hear? Dance is also available, but the dances of the other four songs have not been revealed yet, so I can only dance hey girl.

    " Gentle, drowning in the gentle voice of every year]

    [Listen to hey girl! If you want to listen to the song and watch the dance, I want it all (rolling and cheating)]

    Lin Fei smiled young: "Okay, both are fine."

    Qi Jun and Zhong Jianye got up to find a stand, Lin Feinian and Song Nan They also put down their phones, and they only wear the loose clothes they practice in the dance studio every day.

    There is no gorgeous stage, no lighting, no costumes suitable for the dance, just a simple dance practice room, but none of the four people underestimated this performance.

    Whether it's on stage or in the general practice room, they don't slouch on any performance.

    Stuck in powerful movements, never making mistakes.

    After a song came to an end, the four of them sat down again without blushing or panting.

    [So handsome, so handsome, help me, is this a real appearance! ]

    [Every time Niannian and Ah Ye make high notes, I'm so excited, I don't know why]

    [Why is there no ra, Ye Qingjie, I am a fan of that ra. 】


    Lin Feinian held the mobile phone and showed Qi Jun the barrage: "They want to hear the ra between you and Nan Yi."

    Qi Jun thought for a second, and said, "That ra is not suitable for now."

    The fans cried expression.

    Then I heard Qi Jun say: "Let me make another one, wait for me."

    Hundreds of thousands of fans watched Qi Jun take a pen and paper, write and draw on it for ten minutes, and then took the paper to Song Song. Look south.

    Song Nanyi made an OK gesture: "Simple."

    "I'll find music for you!" Lin Feinian found his mobile phone, and after finding the accompaniment, he directly dragged the progress bar to the piece of music that was filled in ra.

    Song Nanyi and Qi Jun both sang Ra tacitly, one in front of the other, one chanting loudly and the other in a low voice.

    [艸艸艸, on-site creation? ]

    [There are still people who don't know that Qi Jun graduated from a famous foreign music academy]

    [So all members of st are full of strength]

    [I was still wondering why st didn't officially announce the appearance of lead dancer and lead singer ace. Now that I understand, they It is omnipotent! There is no need for these positioning at all! ]

    [Just pull anyone out to be able to take any position in other boy groups, and the average person has a high degree of education...] [

    Now the education is much better, everyone basically started with a bachelor's degree]

    [Thanks for the rules above, you must be an adult to participate program, or you will see a batch of Jiu Leyu]

    At the end of the live broadcast, all four of them sang a song, and Lin Feinian was even coaxed into a national dance.

    After the dance, Lin Feinian pursed his lips and said sorry.

    "I'm not good at classical dance. I just studied for a few years as an elective. The basic skills of classical dance are very strict and require special concentration and hard work to learn well." Lin Feinian was already eight years old when he started learning dance.

    The fans in the live broadcast room were still praising him for dancing well. At this moment, a user who had been staring at the ID for years, swiped a million gifts in a row.

    Lin Feinian didn't know the price at first, but when he saw the millionaires on the bullet screen, he realized something was wrong and looked at Meiliu.

    After smashing into Pong Yi in one breath, a barrage was posted this year, because the luxury of charging money was directly placed in the middle of the live broadcast room.

    [Year: You dance very well]

    [Year: Don't worry, just be a red envelope from the boss]

    Lin Feinian's mind went blank.


    Huo Yanzhou? ? ?

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