Demon Samurai Kitsune

By AndrewSinclair0

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Before the battle with the Nine Tail Fox. Minato discovered that his hero the second Hokage abandoned the Uzu... More

Escape from Konoha
Adapting to a life for Naruto's future
Discussion of Naruto's Future
Snakes in the Sun
Failure is Never Easy
Proposition From the Leaf
Return to the Leaf
Life in the Leaf
Finally a Samurai!
Life as Normal
Fox Encounters Some Snakes
Battle For the Wave
New Alliance When the Sun Meets the Sea
Invite to the Chunin Exams
Forest of Death
Preparing for Invasion
Final Elimination!
Rise of Konoha
Power of the Ones We Love
Slug Sannin
Moving On
Fighting For Sasuke
Foxes and Wolves

Final Test!

479 5 3
By AndrewSinclair0

Kakashi decided to meet up with Keigo, Yukon, and Uto. He wasn't to sure how they'd be about the kids taken on some Anbu missions. Samurai treated missions very different from shinobi. Ninja were much more devious in their efforts. Spies and assasins versus the way of the warriors.

In teaching Naruto, he had taught him how to gather info and perform reconnaissance. With samurai it was more of a military effort. Them being suited for war more so than spy work. They would look for any sort of fortifications, military size, and possible assets. That is what made the treaty so tempting for the Sun Daimyo. Ninja villages were able to get their hands on things that samurai just couldn't.

Shikaku had told him that they would be doing more message delivery. Border defense and taking down low level rogue ninja. This would give the few Anbu that were used for these tasks a reprieve. Border security was already mostly taken by the samurai already. Though the fire Daimyo had his own forces, he heavily relied on Konoha for his defense. Kakashi's forces supplemented them well. Cutting off and eliminating any possible enemy forces including bandits and gangs.

"So Shikaku Nara wants our novices to take on low level Anbu missions. Some of these missions they'd be doing anyway. However they are still children. Fighting in open battle is not something I want them to do often."

Looking around at his three friends he could see the contemplation and worry amongst them. Keigo leaned forward, "The ninja have a ranking system on how they should give out missions. I know they could handle these missions but I think they need experience first."

Uto nodded in agreement, "I agree with doing border security. Maybe some escort missions. I don't want our son doing enemy retrieval missions quite yet " Yukon smiled at his husband and grabbed the big man's hand, "I agree with Uto. It's more than we give most novice teams."

The worry of the two Samurai was apparent. He didn't blame them either. Though he and Naruto had been here awhile they just got here. Not to mention they didn't fully trust shinobi. The Land of Sun had played a defensive front in the last Great Shinobi war. Taking in different clans from villages. The Uzumaki being the biggest examples but also taking in some from the Hidden Mist.

"I will tell Shikaku and the Hokage  what kind of missions we want them to take. I would also like them to take some D-ranked missions." Keigo let out a sigh of annoyance, "Really? Chores for Konoha?"

Giving the younger warrior an eye smile, "Of course! It will be good team building and they learn the value of the people!"

"So we will have them do smaller missions. As their captain though, if they show promise I'll up their mission parameters." Keigo gave an unusual seriousness.

"I'll go inform the Hokage. Keigo, you should go to the academy and get the kids." Excitement entered the blue haired warrior. Jumping up Keigo bid them farewell.

"Thank you." Kakashi looked at Uto who seemed happy with his decision. "Hikano is very capable but we can't imagine him purposely going to into battle yet."

Giving the two men a look of support, "I understand but you will need to warm up to the idea eventually."

The red head let out a sigh and rubbed his temples, "We know. It is just hard thinking of our boy fighting. He needs to be prepared just in case Orochimaru wants him back but it's....... terrifying."

"I get that. Naruto just being in this village is hard. But he is strong and so is Hikano and Yahikio." Both men seemed to agree but the worry hadn't left their eyes. "Well, I'll go inform the Hokage and Shikaku."

Katsuki was annoyed. He was placed with the hollier than though Uchiha. If he had to be placed with a clan kid it would be best to be with Hinata or Kiba. Kiba was loud and obnoxious but was a lot of fun. Hinata was just nice, pretty , and strong. Instead he is placed with the  'prodigy.'

The only reason he is so strong is because the Samurai came and he got trained by that commander. Though Sakura was pretty cool. She was strong, especially for a clanless konouchi. She was always nice to him, which makes him feel better.

The thing his team had in common though was that they were both good friends with that Naruto boy. Katsuki didn't know much about him. He had seen him around the village. Naruto was always helping villagers on his way even if they sneered at him. He was strong but kind. He watched but was annoyed that everyone in their class liked him. Plus he was friends with all the clan kids. Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akimichi, and one Sasuke Uchiha.

It aggravated him that everyone believed in how powerful the little prince is. Katsuki was strong even if he wasn't some clan prodigy. He even was able to get not one but two elements with different jutsu. Whatever, he'd show everyone that you don't have to be from a clan to be powerful.

"Hey Katsuki." Turning around he looked to see Hinata smiling at him, "Hey Hinata!" The brown haired boy smiled at the girl. "Want to walk till you get with your team?"

"Definitely!" He felt his cheeks flush as he turned to head to training ground seven. "Are you excited to start Hinata?"

"Y-yes. Kiba and Shino will be a good team." She smiled to herself as she thought of her teammates. "How about you?"

"Yeah, but I don't want to be with the Uchiha." He grumbled as he shoved his fists into his pockets. The Hyuuga girls just giggle, "I just don't get why he is so great."

"Well he may not think of himself like that. You should give him a chance." Looking at the girl, he couldn't help but sigh, "I guess but I won't be easy on the clan boy."

"Well good luck!" She gave him a hug before running off. He couldn't help but smile as he walked up to his team. Sasuke was leaning against a post while Sakura was trying to get his attention. Which annoyed teal eyed boy. Every girl seemed to love the damned emo boy.

"Katsuki! You are here!" Sakura left the Sasuke and ran to him. He could swear he saw a sigh of relief from the boy. "Yeah, sorry I'm late but it looks like I beat Sensei Yamato."

"Yeah. We are all still early so it's fine!" Sakura sat down so they could talk. Katsuki was shocked in the change in the pink girl out of know where.

"Good you are all here." Yamato appeared behind them causing Katsuki to jump. "Today we will be performing a test to decide if you will stay Genin or go back to the academy."

"What?!" Sakura yelled, "We are already Genin. What's the point of the finals if we have to pass a final test anyway!"

"Simple. The life a Shinobi is tough. We have to determine whether you are strong enough or not to survive."

"I will be guarding Intel. Your objective is to either capture me or get the Intel." The three Genin looked at eachother before all standing before their sensei. "Good luck."

With that the man disappeared. "We need to come up with a plan." Sasuke looking at Katsuki. "What you think I can't help you or something!"

Sasuke shook his head in irritation, "No I'm not saying that! When the samurai move as a unit they work to-"

Pushing Sasuke back Katsuki shook his head, "I'm going if you want to help then you better follow me." Running off towards his objective, Katsuki moved.

Sasuke landed on a tree not far from where their objective was. He could see Yamato sitting and waiting for them. He didn't seem to worry what so ever about their approach. Sakura wasn't to far off watching like he was to see what Katsuki was going to do.

That damned brat was going to get them booted back to the academy. If only he had been placed on Naruto's team. His skills were amazing, he always worried about the group and never himself. The smile the blond would give felt like the sun itself.

Feeling himself get a weird warm feeling, Sasuke shook himself back to the task at hand. He needed to get the Intel. He didn't know much about Yamato sensei. Watching him fight against his teammate may help.

Jumping out Katsuki went through his hand signs, "Water Release Wild Water Wave!" Katsuki sent a stream of water towards the wood user.

Yamato brought up a mud wall stopping the attack instantly. Appearing next to Katsuki, "When facing a stronger opponent you shouldn't attack alone."

Katsuki jumped backwards performing another set of hand signs, "Lightning Release Lightning Bolt Jutsu!" Lightning charged up in his right hand before sending it flying at Yamato.

Yamato created a wood barrier to block the attack directing it back into the ground again. Appearing next to his mentor Katsuki pulled out a kunai and tried to attack. Yamato was fast though spinning he hooked his leg around the boy's arm. Pulling him closer and hitting him in the chest sending him sailing into a tree.

Yamato quickly formed hand signs and trapped Katsuki into a wood prison, "You show promise but unfortunately it was for nothing."

While Yamato was distracted Sasuke tried to move on the Intel scroll. As he approached he looked back but Yamato was no longer in front of the other boy. Jumping out of pure instinct, he managed to dodge the roots that's attempted to wrap around him.

Landing on a branch he turned around to see Yamato giving him a creepy smirk, "You are fast. I see Kakashi's influence in you."

Yamato jumped at Sasuke wood forming and launching out of his arm. The emo boy jumped back and retaliated, "Fire Release Fire Ball Jutsu!"

The fire ball engulfed the wood user. Before he could react Sasuke attacked again. "Fire Release Fire Fist Jutsu!" Punching the back of Yamato and sending him crashing into the ground.

Landing back on the tree the boy smirked. Only for the man to splinter into wood chips. Before the shock could truly set in Yamato appeared behind him. Grabbing his arms and legs in branches and sticking him to the tree.

Sakura set up traps to distract the wood user. After watching her team get wiped out with ease, she understood she couldn't win by herself. 'Stupid boys. Can't work together gotta see whose is bigger!'

In the not to far off distance she heard her traps getting sprung. Making her way to Katsuki first she landed in front of him, "You idiots ready to work together now?"

Chuckling the boy scratched his head, "Yeah sorry Sakura." Pulling her tanto out, Sakura cut through his prison. Together they made it to Sasuke.

"Hey loser! I'm ready to work together now!" Katiski yelled up to the boy. Sasuke grumbled under his breath as Sakura cut him out as well. After being freed the three Genin came up with a plan to fight their new sensei.

Yamato stood by waiting for the Genin to attack again. So far he was very disappointed with their teamwork. He had hoped for more, especially from Sakura and Sasuke who were trained by Kakashi and Veit respectably.

As he was thinking about whether to pass or fail them suddenly shiruken flew out of the trees in different direction. Suddenly both Sasuke and Mitzuki appeared.

"Fire Release Flame Bullet Jutsu!"
"Water Release Water Bullet  Jutsu!"

The Genin fired down on the wood user.  Suddenly out of the smoke giant wood pillars smashed into the trees the boys were standing on. Sakura appeared behind him. In an attempt to get him off guard struck with her tanto.

Yamato was to fast for the pinkette. Ducking under the blade he kicked her sending her tumbling backwards. Turning around again he blocked the barrage of Taijutsu attacks from Katuski while Sasuke attempted to battle him with his chakra blade.

Spinning he grabbed Sasuke's wrist and threw him into Katsuki sending them both into a tree. Standing, Team 7 prepared to fight the Jonin again when his expression turned serious, "We are done! I have to say this!"

Tension filled the air around the Genin team, "You passed!" He suddenly smirked causing relief to fill Sasuke's chest.

"This was a test to see how you worked as a team. I was worried at first but you have shown you are willing to work as a team when the going gets tough. Remember what a friend of mine has always said. Those who break the rules are trash. Those who abandon their friends are less then trash."

Naruto stood in front of his sensei with his team. Keigo had a enthusiastic grin, "Today we are going to spar! So I want you three to fight me!"

Naruto felt adrenaline rush through him. Feeling excitement like electricity as he grabbed the hilt to his katana, "Begin!"

Naruto drew his katana and attacked. Keigo in a blur of motion redirected Naruto's blade. Hikano jumped over the blond strike at their mentor who disappeared and reappeared behind the boys. Only Yahikio blocked the attack. Ducking she gave an opening for Hikano to thrust his naginata. Keigo disappeared again and reappeared a few feet from them.

"I'm impressed! For not training together in years you work so well together."  Hikano formed a sign in stead of responding, "Demon Dogs!"

Three shadow wolves appeared and charged at the blue haired samurai. Naruto forced chakra through his body and moved as fast as he could. Going on the offensive he attacked and parried the incoming attacks from their sensei. Feeling pain on his chest from a powerful kick sent the blond flying into a tree.

Looking up he saw Keigo spin taking out  one of the shadow dogs but was stopped by Yahikio. Blocking the attack she reached and pulled out her tanto.

Her natural speed was incredible. Naruto watched as the girl kept up for a short while. Using her tanto for defense, blocking and dodging attack. Light as the butterfly on her armor. Her katana as her offense. Slashing and stabbing at the Wolf.

Pulling out his wazikashi, Naruto prepared to attack. Hikano already re-engaged against the man. Using his naginata's reach to keep Keigo at bay from him and the girl. Naruto shot his chakra chains out after realizing Keigo was about to break through their guards. Both Hikano and Yahikio jumped back as the chains smashed into to ground.

Keigo jumped into the air trying to avoid the little Uzumaki's chains. While in the air he sense demonic chakra near him. Glancing back he saw Naruto above him. Eyes were red, his whiskers slightly more defined, and long nails on his hands.

Spinning he blocked the attack from Naruto but the sheer power sent him colliding into the ground. Standing in the crater he looked up to see all three little samurai staring down at him ready to engage again.

Giving them a smile, he sheathed his wazikashi. "Good job guys! Come lets go get tea and discuss your performance."

Sitting in a circle, Kiego handed out tea to each of his wards. Uto had made the tea for them so Naruto knew it be amazing. Taking a sip brought so much nostalgia about home. Looking down at his cup he couldn't help but give a sad smile.

"What's wrong Naruto?" Looking over at his best friend made him feel better, "Sorry Hikano. I just miss Sun Country is all."

"I'm sure we will get to go home at some point." Hikano gave a soft smile to the Jinchuriki. Feeling his spirits lift a a bit he took another sip of his tea.

"Great! Now let's start." All three novices looked at their mentor, "You're great as a team. Especially for not training together in two years. Yahikio, your speed is impressive but you tend to leave yourself open. If I used my full speed you'd be dead."

The girl slumped a bit at that. She had based her style off of Keigo. His speed was legendary in the Land Of Sun. Taking her families style and applying his, "Don't worry. You and I will work on that."

"Hikano." The boy sat up straighter, "I'm impressed with your shadow dogs. I know you have a few others but throwing them at an opponent though effective at times is pointless if they can out maneuver or speed them. Using them as guards around you while you fight would be more effective."

Hikano smiled at that. He knew he needed to be more strategic at times. He could get to narrow at his objectives. Giving the man a nod he accepted his advice.

"Little Naruto. I'm impressed by your power. Not only are you accessing the Kyuubi but you have incredible control over your own chakra reserves. We need to work on two things with you though. First refinement of your power. I know you're highly skilled but you need to apply that while your powered up. Lastly we need to find a way to increase your control over the bijuu."

Naruto knew that Keigo was right. Barely tapping the overall power of the fox inside him. One day though he could have access and control. It was only a matter of time, "Good now go relax now! We will start missions tomorrow."

After dinner Naruto went by himself to the top of the Hokage monument. He hadn't spent a lot of time there but he found it comforting and peaceful at times. Especially when he felt hime sick. 

"Hey dobe." Naruto looked back to see Sasuke walking up with a smirk, "Sasuke! How was your day with your team?"

Sitting down next to Naruto he smiled, "Actually good. Katuski does have a lot of potential, Sakura is skilled, and Yamato sensei seems to be powerful as well. Though I still wish I was in a team with you."

Naruto chuckled a.and gave the emo boy blinding smile, "Me to! But I have to say it's nice being with my old friends again."

Looking at Naruto, Sasuke saw the longing in his deep blue eyes. As much as Naruto enjoyed his time here with all his friends Sasuke knew he missed home. The way he had always talked about it made Sasuke want to see it.

"I know you miss your home Naruto." The blond looked at him with watery eyes, "I know this was good for the Land Of Sun, but I do miss it deeply."

Sasuke leaned over and bumped his shoulder, "Don't worry Naruto. You'll see hime again. Who knows maybe I'll go with you."

Feeling his face flush Naruto smiled, "Yes! That be amazing! You'd love it." Sasuke felt his heart beat faster for some reason but ignored it to just enjoy his time with his best friend.

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