
By voicelessyouth

28.1K 1K 184

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1.2K 47 6
By voicelessyouth

Two more weeks had gone by, and nothing was better. Y/n and Shane were further apart, the arguments seemer worst. At this point, Shane had been disappeared off to god knows where. Everytime Y/n asked, he'd just brush it off. She did anything she could to distract herself from her husband's strange behavior, married for years and he had never acted like this.

Y/n found herself spending a lot of time with Dale, who reminded her a lot of her father. It was comfort to be around the older man.

Currently Y/n was sitting on a rock just in the woods, a few feet away from camp. She was casually sharpening a stick for a spear, her pocket knife gripped tightly in her hand. She was bored out of her mind, and frustrated beyond belief. Y/n had gone around the woods, searching for any sticks that would be good for spears.

The whole reason she was doing this, and was she was so frustrated was because of her husband. Shane and her had just finished fighting, which ended in him storming off into the woods. Y/n wished the fighting would end, it hurt her knowing how far they've drifted. It broke her heart.

"Shouldn't be out here alone sweetheart." A voice spoke.

Y/n looked up to see the older Dixon brother, Merle. He was an older man, somewhere in his early or mid fifties, with graying hair and facial hair. Y/n hardly spoke with him, she mostly saw him around camp. She tried her hardest to avoid him like he was the plague, but the man was persistent.

"I can handle myself." Y/n says looking back down at her spear, continuing to carve it into a point.

Merle chuckles "Oh really?" He asks "Didn't my brother save your ass a while back? From one of thoes....things?"

"Mmhm." Y/n hums un-intrested in what he had to say.

"Doesn't seem like you can handle yourself then."

Y/n looks up at the older man with a glare "What the hell do you want, Dixon?" She snaps in annoyance.

Merle holds his hand up with a grin "Nothin' sugar. Just wanna talk." He says "Can't I talk with a pretty lady?"

"Go find something else to entertain you, I'm not in the mood." Y/n grumbles, looking back down at her spear once again.

"Your married to the cop, ain't ya'?" Merle asks leaning against a nearby tree.

Y/n doesn't answer, she rolls her eyes and sets the sharpened stick down before grabbing another stick "Why does it matter?"

Merle hums while shrugging "Just curious. Been hearin' you two fighting a lot." He says "Is your little paradise fallin' apart?"

"Seriously Merle, fuck off." Y/n says looking up at glaring at him.

"Come on sweetheart. I'm not all that bad."

Y/n scoffs looking down at her stick, deciding it was beat to ignore him. Hoping he'd just leave, but he didn't.

"What you're gonna ignore me now?" Merle asks getting no response, "Awe come on don't be like that."

"Merle!" A gruff voice snaps.

Y/n looks up to see Daryl walking over, crossbow slung over his shoulder "Leave the woman alone damnit." He says coldly.

Merle holds his hands up "Was just havin' a little fun is all." He says, turning to walk away while dropping his hands.

"Thanks." Y/n says in a mumbled voice, looking back down at her stick. The man just grunts, before walking away.


"Hey, Glenn!" Y/n calls walking towards the younger adult, who was talking with her husband. Getting ready to head into Atlanta for a run.

A week had gone by since Y/n's incident with Merle, and she had been busy. Mostly keeping herself distracted, and trying to remember everything her dad taught her. Y/n's father was ex-military, taught her everything he could. Her father was the main reason she became a doctor.

Glenn looked over and smiled "Hey Y/n, whats up?" He asks "Need me to find something for you?"

Y/n shakes her head "No, I actually wanted to come with you." She boldly says with a grin.

"What?" Shane asks with a scowl "No, not happening." He says.

"Not your choice Shane." Y/n says not looking at her husband, "I'm quick on my feet, and two people is better than one."

Glenn looked between the married couple "Uhm....I mean yeah you can come if you want." He says nervously.

Y/n grins "Sweet, when are we leaving?" She asks.

Shane scoffs "You're not going anywhere." He says pointing a finger at her "You're staying here."

Y/n slaps the finger away from her "You don't control me Shane." She snaps "I'm going god damnit."

"You're unbelievable." Shane says glaring at her "You're acting like a child."

"I'm acting like a child!?" Y/n shouts in disbelief, her eye twitching "Are you fucking serious right now?!"

Everyone in camp had stopped what they were doing, turning to look at the married couple. Glenn had quickly moved away with wide eyes, not wanting to get caught in the crossfire of the fight.

"Hey what's going on." Lori asks now joining the arguing couple.

Y/n hardly glances at her bestfriend "My husband, is being a fucking dick." She snarls

Shane shakes his head while rolling his eyes "Well my wife, has a fucking death wish."

"Guys, come on." Lori pleaded, looking between the two. But her words were ignored, drowned out coming with their yelling.

"I don't have a death wish! I'm not fucking helpless Shane!" Y/n shouts.

"You almost fucking died the other day!" Shane shouts back angrily, his tone raising more and more.

"THAT WAS A ONE OFF, I TOLD YOU I WAS CAUGHT OFF GUARD!" Y/n screams back, her top completely blowing "WHO WOULDN'T BE?!"

Dale quickly steps forward "That is enough. If you continue like this, you're gonna draw thoes things to our camp." He says.

Y/n scoffs still glaring at her husband "Yeah." She mumbled "I'm leaving now, you coming Glenn?"

The young adult nods "Yeah." He says nervously, looking at Shane who was glaring daggers at Y/n.


"Are-are you okay?" Glenn asks halfway to Atlanta, Y/n was driving while he sat in the front seat.

So far the drive had been silent, it felt awkward. The entire drive, Y/n had a death grip on the wheel her knuckles white. She was lost in thought, she was so angry and so sad.

Y/n side eyes Glenn and hums "Yeah." She answers "Just angry."

"Did you guys always fight like that?" Glenn asks "I don't mean to-"

"It's fine kid." Y/n says with a small smile "And no, we never....we've never fought like that. Before everything."

"Why do you think the fighting is happening?"

Y/n shrugs "I don't know." She says "I would say he's cheating, but how the fuck could he manage that?" She jokes with a laugh.

Glenn looks at her weirdly "I've seen him around with Lori a lot." He says.

"Shane and her husband Rick were bestfriend." Y/n says shaking, her heart aching for the loss still "And besides, no matter how angry Shane is with me. He'd never cheat." She adds confidently.

Glenn's eyes went wide "Oh shit, I'm sorry. I-i didn't know." He mumbles.

Y/n smiles tightly "It's okay, I understand how you could miss interpret that."

"What-what did you do before all this?" Glenn asks hoping to ease the tension.

"I was a doctor." Y/n says with a sigh "I kinda miss it. What about you?"

Glenn laughs a little "Pizza delivery." He answers "It wasn't much fun."

Y/n lets out a sigh "I could kill for some pizza right now." She says, her stomach growling at the thought.

"I could kill for anything that isn't canned, or squirrels." Glenn says with a huff.

"What do you miss most about the old world?" Y/n asks slowing the car to a stop just outside of the city.

Glenn shrugs "A lot of things. My parents mostly." He answered with a sad look "What about you?"

"Same here." Y/n sighs staring forward, while turning the car off. Her thoughts drifting to her older sister, how beautiful and funny she was.

Glenn sighs "Okay. We're gonna stick together, and stay quiet." He says.

Y/n nods with a hum "What do you know about these things?" She asks "My knowledge is pretty limited."

"I call them Geeks. Their eyesight is garbage, but they can hear and smell you." Glenn explained.

"Like Carnival geeks?" Y/n questioned with raised brows.

Glenn smiles glad she understood "Yeah, exactly like Carnival geeks." He says.

"And these things can smell you?" Y/n asks her eyes widening a little.

Glenn laughs a little looking over with a smile "Yeah. They smell like death, and we don't."

Y/n chuckles and smiles "Yeah, that makes sense." She says "Anything else?"

"You know how to kill them?" Glenn asks opening his door.

"Yup, destroy the brain basically. It's what the broadcast said." Y/n answers climbing out of the car.

"You got a weapon?" Was the next question he asked while climbing out of the car.

Y/n smiles "I've got everything kid, you don't need to worry." She says in amusement, "I've got my knife and gun. Though if they're attracted to sound I'll just use my knife."

Glenn lets out a heavy breath "I'm sorry if I'm being....I honestly don't know how to put it." The young adult mumbles nervously.

"It's alright kid, you're used to coming here alone." Y/n says with a shrug.

"Yeah, exactly. I just wanna be quick, scavenge whatever we need and get out. In and out quickly." Glenn explained in a determined voicem

Y/n grins a little "Well, lets get going Pizza Boy." She teases, turning and walking in the direction of the city.

"P-pizza boy?" Glenn asks baffled, quickly jogging to catch up with Y/n.


Y/n opens a mirror grabbing a pill bottle from inside, it was Oxycodone. The woman smiles shoving the bottle inside, she knew this would come in hand at some point. Y/n then crouched down opening the cabinets under the sink, she moved a few things around before setting her eyes on some shampoo and conditioner, along with a full roll of toilet paper.

"Score." Y/n whispered happily, stuffing everything in her backpack.

Y/n and Glenn had made their way deep into the city, sticking to roofs or alley ways as much they could. They only ran into a few geeks, and had managed to avoid them. They currently were in an apartment building, checking any unlocked rooms together.

"Find anything good?" Glenn asks in a low whisper, as Y/n walks out of the bathroom.

"Yeah found some pain meds, shampoo, conditioner, and a roll of toilet paper." Y/n lists off, her voice just as quite as his.

Glenn grins "What a score." He whispered.

Y/n chuckles quietly "Thats what I said." She whispered "Did you find anything good?"

"Got some more canned food, and I found some jerky." Glenn lists with a shrug.

"Not bad. Wanna keep looking?" Y/n ask curiously, they hadn't had much luck at their other places. But this building seemed to have a lot.

Glenn nods "Yeah, we might as well. We have until sundown to leave, it's not a good idea to be out here at night." He explains, walking out of the room with Y/n on his heels.

"Why's that?"

"They're more active at night. I found that out when I was with this other group." Glenn explains in a whisper.

Y/n frowns "Other group?" She asks curiously.

Glenn holds a finger to his lips, and taps on one of the doors. He waits for a moment, and then opens the door to peak inside. After waiting another minute, Glenn steps inside followed by Y/n who closes the door behind them.

"Sorry, anyway, yeah I was with a group a few days after everything. But I ended up leaving." Glenn explained.

"How come you left?"

"I had family here in Atlanta, I wanted to try and find them." Glenn says with a sad look "Never....I never found them."

Y/n frowns "I'm sorry you didn't find them." She says in a gentle voice.

"It's okay...." Glenn says in a shallow voice "Lets see if we can find any more stuff." He adds, quickly walking away from Y/n.

The woman lets out a breath, before heading into one of the bedrooms. Y/n's first instinct was to search the closet, and when she slid open the closet door she was not disappointed. Inside was an empty backpack, and some clothes. Y/n grabs the bag, setting it at her feet before checking the size of the clothes. Lucky enough most of them were Y/n's size.

There were several shirts that fit her, band shirts specifically, mostly Ozzy, KISS, and Metallica. There were also some jeans and joggers that were her size, along with a shirt that would fit Carl. Just a plain green one. Y/n shoved the clothing inside the bag, before getting to her feet.

"So far so good." Y/n mumbles, glad she found some shirts. But the fact they were band shirts, made her even more excited. While checking the rest of the room, Y/n found nothing else good just a few stray bullets in one of the nightstand drawers.

She leaves the room peaking into the room Glenn was in, he was still searching through some things. Y/n let out a breath, before walking down the hall and heading to the kitchen. She begins searching the cabinets, getting lucky and finding a small bag of granola and a small bag of rice. While she continues to search the cabinets, something thuds against the door. Loudly.

Y/n freezes while getting to her feet, Glenn had been quick to make his way over to her "Was that you?" He mouths.

"No." Y/n mouths back, tilting her head in the direction of the door.

Glenn slowly creeps over to the door, locking the deadbolt. With the small sound a loud groan is heard, and more banging on the door. The young adult lets out a sigh, stepping back "Geeks." He mutters.

Y/n looks out the window "It's almost sundown." She whispered looking back to Glenn "Are we stuck here?"

"Yeah, until thoes geeks leave. We're stuck." Glenn whispered making his way over to her.

The Geeks on the other side of the door continued groaning, and banging at the door. It felt like there was more than before, especially since the sound didn't help.

"Fuck." Y/n mumbled crossing her arms "Should we stay the night here, head back in the morning?" She asks.

Glenn sighs "I don't think we have a choice."

"They.....they can't get in right?" Y/n asks worriedly her eyes a little wide.

"No, door is dead bolted." Glenn says making his way to the kitchen.

Y/n sighs walking over to the couch, and plopping down in it "Shane is gonna kill me." She sings.

"Hopefully he isn't too mad." Glenn says opening the fridge, before instantly shutting it and gagging a little "Ugh, nasty." He groaned.

"He honestly shouldn't be mad, I mean we're bringing in a lot." Y/n says with pride, "More food, and other supplies." She listed.

Glenn walks over and joins Y/n on the couch "Hopefully our car is still there." He says, "If it's not we're gonna have to walk back."

Y/n makes a face at the thought "That would not be fun." She mumbled, letting her head rest on the soft cushion.

"I can take first watch, if you wanna sleep?" Glenn suggested, looking over and noticing how tired the older woman was.

"You sure?" Y/n asks turning her head to look at him.

Glenn nods with a small smile "Positive. You get some rest, I'm gonna see what else I can find." He says while getting up.

Y/n smiles "Thanks Pizza boy." She says, letting her eyes close.

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