Wings of a Wizard (Harry Pott...

By IroniumToy47

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"I died in my sleep. I'd lived a good life, despite my less-than-stellar upbringing, and my teenage years. Ha... More

Prologue (PLZ READ 1ST)
New Life
An Unexpected Event Pt.1
An Unexpected Event Pt.2
An Unexpected Event Pt.3
More than High School Pt.1
More than High School Pt.2
More than High School Pt.3
More than High School Pt.4
Save the First Dance Pt.1
Save the First Dance Pt.2
Save the First Dance Pt.3
Save the First Dance Pt.4
The Black Mud Swamp Pt.1
The Black Mud Swamp Pt.2
The Black Mud Swamp Pt.3
The Black Mud Swamp Pt.4
Miss Magix Pt.1
Miss Magix Pt.2
Miss Magix Pt.3
Miss Magix Pt.4
The Swordsmith Pt.1
The Swordsmith Pt.2
The Swordsmith Pt.3
The Swordsmith Pt.4
A Job for Bloom Pt.1
A Job for Bloom Pt.2
A Job for Bloom Pt.3
A Job for Bloom Pt.4
Prisoner of the Dark Pt.1
Prisoner of the Dark Pt.2
Prisoner of the Dark Pt.3
Prisoner of the Dark Pt.4
Mind of a Child Pt.1
Mind of a Child Pt.2
Mind of a Child Pt.3
Mind of a Child Pt.4
rejected sections pt.1
Darko's Plan Pt.1
Darko's Plan Pt.2
Darko's Plan Pt.3
Darko's Plan Pt.4
Day of the Lily Pt.1
Day of the Lily Pt.2
Day of the Lily Pt.3

An Unexpected Event Pt.4

460 19 5
By IroniumToy47

X - normal text

X - text where Bloom is not present

'X' - thoughts

'#$X#$' - Parseltongue

Warning: Minor Sex Scene

Chapter: : An Unexpected Event Pt.4

"I wish I could stay longer." Stella sighed as she moved her bags by the door, dressed in the outfit she'd worn when I found her. The last week had been crazy fun, for all of us. After our trip to Fashion Island, we'd shown Stella around the sights. She'd had all kinds of Earth food, and even now owned a couple of hundred articles of different clothing, from shirts to skirts, casual wear to formal dresses. 

Every day of Stella's stay we did something different. We took her bowling, golfing, and skating.  We discovered that Stella couldn't hit a golf ball to save her life, but she could hurl a bowling ball very well and took to skating like a fish to water. 

We had 'girls' nights, something that I hadn't done since Selina was still in Gardenia. We also showed each other our makeup stashes, obviously, Stella's collection outdid our own. 

Movies were another foreign concept to her, and we spent a whole day watching the original Star Wars trilogy and one of the Transformers movies. We also had a marathon binge-watching the first season of Vampire Diaries and the first Twilight movie (seriously, I have no idea why Stella liked the idea of a love triangle between a human and two vampire brothers, or a human and a vampire and a werewolf). 

I may or may not have introduced Stella to the Harry Potter books as well (seriously, I found the movies offensive. They couldn't even find an actor with my--I mean Harry's emerald green eyes, and they had bloody CGI! 

Over the weekend, Violet and I brought Stella down to the beach, introducing her to Roxy, who I hadn't seen in a while. 

We even managed to convince her to wear a bikini to the beach, which I was enthusiastic about going to since I'd made a new friend. We played volleyball with some handsome young men and Roxy on her off-shift (Stella later told us that Roxy had a magical aura, but her affinity was nothing like she'd ever seen). 

I'm happy that we were able to break her out of her shell more, pushing her to do new things, and experience stuff that she likely wouldn't have ever thought of. She was a little uncomfortable with the idea of a bikini, but we were supportive of her. And so proud when she worked up the courage to not only wear it, but to flirt while rocking it. 

Honestly, this felt like I was meeting Daphne Greengrass, but with some of Ronald Weasley's traits, and none of Daphne's emotional 'masks'. Ah, who cares, I was just happy to make another friend. But sadly, all good things must come to an end. I had under two months before I'd get to go to Magix. 

"I know," I said regretfully. 

Unfortunately, Stella had to get back to Magix, report to Faragonda for her lessons, then return to Solaria before people started to ask questions. It wouldn't do good for the kingdom's sole heir to be running around with 'peasants', as she predicted that they'd say. Though Stella never said who 'they' were, I suspected that she might not have the best relationship with her parents, one or both. 

"Either way, we'll see each other soon," Stella promised, her golden eyes shining brightly. "I'll have to plan a time when I can invite you and your family to Solaria, as thanks for introducing and showing me around Earth. I had a fun time, and I'd like to come back again." 

"We were happy to host, Stella." My Mum said with a soft smile. 

"Thank you, Mrs--I mean, thanks Lily," Stella said. "And thank you all, for everything." 

The same Specialists that came to our assistance (they did not save me, I would've saved myself) from the hunter troll had arrived, landing their cloaked spaceship in the park. Prince Sky and his squire had walked over to our place, which had been fixed since the fight. 

"You have an open invitation here, Stella." My Dad said. "Just, try not to bring an angry horde of magical creatures with you next time." 

Stella pinked at his tease, reaching for his extended hand and giving it a firm shake. "Will do, sir." 

"Stella, it's time to go." Prince Sky said, who'd been waiting silently at the door as Brandon looked at me. 

I'd hidden my face in my curtain of hair to hide my blush (which Violet later teased me mercilessly over) as we'd talked for a bit. Nothing interesting, just small talk. I admit he is a little cute, but he gives me 'pretty-boy' vibes too much. Also, there's something off about him and the prince. I just can't put my finger on it, it's just a feeling. 

My intuition has never failed me, so I'm going to trust it. Intuition had me investigate the park and discover Stella, after all. 

Stella nodded. Then she surprised us by initiating and pulling my sister and me into a tight hug. "I will see you at Alfea, Bloom. I'll see you again Violet." 

Then she was gone, Prince Sky and Brandon carrying her luggage, which had expanded significantly over the week. I waved goodbye, watching as they left the street. I turned and sank down on the couch, Violet joining me while Mum shut the door. 

"Nothing is going to be the same, will it?" I asked quietly. Already, I was missing Stella's loud, bubbly, and fondly annoying personality. 

Violet sighed. "It won't be, but I'd like to think that in between building our friendship with Stella, our bond got stronger too." 

I turned so that I was fully facing her. "Want to watch a movie?" 

"Sure," she said, grabbing the remote. "I'll get the popcorn," Dad announced. 

"Guess I'll grab the blankets," Mum said. 

Despite myself, I could feel a smile forming. I may not have a boyfriend anymore, and I may have lost some friends, but I gained a new one, a connection to the world I'd thought had been lost. And I still had an amazing family, one that had taken me in after pulling me from a fire. 

The loud, rambunctious music of Star Wars began to play, and as it grew louder, so did my hopes, and laughter. 


"So, Bloom's hot, isn't she." Brandon choked on the water he'd been drinking as Stella appeared from nowhere. 

"Ack! Stel--la!" he coughed, pounding his chest. 

"Sorry." she giggled. She bit her lip before taking a seat next to him. "So, how did it go?" 

"Nothing. We just talked." 'Brandon' shrugged. 

Stella placed her hand on his. Her expression shifted, especially when she used his real name. "Sky. Look, I might have just met her, but I know that she'd be good for you." 

Sky turned to fully face her. "Stella, if you're trying to set me up with Bloom--" 

"Must be succeeding if you're assuming I am," she replied cheekily. 

Sky frowned. "Stella, you know I can't. Father would have a heart attack if he finds out I'm interested in courting another girl that isn't a princess while I'm already engaged. Especially Diaspro." 

Both their expressions darken at the name of his fiance. 

Stella sighed, leaning back. "I know," she said softly. "But we both know that she would ruin your kingdom. Your father is blind to the wealth Isis holds on their moon. Diaspro is an unfortunate pawn in his game, but one that would severely damage your realm's reputation if she becomes its queen. And do Arcadia knows what to you." 

Sky sighed, mimicking Stella's position. They might both be royalty, but in their pseudonym civilian identities, they were going to enjoy this life to the fullest, as long as they could. "I know, Stel. I know what you're trying to do, and while I do find myself drawn to Bloom, I can't. You know the game we have to play, the rules and unspoken laws that we live by." 

Stella leaned forward with a frown. "Pish posh, we both know it. I might have met Bloom only a week ago, but I'd think that someone who selflessly saves someone's life has the potential to be a great queen. And you both totally have a thing for each other. She blushes whenever I mention you and she's caught off guard. And Riven's told me in detail how you reacted when you first saw her."  

"You need more than selflessness to be a queen." Sky objected, ignoring the rising heat on his cheeks. "You still need the etiquette, the training, the background. Alfea might be able to fill in some of those areas, but unless Bloom is...some secret princess sent away as an infant, she and I could never work. Father would never allow it." 

"Never work? Won't work, or couldn't work?" Stella squeezed Sky's hand, concern, frustration, and worry all visible in her expression. 

She might not love him romantically anymore, but he was still her sibling in some ways, and she'd be damned if she lost him. "Look, Sky. Forget the current King of Eraklyon for a second. What do YOU want? Do you want to marry Diaspro?" 

"Of course not!" Sky's outburst was thankfully unnoticed by the others, who were on the 'bridge' of the ship, with all the flight controls. The blondes had sequestered themselves away in the single 'cabin' of the ship. "Given the choice, I'd go for anyone but her. I do like Bloom, she's a gorgeous redhead, with wit and a..." 

"Amazing body?" Stella asked with a smirk at his reddening face. "If I wasn't straighter than an arrow, I'd make her into a concubine, just so I'd have her sexy bod near me at all times." 

Sky blushed harder. "W-what kind of language is this? You were never like this Stella." 

Stella shrugged innocently. "Earth is very blunt. Their politics are cloak and dagger, but for the most part, everyone is blunt about what they want. It's an eye-opening and refreshing experience. They're open with their attire, bodies, and sexuality. And intimacy." 

It was her turn to blush. While Violet had been showing Stella some more risque fashion sites, the princess had accidentally clicked on a link that took her to a pornography site. Stella had been so embarrassed that she'd nearly died on the spot. 

On the plus side, she now knew that there were more positions for sex than the standard 'missionary' that her friend Nova had told her about. Doggy, cowgirl, standing, leaning, over the desk...

Stella felt very hot and flustered all of a sudden. "Yeah, Earth is very open about pretty much everything, especially on the internet." 

"Is it bad that I'm thinking of innuendos right now?" Sky asked with a heated blush to match hers. 

"You'd be on the right track, although from what I've gleamed Bloom's more of an artist than a sex fiend." she replied. Although, the redhead had mentioned that she had a boyfriend in passing. Maybe she should wait before trying to set her favorite prince and new bestie up. 

The two teased each other and chatted some more before Riven called them back, saying that they would arrive in Magix in less than ten minutes. 

Stella and 'Brandon' rejoined the others, with Stella hanging over 'Prince Sky' as Timmy averted his eyes and Riven rolled his. 

Sure enough, the rising towers of Alfea College for Fairies were appearing on the edge of the horizon. Stella strapped in, and the ship settled for a smooth landing. 

"I'll find her socials and send them to you." Stella teased her childhood friend one last time. Ignoring his half-hug and sudden stiffness, the mischievous golden-blonde sun fairy turned and kissed 'Prince Sky'. 

"See you soon," she said, then walked off the ship, putting a little more sway into her hips than a princess normally would, happily humming a tune. That tune suddenly died like an instrument whose strings were plucked while the bard was still playing. 

The reason was the bitter, stern woman with parted brunette hair in a green smock, clipboard in her hand. "Ms. Soleil. I see you've decided to grace us with your presence again," she said as she adjusted her glasses. "Next time you plan on delaying your return by a week, do give us mortals a warning." 

Stella felt a surge of anger, but couldn't hide her wince. The woman technically had good reason to be upset. She had accidentally blown up a laboratory and made a new shade of pink after curfew. "I was going to Alfea when I was blindsided by an Ogre." 

"Well, at least it's a new excuse." the woman muttered. 

Stella resisted the urge to lash out. "I'm telling the truth. While I was recovering, the ogre attacked me again, this time in the vicinity of a family with fairies. He had a hunter troll." 

"This story just keeps getting better and better." From the woman's tone, it was clear that she didn't believe Stella, who was starting to glow, a sign that her anger was influencing her magic. 

"I'm not lying." the Princess of Solaria said through clenched teeth, willing the yellow tint in her vision away before she got herself expelled days before school started. That wouldn't just be embarrassing but set an entirely new precedent. "You can ask Red Fountain about the troll they're holding, they'll back up my story. Prince Sky of Eraklyon came to my assistance." 

The woman raised her brows. "Rest assured, I will be investigating this, Ms. Stella. But if I find out that you were lying to avoid discipline, you will wish that you had met an Ogre." she threatened. "Though, I am curious, why didn't you call to inform us?" 

"Earth doesn't have the greatest reception." Stella snarked. She then paled, not intending to let that slip. 

"You were on Earth?" the woman gasped with a mix of astonishment and horror. "Yes, do come along, the Headmistress is waiting," she repeated before moving back towards the school. 

Stella swallowed down her anger and the retort. "Yes, Ms. Griselda," she muttered bitterly, following behind. 

At least she'd befriended Bloom, and she couldn't wait until she joined her at Alfea. Although there had been a quiet intensity to that girl, she'd proven to be a good friend. 

Although, there was something...familiar about that girl. And when Stella would mention something from the Magix Dimension, like Faragonda Dowling's name, Bloom's eyes had flashed with recognition before she concealed it. 

She wondered if Bloom came from the Magix Dimension. It would explain the glimpses of recognition. Maybe Bloom was an orphan of the last war? 

And maybe share her own in return. 


"So, the princess has returned to Alfea." the coldest voice in all of Magix said. 

"Where she's protected by that bitch Faragonda and their deputy watchdog Griselda." the calculating voice said. 

"Which means that all our efforts and magic this summer were wasted!" snarled the crazed voice. "I say we terminate this blind yellow meat sack." 

Knut listened to the three witches as they argued. He fought not to let a frown appear on his face. After he'd confirmed that Princess Stella had left Earth, the witches ordered him to return. 

"He still has his uses. If the princess heads to Magix City, that will be our time to strike." the calculating witch spoke. 

"What of the fairy family?" The icy tone spoke. "They are a loose end as well." 

"I for one want to kill the little brat for interfering with our plans. Her, and her whole family." Knut was glad that the crazy witch's focus wasn't on him. 

"She has the princess's favor. To attack them would be to draw the princess's ire and the attention of Solaria, who in turn would bring the matter before the entire dimension. Which, as I have consistently reminded you, we cannot afford right now. Knowing the loud, chaotic personality that is Princess Stella, I predict that she'll fight tooth and nail to bring the 'powerful fairy' to Alfea with her. We'll have our chance then." 

In Knut's personal opinion, the worst thing about the lead witch was that she had the insane powers of the storm witch, but the calculating and emotionally dead persona of the dark witch. Icy and cold, just like her powers. 

"Then we will make her pay." the crazed witch growled, lighting sizzling between her fingertips. 



All I know is that it is cold. There is wind, ice and snow all around me. I shiver, rubbing my bare arms, my breath creating puffs in the air. 


I hear it. It's a soft, sweet voice. 


And it's calling my name. 




"BLOOM!" My eyes snap open. In a flash, I'm awake, throwing the covers back and looking around. 

To my surprise, happiness, and disappointment, it's Stella who's leaning over my bed. Not the owner of this...mysterious voice. I push down those feelings, too excited to see the girl I'd known for a week standing in my bedroom again. 

 "Stella!" I exclaimed, throwing my arms around her. 

I felt her arms circle my body, tugging just as tightly before we both let go. "How are you, when did you get here?" I asked excitedly as we pulled back. 

"About two minutes ago." She gave me one of her blinding smiles. "Did you know that you talk in your sleep?" 

I shook my head. "No..." I didn't say anything in the dream, right? 

Stella suddenly blushed and averted her eyes from me. Looking down, I realized that I was in my more risque nightie, which was a little transparent. You could see my boobs, and areola through it. And if you looked lower, you could see that I was completely bare, with no panties. 

"Oh, shit." I cursed, heat rising to my cheeks. "Sorry Stella." 

Stella waved her hand, her head still turned to the window. "It's my bad, I shouldn't have lo--I mean surprised you in bed. What you sleep in is your business." 

I felt my blush grow as I turned my back to her. I grabbed a blue summer dress (that comes down to my knees), white socks, and a Gryffindor undergarment set. Plus a towel. 

"I'll be taking a quick shower," I announced before entering the bathroom. 

I cranked up the heat of the water as high as it would go. I ponder that as I actually go through the process of cleaning my body, before making sure that little Bloom is satisfied and rewashing myself. 

I shut the water off--though I can't seem to shut off my brain--and dry my body before putting my hair up. I dress, wondering what today will bring. 

Stella had messaged me out of the blue (apparently, Instagram exists in the Magix Dimension) after she found my account, telling me that she'd be picking me up a few days early. After she'd given Veranda's letter of resignation, she'd had to explain why she was delayed. She'd told the Headmistress about us, and my part in Stella's rescue. Now, the woman wanted to meet us fairies. And she said that she would be interested in me applying to learn at Alfea! 

I opened the door, fully dressed, and Stella gaped at the amount of steam that came out of it. The heat was the equivalent of a sauna. "Good lord, how hot are your showers?" 

"Scalding," I replied before undoing my towel and fluffing out my hair so it fell in soft curls and ringlets. 

She whistled. "Well, are you all packed?" 

"She packed, and repacked, then unpacked before packing again. And talking about packing." Violet said dryly as she leaned in the doorway. 

I stuck my tongue at her before turning to Stella. "She's exaggerating." 

"Maybe a bit." Stella was amused. 

I led the way downstairs, only to hear a 'crash', followed by Dad cursing. We rushed into the living room only to see that a vase had fallen onto the floor and shattered. Kiko hopped over to join us, I picked him up and placed him on my shoulder. "Hey, little guy." 

"Kiko!" Stella cooed and fawned over my rabbit, the little bugger eating up the attention like carrots. 

"Need a hand? Stella could probably fix that with magic." Violet suggested. 

"No thanks," Dad replied. "It was my aunt's." And all that was need to be said was said. 

Mum had pulled out her own dress and looked just like her station as a Nature Fairy. A dress made from leaves, soft petals, and live flowers. Some of those were in her hair. She wasn't in her fairy form, though she was dressed in their traditional outfit. Violet was dressed the same way. And I was dressed like an ordinary teenager (it's not like I have a wardrobe of clothes from Domino or something). 

"All packed?" Lily asked. I nodded. 

"Are you sure you want to do this, Bloom?" I smiled softly. Good ol' Dad. No matter how safe we might be, he'll still worry. "I'm sure, Daddy. I've got to learn how to use my magic, for good. I've known about it my whole life, but for the first time, I'll be able to use it." 

"I just worry, more than your mother sometimes," James admitted. "What if there are magical diseases? What if you run into those monsters again?" 

"I'll be fine." I did my best to reassure him. 

"Our daughter is made of stern stuff," Lily said with a warm smile. 

Stella leaned over to me and whispered, "You are sooooo lucky. Your parents aren't even your real parents, and they took you in!" I gave a small smile back and squeezed her hand. 

"Just make sure to keep magic out of our family pranks, 'kay?" he asked, looking more than a little nervous. I extended a pinky. "Pinky promise." He took it and we shook. 

"So how are we getting there?" Mum asked. 

"Broomstick?" Dad piped up. 

"That's for witches." Stella grinned, and we immediately all shared alarmed looks. "Uh oh, she's got 'the look' again." Violet groaned. 

Her ring glowed, before flying off her hand and extending into her ball-with-smaller-orange-glowing-balls scepter. 

Violet and I were carrying my luggage, which included all my clothes (that I was willing to bring, plus jewelry), a recent model of Optimus and Megatron (shut up, you have stuff you just can't live without), a hairbrush, a toothbrush, a new sketchbook, and coloring supplies. 

"Ready?" Stella asked us. We all exchanged a last hug with James before he stepped back. 

Stella spoke in a language that I couldn't decipher (neither could my family by the looks they sent Stella's way), before bringing the Scepter of Solaria up and down in a C-slash movement. 

A shining vortex appeared, so similar to the one that Daphne put me in. I could see them, the Ancestresses. 

I froze, my chest constricting, like a boa tightening around my ribs. 

Reaching their spindly long hands, hunching their bony frames, their cackling filling and drowning out all other sounds. 

I found it suddenly hard to breathe, and my arms tensed when I gripped my suitcase handle tighter, so tight that I started to feel pain when my knuckles turned white. 

They were reaching for us, for me, a hand stabbing into my chest, the wretched talon, covered in blood--my blood--coming back with the Dragon Flame triumphantly in its grasp...

"Bloom!" I burst out of my shock. Everyone was staring at me worriedly. 

"Sugar-blossom, are you ok?" Mum asked, concern laced in her tone. 

"I-I fine." I lied, swallowing down the memories. I'd have to review them all again to desensitize myself, lest I have another reaction like that to Faerie magic or worse. 

Dad looked like he wanted to keep me here. "I'm fine," I repeated, louder, sounding a little more confident. 

"If you're sure." Stella shrugged. Then her expression brightened. "Now, bon voyage my friends! Alfea awaits!" 

We raced into the portal after her. It turned into a blue wormhole. I could see the faint outline of Stella ahead, flying with staff in hand, the glow lighting our way. My sister was by our side, and I could feel the edge of Mum's aura behind us, soothing and calm, just like Nature. 

Halfway through, it felt like I was getting turned inside out. Then, back outside in. Then, we were spinning. 

Further ahead, I could see a yellow-orangish-red ball on the other side of the vortex. Stars began to shimmer past us, like when a ship was moving through lightspeed. 

And then in an explosion of pink and yellow-white lights, we were falling. 

"Oomph!" I grunted as I landed on my stomach. Bile rose in my throat before I forced it back down. 

Stella turned to us. "Oops. I should've warned you about that," she said, rubbing her head. 

Then, I felt pain explode throughout my body. I collapsed, feeling faint. There was a loud, ringing buzz in my ears that hadn't been there a moment ago. My head was pounding like someone had taken a sledgehammer to it. 

Violet was lying on her back, gasping for air like a fish on land. Mum had landed on her arse and was just getting to get feet, though she looked as sick as I felt. 

Stella recognized the signs we'd briefly discussed when a fairy who'd lived in a nonmagical environment was unexpectedly thrust into a magical environment. "Oh, shit--", she'd picked up cursing around us, "--I forgot." 

"Forgot...what?" I moaned, clutching my aching head. The pounding just wouldn't go away! 

"The buzzing," Stella said with a hand on her chin, looking at us worriedly. "You haven't been around a magic-rich atmosphere your whole lives. All of your senses are going haywire from trying to feel all the ambient magic around you at once." 

"Is that what my headache is?" I gasped. The only way to block it out would be to use a different sense. Thinking fast, I dug my nails into my arm, sending a fresh wave of pain up it, and pushing back the overwhelming pressure in my head. Pain equates to clarity, and I kept digging my nails in, deep enough to draw blood. 

The pain allowed me to clear my head, and swaying dizzily, I got to my feet. "Where are we?" I asked, looking around. 

"This is the Gloomy Wood Forest. It separates the three schools." Stella replied. It looked like a forest. And miserable. 

"And Lake Roccalce is somewhere in there?" I asked curiously, digging my nails into my arm again when I felt another wave of pressure slam into my skull. Something about that figure in my dream was calling me there. I couldn't tell if it was a compulsion or not, so until then I had slammed my Occlumency shields up. 

"It really does exist." Lily gasped. Violet walked over and took her hand. "Are you alright, Mum?" 

Lily wiped a tear. "I'm fine, Violet. Just wondering how much I've missed. This feeling, the magic in the's how Earth used to feel, before the fairy kingdom fell." Just like with Domino. 

"Oh, Mum." I stumbled over and tightly hugged Mum, who looked like she needed one. Stella and Violet joined in, with Mum in the middle. 

Unlike the other two girls, I completely understood what it meant to lose your home, and then find it again. Which was deja vu, since I had lost it in this life. I did it as Harry, and Fate seems to get a kick out of me being her bitch, so I'm anticipating that it'll happen again. 

"Come on. We should get going." I said. Mum wiped her tears before helping me with one of my suitcases. I grabbed the other two, and we began walking past dark, leafy trees that stood as tall as California Redwoods. Hill after hill, clearing after clearing, until we eventually arrived at a barrier. 

Stella moved forward, but I hung back. "Uh, Stella, you're about to bounce off a barrier--" I cut off as she walked right through it, like someone walking through a waterfall. 

"It's nothing, just a protective barrier that keeps out nonmagical creatures and the Burned Ones." Stella shrugged. "As long as it's up, we're safe." 

"What about...everything outside of it?" Violet asked hesitantly. 

The gorgeous blonde raised her golden-tanned shoulders in another shrug. "I don't know," she admitted carelessly before motioning us to continue our walk. 

What I wouldn't give to apparate right now. Just as I was about to complain (you try lugging around heavy suitcases when you're a 5'4" girl with semi-large boobs, slender arms, and a slim body. It's nothing like when men lift a hundred pounds easily) we turned the corner onto a gravel road. 

I stared in awe as Alfea College for Young Fairies, Faeries, Fae, and Princesses came into view. Tall towers, pink stalls, sky-blue domes, and white peaks (which shimmered like they'd been crafted from the glow of stars). Balconies, windows (which reflected the shiny light from the sun overhead), and elven green gates. The outer walls reminded me of marshmallows for some strange reason. Oh, and the closer we got to the walls, the worse my headache became. 

"The school has its own wards and protections. Once you pass them, you should be fine." Stella said as she turned her scepter back into the Ring of Solaria and slid it into her ring finger. 

I could barely hear her. My heart was beating fast again. My stomach twisted like I was about to be sick. My sight started to blur. Bile crept up my throat. "Mum...I don't feel so good." 

Violet stumbled to her knees, looking just as bad as I did. Lily looked slightly better. "It will be over as soon as we get through the gates." 

"Promise?" I whimpered. Internally, I was screaming in hatred at my weakness. If that ogre came now I'd be dead. The thought triggered something deep inside of me, and I knew what I had to do. Voldemort had shown me, Harry, that the strong survive; the weak perish. I had to be strong. 

I reached deep inside myself. I hated to call upon the trauma of memories to strengthen myself, generating anger into magic (I later learned that this was creating negative energies). It was the only way I knew how to fuel my powers. 

I removed several of the binds on the memories locked away. They flitted past my vision. Despite it being a completely different life, anger surged through me. 

The day Voldemort came and killed Lily and James. 

Every single day that Harry was beaten and shouted at by the Dursleys. 

The years of neglect and abuse continued at Hogwarts with different aggressors. 

The bullies, the liars, the cheaters, and the gossip built up and tore down Harry's reputation. 

The ministry being bafoons every year and causing Harry pain because they wanted to stick their heads in the sand. 

The life-threatening events Harry was manipulated into facing at the end of every school year. 

The war that Harry led against a hostile country, where friends became enemies, and enemies were kept closer. 

The betrayal of a headmaster, and the slow walk to Death's embrace. 

Harry returns to life, a silvery cloak over one shoulder, a gold ring with a cracked black stone in hand, a pale white wand with an elderberry handle in his wand arm. 

The end of Voldemort's reign. 

The rise of Voldemort's daughter, and the attempt she made to tear down my--Harry's life. 

The death of Delphi, and the mourning of Harry's niece, Rose. 

The reincarnation of Grindlewald by his Heralds. 

Grindlewald's armies bringing about the fall of the Veil of Secrecy. 

The war between magicals and humans. 

The end of the war, and the unified government. 

The Fall of Domino. 

Valtor betraying us to the Ancestral Witches. 

The loss of my parents. 

The flood of the Army of Decay. 

The Burned Ones. 

Daphne's screams of excruciating agony. 

My eyes open, irises now glowing orange as I allow half of my barriers to drop. Strength fills my body, pushing back the overwhelming pressure. I flare out my aura, just enough to shield my Mum and sister from the Magix Dimension's overbearing presence. 

All eyes turned to me as they felt what I'd done. "That was different," Stella said with a slight shiver. Her jaw fell as she looked at me, her eyes glowing slightly (I'm guessing that she'd looked at what I'm doing to my aura with Fairy-Sight). 

I kept my anger under tight control, my Flame yearning to burn something. "It's something I've been able to do." 

"I didn't teach you to manipulate your aura," Lily said, touching a hand to her chest. Violet looked at me curiously too, feeling my warm embrace all around her. 

"I just...picked it up." I shrugged. "On the bright side, I'm--"

"Glowing?" Stella said, still looking at my body. 

"Uh, what?" I was confused. 

"Look down, Bloom," Violet said. 

I looked down and promptly gasped. I was glowing! Like a fiery orange, a shimmering halo. "H-how is this happening?" 

"Must be a side effect of you manipulating your aura. The headmistress might know more." Stella's reminder got us thinking about our destination. Together, we walked through the gates. I felt another rush of pressure, light invisible wet hands trying to snuff out my fire before they left just as suddenly. 

I sagged, the glow vanishing as I released the hold on my aura and tucked it back away while raising my shields. The pressures came back, though it was more muted. It was...more bearable. 

As we made our way into the school courtyard (walking along the carved path towards the fairy fountain with trimmed grass around), a woman made her way toward us with rapid steps. "Great. It's Griselda." Stella groaned as she caught sight of the woman. She'd complained about her during the blonde's stay with us. I almost made a noise myself, though it wouldn't have been of complaint and resignation, but of bewilderment and amazement. 

This woman was at least 6'3"! She stared down at us with a scowl, and from the lines on her face, I guessed that it was an everyday expression of disapproval and sternness. Her angular, sharp glasses only added to her stern appearance. Her skin was pale, and her hair was dark brown. Her eyes were an odd mix of green, brown, and grey.

She was dressed in a bottle-green smock that had the sleeves removed, allowing her white collared long-sleeve shirt, plus matching bottle-green boots with a long tongue that covered her ankles. In her hand was a clipboard, tucked into the crook of her elbow. 

She gave me extreme McGonagall vibes. I winced. Better stay on her good side, and pray that there wasn't the Harry Potter equivalent of adventures lying around here. "Ms. Stella. How...lovely to see you again. Are these the fairies from Earth?" she asked, and I could hear the disbelief in her tone. 

Mum stepped forward, extending her hand to shake. "I am Lily, Healer Fairy of the Amazon Enclave of the White Circlet Kingdom of Earth." I blinked, staring at her in surprise. Lily had always said that she was a nature fairy, not an Amazon fairy. More secrets, huh? I really shouldn't be surprised, but I was. 

Griselda choked in surprise, her eyes widening. Then straightened. "Ah, I see," she said as she took her hand. "Ah, but where are my manners? Welcome, Mrs...?"

"Peterson." Mum helpfully supplied. 

"Mrs. Peterson. I apologize, but I believed her tale of Earth to be another one of Ms. Stella's fabrications." She paused awkwardly, then spoke with her stern demeanor. "I'm unsure how you respond, but traditions here in Magix infer that it is respectful to refer to people of authority by their last name unless you're invited to do so, or you're of equal or higher authority. Or unless they are in a Secrecy Program." 

"And your name would be...?" My adoptive mother trailed off. 

"Ceille Marigold Griselda." the stern woman replied. 

"So, Madam or Ms. Griselda, then," Mum said. Griselda nodded approvingly. "Either one will do."  

"I will escort you and your daughters to the Headmistress immediately." So saying, she turned around and led the way toward the back of the school. 

To my surprise, the back of the school was actually different. It looked to have walls all the way around, but the back of the school only had one floor. It reached the height of the front towers, with two smaller towers flanking the big one (kinda like how the Taj Mahal looks in India). 

We walked up the three flights of stairs to the top. From there, we walked through short halls until we reached the next flight of stairs. "Are--there--elevators?" Violet huffed, struggling to keep up with the rest of us. 

"Stairs are good for the student's health. Too many grow lazy, taking advantage of the magic they are born with. We encourage them to be physical as much as possible." Griselda said, not slowing down one bit. 

Stella sent Violet an apologetic look. I sighed, but pressed on, Mum and Griselda right ahead of me. "How are you handling it, Bloom?" Stella asked from behind me. 

"I was on the track team, so I know how to run. During events, we had to perform run-jumps over objects called 'hurdles', and run up and down flights of stairs to practice for the annual parkour tournament." I explained as I lifted my luggage up the top step. 

We were finally at the top of the stairs, standing before a blue door. Griselda pushed it open and gestured for us to enter. We did and gasped at the office space before us. 

The floor was green with dark green circles in a random pattern. A golden-brown bookcase with white edges--filled with books--was on the right side. On the left, by the door was an ivory red couch, big enough to sit six adults side by side. Closer to the back was an oval mirror, with red and gold embroidery around it. 

High above our heads was a white-blue chandelier that provided light, not that it needed it with the big red curtains pulled back, allowing plenty of light through the three big windows. In front of the middle--& largest of the three windows--was a desk in yellow-gold with red patterns and swirls. 

On top of the desk was a futuristic-looking computer monitor, with a small stack of papers by its side. On the right side of the desk (facing us, so technically the left) was a stack of paperwork. Next to the papers was a cup filled with pens and pencils (thank Merlin, I was afraid that I'd be snapping quills again). 

Behind the desk was a red and gold chair, somewhat like a throne, but more like a chair with a  high back & armrests. And sitting in the chair was a woman that rose to meet us. 

I could see the frown and laugh lines on her face. Her eyes were blue, an astonishing, intense blue that radiated power. They possessed a knowing twinkle--eerily similar to Dumbledore (please, let her not be a manipulative bastard. I spent five years breaking free from the old goat)--as they looked over round glasses. 

Her honey-brown locks were fading into gray streaks, and I could see that it was fluffed out on two sides while the rest was pulled into a large bun. She was dressed in a purple skirt, and light blue-grey vest with a light pink long-sleeve shirt underneath, and had a silver shaul hanging from her biceps. On her ears were two golden hoop earrings. 

This was Faragonda Dowling, the Headmistress of Alfea College. "Ah, good day. I am Faragonda Dowling. My apologies for the delay to set up this interview. These last few weeks have filled my schedule." 

She sounded somewhat of a cross between British and Scottish. And that was definitely not a grandmotherly tone, more like...something similar to Mary Poppins. Interesting. 

"Good day, Headmistress. It is no issue, today worked out for all of us." Mum replied with a small smile before repeating her earlier greeting. 

Unlike Griselda, Faragonda's mouth didn't drop, although I did notice her quick intake of air and the widening of her eyes. 

Her eyes widened more as she looked over us when Mum introduced me and my sister. "These are my daughters, Violet, and Bloom." 

Was that...recognition? 


No. Impossible. Daphne said that her sister had died. That the bond had gone silent. 

And yet, the proof was standing right in front of her. She could see Marion's beauty and Oritel's cheekbones in Bloom Peterson. Marion's energetic aura and Oritel's intense eyes. Marion's fiery red locks and Oritel's wild hair genes. She could only hope that Bloom inherited the better parts of Marion & Oritel's personalities, and not Marion's obsessive research & Oritel's stubbornness. And both their tempers. 

Not only that, but she could see Bloom's aura for what it was without any sort of barriers or illusions hiding it--a perk of being a mind fairy. Bloom's aura was like a cosmic superpower, or a supernova. It was so bright, and yet, Faragonda couldn't feel its effects. Her aura should be overwhelming, like someone adding bag after bag to your already sagging shoulders but it was contained...controlled even. Amazing. 

The girl also had strong mental barriers, impressive considering that she wasn't raised with a mind fairy, though she didn't react to dust-light probes that she sent at her. 

Faragonda listened to the tale with awe, shock, and relief. It made sense why no one could find the lost princess of Domino. Daphne must have teleported her out of the Magix Dimension entirely. When that happened, the bond became too stretched, too thin to be felt by either party. 

Although, it didn't explain how Bloom fell into the arms of a loving magical family. But still, some of the Earth fairies were alive! And they raised the lost Princess of Sparx! 

Not for the first time, Faragonda felt guilt wrack her body, truly feeling older than she was. 

She should've been there with Oritel and Marion, fighting the Ancestresses to the last breath. Instead, she'd helped the Company of Light escort a chained Valtor to the Council of Light for judgment, before sentencing him. And then, having to fight him again when he broke out, only for him to be sentenced to the Omega Dimension. 

But Domino was dead, and Daphne was gone--though she suspected that she was hiding in Lake Roccalace, which mysteriously vanished after Daphne warned her about the curse on Sirenix. Oritel and Marion vanished, presumed dead, though their bodies were never found. 

She closed her eyes briefly, gathering her thoughts. She wouldn't reveal the truth to Bloom, not yet, but she internally promised that she would when Bloom was older. Likely after she earned her Charmix. 

As her godmother, Faragonda owed her that much. 


"Do, please sit. Griselda, you may leave. Princess Stella, please stay." Faragonda requested. Violet and Stella settled on the couch while Mum and I took the two seats in front of the desk, on the opposite side of the Headmistress. 

I glanced nervously at Griselda's back until she left the office. "Do not worry about Griselda." Faragonda chuckled. "She may act like an alpha wolf, but I assure you, she's a cuddly teddy bear on the inside." 

She paused, then asked us, "Would you care for some refreshments? A snack or drink?" 

Mum shook her head. "I'm fine, thank you." 

"I'll have a plate of your cookies, if you please, Headmistress." Stella chirped. "They're ever so delicious." 

The woman smiled. "Of course." Her hands glowed, and she mouthed some spell that I did not catch. The next thing I knew, there was a plate of cookies in Stella's lap. 

"Want one?" Stella offered me a cookie. I hesitated, then nodded, accepting the cookie. I took a bite, and my eyes bulged. Merlin! That was some good flavor! 

Faragonda chuckled at my blown-eyed expression. "Ah, I see you like my family's recipe?" 

I nodded, savoring every bite while trying to retain my manners (seriously, these were BIG cookies, like, a diameter larger than your spread hand). 

I could tell that Violet was bursting to ask a question. Headmistress Dowling noticed because she nodded encouragingly at Vi. "I need an explanation. Why do you and Griselda react like there is a bomb going off in a children's playpen when you mention our planet?" 

"Violet!" Mum twisted in her chair, glaring at her reproachfully. She turned back. "I am so sorry." 

"Questions are meant to be asked in a school." the woman replied kindly. "Although, there are more polite ways to ask." She chided gently. Violet flushed, embarrassed, sinking down in her seat, much to Stella's amusement. 

Faragonda turned to us and folded her arms on the desk. "Mrs. Peterson." She said seriously. "Have you ever heard of the Black Circle?" 

I looked at Mum, who had a look of confusion on her face. "I--can't say I have." She replied. "And please, call me Lily." 

"Then you may call me Faragonda." the headmistress said. She took in another deep breath. "This information is classified by the rule of the Council of Light, however, this affects you directly, so you should be made aware." 

She looked behind me at the girls on the couch. "Ms. Stella, you may stay, but nothing that is said in this room is allowed to leave." Stella nodded, swallowing. All of us shifted nervously. 

Faragonda leaned forward, sighing heavily, suddenly looking as old as she appeared. "The White Circlet Kingdom ruled on Earth for thousands of years, keeping magic balanced on your planet. It was a place of peace and harmony and was known to be the world that produced some of the galaxy's second-best healers, as well as soothsayers. A sect of wizards fell into the Dark Arts, and went so dark that even speaking of them can earn you a sentence." 

She let that sink in. I swallowed, were these the wizards who destroyed my mother's kingdom? "They learned of the crown of the Earth Fairies, and through arcane and dark rites, created an equal and opposite power to match that of the White Circlet. The Black Circlet." 

Mum gasped, raising a hand to her mouth. Stella was confused. "What do you mean by...opposite?" 

Violet and I turned to explain, but Mum beat us to it. "The White Circle is a crown worn by the Queen of the kingdom. The fairy who wears it is recognized as having sovereign authority and power over all of the fairy enclaves. It also enhances the power of the wearer and is capable of tapping into the magic of each of the fairy enclaves' elements." 

My mother's expression was troubled and severe. "The White Circlet is the lightest object in existence that I know of. For there to be an equal and opposite means that for everything that the light stands for, the Black Circle would stand for the dark. Where the White Circlet gives, the Dark Circlet takes. The Dark Circlet would have to be the darkest relic in all of the magical realms put together." 

"Wow." Stella breathed. I'm guessing that this was much more interesting to her than the history lessons about Magix. 

Faragonda nodded, her eyes glowing with wisdom, power, and regret. "Indeed. Almost two decades ago, the wizards started a terrible war with your kingdom, Lily. They took the Queen by surprise, managing to ambush and overpower her. The attack was sudden enough that resistance was slow to form." 

She bowed her head, before raising it again. I could see anger in her eyes now. "The wizard's war was swift and brutal. They not only used the Black Circle to drain the magic from the fairies they captured, but they also tore off their wings before imprisoning them in an unreachable realm." 

Mum gasped while flinching at the same time (all us fairies flinched, if our wings were torn, that's a slow death sentence with a spiral of insanity), tears coming to her eyes. I took her hand and tightly squeezed it, my gaze offering my support. Mum gave me a watery smile back, squeezing my hand before letting go. "Please continue, Faragonda." 

Faragonda sighed again. I couldn't blame her. This topic was depressing and emotionally draining. "They succeeded in destroying all the enclaves. Not only that but any magical they came across after the White Circlet Kingdom fell was also drained of their magic." She tightly clasped her hands together. "The magicals--fairies, sorcerers, wizards, even witches--we sent to investigate either came back frightened for their very magic or never returned at all." 

That was a heavy pill to swallow. A pit formed in my stomach. Were they still on Earth? 

"The Council of Light made the heavy decision to sever all ties with Earth. All gateways were shut down, and the very planet has become an unspoken topic since. There is still the fear that the Wizards of the Black Circle could cross over to Magix and start the same thing over, kingdom by kingdom, realm by realm." She sighed heavily. "We have had no evidence to believe that the wizards aren't still out there, hunting and draining those with innate magic." 

"How exactly did the other realms come to know about this? Who told them?" Stella raised a good question.

"That I'm afraid, is under a strict oath," Faragonda replied, though she sounded genuinely regretful that she couldn't divulge the source of her information. 

Lily was struggling to hold it together. Violet and I got up and tightly hugged her, it affected her more than it did us. Her kingdom was ruined because of four insane dark wizards. Anger surged through me, and I struggled not to let my eyes turn orange. 

Merlin help those wizards if they come anywhere near my family. Because I will melt the very flesh off of their bones. I will turn their bodies to ash, their minds to molten ooze, and their souls to cinders. What's mine is to be protected--wait what? 

I shake my head to clear my thoughts and the sudden rush of power. Where had those protective, vindictive instincts come from? The Dragon Flame? 

"It's not safe to go home, is it?" I asked softly, quietly. 

Mum wiped her tears. "Even if it was, I'm not so certain now. But your father is there--I can't leave him." 

"Is your husband a non-maj?" Faragonda asked gently. Lily nodded, her eyes were a little red, but her tears were gone. "There are magical amulets that can allow a nonmagical being to cross through magic-specific warded places. I could see about acquiring one for your husband, if you decide to move to the Magix Dimension." 

"And if, we decided to stay? On Earth?" Violet asked her knuckled white from gripping the back of Mum's chair so tightly. 

"You would be in grave danger, child. The Black Circle has its own ways of tracking those who use magic on Earth. We had lost all hope that we'd see the day of a surviving Earth Fairy. For your sake, I would beg you not to return." 

I frowned. "Wouldn't they have shown up when Stella appeared on Earth? Or when the Ogre returned?" 

"Maybe, they did," Stella said, shifting. "One of the po--lice men felt...dark to me." 

"Me too." Violet shivered. "Remember how he kept on eyeing Stella?" 

Faragonda's eyes darkened with alarm at the same time mine did. "They likely were disguised, agents of chaos are known to adapt to their surroundings and the trends of time. They were no doubt investigating the source of magic your fight caused. Luckily, you're beyond their reach here." 

"I would, however, like to hear about this Ogre that attacked the princess, from your point of view," she asked us, looking more at me. 

We Petersons glanced at each other before shrugging and settling in. I started just after I received the motorbike, and worked my way through, with Stella jumping in to correct me after I called the Ghouls gremlins. 

Mum took over when I got to the part where I blacked out. I picked up again after Mum listed off the injuries Stella and I got from the encounter, telling about Stella waking up. Between the four of us, we explained the initial discussion before Stella took over, telling Faragonda what she told us about Magix and Alfea, and showing us the postcard. 

We then alternated between our storytelling, Stella mentioning how she underestimated the troll and got her ass kicked for it (with less language & more crass). I talked about how easy my magic came when I filled myself with anger (at this point, Stella and Faragonda exchanged a worried look). Violet talked about how her power felt when she unleashed it on the ogre's back. We wrapped up after telling about the Specialist's timely arrival, and the ogre's retreat. 

"Well, I believe that I will be sending a message to Saladin, to thank his boys for assisting my new students." Faragonda smiled. My heart began to beat faster. Does this mean...?

"As Princess Veranda of Callisto has withdrawn, there is one open spot in Alfea for our freshman class, which your daughter may claim if she so desires--"

"Yes," I said immediately, not giving myself or anyone else the chance to back me out of it. I was going to relearn how to use my magic, and then I will find out what happened to my people. And if the Ancestresses were still around, or the ruddy traitor Valtor, I was going to bloody well put them six feet under. 

Faragonda gave me a knowing smile. "--After we have gone through the process of interviewing and admitting Bloom here, and setting up her interdimensional ID, we can reserve a spot for her sister for next year, assuming she also wants to take classes at Alfea." 

Mum held up a hand. "Stella has told us some things about Alfea, but I would appreciate it if you could give us a rundown on the school." 

Faragonda gave her a sharp look but agreed. "Here at Alfea College, we teach fairies how to become familiar with and not fear their magic. We teach fairies how to utilize positive energy by finding a balance between good and bad emotions, accepting past traumas, or going through deconditioning if they've grown up in an environment surrounded by negative energies." 

"We have a variety of professors for different subjects, most of which are required. School years are broken up into two semesters, and students will spend a total of three to five years at Alfea, depending on how quickly students master their fairy forms and advance." 

"There are multiple fairy forms?" I asked curiously. This was news to me. I couldn't recall Daphne not having any form other than Sirenix, or Mum's Bloomix fairy form. Was there a hierarchy? 

Faragonda nodded with a patient smile. "Yes. You have the base fairy form, sometimes called Winx. Next is the Charmix choker. Finally, you have the Enchantix form, which is required of you when you graduate. Initially, every year you were expected to achieve one of the three, but we expanded the last requirement by adding another two years to the curriculum. Some fairies had trouble finding a genuine situation where they could become a true Guardian Fairy of their realm." 

I whistled. The way it's stretched out sounds simpler than I bet it is to achieve each fairy state. "Is Enchantix the highest form?" I asked curiously, wishing that I had brought a pen notebook with me to write this stuff down. 

Faragonda looked surprised for a moment, before gaining a fond smile as she looked at me. "Yes. Though few fairies learn to master them, there are several more, though that knowledge is restricted to those in school." I could tell that she knew more, but she wasn't saying. 

She passed me forms, ones that had personal information that was required, as well as any additional details. Some of the questions went kinda like this: 

Elemental power type? Fire. 

Familiar or bonded pixie? Yes, Kiko, pet bunny. No pixie. 

Have I unlocked my wings? Uhh, no. 

Does my magic need to be channeled through a family heirloom? No, I don't even own one (thanks a lot, Ancestresses). 

Was I a princess applicable for the Secrecy Program? I wrote no. 

Why do I want to learn magic? To do good with my powers (internally I vowed to restore Domino & my kingdom). 

Contact information for Kingdom, parents, or family? Do Earth phone numbers work? 

Once I handed back all the files, Headmistress Dowling, Faragonda, went on to explain the core classes I would need to take for the first year, broken down over two semesters. 

The core classes (so would span the whole year) were: 

Magic & Nonmagic Self-Defense < T-Th > (I imagine something similar to DADA, but fairy style), 

Potionology < F > (I wonder if Snape's potions lessons will come in handy here), 

History of Magic < F > (I swear to Merlin, if it is taught by a fucking ghost of a professor who didn't realize he died, and there are any bloody goblin wars that take up more than a year to learn, I will boycott the class)

Good Manners < M-F > (so basically etiquette for fairies & princesses, the hierarchy of address, stuff like that), 

Metamorphosis < M-W > (where you learn to master your fairy transformation, change your body, etc), 

and Magic Invocation < T-Th > (which teaches you how to synchronize your magic & spells with other fairies. It also prepares you for adventures in various scenarios, which you will later be tested on in the Simulator). 

The classes for the first semester are: 

Magiphysics < M-W-F > (which basically the theory of magic--so how to use magic & not have it backfire. It also teaches you how to get in tune with your magic, as well as any other elements you find yourself able to access). 

The classes for the second semester are: 

Magiphilosophy < M-W-F > (basically an ethics class that continues the theory of magic, but in debates; it's the sequel to the Magiphysics class & continues throughout the second school year). 

Once she could see that my sister and I understood, she moved on to explain the living dorms, as well as the expected chores. She explained the system to customize your half of the dorm room (a common room that leads to the hall, with three or four double bedrooms, and a group bathroom & shower, plus individuals for the single rooms). 

Finally, she explained about the scholarship offers at Alfea, and the sponsor for fairies who couldn't pay with Magix's currency, something called Shanix. She explained that the better my grades were, the more I'd get paid if I entered a scholarship. Obviously, the money was for school, so I'd be expected to spend it wisely. 

Faragonda also made the suggestion to get a job in Magix (there were several stores that were always looking to hire apparently). 

"Now then, do ladies have any more questions?" the headmistress asked us brightly. 

Mum held up a hand. "Will my daughter be at a disadvantage when it comes to training or studying here, considering that she has no prior magical training or knowledge?" 

Faragonda smiled reassuringly. "Not at all, Mrs. Peterson. We have girls who come from all sorts of situations, backgrounds, and realms. Some are early canaries, unlocking their powers a year or a few in advance. Others are late bloomers--no pun intended--discovering their powers early. Some, such as nobility and royalty had private tutors and lessons from birth. Some attended a minor school from their home realms, and others, like your daughter, never attended a school prior to attending Alfea. The first term is dedicated to getting all of our students on the same page. But if your daughter does fall behind, we have mentors and tutors. All our faculty is friendly, and would be willing to go over concepts Ms. Peterson fails to grasp." 

Mum nodded slowly. 

"What about Kiko? I don't want to leave him behind." I asked, as my adorable blue & white bunny hopped onto my lap, looking around curiously as his ears twitched. I scratched him behind the ears and his whiskers twitched with content. 

Faragonda smiled. "Alfea is animal and pet-friendly. So long as he does not cause problems among the other pets and you fill out this additional form--", she snapped her fingers and a form appeared on her desk, "--Kiko may stay." 

I released a breath I hadn't been holding in. "Oh, thank goodness." 

While I was carefully reading (through what was essentially a magical contract) and filling out the form, Faragonda was asking more questions about me. "Your daughter Bloom. Forgive me for intruding, but despite the initial similarities, I noticed that she doesn't appear to share all your characteristics. Is she adopted?" Seems Stella left that bit out. 

Mum nodded, looking a little surprised at how sharp the older fairy was. Most people assumed that I was naturally born as her daughter. "She was, although when we told her after she turned ten it didn't seem to bother her too much. While her sister was happy to talk to anyone about gardening, Bloom used to brag about being pulled from the fire." She joked. 

"Could you elaborate on that?" Faragonda asked. 

Mum sighed, her expression growing serious. I'd heard it before, as had my sister. Stella was suspiciously silent, although I hadn't told her about this yet, so it could just be that she was curious. "Fifteen years ago, my husband's unit was called out to fight a fire that started in an apartment complex. A part of the job of a firefighter is to break inside and check for survivors." 

Faragonda seemed to understand, and she gestured with a hand, a silent request to resume the story. "Halfway through the second story, he came across a baby, wrapped in nothing but a blanket, surrounded by an orange barrier. The fire was held back by the shield, it was like it respected her or something." 

"Wow." Stella breathed. Faragonda's eyes flickered over to me and back (if the Dragon Flame didn't let me slow down my perception of time a little I would've missed it). I finished the form and signed my name with a flourish, feeling my magic anchor it to the contract (yes, I looked it over for hidden clauses). 

"It didn't vanish until my husband picked her up." Lily smiled, casting a side look at me. "When he brought her home, I instantly knew that she was special, she was magical. She was a fairy, like me, though her element is very different from mine." 

Faragonda looked at me. "Just what, if I may ask, is your element, Ms. Bloom?" 

"I'm a fire fairy." I shrugged, not seeing anything too odd about it. Stella had the same shocked (when I told her) look that Faragonda now had. 

I'm guessing that when Domino fell, all the fire fairies died with it. That might make things harder, not just for me (in restoring my homeworld, I'm stubborn, I'll find a way), but keeping my origins as the Keeper of the Dragon Flame and younger princess of Sparx a secret too. 

She nodded after a moment. "Very well. Now, I must warn you not to speak of Stella's status as a royal." 

I frowned, then my eyes widened as I connected the dots. "For her safety?" 

"And those around her." Faragonda looked pleased that I'd caught on so quickly. I wondered if she remembered the baby version of me. I certainly remembered her, she'd been a prominent figure in the Company of Light. Did she know what happened to Daphne? To my parents? To Domino? Did this Council restrict all information of Domino in the same way that it did of Earth?  

"Stella is a part of the Secrecy Program. It allows the heirs of the kingdoms across the realms to hide under false identities, though their grades are the same. Once they graduate from the premiere schools, their false identities will be removed, and the correct grades under the right personal information will be placed on the official documents." 

Sounds like something that I should be under. Then again, that would require me to reveal what I know. You'd be surprised how much more you can learn and discover by hoarding information and playing the naive and innocent card. 

This time around, I knew better than to look around a magical world with wide eyes and careless curiosity. I wasn't a boy who wondered if this life was all just a dream. Wondered about the world that his parents had been a part of, and were prominent figures in. Wanting to make the dead proud and learn things about them. All while feeling like an outsider for not knowing trivial things that others took for granted daily. 

This time around, I was going in with my head on a swivel, but that swivel would have an agenda behind its movement. I would not just look into my past, but I would train. I would prepare. I would gather allies for the coming storm to come. I would not wait until the end of the school year for my enemies to make their move. I would take the fight to them, and anyone else that sought to bury Domino and my people. 

I would bet money that the Ancestresses would be the darkness that I would face in a death match. Just like Harry faced Voldemort. 

'And Neither can Live while the Other Survives'. A self-fulfilling prophecy, doom-bringing, but very much true. 

And the philosophy behind it was also true. I learned that 'the best enemy to leave at your back is a dead one' the hard way. I wouldn't make the same mistake this time. 

I nodded, agreeing to keep silent. "Wonderful." Faragonda gained that grandmotherly look that almost made me tense, if not for my Occlumency barriers. "Well, allow me to be the first to welcome you to Alfea College." 

I smiled and nodded my silent gratitude. 

The headmistress pulled out a small folder and handed it to me. "This has your class schedule and your assigned dorm. By happy coincidence, Veranda's spot is in the same dorm as Ms. Stella, so you shall be together." 

We girls turned to each other and quietly squealed in joy. 

The woman smiled, the damn twinkle in her eyes. "There is also an interactive map, that way you don't get lost." 

I stared down at it, nearly cursing when I realized that it worked similarly to the Marauder's Map. It was made from parchment, it had ink-drawn lines, and it tracked the sole person who opened it. A dot on the map in the headmistress's office was labeled with little fire emblems, "Bloom". 

I looked up into the eyes of an almost, mothering expression. "Should you need anything, or require anything else to make you comfortable during your stay here, please, let me know." Faragonda requested, sounding like there was a deeper meaning behind it. 

I nod silently, though I doubted that I would. 

She then looked behind us at my luggage (which was lined up by the couch). "Is that all of your belongings?" 

I glanced back at them. "I have more things back home in Gardenia, but most of my clothes and all of my essential utilities are in there," I replied. 

Opening a drawer in her desk, she pulled out four phones. One was blue, one was green, one was pink, & the last was yellow. She handed the blue one to me and passed the other phones to Mum. "When I learned that we may have guests from Earth, I assume that you wish to keep in touch with one another." 

Faragonda smile as Violet, Mum, & I studied the phones like they were another language. "These are the Zen-16 phones, the latest design produced in the realm of Zenith, the technological planet. They have the reach to communicate across Magix, and beyond. With these, Ms. Bloom here will be able to talk to you while you're on Earth, though I hope that it won't be too long." 

Mum looked like she was drowning under all the information that she'd been given. Violet too. I was slightly better, in that I was using Occlumency to organize everything as it was learned. 

"How did you get your hands on these, erm, Headmistress?" Stella asked excitedly. "They must cost a fortune!" 

Faragonda smiled a knowing smile. "I reached out to an old friend for a favor." 

I turned the phone on and stared. This was kinda like my phone but with so many more apps and digital functions. Plus, the language wasn't in English, but I'm Magix? 

"I can't read a word of this." Violet sounded frustrated. 

Faragonda blinked. "Oh dear, I forgot, you're from Earth. You wouldn't have been educated in the different languages that are commonly used in the Magix Dimension." 

I turned to the headmistress. "Is there a way to learn them quickly?" 

Her smile became both sad and fond as she looked at me. At this point, I was sure that she recognized me as Marion and Oritel's daughter. She is my godmother. "There are a few ways. The first is to transplant the knowledge directly into your brain, and then meditate on it until your magic assimilates the knowledge." 

She held up a second finger. "The second is to use a Memori Book, where you will be placed in a time-distortion bubble for hours. You would be addicted to reading and memorizing until the book is finished teaching you the topic, subject, or language." 

I winced. Option one was definitely out, as my mind shields would likely reject the information in regard to it being viewed as a potential hostile. Option two was slightly better, but I was wary about messing with time (Delphi's manipulations showed me a dark light to time travel, despite receiving the warnings. Seeing is believing, as they say). 

"Will I age in the time dilation bubble?" I asked. Faragonda shook her head. "A century ago, you would have. But, with the aid of magic, science, technology, and the Zenithians, a room was constructed that would suspend your development until you leave the chamber." 

I debated on it, before turning to look at my family. "What do you think?" 

"I would go for it," Mum said. "In fact, I'd say that all three of us should use it." 

Headmistress Dowling turned to her computer when it pinged with a message and sighed tiredly. "It seems that another incoming student is having issues." 

She turned to us. "I will schedule a time tomorrow with Professor Palladium for you three to use the Time Chamber and the Memori book. Griselda will show you girls to the guest rooms. Ms. Stella, if you could, please show Bloom to your dorm." 

We stood up. "Apologies for cutting this short." Faragonda apologized. 

"It is no problem," Mum said. "We will likely be exploring Alfea, if that is alright?" 

Grisela entered the room. "You summoned me, headmistress?" 

"So long as you stay away from restricted areas, I don't see why Griselda cannot give you a tour." the headmistress replied. Then to Griselda, she said, "Griselda, please escort the other Petersons to the guest rooms. Then if you wouldn't mind, please give them a tour. Ms. Stella has Ms. Bloom well in hand." 

Stella grabbed one of my suitcases while I grabbed the other two. "See you in a bit." I offered a small smile to my sister and mother. Though the separation was temporary, I couldn't imagine being separated from them for much longer, and yet, now that I've been accepted--that was a huge weight off my chest--I was both looking forward to and fearing what this year would bring. 

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