[Nishikage x Yoshiya] My bully

By Imperial_Moon

106 3 8

The coach decides to give the guys a two-day break and gives them the opportunity to meet their relatives and... More

My bully~

106 3 8
By Imperial_Moon

~In the apartment~

Nishikage: Can you tell me already where you got into trouble?
Yoshiya: Nowhere...

She said without looking into his eyes. Nishikage approached her and took her chin, thereby forcing the girl to look into his eyes.

Nishikage: And the bruises from where then?

He said angrily. She looked into his eyes and took his hand away.

Nishikage: YES, IT DOES! Yoshiya, you understand that if you don't tell me yourself, then I'll ask Nosaka to help me find those who did it!
Yoshiya: I can sort out my problems myself!
Nishikage: I see how you can! Even if you pretend to be a guy, but do not forget that you are still a girl! And as your boyfriend, I don't like the fact that there are so many bruises on your body! Even after training, you didn't have so many of them that it's already scary to watch! Please... Tell me what happened...

Yoshiya hugged herself and started crying. She knew perfectly well what her boyfriend would do to those who offended her... She also knew that if Seiya did this, he could be detained, and he just had to go to Russia in two days. The worst thing that can happen to him is that he can be removed from the participation of FFI altogether... Nishikage could hardly contain his anger, he wanted to know what kind of bastard he was. But seeing the state Yoshiya was in now, he decided to pull himself together and hugged her.

Yoshiya: Seiya... I don't want you to get in trouble because of me...

The girl clung to his chest, and the guy stroked her hair, thereby calming her.

Nishikage: Yoshiya, you are very important to me. If you have problems or someone has offended you, then I will do everything to help and protect you! Even if I might have problems because of it. Do you think I can safely go to Russia and leave my girl alone with problems?
Yoshiya: But... What about Nosaka? You wanted to play on the same field with him so much...
Nishikage: I think he'll understand me... and I'll still be able to play football with him. But there is no time to turn back... What if something much worse happens to you next time!? I'm going to go crazy...

Yoshiya raised her head and looked at Nishikage, who at that moment was looking at her with a sad look and a smile.

Yoshiya: Seiya...

She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. Nishikage, who had one hand on the girl's waist, lowered her lower, he climbed into her pants, thereby squeezing her ass, and with the other hand climbed under her jacket. Yoshiya, who did not expect this, let out a groan, the guy took advantage of the moment and penetrated his tongue into her mouth. The girl hit her boyfriend on the head, which caused him to pull away.

Nishikage: Ah! It hurts... for what?
Yoshiya: I'm sorry... I just didn't expect it...

She said, embarrassed and guilty. The guy wiped the sore spot and laughed. The girl was at a loss.

Yoshiya: What's funny?
Nishikage: The fact that you seem so bold and wild, but in fact modest and glazed.

Yoshiya pouted, and Nishikage gently took her face and ran his thumb over her cheek. The girl began to rub against his hand like a cat.

Yoshiya: I'll tell you, but promise not to kill them...
Nishikage: We'll see.

Yoshiya sighed.

Yoshiya: I do not know those guys, but I saw them molesting girls near our school. I decided to help them, so a fight broke out... Don't worry, I poured them a good one because of what they then ran away! But then they came to our school the next day and were looking for me... But those guys were not alone, but a gang. It's good that they thought I was a guy... They said, "You're lucky you're not a girl, otherwise we'd have fun with you! Although for a guy, your face is pretty pretty."... They were going to tear my clothes, but the guys came to the rescue in time and scared them away...
Nishikage: They didn't come again?
Yoshiya: They said they would come to my school tomorrow...
Nishikage: I see...

Nishikage took out his phone and began to dial Nosaki's phone number.

Yoshiya: Who are you calling?
Nishikage: Nosake, I need his help.
Yoshiya: What are you up to!?
Nishikage: Teach those bastards a lesson!

Nishikage called Nosaka, after a couple of rings the guy picked up the phone.

~Talking on the phone~

Nishikage: Nosaka, are you busy tomorrow?
Yuma: I don't think so, but what?
Nishikage: I need your help...
Yuma: I'm listening.
Nishikage: The guys who beat Yoshiya are coming tomorrow, will you help me deal with them?
Yuma: How many are there?
Nishikage: No idea, but according to Yoshii, it's a gang.
Yuma: Hmm... It will be difficult to deal with them without getting into trouble. But I'll figure something out, what time will they be tomorrow and where?
Nishikage: Near our school and most likely they will come when there are classes.
Yuma: Do you know who these guys are?
Nishikage: No...
Yuma: Okay... I'll call some guys and ask if they can help us. But I can't guarantee that they will come, so count on the fact that there will only be two of us against the whole gang.
Nishikage: I remember once we fought together against the crowd.
Yuma: Yes, but this time we may be suspended from participating in the tournament.
Nishikage: You're right...
Yuma: Do you think I'm going to let you go alone?
Nishikage: But...
Yuma: Nishikage, I also have a reason to teach them a lesson. No one dares to harm my people! Yoshiya, my teammate, as well as my best friend's girlfriend. That's why I can't stay away.
Nishikage: Nosaka...
Yuma: Isn't that what friends are for?
Nishikage: Thank you! Then see you tomorrow!
Yuma: See you tomorrow.


Both guys hung up. Nishikage looked at Yoshiya, who was uncomfortable.

Yoshiya: Sorry...
Nishikage: It's okay. These guys will regret everything!
Yoshiya: If you're going to fight them, then I'll go with you!
Nishikage: No! You're going to stay at school until it's over!

~The next day in Outei~

Nishikage: And so... Nosaka why did you bring them!?

Nishikage looked at the two girls who were their managers in the Japan team.

Yuma: I didn't bring them here... I myself am interested to know what they are doing here.
Anna: We know that you are going to fight. Do you even realize that you're going to be in big trouble because of this!
Yoshiya: From where...
Ichihoshi: Sorry... I accidentally blabbed everything to Ootani, and she probably told Anna everything...

Nishikage and Nosaka glared at Ichihoshi, who was scared poor.

Haizaki: Of course you're wrong...
Hiroto: Don't worry, I'll ask my father to hush up this case. So we can not worry about the fact that we will be suspended.

He said with a grin.

Nishikage: And why are they here?
Yuma: Because these two can fight, probably...

He said with a smile on his face.

Hiroto and Haizaki: PROBABLY!?
Yuma: Taizen and Okana, thank you so much for agreeing to help.
Okana: Tanizaki, our friend, so we couldn't leave him in the lurch!
Taizen: Exactly! No one dares to offend our comrades and friends!
Yoshiya: Taizen, Okana...
Haoto: Don't forget about us too!

Yoshiya turned her head and saw the guys.

Okuno: Our whole team will not stand aside!
Yoshiya: Guys! Thank you very much!

She said happily.

Nishikage: But you're not allowed to fight! You'll be sitting with Anna and Ootani!
Yoshiya: But!...
Nishikage: No buts! Please just sit with the girls... Make sure that they don't interfere with us.
Anna: Hey!
Yuma: I agree! Especially for this girl...

He pointed his finger at Anna.

Anna: Nosaka! You...
Yuma: You'll tell me off later, but now be a good girl and sit quietly with Yoshiya.

He said with a smile on his face. Everyone was in shock except a couple of people. Soon they heard a noise from outside, Yoshiya and Nishikage looked through the window at the street.

Nishikage: Is that them?
Yoshiya: Yes...
Nishikage: That's good.

Nishikage went to those guys who were on the street, the others also followed him except for the girls. All three girls just stood and watched what was happening through the window. The guys stopped in front of the gang, blocking their way. Nosaka put his hand on Nishikage's shoulder, thereby letting him know that he would control himself and go out in front.

Yuma: Why did you come here?
Katsu: We came to someone~ Call a guy named Tanizaki Yoshiya here!
Yuma: And what do you want from my subordinate?
Katsu: Aah?
Yuma: Maybe because I'm his captain? And what did he do that you're chasing him?
Katsu: This guy beat up two of my people! We've come to get even with him!
Nishikage: Ha... Your people are so weak that you had to attack one person with a whole gang...
Katsu: You're her! Watch your tongue!
Yuma: It's better for you to watch your tongue! And who are these guys that Yoshiya beat up?
Katsu: Shopping center... To her you two go out!

Two guys came out of the crowd whom Nishikage recognized.

Nishikage: You...

Two guys recognized it right away, too  Nishikage and Nosaku. It was because of him that they lost Nishikage.

Ritsu: Ha... Nishikage, how many years how many winters ~ Haven't seen each other for a long time.

He said waving his hand at him.

Mitsuki: Still hanging out with him? Aren't you tired of following him around all the time?

He said with a malicious smile.

Nishikage: Ritsu, Mitsuki... I didn't think that you would stoop to such a...
Ritsu: Who would say! You used to be the same until you met this weakling!
Nishikage: What I don't regret! I am glad that I chose him instead of you, thanks to this I have changed!
Katsu: Ahahaha, so you used to be with them~ You're really an idiot for choosing this brat.

Katsu came close to Nosaka while mocking him. Nishikage was about to punch him when suddenly Nosaka suddenly twisted his hands behind his back.

Yuma: Do you know such a proverb as "don't judge a book by its cover"!
Katsu: Aya-yay! Why are you standing there like idiots!? Attack!

All the guys started attacking Nosaka, he dodged the blow, thereby freeing Katsu.

Yuma: Well, shall we have some fun? Come on guys!

He said with a grin, the guys listened to him and ran into the fight with grins on their faces. Haizaki and Hiroto had each other's backs, and some of their guys did the same. There really were more of those guys than them, but despite this, the advantage was on their side. While Nosaka was fighting with Katsu and two other guys, Ritsu and Mitsuki attacked him from behind, but Nishikage did not let them do it, thereby covering his back. Nosaka was distracted by Nishikage, which Katsu decided to use, but at that moment Ichihoshi prevented him. The three guys turned their backs to each other.

Ichihoshi: Nosaka-san! Don't get distracted, it looks like you are their target now!
Nishikage: I agree with Ichihoshi, be careful. Ritsu and Mitsuki, I'll take over, Ichihoshi on you those two guys, and...
Yuma: And I'm their boss, I know. Thank you for covering up!
Ichihoshi: You can count on us!
Nishikage: It's not the first time we have to cover for each other!

They scattered and continued to fight. At this time, the girls were watching them with excitement. They were worried about the guys.

Ootani: I'm surprised they can fight...
Anna: I didn't know Nosaka could fight...
Yoshiya: Ahahaha, although he looks weak, but in fact it is not. Nishikage told me that he and Nosaka had already fought with others more than once. They are really very good friends...
Ootani: I agree... But why do these guys need you?
Yoshiya: I beat up two of their people...
Anna: Just or was there a reason for that?
Yoshiya: They molested girls... I saw that they didn't like it, so I decided to help them...
Anna: This is a very brave and good deed!
Ootani: Ha... Weaklings... One on one to be afraid, so they decided to crush you with a crowd?...
Yoshiya: Ahahaha... I agree, they are really weaklings and cowards! They don't know yet that they were beaten by a girl!
Anna and Ootani: Are you a girl!?

The girls were shocked.

Yoshiya: Yes... Although I'm hiding it.
Anna: It turns out that you are a Nishikage girl?
Ootani: Come on!? Seriously!?
Yoshiya: Right! We also keep our relationship a secret so that others would not think that Nishikage is gay... Although he said that he didn't care about what people would think about him.
Ootani: Wow... I would like to hear your relationship story!
Anna: I'm also interested. Yoshiya, will you tell us about it sometime?
Yoshiya: Well, if you're so interested...
Anna and Ootani: Very!
Anna: Yoshiya, let's be friends?
Ootani: Exactly! We will be friends just like our guys!

Anna blushed.

Anna: OOTANI! Nosaka is not my boyfriend...

Ootani and Yoshiya were surprised.

Yoshiya: Come on... I don't believe it! Nosaka didn't let anyone tell him off! And I've never talked to other girls like I did to you...
Ootani: That's right! Yes, and he constantly looks at you with loving eyes! And at the party, he only looked at you without denying his gaze!
Anna: You're exaggerating...

Yoshiya and Ootani exchanged glances with each other, and then looked at Anna.

Yoshiya: I agree to be friends with you. Anna-chan, if you want, I can find out through Nishikage what Nosaka really feels for you~
Ootani: This is a great idea! Let's exchange contacts then!

The girls began to exchange their contacts. After they finished, Yoshiya whispered something in Ootani's ear, which caused both girls to look at Anna with sly expressions.

Anna: What are you up to... Precisely! Maybe we should call the police just in case?
Yoshiya: It is necessary, otherwise I'm afraid that the fight may go to different...
Ootani: It will be bad if the guys get hurt, they won't be able to play later...

The girls called the police and told them what had happened. After a couple of time, the guys defeated the gang, at that moment the police arrived as a race. The girls saw this and immediately went down to the guys. The police began to ask questions, which the girls began to answer as witnesses. Soon Ritsu got to his feet and pulled out a knife, he attacked Nosaka, but at that moment Yoshiya pushed him away, and Nishikage reacted in time and knocked the guy down. Thanks to Nishikaga, Yoshiya got off with a small wound on her arm. When the police saw this, they stopped looking into it and decided to put the whole gang in jail.

Yoshiya: Nosaka, how are you?
Yuma: I'm fine, you better take care of yourself!

Anna ran up to Yoshie to examine her injury.

Anna: Thank God it's okay. Just a small wound.

The girl glared at Yoshiya and began to pull her cheeks.

Yoshiya: Awu-aah-u... Bolfno... Opuspi polalufta! (Aya-yay... Painfully... Please let go!)
Anna: What were you thinking when you were going to take the whole blow on yourself! It's good that the wound is not serious! And if he hit you in the chest!?
Yoshiya: Plofty... I'm not a bolfe pack buff... Nifikagi, polohi!(Sorry... I won't do it again... Nishikage, help!)

Nishikage just stood on the sidelines and watched as Anna chastised his girlfriend... If it wasn't for her, he would have scolded her himself. Nosaka tried to calm Anna down.

Yuma: Stop it, you'll tear off his cheeks like that...

Anna looked at him angrily, which made the guy have a bad feeling.

Anna: I'll tell you and the rest of the guys off too!
Haizaki: And us too...
Ootani: Anna is right!

Nosaka and the rest of the guys were scared.

~At the Outey training Field~

All the guys except Yoshiya were sitting on their knees in front of the girls. Ootani was holding a first aid kit, and Anna was treating Yoshii's wound.

Hiroto: Why us too?
Haizaki: Nosaka, she's your girlfriend, so do something with her!
Takemi: They were supposed to tell off only Nosaka...
Yuma: Shut up! Takemi, you actually ran away in the middle of a fight.
Ichihoshi: Anna-san, scares when she's angry...
Nishikage: As they say, you fall to the bottom yourself and drag others with you...
Haoto: Nosaka, you really won't do anything?
Yuma: Shut up, I'm afraid of her myself...

Everyone was in shock, what would their Emperor and someone be afraid of? The girls noticed that the guys were whispering about something among themselves.

Anna: Can you share with us what you are whispering about?

When they heard her voice, they instantly sat up straight.

Yuma: Anna... Have pity on the other guys, please... I'll accept any punishment you get instead of them, after all, it was my idea...
Nishikage: Well, actually, I asked you for help, so all the blame is on me...
Takemi: Tanizaki, and I see you're comfortable... You picked up two girls and enjoy the fact that they look after you... WHEN DID YOU EVEN MANAGE TO PICK THEM UP!?
Nishikage with Nosaka: Idiot...

They said at the same time and coldly. Yoshii had a satisfied grin. Nishikage immediately realized that his girlfriend was already up to something again. Yoshiya approached Anna and kissed her, thereby causing the girl to go wild. Nishikage and Nosaka seemed to have dropped out of this world altogether.

Yoshiya: Thank you for taking care of me, Anna-chan~

She said with a smile and winked at her. Ootani was trying to hold back her laughter. Yoshiya came up to her and took her hand and kissed her.

Yoshiya: Ootani-chan and thank you for your concern~

She said again with a smile and winked at her. Anna and Ootani were confused, if they didn't know that she was actually a girl, they would most likely have fallen in love with her. Ichihoshi was angered by this, he wanted to attack Yoshiya, but Nosaka and Nishikage reacted in time and stopped him.

Ichihoshi: Let go! This is his gratitude for the fact that we helped him!? He's trying to beat off our girls!
Nishikage: Calmed down, Yoshiya is just fooling around...

Yoshiya laughed.

Yoshiya: Ahahaha, right~ In fact, I'm for boys~

Now the guys have already fallen out of the world, Nishikage felt awkward. Nosaka leaned into Ichihoshi's ear and explained everything to him. When he realized that Yoshiya was a girl, he was shocked and at the same time he felt embarrassed. He calmed down, Nishikage and Nosaka released him.

Yuma: I'll leave Yoshiya to you, Nishikage... I think you have something to talk about.

He said with a sweet smile.

Nishikage: Yes, you're right, we're going to have a very long conversation with him, aren't we, Yoshiya?

He looked at her with a grin. The girl realized that tomorrow she would definitely not get out of bed... Nishikage would take care of it, Yoshiya was sure of it and began to feel sorry for her ass.


Ahahaha😂 I hope you enjoy this story~
And yes, in the future I will have this ship more than once, 😉 And for those who will write that Yoshiya is actually a guy, I'll tell you what I know about it. But in my ff Tanizaki Yoshiya is a girl who will pretend to be a guy, and in some ff she will not pretend to be him. This story is complete.

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