
By nielleshenanigans

490 12 0

They both have an agreement that this would only be a (best) friends with benefits thing, that is until Mark... More



165 5 0
By nielleshenanigans

Author's note: Hi! This is my first published book on wattpad. A story no one asked for but I hope you enjoy. Author's native language isn't English so suggestions and/or corrections are welcome in the comments.

Also every comment is very well appreciated.


Haechan is mad. No, mad is an understatement. He is pissed off, irked, enraged, infuriated and all other synonymous words that fall under that category. I mean who won't be furious if you are rudely awakened by the sound of the doorbell ringing at an ungodly hour. He groaned and placed a pillow over his ears to muffle the sound but to no avail. The consistent ringing still echoes throughout his relatively small studio apartment, the sound still penetrating through the pillow. He kicked off the blanket covering his lower torso and checked his phone. Maybe the person behind the door has at least the courtesy to give him a heads up before causing a ruckus at dawn. Of course there wont be any, he thought disappointedly as he scroll through his call and message logs. Whoever it was showed up with no prior notice no texts or calls, nothing. And so he rubbed the sleep off his eyes and begrudgingly crawled out of the bed before loudly marching his way towards the front door. Whoever the fuck is behind that mahogany door will sure experience his wrath first hand even if they are a robber, a friend or..... well, a serial killer.

The sudden thought startled him and made him halt as he was just a few paces from the door. Shit! What if it is indeed a murderer on the loose and he is their unwilling victim? He checked his pockets for his phone to call 911, just in case something happened.

Then he remembered. Oh shit, his gun! He mentally face palmed, he forgot his gun in the bedroom due to his earlier admittedly pathetic display of adult tantrum. He was still working on his internal monologue when a series of impatient knocks and doorbell rings startled him from his reverie. Surely it's not that, right? If it were a stranger, Coco's surely gonna start barking. Haechan nodded to himself, wordlessly calming himself down. He then took a deep breath, grabbing one of his baseball bats on the way just for safety measures still and continued on. He peeped into the hole to identify this unwarranted visitor but to no luck, the guy from the other side is hooded and seems completely soaked in the merciless thunderstorm. Haechan braced himself if ever a physical fight is to ensue, he sure know that there are many other logical ways to handle the situation aside from opening up the door to what seems like a total stranger. And that this decision is high likely the most idiotic shit he'll ever pull in his 21 years of existence which honestly is something considering he's done a ton of stupid borderline illegal questionable things. Logic and practicality isn't really his best suit. Besides he can just add this experience as a brand new entry to ' dumb things Haechan do because he isn't using his brain or he mostly does but still is too stubborn to follow it' journal, that is if he were ever to live another day after this. And so with otherwise grim determination he went against his better judgement. Despite all alarms going off in his self-proclaimed big brain, he ignored it and opened the door. His right hand holding the bat ready to aim, he was caught off guard to be face-to-face with his best friend.

Mark looked up to him, seemingly annoyed ( which he has no reason for because who the heck shows up unannounced in their friend's house at 3 ass o'clock in the morning and expects to be greeted by an immediate and warm welcome, haechan reasoned in his head) whole body soaked in the harsh rain. He taps his foot repeatedly, a deep frown evident on his face. Haechan let's go of the bat, a loud thump echoing throughout the apartment as the metal bat collided against the tiled floor ( Haechan is sure the tile shattered from the impact but it is an issue he'll acknowledge tommorow after he's had a cup of coffee and an 8-hour sleep). Mark subtly flinched at the sound before looking up at Haechan.

" What took you so long? I'm freezing my ass off in here."

" We'll, I'm sorry for the inconvenience Mark but can you blame me? I was literally snoring the night away earlier before you rang my doorbell loudly multiple times, " he sarcastically remarked, emphasizing the multiple part, " in a fucking hoodie. Which also really? I almost shit my pants thinking your some kind of killer. And also who the fuck goes to their best friend's house at goddamn 3 am unannounced, might I add. "

" Well, sorry for waking you up but this shit is important.", Mark retaliated, totally not sorry.

" Oh yeah? What's that something that's so important that it's worthy of lack of sleep. Mind you, I have a a presentation tomorrow. "

" Oh, I'll tell you what smart-ass. But first can we talk inside, it's really fucking cold. "

" No shit Sherlock. What kind of psycho are you to think it's a good idea to go outside in a thunder storm without a fucking umbrella?" Haechan asked exasperatedly, opening up the door wider allowing Mark inside.

" I panicked, alright. "

He rolled his eyes at that, closing the door behind them and grabbing some warm towels from the laundry room and a set of pajamas to lend to Mark. The older giddily accepted the towel and the fresh set of clothes before making his way to the bathroom. He took a quick warm shower and changed into Haechan's clothes - good thing he and Channie has almost the same height and size-, he was about to step out but he caught himself in the younger's full body mirror. He heaved out a sigh and felt his stomach. It still looks flat in the reflection but he can feel a certain pudginess in his lower abdomen, no longer the toned one he had a few weeks before. And in a few months the bump could no longer be brushed off as 'just eaten everything off of McDonald's menu' baby.

" Here", Haechan hand him a steaming mug of hot chocolate and gestured for him to sit beside him on the couch, " careful it's hot."

" So what do we have talk about ? "

Mark placed his cup on the table,
" You might want to put down that mug before this, Haech. "

" Hmm? No, no. No, it's fine."

" Okay."

Haechan stared expectantly at Mark, the older avoiding his gaze. Mark exhaled, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt.

" Ummm... I don't know how to start. "

" Woah there, okay... So this is gonna be a talk TALK. "

" Why on earth would I drive 15 mins. from my place to yours if this isn't a serious matter?! I could've have just called or texted, y'know.", Mark replied sharply.

" Alright, sorry, jesus. No need to be all nasty about it. I mean knowing you, you kinda overreact sometimes, blow things out of proportion so.."

Mark whipped his head quickly at his direction, eyes glaring daggers at him. Haechan put up his hands in mock surrender, " What those eyes do, Minhyung-ah. Okay no more jokes, go on spill the tea. My lips are sealed."

Haechan gestured a sealing motion over his lips, even puckering it to emphasize. Mark shook his head with how immature this brat he calls his best friend. But what can he expect from him? This is Haechan we're talking about. His friend since 3rd grade who once licked an earthworm for the sake of knowing if it tastes like anything ( which he said tasted like detergent because he kind of slathered it with soap before licking it ) and gifted Mark a 2.5 L bottle of ketchup - which he absolutely despise - on his 15th birthday. The man's seriously half human half clown, he should be used to it by now. He bit the end of his nails in anxiousness. Hopefully Haechan would take this seriously.

" pregnant. " , he whispered ever so gently to the dimly lit room. Haechan's brow contorted in a frown.

" Sorry didn't catch that. What did you say? "

Mark took out the positive pregnancy test from the pocket of his wet hoodie. He carefully placed it on the coffee table, signalling the younger to look at it.

" I'm pregnant, Hyuck. Found out earlier."

And for once Haechan is speechless. It's as if the whole world melted away the moment he were able to process Mark's words. He can only hear ringing in his ears. It almost feel surreal not in the good kind though but the anxious type. The type you feel when you are lost in the woods in the middle of the night alone and nowhere to seek shelter. That's precisely what Haechan felt in this silent moments. And there are only a few rare things that can leave Haechan stunned. And this, this tops it all.

His jaw literally hit the ground. He turned to Mark with his mouth agape and his eyes wide in shock. The latter carefully snatched the mug from his sudden loose grip to avoid it from falling to the floor. A few moments passed and not a single word was uttered between them. Mark eyed him anxiously biting his lips.

" You- For real? Are you fucking real now? Cause it sure is a bit too late for an April fool's prank. "

" It's not a prank Hyuck. "

" Holy fucking shit! You're serious right now?! Oh my God! And it's mine. It's mine, right? Of course you dumbass why would he be here if not. No, no. There's no way. I'm probably dreaming. A weird ass dream though even for me. ", Haechan slapped himself harshly which made Mark jump a little bit from his seat.

"Shit, it's real. But- but we always use protection.", He turned to Mark but a sudden realization dawn upon him, " Oh no, the frat party. Ah, why did we do that. How far along are you? "

" 12 weeks. "

" Oh yeah, yeah. Fits the timeline. So what are you gonna do? "

" Me? "

" Yeah. Pretty much. "

" You're abandoning me, is that it? Yeah probably. Why did I even- "

Mark stood up ready to leave but Haechan caught his wrist, pulling him gently back to the sofa.

" No. No. Of course not. I'll be here with you hyung."

" Are you sure? "

"Yeah. Of course, it's both ours. "

" Thanks. "

" Welcome, I guess.", Mark smiled a little at that.

" Oh, I can ask Jaem to help us out. "

" With what? "

" For the clinic and schedule. "

" Oh, no need. I just got an ultrasound earlier after my class. Besides I kinda like my gynecologist. So I think we don't need to find another one, for now at least."

" No. Not that. "

" Huh? What then? "

" Abortion. "

" I'm sorry? "

" I mean you know Jaem, he'll be willing to lend a hand to help us find a great clinic and a suitable schedule that works for us. Perks of being a med student. Don't worry hyung I'll go with you. I'll take care of all the hospital bills and you can crash for a couple of days in here so I can aid you while recovering. Also I think there are like documents and forms we have to sign there so I think I- "

" Abortion."

" Yes."

" Let me get this straight. You want to abort our baby? "

" Baby? Hyung, that's barely a fetus. ", Haechan scoffed but with no real bite in his words. Mark looked up to him, disbelief and anger flooding his eyes.

"Fuck you. It's our baby, Haech. I heard it's heartbeat earlier. I saw its limbs. It's a goddamn baby for Christ's sake."

" Wha- Hyung, so what are you on?"

Mark glared at him and stood up, walking away from a confused Haechan that ran after him. He grabbed Mark's pale wrist before tugging him closer.

" Hey, what's wrong? Why are you leaving? "

" Are you stupid? "

" What? Look, I- " Haechan stopped mid-sentence finally realizing what Mark is implying.

" You want the ba- it? You want it? "

Haechan was greeted by silence but he had his answer. He knows it. Mark protectively wrapping his arms around his stomach just further proves his assumption.

" You're keeping it, right?" , Haechan asked gently, he can see the older's eyes brimming with tears.

" Y-yes. "

" Mark ", Haechan whined, "I'm sorry for what I'm about to say but are you fucking serious right now? You're keeping a baby at this time? In this economy? Really? "

" You don't have to take responsibility I can manage- "

" You're fucking kidding. That's a load of bullshit, hyung. How can you take care of a baby alone?", Haechan grabbed his hair in annoyance, " We're in college for crying out loud. And we're closeted might I remind you. As far as our parents are concerned we're two straight dudes. Just imagine their shock when they find out. My mom will either die of a heart attack or she'll skin me alive. And if I survived that, we have no stable jobs. We're not even in a relationship. So how- "

" I told you I can take care of it alone. "

" Mark, you think I'll let you do it alone? No, I won't. It's my responsibility too. But hyung, please consider the shit show it'll become if we decide to keep it. No one knows about our setup not even the squad. Also we can barely take care of ourselves and you expect us to be responsible for a new life? You can't even cook", the words came out more harshly than Haechan intended to. He saw how the tears Mark's been trying to stop flow down his cheeks. Haechan went to dry his tears but Mark flinched from his touch, curling up on himself.

" I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way. Hyung I- "

" You're giving up? Just like that, you'll give up our kid? "

" Hyung, please." Haechan begged exasperatedly, " We're tired. We've both had a long day. It's best if we sleep first and then talk again tomorrow. We need to clear our heads up. "

" My mind is clear, Haechan. My answer is clear too. I'm keeping this baby, with you or without you. But if you ever changed your mind, you know where to find me. "

With that Mark brisk walked towards the door. Haechan followed after him but Mark stopped him.

" Please, don't. I can drive. The rain has stopped too. I won't crash the car, there's two of us now. "

" Hyung- ", Mark closed the door in his face. Haechan looked outside from the window and saw Mark leaving the driveway. Haechan sighed. He's so fucking tired. His discussion with Mark drained the life out of him. Haechan laid in the couch, mind clouded by Mark's dropping of a bomb. And without even knowing he got into a deep slumber.

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