ENCHANTED HEARTS, klaus mikae...

By sinclxirewp

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klaus mikaelson's only reason to come back to New Orleans was to find out who was plotting against him. There... More

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979 23 37
By sinclxirewp

Im not her.


(Please comment I love that<3)

In front of a mirror a young brown haired beautiful girl stood her long her lying on her shoulders. The curling iron making her once straight her into beautiful locks.

It was 7:15 on clock. The brunette was up for 30 minutes, while she was up she curled her hair and did her make up. Her pretty brown now straight hair was done, she just smiled.

It was a more tiring day, school was boring as usual and no plans for the afternoon, call her wounded. Her three friends since kindergarten had plans and didn't even invite her. It was hurting a lot. In the group of the four teenagers one would always be left out.

That was her Lia Sinclair.

In every class it was the same, every day, every hour and every minute. They were friends or that's what she thought. In the opinion from the trio the girl was distancing herself so they just left her be.

It felt everything but good, it was like the other two in the friend group were like puppets controlled by Elena Gilbert. The Gilbert doppelgänger thought that she could do whatever she wanted. She was more reckless before she met the Salvatores.

Elena always got in trouble but got away with everything her reason being her parents are dead and it's just throwing her off the road. Just like it threw her parents off the road and then into wickery bridges deep water.

The Gilbert did everything for attention, once when they were parting the Sinclair made a somersault into the water and the attention was on her. The next second Elena was 'drowning'.

It was always like that, next to Elena she didn't stand a chance. Even Bonnie, her bonnie. Who she always helped would chose her. Elena wouldn't do anything for someone.

Then there was Caroline Forbes. The only thing you could talk to her about was boys. She was talking about them none stop. It was most likely if you tell her a secret the next moment the whole school will know.

She was a person you can't trust but the question was who could you even trust in this place? There were witches,vampires, werewolves and what not running around.

Then there's Bonnie Bennett. She was a new witch and it was pretty hard for her to get around with all types of stuff. While Elena got all done with Matt and then started choosing between the Salvatores, she discovered her magic. One of the reasons the Sinclair was pissed.

She didn't tell her. She wasn't planing on.

Lia walked in when Bonnie performed a spell, it hurted to know that the person she told about her magic didn't tell her about her own. It hurted to think that your friend since childhood just lies to you about something like this.

It was very hurtful and the Sinclair was beyond hurt. She was full of anger, Bonnie was the first to know of her powers. Why didn't bonnie tell her first instead of eleanor?

Questions questions, like the werewitch would get them answered. Stitch, she missed dearly her heart ached for stitch. Lia practically grew up with the blue ball.

It wasn't here that was suspicious, like where would a blue spiritish ball go? No clue and no idea.

She just accepted that stitch wasn't here and went on with her day. The Sinclair stood in front of the little her brown hair in locks. She left her bathroom going to the kitchen to grab a banana or apple. After that she changed her water bottle for cherry coke. Much better anyway.

She left the house a banana in her left hand and her phone and car keys in the right. Lia walked to the car while opening her banana. Yummy. Before she could open the door she felt a tingling in her head.

That's when she got ripped out of her mind.


The Sinclair finally awoke from getting her neck snapped by klaus. Son of a bitch. She had so many questions.

where was she?
why did he do that?
And lastly why was she seeing stuff that was in the past?

The first two questions were easy, she was in a cellar in a cell. And the seconds answer was because he was an asshole.

The last question an endless mystery. If this was some torture method, boy could pack up and leave. This shit wasn't going to work on her. If he wanted information he could've just asked nicely.

Out of nowhere the Sinclair said: „I'm going nuts aren't I?"

„You're becoming like me every second. Cool!" her shadow exclaimed. Out of what hole did she come out.

„You see good me, you're trapped no no no wait we are trapped and it's all your fault."

„Instead of just blaming me why don't you just leave or at least try to help me out."

„I wish I could, honestly just stop trusting people. The only two you can trust is me and yourself. Oh wait! I am you and you are me. So literally never ever fall for that bullshit again it's getting pathetic."

„Shut your mouth."

„Incendia." the real Sinclair said while trying to get the door to burst into flames.

„Nope, won't work this cell right here-" the shadow says while knocking onto the wall. „Is magic proof, so our simsalabim won't work here."

„Shit." Lia exclaimed while knocking the make shift bed over. Literally as she heard footsteps she ran towards the cell door and started banging on it like her life depended, it did actually.


„If this is you klaus, I swear to god I will kill you."

„I'm immortal love and surprisingly you are too. I think you know you're magic won't work inside of these four walls plus there is wolfsbane in your system, so a fight wouldn't be equal."

„Fuck you!" the werewitch told him while banging on that door. „Why don't you say that when you come in you pig."

He chuckled. „If you tell me about yourself then maybe I will let you go."

„What do you wanna know, asshole?"


„Tell me something specific."

„You're friendship with Davina Claire." he told her while waiting for an answer that could help him find the witch.

„I don't know who you're talking about." she lies, the Sinclair will rather be stuck down here then tell him about Davina's whereabouts.

„Lies lies, let me know when you will start talking sweetheart." he just says before leaving an angry werewitch in the cell.

„Son of a bitch."


The Sinclair sat on the bed, which was a mattress, how soft and caring. The shadow leaned on the wall picking her nails.

The other blonde just sighed while adjusting her leather jacket. „You know if you wanna get out you can't just sit right there."

„What did he inject me with?" she says while holding her head in her hands holding onto her hair almost ripping it out.

„Wolfsbane and some weird herbs their making you hallucinate. That's why you've seen yourself. The more you think of it the worse it gets."

„I feel sick."

„That's what he wants, if you're weak enough he can get into your head and find everything out about Davina."

„Why are you telling me this? I thought you don't care about me?"

„I care about you, I mean I care about myself and if he finds out how to kill us both of us are fucked."

„My mind is strong."

„Not so strong, right now I'm trespassing into the normal world meaning I could kill you, but I won't because to get out of here we've got to stick together got it?"


„You can call it the deal with the devil." the shadow grins while crossing her arms.

„Yeah that's exactly what I'll call it."


The Sinclair felt even weaker then before, not only was lots of wolfsbane in her system but the shadow stood there in the corner doing nothing but looking at her nails.

For heavens sake the werewitch wanted to leave already, out of nowhere the hybrid opened the cell door making the Sinclair jump up and the shadow disappear.

„What do you want?"

„Ask nicer."


„If you want to go home quicker you have to be nicer Lia, this is how it works."

„Could you please tell me what you want?" she gritted out while literally trying not to choke on her words. Niceness a Foreign word to Lia Sinclair when Klaus Mikaelson was there.

„That's more like it, tell me about the harvest."

„The coven wanted to kill 4 girls the only one who got out is Davina me and Marcel saved her." she tells him then remembering her mistake by mentioning that she helped to save the girl.

„shit." she mumbled.

„I see. You know love, this isn't enough information for me."

„I'll talk more if I get to eat and drink something." she says while her throat felt scratchy, the cell was cold and some walls had blood on them.

Lia Sinclair didn't feel like ending up like a blood stain, so she tried to not attack him right now.
All she wanted to do was rip his eyeballs from its sockets.

„You get that later."

„I won't tell you anything if I don't get what I want."

„I could just wait till your so weak that I could dive into your head and just get the information love."

„You wouldn't."

„I would and now talk, otherwise we'll have a problem." He tells her while grinning mischievously.

„What else do you wanna know then?" She asks while he looked at her.

„Tell me about yourself."

No. Was the Sinclair's first thought, why? He was looking for a weakness that he could hurt her with. She wasn't going to fall for that trick.

Lia sighed, she knew she wouldn't get out of here if she didn't talk. She'll just tell him the basics and hope he'd leave her be.

„What do you wanna know." it wasn't a question. She wanted nothing to do with him, she hated him with passion.

If the girl should be honest she'd rather drown then talk to him for longer then needed.

„Why did you kill the people in the bayou." That also wasn't a question. The hybrid needed answers the girl seemed to have them. So if necessary he would use extreme force to get them.

„Hayley was in danger, I've send them a message."
She explained, the Sinclair was tired of this already the only thing she wanted to do was get on a plane to god knows where and sip on a cherry coke.

She'd kill to get one right now plus macarons. She could eat hundreds of them or either a beignet.
The Sinclair was hungrier than a bear.

She wanted food.

„What message?" this seemed more like a nice question but the Sinclair could only think about one thing.


Lia Sinclair just embarrassed herself. What message? Was his question and her answer was food.

kill me now her first thought. She wanted nothing more than to dig her own grave at this point. He just looked at her, as she held her head in her hands probably embarrassed by her answer.

„I don't believe that the message was supposed to be food, am I right?" he asked while Lia just begged for the shadow to save her butt. Where was that wench when you needed her?

Nowhere to be found. They had a deal to stick together my ass. Obviously the shadow lied, she had no reason to help her unless she'd get something out of it.

He looked at her while she tried to not turn red from embarrassment. She was tempted to snap her own neck at this point. But her necklace wasn't around her neck plus this cell was very much not useable for her. No magic just werewolf strength.

Lia reminded herself that she had beaten up a original vampire as a human. She will win against this pig and get out. As a werewitch he didn't stand a chance against her. But now her witch side was gone and she was just a wolf.

The tempting thought to turn was very much there, if she'd turn she could just run off. Very tempting.

But she didn't feel like cracking her 207 bones just to run off that shit hurts. Never ever trust klaus mikaelson. That's rule number one.

Rule number two was never ever strike a deal with klaus mikaelson. (this one only counts when you won't expect betrayal and lies from him)

Rule number three was simple survive.

She got that one from Katherine Pierce. Lia Sinclair wasn't really selfish. More like looking out for herself just like Katherine did.

The werewitch knew she had to call the vampire soon. They hadn't spoken in weeks. She should call Elijah too. But then she remembered that he ignored her for the past months. No call nothing.

She was hurt. Whenever she let someone in they'd hurt her, she was used to that and didn't let anymore people in. It was hurtful enough to lose someone she'd care about. She lost enough to know that letting more people in will be just pain and nothing more.

Memories were in the past, having a good time with someone will pass. There will be no more, nothing lasts forever. She knew that too well to say it wasn't the truth.

People lie and people betray, she couldn't trust anyone but herself. Elijah promised her to text and call, he didn't do neither. After that one night everything changed.

She didn't feel the need to bother the original, Lia felt annoying enough and didn't wanted to be too clingy. But the Sinclair had every right to be. Her parents were dead and she had no one who understood her or was there for her.

The only thing she wanted was someone no matter who who would listen to her. No one cared about her, the only thing useful was her magic.

The only reason she had friends was because she was a witch. I mean a witch friend was useful. If she didn't wanted to help or either couldn't she wasn't a good friend.

Both Charlotte and William weren't there either, they weren't her real parents she was aware of that but it still hurted to know that neither of them was being a parent.

She grew up having no one but herself, everything she had was taken from her by either her 'parents' or her 'friends'.

Elijah's betrayal hit the worst, literally. After everything that happened they made a promise to not tell anyone and to not make it weird.

She knew he couldn't call right away, he was in a coffin sooo.

But the other months he didn't even talk to her, after she left mystic falls there was no one she had. Then she met Marcel, their first meeting wasn't very nice but still. After that they both saved Davina Claire.

They all grew together and became good friends, the worst thing Marcel and Davina were closer. It hurted, she had so many reasons to not trust people. Still she did and wondered when she got hurt or betrayed. She had no one other to blame then herself.

She got ripped out of her thoughts when the hybrid spoke again.

„You will only get something to eat when you talk."

„It was to send them a message to leave Hayley in peace, they would come for her again but now that they know that I protect her they will not bother her again."

He nodded, the hybrid appreciated what she had done for his child and the mother of it. If the witches would leave the mother of his child and the child itself in peace he had one problem less to worry about.

After that nod he walked towards the girl, what did he have in his head? She looked up just to see black after he pushed a syringe with wolfsbane in her neck.


She woke up on a couch her doppelgänger friend Elena Gilbert next to her, I'll never ever go somewhere alone with her again.

The Sinclair took their surroundings in, they were in a old looking house. Nothing here but the couch they were lying on.

She just noticed a man sitting on the couch, while untying Elena, „what do you want?" the doppelgänger asks while whimpers left her mouth.
The guy who was a vampire just answered „shh."

„Please im hurt."

„I know."

The Gilbert whimpered again as the guys vampire face came out „just a taste." as he wanted to bite into Elena's neck. Suddenly a woman approached them.

„Trevor! Control yourself!"

„Buzz kill."

With that the guy stood up from the couch and left the room. „What do you want with me?" the doppelgänger said while not noticing the Sinclair sitting next to her.

„Us." the werewitch corrected.

„My God, you look just like her." the vampire woman said while ignoring the Sinclair.

„But I'm not. Please whatever you-" before the doppelgänger could continue her sentence she got interrupted. „Be quiet!"

Elena said up still not noticing Lia „But I'm not Katherine." The vampire now looked even more annoyed when the Gilbert didn't listen to her demand.

„My name is Elena Gilbert, You don't have to do this."

„Lena I think she knows that already." the Gilbert turned around and saw one of her kindergarten friends sitting on the couch.

„I know who you are. I said, be quiet."

„What do you want."


With that the doppelgänger fell unconsciously onto the couch. Look like it hurted. Then the vampire turned her head to the supposedly witch.

„I want you to be quiet."

The Sinclair didn't need to be told that again, she didn't feel like getting bitch slapped. She just raised her hands in surrender.

The vampire left and Lia went to check on Elena, this will be a pretty bruised spot.


Elena was still unconscious, the Sinclair overheard the kidnappers talking: „How's the girl?"

„Still passed out."

When they began a conversation the Gilbert started to wake up. „So you called him?" the man asked the woman.

„No, I called one of his contacts, you know how this works." Elena began to sit up and before she could open her mouth the Sinclair placed her hand on it.

„Did you or did you not get the message to Elijah."

Who the fuck is Elijah? The Sinclair asked herself but she knew that the doppelgänger was thinking the same.

Elena stood up and walked up to a door, the werewitch wanted to facepalm herself, does she never learn?

„They say he got it." the woman responds and the man sighs happily, „Wonderful, and now what?"
„So that's it, Trevor. He either got it or he didn't. We just have to wait."

Now both the girls new that the guys name was Trevor, weird one. „It's not too late. We can leave her. We don't have to go through this. And what about the girl which was with her?"

Elena continued to creep up on them like a cat.

„I'm sick of running and I don't care what happens to the other girl."

„Yeah?" Trevor says. „Well, running keeps us from dying." he panics starting to raise his voice.

„Elijah's old-school. If he accepts or deal, we're free." the vampire woman says whose name wasn't revealed to either the doppelgänger or either the werewitch.

Just as Elena continues to creep around that vampire notices her. „You!" she walked up to her and says: „there's nothing around here for miles. If you think you're getting out you're wrong. Understand?"

The woman was about to leave the doppelgänger but she pops a question. „Who's Elijah?" the Sinclair now walked up to the two woman.

„He's your worst nightmare."

„As if." the werewitch scoffs. The vampire shot her a glare and walked off. Elena started breathing loudly while trying not to panic.


The two salvatore brothers sat in a car on their way to rescue their beloved and friend. „Alaric sure likes his weapons." Damon says while toying around with it, rock music playing on the radio.

„What is that?" he says again go his younger brother.

„It's a vervain bomb or a grenade launcher, something like that." Stefan answers.


„How much further is it?" the brown haired man asks the driver. „About 80 miles."

„Who do you think took her and Lia?"

„Someone from Katherine's past. She said she was running from someone."

„Maybe they got the wrong girl." Damon finishes. Stefan turned his head towards his brother. „But why did they take Lia?"

„She was with Elena, wasn't she?"

The younger salvatore only nodded, after this there has been a 3 minute silence. The brown haired broke it. „Thank you for helping me."

„Can we not do the whole road-trip-bonding that thing? Cliché of it all makes me itch."

„Aw, come on, Damon-" Stefan began.

„We both know that you being in this car has nothing to do with me anyway."

Damon raised his brows and said. „And the elephant in the room lets out a mighty roar."

„It doesn't have to be an elephant. You know, let's talk about it." Stefan once again began.

„There's nothing to talk about." Damon told his younger brother while giving him a quick glance. „That's not true. Sure, there is.-" the younger salvatore fired back.

„Are you in this car because you wanna help your brother save the girl that he loves, or is it because you love her too? Hmm?" Stefan continued. A part of Damon knew that he was right, but his ego got the best of him and he just smirked.

„I mean, come on. Express yourself. I happen to like road-trip bonding."

„Keep it up, Stefan. I can step out or helping as easily as I stepped in."

„Nope. See, that's the beauty of it. You can't." Stefan turned his head towards Damon at the end of his sentence. Damon turned his head to his younger brother and looked him up and down before looking back to the road.


Elena again started with the questions, „why am I here."

The Sinclair cleared her throat and corrected her. „We."

The Gilbert rolled her eyes and stared at the vampire who was turning a lamp on. Suddenly the vampire answered and began walking.

„You keep asking me questions like I'm gonna answer them."

„Why won't you?" the annoying doppelgänger voice again asked the vampire.

„That's another one." both Lia and Rose said at the same time. „You got me, okay? It not like I can go anywhere. The least you can do is tell me what you want." Elena began walking down the stairs.

„Us and we." Lia once again corrected the other brunette. Rose ignored the Sinclair and answered the Gilbert's question. „I personally want nothing. I'm just a delivery service."

„Delivery service to who?"

„Elijah." the werewitch said answering het friends question.

„Ha, ha. Two points to the eavesdropping witch." Rose said still thinking that the Sinclair is a witch.

„Who is he? Is he a vampire?"

„He's one of the vampires. The originals."

Elena looked confused and began asking even more. „What do you mean?"

„Again with the questions haven't the Salvatores been teaching you vampire history?"
Rose responded with an annoyed voice getting pissed at the doppelgänger.

„So you know Stefan and Damon?" Now a question came from the Sinclairs mouth.

„I know one of them, a hundred years back s friend of mine tried to set me up with Stefan. She said he was one of the good ones. More of a sucker for the bad boys, though, but I disgress."

Oh so Damon was her type.

„Lexi?" the Sinclair asked Rose who just nodded. Even though Lexi and Lia didn't know each other that good they still were good friends.

„Who are the Originals?" Elena crossed her arms as Rose turned around facing both of the brunettes.

„Trevor and I have been running for 500 years. We're tired. We want it over. We're using you to negotiate ourselves out of an old mess."

„But why me?" once again Elena asked. Lia rolled her eyes at the other brunette, did she seriously wanted to get bitch slapped again?

„Because you're a Petrova doppelgänger." 

„You're the key to breaking the curse." rose told both of the girls. „Curse?" Lia asked while hoping for an answer.

„The sun and the moon curse?" Elena questioned but somehow answered the werewitches question.

„You do know your history." the vampire said and rolled her eyes.

„What do you mean, I'm the key? The moonstone is what breaks the curse."

„No. the moonstone is what binds the curse. Sacrifice is what breaks it. It wonders me that your witch friend didn't know this." Rose said and at the end of her sentence pointed to Lia.

Elena ignored the mention of her friend, Lia wasn't important in this. „Sacrifice?" the Petrova asks while trying not to make her voice appear shaky.

„The blood of the doppelgänger. You're the doppelgänger. Which means, in order to break the curse, you're the one that has to die."

Elena looked like she was on the verge of tears, like she'd break down and sob an entire waterfall. „And what is my part in this?" the Sinclair says confidently before stepping in front of Elena to protect her from possible harm.

you're a witch. In order to break the curse you need a witch."

„What am I gonna get sacrificed too?" She asked the person who probably knew the answer to all her questions.

„As far as I'm concerned not."

„Oh fantastic." Lia mumbled and sighed out. She hoped for her own sake that Stefan and Damon were on their way, if not for her then for Elena.

„Tell me more." the doppelgänger says before pushing her friend out of the way to see Rose. Lia just looked away, the female vampire noticed that and side eyed Elena.

„Captivity's made her pushy, eh?-" he picked up some painting and putting it elsewhere.

„What do you wanna know, doppelicious?" Trevor says while staring at doppelicious.

„Who are you running from?"

The Sinclair was getting pissed, Elena made everything about herself and didn't even plan on listening to their conversation. With a angry tone in her voice the werewitch answered before either of the vampires could.

„The originals, Elena they've said that like 3 times by now, all you have to do is listen and get it in your thick skull."

Rose and Trevor smirked at the girl and the Gilbert turned to her with a shocked look on her face.

„And what does that mean, smart all knowing Lia."

„The first vampire family obviously." the Sinclair said and picked at her nails trying to get the skin away.

„Rose and I pissed them off." The vampire shook her head at that and made a disagreeing sound.

„Correction, I pissed them off. Rose had my back. And for over half a millennium, they've wanted us dead."

„What did you do?" Elena asks the male vampire her tenth question. „He made the same countless mistake others did. He trusted Katerina Petrova."

„Katherine." the Gilbert mumbles in realisation. „The one and only." the werewitch says.

„The first petrova doppelgänger." rose adds to the Sinclairs words. „I helped her escape her fate, and now I've, sorry, we've been marked ever since." Trevor tells them and then points to rose.

„Which is why we're not gonna make the same mistake again."

„Good choice." Lia mumbles as Trevor walks past both of them shooting them a smirk. Obviously both of the vampires heard the Sinclair.

After both of the vampires left the room going into the one next to them Elena drags the Sinclair towards the couch sitting down. Lia didn't make an attempt to sit down because there was barely space on the couch.

Suddenly both of them see a note. The doppelgänger grabbed it first and opened it.

Stefan and Damon are
coming for you.

With hope that the message is true the Gilbert crunches it without letting the Sinclair look at it. Lia rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.


„We're getting close. Jeremy said there's and access road just past mile marker six." Stefan tells his older brother who grabs a blood bag from the backseats.

He starts drinking from it while staring at his younger brother who just looks away in annoyance. „If you want some, just ask."

„I want some." the younger salvatore tells his older brother who just says. „Aw, that's so sweet. You wanna be all big and strong to save your girls. Don't worry, I've got your back. You'll be fine."

„I'm not joking. I've been drinking a little every day.-" Damon looks at his younger brother in shock after he told him.

„Been slowly increasing my intake and building up my strength. And Lia isn't one of my girls, she's my and Elenas friend."

The younger brother snatched the blood bag from his elder brother and thanks him before starting to drink.

„Elena know you're drinking blood?" Damon asks Stefan as he got his blood bag back.

Like a icon Stefan answers, „I've been drinking hers." Damon looks at him with confusion but then turns his head back to the road.

„Mm. How romantic." he says back and drinks from the bag.

Damon had the need to mention his old ripper days, „Since we're road-trip bonding, remember the days when all you lived got was blood? You were the guy that would rip someone apart just for the fun of it?"

Stefan fired back. „You mean when I was more like you?"

„Yes, Stefan, exactly. Back when you put blood into me so I could be a big, bad vampire.-"

Stefan clenched his jaw and looked into the road his eyes a bit teary. „I wonder if elena would be so quick to open her veins to that guy.
By the way, what happened to that guy? He was a hoot."

„Guess he found something else to live for."


Rose grabbed a bag from the couch elena was sitting on. A panicking Trevor speed walks towards the stairs saying. „He's here. This was a mistake."

The two brunettes turn towards the panicking vampire as the other one spoke up. „No, I told you I would get us out if this. Trust me."

„No. He wants me dead, Rose."

„He wants her more." she tells her friend and points to Elena.

„I can't do this. You give her to him, he'll have mercy on you. But I need to get out of here!"

„Hey, what are we?"

Trevor squeezes his eyes shut as he breath out heavily before answering. „We're family."

Elena looks at them and smiles, Lia just looks at them. „Forever." Trevor finishes his sentence.

Out of nowhere someone began banging on the door. Both of the vampires looked towards it, the werewitch breathed out heavily. If she had to fight to get out of this alive she would, no matter the consequences and circumstances.

Even if that meant leaving Elena here.

„You're scared." the doppelgänger says like it's the discovery of a new world. No shit. The Sinclair said in her head.

Rose glared at her and then turned to the male. „Stay here with them. And don't make a sound." she began to walk up the stairs and disappeared for a few minutes.

Lia began listening in into the conversation.

„Rose-Marie, is there somewhere we could talk?"

Rose sighed out as she began talking. „Yes, In here."

„You have to forgive the house." she continued smiling.

„Oh, no what's a little dirt? I completely understand." he says before entering the house.  The moment he stepped in he felt a powerful presence in one of the rooms in the house. A witch he thought to himself.

Ignoring the presence he once again begind talking. „So tell me, what is it that gives you the courage to call me?" He begins walking into one of the rooms and rose follows after him.

She once again sighs out and tells Elijah, „I wanted my freedom. I'm tired of running. Are you in a position to grant me that?"

„I have complete authority to grant pardon to you and your little pet, what's his name these days? Trevor." he answers his own question.

„If I so see fit." Elijah continues and motions that the vampire who called him explains herself.

„Katerina Petrova." at the all to familiar name Elijah turns around and looks at Rose. „I'm listening." he tells her.

„She didn't burn in the church in 1864." she continued and Elijah makes himself comfortable on one of the seats.


„She survived." at that the mikaelsons eyes widened and he immediately asked „Where is she?"

„You don't derm surprised by this."

„Oh, when you called and invited me into this armpit of civilization which is a mere three hours away from the town we know as Mystic falls, I surmised it had everything to do with Katerina. Do you have her in your possession?"

Rose grins as she responds. „No. But I have better. I have her doppelgänger."

Elijah immediately says „that's impossible. Her family line ended with her. I know that for a fact."

Rose made a deadly move when she contradicted Elijahs facts. „Then the facts are wrong."

„Well, show her to me." he says with curiosity.

„Elijah, you're a man of honour, you're to be trusted, but I wanna hear you say it again."

„You have my word that I will pardon you."

After Rose sees nothing but truth in his eyes she tells him to follow her.

„Follow me."

Elijah stands up and walks behind the younger vampire. Lia hears their steps when rose spoke up again.

„A witch was with her when we found the doppelgänger."

„is she powerful?"

„We aren't sure yet."

The two walking vampires continued to walk towards the staircase. Elena fidgeted as both of the brunettes turned around when they heard footsteps.

A man in a suit stared at Elena who just looked shocked. The next second he stood in front of her, at the speed Elena flinched back.

He takes a step closer to her, Lia balls her fist just incase she has to push him away. The doppelgängers eyes got a bit teary as he sniffed at her neck.

The Sinclair saw how much her friend was shaking, the vampire raised his head back and says.

„Human. It's impossible."

The room was silent as the two younger vampires stared at Elijah. The next second he smirks down at Elena.

„Hello there."

Elena looked like she was about to have a break down when that guy looked at her like she was a piece of meat.

„Great another vampire pedophile." Lia sarcastically mumbles but all of the vampires hear it.

Rose and Trevor snapped their head towards the girl a shocked look on their features. Elena was to shocked to literally do anything and the big bad suit guy turned around facing the Sinclair.

„You must be the witch then, we'll be fixing that attitude later." he tells her and watches her face scrunch up.

Lia Sinclair didn't take orders from anyone.

„Do I look like a dog to you." she grits out and grabs Elenas arm pulling her behind her.

He only thinks about his younger brother klaus. The two would make a good couple, both of them with a too big mouth.

He ignored her comment and continued. „We have a long journey ahead. We should be going."

„Please don't let him take me." Elena whines as she looked towards rose.

She looked down not wanting to meet brown doe eyes. „One last piece of business then we're done."

Elijah walks towards Trevor, who literally shakes in fear. „I've waited so long for this day, Elijah. I'm truly very sorry."

„Oh, no, your apology is not necessary."

„Yes. Yes, it is. You trusted me with Katerina and I failed you."

Elijah walks around him and behind talking. „Well, yes, you are the guilty one. And Rose aided you because she was loyal to you. That I honour. Where was your loyalty?"

I beg your forgiveness."

„So granted." Elijah says back and he smiled. So did Trevor in thinking that he would be able to live his life normally and no more running.

The next second Elijah smacks Trevor's head off. Rose moans in pain as she sees her best friend dead. Elena stared in shock and tried not to let out a sob. Lia just was scared, the thought of dying like that made her want to vomit.

She felt her breakfast getting up, she wanted nothing more than to get that sight out of her head. Elena walked up to her wrapping her arms around the Sinclair. When she opened her eyes she saw Trevor's head on the floor.

It was her last straw and literally she felt her eyes get teary at the sight. It was the most disgusting thing she ever saw.

„You-" rose spits out and walked down the steps a bit. Elijah cut her off by saying. „Don't, rose. Now that you're free." rose sobs loudly as the werewitch looked at her. She felt pity for the woman who lost her family.

She walked up to her and wrapped her arms around her, even though this was her kidnapper she didn't wanted her to feel grief alone.

Elijah looked at the girl as rose cried and sobbed into her shoulder. Lia tried to calm the crying woman down but she didn't stop. „Shh it's okay everything will be alright."

Elijah once again began to speak extending his arm towards the Sinclair as he made his steps towards the Gilbert. „Come." it wasn't a nice way of asking it was a demand.

„Go." rose mumbled as she unwrapped her arms. „No, what about the moonstone?" Elena flinched away as soon as he took a step towards her. „What do you know about the moonstone?"

„I know that you need it." the doppelgänger told him.

„And I know where it is." the Sinclair finished Elenas sentence. „Yes?" he asked both of the girls.

„I can help you get it." Lia once again said. She knew where it was and if she'd tell Katherine that an original was about to kill her if she didn't hand it over she'd give it to her.

Elijah turned towards the girl who now walked towards them. „Tell me where it is." he demanded before the werewitch could say anything Elena cut her off.

„It doesn't work that way."

„Are you negotiating with me?"

The original turned his head towards rose who still cried silently. „It's the first I've heard of." she tells him and then he turns around towards the two brunettes. 

He tried to compel Elena which didn't seem to work, he didn't even try on the Sinclair cause he knew witches couldn't be compelled.

Elijah then looked down Elenas neck and before he ripped it off he questions. „What is this vervain doing around your neck?"

He threw it into a random corner and Elena tried to get her head away from him to not get compelled. He grabs her and pulls her towards him.

„Tell me where the moon-" before he could finish it the Sinclair pushed him away breaking it.

„It doesn't work that way." she repeats Elenas words from earlier as his jaw clenched. The girl who rose told him was a witch was way to strong to be a witch but she wasn't a vampire either.

She had a heartbeat which right now was beating faster than it should and rightfully so.

„You aren't a witch." Elijah mumbles as he watched roses face turn into a confused one as she looked at the werewitch.

„I'm a witch otherwise I wouldn't be able to do this would I?" she says before grabbing Elenas wrist pulling her close and clenching her hand into a fist.

All of the windows glasses broke and shattered across the whole room. Rose quickly sped away and hid into the corner. Elijah got some injuries from the glass as Lia tightened her hold on Elenas wrist as they both ran off.

The two ran down the hall into a random room as both of them hid behind the door. They knew that this wouldn't stop Elijah but they had to make as much time as possible for Stefan and Damon to safe them.

Floorboards creaked as an angry suited man walked down the hall to the room where he knew the girls were hiding.

When Lia heard his steps she motioned to Elijah who was walking down the hall then middle of the room, then to her and then to Elena, the door, a key and then made her two fingers run.

The plan was make sure Elijah go into the middle then they run out lock it and run away.

Great plan.

The two waited and Lia smelled elijahs cologne before he even entered when he did he looked around and was now in the middle. Now or never.

Once again she grabbed her friends wrist as both of them ran out slamming the door shut. As soon as he noticed he stepped into a trap it was to late, both of the girls were pushing themselves against the door with their weight making it unable to open it.

Rose downstairs quickly grabbed a piece of paper and wrote something on it.

Elena grabbed a long piece of wood as they placed it that he couldn't get out. Then the two jogged down the stairs into the main hall.

Out of nowhere Elijah appeared as he grabbed the Sinclair. She tried to get out of his grasp but his strength was to much. She could only think of one thing. Bite him.

As Lia yelled out he placed his hand over her mouth to keep her quiet. Elijah saw how much strength she had so he wouldn't kill her, she was somehow mixed up in the Katherine bowl.

The only thing he wanted to do was calm her down to stop her from running but before he could react he felt a sharp pain in his hand.

He let go of the girl in an instant as he noticed the nasty wolf bite on his palm. He huffed out angrily as he realised that the Sinclair wasn't just a witch.

She was both.

It made sense to him, it wondered him why he hadn't noticed that earlier there were so many signs and he ignored them.

Now he had even more interest in her, she'd stay alive and he'd introduce her to his younger brother as another peace offering.

Maybe then he'd get his family back.

There was a rush off air which was more than familiar to Elijah. Vampires. Both of the girls including rose were gone.

Damon pressed the Sinclair and the older vampire against the wall a hand over both of their mouths making them unable to talk.

Lia at first was shocked when she got sped into a random place but when she saw Damon that fear and shock left as soon as it came.

She sighed out thankfully as she looked around and saw Elena on the other side of the staircase.

Lia managed to wave her hands around trying to get the doppelgänger to leave. Dumb bitch.

„I'm gonna go with you but please don't hurt my friends, they're just trying to help me." Elena said in her typical sad voice.

Elijah looked at her narrowing his eyes as he began talking. „Where is the other girl."

Lia knew that he was talking about her so she quickly extended her hand a rock flew into it. She threw the rock behind Elijah making sure that it made a sound. While Elijah was distracted she sped behind to the dark corner in the rooms.

Damon let her leave because he knew that she could defend herself and if not one of them would jump in to save her.

The room was deadly silent, Elena obviously saw her werewitch friend speeding into the deep dark corners of the room. She used all her confidence and when Elijah took a step towards her she threw the vervain bomb at him.

It didn't affect him much but when Damon shot a stake in his hand he was to distracted and the Sinclair appeared and turned him around.

She casted a spell which held him down, it wasn't for long and she couldn't hold it. The magic couldn't hold him for that long as long as they needed to figure out what to do with him.

She struggled and when the spell stopped working he was about to speed at her and grab her, Damon jumped in and pushed him against the wall staking him.

Rose sped away and before Damon could go after her Lia called out. „Let her go she isn't worth it."

Then out of nowhere the two saw the couple hugging, out of pity for Damon Lia walked up to him and wrapped her arms around him.

He was a bit stunned but nevertheless hugged the Sinclair back.


Not about 30 minutes later when the four left rose returned.

She needed her freedom so she grabbed the note which was in her jacket pocket and placed it down in front of Elijah.

She knew that he would wake up, he was an original a normal stake wouldn't end his long life.

After leaving the stake there she sped off once again into the dark shadows.


Elijah Mikaelson woke up two hours later after a long nap. He lifted his head and angrily pulled the stake out of his own chest throwing it across the room harshly. 

He composed himself once again and was about to make his way out of the house but he stopped as he heard a paper under his right shoe.

He stepped off and grabbed it before opening it and reading the familiar writing.

„Mystic falls, The moonstone is under the church ruins with Katherine. I hope your offer for my freedom still stands."

When he thought that that was the end he looked a bit further down and saw an address.

He chuckled before putting the paper in his suit pocket and making his way to mystic falls.


After the Sinclair came back home from being kidnapped she sat in the kitchen. She was typing on her phone while sipping on a cherry coke. Her all time favourite drink.

When she heard a knock on the door she looked towards the door, who the hell was knocking? None of her friends would come over as far as she was concerned obviously. Maybe a surprise.

She stood from her chair cautiously, maybe the guy was just the mailman. She opened the door and her mouth fell agape. Literally.

As she saw the suit guy who was supposed to be dead, she slammed the door in his face, ran over to the counter. The Sinclair took the cherry coke and ran up the stairs. She went to her dead parents room and reached for a shoehorn.

Lia ran towards the build in wall closet and searched for the hole in the floor with her hand. As she found it she slammed the shoehorn in and reached into the dark hole. She found a stake and a gun with wooden bullets. This will do I guess...

After that she ran to her own room entering it she was about to slam the door shut and lock it when she saw Elijah.

Without a doubt she pours her coke onto him, ouch.

She felt sorry for the cherry coke, the werewitch wanted to drink it but one for the team.

Lia then opened the door and slammed it into him, making him groan. She did it again before she took off running down the stairs him walking after her.

She opened the basement door and quickly hid behind a counter, the original looked for her and saw the door open. He walked towards it just for the Sinclair to run and push him all the way down the stairs.


She shut the door and ran into the kitchen, the werewitch will need to go an buy more grocery's later. The girl opened the drawer while her hands were shaking. Her magic wasn't so experienced so she rather wouldn't try something. She'd probably burn the house down on accident.

The Sinclair grabbed a plastic plate and whipped cream, she sprayed it onto the plate and waited for the Mikaelson to get out of the basement. Just as he left a plate was slammed into his face.

Elijah didn't wanted to hurt the girl knowing she was just defending herself. She had every right to, the Sinclair helped to 'kill' him. Maybe he was trying to kill her for it but that wasn't what he had planned.

„I don't wanna hurt you, I just wanna talk."


She kicked him into his private area and ran to the backdoor. The outfit she wore wasn't the most nicest to take a run in. It was a pair of blue shorts and a pastel light purple top.

If her clothes would get dirty she'd probably kill someone. She ran into a random direction and ended up at a forest. For fucks sake.

The Sinclair wasn't in the mood for fighting, not in this clothes. All she wanted to do was take a nap, or eat a cheeseburger. Or drink a milkshake or either cherry coke. Probably everything listed.

Then she noticed that she didn't have the stake or either the gun with her. Fuck. Why did this always happen to her? Not like she could go back she just continued to run into the deep dark forest.

How was she supposed to defend herself? Her magic was useless and she couldn't control it. The werewitch didn't feel like burning a forest down or destroying mystic falls.

Suit guy was a vampire, meaning if the Sinclair starts bleeding she's fucked. Could he smell her period? Hopefully not. It would be disgusting, smelling someone else's blood, eww.

The werewitch cringed at the thought and the second she got caught off guard, a arm wrapped around her neck and she felt a presence behind her. Shit.

As she tried get out of his grasp he wrapped his other arm around her waist keeping her in place. She felt intimidated, a rare feeling for her.

His aura was strong,noble and mysterious. She knew nothing about him but he could know everything about her.

That didn't stop the girl from trying to get out of his grasp. She wanted to be nowhere near him or either pressed against him. His muscles flexed as he leaned a bit forward to whisper in her ear.

„Stop moving."

„Let go off me."

When he whispered she felt shivers go down her spine. It was a weird feeling she just shrugged it off.

„I don't wanna hurt you. But if you won't listen I think I will not have a other choice."

She stayed silence. If he wanted to kill her he would've snapped her neck by now or bitch slapped her head of just like he did with Trevor.

The Sinclair felt his hand go down her back, as she tried to flinch the arm around her neck didn't let her.  His hand went to the beginning of her shorts, as he let his hand slip into them. Panic struck in her body every alert stage screaming red.

She tried to move again his hand didn't let her, again. She just closed her eyes, if he'd do something she definitely didn't want, the Sinclair wouldn't be able to stop him anyway. He was far to strong.

Obviously the original noticed the girls fear and decided to not mention it. His hands grabbed the gun and pulled it out.

„I believe this is the reason why you stopped running from me?"

Her words were stuck in her throat. Thank god. He knew that she had it there and he just wanted to pull it out. She sighed.


Lia was a bit scared but she tried her best not to show it, Elijah had years of experience from reading people. He saw that she obviously was afraid, so to make sure she would realise that he wouldn't harm her he said.

„I will not do anything to hurt you, I'll give you my word."

„And how can I trust you?"

„I haven't killed you yet haven't I?"

The Mikaelson had a point, if he wanted her dead he would've killed her already. Meaning that he still needed her for something but for what?

„You do have a point-" She started as she tried to move away from his grasp just for him to tighten his arm around her waist.

„Could you let go off me?"

He let go of her, she turned around to face him. Would it be a bad Idea to attack him? 100%
What could be a consequence? death.
What did she have to lose? Nothing except her live.

She punched him, the Sinclair was herself was impressed. Okay yikes.

The werewitch took of running again, she needed to distract him so that she could go somewhere safe. Away from his creepiness and his touch.

She wanted to literally disappear right now. Honestly, Lia knew her death sentence was signed by herself. Instead of listening she punched him, it looked like it hurted, well deserved.

Her magic both enemy and friend wasn't useful at this point. She couldn't even hurt a fly with it, where is her bow and arrow when she needs it.

Lia came to a stop in front of a way which parted itself, she could either choose left or right. Shit.
The Sinclair wasn't good at making decisions. She needed someone who could help her choose but staying and thinking had its own price.

A voice in her head told her right. The voice sounded so alluring that she wanted to listen to it and go down the right path. But her head said left to she went left.

As she continued running she bumped into a chest. Out of horror she screamed and punched the person. It was Elijah. The werewitch should've listened to that voice and went right.

She started moving backwards while he recovered, now the thing to protect her was either a branch from a tree or the magic she couldn't control. No knowledge brought her far, very far.

She went for the branch, alone thinking about taking the wooden piece made it fly into her hand. A shocked expression was on her face as again the voice whispered something, the silent whispers became louder and louder.


The voice wanted the Sinclair to say it, as she threw the branch into the Mikaelsons direction. She chanted: „incendia."

The branch lit into a fire and imbedded itself into Elijah's shoulder, still being on fire. A hiss escaped his lips. Now he was furious. The girl slammed the door in his face, spilled coke on him and his expensive suit, slammed the door onto him, pushed him into a basement, slammed a plastic plate with whipped cream onto him, kicked him into his private area, punched him and now threw a stake which was aflame at him!

„You certainly have a way to fight against someone who just wants to talk."

The Sinclair ignored him and jogged over to a tree and started climbing onto it, Elijah was done with her.

„Get down."

„Leave me alone, you creep."

„You will hurt yourself get down."

„I've been climbing trees since I'm little, unlike you my bones don't crack because of my age."

And now she insulted him. For heavens sake he thought while literally trying to remain calm. Lia continued to climb, she was afraid of highs but the werewitch couldn't careless.

If she dies at least her death cause would be fallen of a tree. Iconic.

„This is not a joke Emilia. Get down." he told her using her real name making her turn her head towards him.

„How do you know my real name?" she asked, it wasn't really a question but she made it out to be. The Sinclair was worried, no one used that name except for her real dead parents in a letter.

Elijah just blew his cover, the name was the one he got when he started looking for her. Instead of her name being Lia it was Emilia. He thought it was a nickname. The vampire was wrong, it wasn't a nickname.

The Sinclair's gave her the name, maybe they thought about it as a nickname more likely not. Because that name was on her credit card and passport. So probably not a nickname.

She looked at the Mikaelson suspiciously, if he knew that what else did he know? Scary suit man was silent, he said nothing trying to come up with a lie or whatever.

„I believe I asked you something."

He still stayed silence, she had enough. The girl wanted to climb down and beat his ass up. But alone looking down made her want to puke. Typical Lia Sinclair.

For what werewolf abilities if she wouldn't use them?

She had no clue how this stuff works but nevertheless she looked down. The werewitch was at least over 3 meters over the ground. She hoped she wouldn't just die while jumping. She took of and jumped down landing on her feet like a cat.

„Cool! Didn't know I could do that."

Before the vampire could say anything, she kicked him into his chest. As he stumbled back she shoved him to the ground. He couldn't fight back, he gave her his word to not hurt her.

Elijah fell onto the ground and his suit ripped.

Now he was furious and instead of her apologizing she simply said: „I hope it wasn't to expensive, so you can buy a new one."

„It was 9000$" he tells her and she literally looks at him like he's crazy.

„9000$?! You can get one for 50$ in a thrift shop."

„Quality matters."

„If your suits matter so much to you, I'll destroy all of them." her remark made him even more angrier, the Sinclair found it funny to push his buttons and to see a scowl on his face. He looked cute.

She quickly shook that thought off.

„You wouldn't dare." he said thinking more like hoping she was joking. No one ever threatened to ruin his suits except one time when his younger brother said he'd burn them down. After that a crafty
dagger was in his chest.

„Watch me."


The Sinclair woke up, she'd rather stay asleep if she had to be honest. As she tried to move she saw that her wrists and legs were tied to it. This son of a bitch.

Lia would kill him, no no she'll stomp on his ego, hurt him and then kill him. She had to get out. The werewitch turned to see the shadow watching over her, literally staring into her soul.

„Stop staring and move your ass to help me."

„I wish I could but honestly, you trying to get out is a funny sight."

„Fuck off."

The shadow chuckled and crossed her arms as the Sinclair tried to get out of the ropes. Her mother showed her how to get out of these if it ever came to a situation like this.

She had to stay calm, if not the ropes could get tighter. Lia closed her eyes calming herself and hoping that she could feel her magic in her veins, she couldn't.

„fuck." she sighed. The werewitch concentrated hoping for something, anything. Nothing.

Lia never ever felt that useless before, useless that's exactly what she was right now. She knew that Klaus wanted her dead and right now she couldn't do anything against it.

She was defenceless. Whatever would happen here, right now, in ten minutes, in an hour was the unstoppable. The werewitch was stuck deep down in the shit.

The cell was magic proof, meaning no magic. But she still had her strength. She fought an original off while she was dead and human so this wouldn't be very hard to get out of.



Im finally updating after like four weeks, I was very busy with school so I couldn't write more on this one. I still need to write some tests and I need to get my grades up so I can pass this year.

If you see any spelling or grammar mistakes lmk!

Anyways I've started a new book, it's a scream fanfic (maybe some of you are interested)


That was it ig :)


10226 words.

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{Book One} "There is no surprise that you do not trust me, Bonnie Bennett," Klaus began, taking a long sip of his scotch before setting it down on th...
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