Belong | Min Yoongi

By mimiswriting

16.9K 1.3K 240

Being an actor has always been your dream. Pursuing it meant many things - leaving the town where you grew up... More

01: Present Day
02: Present Day
03: Present Day
04: Present Day
05: Present Day
06: Present Day
07: Rewind
08: Present Day
09: Present Day
10: Present Day
11: Present Day
12: Present Day
13: Present Day
15: Present Day
16: Present Day
17: Present Day
18: Present Day
19: Present Day
20: Present Day
21: Present Day
22: Present Day
23: Rewind
24: Present Day
25: Present Day
26: Present Day
27: Present Day
28: Present Day
29: Present Day
30: Present Day
31: Rewind
32: Post Credits

14: Rewind

655 44 7
By mimiswriting


8 years ago

It's been a full week since you've met Min Yoongi. It's also been a week since the last time you kissed. You won't deny that you've been meaning to do it again; every time he drags his tongue through his teeth, it's incredibly tempting. But you also won't deny how much you've been enjoying the past few days with him.

You learn something about him everyday. Like how his dream for basketball started, that he took piano lessons as a kid, and that his dad runs the famous antique shop in town and Yoongi spent a lot of time there growing up. You learn about his closeness with the old man and his love-hate relationship with his older brother. You find out about his mother leaving when he was a teenager, a story that mirrors yours, although he said that they don't speak as much as they used to.

He also likes reading books and watching documentaries, but that a perfect day for him is one that's spent at home with his americano, lounging around and taking naps, and shooting hoops in the evening. It's the type of day that's unlike any of the ones you've been having.

Since that late night cafe run where you spoke for hours, you and Yoongi have gone to a few more, found a hole-in-the-wall with the best dumplings, explored parks, drove to the outskirts of town and gazed at empty fields, and have been pretty much walking around, peeping in shops and entering the ones that pique your interest.

Yoongi doesn't complain. He's patient when you take a long time to decide where to go and what to do, and he watches you in amusement whenever you skip down the street or insist on laying on the grass. You know this last bit because you've seen it - that glimmer in his eyes and the softness of his smile.

Taehyung doesn't believe you when you describe it; he's rarely ever seen his senior make eye contact nor show much interest in anyone in all the years that your best friend has known him. But you insist that you see it, that Yoongi's smile is usually brief and shy, but you catch it during the instances that you look his way, which is many times, given just how alluring and good-looking he is.

Sure, the supposed nonchalance is attractive; you know lots of girls who'd fall for his mysterious aura. But that's just a part of it for you. You know that underneath the seeming disinterest, he's actually very attentive. He remembers things you've said, points out something at a store that you mentioned you've been looking for, and buys you bottled water once you feel dehydrated from the heat before you even say anything. After that one time you said you like your coffee with ¾ milk, he makes sure to get you extra every time.

So while you wish he'd kiss you again, you don't really mind the ways you've been getting to know each other. He wouldn't be messaging you what your plans for the day are and then showing up outside your house if he wasn't interested.

Today's afternoon breeze is cooler than usual. It's why before heading for dinner and noraebang with your newfound friends, you decide to walk around another part of town with Yoongi. He's in his usual knee-ripped jeans and plain shirt, his baseball cap worn backwards, and his hands inside his pockets.

You're walking next to him, excitedly talking about your classes for the upcoming school year and the studio visits you'll make, before you skip towards a flower shop and head inside.

It's the biggest one you've seen so far and there are so many different types that you gasp in awe. The owner, an elderly woman, smiles brightly at you as you look around. The daisies catch your eyes as they always do, but you can't help but beam at the bouquet of marigolds she's arranging. You converse with her - you say you're visiting for the summer and she says it's harvesting time for these bright flowers. Your energy and sunny disposition remind her of them, so she plucks a small piece and tucks it behind your ear.

"There you go, darling," she coos. "The flower's even prettier now." She turns to Yoongi who's just been standing quietly next to you. "Isn't it?"

"So much prettier now," he mumbles.

You nibble your lips out of giddiness while Yoongi looks away. You bow at the woman and thank her for the flower before walking out. It falls off your ear before you make it to the end of the street, and so he picks it up and calls out for you, as you walk mindlessly to the vintage store that you see.

He tucks it gently behind your ear, trying to avoid your eyes, while you try to catch his gaze.

"How does it look?" You ask.

"She looks beautiful," he says, looking at you now.

It's what he does, you think to yourself. Yoongi may be shy and may not always look you in the eyes but when he wants to be honest or make a point, he will. You learn now it's one of the things that causes your heart to stop, as you stand in front of him unable to do or say anything.

You eventually burst into a smile and so does he. It's one of those moments you share where there's all this tension and unsaid words but you both prefer to just let it flow, to savor it without addressing whatever it is that's going on between you.

Yoongi's phone ringing catches your attention, especially as he groans and picks up the call. He turns away for a bit before looking at you once more.

"The delayed delivery just arrived at the shop," he informs you. "My dad wants me to help out a bit. Are you, uh, are you okay with passing by?"

He looks shy and a bit worried. Maybe it's the thought of meeting his family but you don't mind; you're quite excited, in fact, since you're still trying to get to know him. You're obviously attracted to this man and at this point, you just want to know more about the different aspects of his life.

"Of course," you smile. "I'd love to meet your dad."

"And my brother," he groans. "If he says shit about me, don't believe it."

"I'll try," you tease, following his lead as he starts walking.

The shop is just 3 blocks away and you get there in no time. He seems to be in a hurry and you want to just hold his hand, tell him he doesn't have to be anxious, even if you're unsure of what reason he has to be.

There's a large truck parked outside and you suppose it's some furniture pieces. That's confirmed when you enter and see movers placing dressers and cabinets and benches inside. A man, who seems to be Mr. Min, instructs them to just lay the pieces where there's space, as his sons will be the ones to arrange them. The movers follow and it's shortly after when they finally unload everything.

Amidst all the chaos, you get to look around. You're in awe of what you see; Yoongi didn't do justice in describing the place because it feels like a museum. You want to just look around and trace your fingers along the surfaces and make up stories in your mind about who owned them.

"Thanks for coming so quickly, Son," Mr. Min says. "I thought you'd be at the park playing with the guys."

"Not today," Yoongi hums. "We were just walking around the area."

"We?" Mr. Min asks, looking around until his gaze falls on you, questioning eyes perhaps wondering if you're who his son is referring to.

"Hi, Mr. Min," you bow. "I'm ___."

"Hello, my dear," he answers, returning your smile.

"Dad, where do I—" says another man, pausing when he looks at you. He immediately smiles and fixes his hair. Walking up to you, he reaches out for his hand. "Hi, I'm—"

"He's Geumjae," Yoongi finishes, taking the hand that's reached out for him to shake instead. "My brother. You know, the one I said who'd take my clothes and then lose them? Yeah, that's him."

Geumjae smacks his brother's head in response, glaring at him for interrupting his introduction. "Is she your girlfriend?"

"N-no," Yoongi stammers, glancing at you warily.

"Then why'd you interrupt?"

"No reason," the younger man shrugs, looking away from you.

Just as you think that Geumjae would provoke Yoongi, he instead walks over to him, whispers something in his ear, and then wiggles his eyebrows. Yoongi scowls then smacks his brother's arm, earning him a long chuckle. They continue on doing what brothers do as you watch in amusement, giggling when Yoongi embarrassingly looks your way.

"Okay, that's enough children," Mr. Min playfully shakes his head. "Now, can you be civil and work together to arrange the deliveries? I'll work on inventory." He turns towards you to say, "don't worry, it won't take too long."

You nod and say you don't mind, even when he asks if it's okay for you to just wait. You're free to look around, he says, and you do, but you stay close by.

"So, you and Yoongi are just... friends?" He asks.

"Yes. We met just last week," you smile, explaining that you're just visiting for the summer but that you grew up in Daegu.

"Ah, that's interesting," Mr. Min nods. "He's lived here his whole life, too, but he's never brought a girl to the shop, nor has he ever mentioned one. I'd say you're the first. I always wondered if he even befriended girls but now I know he does."

"Oh, I'm sure he has friends who are girls," you giggle. "He's popular at school, as I've heard."

"Well then one would think he would've brought someone to introduce to his old man, right?"

"I guess he's just been so focused on basketball that he hasn't had time. He talks about the sport with so much passion, Mr. Min. I assume that's what he prioritizes over, uh... girls," you answer, finding amusement in Yoongi's anxious face as he glances at you conversing with his dad without him.

"Well, as I keep telling him - if he drowns himself in the court, then that's all he's gonna learn to love," Mr. Min shakes his head. "There's always time to meet and be with people."

"Well, we've been spending every day together, so, maybe he's spending the summer doing that," you giddily say.

"Well, I hope he does. If you're the only one who can get him out of the house and off the court, then you should come home often," the old man chuckles.

I'd like to, you say to yourself, thinking that if this thing with Yoongi goes anywhere, you definitely want to travel here as often as you can to be with him.

The hour flies quickly. The two boys move furniture while Mr. Min records each piece. You converse with him the whole time - you talk about your film class and your favorite movies, indulging him because he likes watching them, too. He talks about his great-grandparents who built the shop and how his family has managed to maintain it all these years. You laugh in between, especially when he'd tell stories of Yoongi growing up here, breaking a few shelves because he always tried to climb on them.

The brothers finally finish the task, and they both tiredly walk up to the counter where you and Mr. Min are.

"All good, dad. We'll go now. Bye!" Yoongi hurriedly says, pulling you by the wrist.

Mr. Min and Geumjae say their goodbyes, and you don't miss the playful tone of their voices. You turn back to wave at them and they call out that they'll see you again soon.

Yoongi lets go of your hand once you exit the shop.

"Sorry," he says. "For pulling you and, uh, for making you wait that long."

"I could've stayed there longer, honestly," you smile, liking the feel of his rough hand on you. "I loved talking with your dad. He's so endearing. You really do have a good relationship with him."

"My brother and I do," he answers. "We were all he had after our mother left. It affected our dad so much even if he didn't want to show it because he wanted to be the strong one for us. So we made sure he knew he wasn't alone. And he always reminded us that her departure wasn't our fault."

"Hmm, what courage," you remark. "It's something I can't say my father has."

"He could," he counters. "Parents don't know how to love sometimes. In some instances, they just don't know how to show it."

"That's what I don't get though, with people who struggle to show it," you muse. "Just... why? What's so hard about it?"

"Maybe if it's flawed and imperfect, people become ashamed."

"It's still love though, isn't it? Isn't not feeling it worse than receiving flawed and imperfect love?"

You'd take any kind of love over nothing at all, you think.

"But if the love is shattered glass, then that's just gonna hurt both people," Yoongi hums, prompting you to think.

Your father's heart did break. Maybe you would've accepted his inability to handle you shortly after your mom left. But once he'd healed, once he'd found someone new - which he did, about 4 years after - he still didn't show it, he still couldn't figure it out. You're home for the summer after 2 years since you left and you still don't feel whatever love he's supposed to show you.

"Yeah, I guess so," you sigh, not enjoying the somber tone of your conversation.

Yoongi picks this up and immediately asks you if his dad told you any embarrassing stories. Your face lights up right away and you relay what Mr. Min narrated, causing Yoongi to groan and shake his head.

"He said he'll show me your baby pictures where they put you in costumes," you laugh. "I can't wait for that."

"Why is he embarrassing me like this," he mutters. "Anything else he said?"

"That you've never brought any girl to the shop nor have you mentioned anyone," you reply. "Is that true? Has sweet assassin captain Min Yoongi not been using his superstardom with the ladies?"

"Well if I did, then it'd be superficial, right?" He answers, earning you a curious look. "There was a girl I liked in freshman year who only went out with me to get close to the basketball team. After I became MVP, a bunch of people started trying to get my attention. It didn't feel that sincere. And no one really caught my eye and the others sounded quite shallow and those weren't the type of people I'd introduce to my dad and brother, you know?"

"But I caught your attention," you remind him. "And you took me to the shop to meet them."

"Because I had no choice," he defends. "And well, I just had a feeling they'd like you. And they seem to."

"That's nice to know," you smile. "So what about me catching your attention, huh?"

"Oh I don't deny that. I'll always be the guy who got hit by a ball because he was gazing at this pretty girl on the stands."

"Yes, you'll always be that guy," you giggle. "I still haven't told a soul, by the way."

"Good," he hums.

You and Yoongi hang at a park until it's time for dinner. He drives to the chicken and beer place you're meeting everyone at, and you don't miss the smug faces of the guys as you both enter.

"Hanging out again today, I see," Namjoon teases. "Tae's been complaining that he hasn't seen his best friend all week."

"Yeah, she's been so busy that I can't even squeeze myself in her schedule," Taehyung frowns at you, but you know he's just teasing, given that you call him every night and talk about Yoongi.

"I'm with you everyday in Seoul," you playfully roll your eyes. "I'm just seeing what's out here, you know? I've been away a while."

"And do you like what you're seeing?" Namjoon baits.

"Oh, I do. Very much."

The group hoots and you laugh along. You glance at Yoongi who sits across from you and sneak him a smile. He returns it briefly before looking away and giving Jungkook a blank look after the younger man nudges his shoulder to tease.

Dinner goes by noisily. Not long after, you all walk to the nearby noraebang for some more fun. You sit next to Yoongi and you both watch and laugh at the guys fight over the mic and cheer and tease each person who sings.

It's Namjoon who asks for your song choice and you surprise everyone when you say you'll only sing if Yoongi joins you. Everyone hoots again, claiming that they've never heard the captain sing.

"Is it okay?" You move closer to ask him.

"It depends," he hums. "Do you have a thing for singers?"

"Hmm, I don't really mind."

"Okay. I'm terrible at it and I don't want you to stop liking what you see."

You giggle at his statement. He really knows what to say to make a girl flustered and giddy.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that," you reply. "I might even like it more."

Yoongi feels the embarrassment creep in once he takes the mic and you hold your own. His deep voice blends with yours. He won't say it's the best harmony, but you're definitely carrying the song more than he is. You giggle in between lines but he can't help but notice how your eyes don't look away from him, whereas he can't look at you for more than 3 seconds. The crowd loves you and you know how to charm them. You know how to get his heart beating fast, too.

The song finally ends and he breathes a sigh of relief to your amusement.

Sitting next to him, you whisper, "hmm, I still like it."

Yoongi can only chuckle as he watches you hold in a smile.

You both talk in whispers for the rest of the night, as your friends get carried away with singing. They leave you to your little corner of the couch though, with you leaning closer to Yoongi to say something and him doing the same. His warmth breath against your skin sends shivers down your spine, and you have to control yourself from kissing him, which you so badly wish he'd just do.

You can take the initiative, of course, but you like the thrill of this flirtation you're both doing. You also really want him to be the one to do it first. The only problem is you're not much of a patient person, so every time he leaves you wanting whenever his face inches close to yours only to move away, your frustration levels increase and you start to rethink if you should just go ahead and take control.

Your group is promptly kicked out at 2AM, and you're about to ride with Taehyung when Yoongi pulls on your wrist and asks if he could take you home. You agree, riding on the passenger seat that's now become familiar, and you look out the window for most of the ride, not wanting to show him that you're maybe already getting impatient. He doesn't say much either, but you do miss the several times he glances at you and the pout on his face because of your unusual quietness.

He pulls over some meters away from your house, turns off the engine, and then quickly walks towards your side. Your movements are slow; you do want the time to stop, even if you're still a little frustrated.

"Hey," he says, as he pulls open the door you've unlocked. He stands in front of you while you remain seated with your legs dangling outside. "Is everything okay? You've been... quiet."

You turn to him who looks a little worried, and you don't really plan on keeping your desires unknown that much longer.

"I've just been wondering," you reply. "Why haven't you kissed me again? Did you not like it? I mean, well, we did go out for coffee after and then didn't do it again."

You turn away as you start to ramble. You just hope you don't sound pathetic, especially given how confident you were in teasing him earlier.

It's quiet for a while before you feel his fingers under your chin. He shifts you to face him, and all that worry has now turned into softness.

"I've been thinking about that kiss since it happened," he says, his voice so deep you start to lose yourself in the sound. "And may I remind you that you're the one who asked to go for coffee, so I thought maybe you wanted to take things slow. And I don't mind that either. But uh, I've also just been waiting for you to initiate."

You give him a shy smile. "Hey, I just really wanted to talk to you after and know if that mouth is as good at talking as it is at kissing," you giggle.


"And it is, obviously!" You pout. "I wouldn't be spending everyday with you if I didn't think so. I've been openly flirting and so have you but you haven't tried kissing me again. And I wanted you to be the one to do it but you haven't, so I brought it up. I mean, you looked so confident doing it last week."

Yoongi thinks you're the most adorable person in this world. How you could want him like this yet also want him to show he wants you just as much is making him want to just smother you in kisses.

"Because I'd just played a game and basketball makes me confident," he replies.

"So what, you're only gonna kiss me after you play?" You cross your arms now.

"No," he chuckles, cupping your face in his hands. "I'm gonna kiss you now."

He leans down and captures your lips in a kiss, which goes slow for only a few seconds before it turns deep and heady. He doesn't dominate, letting you bite his lips and swirl your tongue around his mouth. He holds you steady with his hands though, just so he could be at the right angle that would allow him to kiss you hard as he likes.

Yoongi finally pulls away, feeling like he won't be able to stop if he keeps going. You're in front of your house, after all, and late it may be, your hushed moans could still be heard by anyone who happens to pass by.

You have a cheeky, satisfied smile on. You tease by pecking his lips again and again until he gives you one last kiss. He hugs you tightly and you immediately melt into it.

"It's been a long day, I'm gonna have to let you go now," he hums against your ear.

"Okay," you respond, stepping out of the car. "Can't wait to do this again tomorrow."


You only get to see Yoongi the next day in the afternoon, as their coach wanted them to get a good workout before the game. You got over the disappointment quickly, as you spent all the time before then with Taehyung, who not surprisingly freaked out and wouldn't stop asking if you two were officially a couple. You haven't talked about it, you said, but you knew you eventually would.

You do like the thrill; you can't wait for things to escalate physically, but more than anything, you just like spending time with Yoongi. There's something so comfortable about being in his presence. For someone who likes the buzz of the big city, his calm and quiet aura is a breath of fresh air for you.

Yoongi's focus during the game was such a sexy sight to see, even more when he'd sneak in a glance or a smirk during timeouts, and when he'd look unbothered after making a 3-point shot, and when he'd drag his tongue through his teeth during dead balls. It's the fact that you know he's doing them on purpose because you're watching, and that's what makes you pull him into Jungkook's lone bathroom in the apartment later that evening, just so you could make out with him again.

The rest of the week is mostly spent with him again, save for the days your father asks you to be home to be with your grandparents. You both walk around the town, visit the basketball court where he first played, and then kiss in between.

That Friday, he takes you out on a proper dinner date where he picks you up at Taehyung's house with a bouquet of marigolds, and you ruin your lipstick after kissing him intensely before you even get to the restaurant.

It's Monday when he takes you to the outskirts of town to swim at a lake. It's the area that's less populated and you're both lucky that you're the only ones here on a nice summer day. You enjoy your picnic as you talk about the most random things, and then you strip down to your bathing suit and swim in the water.

Yoongi stays on the mat; the outdoors isn't really his thing. But you've been talking about doing new and fun activities and he thought about this one, knowing you'll enjoy it. You clearly are, as evidenced by your squeals and soft laughter as you float around and moan at the feel of the water on your skin.

His mind tries not to imagine things, given your sounds and the way you look absolutely stunning in your swimwear. Kissing you has been so good. Sure, his hands travel down your waist every time as he gets lost in how you taste, but he's never tried to do more, and you've never really hinted on wanting to do more. He'll continue to wait patiently though, but it's not even all that he wants from you.

It may be a little naive to think but he finds himself being something more with you. Yoongi isn't even the type to fall at first sight; he's a patient man who knows that love and relationships take a while to build. But you're unlike anything he's ever really thought he wanted.

It's your unabashed joy, your bluntness, your curiosity and general love for things. It's your energy and how you talk about your dreams and the confidence you have in yourself that inspires him to dream better. You're different and alike in many ways, and as the unaffectionate person that he is, he finds himself just wanting to be near you with fingers just grazing so he'd know you're just next to him.

He's thinking about how sweet your smile is when he realizes that he no longer hears your voice. Scanning the lake, he finds your head popping in and out of the water. You look a little winded and definitely not alright. His mind goes into panic mode and he rushes to the water with his clothes still on and finds his way to you.

He wraps his one hand around your waist and feels for your leg to make sure it's touching the ground. You cough a bit before you turn towards him.

"Are you okay?" He asks worriedly.

"You don't like the water," you say, disregarding his question.

"I don't. Are you okay?"

"And you hate it when your clothes are wet."

"I do. ___, are you okay?"

You hum your yes, a cheeky smile painting your face as your one arm wraps around his shoulder for support while you stretch your limbs.

Yoongi eyes you curiously. "___, did you pretend to be drowning just so I'd get in the water with you?"

"Nope, I'm too good at swimming to know how to pretend-drown," you laugh, feeling only a little bad for scaring him. "I got cramps, though."

"Shit," he groans, knowing as an athlete that cramps are the worst, especially while swimming. "Let's get back on shore."

You push yourself through the water, not wanting to let go of him just yet. You'd panicked only slightly earlier when you felt that sensation on your leg, and you tried to keep your head above water for oxygen. Once you'd felt Yoongi wrap his arm around you and look worried, especially since you know that he hates the water, your heart started to stabilize.

He helps you sit on the mat as he stretches out your legs. You tell him where it hurts as he instructs, and he massages where you point, starting from your calf.

His hands are a mix of rough and smooth against you. This is the most he's touched your skin and it's enough to make your mind short-circuit, especially as your eyes focus on his slender fingers, gently pressing against you. You can think of so many other ways he can use those fingers on you, and you don't really mind the dirty thoughts now because it's definitely helping you to forget the pain.

He's focused on you while you're focused on him, and it's when he does this circular motion that you make a guttural sound.

"Is this okay?" He glances at you.

"Higher," you instruct, and he stops behind your knee before he massages again.

"Higher," you say once more, and he proceeds to work on your hamstring area.

The tips of his fingers graze the skin close to your thigh. He seems to not have noticed because he still looks quite serious; he probably feels the tightness because you can feel it, in areas that aren't just on your leg.

But he's teasing you unknowingly, and you just want him to touch you. You have a feeling he's waiting for his cue again so you think to give it to him.

"Just a bit higher," you whisper, the sultry tone of your voice perhaps giving you away, as his eyes lock with yours and it dawns on him that he's reaching uncharted territory. "It's not my leg anymore that hurts."

"Fuck," he chuckles, knowing exactly what you mean.

He'd been so fixated on managing your cramps because he's experienced it so many times and it sucks, and he just wanted to make sure you were okay right away. It doesn't matter if he hates the water and being wet with his clothes on but he realized he'd swim the depths of the ocean to save you any day.

But your words shake him off his focused state and he also realizes that his fingers are way higher than he remembers them being. He tries to steady the beating of his excited but nervous heart, yet it's your cheeky, almost desperate eyes and the way you're squeezing your thighs that prompts him to make a move.

"You're dangerous, you know that?" He mumbles in your ear, surprising you with a deep press of his palm against your clothed cunt.

You moan at the act, unsurprisingly wanting more.

"No. You are the dangerous one, Min Yoongi," you pant, as his fingers slide up and down your slit. "You have no idea what you do to me."

Yoongi helps you to go to the back of his car, wet clothes and all. He makes you come twice - the first time with his fingers, the second with his mouth.


The place is buzzing as you look around, with new and familiar faces clearly enjoying the vibe of tonight's party. It's one of the rich kids' birthdays so she threw an all-you-can-drink event at the college bar that everyone frequents. As honorary members of Yoongi and crew's group, you and Taehyung attend and end up enjoying too much.

Especially you, as you cling onto Yoongi's arm while his hand caresses the inside of your thigh under the table, something that you guided him to do. You lean on his shoulder as you laugh at your drunk best friend's banter with your not-boyfriend, and you feel the alcohol slowly hitting your system. This is how you know you've had a lot more than you intended and you hate it. You wanted to be able to kiss Yoongi one more time tonight and remember it.

His warm breath against your face makes you smile, and Yoongi chuckles before asking you if you want to go home already. You vigorously shake your head no, your drunk babbling making him smile, but it's when you almost slide off the chair that he decides you should probably rest now.

You're sleeping over at Taehyung's place, who's almost as drunk as you are, both of you going on about partying similarly back in Seoul.

Yoongi tries his best to manage both of you, including a barely-awake Jungkook whom he drops off first. Arriving at Taehyung's place, Yoongi is surprised to find it empty.

"My parents are away," Taehyung mumbles.

"Ooh, you can stay with us first," you giggle. "More time with you, baby."

It's the first time you've called him that, and much as he wants to hear it some more and cuddle with you, he knows he shouldn't. So with all his strength, he helps you and Taehyung up the stairs and takes you to the guest room. You sit on the edge of the bed, mind in a haze as you drink the water that Yoongi gives you, and somehow that just causes you to run to the toilet and puke.

He takes the hair tie from your wrist to pull your hair into a bun and then rubs your back to aid you. You do feel much better after, and he even helps you wash your face and brush your teeth, given that you insist on kissing him one last time before he leaves.

You make it to the bed while Taehyung sleepily walks to his room, and it's Yoongi's soft kiss on your forehead that you remember before falling asleep.


Waking up early after a night of drinking isn't new to you. After staring at the ceiling for a good 10 minutes and trying to remember how you and your best friend got home, you get off the bed then go to the living room. You've just gone back down after leaving Taehyung with some aspirin when the doorbell rings, wondering who it could be.

You're surprised to see Yoongi standing at the door, and he holds up a bag of what he says is breakfast that he bought on the way here.

"Good morning," he hums against your lips, as you basically jump on him at the sight of his smile. "Did you sleep well?"

"I guess," you say, walking to the kitchen. "I just remember lying in bed and then waking up. Did you drive us home?"


"And dragged our drunk asses to bed?"


"What a sweet guy," you tease, standing in front of him to kiss him again.

"I knew you needed your beauty sleep."

You giggle before helping him with the food, and you say that you could both go ahead because Taehyung won't be up in a few hours.

So you enjoy your breakfast and the hangover soup, which your best friend devours once he wakes up at lunch time. His parents will arrive in the evening so the 3 of you stay at home, get some food delivered, and play video games at Taehyung's insistence.

It's 6PM but he already wants to sleep, he says, wanting to save his energy for online games until early morning with Jungkook, so you and Yoongi decide to leave.

"Should I take you home now?" He asks as he starts the car.

"Hmm, it's too early," you say. "Do you think we can hang out at your place?"

It's been a month since you both met; 3 weeks since admitting that you've been wanting to kiss each other again badly. You've both pretty much gone everywhere around town, except for his college dorm. He'd have wanted you there earlier but he wasn't sure of what it would imply or what you'd think of it, and so hearing you suggest it is making him more excited than he should be.

"Sure," he says casually.

There's a sea of butterflies in your stomach and you can't really hide your smile. The thought of being in a private place alone with him is giving you all these ideas, and all of them involve having your skin against his.

You pause the thoughts in your head and focus on something else. You realize that the radio is turned way down, so you turn the volume up a bit, saying that you would've expected him to have the music up.

"You talk a lot," he says, earning him a gasp until he clarifies. "I don't mean it in a bad way. You just have a lot of thoughts and you express them. I like listening."


"I'd hold your hand, too, but you use it to talk so I don't."

"You can always hold onto my thigh," you suggest, causing him to chuckle.

He removes his hand from the brake and lays it on your inner thigh, and you hum in response at his warm touch.

"Is this Taehyung's shirt?" He asks.

"Yeah. I forgot to bring clothes to his place."

Yoongi merely hums and goes back to driving quietly, and you can't help but watch him from your side, one hand on the wheel and the other on you. It feels so comfortable and domestic but something about it is so sexy; it almost feels like foreplay for you.

You make it to his place, a small studio that has all the necessities.

"It's tight but it works," he hums, clearing his 2-seater couch for you to sit.

You make yourself snug on it, imagining how days would be like just being with him here. Days of cuddling and maybe more. You know he's thinking it; he's been looking a little nervous since you suggested going to his apartment and just like the second kiss, maybe you should be the one to initiate this, too.

"Do you have a shirt I can borrow?" You ask. "This smells too much like Tae."

Yoongi hums his yes and walks towards his closet. You take the opportunity to remove the one you're wearing, leaving you with nothing but your underwear on.

He turns around and freezes at the sight of you, his eyes unmoving from your body while you remain standing there, the heat creating up your neck at the feeling of being ogled at like this.

"Guess you don't need this anymore," he says, tossing the shirt on his bed.

He walks there without turning away from you, then he sits on the edge and his look suddenly turns soft. He reaches out his hand, which you take, and he motions you to sit on his lap. Straddling him on his bed, you wrap your arms around his neck then kiss him deeply. He steadies you with a hold of your hips, and you can't help but grind against him as the tension starts to build up.

Yoongi doesn't say anything. When he pulls away from the kiss, he unhooks your bra, cups your swell breasts, and then sucks them. You let out a restrained cry; it's so stimulating as he skillfully licks and nips your nipples while you grind against his clothed body.

"Yoongi," you moan, just completely lost in the feel of his mouth on your chest, with his warm tongue gliding around your sensitive areas.

He doesn't rush, he doesn't go too hard; he just follows a pace that lets him savor the perfect way your body was created for him to taste and touch and feel. He thinks he's in heaven.

Your back arches and this isn't how he wants you to go; he wants you comfortable and able to feel pleasure all over your body. So he stops momentarily and lays you on your back. His eyes still on you, he pulls your underwear off, humming in satisfaction at the string of your essence that attaches from the clothing he removes.

He spreads you open to see what he's up against, and you tell him that there's no need to prepare you anymore; your entire body is ready for him.

Removing his clothes, he remarks, "so this is why you wanted to come here, huh?"

"If you weren't gonna suggest it, then I would," you bite back. "I just wanted to be with you. And feel you inside me."

He smirks then takes a condom from his shelf, looking at you the whole time he puts it on. He wants you so badly. He's imagined this so many times, yet seeing you naked on his bed, ready and yearning for him, is still so much more than what his mind could conjure. His body's screaming for you, but you look at him with so much desire that his heart melts at the thought of him being so lucky that you could want him as much as he wants you.

Hovering over you, you see that softness in his eyes again. He cups your cheek and caresses it and you melt into his touch immediately.

"I'm not always good at saying things," he admits, wanting to say more - that he's never felt so content, so satisfied, so happy.

"I know, and that's okay," you smile. "You do them, and that's what matters."

He nods in understanding. He's generally good with words, but expressing what he feels to someone through them, especially if it's someone he's come to care so much about, isn't his strongest suit. Sure, he's much more perceptive and introspective than most would think; they usually just chalk it up to his disinterest and detachment.

But Yoongi is very observant, and he's known from that first day that you were into him. He knew he was in trouble because he was so, so into you. He's thankful you don't mind his shyness, with the bursts of confidence only coming in every once a while. If anything, you seem to like how he normally is. But tonight, he'll at least try.

Pushing into you, he feels the sensation all over his body. You're warm and every perfect thing out there. You take him so well and he just wants to live in this.

"You feel so good," he whispers in your ear, thrusting in and out and hitting you deeper every time. "Fuck, you're made for me."

His voice is low and deep. You feel like you just had an orgasm.

"Oh god," you mewl, meeting his thrusts and no longer caring how loud you are.

He fits inside you so perfectly; you don't think your pussy is made for anyone else. He knows just the right pace to build up the tension so satisfyingly, that when he sucks on your nipple, you crash so suddenly, and it's a damn good fall that has you wanting more.

Yoongi comes, with his head slotted in the crook of your need as he breathes against your skin, sending shivers down your spine wanting even more of him. After coming down from both your highs, you do it again, much rougher this time, with you on all-fours, feeling him at the edge of your being as he pushes hard, leaving half-moon crescents on your hips.

Tired and hungry from what felt like a marathon, you whip up some instant noodles for your second dinner - you ate each other, after all - and then cuddle with him in bed as you still try to process just how good he'd fucked you.

"Your father's not looking for you?" He asks, as he plays with your hair while you lay on his chest.

"Nope, he just lets me do and go wherever as long as I tell him where I am " you say. "And right now, I'm at Taehyung's."

"Hope he won't wonder why you'll always be there, then."

"If this is your way of asking me over again tomorrow, then it's a yes."

Yoongi chuckles and kisses your forehead.

He can make you come multiple times and look at you like he'll devour you but at the end of the day, Yoongi will always, always kiss your forehead. It's the one thing he does that says everything, you think, and perhaps that's why you feel as much as you do.


It's the buzz of your phone indicating multiple messages that wakes you up this time, and if it wasn't for you seeing the time that it's already lunchtime, you wouldn't have known the sun was even out. Yoongi's blinds are so good, they block out an entire day.

You shift out of his hold to get a little bit of light in, then you nuzzle his neck to try to wake him up.

"Wake up, sleepyhead," you whisper. "You have a pickup game with the guys in the afternoon."

Yoongi lets out the lowest of grunts but he doesn't budge.

You pepper his cheek with kisses, and though his groans get louder, there's no indication he wants to actually wake up. You wrap your legs around him and give him a tight hug. You try to tickle him this time and it gets him to move only a little bit.

"Jagi-ya," he groans, the tone pretty much asking you to stop.

But you stare at him though, unbelieving of the term of endearment he just used on you. You want to climb on top of him and kiss him awake so you do just that.

"Hey, wake up. You told me to make sure you're ready by 2."

"Jagi," he says louder now. "5 minutes."

"Only if you call me that again."

Ironically, it's what gets him to wake up.

"You like that?" He asks, his eyes now half open.

"Yes," you smile giddily. "It's sweet and cute."

"Okay, then I'll say it again. Let's go back to sleep, jagi," he says, hugging you tight against his chest.

You give in but you don't really sleep. You just lay on him comfortably, feeling like on cloud 9 as you enjoy these moments with him.

He does wake up 15 minutes later, but by that time, you'd brushed your teeth, watched him lie comfortably on the bed, and got to the glaringly obvious truth about what you feel.

Laying down next to him again, you finally tell him.

"I like you, Yoongi. I like you a lot."

You smile at his flustered smile, and you want more of it so you continue.

"And I know things happened pretty fast. We kissed first before anything else but this isn't just all lust or some summer whirlwind romance chick flick," you try to explain. "You're so caring and protective and kind and so fucking sexy. Like, it's possible to be attracted-at-first-look but I might've already liked you when you caressed my cheek when you first kissed me."

He chuckles at your statement.

"I'm serious. That hand is deadly," you argue.

He cups your cheek again to tease, but you know he's just distracting himself.

"You know I like you, too," he finally says, and you're unable to stop yourself from giggling right on his chest, clearly flustered and giddy.

"At this rate, you're gonna be in love with me by the time summer ends," he adds.

"I have a feeling that's exactly what's gonna happen," you smile, kissing his lips softly.

But you lie. You might already do.


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