One Piece: The Natural Enemi...

By Devil_Pirate

261 9 0

"We did not understand what we were attracted to until it was before our eyes." Beyond the Grand Line, one of... More

Chapter I
Chapter III

Chapter II

16 1 0
By Devil_Pirate

"You can never cross the ocean if you don't have the courage to lose sight of the shore"

(Pounce D. Leon)

Fifteen years earlier... .

For about six hours the West Sea sun had been resting its warm gaze on the mild island of Hilyra, highlighting with its golden rays the froth atop the waves that broke interminably against the reef and shimmering on the sand grains that rose and danced in the presence of a light emerald breeze, a rather unusual phenomenon in those parts.

Today, for every citizen who was dutiful to order and law, or professed to be a lover of such virtues was a special day. Already, for on the same day not so long ago, something happened that remained etched in everyone's memory and hearts, even in those who fought strenuously for a single shred of freedom in a rigid and stifling system, someone like the pirates or for those who fought to safeguard this planet and its inhabitants, someone like the revolutionaries.

And who more than anyone could rejoice at such an event than the Marine and the World Government, the ultimate exponents of justice in the Blue Sea?

Well, it all happened no less than thirteen years ago, when the legendary explorer and outlaw Pounce arrived at the last island of the Grand Line after overcoming numerous dangers and pitfalls along the way, accomplishing a feat that few would have had the courage to undertake and many would have found even impossible, unearthing a treasure of immeasurable value that should never have been found. It was because of this that people began to attach to him the lofty title of "King of Explorers" or even "King Conqueror," something he also began to take pride in.

However, such a brazen act had undermined the Marine's power and credibility, just as it had indirectly done so for the World Government as well. That is why no one could sit idly by, or the trust they had so patiently and diligently built up over some 800 years since their founding would be shattered in an instant.

In addition, rumors began to circulate among the populace that the great leader known as "The Storm" had discovered some arcane secret that had long been buried over the centuries. Still others that he had found the legendary "Fountain of Eternal Youth," capable of rejuvenating or healing even the most deadly of wounds, and others that he was on the trail of a mythical devil fruit that granted unimaginable powers to anyone who ingested it.

Who could know what the actual truth was? Only the members of Leon's crew should have been aware of that fearsome secret, even though no trace of them could be found anymore.

A year later came what was known as the "Battle of Cataclysms," a massive and bloody clash between Marine forces led by young Vice Admiral Hitsuyo and the legendary explorer. It is said to have lasted about ten days and rocked sky and earth; at the end of the last day, the World Government put an end to the clash, taking the life of the one who provoked it.

As a result of it, supporters of Leon and piracy dropped dramatically, and the two main institutions greatly increased their prestige, instilling fear and respect in even the most hardened scoundrels, thus preventing similar deeds from happening again. It was thanks to this confrontation that Hitsuyo earned the nickname that would accompany him throughout his long militancy in the marine, namely "Stormbreaker."

To this day no one knows what happened to the members of Pounce's legendary crew: probably because they were still being hunted by the World Government, they had gone into hiding, scattering to all corners of the globe. Many became superstitious, even believing that they had disappeared under suspicious circumstances or that a terrible curse hovered over the crew of the "King of Explorers," cast by the gods themselves, angered by the discovery of treasure that then began to be considered nefarious and malignant.

A maelstrom of infamy and fear swallowed up the true history of the world forever, turning it into legend. Legend soon became myth, until every form of knowledge about Leon's last journey was secured to a deep oblivion.

Yet, there were those out there who still believed in their return, or in the appearance of phenomenal characters who would undertake the same journey that Leon undertook, arriving on Diatidur and beginning a new and sensational era. An era free from fear and torment.

But that is another story. Now among the streets of Hilyra, voices echoed from all directions, children playing in the middle of the roadway or adults talking standing still on the doorstep.

«Hurry up Rey!» shouted a short brown-haired boy addressing his friend, an energetic man high 6 ft 5 who due to his enormous size had fallen behind and was struggling to extricate himself from the narrow alleys of the city, in contrast to the other, more petite and slender boy who slipped through them as if it were the easiest thing in this world «Or we will be late for the show. I don't want to miss for any reason in the world the appearance of my great myth, Admiral Higuma or I might regret it for the rest of my life. So hurry up, lazybones!» he continued, assuming a rather sullen expression.

«Give me a break Francis» replied the second exasperated «The ceremony is supposed to start in a few minutes and the square is right in front of us. I really don't understand where all this commotion comes from, moreover for an event called by the Navy. When I then think that today is also the day the great Leon gave his life for a dream he believed in, the anniversary of his defeat should take a back seat, don't you think?»

«Shhh...have you lost your mind?» the young man scolded him, turning and shifting his gaze left and right, even checking up, lest someone had heard them «There is a huge Marine contingent on the island, what if someone had just heard what you said? Do you maybe want to pop over to Impel Down or whatever godforsaken hole they send traitors to? Or maybe you want to be executed?»

The boy uttered no words, perhaps terrified of ending up in the places mentioned by his companion. The thick mop of unruly purple curls that fell over a pair of sea-blue eyes began to rise upward, driven by a breeze that became more and more bursting by the hour.

«Answer Barrett!» Francis urged him. But before he could add anything, numerous murmurs rose from the north, where the two were headed, interrupting what was sure to be a heated discussion «We'll pick this up later, but know that I will try my best to make you see the truth. Leon was a bloodthirsty, pillaging demon responsible for slaughtering and murdering numerous Marines and civilians. Should we forgive such a monster and forget everything just because he died trying to pursue a dream, as any man worthy of the name should?»

Barrett lowered his head, as if ashamed of what he had stated just now, shaking his head in denial «Well, I'm glad we agree on that. Know that I want to become a hero like Higuma or Kosaiusagi, that has always been my dream. Someday, I will join the Navy and you will go with me, whether you like it or not» concluded the boy as he raised a fist toward the sky, still preventing his companion from replying equally

The voice grew louder and louder, a sign that the party was going to start any minute «Now we'd better get a move on, or risk your great myth not noticing you. What will become of your great dream then, if a ten-foot-tall Marine Admiral can't spot a five-foot-two leprechaun in the crowd? Poor us» retorted Barrett ironically.

« You're just hopeless... »

Beginning to run, the two of them sped past a couple more narrow alleys, not without running into a few unpleasant bumps in the road, bursting into the town's main square and disappearing into the crowds that had begun to besiege the streets, anxiously waiting for the three giant screens placed in the center and on either side of it, connected to visual den den mushi, would light up and broadcast the link from Abhedya, an island in the sky seemingly inaccessible to anyone who did not know where to look and a place where the World Government commemorated its victories or made known the latest directives it had taken. Reaching it would have been quite impossible; one might as well go directly to Marineford and have a noose attached around one's neck.

The square had begun to fill up until, around noon, no one came in anymore. The bells spread their solemn chimes to the surroundings, announcing the start of the celebration.

The giant screens lit up, showing a close-up of the military stronghold placed on that archipelago above the celestial vault and carpeted with thick sugar-white clouds. Suddenly the image vibrated, disappearing with a swaying shudder and being replaced by the one coming from the hall of the Justice Palace, giving a clear and complete image but whose details were impossible to discern.

The frame shifted to the many Vice-Admirals, Rear Admirals, Commodores and so on who sat in the large room, then lingering on the faces of the three Admirals, the true legends of the Marine. A bellow of satisfaction rose high from the square at the sight of those three, welcomed by the crowd as true rock stars.

Untangling himself with difficulty, Francis managed to get past the huge human wall that prevented him from getting a good glimpse of what was going on, unlike Barrett who, despite himself, was about to be crushed in the violent grip of the throng that was writhing left and right waiting for the real stars of the day to be revealed, by sitting right in the center of it. A seat that offered an excellent view from above and that no one could dispute, since a single wren could hardly prevent someone else from viewing. The boy turned his head to the side, watching in amusement as a group of girls screamed hysterically at the sight of the Admirals on the screen.

«That's Admiral Aoshika, a.k.a. "Ice Heart!» shouted a man to his left, pointing on the third screen to a tall, slender individual, apparently of young age, with long, flowing silvery hair, dressed in a smart, gray striped vest, underneath a night-blue turtleneck, black striped pants and gray shoes of fine workmanship. Over his shoulders lay the white coat given to members of high rank, and a rather cheeky smirk meandered across his face.

«How handsome he is!» the exalted ones exclaimed again. Francis agreed with their judgment, although on balance, the man gave him more the impression of some member of the underworld than of a guardian of the law.

«That, on the other hand, is Admiral Kosaiusagi, a.k.a. 'Stormbreaker'!» shouted another.

Francis looked up, observing a man sitting next to the first one who was rather tall and imposingly muscular, at least compared to Aoshika, He looked motionless and rather confident, as if those formalities were boring him and he wanted to be somewhere else.

He wore no clothing on his torso, letting people see his toned and defined chest furrowed by some conspicuous scars, probably from particularly fierce fights in which he had participated, the last of which had contributed to his legendary figure. At his waist he wore a purple sash tied and below that a hakama of the same color. On each wrist he wore thick golden bracelets that extended to mid forearm. The classic admiral's jacket was slung over his shoulders.

The boy could not explain exactly what about the man intimidated him, whether it was his size or the expression he had turned to the cameras, capable of putting even the most hostile individual in awe.

«And the last one, on the other hand, is Higuma, also known as "The Dark Knight."» At those words, Francis' eyes suddenly lit up. At last the man who was a role model for him to follow and be inspired by had appeared. He was a tall, good-looking, well-proportioned young man with straight, pitch-black hair, which he wore pulled back, with a single tuft falling over his forehead. He wore a chestnut-colored double-breasted suit, underneath a beige shirt and a black tie. Pants of the same shade as the jacket wrapped his slender legs, and on his feet were shoes of a darker gradation. Like the other two, he wore his uniform slung over his shoulders.

It was probably also because of his serious expression, but the man exuded power and recklessness from every pore. No one with any salt in their noggin would ever have the courage to challenge him, at least according to Francis.

«"Someday I, too, will be like you"» the boy told himself as he continued to stare at his hero.

«Those three are a force of nature!» exclaimed an individual behind him. And he was quite right. Those three portents expressed at their best what the Marine had to offer, "the crème de la crème," nothing to take away from the other officers, at least in Francis's opinion, but the Fleet Admiral and the three Admirals were an unrivaled force in the entire Blue Sea, and unlike the latter, the former was very rarely seen, as he was engaged in high-risk missions that required the utmost discretion.

« Ah...Ah! »

Everyone's attention turned to the second screen, where a slender, shapely woman dressed in an official Marine's uniform had appeared. She was probably an unimportant or little-known member, as none of those present were able to tell who she was, not even the boy. She tapped two or three taps on the microphone in front of her that echoed in the square. A hush fell over the crowd.

« Hello everyone, how are you? This is your Mary speaking, one of the Marine Captains and the official presenter of this event. You know what is being celebrated today, don't you? »

The entire square emitted such a clamor that it could be felt from distant islands, shouts of assent and cheers went up, even Francis jumped to his feet and shouted with as much breath as a skinny little body like his had.

« Today we are gathered here to celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of the end of what is remembered as "The Battle of Cataclysm" and to hail the one who most succeeded in ending the threat of Leon and bringing peace to the entire Blue Sea. Let's give a big round of applause to the man who managed to face and overcome the storm, Admiral Kosaiusagi! »

The man gave her a slight nod without flinching further, probably not liking all the attention or praise to which he was constantly subjected. Francis continued to stare at the other two noting how they were totally at ease with every other member of the Marine presenting them with honors and tributes.

«Before we begin the ceremony, the Marine has an important announcement to make» the woman continued, bringing attention back to her. The greenish wind that seemed to have ceased began to pluck the trees and hiss through the cracks in the doors and windows of the buildings around.

On one of them itself, a man of tall stature and thick blackish beard, over which two long, thick handlebar mustaches stood out, watched the screens with great attention and interest. He was completely bald and dressed in a smart black leather blazer, under which peeped a white shirt and a charcoal-colored silk tie. A long, thick cloak covered his shoulders, the neck of which resembled a layer of fur or feathers. He stood still and upright, resting both hands on a silvery stick with a finely crafted handle, so much so that it had taken the shape of a nocturnal bird, with rubies set in its eye sockets.

His golden gaze, reminiscent of that of a bird of prey, was focused on the young woman who had resumed speaking after a few moments of hesitation «As you might imagine, the disappearance of Leon and his other distinguished colleagues has not made the seas any less dangerous or free of outlaws. The four emperors still rule in the New World, a particularly difficult and impassable stretch of ocean for an ordinary sailor, and piracy has not yet been permanently eradicated. Moreover, the threat of the revolutionaries, a subversive group dedicated to total anarchy, and their Supreme Commander still hangs over us. Our task is to protect the inhabitants of the Blue Sea from the evils that plague it and to avert attacks that could involve defenseless and unarmed civilians. It is for this reason that the World Government has issued numerous calls for entries at every base scattered throughout the Blue Sea to enlist individuals who hunger for justice and are dedicated to duty and the protection of the innocent. If you also believe in these ideals and are eligible to join this great family, congratulations, the Marine is your new destination!»

Another shout of acclamation and excitement rose from the audience. Now anyone would have a chance to prove their worth by joining the ranks of those who cared about the preservation of the entire planet. Francis clenched his fists; at last the chance to realize his dream seemed to be upon him.

«Tsk» the mysterious man turned, beginning to move slowly in the opposite direction «A combination of hypocrisy and false ideologies is but a mirror of evils that are slowly devouring this world. It is foolish and fruitless to believe that things would have turned out differently» he moved as quietly as a cat, stroking his thick goatee thoughtfully. The cool breeze accompanied his movements like a gentle lullaby, increasing its impetuosity more and more «However, the winds of fate have already begun to blow with the same intensity as a hurricane. And just as the sun will continue to shine high in the sky, so too will the dreams and desires of men continue to do so, fighting day by day the shadows that grip their hearts. One day, someone will be able to ride out the raging storm, driving out the darkness and corruption for good. So in anticipation of that fateful moment, I will do what in my power to prepare myself as best I can»

Giant black clouds thickened over the island of Hilyra, and the wind gusts that until then seemed almost harmless quickly mutated into a frightening cyclone that engulfed the entire island. As if that were not enough, raindrops the size of grapes began to fall from the sky, followed by yellowish lightning bolts that pierced it like swords. A furious deluge swept over what would have been a grandiose feast, and in the general stampede caused by the herd trying to take cover, that enigmatic figure had as if vanished into thin air.

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