By DudeWorkAlready

86K 2.5K 401

What If..Hope Mikaelson wasn't the only Tribrid to exist? But what if that other Tribrid was the son of the G... More

-⚡🐺The Other Tribrid🐺⚡-
-⚡🐺The Recruitment🐺⚡-
-⚡🐺A Little Convincing🐺⚡-
-⚡🐺Defending His Home🐺⚡-
-⚡️🐺A Pull Not A Push🐺⚡️-
-⚡️🐺Oh What A Discovery🐺⚡️-
-⚡️🐺Maybe I Will Go..🐺⚡️-
-⚡️🐺The Accepted Offer🐺⚡️-
-⚡️🐺A Say In This🐺⚡️-
-⚡️🐺Being The Bigger Person🐺⚡️-
-⚡️🐺The Devastating Aftermath🐺⚡️-
-⚡️🐺The Fire Breather🐺⚡️-
-⚡️🐺Putting His Foot Down🐺⚡️-
-⚡️🐺Rebuilding A Better Home🐺⚡️-
-⚡️🐺Running Into The Past🐺⚡️-
-⚡️🐺From One God To Another🐺⚡️-
-⚡️🐺A Stone Gargoyle Attacks🐺⚡️-
-⚡️🐺Just Trying To Actually Do Something 🐺⚡️-
-⚡️🐺She Always Steps In🐺⚡️-
-⚡️🐺Accusations Run Wild🐺⚡️-
A Dilemma In Mind

-⚡️🐺Hunting Down a Liar🐺⚡️-

3.2K 116 16
By DudeWorkAlready

Disclaimer:All rights go to
the Vampire Diaries/The Originals/Legacies and their respective owners these characters are not my own hence I give credit for the ones who made them and respectively ask them not to take down my account or story thank you and have a good day all the images shown are owned by Vampire Diaries/The Originals/Legacies and the artist

Liam makes his way back into his dorm bedroom and opens his closet door as he reaches in and grabs his axe Jarnbjorn and puts it over his shoulder; he didn't care what Alaric had to say about it or anyone at all..he was going to do what needed to be done

The Tribrid of Thunder walks out and into the hallway as all of the students immediately move out of the way, the entire hallway had gone incredibly slient as he saw Hope waiting for him at the entrance of the school

She was pissed and for a very good reason, he wasn't going to stop in fact it was the exact opposite..he was going to join her and find this lying mortal and break more than just his hand this time

"You ready?"

Liam asked as Hope nodded her head and opened the door as they both made their way over to Alaric's parked jeep yet much to their surprise they saw Rafael underneath the Jeep as Liam and Hope starred at each other

Hope:What are you doing?

Rafael mentions something about a sway bar as they hear something in the Jeep break, Liam just sighs and walks over to the Jeep as he sets Jarnbjorn aside and quite literally picks up the Jeep with his own two hands like it's nothing as Rafael's eyes widen seeing how easily Liam was able to pick up the Jeep

"Yeah..yeah he definitely broke something"

Liam gently sets the Jeep back down as Hope just stands there completely taken back by Liam's sheer strength as he gives a small wink in her direction, a small cough grabs their attention as Rafael speaks up

Rafael:You're going after Landon, if you want this car to work then im going with you..

Liam was a bit amused by this as he picked Jarnbjorn back up as Rafael glanced at him feeling some intimidation

Hope:You should stay out of it, he's a liar and a thief

Rafael retorted saying that what Landon had stolen just some knife but Liam and Hope knew better than what Landon had stolen was stupid not wanting to waste anymore time

Liam put his hand on Rafael's face and showed him what they saw..all of those people who had been burnt to death in that bus, it was a small spell he had learnt from his uncle Loki as Rafael reeled back from the sudden images shown to him

Rafael:What the hell was that?

Hope had a feeling that Liam had shown Rafael what they saw as she explained it to him

Hope:Your best friend did that to a bus full of people on Route 29 last night, Liam and I are the only ones who know how to find him

Hope tells Rafael to give them back the engine piece he had taken off the Jeep but Rafael steps back refusing too give it to them

"Look now you can either give us the engine thingy or we're going to have a problem that'll most likely end up with you laying on the ground..unconscious"

Rafael clenched his fists as he glared at Liam but the Tribrid of Thunder stepped up to the tall teenager and glared right back at him, Liam could see the anger in Rafael's eyes but it wasn't anything close to what anger he had to control

"You think you know what true anger feels like? Because I do.."

Hope briefly looks up at the sky and uses her enchanced hearing as she hears the small rumbles of thunder as Liam grabs Rafael by his shirt and slams him against the Jeep and lifts him up into the air as Rafael puts his hand around Liam's throat to strangle him but he easily pries Rafael's hand away

"I know about a thousand ways to make this end horribly for you, don't make me start with the most painful one.."

Liam's eyes spark with some lightning as he tosses Rafael to the ground as Alaric sees Rafael laying on the ground and looks at Liam

Alaric:Liam help up Rafael up, he can come with us he knows Landon so he'll be an asset to us. We'll need all the help we can get

Liam picks Rafael back up like ragdoll and sets him back down on his feet and pats him on his shoulder as he gestures to talk to Hope alone; they walk far enough to still be in Alaric's sight

"I can get us faster than the Jeep, you want to tag along?"

Hope realized that Liam had access to the same way he arrived in the school as she looked at Alaric seeing that he was talking to Rafael, she reached into her pocket and showed Liam a torn out page with a skull on it

Hope:It's a spell that requires dark magic..you're literally the only person that I can trust in this school, Liam..can I count on you?

"Yes. Yes you can, Hope. People are dead..they had loved ones to go back to but they're gone now and what Landon has done is unforgivable..so either way; this ends with him dying.."

Liam raised Jarnbjorn into the air as Alaric and Rafael looked up as the Headmaster immediately knew what was about to happen as he sprinted to try and stop them but it was too late as the Bifrost descended down on them and took them away leaving only the scorch marks


The Bifrost landed out in the middle of the woods as Liam and Hope walked out but Hope immediately felt a churning feeling as she puked on the ground; Liam reached into his jacket and pulled out a small napkin and patiently waited for Hope to stop

Hope felt Liam tap on her the shoulder and hold out the napkin for her to wipe her mouth as she gladly took it and cleaned off her lips to remove any remaining puke, she gave a small nod thanking Liam for the napkin as the son of Thor looked around the seemingly endless trees in their way

"He couldn't have gotten far even if he was on foot, I doubt he would know where to go in these woods"

Liam kneels down and puts his left hand on the ground and closes his eyes as he spots a small track of footprints leading a certain direction as he gets back up and points ahead

"We have about ten minutes until Alaric and Rafael get here and try to find Landon and take him in.."

Hope was genuinely impressed by how Liam was able to take control and track Landon down just by being here for a solid minute

"Before we do what we need to do, we need to get the knife first and if he tries to lie about it..well you can see where im going with this"

Hope nods her head agreeing with finding the knife since that is one of the main reasons why they are trying to find Landon and if it does result to torture..it technically wouldn't be the first time she's done this

Hope:When did you learn to find clues like this so easily?

They both start to walk in the direction that Liam pointed to as he answers Hope's question

"I was taught by my uncle and aunt at the age of nine, they wanted me be to ready for the future..glad I did pay attention to their lessons"

Liam sniffs the air smelling some smoke using his wolf side gathering it's most likely from the burnt bus as he spots a small cellarup ahead, it did look abandoned but there was no way Landon was seriously this stupid

But the more Liam thought about it..it did feel like this would be something Landon would do as he turns and tells Hope

"There's an old cellar up ahead, my guess is that is where Landon is hiding. So do you want to go in first or should I?"

Hope:You should go in first just in case he does try to make a run for it

Liam hummed liking that idea as he walked ahead of Hope and opened the doors that led down to the cellar with Jarnbjorn gripped tightly; he heard some rather heavy breathing as his eyes set upon the person they had been looking for

"Well I was hoping that I was wrong about you being here but now..kinda glad im not"

Landon who is sitting on the ground looks up and sees Liam as he jolts back up to his feet and makes a break for it but before he can get far

Liam grabs Landon by the back of his sweater and throws him back into the wall as Hope walks in and uses a magic spell to lift Landon up and pin him to prevent him from escaping

Liam spins Jarnbjorn around and walks up to Landon and holds the sharp end close to his neck

"Now Landon..before we get started, Hope and I have one very simple question and we except one simple answer..where is the knife you stole?"

Landon glances at Hope thinking that she is going to help him out of this predicament but instead she coldly glares at him as Landon can only look on in fear knowing that he had pissed two very powerful supernatural beings

To be continued...

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