De thevampsarecalling

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When you lose someone you love, a part of yourself gets taken away. You are left with the ghost of who you on... Mais



117 5 0
De thevampsarecalling

I gasp in horror at Reggie's words. He's going to kill Brad. He never intended on keeping his end of the bargain. Even if I had said yes to working for him, he'd have killed him. Why am I even surprised? The man's a monster and a criminal, of course he has no honour.

The moment that follows is chaos. Everything happened so fast that I'm still wondering what exactly happened. Brad is being held down by two men after he tried to attack Reggie, the glass coffee table now shattered into a million pieces. And I am a sobbing mess, begging Reggie to let Brad leave, offering everything I have to offer, which is only my life. A man is holding my arm behind my back at such an angle that I don't dare move as he will break it without a doubt. All of this is happening under Reggie's sick smile while he sits comfortably on his armchair, enjoying the show.

"Shame, I loved that table", Reggie says as he looks at the mess of broken glass in the middle of his office. "Been here since my son was born", he adds with melancholia as the men holding Brad bring him up to his feet.

Before I can even start to think about James and what his dad might be doing to him, I notice something appear in Brad's eyes. A glimmer of hope.

"I'm sorry Joy, I have to get you out of this one way or another", he says before looking at Reggie.

My eyebrows furrow as I realize what he is about to do - use James as leverage.

"Brad don't", I beg for him to stay quiet.

I already put him in this spot, I don't want someone else's life being affected by my mistakes.

Reggie looks at us, intrigued.

"How's your son?", Brad asks while I keep on begging him to stop, but he ignores me.

The tight grip the man behind me has on my arm prevents me from jumping Brad and making him shut up.

"Still trying to get him to join the family business? Word on the street's he's not very fond of daddy"

That line earns him a strong blow by one of the men who are holding him, but that doesn't seem to affect him.

"Why don't you bring him here", he continues, blood running down the corner of his lips. I'm sure he'll quickly change his mind when he sees her"

Reggie's eyes are narrowed on Brad, trying to read him. There's a moment of silence before he turns to one of the men at the door.

"Bring James here now"

My sobs double as I realize what Brad just did. He trapped James, doomed him to a life of criminal activities, violence and death to save me. I don't want to be saved if it's at that price.

"I hope for your sake you're not playing me again, Bradley", Reggie says, his voice threatening. "I'd hate for Joy to start her new job with a broken body"

I ignore Reggie's threats and look at Brad.

"H-how could you do that", I stammer, barely able to talk between two sobs. "He's innocent in all of this"

Brad doesn't answer. His pain is clear on his face but I don't care. What he did is unforgivable.

We wait in silence, my sobs getting quieter but they don't stop. I feel so many emotions right now that it feels too much for my body. It feels like I might explode at any moment. Rage, anger, betrayal, despair, disappointment, hurt, regret.

And love. Love for the man who sold my friend for my life. Because even if I hate him for it, I know why he did it. I would also have done anything to save him, so I understand. But it doesn't make the pain any less. Enough lives have been taken. It needs to end.

"... and that's what you'll tell him next ti-", we hear James say just as he enters the room, a man on each arm before he sees me and stops his sentence, shock deforming his features.

Reggie waves for the men to let him go and he rushes to me, frantic.

"Oh God, Joy", he says, his eyes scanning every inch of my body quickly to take in the damage done. "Get the fuck off her", he quickly orders the man behind who looks at Reggie and gives an approving nod before he lets go of me.

A quiet moan of pain escapes my lips as I hold my arm close to my chest, trying not to move it. I don't think it's broken, but definitely sprained.

"Are you oka-", I try to ask him but he doesn't let me.

"Who did this to you? My dad?", he asks, worried and angry before turning to Reggie. "What the fuck did you do to her"

That's when he notices Brad standing nearby, two men still holding him.

"I'm so sorry James", I manage to say between two sobs.

He looks at me confused and worried. It is breaking my heart.

"You're not so useless after all", Reggie tells Brad with a satisfied smile. "Hi, son."

"What did you do to her", James asks again through gritted teeth.

I can almost physically feel his rage and the hate he has for his father. And I share the feeling.

"Haven't touched her", Reggie says as he stands up casually. "Yet"

And suddenly James understands what's going on. I can see it on his face, in his eyes. He knows why I'm here. Resignation is written all over his face now.

No. He can still say no. This doesn't have to end this way.

"Let her go", he says, his voice steady and controlled.

"Have you changed your mind?", Reggie answers, triumphant.

He knows his son won't refuse him now.

"Let. Her. Go", James repeats, his eyes as sharp as weapons.

"I need an answer, son"

"James please, you can't say yes to this", I plead. "You have a life! Think about your future. I'm not worth throwing all of it away for!"

"He'll kill her if you don't," Brad says, making me turn my head towards him.

I can't see any regret in his eyes. Just like in James', I see resignation, and a will to fight for something he cares about.

"That I will", Reggie confirms with a soft laugh. "It's a really good deal I find. I am not usually so generous, you know that. So, what is it going to be?"

James looks at me and smiles. He's trying to comfort me while he's the one giving up his life for me.

"He's gonna kill me either way!", I try to reason with him. "Don't do it. Please, James, don't-"

His eyes are scanning my face with anger and pain, and he sighs.

"I want the guarantee that she and her family won't ever be touched", he says to his father, while I drown in my own tears.

"I can make that happen", Reggie answers with a nod.

I look at Brad and see relief in his eyes. But I don't feel the same way. I don't feel better knowing I am free. If anything, I feel worse. Two of the people I care most for have given up their life for me. How can I live mine knowing this? How can I enjoy my life as a free person knowing it cost so much?

"It's settled then, welcome to the business, son", Reggie says, triumphant.

He looks like a king who's won the war, his chest puffed and his head high. It makes me sick.

"Escort her out", he then says to the man who was holding me a few minutes ago. "And take care of him", he adds to the men holding Brad.

"NO!", I scream in horror as I rush to Brad.

Before I can reach him, an arm snakes around my throat and tilts me back, making me gasp for air. My hands reach for the arm pressing on my throat as air becomes rare and I try to get him off me, in vain.

"She can't breathe!", Brad screams, fighting to get himself free from the two men holding him. "You're gonna kill her!"

He manages to elbow one man in the guts who crouches in pain but the other one tightens his grip on Brad's arm and kicks him in the back of his knee, making Brad fall to his knees. When the man Brad managed to hurt regains a straight posture, he punches him straight in the nose before grabbing him by the hair to make him look up at him.

"I'm gonna have so much fun with you", he laughs and Brad spits at his face.

This time the man aimed for the stomach and kicked with all his strength, knocking the air out of Brad's lungs.

I'm starting to feel dizzy, black spots appearing in my vision as oxygen struggles to reach my lungs.

"You hurt her and the deal's off", James says to his dad, struggling to stay in control at the sight of me gasping for air.

"Dimitri, let her go", Reggie orders and the man releases the pressure on my throat before removing his arm completely and I fall to my knees, tiny pieces of shattered glass piercing my skin through my jeans as a fit of cough echoes in the room now that air can finally reach my lungs again. The pain of the glass cutting my skin is so little compared to what I've been through that I don't pay attention to it.

"Are you okay?", he asks as he hurries to me and I nod between two coughs.

He helps me up before turning to his father.

"They both go free", he demands, no room for negotiation in his voice.

I don't dare move as Reggie looks at his son, his eyes narrowed. I want to run to Brad's side and check if he's okay. He's now been put back on his feet, blood still running down his chin. I want to punch the guy who did that to him, I want to hear him scream as I hit him repeatedly.

"I already granted you the girl's life, don't push your luck, son", Reggie says in a chilling tone. "His death is personal now, he's not leaving."

"You bastard!", I scream in agony at the thought of Brad being killed.

My hands are shaking as I think of an escape plan. But what are my chances? There's five men with us, plus Reggie. Even if James helps us, six against three? The odds of us getting the upper hand are very low. And that's without taking into account the dozens of men I spotted around the property that would most certainly come running in.

"If you kill him, you might as well kill me", I say and Reggie smiles.

"I would be delighted, darling", he answers, looking at me from head to toe. "It would be a shame, you really have potential, but you did admit to wanting to kill me for revenge."

Now it's James's turn to look at me, confusion clear on his face.

"What is he talking about?", he asks. and the smile on Reggie's lips grows larger.

"She hasn't told you why she started working for me?", he says, knowing James has no idea about any of this.

This is exactly what makes him thrive. The power over people.

"You-you work for him?", James stammers in shock.

What am I supposed to answer? Technically I did, but there's so much more to the story and I don't have time to explain everything.

"He killed my brother", I simply answer, tears running down my cheeks like waterfalls.

"Don't be shy, tell him the whole story", Reggie says as he leans against his massive desk and crosses his arms over his chest. "You're no fun", he adds when I stay quiet. "Long story short, her brother dies and she decides to infiltrate the company to get to me and kill me. Well try at least, and look where it got you", he says to me, shaking his head, amused. "So, do you still care if she lives knowing she's not the perfect angel you apparently thought she was?"

The fact that he used the word 'company' to describe his bloody business makes my blood boil. This is no company. This is a group of blood-thirsty monsters who will stop at nothing to get what they want.

James's gaze moves from me back to his father.

"Let them both go", James orders again. "You've got what you wanted. I'll work for you and take over after you like you did after grandpa. Isn't that what you want? Someone to carry on the family legacy? Well I'm here, so let them go."

There's another silence, Reggie probably debating whether or not his son is worth two lives. The man's eyes are narrowed on his son, his lips soon curving into a proud smile.

"Tough negotiator, son", he says with pride. "You're going to excel in your new position"

It was subtle, but I noticed the way James's body twitched at Reggie's words. His new position as the leader of one of the most deadly gangs in the county. That thought makes me sick. He is giving up his life for Brad and I.

"Fine. As long as he never puts a foot back in my city", Reggie continues as he looks at Brad. "If he does, all bets are off"

The two men holding Brad finally let him go and I run to him, almost knocking him over when I reach him. He somehow manages to keep his balance and he welcomes me in his arms, my hands holding on to the material of his sweater on his back as if he were to disappear.

"Are you okay?", Brad asks in a worried whisper while James and his dad continue talking about their new agreement. His eyes scan every inch of my body, trying to determine how bad I'm hurt.

"I'm fine", I say, even though the expression on my face doesn't agree with what I am saying.

Brad doesn't have time to question my lie because James seems to be done with his father and is now standing next to us.

"I am so sorry for your brother," he says with sincere eyes.

"James, I–" I begin, hoping to find the words to make him change his mind, but he cuts me off.

"It's okay, Joy. I always knew I couldn't escape this life. If it can get you out of here, it's worth it. I'm sorry you had to go through all of this because of him."

"James, you can't possibly–"

"There's no other way out for you," he cuts me off again.

To my surprise, he doesn't look angry, he only looks sorry and defeated. How can I let him give his life up for me? He doesn't deserve this fate. He had a bright future ahead of him while I don't, not since Charlie died.

"You two should go before he changes his mind," James says as he looks back at his dad who is talking with one of his armed men.

I shake my head vigorously as tears start to fall down my cheeks.

"Joy, we need to go," I hear Brad say but I don't move. I stand frozen, my body shaking like a leaf. There has to be a way out for all of us.

"I'm gonna be okay, I promise," James says as he grabs my hand and squeezes it tight. Something has changed in his eyes. He doesn't look defeated anymore. He looks like he found a purpose. Can he possibly be fine while working for the monster that is his father? I truly hope so. A part of me wants to believe that James is strong enough to overthrow his father.

When Brad starts to pull me away I squeeze James's hand one last time. I feel sick as I walk out of the room, holding tight on Brad's hand. Two of Reggie's men escort us out of the house and onto the street before turning around and walking back to the house. My heart is hammering in my chest while Brad drags me down the street and we both break into a run. We're desperate to put as much distance between Reggie and his men and us, both terrified he might change his mind and come finish the job. We run through the fancy neighbourhood, our faces still covered in bruises and blood. The adrenaline running through my veins does a great job at covering the pain that I know my body's in. We don't stop until we reach the corner of my street where Brad halts and I almost crash into him.

"Wait here," he says as I try to catch my breath. "Isaac or the guys might be there."

My eyebrows turn into a frown. There was no way I would let him go alone.

"You're not–" I start, still breathless after running for miles. "Going there alone."

"Joy I'm not risking–"

"We're in this," I cut him off, taking another broken breath. "Together."

His brows turn into a deep line as he stares at me, clearly weighing his options. He sighs and grabs my hand again before starting for my apartment. After making sure that Reggie's men are not to be found, we enter the building. When we reach my door we stop again and my heart starts to race in my chest. It's slightly open, but I quickly noticed the broken lock and remember how Isaac forced his way in to get us. We stand in the hallway listening for voices or noise coming from the apartment and after only hearing silence we finally enter. The place looks exactly as it did yesterday, our packed bags laying near the sofa.

The reality of everything hits me hard and I run to the bathroom barely reaching the toilet bowl in time before the content of my empty stomach escapes the threshold of my lips.

"We can't stay here," Brad says as he crouches next to me and helps me hold my hair away from my face.

"I know," I sigh, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. "I just need a minute."

"We need to clean up or we'll draw attention."

He grabs a towel and runs it under water before sitting back next to me.

My tears continue to run down my cheeks like waterfalls as he extends his arm toward my face before stopping and letting it fall back to his side.

"I'm sorry," he whispers, his voice raw with emotions. "I wish I could tell you that everything will be fine now, but I can't." He looks as broken as I am. "We won't be safe until we're out of this city."

I can tell from the tone of his voice that he doesn't believe we'll ever be safe in England. Reggie's powerful, and most likely has an extensive network. We can't stay in the country.

"I know," I say before taking a breath. "I'm ready."


One year later.

We didn't look back that day. We ran away with only a few pounds and each other. I didn't get to say goodbye to my family. Didn't get to tell them I loved them, and that I was sorry for making them go through the loss of a child a second time. Because the moment I had passed the threshold of Reggie's office door, I had known I would never see them again. But even though that decision was tearing me apart every single day, I knew it was the right one. I knew that telling them the truth about Charlie's death, and what had happened the year that followed would have destroyed them. They would have begged to see me, and I couldn't let that happen. Because although Brad and I now lived over 5,000 kilometres away from England, in a small village in Costa Rica, neither of us were foolish enough to think that Reggie let us go out of the goodness of his heart. People like him didn't lead such an empire on being merciful. We both knew that if Reggie ever got word of where we were, we wouldn't escape a second time.

A shiver runs down my spine at the thought. It has been 351 days since we left England, and our life behind us. 351 days since "Jocelyn and William" started their new life. And not one day has passed where I don't wake up screaming from night terrors, or jump at every loud noise. Brad does his best to appear confident, and reassure me that we're safe in the middle of the jungle, but I know that deep down, just like me, he fears the day when another Isaac will show up at the door of our little cabin.

But until that day comes, I will love the man who fought with his life to get me out of Reggie's claws, despite everything that happened, and the choices he made.

Brad is my family now. We're in this together, until the end.

A.N.: I finally finished this story! A couple of years later, but I did promise I would finish every story on this account. One at a time :) Now on to Spies and Lies! Hope you guys enjoyed the end of Ghost of You. Thank you so much for the support throughout the years! Love you all. Chloé.

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