twin flames | daemon targaryen

Da marvelladdictt

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from the fourteen ancient fires comes the blood of two, their souls' twin flames burning bright in the shadow... Altro

the beginning
the seven dragons


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Da marvelladdictt

"My peaceful, little dragon. The light of my life."

Rhaella's eyes widened, her grip on her sons' hands tightening. She slowly turned away from the forms of the Conquerors before her to see her mother standing behind her. The former Queen Consort looked the same as the last time Rhaella had seen her, though her stomach was not swollen with a child as it often had been through Rhaella's childhood.

Her mother's silver hair fell past her shoulders in shimmery waves, and she wore a gown of dark blue with small falcons sewn into the hem, an ode to the Vale. Aemma's lips were spread in a kind smile, her face flush with happiness, her bright blue eyes, the same as Elaena's and Viserra's, shining with unshed tears. Rhaella felt tears of her own begin to fall down her cheeks.

Aemma Arryn, Aemma Targaryen, was a Queen of Westeros, but more importantly, she was a mother. She was kind and gentle, but she was the fiercest of the dragons when it came to her two daughters. Even when she kept to her bed, heavy with child, she was their protector, their advocate, their greatest supporter in ways that Viserys could not be even in his best moments. Aemma cried with them, and she cheered them on when they excelled.

Aemma Arryn had been ripped from the world too soon, and Rhaella was overcome with grief as she stared at her mother for the first time in over 25 years. She felt like a young girl again, desperate to stay in her mother's company rather than undergo embroidery lessons with her septa.

"Mother," Rhaella sighed, her shoulders shaking as a soft sob escaped her.

"Rhaella," Aemma replied. She walked forward and grasped onto Rhaella's hands, holding not only Rhaella's but also that of Rhaella's sons. The Peaceful Princess shivered at the contact. "You know what you must do. Your children need you, sweet girl. Daemon needs you, Rhaenyra needs you. Viserys needs you. We will be waiting for you, my daughter."

Rhaella stared at her mother in wonder, and Aemma's smile became sad. The Arryn woman reached up and cupped Rhaella's face with her hands, leaning forward until their foreheads pressed against each other. Rhaella could feel her sons let go of her hands and wrap their arms tight around her waist. Rhaella felt another sob rise within her, and she struggled to keep it down.

"We will see you soon, my heart," Aemma murmured. Rhaella's eyebrows rose and she looked up at her mother with wide eyes.

"What do you mean?"

Aemma only continued to smile sadly. She lifted her forehead off of Rhaella's and pressed a kiss to her brow. Rhaella closed her eyes at the contact, and when she opened them again, she was no longer on the sandy beaches of Driftmark.


Rhaella blinked rapidly, her stomach lurching as she was thrust back into the real world. Her daughter and son stood over her, their faces ashen and tears falling down their cheeks as they stared at her. When they saw her looking back at them, sobs immediately escaped them.

"Muña," Aemma cried out, collapsing onto the bed beside Rhaella and burying her face into her mother's shoulder. Rhaella gasped at the sudden movement, her hand automatically reaching up to run a soothing hand through her daughter's curls. The Peaceful Princess turned her gaze to Rhaenys, who stood on her other side, staring back at her with haunted, tear-filled violet eyes.

"Rhaenys?" Rhaella asked softly. "What happened? Is it the children? Daemon?" She felt a sudden wetness under her nose, and Rhaella reached up with her free hand to wipe at it. She pulled her hand back and found it covered in blood.

"It's happened again," Rhaenys said solemnly, a single tear falling down her cheek. A dragon roar sounded in the air, and a chill ran down Rhaella's spine. The Peaceful Princess reached up once more to wipe at the blood that continued to steadily fall from her nose.

"It's been days, muña," Rhaegar said, his expression one of fear and worry. "You've been asleep for days."

"None of us could wake you," Aemma sobbed into Rhaella's shoulders. "They said you were going to die—"

It felt like a bolt of lightning had struck Rhaella.

Her sons. Aegon, Visenya, Rhaenys. The dragons. Jon Stark. The Night King. The Prince That Was Promised.

Another dragon roar echoed, this time much louder and rage-filled than the one before. It seemed the stone foundations of the Red Keep trembled with the force of the creature's cry. Rhaella turned her head to see Gaelith's dark figure fly past the windows of her chambers, her dragon's black scales glistening in the sunlight. Rhaella felt Gaelith call to her, her dragon's soul singing for hers.

Further over King's Landing, Rhaella could see the forms of Silverwing and Vermithor circling each other, shrieks and clicks escaping the mated dragons as they flew. Even further in the distance, Rhaella could see Meleys's distant shape as the Red Queen shot fire up into the sky, the she-dragon's furious cries heard all the way in the Red Keep.

"They broke free of the Dragonpit the day you fell asleep," Rhaegar said, his amethyst eyes trained on his dragon. "The keepers do not understand what angered them. Gaelith had damaged the flooring of the pit on her way out, but none of the small folk were injured. Gaelith, Silverwing, Vermithor, and Meleys have been flying in the skies the last three days, circling the Red Keep and King's Landing. None of us can figure out how to calm them."

"They sense the magic of Old Valyria," Rhaella murmured.

Rhaenys, Rhaegar, and Aemma paused at her words. Aemma slowly rose from her position curled beside Rhaella, moving to stand at Rhaegar's side. Rhaella didn't notice, continuing to stare out at the dragons who continued to roar and shriek and send fire into the skies.

"What is it, Rhaella?" Rhaenys asked softly. Rhaella tore her gaze away from her window to look at the Targaryen woman. They stared at each other for several moments. King Jaehaerys's warning echoed in Rhaella's mind once more as it had a hundred times before, but this time, it was joined by the warnings of Aegon, Visenya, and Rhaenys and the words of her mother Aemma.

"I...I need to kepa," Rhaella said resolutely. She picked up the blankets that lay over her and shoved them off. She rose from the bed, ignoring Rhaegar's attempts to help her despite the shakiness of her legs.

"What? No, muña, you need to rest—" Rhaegar tried to protest, watching dumbfounded as Rhaella walked to her vanity and grabbed her dark red robe. She pulled it over her nightgown, tying it tightly around her waist as she began to walk towards the exit of her chambers.

"I need to see him," Rhaella said over her shoulder. Gaelith roared, causing the windows to rattle. Rhaegar turned helplessly to Rhaenys, hoping the woman could speak some sense into Rhaella. But, Rhaenys was not going to do anything of the sort.

The older woman was studying Rhaella with something akin to pride in her violet eyes. It was as though Rhaenys knew something that Rhaegar didn't, and Rhaegar frowned deeply.

"Are you sure, Rhaella?" Rhaenys asked softly, already moving to join Rhaella. The Peaceful Princess nodded resolutely.

"Yes, I am sure," Rhaella said. Her gaze went from Rhaenys to where Rhaegar and Aemma stood by her bed. Their faces were still covered in tears as they stared back at their mother, their expressions filled with worry and trepidation. Yes, Rhaella decided, she had kept her dreams secret long enough.

The walk to Viserys's chambers was silent. Rhaella led the way, followed closely by Rhaenys, Rhaegar, Aemma, and Ser Robert. The corridors to Maegor's Holdfast were empty save for a few maids carrying linen. The tension, the feeling of doom that Rhaella had been feeling for days had settled into a quiet strength, a preparedness for what she knew was quickly approaching. It could not have been a coincidence, the timing of her dream, her father's ill health, the Driftmark petitions. War was coming, just as Rhaella and Daemon had known it would.

When they arrived at the doorway to the King's chambers, the group was greeted by the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard and several other knights. They stood tall and imposing, their shoulders tense and their hands gripping tight onto the hilts of their swords.

"Princess Rhaella," Harrold Westerling greeted, the Lord Commander's face shifting into a small smile. "I am glad to see you well."

"Ser Harrold," Rhaella replied with a nod. "I need to speak with His Grace." Ser Harrold's smile turned into a frown.

"The King is resting," he said, his voice apologetic but unmoving. "When news of your illness came, His Grace had worked to have maesters from the Citadel come to the Keep. His efforts have tired him, Grand Maester Orwyle has requested that His Grace not be disturbed."

"Ser Harrold, please," Rhaella pleaded softly. Aemma stepped forward to rest her hand comfortingly on Rhaella's arm, the young woman recognizing her mother's distress. Ser Harrold hesitated, his blue eyes darting from the princesses to the knights standing guard beside him. The knight sighed and bowed his head.

"He will be glad to see you awake," Harrold relented, stepping aside so the Targaryens and Ser Robert could enter the chambers. "But, if he does not wish to speak to you, I will remove you from the chambers, Princess."

"I expect nothing less," Rhaella said as she passed the Lord Commander. Her children, Rhaenys, and Ser Robert followed her, and after a moment, so did Ser Harrold.

The two knights stood by the door as the Targaryens ventured further into the King's Chambers. Rhaella ignored the model of Old Valyria and the several instruments Grand Maester Orwyle had left behind on the tables, her eyes focused only on the large bed hidden by the sheer curtains hanging from the frame.

Wheezing breaths filled the air, mixed with pained grunts and moans, betraying that Viserys was awake in his bed. Carefully, with shaky hands, Rhaella slid the curtains back, revealing her father's prone form.

If possible, he looked even worse than the last time she saw him, his face even more paled and covered in open sores. New bandages were back on his head, covering his eye socket once. Small pieces of cloth covered the skin of his neck and arms, hiding the rotten flesh from view, but Rhaella could still smell it.

At the sound of the curtains moving back, Viserys opened his eye to see Rhaella staring down at him, her hair free-flowing around her head like a halo as it was lighted by the sun's rays coming in through the windows. For a moment, Viserys thought that it was his Aemma coming to collect him.

"Kepa," Rhaella murmured, and Viserys blinked, a rattled breath leaving him as he realized he was still left to stay on the earth.

"Rhaella," he whispered, his voice barely heard. "You're awake."

"I am, kepa," Rhaella said, struggling to give him a reassuring smile. She dropped down to her knees beside the bed and carefully grasped his hand in hers. He smiled slightly at the contact, squeezing her hand as strongly as he could, but it was nothing more than a twitch of his fingers.

"I was worried," he said, his voice gaining a little strength. His cloudy violet eyes danced over her features, taking in the paleness of her skin, the faint line of blood that was still present under her nose from her nosebleed. Something was still wrong, he could see it in the franticness of her gaze, in the furrow of her brows, in the tremble of her chin. "I...I wanted to see you, but..."

"It is alright, kepa," Rhaella assured him. "I'm here now, I'm sorry to have worried you."

"You' daughter," Viserys said firmly, closing his eyes as a pained grunt escaped him. "I am always worried for you, and I see that I...still have reason to...What troubles you, child?"

Rhaella let out a soft breath, building up her resolve. "I...had a dream."

Time seemed to stand still after she uttered those words. Behind her, Aemma and Rhaegar stiffened, sharing a worried look with each other. Rhaenys closed her eyes briefly, bowing her head as she listened to her daughter speak. At the door, Ser Harrold and Ser Robert shifted wearily on their feet, recognizing, while not understanding, the severity of Rhaella's words.

"A dream?" Viserys hummed, the cloudiness in his eyes seeming to clear as he gazed up at his daughter. "What did you see?"

"The Prince That Was Promised."

Viserys let out a choked gasp. He stared at Rhaella as though it was the first time he was truly seeing her in her nearly 37 years of life.

"The Prince That Was Promised...." Viserys whispered reverently. The King looked more alive than he had in weeks if not months and even years. He shifted in the bed, all of his pain and misery fading with those five words. "H-How?"

"Do you remember, kepa, all those years ago when I fell ill on Driftmark?" Rhaella asked him, feeling the tension in her begin to leave. Behind her, Rhaenys let out a shaky breath, remembering the week in which Rhaella had laid asleep in High Tide.

She, Corlys, and Laena feared that the princess would die, and then she woke up a week later as though it had never happened. Rhaenys could recall the fear in Rhaella's eyes when she woke, the young woman acting as though she had seen a thousand horrors no one should ever have to see. Rhaenys had feared then what Rhaella had seen, and she feared it now. Whatever it was, it was enough to prompt the Peaceful Princess to finally share her dreams after decades of secrecy.

"It-It was during Aegon's second nameday celebrations," Viserys said softly. "Rhaenys...Rhaenys said that the maesters had never seen anything like it."

"I was not ill," Rhaella said. "Just as I was not ill these last days. The gods chose me to bear the burden of their knowledge from the moment I was born, and they have been speaking to me."

Viserys could only stare at her in amazement. "What have you seen?"

Rhaella sighed and closed her eyes. "I saw muña die, and I saw my brother quickly follow her in death. I saw my children decades before they were born. I saw the deaths of dragons, kepa. I saw the deaths of Targaryens—"

Her breath caught in her throat as perhaps the most nightmarish of her dreams flashed in her mind's eye. Rhaenrya, standing on a field of green gas, is eaten by the dragon whose egg Rhaella had picked for Aegon. She could still smell the acrid scent of burnt flesh. "I have seen our legacy, and I have seen the Prince That Was Promised."

Rhaella let out a breath, opening her eyes to see that Aemma had joined her on the ground, staring up at her with wide, tear-filled eyes. Rhaegar stood behind his sister, his face ashen as he watched his mother. They had had no idea of the burden their mother bore, unknowing of the true reasons why she would cry out in the night during her nightmares.

"The world of men will come to an end under darkness and ice, kepa," Rhaella said, turning her gaze back to her father. "I have seen it so. The Prince That Was Promised comes from my line, kepa. It is he who will save the world of men from those that dwell in the darkness. The dragons cannot die as I have dreamed, not when so much is yet to come, not when the Prince That Was Promised will need their aid. I must prevent their deaths.

"King Jaehaerys told me that no one can know what I have seen. He feared what would come of me should anyone find out and I have kept my dreams secret, but what I have seen is greater than me, greater than you, greater than Rhaenyra or Aegon, greater than everything. I need your help, kepa. I-I cannot do it alone."

Several moments of silence fell, not a sound to be heard in the room as everyone held their breath. Rhaella's words hung heavy, filled with prophecy, death, war, and promise.

"Aegon's dream...It has been passed down from King to Heir since Aegon and Aenys," Viserys said softly. He stared at Rhaella, his violet eyes clear and filled with wonder and sadness and love. "I gave it to Rhaenyra, and it seems the gods have given it to you to bear as well."

More silence passed. Rhaenys stepped forward until she stood just behind Rhaella, and she laid a hand on her daughter's shoulder.

"Cousin," she said softly. Viserys looked up at the older Targaryen woman, taking in the sadness in her eyes and the determined set of her jaw. "The gods have chosen their heir. They have chosen Rhaella to bear their knowledge, to lead us through what lies ahead."

Rhaella remained kneeling on the ground beside her father, but Aemma rose. Rhaenys, Aemma, and Rhaegar stood in a line behind Rhaella, a united front as they stared down at Viserys, who stared up back at them.

"You...You are right, Rhaenys," Viserys said finally. "You are right. It is no coincidence that you have been shown what is to come, Rhaella, and I cannot fault the gods in their choice." Rhaella smiled softly at his words, and Viserys returned her smile.

"You remind me so much of your mother," he said softly. "Your kind-heartedness, your strength, your love for your children. Oh, how she would have loved to meet your children, our grandchildren. Your relationship with the smallfolk...Even here forced to remain in bed, I have heard of your generosity and the generosity of Baelon and the rest of your children. The betrothals, the relations with the great houses...I am only sorry that I will not see you as Queen."

Rhaella inhaled sharply, and she felt Rhaegar and Aemma stiffen behind her. Ancient voices whispered in her ears, delighted as they spoke in their ancient tongue. A chill ran down her spine as she stared wide-eyed at her father.


"Rhaenyra will be displeased, I know," Viserys said softly. "And I do not blame her, but who am I to stand in the way of the will of the gods? I am not arrogant that I cannot admit when I am wrong. You have proven yourself worthy, and....and I am not so shortsighted that I cannot recognize Rhaenyra has not. Let her be your advisor, wed Aemma to Jacaerys, or little Elaena to Simon. Do not let your relations sour, dragons cannot be alone in this world."

Rhaella shook her head in disbelief. "Kepa, are you sure? Rhaenyra has been your heir for over twenty years. The lords are sworn to her—"

"I...I have made many mistakes in my life," Viserys admitted, breathing heavily from the effort of speaking. "And I have been duly punished for them. I will not let the matter of my legacy be another. I know that you will make me proud Rhaella, and I know that I am leaving the realm, and our family, in deserving hands."

Viserys looked past Rhaella, past Rhaenys, Rhaegar, and Aemma, and he swore that he could see his father, Baelon standing there beside his mother Alyssa, beside Jaehaerys and Alysanne. He swore that he could even see the figures of the Conquerors standing tall, their violet eyes filled with dragonfire boring into him with pleased expressions.

After all of his failures, his mistakes, his indulgences, Viserys finally felt in this moment that he was doing something worthy of House Targaryen, of his ancestors, of the Old Valyria he so often dreamed of.

Rhaella blinked back tears and leaned forward to press a kiss to her father's brow. "I love you, kepa."

"Your mother would be so proud of you," Viserys whispered. Rhaella smiled sadly and leaned back to properly look at him. For just a moment, he looked like the father she had known when she was young. The Viserys who would carry her atop his shoulders, who would ooh and awe over her embroidery, who would give her all his lemon cakes when Aemma wasn't looking during dinner. As quickly as he came, he was gone, and the frail, wrinkled Viserys Rhaella had come to know the last few years laid on the bed once more.

"We will need to begin making preparations right away," Rhaenys said as she looked between Rhaella and Viserys, a weary frown on her lips. The older woman turned to Rhaegar. "You need to send word to your father right away. Your family needs to return to the Red Keep. We will need a united front lest Rhaenyra decides to mount a protest."

Rhaegar nodded determinedly and went out the door back to his chambers. Rhaenys then turned to Ser Harrold and Ser Robert. "We must keep this quiet for now, at least until Daemon and the rest return. We are outnumbered in these halls, that much is clear."

"Of course, Princess," Harrold said with a grim frown. Ser Robert nodded in agreement, the Frey knight's eyes focused on where Rhaella was now beginning to stand from her position at Viserys's side. The princess swayed on her feet, and Ser Robert instinctively lurched forward just as Rhaella righted herself.

"We need to get you back to your chambers," Aemma fretted, holding up her mother with an arm around her shoulders. Rhaenys quickly joined the younger woman's side and together, with Ser Robert's help, they brought Rhaella back to her chambers.

As they left the King's chambers, each was unaware of the watchful eyes on them hidden behind the tapestries adorning the walls of Viserys's chambers. They were unaware of how the figure had watched and listened as Rhaella spoke of the prophecies in her mind and as Viserys changed his inheritance while on his deathbed. The walls of the Red Keep had eyes and ears after all. And club feet.

Hours later, Alicent visited her husband, unaware of the conversation that had transpired between him and Rhaella earlier that day. She sat at his side, tending to him with the love and devotion of a dutiful wife and Queen as she had been for years.

It had become routine for them at night before Viserys would sleep for the night. She would bring a bowl of cool water and a cloth and gently cleanse the countless sores that littered her husband's skin. She had gone from lover to caregiver within just a few years, but she did not mind it. If anything, she preferred it, now able to keep separate chambers and become friends with the man she had married when she was just ten and seven.

"You seem better today, husband," Alicent said softly as she cleaned the sores on his wrist. She watched him carefully out of the corners of her eyes, noting the lack of pained grunts and gasps. His expression was relaxed, his eye closed as he let Alicent work. He seemed...peaceful, something Alicent had not seen in Viserys in a long time. It was as though the weight of the world had been lifted off his shoulders. "I am glad to see it."

"Rhaella...Rhaella visited me earlier," Viserys replied, coughing slightly at the effort to speak, opening his eye to look at her. There was a slight smile on his lips, and Alicent paused in her movements, raising an eyebrow at her husband's words.

"That is good news," Alicent said hesitantly. "I heard that she had awoken, but I did not wish to disturb her when she was ill. Helaena and I planned to visit her tomorrow."

When Alicent found out that Rhaella had fallen ill, she had gone to her old friend's bedside immediately. Rhaella's face had been flushed, a cold sweat breaking out along her brow as her body fought off the fever that had taken hold of her. She was whispering something in High Valyrian under her breath, something Aemma had informed Alicent she had been doing near constantly in the time she had been asleep.

Alicent had feared the worst, believing that a disgruntled supporter of Vaemond Velaryon had come and poisoned Rhaella in revenge. Orwyle never determined what the cause of Rhaella's condition was, leaving them all to worry for the Peaceful Princess even as he claimed it was likely bad fish served at the infamous family dinner. Even Otto Hightower expressed his concerns over Rhaella's health, though more so for what it meant for the security of the Red Keep and the rest of the royal family should it be determined she had been poisoned.

There had been talks of sending a letter to Driftmark, but it had been agreed by Rhaenys and Alicent that neither wanted to worry Daemon and the rest of Rhaella's children should it be something simple as bad food. Now with Rhaella awake once more and seemingly fine, Alicent was relieved that they hadn't. She could admit that she wanted to avoid Daemon's presence as much as she could, and it was all the better that he was off in Driftmark than in the Red Keep.

"She was not ill," Viserys said, his breath rattling in his lungs, dragging Alicent's attention back to him. The Queen Consort raised an eyebrow curiously. "She...She was dreaming."

"Dreaming, my King?" Alicent asked lightly, humoring him.

"Dreaming the Song of Ice and Fire," he murmured. Alicent's eyebrows furrowed, her glancing towards the chalice that was now just half-full of milk of the poppy, the chalice had been full just an hour before when Alicent had come to check on him before going to dine with her children.

Someone had given him some before she had arrived, and now it seemed he was bordering on between lucidness and confusion even more than normal, almost gone from the world entirely. She had thought Orwyle was wanting to wean Viserys off the milk of the poppy to see if his condition would improve. Why would he give him more?

"Ice and Fire? I don't understand, Viserys." She set the cloth aside so that she could focus on him, taking hold of his hand and grasping it gently.

"Aegon...and his dream—" Viserys choked out, clearing his throat harshly. Alicent's eyes narrowed slightly, her attention peaked as she struggled to make sense of what he said.

"Aegon? Our son, Aegon?"

"Rhaella has seen it too. The Prince That Was Promised comes."

"Aegon?" Alicent repeated. Her mind raced, unable to pick up the pieces scattered by Viserys. Was he saying what she thought he was? Her grip on Viserys's hands grew tighter. "Prince Aegon? What did Rhaella say?"

"Dragon...against...dragon," Viserys breathed out, his chest heaving with the effort. His eyelid fluttered, but he determinedly kept it open. "Rhaella has seen it, she and Aegon...the dragons....the realm must be united..."

"What has Rhaella seen, Viserys?" Alicent asked quickly, desperate. She had heard the rumors of dragon dreams, remembering the tales Viserys would regale her with during the early years of their marriage of Daenys and her dreams. Could it be Rhaella had a dream as well? Or had she finally come to see reason? "She has seen Aegon on the throne? He is the promised prince you speak of?"

"Rhaella..." Viserys trailed off, closing his eye. Alicent could only stare at him, unknowing of the way he envisioned his second daughter in his mind, seeing the dragonfire dancing in her amethyst eyes as she smiled at him. Figures walked up to her, and Viserys imagined Rhaella surrounded by Daemon and her children on all sides, and Viserys felt his heart warm at the sight of his daughter surrounded by so much love. "My Queen," he murmured.

"Yes, my love?" Alicent said.

"You...You must ensure it," Viserys said after a moment, opening his eye to look up at Alicent blearily. His breaths came out in short pants, his limbs feeling impossibly heavy. "Rhaella's dream..."

Alicent nodded resolutely, her hands shaking as she set the cloth down on the table beside Viserys's bed. She did not know about any dreams, but she knew from Viserys's words that Rhaella must have finally seen sense in the arguments Alicent had made to her. Rhaella was finally on Alicent's side, not Rhaenyra's, and now it seemed that even Viserys agreed with Alicent, Otto, and even Aegon himself. Aegon was supposed to sit on the throne, and Viserys said he would unite the realm.

"I will, my King," she said, standing up from where she sat on Viserys's bed. She gave his hand a gentle squeeze before letting go and beginning to make her way to the door. Viserys sighed, relieved at her words, his eye closing once more as he sank into the cushions below him. "I will ensure what Rhaella said will be the truth. Aegon will sit on the throne."

She left Viserys's chambers in a flurry of green skirts and quickened steps, her mind racing with all the possibilities of what lay ahead. Within the hour, Viserys would be dead, having closed his eyes one final time in peace, believing that his legacy was safe in the hands of Rhaella and Alicent.

Rhaella and her children were unaware of Viserys's passing, having stayed within the safe confines of Rhaella's chambers from the evening. The twins had promised to stay at their mother's side, unwilling to leave her in the face of all that had happened. Their minds were running rampant with thoughts of their mother as queen, of the conflict that would no doubt ensue. They could only imagine what their father would say when Daemon found out.

The mother and children fell asleep together in Rhaella's large bed, taking comfort in each other's company and the feeling of security they felt under Ser Robert's watchful guard outside the chambers. Rhaegar's snores filled the air, keeping Aemma up half the night as she was wedged between her mother and twin.

Aemma had finally managed to fall asleep by the time the moon reached its peak in the night sky. If she had stayed awake just a few minutes more, she would have heard the sounds of shouting and metal clashing against metal just outside their door. But, fate would not be so. Aemma had fallen asleep, and Rhaegar's loud snores would mask any sounds from outside Rhaella's chambers.

When they woke the next morning, Rhaella and her children prepared themselves to break their fast with Rhaenys, each of them commenting curiously on the lack of maids and servants coming in and out of the chambers to help them. When Rhaegar tried to open the chamber doors of their chambers and determine what was going on, he found that he couldn't.

The doors were locked.  


A/N: 🫣🫣 are we feeling?? the next chapter is going to be filled with betrayals and murderous plots, and all I can say is that I am very excited.

hope you all enjoyed this chapter!! as always, thank you for all the love, especially on the last chapter <3333 it makes me so happy to read how everyone is enjoying twin flames 

p.s., I've posted a new daemon targaryen and aemond targaryen fics on my profile if anyone is interested :) while these are separate from the twin flames universe, don't worry, there will be fics connected to twin flames coming soon <3

word count: 5300

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