His Muse

By shereads_6

50.6K 3K 2.4K

It's fanfiction DON'T take it literallyπŸ™ƒ More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59

Chapter 60

1.3K 67 103
By shereads_6

{AN: It has been four months since the last occurrence so imma start this chapter off with a mini recap of all/ most the events that took place during that period.}


The morning after Crystal and Devale reconciled, they drove back to her place together and arrived at around mid-day. Crystal's day of prayer & meditation helped her realize that she was ready to have a honest heart-to-heart conversation with her mother and forgive where needs be for the sake of bringing her baby into a healthy family environment. However, upon arrival at Crystal's place they only found Jeff there and he informed them that Gladys left on the first flight out. Although Crystal was disappointed by her mother's cowardice ways she took it as a sign that maybe she wasn't ready to forgive after all. Jeff ended up staying a few more days just to make sure that his daughter was okay and in better spirits; once he was satisfied with Crystal's mood change he also left back to Tennessee but promised he'd be back for the baby shower and once the baby is born.

Crystal was initially against the idea of having a baby shower but Jazzy, Kayla and Morgan eventually managed to convince her into having a small event with just close family and friends. Crystal ended up agreeing and they threw her a surprise baby shower during her 7th month of pregnancy, she got tons of gifts for her babygirl and she also got to spend the day with the people who are near & dear to her heart. Everyone she loves and cherishes was in attendance except for Gladys whom she hadn't seen or spoken to since their heated argument.

Crystal was definitely heartbroken that her mother couldn't put their differences aside and come celebrate her granddaughter, Morgan and Jeff did however reassure her that although Gladys acts like she doesn't love her - she does; she just has a hard time admitting when she's wrong. Morgan also informed her that their mother had started attending weekly therapy sessions with a professional. The last word of advice that Morgan offered up to her before going back to Tennessee was to focus on herself and her baby, in direct quotation she said: "baby sis you know I love you and I got you - and as far as mommy is concerned... we both know that she is very stubborn but I think therapy will work in her favor. In the meantime I want you to remain stress free and just focus on you and the baby. I have faith that this drama between you and mommy will eventually work itself out".

《《Present day》》

|Crystal's place|

Crystal is now 9 months pregnant and she's already a week past due her actual due date. Dr Avery assured them that there's nothing to worry about yet and that they'd only induce labor if she went past 42 weeks.

Everyone BUT Crystal seems to be ready for the baby's arrival, she is yet to pack her hospital bag and she's also not doing the daily exercises that Dr Avery said could help induce labor... Luckily, Morgan has been in town for the past week and she's been helping Crystal get ready for labor/delivery while Devale also worked on personally building and furnishing the nursery.

|Crystal's room|

Crystal was sitting on her bed watching TV while rubbing on her belly in circular motions when Morgan came in holding a tray full of questionable snacks.

Morgan: hey sissy, how are you feeling?

Crystal: I'm good, why?

Morgan: Crystal you know you don't have to pretend with me right?

Crystal: [fake smile] Morgan I'm really fine, don't worry about me.

Morgan: you sure?

Crystal: yes! (Looks at the tray) what's all this stuff?

Morgan: they're snacks.

Crystal: [side eye] since when does raspberry tea, hot wings, dates, castor oil and spicy noodles classify as snacks?

Morgan: [sighs] okay fineee you got me. I was searching the internet for safe home remedies that can help induce labor and these were the top picks.

Crystal: -pissed- [sucks her teeth] Morgan please get tf out and take your "snacks" with you!

Morgan: Crystal don't be like that, I was just trying to help.

Crystal: I didn't ask for your fuckin help! This baby will come whenever she's ready, I'm so tired of y'all tryna force this shit. Please just get out!!!

Morgan: okay fine I'll go but I'm leaving the snacks here with you, take some time to rest and then I'll come check on you later.

Crystal: no don't bother coming back, matter fact just go back to Tennessee and leave me and my baby alone!!!

Crystal grabbed the packet of dates from the side table and threw it at Morgan while yelling at her to get out. Morgan immediately got the message and left out the room leaving Crystal in distress on the bed.


Devale: did it work?

Morgan: [exhales] nope, that heffa threw the "snacks" right in my face.

Devale: damn, I'm sorry about that Morgan. I don't know what's been going on with her lately.

Morgan: it's fine, it's not your fault and it's not hers either. I think she's just stressed out and anxious about the baby's arrival.

Devale: yeah she definitely is, Dr Avery said she needs to get her emotions in check asap because all this pent up aggression is not good for her and the baby. I don't know what else to do, these past few months have been actual hell and she refuses all kinds of help.

Morgan: I think I know what or who she needs, but convincing her to come here is gonna be mission fuckin impossible!

Devale: (sighs) you mean Ms Gladys?

Morgan: [nods] yes, the one and only. I think Crissy was not being truthful about how their fallout affected her. In fact, I think she may be suffering from prenatal depression.

Devale: you know what, I think you're right! She's been acting strong but the other day I checked her phone while she was sleeping and I saw that she has been calling Ms Gladys almost everyday.

Morgan: (shocked) what? Really!? So did she answer any of the calls?

Devale: [shrugs] I don't think so, because they were all marked as outgoing calls but none of them seem to have been answered.

Morgan: shit this is worse than I thought!! Bro this Saturday is the day when Crissy will hit the 42 week mark of her pregnancy.

Devale: yeah I know and Dr Avery said that if she's not in labor by then, she's gonna have to be induced or even opt for a c-section.

Morgan: okay let's not panic!This gives me T-minus 2 days to fly back to Tennessee and go beg our mother to come and make amends with Crystal for the sake of her and the baby.

Devale: how are you gonna do that?

Morgan: [shrugs] I don't know D but I promise imma try everything in my power, let me get going and please call me if there are any changes.

Devale: alright I will, thanks for everything Morgan.

-Morgan grabbed her purse and headed to the airport while Devale went upstairs to go check on Crystal.

|Crystal's room|

Knock knock knock

Crystal: Morgan I thought I told you to leave!

Devale: [opens door] it's not her, it's me baby.

Crystal: [smiles] oh, you can come in babe - why are you even knocking?

Devale: [walks in] I just wanted to make sure that the coast is clear.

Crystal: [chuckles] what are you talking about?

Devale: Morgan told me what happened.

Crystal: [shrugs] oh that?

Devale: this is not an "oh that" moment, baby she's just trying to help and you're being mean to her, why?

Crystal: I don't know babe, I didn't mean to but sometimes my lips say shit that I don't really mean - it's like I can't control it but I don't mean any harm by it.

Devale: I get that baby but I think you owe your sister an apology.

Crystal: you're right, can you please go get her so I can apologize.

-Devale stands up and walks to the door but then he turns around as if he has just remembered that Morgan has already left.

Devale: she's not here baby.

Crystal: where'd she go?

Devale: Tennessee.

Crystal: [teary-eyed] what!? You mean she left me? (starts crying) why does everyone always have to leave me!??

Devale: [comforts her] hey hey, calm down. Baby look at me.

Crystal: [looks up]

Devale: I'm sorry I should've phrased that differently. Morgan did leave to Tennessee but it's only for a few days; I promise she'll be back before the baby is born. Nobody's leaving you baby.

Crystal: [calming down] I'm sorry babe, I know I've been acting lika a bitch for the past few months.

Devale: you don't have to apologize baby, this is your first pregnancy and I know it hasn't been easy on you. (pecks her lips) I can never thank you enough for sacrificing your body to bring new life. I love you Crystal Renée and please believe me when I say that I'm never gonna leave you.

Crystal: I love you too baby and thank you for loving me, even if I don't make it easy sometimes [chuckles].

Devale: so do you wanna try some of these snacks?

Crystal: [frowns] immediately no! I hate the taste of dates and I'd rather die than drink castor oil.

Devale: [chuckles] okay but at least try the tea and the spicy foods?

Crystal: nah I'm good.

Devale: baby pleaseeee.

Crystal: [scoffs] fine, I'll eat some wings and taste the tea - happy?

Devale: [smiles] yes!

A few hours went by and it was just after dinner time, Devale was downstairs washing the dishes while Crystal was down for a nap.


Devale: hey how's it going?

Morgan: she's supposed to be coming back from therapy soon, imma talk her at the dinner table.

Devale: okay, let me know how it goes.

Morgan: I will... so how's Crissy doing?

Devale: she's better but not fully there yet. She's asleep right now and at least she ate the hot wings and drank that raspberry tea.

Morgan: that's great! Hopefully by Saturday we'll be welcoming baby C.D. Ellis.

Devale: yes hopefully! Aight, we'll chat later. *hangs up*

Devale sat on the couch for some hours watching sports highlights and then he decided to go shower since it was almost time for bed. He tiptoed into the bedroom and Crystal was still knocked out so he quietly went into the adjoining bathroom and showered then did his nightly routine.

Devale then walked back into the room with a towel wrapped around his waist, his chest was sweaty and glistening from the steamy shower and the coco-butter lotion that he had just applied. Crystal was now laying awake on the bed as she looked at him with pure lust and desire. He smiled at her to acknowledge her presence before making his way into the closet.

Truth is they haven't had sex in exactly 3 months because that's when Crystal's depressive symptoms had started kicking in so she was shutting everybody including Devale out!

Devale put on some simple basketball shorts and a tank top before joining her in bed. He then laid beside her and wrapped his arms around her belly.

Devale: good night baby.

Crystal: so soon?

Devale: yeah I mean there's not much to do, or do you wanna stay up late and watch a movie?

Crystal: (smiles) I want to stay up late and do something else (running her hand across his chest).

Devale: (smirks) what's that look in your eyes?

Crystal: I (kiss)... want you (kiss)... to fuck me (kiss)... senseless.

Devale: (chuckles) woah woah, you're carrying precious cargo so there will be no senseless fucking taking place tonight ma'am.

Crystal: -chuckles- (rolls eyes) okay fine then let's do it slow and sensual, I need to feel all of you inside me and I need that to happen now! Pleaseee baby (teary-eyed).

Devale: is it even safe for us to do that, won't that like hurt the baby or something?

Crystal: no it won't, Dr Avery said having sex during the last trimester is perfectly safe! And... (smiles) Google said it's known to help induce labor, so it's a win-win.

Devale: (smiles) reallyyyy?

Crystal: (smiles) mm-hm.

That was the only go ahead that Devale needed... it wasn't long before they both stripped naked as Crystal laid with her back against the bed while Devale positioned himself between her legs. There was no need for foreplay because they both already ready for each other.

The size of Crystal's belly made it somewhat impossible to do missionary so Devale instructed her to lay sideways as he crept up behind her and inserted himself from behind.

"FUCK..." they both moaned out in ecstasy as Devale wrapped one hand around her neck to slightly turn her face towards him. They indulged in a sloppy yet passionate kiss as he continued pounding into her, he soon let go of her neck and started squeezing on her breasts which made her squirm because it was slightly painful but it was more of a pleasurable pain.

When they were both at the peak of their climax, Devale decreased his pace and lowered his hand to her pussy. He started rubbing on her clit while slowly grinding on her and this sent shockwaves through her body... Crystal screamed out in pleasure as she felt herself about to release. Devale felt her walls tightening around his dick as he sped up so they could climax simultaneously and that they did. Crystal then began to squirt tremendously as she let soft moans escape her lips.

Devale: damn baby that's a lot, this ain't never happened before.

Crystal: Devale I don't think that's squirt baby, I think my water just broke.

Devale: (shocked) WHAAT!?

Crystal: don't panic baby, we've got this! Help me get up so I can go get in the shower and then you call Dr Avery.

Devale: are you gonna be okay to shower alone?

Crystal: yes baby, I haven't started experiencing contractions so I should be good.

-Devale helped Crystal up as she went into the bathroom. He got dressed and then called Dr Avery to inform her of what just happened. Luckily she was working the night shift so she told him to hurry Crystal to the hospital and that she'd have a bed/room ready for her. Devale took the wet bed sheets to the washer and then showered in the guest room to save time.

After a few minutes they were both dressed and ready to go. Crystal had now started experiencing contractions but luckily they were not too intense.

Devale: are you okay?

Crystal: (deep breath) mm-hm, I just had a contraction but it wasn't too painful.

Devale: will you be able to make it down the stairs or should I carry you?

Crystal: I'll make it baby.

-Devale takes ahold of her hand as they slowly make their way down stairs. Once they reach the bottom step Crystal starts sweating profusely and hyperventilating.

Devale: (panicking) baby what's wrong, are you in pain?

Crystal: (shakes her head no) I just realized how much of a bad mother I am, I don't even a hospital bag packed! (crying)

Devale: (sad) baby calm down and you're not a bad mother so stop saying that! You've just been under a lot of stress and it's understandable but it's about to be over, everything's gonna be okay.

Crystal: (crying) how can you be so sure of that Devale?

Devale: because Morgan already packed the bag for you, everything you need is in here (pointing to the bag on the table).


They arrived at the hospital after about 30min and then the nurse quickly wheeled Crystal into a private room and helped her change into the hospital gown. The nurse then proceeded to check her vitals and strap her up to the machine that's meant monitor the baby's heartbeat, she then went out to get Dr Avery.

Dr Avery: how are you feeling Crystal?

Crystal: I'm okay.

Dr Avery: when was your last contraction?

Crystal: uhmm I'm not sure, I wasn't really counting.

Devale: I believe it was about 40something minutes ago doc.

Dr Avery: (surprised) wow really? Are you sure you haven't experienced another one since then?

Crystal: (shakes her head no) why, does that mean that something is wrong? Should I be worried? (starts breathing heavy).

Dr Avery: no no no! Worrying is the very last thing I need you to do, the nurse said both yours and baby's vitals are fine so I just need you to sit back and relax while I check how dilated you are, okay?

Crystal: (exhales) okay.

-Dr Avery put on some latex gloves and instructs Crystal to spread her legs open so she can see. She uses her hand to measure and then says...

Dr Avery: you're only 2cm.

Crystal: (panicking) that's not good right?

Dr Avery: Crystal I need you to breathe and calm down. All it means is that you're dilating very slowly but it's not a cause for concern as of yet. I'm gonna go do my rounds and then I'll be back to check on you in the morning.

Devale: in the morning!? Isn't the baby coming tonight?

Dr Avery: nope not tonight, so please just make sure that Crystal gets enough rest and you're welcome to take the sleeper couch. *leaves*

-Devale looks over at Crystal who is visibly stressed and panicking, her eyes are bloodshot red and tears start falling down her cheeks...

Crystal: (crying) baby I'm scared, I don't think I can do this.

Devale: (wipes her tears) don't be scared baby, you're my strong and fearless queen and you will give birth to our babygirl without any complications! (hugs her) just try to get some rest baby.

-Devale continued comforting Crystal and she eventually calmed down and drifted off to sleep in his arms. It was nearing to midnight when he slowly freed himself from her embrace and gently placed her head on the pillow before stepping out to make a phonecall.

Morgan: (sleepy voice) Devale? Why on earth are you calling me at this tim- shiiiit! Is it happening?

Devale: calm down, she's fine. Tell me how things went over there with Ms Gladys?

Morgan: I mean it was uh... okay for the most part but barely eventful.

Devale: so will y'all be here in the morning?

Morgan: uhmm... not exactly, I haven't gotten through to her yet but I'm not gonna give up.

Devale: okay well you need to speed up the process because we're at the hospital right now, Crystal's water broke a few hours ago.

Morgan: and you're only telling me this now!?

Devale: I'm sorry, I was panicking while it happened.

Morgan: so is she in labor?

Devale: (sighs) honestly... I don't even know, the Dr said she's dilating at a very slow pace and her contractions are also far apart.

Morgan: shiiit, I think it's because she's scared. Imma go wake my momma up and talk to her right now, hopefully she'll hear me and we can catch an early morning flight.

Devale: aight thanks Morgan, I'll update you in the morning. *hangs up*




|Parent's room|

Morgan: -shaking her- (whispers) ma wake up, we need to talk.

Gladys: (groggy) Morgan what the hell, do you know what time it is?

Morgan: yeah it's just after midnight, please just come meet me downstairs I don't want to wake daddy.

Gladys: this had better be good! I hope you're not interrupting my beauty rest over no BS.

|Living room|

Gladys: what is it?

Morgan: mommy, Crystal needs you.

Gladys: (sucks her teeth) this is why you woke me up? (turns back to the stairs)

Morgan: ma pleaseee! I thought we made a breakthrough after our talk earlier, what's this sudden change of heart?

Gladys: (sits down) it's not sudden baby, I meant what I said earlier. I do miss Ren- I mean... Crystal.

Morgan: so then if you miss her so much why won't you fly back to Atlanta with me and tell her that yourself!?

Gladys: (sighs) because Morgan, it's embarrassing! The things I have said and done to her (teary-eyed) I'm still struggling to forgive myself so I know there's no way that she has forgiven me.

Morgan: I understand that but you know Crystal has a big heart, I'm sure she will forgive you as long as you're willing to apologize.

Gladys: (crying) no! I'm not worthy of her forgiveness, her life is better off without me.

Morgan: (teary-eyed) no mommy that's not true, she loves you and she needs you more right now than she's ever needed you before.

Gladys: (crying) why do you keep saying that! She doesn't need me, she has the perfect life and the last thing she needs is me coming in to ruin it.

Morgan: mommy please just stop it! Stop with all this negative self talk, it's sad and quite frankly - it's pathetic! (Sighs) look mommy I'm sorry and I don't mean to be rude but Devale just called me and said that Crystal is in the hospital but she's dilating very slow. He obviously doesn't know what that means but we both know that if things go south then it could endanger both hers the baby's life. So please, just put whatever beef y'all have aside and fly with me to Atlanta in the morning, we need to make sure that Crystal safely delivers this baby and then we'll deal with everything else later.

Gladys: (sighs) okay.

Morgan: (exhales) thank you so much mommy! Our flight leaves at 7:30AM so let's go back to sleep and I'll see you in the morning. Good night.




Meanwhile back in Atlanta... a few hours went by and it's now 6:00AM, Devale was woken up by Crystal's muffled screams as he rushed to get the nurse. The nurse came rushing in a panic because the machine monitoring the baby's heartbeat was beeping like crazy...

Nurse 1: call Dr Avery, tell her to get here now because it's an emergency!

Nurse 2: (runs out)

Crystal: -in pain- (teary-eyed) w-whats going on? Is my baby going to be okay?

Nurse 1: how are you feeling ma'am, are you experiencing any kind of pain?

Crystal: don't worry about how I'm feeling, just tell me if my baby is okay!!!

Nurse 1: Ms Hayslett I understand that you're worried but all this stress is not good for you or the baby, so please just take a deep breath and relax.

Devale: baby let's do those breathing exercises to help you calm down.

-Crystal starts doing the breathing exercises while holding onto Devale's hand-

Nurse 1: that's good. So let's try this again, are you in any pain?

Crystal: yes.

Nurse 1: would you be able to describe the pain, does it feel like contractions or something else?

Crystal: a bit of both. The contractions aren't as prominent but the pain here (touches the side of her belly) it's pretty intense, it feels like a sharp stabbing pain.

Nurse 1: okay just keep doing those breathing exercises, I'll be right back with the Dr. *leaves*

Devale: you okay?

Crystal: (crying) no... Devale if it comes down to it and they ask you who must live between me and the baby, please promise me you'll save my baby.

Devale: (crying) baby you can't possibly expect me to do th-

Crystal: (yells) PROMISE ME Devale!!! (squeezing his hand harder).

Devale: (hesitant) okay, okay... I promise, but let's have faith that it won't come down to that okay.

-Dr Avery comes in with the nurses-

Dr Avery: sorry about the hold up, I was on the other side of the hospital.

Devale: (angry tears) please just tell me what's happening with my wife and our baby doc!

Dr Avery: I'll give you a detailed update in a minute, just let me check her cervix.

-Dr Avery put on some gloves and measured Crystal's dilation-

Dr Avery: (sighs) I'm sorry but it's not looking good.

Devale: what do you mean?

Dr Avery: in the past couple of hours, Crystal's dilation only increased by 2cm and her contractions are still not close enough. Crystal's blood pressure indicates that she is working herself up about something which is in return causing stressing on both her and the baby. So because your wife is not even halfway dilated and the baby's heartbeat is gradually dropping, the only way to deliver her is via an emergency c-section.

Crystal: WHAAT!? NOOO!!!

Dr Avery: I know you told me you want a natural birth Crystal but this c-section is our safest bet at this point. Please don't cloud your mind with nonsense because it's doing more harm than good to you AND the baby, the fact that you won't give birth naturally does not make you any less of woman! Now please excuse me while I go schedule for this c-section, I'll be back soon with an update.

Devale: how soon is soon?

Dr Avery: an hour tops!

Devale: can we afford to wait that long?

Dr Avery: yes, the baby's heartbeat is stable now because mommy is slowly calming down. If she keeps it up, we might even get lucky and maybe she'll be more dilated so we try for the natural birth. Don't lose hope you guys, we're almost there! *leaves*

Devale: (sighs) baby what are you stressing about and please DO NOT tell me it's nothing because you've been like this for the past few months and I just let you be thinking that it's a phase that'll pass but now it's not only affecting you, it's also affecting our child so please talk to me.

Crystal: (exhales) honestly... this whole thing with my mom hit me harder than I expected. I thought that she'd stay mad for a few days and then we'd hash things out, but then days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months! This pregnancy is one of the most special moments in my life and it just sucks that I'm not able to enjoy it because my mother practically hates me (crying).

Devale: baby I know that Ms Gladys and I don't really see eye-to-eye but one thing I know for sure is that she loves you, yes she may have a really fucked up way of showing it but she does love you and you have got to believe that!

Crystal: I hear you baby and I've been trying to but it's really hard! This whole shit is the reason why I even started doubting my mothering skills, I mean how am I supposed to be the perfect mother to our daughter when I have a damn near nonexistent relationship with my own mother!?

Devale: does all of this have anything to do with why you don't want to have a c-section?

Crystal: yes!!! Devale tending to a newborn baby is hard on it's own, now imagine adding healing from a freshly cut c-section wound to the mix? I'll be in physical pain for weeks, all while adjusting to a different sleep schedule, nursing, changing diapers, bath time and also dealing with my mental health on top of all that!? I can't do it baby, it's too much for one person to carry.

Devale: baby but I'm here, you won't have to do anything alone. I'll physically be there with you and our baby every step of the way. No man is an island Crystal, it takes a village.

Crystal: (crying) well where the hell is my village Devale!?

Gladys: (from outside the door) we're right here baby.

Crystal: (crying) mommy?

-Gladys and Morgan walk in-

Gladys: hi baby, how are you feeling?

Crystal: is this real? Are you really here right now or am I dreaming?

Gladys: (chuckles) I'm here.

Crystal: h-how... w-when?

Gladys: (smiles) it's all thanks to your sister. Sweetheart I'm sorry I stayed away for so long, I honestly thought I was doing you a favor but standing out there (points to the door) and listening to you pour your heart out helped me realize just how much my absence affected you and for that I truly am sorry.

Crystal: thank you so much for your apology, you have no idea how long I've waited to hear it. (Looks at Morgan) thank you for doing all this sissy and I'm sorry about how I acted earlier.

Morgan: you know I got your back baby sis, don't even worry about it.

Gladys: (goes to Devale) I owe you an apology as well. You're a good man Devale and it's clear to me that you love my daughter and she loves you too. Now I may not support how y'all started out but I would be lying if I said I don't like where y'all are headed. From the bottom of my heart, I'm sorry for every rude comment I ever said to you and I hope that you'll be able to forgive me someday.

Devale: (teary-eyed) that day is now! This baby will practically make us family Ms Gladys and as the old saying goes... nobody wins when the family fueds, so I forgive you and I also apologize for the part I played in all of this.

Morgan: -crying- (smiles) awww group hug!!!

Crystal: I hate to cut the celebrations short but I'm literally in so much pain right now and I'm ready to get this baby outta me, so can we please hold off on the hugs for now. (Looks at Devale) honey can you please go find out where Dr Avery is, I'm sure we're way past an hour now.

Devale: (leaves out)

Gladys: are you okay?

Crystal: -shakes her head no- (breathing heavy) it hurts really bad mommy, I'm just trying my hardest not to scream because that'll just lead to me and the baby being stressed out.

Gladys: I'm sorry baby, but it'll all be over soon and trust me - all the pain is gonna be worth it once you get to hold your baby in your arms.

Morgan: well what can we do to distract you from focusing on the pain?

Crystal: you can start by telling me how y'all got here soon?

Morgan: mommy had to call in a favor with her friend who's husband owns a private jet, she asked them to fly us out at around 6:30 in the morning.

Crystal: aww all that effort for lil ol me?

Gladys: (smiles) Yes!!! I'd travel across the ends of the earth for you Crystal, because you're my daughter and I love you.

Crystal: (crying) I love you too mommy.

-Dr Avery, the nurses and Devale come walking in-

Dr Avery: your husband tells me you finally decided to go with the c-section?

Gladys: (shocked) HUSBAND?

Morgan: (whispers) read the room mommy.

Crystal: yes I'm ready Dr, I'm tired and I just want to hold my baby in my arms.

Dr Avery: (smiles) I'm proud of you Crystal and don't worry, you're in good hands.

-Dr Avery instructed the two nurses to get Crystal ready to be wheeled to the operating room.

Dr Avery: Crystal because this will be a surgery we can't allow anyone in the room but once the baby is born we'll call in the father to come and cut the cord.

Crystal: okay that's fine.

Gladys: is it okay if we say a short prayer first?

Dr Avery: of course!

-They all gathered around the bed and held hands while Gladys said a sweet and short prayer of protection for both Crystal and the baby-

Nurse 1: are you ready?

Crystal: (nods)

Nurse 1: (wheeling her out)

Devale: wait!!! (Runs to the bed) baby I love you so much and I'm so proud of you, I'll be right here waiting for you when you come back. (Leans down to kiss her) you've got this, you're my superwoman!

Crystal: (smiles) I love you too Devale.



A few hours went by and Crystal was finally wheeled back into the regular room. After a few minutes she slowly started to regain consciousness and the first thing she asked for was to see her daughter. The nurse soon followed in wheeling in a precious baby girl who had features of both her parents but mostly Crystal, from her curly black hair, her hazel eyes, her caramel complexion and even the shape of her lips! The only features she shared with her father was her nose and her ears - but for the most part, she was a mini Crystal.

-The nurse picked up the baby wrapped in a pink hospital blanket and placed her in her mother's arms-

Crystal: -crying- (holding her tiny hand) hi babygirl.

Morgan: she's sooo beautiful.

Gladys: she looks just like you when you were a baby Crystal, she's your twin for sure.

Crystal: (smiles) thank you. Morgan did you call daddy and Jazzy and Kayla?

Morgan: yes I called when they took you to the operating room. Daddy and Quis got on the first flight and I believe they landed not too long ago. Ohh and your friends said they're on their way but they first have to buy some balloons.

Crystal: (smiles) thank you.

Devale: (deep breath) baby I know that this isn't the ideal time or place to do this but I've never been more sure about anything in my entire life! Crystal, you have made me the happiest man by bringing our daughter into the world safely. I know you've said countless times that you don't have an issue with our current system but baby I cannot and I will not live another day on this earth without giving you the title of being my wife. (Gets on one knee) so in this moment, in the presence of our new born daughter... I ask you, will you please make me a man amongst other men and say you'll be me wife?

Crystal: (crying) yesss!!!

-Devale got back up and put the ring on her finger then pecked her lips while Morgan and Gladys congratulated them-

A few moments later...

-Jazzy & Kayla walk in holding flowers, balloons and teddy bears. Devale's father and sister soon followed in afterwards and then Jeff and Quis were the last ones to arrive...

Kayla: (smiles) congratulations bestie, she's beautiful.

Jazzy: (smiles) she looks just like her mama. (Pauses and sees the ring) bitchhh.

Gladys: -chuckles- (shakes her head)

Jazzy: sorry about that momma, Crystal what the hell??!

Crystal: -smiles- (waves her left hand) Issa fiancé!!!

Jazzy: IKDR!!!

Kayla: congratulations boo, so what's the baby's name?

Morgan: (exhales) THANK YOU Kayla!!! We been here for hours and we still don't know the baby's name!

Crystal: (laughs) chill I'm gonna tell y'all, I just wanted to wait for everyone to arrive.

Jeff: well were all here babygirl so go ahead and introduce us to my beautiful grandbaby.

Eddie: yes but please tell us the name meanings first!

Crystal: okay... her first name means beautiful follower of Christ and her second name is an exotic flower that symbolizes beauty and kindness.

Everyone: (smiles) awww...

Morgan: okay...?

Crystal and Devale: (in unison) family... meet Christabelle Dahlia Ellis.


Author's note 📝

Wow... the end of an era🥲 thank you for riding with me bookies🧡

{SN: the Dahlia flower is the picture I put in the header of the first page}

As always, I hope y'all enjoyed this read! This is me officially bowing out✌🏽 but please feel free to follow me to my "new"
Zatima story titled
"Dreamz and Nightmares".

Love y'all 😘

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