By Aryvel_Hana

6.7K 223 22

•In editing progress• We all know there only have 7 elements which is earth, lightning, wind, fire, water/ice... More

// Note //
prologue (chapter 0) [edited]
Chapter 1 [Edited]
Chapter 2 [Edited]
chapter 3 [Edited]
❗❗Alert ❗❗
Chapter 4 [Edited]
Chapter 5 [Edited]
Chapter 6 [Edited]
Chapter 7 [Edited]
Chapter 8 [Edited]
🌟 Special chapter 🌟
Chapter 9 [Edited]
Chapter 10 [Edited]
Chapter 11 [Edited]
Chapter 12 [Edited]
Chapter 13 [Edited]
🇲🇾 Merdeka chapter edition 🎉
Chapter 14 [Edited]
Chapter 15 [Edited]
Chapter 16 [Edited]
Chapter 17 [Edited]
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 (Epilogue)
Hidden anniversary: A privacy file

Chapter 18

94 3 0
By Aryvel_Hana

••••   ••••

Awake and test

••••   ••••

Still in Tempur-A station, where the albino orange still making an energy using a cocoa that he get from Boboiboy. Boboiboy said the cocoa he had is from his grandpa, so that's mean he also Reverse's grandpa?

However, he still stucked at the computer like he always used it as well no one use it at all. He using all the time and stay just looking and typing at the computer

A few days past away but specific it's only one day though, he felt bored and his elemental want get out for felt a fresh wind-(wait since at this station has a wind? /plak/) a little bit.

Reverse allow it since his friends go to mission. He also hope he will join them in the future if he had a chance though

These day was great one, where Reverse have a bonding with his elemental. Well, they rarely have a bonding time since Reverse was busy with Scarcebot, repairing him

Meanwhile to elemental they think this station should have a much ingredients than those stinky place right? But why in the galaxy this place so poor ?!  That stinky place has much ingredients Reverse need than this place?! Well it because they stole that material from other planet but it's not explain how this station not have enough material?!?!

Well they can't do anything with this poor situation at all because it's not their problem at all. Suddenly....

/ Reverse please come to the controlling room,now. I repeat Reverse please come to the controlling room /

Now what are they want?!














At control room, there a Malaya Tiger and Cocoa bean talking each other look like they discussing something

Then Reverse and his elemental, they still at outside because Reverse order they do

Reverse standing as well his elemental at his side. Admiral and commander look at them “ Thank you for come, Reverse as well with you guys" said Tarung

The elemental don't mind that because they not care it at all to what the Admiral say (maybe) and they only care about their master. “ There something you guys want to ask me?" said Reverse

“ Very well, you here for something really important" said Commander. It make Reverse raised his eyebrow in curious meanwhile his elemental in suspicion expression

“ and what is it?"

“ Well you will.............."

The speech made Reverse and his elementals eyes widened in shocked. They really don't believe it, did they heard that right?! (They are infront of the higher-ups, of course they heard it clearly) If it's truth, how Boboiboy and other will reaction about it?















~Time skip~

At laboratory, Reverse sit at his chair and typing something on computer. He still thinking the speech that just Admiral said earlier. What he must to do now...

“Hey, why make such a long face?" asked someone from behind him. Reverse turn his head and see a figure that he not see for awhile, Kiab!!

“ Kiab, what are you doing here? Are you good now?" asked Reverse. The last time he saw Kiab is at the situation when he must explain it to higher-ups alone

Tempur-A station, will look after her after sees her fight at that place and Clockbot agreed to give the power to her. Since that day, they never meet each other because they have their own way and Kiab trading her power

Kiab only out the chuckled, “ I'm okey. I'm here because I heard from Admiral Tarung that you will go to ****** station, right?" asked Kiab

Reverse look down and doesn't want to answer it. Kiab can read his expression language, maybe Boboiboy good to hiding it but not to Reverse who still new, don't know yet what kind a language is that, “ Are you afraid to separate with them?"

Not respond for a seconds, then Reverse nodded slowly. Kiab know how it's felt as she take another seat to sit beside Reverse  “ Heard me out Reverse, this galaxy it's so huge maybe it was endless, but I believe if you guys separated....you guys can felt each other heart if that person is not beside you all of the time" said while smile

Kiab speech really warmed up Reverse's heart and thrown the concerned feeling away. " Thanks Kiab, you always knew how to cheer me up" said Reverse as Kiab respond with a smile at her face

' It's my work for cheer you up. I know one day we will separate for our destiny' Kiab thought as she still smiling at her face. She didn't said that word to Reverse because she don't want spill the fact

“Oh, I heard that you will take a test tomorrow " said Reverse as Kiab looked confused for a moment before she understand what the albino meant about

“ Yes, to be honest I felt afraid and anxious. What will happen if I fail in that test?" asked Kiab as she grow some worried

“ I don't think it will happen, I watched how your training going. I can say you are really good in defense, stamina also in fight at short and  long range " said Reverse and Kiab shocked, she has a stalker?!?!

But she confused again, what Reverse mean by fight at long range? Since she at training room, she always dodge the attack of robot at short range and sometimes defense herself

“ However, I'm made this for you as a thanks and as my last gift" said Reverse as he give box at other table to Kiab

Kiab take that box and open it. Her eyes widened surprised and shocked, “ H-how you make this...? Since when?! " said her to Reverse but she got a shrugged instead

She look at the give as she touch it, it's very new and original. 'I know Reverse is smart but I didn't expect he will this smartest!!' thought her as sweatdropped at her forehead

“ What is. Going on. Here ?" said a robot voice sudden. Reverse and Kiab eyes widened then they turn their head to the source voice, “ ---------!!!!"










~Time skip again~

At middle of hallway, there a gang talking to each other with a yellow power sphera talking with his master while walking to somewhere

“ It's been a long time we saw Reverse, right? " said Ying, the last time they sees him was in about 3-4 days ago

“ That's right. Reverse really busy to repair his power sphera friend" agreed Fang as he can see a bonding Reverse between his power sphera friend, Scarcebot

Saod about the power sphera named Scarcebot, the higher-ups can't find a data about him. Look like he is a new power sphera. Also Nut and Boboiboy have mention a power sphera named Planetbot. The higher-ups become more confused, they never hear that power sphera before.

There much theory about that unknown power sphera including Scarcebot, but the theory they think are logic were those both power spheras come from 9th generation, the mysterious generation ever created.

It's because in the old file, there only generations of 1st to 8th but the 9 generation never mention or existed. NEVER EXISTED?! Then how in the galaxy they know the 9th generation is existed?!

To said it very easy because they got a unknown file at somewhere, who they are claimed is very mystery for let others know.

Back to file which is have a little information about 9th generation but unfortunately the information is erased by itself, they about trying to get it back but it impossible to them, because the security system is stronger than other security that they ever sees before and look like it avoid someone to know more about those power spheras from 9th generation

Every effort has been made but all of it in vain

Back to the gang, they enter the laboratory and sees Reverse sleep peaceful at the table, his arms become a pillow for his head slept on it

“ It's look like he working hard" said Yaya, who actually concerned her friend health, look like he not get any sleep at all

“ Yeah, that's right. He should know about his health though. " said a robot voice, strange it's not Ochobot's voice they know. They look at the source voice and they saw a power sphera!? No, it's Scarcebot!!!

“ Wait, you are Scarcebot!?!" asked Fang as he not believe with his own eyes, Reverse did it, he successed repair him

“ Yes, I'm Scarcebot. I'm the the power sphera who give Reverse the elemental power. I believe you guys are his friends, right?" said Scarcebot while still in his perfect ball form, which means is he look like a ball, duh

The gang and Ochobot nodded, “ It's great to see you wake up, Scarcebot" said Boboiboy happily, finally meet this power sphera

“ Yeah, I should thanks that to Reverse. He did a lot thing for me" said Scarcebot as he turn his face to Reverse who now peaceful sleeping-?

“ But why you still not floating like Ochobot here?" asked Gopal scratching his itchy head

“ Well, he still not perfect yet. There more part of him still damaged and there not enough material to create or change those part" said Reverse who just talking in sleep-?

The other shocked since when?! “ You know he still awake, he just close his eyes to rest for a little bit" said Scarcebot as Reverse get up

“ How the rest?" asked Scarcebot to his master, “ I become more tiring than usual" said Reverse as he place his hand at his poor neck. That make Scarcebot chuckled

“ How about you take a sleep? Tomorrow you have something special to watching" said Scarcebot and Reverse nodded

“ What will happen tomorrow?" asked Boboiboy as he see Reverse get up from his previous seat.

“ Well tomorrow, Kiab will take a test. So Reverse make a promised that he will watching her when she doing that test" said Scarcebot, at the same time Reverse took him up from the changer pod

“ Mmm, are this station test is different than us?" asked Yaya to Fang, since he the alien. “ Yes, what I know the writing test and cooking test will stay remained but the last one I'm haven't idea and not sure about it" said Fang facing his friends face but when they look at Scarcebot and Reverse again, they are gone.....

“ I think your explaination make Reverse run away" said Gopal teasing as Fang gripped his bare hand, angry “ Ish, come here Gopal!!!" then a become a cat and mouse chase, the girls and Ochobot only sweatdropped meanwhile Boboiboy chuckled “ Terbaik"

















Next day, at 6:50 a.m. before the test begin. Reverse, Kokotaim gang, and both power spheras Ochobot and Scarcebot at Reverse's arm walking to the room where the test will begin

They enter the room at the same time, they can see Kiab calming herself. When she saw them, she waving her hand same with other

To be honest, Kokotaim gang think she is like their own sister figure that their never had. She won't let someone felt uncomfortable, when they heard that her will become one of Tempur-A station ally, they are little bit disspointment. They hope she can be with them but they were happy that she will fight even though she not in the same station with them

Okey back to main story, Tarung, Kokoci and Ramenman enter the room as they give a salute except Reverse and Scarcebot. “ So Kiab are you ready?" asked Tarung and Kiab nodded

“ Good" said Tarung as the table with the paper and pen show up. “ The first test will be the writing test, you has 45 minutes to answer" said Ramenman, “ You can start now!!" added him

Kiab begin answer the questions. “ Hey, it's not fair that we must answer those questions only in 30 minutes " whisper Gopal as he remembered it clearly the writing test they got

“ Ish, maybe the questions are harder than TAPOPS" whisper yelled Ying to Gopal. They look at the Kiab answer the questions, they surprise she won't felt stress out or anxious about the questions at all

The clock hits 7:40 a.m. as Kiab stop writing. “ Times up!!" shouted Tarung as Kokoci take the paper. “ This are your score Kiab" said Kokoci as he nd other look at the screen. “ Wow, she got a 90%?!" said Boboiboy as he not believe it along with other meanwhile Reverse smile

“ Lets begin with the next test, cooking test and it will be one hour" said Ramenman as the table full with alien material show up “ Start now!" added him again

Kiab hurry to her section and start cooking her own food. “ You guys think what she would cooking?" asked whisper Yaya and other shrugged, also don't know but Reverse know what she will cooking but he won't tell them

The cooking test really through with clearly. Kiab start cutting the alien vegetable, “ Quick cooking!" said Kiab as everything she doing is very fast. Everyone can't look it clearly because it to fast for their eyes

“ I'm done " said Kiab as he show she completed dishes only in 15 minutes, 15 MINUTES !!! Those dishes look like a......“ Dey, it's rendang !!!" shouted Gopal as he know the dishes same with his gang except Fang jawdropped and Reverse look at them weirdly

“ Rendang? No, no, it's not rendang. It's called Space bantam spicy" explained her. The earthlings dumbfounded until Fang say, “ It can say as a chicken" and other nodded as understood it

At other side, Reverse look at the dishes as he nostalgic when Kiab has a time she will cook this dishes for them eat. Look like a gift to him..

The higher-ups and Ramenman come closer to Kiab's dishes and trying the dishes. “ Mm, the spicy and sweetness is balance" said Tarung and the other two nodded agreed

Then kokotaim gang trying the dishes, “ Mmm, so good!!!" praised Gopal. “ that's true!! I can felt the spicy first but it decrease by the sweetness!!" said Yaya. The other eat it until the dishes completely finished

“ By the dishes you made, it's your score" said Ramenman as he pointed the screen show Kiab got 100% in cooking test, Kiab exhales as she passed this test

“ we will rest for awhile for the last test" said Tarung as other salute. They out from that room and goes to cafeteria













~Few minutes later~

Back to the test, everyone still remain at the same place as Scarcebot at Reverse's arm. “ Okey the last test is focus! " said Kokoci as the table show up and it's a ......“ ping pong?!" yelled the earthlings, they not believe it. Who even know there a ping pong at this space?!

“ Your test will look how focus you are. Your allow to use power and the opponent will be.......one of them, so you can choice" said Tarung as he pointed to kokotaim gang and Kiab look at them. She look at them carefully and decide, “ I will take Reverse"

The other shocked, she just choose a non-agent from TAPOPS nor Tempur-A station. But she has her own reason right? Besides it's her last time with Reverse at this point...

Reverse look at her, to look her eyes. Now he get it, “ If that so, I accept it" said Reverse. He place Scarcebot to Boboiboy's arm and goes to Kiab side

“ If that so, you two can go to you own position now" said Tarung as they at their own position , “ Get ready? " Reverse and Kiab holding the ping pong's beater. “ Set" they look their opponent eyes as already has own plan, “ Go!!!" they hurry up using their power, which Kiab first

Quick shot " she hit the ping pong ball so strong, and Reverse get ready “ Elemental power, Demure! Blood arts: hitting breaker" as he look the ball and hit it with strong strength, Kiab don't afraid to hit the ping pong with all power she has. The fight really wild, no one know how long the table will stand up after this

“ So strong !!" said Fang who still look at ball movement, “ but it is too fast!!" added Gopal as he can't see the ball at all, what he see now a white blur in the air as at the top of ping pong table

The higher-ups impressived, and want to know who will win. That fight really fast as no one realize how long time to be wasted, Kiab hitted the ball then take her a little fresh air in tired and Demure look at her smirking at his face

“ This is your end!" shouted Demure as he take the hit of ping pong ball at his beater, “ Blood arts: strength cutter " shouted Demure as he hitting the ball hard and it make the table cut half

As the ball can't be reach by Kiab, who now tired as she dodge it and that ball hit the wall instead as the wall cracked by the impact. Everyone in the room speechless, ‘ Note to yourself don't try to challenge Reverse or his elemental ' thought all of them to not challenge Reverse if all his elemental has those crazy strength

Kiab exhales, “ Well that's great Reverse " said Kiab, then Demure revert back to normal Reverse “Thanks"

Then they hearing a clapping from the higher-ups and the kokotaim gang, “ That's wonderful battle ever I see in my life" praised Ramenman. “ Kiab by your test in the writing test you got 90%, in the cooking test you got 100% and last for the focus test you get 80%. All of you got is 90%, well done" said Admiral as Kokotaim gang cheering for her along with Reverse and two power spheras

“ By the way you still has a last test" said Kokoci. The kokotaim gang and Ochobot knew the test their commander mean about, it's Savage trail test.

Kiab nodded as she know it, “ By the way you six stay here awhile" command Commander to the gang and Ochobot who leave in dumbfounded. Reverse take Scarcebot from Boboiboy's arm and follow Kiab and goes straight to the laboratory

The kokotaim gang and their power sphera goes two higher-ups, “ why commander called us?" asked Boboiboy to green alien. “ Reverse has tell you guys something?" asked Commander. The gang and Ochobot not fully understand what their commander mean about so their only shaking their head

“ I see " said Commander, the gang still confused until Admiral speak, “ Well, we has a news about it"

The gang raised their eyebrow, “ what is it Admiral?" asked Ochobot. Admiral and commander look each other and nodded, “ Well...








Reverse will change to another station"












“ What........"











Wow, what an amazed fight by Reverse and Kiab in ping pong. Heh, you guys must not expect it, right?

To be honest, I don't know what kind a test that agent in Tempur-A station must through. So I made the writing and cooking test still remain as the last test will change. I got ping pong idea by.........I don't know it's suddenly come to my mind but I grateful I got those idea even it's silly though, like those TAPOPS gorilla idea ( ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)

However, in the next chapter we will see Kiab pass her last test with the ‘Reverse gift’, also we will see Reverse and Kokotaim gang have a last bond there especially BoBoiBoy

Please vote and comment so the next chapter will become more interest than the old one (I hope so)

See you guys again......✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧

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