'Tis the Damn Season - A Kurt...

By outofthevault

71 1 2

After recently breaking things off with his high school sweetheart and now ex fiancé Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hu... More

'Tis the Damn Season

71 1 2
By outofthevault

The car pulled up to the small town white home in Ohio. A rushed thank you followed by a muffled grunt was the only exchange between the two men the entire hour drive from Dayton International Airport to Lima. Grabbing his singular luggage, the young man stepped out of the car and out into the crisp cold air of the December night that immediately nipped at the tip of his nose and ears. This winter's snowfall had already begun and the end didn't seem anywhere near. The fallen snow that had laid gently to rest on the ground had since built up creating a giant blanket of white all throughout the town. Snowflakes tenderly fell and found a spot to comfortably melt away atop the man's perfectly styled hair. With cautious steps he approached the front door being sure to avoid any undetectable ice on the walk up. The small hedges that lined along the short path had since died from the end of the warmer seasons and were now covered with snow. Stepping up the two small red bricked steps with his luggage in tow, he was now standing in front of the familiar dark brown door. Using his free hand, he rapped on the front door with his chilled knuckles. Moments passed before the front door swung open to reveal his smiling father who was already throwing his arms around his boy.

"Oh, Kurt! You have no idea how happy I am to see you, kiddo."

Kurt Hummel had left Lima a few months after graduating from McKinley high school. He went on to attend a musical theater college in New York for two years, only to later transfer and graduate from the Fashion Institute Of Technology with a degree in Fashion Merchandising and Design. He now worked for a big label name in New York, so coming home to his small town in Ohio hadn't really sparked an interest in him in the past eight years. However, after recently breaking off his engagement with his long term high school sweetheart, spending Christmas alone this year made coming home sound a hell of a lot more appealing; He figured he'd at least get a visit with his father and step mother out of the trip and of course would have some company for the holidays.

He entered the familiar home and immediately noticed what had been changed. There was a new couch and rug in the living room. The paint color had swapped from a dark blue to a soft gray. The further he walked through the home he noticed the whole kitchen had been redone as well. Home suddenly felt different. And it was really hitting him how long it had been since he'd been here.

It was strange being back in his old bedroom. Many things from his teenage years had since been packed away, brought to New York and later thrown out or donated through the years. But, a few things stayed. And of course one of the first to catch his eye was the crown he wore when he was voted prom queen at his junior prom. The crown rested against a framed photograph of him and his ex. He smiled sadly at the photo. He wished things could've worked out between them. But deep down he knew they both wanted separate things. And truthfully, Kurt wasn't ready for marriage. Looking around the shell of what once was his room brought back many nostalgic feelings and too many memories to count. He'd lost touch with many friends from high school, only close with enough to count on one hand. It was a cold feeling knowing that. He left his luggage near the bed, draping his heavy coat and scarf on his old vanity chair. He made his way down the hall taking a second to stop and faintly smiled at his step brother's bedroom who had passed away a few years back.

Yeah. Being home was weird.

Downstairs in the living room, Kurt sat at the bay window seat clasping a warm cup of tea as he watched the snow fall down and continue to cover every surface it could. The cushion next to him suddenly sank in, but he kept his gaze where it was.

"How was the flight?" His father questioned.

Kurt shrugged, still staring out into the darkness of the night. "It was fine." The way he spoke was just barely audible. He brought the mug up to his lips and the steam from the hot tea left a small fogg on the window.

"And how are you?"

The New York resident slowly turned his head and attention from the snow to his father. "Fine." He simply said again.

But Burt Hummel could see the answer in his son's eyes. They were sad and slightly red. A bit watery and there were bags under them. He wasn't fine at all. Deciding not to touch upon the soft subject just yet, he settled with, "Well, I'm glad you decided to come visit this year."

Kurt forced a smile and nodded. "I missed you guys.."

His father also smiled and nodded in agreement, even though he knew that wasn't the only reason why. Kurt now brought his attention to the mug in front of him, staring down into the brown liquid. His father placed a comforting hand on his leg. "The holidays haven't ever been easy in this house. But we always make the best of it. Right, bud?"

Kurt's eyes glanced up briefly before returning to their place gazing outside the window. "..I think I'm gonna turn in early. Fighting that crowd in JFK really tired me out." He half lied. His father had a feeling he may have just pushed on the topic a bit too soon and knew it was best to let his son be for some time. Kurt muttered a goodnight to his dad and step-mom, placing his mug in the sink and retreated up to his bedroom for the remainder of the night.

He changed into sweatpants and a basic white tee before brushing his teeth and crawling into bed. Staring up at the ceiling like he was in high school again anxious for what the next day would bring. He took a deep breath and tightly closed his eyes, fighting back tears.

Relax. You're fine. Don't start, Hummel. Once you do there's no telling when you'll stop.

But his thoughts could not compete with the pain in his heart. And the hot tears slid down his cheeks as he quietly sobbed into the darkness of his room which eventually tired him out and lulled him to sleep.

As the morning sunlight inched its way through the blinds, Kurt's eyes fluttered open and he stretched out his tired limbs. As he rolled over to check his phone his mouth suddenly watered with a burning desire for a piping hot cup of coffee. But not just your basic go to Starbucks coffee or the coffee that streams out of a Keurig. He wanted a Lima Bean coffee. That was his favorite coffee shop back when he was in high school. All the students would hang out there before and after classes. He had his mind set; he was going to get a coffee from the Lima Bean. He threw the covers off of himself and shuffled into the bathroom. He was greeted by his reflection that he barely recognized. There was a slight stubble on his face. His eyes were red and puffy and slightly bloodshot. And his hair was going in all different directions. He shook his head, finding it hard to believe he allowed himself to look like this. If only his teenage self could see him now.

After a quick shower and a fresh change of clothes, Kurt was ready to make the drive to the coffee shop. He descended the old, creaky steps down into the living room where his step-mother sat reading on her kindle.

"Good morning, Carole." The man greeted her. She looked up from her novel and smiled at her step-son.

"Hi, honey. Where are you headed, all bundled up?"

Kurt giggled lightly. "I just wanted to stop by the Lima Bean. Grab a coffee for old times sake. But I just realized, I no longer have a car..." he trailed off.

Carole softly laughed, removing her reading glasses and folding them in her lap. "You can take my truck," she insisted, pointing her thumb back over her shoulder. "The keys are hanging by the door."

"I won't be long."

Carole 'tsk'-ed, brushing off his comment. "Don't be ridiculous, Kurt. Take your time. The roads are icy, I'd prefer it if you did." She winked.

With a thank you and a kiss on the cheek, Kurt grabbed the keys and headed for the Lima Bean.

It was the same as it was when he left. Like it was stuck in a time loop. The same logo hung above the entrance. The only change was the image of a lima bean on the glass door that had now faded, and the exterior could definitely use a good powerwash. But upon entering, the aroma that filled the shop and fluttered into his nose made up for the lack of maintenance. There was something so comforting about this old coffee shop. The store was still as busy as it was nearly ten years ago. He got in line and patiently waited to order his favorite drink; a nonfat mocha (with skim).

That first sip hit. There was nothing like a Lima Bean coffee. He made his way over to an empty table. The round brown wood tables with matching chairs were still the same, too. Instantly after sitting, the memories came flooding through his mind. All the meet ups with his friends after long days of classes and tests. Glee club drama meetings. Coffee dates with Blaine. Blaine. Holding hands with Blaine. Sharing cookies with Blaine. Study dates with Blaine. His first I love you's with Blaine. This place was so comforting because it was so nostalgic of Blaine. A cold shiver shot through him, undecided if it was from his thoughts or the winter air coming in from the opening door. Sitting here was becoming overwhelming and he thought maybe it would be best if he headed out. Without a second thought, he pushed his chair out, ready to exit the coffee shop when he quite literally crashed into another customer.

"I'm so sorry!" Kurt rushed out, grabbing the other person's arm to steady his balance and hope the stranger's own coffee wouldn't spill. And as if the theme of nostalgia wasn't hitting him enough-

"It's cool! It's coo-No way..."

Kurt's eyes shot up to meet the mans' who was towering over him. Kurt's eyes widened and he nearly choked on his mocha.

"Are my eyes deceiving me or is Kurt Hummel back in Lima?"

"Sebastian...?" It came out in a questioning manner.

"The one and only." He smirked that all too familiar smirk.

He gave his old acquaintance a snarky smirk in return. "You know what, I take back my apology. I wish my coffee had burned your stupid meerkat looking face."

The former Warbler full on cackled out loud. "Wow, you have not changed." Sebastian shook his head, glancing Kurt up and down. "Except for the slight five o'clock shadow you got going on.." Kurt rolled his eyes. "How are you?" He suddenly asked, genuinely, eyes softening.

His sincere attitude didn't go unnoticed by Kurt who relaxed his rude facial expression before shaking his head. "Well, I'm standing in the Lima Bean talking to you, so, you tell me."

"Location could be better. But the me part is kinda awesome. So I'd say you're doing well."

Kurt squinted his eyes in annoyance.

"You're home again..." He started.

"Gee, am I? I didn't notice!" He sarcastically remarked.

Sebastian laughed. "Is it strange of me to say that I think I've missed our witty banter, Hummel?" It came out before he could catch himself saying it. Kurt shrugged playfully, rolling his eyes again. "How is it that anytime I'm back home I always run into you?" Sebastian lightheartedly questioned.

Kurt raised an eyebrow. "Because you're always home during the holidays..." he said as if it was the most obvious answer. Sebastian chuckled.

"It's so crazy, just last week I had a run in with a couple of the warblers. They're all in town visiting family and shit. And that guy, Sam you went to school with, he hit me up on insta, he was in town for thanksgiving we hung out for a bit, got some beers.."

"If I wanted to take a walk down memory lane I would open a yearbook. I didn't ask if you've seen anyone. I'm honestly not interested." Kurt quickly snapped, his attitude changing from playful bickering to solem conversation in a split second. For once, Sebastian Smythe was taken aback by someone's words.

He nodded slowly. "Alright then. My apologies, I just thought maybe you'd wanna get together with some old friends too."

Kurt's eyes darted around the shop before meeting Sebastian's again. He shook his head. "Not really."

"Do you have anywhere you need to be or..?" Sebastian abruptly asked.

Kurt's brows furrowed. "What-"

"Would you wanna maybe stay and chat for a bit? Catch up? You can say no-"

"No. I don't wanna chat." Kurt bluntly informed.

"Fair enough." Sebastian held his hand up in a defense-like manner. "Maybe you don't want to, but I think you could use a friend to talk to." He made it known that he had caught on to Kurt's upright demeanor, more so than usual.

Kurt scoffed. "Bold of you to refer to yourself as my friend."

Sebastian shrugged cheekily. "I've extended the offer. You've got about thirty seconds before I change my mind."

Kurt pondered the idea for a minute. A sit down, civilized conversation with his former high school sworn enemy. He'd rather not.

"Perhaps another time." He jested.

Sebastian's sharp green eyes locked with Kurt's bright blues. "Yeah, well, I'm in town, if you change your mind...Nice seeing you."

The Dalton Academy Alumni gave Kurt one last smile before sweeping past him and back out into the cold. Kurt truthfully was at a loss for words. He ran into Sebastian Smythe. Of all people. In the middle of the Lima Bean. And the guy was actually being...nice? He couldn't help but think about what the green-eyed man had said. Kurt thought back to the first Christmas he visited home after moving out to New York.

It had been his fourth Christmas in the city. And he and Blaine had finally moved into their own place. The couple decided to fly home to visit their families, and of course that happened to be the first time they ran into old friends and acquaintances from high school after many years of being away. The only other time he came to visit was for his step brother Finn's funeral and when his father was getting his test results back for prostate cancer. Other than that, Kurt swore off Ohio. Yet all those times he indeed had a run in with Sebastian...

Instead of heading straight home, Kurt opted for a drive around town. Visiting familiar landmarks that held special memories in his heart. Of course he drove by his old high school. Never thought there'd be a day he'd miss that place. He went to the cemetery to visit his mom and Finn. Though he didn't get out of the car, he sat there and remembered them. While he was alone in his thoughts, he was momentarily pulled out of them by the vibration of his phone in the cup holder. He looked down and noticed a text had come in.

This still your number?

Sebastian. The meerkat had seriously gone out of his way and texted him. Kurt shook his head as he read the text before placing his phone back down. Again, he was brought through all his memories. Sebastian had made him feel so insecure in his relationship with Blaine back in high school. But upon thinking it harder he started to wonder, was it really Sebastian's fault? Or was it his own for feeling so unsure of his relationship with Blaine? Or was it Blaine? He was the one who participated in many phone calls, IMS and coffee meetings with the warbler back in the day; many of which Blaine could've declined or ignored. Why was he even fixating on the past, anyway?
Their high school issues have nothing to do with the new ones he now faced. Simply put, Kurt wasn't happy anymore. Not with Blaine. Not with himself. Not with work. He felt stuck. Sure, he was grateful for everything his career had given him. But at the same time, he wanted more. He felt empty. The breakup was hard, sure. But the weeks and months that followed were worse. Especially with it being the holidays; he just felt so alone. Maybe coming home wasn't the best option for him, after all. He had no one to turn to. That's when his attention was brought back to his phone.
Would one crummy conversation really be so bad?
He pondered. Kurt slowly reached back for his phone, picking it up, and unlocking it to the text message.

Kurt looked at it intently, as if the harder he stared the more likely it would disappear. That wasn't the case. And with a deep sigh he found himself texting back.

I could've sworn I blocked you like ten years ago...

The text was read mere seconds after it was delivered. And a reply quickly followed.

LMAO perhaps there's a glitch
I meant what I said I'm around if you need someone to talk to.

Sebastian Smythe being nice? Now why might that be?

don't get your hopes up Hummel I'm still a dick. I just know when to be nice now.

Ohhhh ok

Jk. Turned over a new leaf. Trying something new....
Is it working??


Are you here just for the holidays?

Why so interested?
Are you?

Touché. I'd be down to meet up and talk if you are

Jeez someone really missed me

LMAO don't flatter yourself plz. It's lonely out here is all
Not everyday someone whose left comes back...

Yet here you are.

And here you are.

Kurt looked up from his phone and glanced around the cemetery as if someone was hiding and ready to come out and catch him for having a conversation with Sebastian. Was he actually considering this? It wouldn't hurt right? Plus it might be nice to have someone to talk to and to reminisce with....

I think I'll take you up on that offer after all.
Wb tomorrow??

It's a date.
10 am? Lima Bean?

Yeah, sounds good. Don't make me regret this
And it's not a date...

Im teasing Kurt I know Blaine would still beat my ass to this day


The remainder of the day Kurt spent home on his laptop taking care of work. Putting together some design boards and digitally uploading his sketches. Work kept his mind busy, distracted. And speaking of distractions, Kurt's phone vibrated with yet another incoming text from Sebastian. Kurt rolled his eyes, ignoring the former warbler. The man was starting to get suspicious. Why the hell was Sebastian being so friendly? Since when would he even want to have a conversation with Kurt. He tried his best to ignore the phone that was sitting right beside his laptop, but his curiosity got the best of him and he picked up the phone. Three new texts from Sebastian Smythe.

I was going through some old stuff in my house and found this
*photo attachment*

Kurt opened up the photo to see an old picture of Kurt, Blaine and Sebastian the night they went to Scandals. Kurt couldn't help but chuckle at the photo. He remembers the captured moment like it happened only last week. They had met up at some trashy diner a few blocks away from the nightclub to grab a bite to eat and have Sebastian hand over their fakes, when Sebastian had suggested they take a selfie to commemorate the moment. Sebastian was of course in the front, smiling like the douchebag teen he was. While Kurt and Blaine stood slightly behind him. Blaine clasped Kurt's shoulders and smiled that cheek to cheek grin while Kurt sported a look of complete and utter annoyance.

LOL thanks for sharing

Yeah ofc
Show Blaine! He looks so young lol

Kurt had to put the phone down. He felt sick. He knew he made the right decision ending things with Blaine but then why was he being eaten up inside over it?

The next morning Kurt pulled up to the Lima Bean ready for what was hands down going to be the most strange thing he's ever done. He grabbed his signature coffee and found a secluded table in the back corner of the coffee shop, and patiently waited.

Minutes later, the tall, lanky guy came sauntering over to the table, and slid into the available chair. Sebastian didn't even try to fight the smirk that was tugging on his lips. "Sup?"

"Good morning to you, too." Kurt said, shifting in his chair.

Sebastian cleared his throat before saying, "Ok, let's just get the awkward tension out of the way. We're adults now. The past is the past. I'm sorry for my behavior in high school. I am not that guy anymore. And to be honest I've always wanted to clear the air between you and I. So I'm glad you agreed to meet up to chat. Plus I think it'll do you more good than me...don't take this the wrong way but you look like you need someone to talk to."

The New Yorker nodded carefully. "Yeah. Ok. Thanks." He replied. "I appreciate that. I guess. After you texted me yesterday, I literally couldn't stop thinking about you all night.." Kurt began. But, as soon as he said it he regretted it, for he heard how it sounded.

Sebastian raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Oh yeah?" He cheekily grinned, letting out a breathy chuckle, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms over his chest. "Wow." He marveled, eyes growing dark. "I'm honored I was used to assist you in your lonesome hours of the night."

"Not like that!" Kurt snapped, his eyebrows coming together to create an offended expression.

The taller man let out a loud belly laugh causing many heads in the shop to turn. "I'm playing, Kurt. I know Blaine takes good care of you." He winked.

Kurt rolled his eyes, sighed and took a sip of his coffee. "I'm already regretting this..." he murmured.

"Speaking of, where is Blaine? He didn't wanna come with?"

Kurt looked over the paper coffee cup at Sebastian.

"Are you two still engaged? Or did I miss the wedding posts?"

Kurt placed down his hot cup, wrapping both hands around it. He didn't know where to look or what to say first. His body tensed up, and Sebastian noticed.

"What? Did I say something wrong already?" Sebastian asked with almost a hint of annoyance.

Kurt shook his head. "No, it's just...Blaine and I, we're...we aren't together anymore." He told him, almost feeling embarrassed.

The taller man's eyes grew in size."You're kidding?" Sebastian was truly shocked, and in a non mocking kind of way, which took Kurt by surprise.

"Things just weren't working out the way we had hoped."

This was the first time Kurt had opened up about the breakup in any way in nearly four months. And why Sebastian? He couldn't tell you.

"Hmm. Truly, I did not see that one coming. I had no idea. I didn't mean...I'm sorry.." and just like that the sincerity wore off. "So about last night then?" He leered.

"No! God, so much for the past being in the past. You're still your same old snarky, gross self!" Kurt shivered in disgust in his chair while the Dalton alumni let out a small laugh.

"And you are still your same old snarky self." Sebastian smiled. "Now, I'm fascinated to know why you couldn't stop thinking about me.."

The other man took a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for this conversation, "Well it wasn't like that, so you can get that idea out of your sick head. I couldn't stop thinking about you because I just can't believe out of all people, I bumped into you."

"Me?" Sebastian laughed. "How do you think I feel? Bumping into Kurt Hummel on my stop in for coffee. It's like seeing a unicorn."

Kurt giggled. Unicorn. If only Sebastian knew the irony around that comment. "I'm sorry I snapped at you yesterday. It's been hard being home..and it's only been a day." he chuckled in disbelief of himself.

The taller man sipped his coffee with a shrug. "No worries. Nothing you said or did offended me."

Kurt nodded. "Ok."

Sebastian pursed his lips, all of the sudden hesitant. "So, why are you really here?" He carefully questioned.

"Just visiting my dad and step-mom. Didn't wanna be alone, I guess." He looked down at his hands which were still wrapped around the paper coffee cup.

"...Are you ok?" Sebastian cautiously asked, trying to meet Kurt's eyes.

Kurt shrugged. "I don't know." He admitted through a hushed voice. "I thought coming home would be good for me, but everything everywhere reminds me of him more than my empty apartment. I just wish I could forget him. How awful of a person would it make me if I say there were some days I wish I never met him?"

Sebastian smiled sadly. "I know it's hard to see it right now but believe me when I tell you it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." He quoted.

Kurt scoffed. "Yeah, that's a load of shit."

Sebastian empathetically smirked back in return. "Yeah I know. Fuck love, right."

"I guess." Kurt softly spoke. "Didn't take you for a poet..especially one with such meaning as that quote." Sebastian shifted in his seat. The shorter of the two looked up. "So, who was he?" He asked. Sebastian raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Whoever it is you were just thinking about."

"Oh, so you picked up on that?" The man was utterly impressed he couldn't hide the smirk. He sipped his coffee. "He was no one, really. Just some guy I thought I had something special with. We met a little over a year ago and you know, unfortunately things just didn't work in our favor either. I thought it was my fault and I kept trying to fix it so naturally that just made everything worse."

Kurt listened closely.

"For once in my life I tried to do the right thing and then...he was the one to break things off with me. It hurt a lot though, I can tell you that much. All I know is I am done with love for a while."

"Mhhh." Kurt hummed in reply. They were both quiet for a moment. "So why are you really here?"

"Same as you, I suppose. Visiting family for the holidays. Didn't wanna spend it alone."

The other man nodded. "You visit home a lot?"

"I try. I'm kinda bouncing all over this place right now so I'm taking the holidays as an excuse to relax and just come back to a place where life seemed so much simpler."

Kurt bit his lip and nodded. "I completely get it. Being home somehow feels like I never left yet everything is different..."

"Yeah..." Sebastian agreed. "You don't visit much." He observed.

Kurt raised an eyebrow. "And how would you know that?" He retorted.

Sebastian chuckled again. "Relax, Kurt. I wasn't saying it like that. It's just something I've picked up on. I'm home a lot. I don't see many familiar faces."

"Oh..." Kurt trailed off. "I'm sorry about..whatever happened with you and your guy."

Sebastian nodded in a way as if to say thank you. "Right. Well it doesn't matter anymore. I'm moving on. And you should really try to do the same. Use this time here as a way to find closure, maybe?" Sebastian suggested.

Kurt was kind of moved by that. "You know that's actually not a bad idea." He simpered. "I'm trying."

The two chatted for a bit more before Sebastian informed Kurt he needed to get going. The two put on their coats and walked out together.

"Hey, I'm kind of really glad we got to talk. I don't think we've ever had a normal, genuine conversation.." The Dalton graduate stated.

Kurt giggled. "I know right. It was surprisingly nice. Who knew bonding over our shitty breakups would bring us to a place of mutual respect."

They approached Sebastian's pickup truck and the taller of the two turned around with a bashful smile. "Yeah, right? Messy lives make for great conversation."

"Speaking of messy, my goodness your car needs a cleaning." Kurt couldn't help but take notice of the terrible state the man's car was in. "There's like four feet of snow on the ground and you're somehow driving around with mud shoved all inside your tire treads.."

Sebastian scratched the back of his head as he eyed up his truck. "Is she really that bad?"

Kurt shook his head in dissatisfaction. "Come by my dads shop." He suggested. "He can fix that right up for you. No charge. Plus it isn't safe to be driving on these roads like that."

"You'd do that?"

Kurt shrugged. "Take it as a thank you. You're the first person I've opened up to about this breakup. And you were right. I needed it."

The two men locked eyes. And they both felt it. The mutual respect for eachother now turning into a mutual understanding and care for one another. Just like that? After one conversation?

It was later that evening nearing five pm, and Burt had finished replacing the last tire on Sebastian's truck. And while his father did all the work, Kurt sat in the office snacking on a bag of pretzels while chatting with Sebastian, who had his feet up on the desk and head resting in his hands which were linked together behind his head.

"I wasn't that bad."

"Oh no, you were the biggest asshole I'd ever met."

Sebastian laughed loudly, throwing his head back. "I was a troubled teenager! It wasn't my fault!"

Kurt rolled his eyes. "I'm still pissed at you for trying to sleep with my boyfriend."

Sebastian shrugged. "Clearly I went after the wrong end of Klaine."

Kurt stopped chewing his pretzel and raised an eyebrow. He didn't wanna make things awkward, they were surprisingly getting along really well.

"Yeah who knows what could've happened..." Kurt played it off.

Sebastian looked around the office noticing a few photos of Kurt on the walls and the filing cabinets. "So, what exactly do you do now?"

"Well, I'm a fashion designer. Mainly for men's clothing. I've done womens as well but my main focus currently is a new men's summer line. I need to get all the sketches in before the new year."

The taller man raised his eyebrows, shocked and impressed. "Wow, so you're kind of a big deal in New York huh?"

Kurt laughed. "Um, yeah I guess."

"Last time I was in New York I wanted to leave after four hours. I can't believe you really live there!"

"What's not to love about New York?"

"Uhh, the smell? It's always gray. And wet. There's too many fucking people. They have great restaurants though so they get a point for that I guess. I mean don't get me wrong I love New York, but California is definitely more my speed."

Kurt nodded. "I've never been. I gotta visit. I'm not really a beach guy, but I hear they're stunning."

Sebastian nodded. "Oh yeah, they are. You totally should come out there. I'll give you my version of a tour. And trust me, you won't regret it." He winked.

"Ohhh I don't know. Something tells me I will."

Sebastian swung his legs down, sitting normally, elbows now resting on his knees as he slightly leaned forward. "Fly back with me." He unexpectedly put forward. Before Kurt could even respond or acknowledge Sebastian's comment, a deep voice filled the small office area.

"That's one hell of a truck you got there." Burt spoke.

The two men simultaneously turned their heads. Sebastian stood up from his chair, ready to head out.

"Thank you, Mr. Hummel."

"1965 Apache."

Sebastian nodded with a small smile. "Yes sir."

"It's an amazing truck. The color is beautiful. Take good care of her."

"Yeah, I know she was a little messy. I just haven't had time. But seriously, thanks again for fixing those tires up for me. I appreciate it." He placed his hands in his coat pockets.

Burt nodded in response. "I wasn't really plannin' on comin' into the shop the night before Christmas Eve but, for a friend of Kurts, I didn't mind."

Sebastian eyed Kurt. "....well again, thank you"

"Yup. You're all set."

Kurt and Sebastian slid past Burt, out of the office and back into the large garage space.

"You made your dad come in on his off day?"

"I didn't make him do anything." Kurt pointed his finger. "Don't whine or I'll charge you. Just be nice and say thank you."

Sebastian laughed and shook his head. "I did say thank you!" He was about to open the door of his truck when he suddenly stopped and looked back at Kurt. "Look, I'm just gonna put this out there...it wouldn't have to mean anything." His eyes grew soft but dark as he held Kurt's stare. The blue eyed man's breath hitched and he tried his best not to overreact. What exactly was Sebastian suggesting...? Kurt narrowed his eyes in a questioning manner. Sebastian stepped closer to Kurt. "Just hear me out; I could get a room somewhere..."

Kurt's eyes darted around the empty garage to catch any sight of his father who (thankfully) was nowhere to be seen. His heart rate sped up. Sebastian wanted to hook up? Why wasn't he utterly appalled by that idea? Had there really been such a shift in their feelings toward one another after a few silly conversations? And why was Kurt sort of already thinking about it before the man even asked? Before Kurt could allow himself to make a rational decision, he nodded.
"I'm staying at my parents house. They'll be out tonight."

Sebastian felt his cock twitch. Fuck.


Kurt helped Carole clean up from dinner at a suspiciously fast rate. It didn't go unnoticed by her or his father.

"Woah, kiddo! Slow the hell down!" Burt chortled.

Carole gave a small smile in return. "Got a hot date?" She teasingly spoke, but her face dropped as soon as she said it, fearing it would upset her step-son. Kurt stopped in his tracks. "Oh honey, I'm sorry." She immediately apologized, taking back what she said.

Kurt's head whipped over to look at his father. His cheeks flushed. "You're already making assumptions about Sebastian?"

Burt stared at his son, slightly confused. "No...but should I be? I thought you hated that kid. Why did you wanna help him with his truck?"

Kurt rolled his eyes, continuing to help clean up from dinner. "What are we, still in high school? I was just trying to be nice."

Burt shrugged. "Alright. Why are you getting so angry?"

"I'm not angry!" Kurt snapped, clearly angry. "I just don't understand how after one encounter you're already assuming I'm going on a date with him." He huffed, placing the last of the dishes in the dishwasher.

Burt couldn't even try to hide the laugh that came out of him over his son's dramatic behavior. "Kurt, I didn't say anything about a date. Carole was teasing. We both know you aren't ready for that! And even if you were, ok! Good for you! Nothing wrong with it. We just want you to be happy."

Kurt was leaning his back against the counter with his arms crossed. He looked at his father before looking away with a sharp turn of the head. "Fine. Well, we're hanging out tonight-but just as friends!" He clarified. Burt and Carole shared a quick glance before looking back at their son.

Burt and Carole had left shortly after to meet up with a few co-workers of Burt's to celebrate the Christmas holiday with a few drinks. Kurt paced through the house nervously brushing invisible dust off surface tops, and fluffing the couch pillows for what must've been the thirty fifth time.

A knock at the door caused Kurt to nearly jump out of his skin. He placed his hand over his heart and let out a nervous breath. Relax. He told himself. He straightened out his sweater before gliding over to the door, opening it to reveal Sebastian. Kurt welcomed him inside, and into the living room. The taller man took in the area. He looked at the photos on the mantle; many upon many high school photos of Finn and Kurt. There was even one of Blaine still...yikes.

"Could I get you anything? Coffee? Water?" Kurt politely asked, placing his hands into the front pockets of his jeans, leaving out only his thumbs.

Sebastian shook his head. "No, I'm alright, thanks." He said. Kurt nodded, rocking on the balls of his feet. "Well, lead the way."

The two made their way up the staircase and down the short hall to Kurt's bedroom. Upon entering the room, Sebastian once again started snooping; looking through all Kurt's shelves. Picking up picture frames, awards, chuckling at baby photos.

"Never in my life did I think I'd see the inside of Kurt Hummel's bedroom."

The blue eyed man nodded in agreement. "It was a lot nicer ten years ago." He laughed trying to ease the awkward tension of what both men knew they had agreed to.

"So, our conversation was kind of cut off earlier. What exactly do you do?" Kurt asked, trying to keep a conversation going.

Sebastian turned his attention from the shelf over to Kurt. "Like, in bed or..?"

Kurt scoffed but found himself smirking. "No! Like as a career, Sebastian, jeez!"

The meerkat looking man laughed loudly. "Oh, right. Yeah, well, I'm sort of in the acting business..."

Kurt raised his eyebrows, intrigued. "Really? What have you been in? Anything I've seen?"

Sebastian smirked. "Well, I don't know. That depends. How often do you watch Porn?"

Kurt's mouth opened. "What?!"

"I'm kidding! I help scout actors. I'm a casting director slash agent."

Kurt placed a hand over his heart. "You scared me there, for a second."

"Sorry. But you lined that one up too perfectly, Hummel." He smiled, turning back to the shelf, placing down a photo of what he assumed was Kurt and his mother.

Kurt found himself staring at Sebastian's lips. The little beauty mark right above it. The slight shadow of a stubble coming in. Sebastian felt Kurt's eyes on him and he took a moment to glance over at him.

"I'm hot right." He stated more than questioned.

"Not really..." Kurt rushed out, attempting to cover up the fact he's been caught.

Sebastian could only laugh as he now fully turned to face Kurt across the room. He threw his keys on the nightstand, kicked off his shoes as he pulled off his coat, tossing it across the room. Kurt turned around to close his bedroom door, even though they were home alone. He took in a breath before letting it back out.

"Ok, don't laugh, but I've never done something like this before." He confessed.

Sebastian raised an eyebrow in wonderment. "Elaborate."

Kurt suddenly grew shy, as if he were a high school virgin again. "Like, a casual hookup. I've only ever been in a relationship. I don't really know what to do." He let him know.

Sebastian nodded and let out a breath. "Okay. You can start by taking off that ugly, frumpy sweater"

Kurt stared at him briefly before pulling the oversized sweater off and over his head, now sporting just a white tee shirt. He placed the sweater on the empty vanity chair behind him. Sebastian began walking toward him.

"Ok. Now what happens?"

"Something like this.." Sebastian grabbed Kurt by his waist and pulled his body against his own, attaching their lips. Kurt's initial reaction was to tense up. These lips weren't the ones he was so used to kissing after all these years. But once he pushed those thoughts away, he was able to relax and allow himself to be kissed by Sebastian. And he allowed himself to kiss back. He brought his arms up to wrap around Sebastian's neck. The two men kissed, Sebastian toying with Kurt's bottom lip between his own, biting down ever so slightly. Kurt could feel the crotch of his pants growing tighter with each kiss. Sebastian began walking backward, pulling Kurt with him. The two stumbled back onto the bed, rolling around until Sebastian was on top, hovering above Kurt. He pulled their lips apart slightly and started into one another's eyes. "You're cool with this right, babe?" He double checked, wanting Kurt to be one hundred percent in.

Why did Sebastian calling him babe make him want him even more? Kurt gave a nod of confirmation, using his hand to ball up the fabric of Sebastian's shirt and pull the taller man back in and reattaching their lips. Sebastian moaned into the kiss, lowering his hips down to grind his hard cock against Kurt's own. Kurt thrusted up into it. It had been four months too long of no contact from... Well, any man. And Kurt was horny. And he really wanted to get fucked. He needed Sebastian to fuck him.

Kurt began deepening the kiss, putting every ounce of want and desire into it. Sebastian got the message. He pulled back, sitting up and pulling his shirt over his head. Kurt sat up, doing the same. This was the first time Kurt had ever seen Sebastian topless.

"Your body is amazing." Kurt softly spoke.

Sebastian laughed deep in his throat, crawling back to Kurt, still hovering over him. They were now face to face, noses touching. Sebastian glanced down at Kurt's lips. "Your body is hot." He growled into the man's ear. Kurt lightly twitched in excitement. Wow, that did something to him. Sebastian's lips attached themselves to Kurt's neck. Sucking, nibbling, biting and kissing all the way down to the man's chest, stomach and he was now right at the waistband of Kurt's jeans. Kurt could feel his cock throbbing, aching to be touched. Sebastian looked up at Kurt, waiting for the silent approval. Kurt looked down, caught his eye, and nodded yet again confirming it was ok to continue. Sebastian's hands flew to unbutton and unzip the other man's pants. And in the matter of seconds they were gone and thrown somewhere within the room. Kurt now lay in his boxers. And Sebastian could perfectly see the shape of the other man's penis. He made his way back up to Kurt, ready to kiss him again. Their lips met in a hungry kiss. Sebastian's hand reaching down to palm at Kurt's cock.

"Oh, yes..." Kurt breathed out.

"You're so fucking hard." Sebastian whispered on Kurt's lips before kissing him again, continuing to tease the man through his underwear. Kurt couldn't take it anymore. He needed Sebastian's cock. In a flash, Kurt rolled the two over, now having Sebastian beneath him. The taller of the two smirked. "You know what you want. Take it."

Kurt didn't need to be told twice. He yanked off Sebastian's pants and underwear in one go, and wasted no time removing his own boxers either. Sebastian now lay completely naked, hard cock sticking straight up. Kurt couldn't help but stare at it. It was one impressive cock. Sebastian bit his lip as he watched Kurt. The light haired man looked up.

"Go ahead..." Sebastian nodded. Kurt reached out and began jerking Sebastian's cock as he learned in and began rubbing it on his wet lips, before taking the man's full shaft in his mouth. Sebastian hummed in amusement. He always knew Kurt would give good head with a mouth as big as his. His prophecy had now been proven right. He thrusted his hips up, fucking into Kurt's mouth. This went on for a while before Sebastian couldn't take it much more. He ran his fingers through Kurt's hair, gently tugging him off his dick. "Lemme fuck you." He slurred.

"Oh fuck yes." Kurt moaned out. He began to lay down on his back before Sebastian grabbed his arm to stop him.

"Nuh uh. On your hands and knees." He urged. Kurt locked eyes with him before doing as he was told. Sebastian brought his face right up to Kurt's ass, before shoving his tongue inside the man's asshole. Stretching it out with his tongue before pulling back and fitting a finger inside. He thrusted it in and out a few times before adding a second. And shortly after a third. He was getting ready to line himself up with Kurt's entrance when he realized he didn't have a condom. "Oh fuck, do you have protection?" Sebastian asked. Kurt froze.

"Shit!" He swore. "No, I haven't carried protection on me in years.."

Sebastian leaned over the bed, yanking his pants closer to him by the leg and digging out his wallet. "Yeah, I don't have anything on me." He sighed, throwing his wallet off the bed in defeat. He rubbed his face in his hands. He looked over his shoulder at Kurt who now lay on his stomach. "...I'm clean." He gently informed Kurt. "But if you're not comfortable with that.."

"I am too." Kurt cut in. "You swear you are?" He aggressively asked.

Sebastian's green eyes met Kurt's blues. He nodded intensely. "Fuck, I wouldn't lie about that."

Kurt nodded back. "If it's ok with you, it's ok with me."

And the two men picked up where they left off. Sebastian fingered in and out of Kurt's asshole a few more times really making sure he was stretched enough for him. He brought his dick up to meet Kurt's hole, slowly sliding it into the tight space. Kurt sucked in a breath and Sebastian moaned out in pleasure.

"Holy fuck, Kurt." Sebastian cursed. Kurt bit his lip to hold back a groan. Sebastian's hands were firmly gripping at Kurt's waist, and he yanked the man back so his ass was flush against his pelvis. His entire length now inside Kurt. "I want you to be loud." Sebastian grunted through clenched teeth. "None of that holding back shit, you hear me."

Kurt nodded. But that's not what Sebastian wanted. "What was that?" Sebastian asked as he slid himself out of Kurt before slamming his cock back inside.

"YES!" Kurt shouted. Sebastian moaned.

"Yeah. Just like that. Scream for me, babe."

Sebastian fucked Kurts tight asshole. Thrusting in and out. Harder and harder. Deeper and deeper. Kurt's moans grew louder and louder. Sebastian cursed more and more until eventually both men came. Hard. Kurt, all over the sheets. Sebastian, buried inside of Kurt.

Kurt couldn't hold his own weight up anymore and he collapsed down onto his stomach. And Sebastian followed. His sweaty chest pressed against Kurt's back while his cock began to grow soft inside the man.

"Holy fuck." Sebastian's scratchy voice spoke into the quiet of the room. The only sounds were their heavy breathing. He pulled himself out of Kurt, rolling over onto his back, laying next to him. Kurt turned his head to meet Sebastian's eyes.

"Never in my life would I have ever throught I'd get fucked by Sebastian Smythe."

The former warbler smirked. "I always throught about fucking you." He admitted. "Where's the bathroom?"

Kurt began to stutter on his words. "I-you-what?"

"Bathroom? I'd like to wash up."

Kurt let out a breath, sitting up. "Uh, right outside, first door on the left." He pointed.

Sebastian got up and opened the door, walking out into the hall, ass naked without a care in the world if someone were home. Kurt was still trying to process the fact that Sebastian just told him he'd always thought about fucking him. That couldn't be true, right? That was just Sebastian being his usual snarky self. Right?

Kurt looked up as the taller man came back in with a warm washcloth. "Here." He handed it to Kurt, who in turn raised an eyebrow. "What? See, I'm not a total dick. I can be a gentleman."

Kurt chuckled as he used the small towel to clean off his stomach, his asshole and the bed as best as he could. "Yuck, now I gotta clean these sheets."

Sebastian walked back over to the shelf and pointed to the picture of Blaine. "Do you think he enjoyed watching that?"

Kurt's eyes practically bulged out of his head. He grabbed a pillow and threw it at sebastian. "What the fuck is wrong with you!?"

Sebastian chuckled as he climbed back into the bed and under the sheets. "Where would you like me to start?"

Kurt rolled his eyes. "I just said I have to clean these sheets. And you're laying in them."

"So. It's only cum."

Kurt made a face of disgust.

"Oh. Come on, Kurt can't it wait? That tired me out."

Kurt crossed his arms before sighing and giving in. He threw himself back against the pillow, pulling the covers up and over his own naked body.

The two men laid in silence for a bit. But the words were still burning in Kurt's head. He needed to know what Sebastian meant when he said that.

"So, did it live up to your expectations?" Kurt started. Sebastian's sleepy eyes looked over at him. "You said you've always imagined fucking me. I'd like to know if it lived up to your fantasy."

Even as tired as he was, Sebastian gave him his signature smirk. He turned his head fully to look at Kurt. And he leaned in. "Goodnight, Kurt."

Kurt was awoken by a beam of sunlight hitting him directly in the eye. His dry, sleep crusted eyes blinked open. It took him a minute to collect himself. Realization washed over him. There, lying next to him, was Sebastian Smythe. In his bed. At his parents house. On the morning of Christmas Eve.

Kurt couldn't help but stare at the man's sleeping figure. Or at least he thought he was still asleep until Sebastian opened one eye.

"Oh, good you're up." He croaked. His morning voice was thick and full of sleep. Kurts half hard cock twitched. He placed his arm in front of his crotch.

"How long have you been up?"

Sebastian shrugged. "Half an hour or so."

Kurt nodded before his eyes widened. "Crap! I'm never gonna hear the end of this from my dad."

"Uhhh, you're 27 years old. You still have to explain to your father that you needed some dick?" Sebastian scoffed.

Kurt rolled his eyes, swinging the covers off of himself and searching his luggage for a pair of sweatpants. "No. But he's gonna know we slept together. And he's gonna make it awkward."

Sebastian smirked. "So what." He brushed off.

Kurt rummaged through his luggage before finding his sweatpants and pulled them on as he shook his head. "I don't need my father knowing that! Can you please get dressed? You need to get home. It's Christmas Eve!"

Kurt didn't know what was worse. Sneaking in the morning after prom. Or sneaking Sebastian out after having him spend the night in his bed. In either situation, Kurt was embarrassed. He walked down the steps, holding his head high, hoping his father wouldn't say anything. As Kurt opened the door to say goodbye to Sebastian, the taller of the two turned back around to face him.

"Thanks again, for fixing up my truck."

Kurt nodded. "Yeah, no problem. Thanks again for offering to talk. I appreciate it more than you know."

"It was my pleasure." Sebastian smirked. "Thanks for last night.."

Kurt blushed. "I guess we could call it even."

"Sure thing, babe. Have a Merry Christmas."

"Yeah. You too, Smythe."

With a small nod and a wave Sebastian made his way down the two steps, the walk path and back into his truck. Kurt locked the door behind him and let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding in.

He built up the confidence and courage to walk into the kitchen, and did just that, strutting into the open space and right over to the coffee maker, brewing himself a cup. Burt looked at his son. Carole avoided eye contact with her husband, minding her business as she ate her eggs and toast. Burt placed down his coffee mug, and sat a little straighter in his chair. He cleared his throat, and Kurt knew what was coming.

"You have a habit of letting boys sleep in your bed in my home without asking."

Kurt rolled his eyes as he grabbed the vanilla creamer out of the fridge, not even turning to face his father he said, "boys? We're men. What am I fifteen again? Besides, Blaine used to sleep in bed with me all the time..."

"Blaine was also your fiancé."

Kurt slammed the plastic container on the counter whipping himself around. "Last night you told me it was fine if I wanted to see someone. Now you're bringing up Blaine, trying to make me feel guilty?"

Carole held the air in her chest, staring at Burt with wide eyes.

"I'm not trying to make you feel guilty! But-well-I didn't think you two were gonna do that here!" Burt sputtered.

Kurts hands flew to cover his eyes as he rubbed his face, groaning. "What's the big deal? We're adults! Why do you have to make everything so awkward!"

Burt shook his head. "I'm not trying to make it awkward.."

"You weren't even home! It's not like you heard anything!"

"Oh, god, Kurt, stop."

Kurt's face was flushed. He was completely and utterly embarrassed. Carole took this as a moment to interject.

"I think what your father is trying to say is that, it's one thing for you to want to move on and see other guys but maybe don't bring them home when there's a chance we could return.." she tried saying it as gently and as kindly as she could. She wanted Kurt to understand, "Honey, no one is angry at you for s-sleeping... with Sebastian; Burt just didn't like the idea that he could walk in on something we didn't need to see or hear."

Kurt threw his head back, mumbling nonsense under breath. "Ok, I'm sorry. I didn't realize we were back to square one when it came to guys coming over."

Burt held his son's glare, before he shook his head, pulling out the empty chair next to him. "Would you come sit? Let's talk."

Kurt sighed in defeat, grabbing his coffee and joining his family at the small table.

"I didn't mean to upset you. I understand you're going through a hard time right now. I didn't want to embarrass you in front of him. But I also don't want you bringing a new guy home every night just because.."

Kurt cut his father off. "Woah, dad! No, it's not like that."

"No, I know, I just want you to know..."

"I know, dad! I'm fine, really. Yes it's been hard. But I'm ok. I'll be ok."

"Have you even spoken to Blaine?" His father suddenly questioned.

Kurt gripped the handle of his coffee cup. "...why do you keep bringing him up?" He asked almost like he was in pain...which in theory he kind of was.

Burt and Carole shared a look. "He still calls me, Kurt. And he just wants to know how you are. If you're ok. If you and I have talked about the breakup. And why don't you answer him? And.."

"He knows why! I can't believe he's calling you. How long has this been going on?"

"A couple weeks maybe." Burt informed his son. Kurt shook his head and rested it in his free hand. "I want you to be able to talk to me when you're ready. I don't want you turning to bad habits to push away whatever you're feeling. That's all."

Kurt gave his father a slow nod. "Okay." He whispered. "Sebastian is not a bad habit. He isn't even a habit! It was one time!" His voice began to rise.

Carole stared sadly at her step son. She could tell how much he was hurting.

"Alright, I wasn't directing it at him specifically." Burt started, attempting to calm his son down. "But you remember what I told you, right! About not throwing yourself around like you don't matter.."

Kurt groaned. "Dad. Please, I am begging you. Stop. You have no clue what's going on..."

"You're right I don't. Because you refuse to talk about it."

"Because it's embarrassing! Because I-I left a man who loved me more than anything on the planet and for what? Because I'm afraid to get married? Because I'm afraid to be.. tied down? Because I want to experience more to life than just the same repetitive lifestyle!? I don't feel like talking about how I destroyed a twelve year relationship with someone who only ever wanted to love me to try and find myself again. I mean, doesn't that just make me sound selfish? And I don't know maybe I have the right to be! I've been stuck in the same relationship for so many years. I don't even know who I am anymore! I don't know who I am outside of a relationship with Blaine! And if I wanna throw myself around with guys, why can't I? Why are you even taking Blaine's calls? I told him we were done! That I needed time to myself! Away from him. My life isn't his business anymore. He doesn't need to know that everyday I wonder if I made the wrong decision! Because there are more days I regret it than I don't. I don't know what I want. I don't know how I feel! But I know that last night I wanted that! And you're trying to make me feel guilty about it. Are you happy now?" Kurt was red in the face. His eyes were wet with the angry tears that had fallen. Even Carole had tears in her eyes. Burt let out a deep breath. Tis the damn season.


"No..I need to be alone right now." Kurt stood up from the table and made his way back upstairs.The tears were streaming down his face but he wanted to do anything to distract himself from that. He began yanking the sheets off of his bed, throwing them in a pile to be brought down for laundry. He then made his way to the bathroom and stripped out of his clothes, hoping in the shower. The hot water wrapped him up in steam. And he soon couldn't tell the difference between his tears and the shower water.

The afternoon quickly rolled around, and Kurt found himself wearing his most festive attire he was able to pull together on such short notice of a trip. He stood in the kitchen with Carole cooking up their mini Christmas feast. As Kurt stood tossing together the salad, he found himself thinking about Sebastian.

I guess one crummy conversation really could change things...

These thoughts were unlike any he's ever had before. These were curious thoughts. Who was Sebastian Smythe? Because Kurt saw a totally new side of him yesterday. And not just the side of him that was under all those clothes. He wanted to know more. Surely he had changed since high school but even then, Kurt now wonders if maybe he'd just misunderstood the guy this entire time. They had a few things in common though many were different. The biggest one being Sebastian's complete and utter lack of fashion. Kurt found himself chuckling at that thought. Sebastian was whitty. Snarky. There were layers to him that Kurt desperately wanted to peel back. Where were these feelings coming from? Less than 48 hours ago he still thought Sebastian was a narcissistic ass. And if he was being honest he missed him. Especially his smile.

As Carole fried up some chicken, she took a moment to glance over in Kurts direction. She took notice of how much time the side of the chicken tender needed before walking closer to him. "The salad looks good." She gently spoke. Kurt turned and gave her a smile, which she returned with a single armed hug. "...I'm sorry I didn't speak up at breakfast. I just never want to overstep."

Kurt shook his head and turned to face his stepmother. "Carole, you can never overstep."

"Please don't be upset with your father. It's Christmas! He was just looking out for you.."

Kurt nodded. Crossing his arms over his thin frame. "Yeah, I know. That's not how I wanted to tell him, you know. There's just a lot going on in my head. I don't know why I'm so emotional.." his eyes started to well up with tears and he let out a sarcastic chuckle, for the tears had proven his very point.

"Aww, sweetie. Don't cry." Carole cooed, rubbing up and down Kurt's arm. "Your feelings are valid in every way. You don't have to talk about anything you don't feel ready for."

"I know that...does he really think I'm gonna throw myself around as a way of coping?"

Carole rolled her eyes. "I don't know what he thinks sometimes." she playfully chuckled. "He knows you though. He knows you're smart. And that you make the right decisions. And that you can handle yourself...He just has a soft spot for Blaine after everything that you two have been through."

"I think we all have a soft spot for Blaine." Kurt gently said with a shrug.

"Again, I don't wanna overstep, but did you ever think maybe talking to Blaine might help you feel less...regretful?"

Kurt shook his head no. "I don't want to talk to him. I'm not ready. I don't even know what to say. If I think too much about it I start to feel really guilty."

Carole nodded, understanding. She turned back to the stove to quickly flip the chicken over before returning back to her spot next to Kurt. "And, does Sebastian know what you've been going through?"

The man raised an eyebrow. "I mean...he knows Blaine and I aren't together. And that I've been having a bit of a hard time with it. But, no. He doesn't know the extent of it all. However, he's the first person I've even slightly opened up to about the whole thing."

Carole smiled sadly. "Well, I'm glad you feel comfortable enough around him to tell him. So, I assume he's grown up since high school?"

Kurt scoffed playfully. "If we dare classify his growth as grown up."

The two shared a laugh and went back to work cooking dinner, when Burt made his way into the kitchen. "Everything smells great!" Burt enthused as he placed down his cup of hot cocoa. He and his son shared a look. "Kiddo, can we talk?"

Kurt sliced up a cucumber only looking up to give his father a quick glance. Burt patiently waited for his son to speak. Kurt finished slicing the vegetable, throwing the slices into the salad bowl. "..sure." He finally said. He wiped his hands off with a paper towel and followed his dad into the living room, sitting on the couch.

"Let me speak before you try and cut me off, ok."

Kurt made a face and shrugged as if to say, go on.

"I apologize for this morning, alright? It wasn't my intention to upset you. I just wish I knew what was going on in your head. I look at you and I see someone I hardly recognize. You seem so... sad. And yes, I still take Blaine's calls. I've known the kid since he was 16. He helped you through so much. His father doesn't listen to him. The least I can do is be there for him too. Whatever went down between the two of you is between just you guys. But I always got you back, bud. I'm just looking out for you. I know you're your own man now and you can handle yourself but I'll always be your dad and I'm always gonna worry." Burt told his son. Kurt stared at his father, not saying anything. "...ok I'm done. You can talk now."

"I forgive you. I'm sorry about last night. I understand that may have been uncomfortable for you and that wasn't my intention. I'm sorry."

Burt smiled softly, clasping his son's shoulder. "Are we good?"

Kurt nodded. "Yes, dad. We're good." He chuckled.

The family had their small feast, just the three of them, and enjoyed every moment of it. Kurt missed them a lot more than he'd realized. Being away so many years really did make him learn to appreciate them more. He internally vowed to himself that he'd start making more frequent visits home. They chatted about old stories and memories. Laughed. Ate. Talked about the future visits Burt and Carole wished to take to New York. And soon, dinner was done. All three family members helped in cleaning off the table and counters. Loading the dishwasher and wrapping up any leftovers. Burt and Carole then headed to the living room to cozy up on the couch to watch a Christmas movie. Kurt would be joining them, but wanted to switch his load of laundry before sitting down and told them to go ahead and get started on the movie. As he made his way down to the basement where the washing machine was, he pulled his phone out of his pocket. Four text messages. And three missed calls. Two texts from Blaine. Two from Sebastian. And three phone calls from Blaine. Shit.

As if Kurt wasn't trying so hard already to ignore his ex. He took a deep breath. Let me just get this over with. He thought to himself. He slid open his phone to the missed call screen and dialed Blaine's number. It rang twice.

"Hello?" Came the groggy voice of Blaine through the phone speakers. Kurt felt his heart sink. It was the first time he'd heard Blaine's voice in four months.

"...hey." He responded.

"Oh my god, Kurt. You have no idea how good it is to hear your voice." Blaine sighed. "I've been trying to get a hold of you for weeks..." the man slurred. Kurt could tell Blaine had been drinking.

"I know. I told you I needed time." He gently informed him.

"I know, I know that, I know. I'm sorry. I just really needed to hear your voice... How are you?"

Kurt swallowed the lump in his throat. "I'm fine, Blaine. Why'd you call?"

"I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas. And let you know I'm thinking of you. And I miss you. Oh god, Kurt I miss you so much." Blaine's voice cracked. Kurt's eyes immediately began to water. He couldn't do this.

"Yeah. Merry Christmas, Blaine. I hope you're doing well." Kurt held back his tears fairly well, and managed to get that out. "Look I gotta go.."

"No! Please. Do-Don't hang up yet." The man on the line begged. "I just- I need to talk to you. I need to hear your voice. I need you. I miss you." Blaine listed.

Kurt shook his head. "I can't right now, I have to go. Thank you for calling, though. I'll uh...I'll text you when I can. Bye." And he hung up the phone, throwing it on top of the washing machine. He placed his elbows up on it as well and threw his face into his hands. And sobbed.

Why was this so hard.

He allowed himself to cry for just a few minutes needing to get it out of his system. Once he calmed himself down he went back to the task at hand; switching the laundry. He threw his sheets into the dryer. And picked his phone back up.

The texts from Blaine read:

6:45pm: Hey Kurt I'm sure I'm the last person you want to talk to today but I just want you to know I miss you more than you could ever imagine and I love you so very much. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Tell them I say hello.

8:39pm: I didn't meann t o call so manty times in a row I'm a littlesa drunk. I'm sorry I missyou. I love you. Merry Christmas. Pleaqse call me bachjk ok.

Kurt shook his head, closing out of the text thread between them and opened up the texts from Sebastian.

7:56pm: merry christmas hummel
9:04pm: asshole text me back tf

Kurt found himself rolling his eyes but immediately began typing out a response.

Sorry I was a little busy cleaning our cum sheets. Merry Christmas to you too.
Damn. I never took you to be so needy.

i am not needy i just expected a festive text back it's the least you could do for me
not my fault you came all over your sheets

Uhhh yeah. It kinda is...

i got you a present.


yup. can I give it to u tomorrow?

I didn't get you anything.

I can think of something that'll make up for it ;)

why wait until tomorrow?

Kurt shocked himself with that text. He was being bold. He was going after what he wanted. And it felt good! It was thrilling. And exciting.

u fr rn?

you've got about thirty seconds before I change my mind ;)






Kurt headed back up stairs walking past the living room and right up to his bedroom. He sat in front of the empty vanity and began fixing his hair, moving strands around until it was sitting exactly the way he wanted. He grabbed the can of hairspray out of his toiletries bag and began spraying in circular motions around his head. The red cardigan he had on, he decided to unbutton it to reveal a plain black shirt underneath. His dark wash jeans hugged the curve of his ass perfectly; he was glad he packed these jeans after all. He added a finishing spritz of cologne, brushed his teeth and walked back down to join his parents in the living room. His sudden appearance and freshly sprayed cologne didn't go unnoticed.

"Going out?" Carole queried, leaning forward. Burt turned his attention from the tv to his son. Kurt shrugged.

"Just for a drink." He lied. "Is that ok...?"

Burt chuckled. "Yes, Kurt. That's fine."

Kurt nodded and whispered a soft, "Okay."

"Just let me know if you're coming home or not, please? That's all I ask."

Kurt locked eyes with his father. He couldn't fool him even if he tried. "Yeah, ok. Will do."

They turned their attention back to the tv, while Kurt tried his best to focus on the Christmas film. But his thoughts were running wild in his head. He was so anxious to see Sebastian again. The drive from Westerville to Lima was almost two hours. He had about 50 more minutes to sit and wait.

Deciding to keep busy by finishing up the laundry. Folding the now clean sheets. Unloading the dishwasher for his parents. And at 11:30 Kurt received a text.

i'm here. now get that ass out here rn

Kurt giggled at the text, tossing it in his back pocket. He grabbed his coat and scarf off the hook and called out into the house.

"I'm leaving! I'll see you later!"

And closed the door behind him.

The New Yorker carefully made his way down the walk path to the truck and climbed in.

"Hey! How was the ride?"

"It was fine. How was your Christmas Eve?"

Kurt nodded. "Eh, I'd rather not talk about it right now."

They began driving, to where...Kurt wasn't so sure.

"...We're not going all the way to your house are we?"

Sebastian glanced over at Kurt. "Shit no. I can't wait another two hours. Do you know how hard it was not to touch my cock this whole ride down? I didn't know you were such a horny fuck, Kurt."

Kurt didn't know whether to smirk or roll his eyes; so he did a combination of both. Sebastian informed him that one the drive down he called many upon many hotels and motels but all have been booked out for the holiday.

"If you want we could just ride around. Find a spot. It's surprisingly roomy once you get the angle right." He simpered.

"Seriously? You couldn't find one anywhere?"

"Not unless you want a room at a sleazy hook up drug motel."

Kurt made a face of disapproval. "Yeah you're right. The car can't be that bad."

After about thirty minutes of driving around Sebastian found a snow plowed path that led to an empty parking lot.

"This good?" The taller of the two asked.

Kurt nodded. "Yeah, I've never even been here. I doubt anyone's gonna show up on Christmas Eve." He barely had a second to un-click his seatbelt and Sebastian's lips were ready on his. Sucking and nibbling. Wet kisses. Hot and hungry. Sebastian flung his coat off of his frame before pulling Kurt's own off. Sebatian looped his pointer finger through the belt loop on Kurt's jeans and yanked the man closer across the seat.

"What the fuck has gotten into you?" Sebatian groaned into Kurt's ear as he began kissing underneath it and all the way down his neck, sucking hard making sure to leave a mark.

"Just...you.." Kurt breathed out.

"That's so fucking hot, babe." Sebastian breathed out. Kurt suddenly felt a wave of heat. He needed to get out of this cardigan. He leaned away from Sebastian's touch giving himself just enough room to pull his sweater off and throw it on the ground in front of his feet. Sebastian took that as an opportunity to pull his own knit sweater off and over head. He immediately reattached their lips, slamming hard against Kurt's own. Sebastian continued leaving marks all over Kurt's neck and collarbone. He then helped Kurt out of his shirt.

"H-how do you wanna do this?" Kurt questioned, flushed.

"Have you never fucked in a car before?" Sebastian spat out.

Kurt scoffed. "Yes I have."


"I'll ride you if you want."

Sebastian cock painfully grew. He needed Kurt so bad. "Oh yeah? You like to be on top like that?" He asked, locking his green, dark eyes with Kurt's blues. The shorter of the two gave a quick nod. "Of course you do, you cock whore." Sebatian sat back and undid his pants, pulling them down, and letting them puddle at his ankles. Kurt kicked off his shoes and stripped out of his jeans and boxers, yanking his shirt off over his head, adding them to the pile of clothes on the ground. He swung one leg over the other man's, straddling him. And their hard cocks brushed against one another, earning a main from each man. "Kiss me right now." Sebastian demanded. And so Kurt did as he was told and leaned down and attached their lips. Kurt tried making his way down to Sebastian's neck but the man stopped him. "Uh uh. I don't like to be marked. I like letting other people know what's mine though." He informed Kurt, dazily.

"Do you have lube?" Kurt suddenly questioned.

"No. But I brought condoms this time!" The green-eyed man grinned. Kurt chuckled. Sebatian reached up and grabbed Kurt's face by his chin. "Hey, you'll be fine I promise. I know you can take my cock."

Kurt's breath hitched. He was so turned on right now. Sebastian brought his finger up to trace around Kurt's lips before slowly moving it inside his mouth, Kurt began to lick and suck at his finger. Sebastian smirked. He slowly pulled his finger out and brought his hand to gently rest on Kurt back, pushing the man closer to him.

"I'll help you out, ok? Here.." the hand that Sebastian had on the small of Kurt's back slid down through his ass crack. Sebastian used his now wet finger to trace around Kurts asshole. Before lightly pressing up against it. Kurt sucked in a sharp breath. Sebastian took his free hand and grabbed Kurt's cock, beginning to stroke it. "It's ok. You got this." He assured him, and fully pushed his finger against Kurt's entrance . Kurt took this opportunity to relax and allow himself to sink down onto Sebastian's finger. Kurt let out a moan of pleasure. Sebastian hummed in response. Kurt tightly closed his eyes.

"I want you so bad.." he whispered to the man. Sebastian carefully pushed his finger in and out a few times before adding another one. He noticed Kurt was still fairly stretched out from last night. The taller man let out a chuckle deep in his chest.

"I'm sorry I couldn't hear you. I thought I made it clear last night. I want you to be so fucking loud." Sebastian pushed his two fingers further inside Kurt, rubbing against his prostate. Kurt shuttered, and threw his head back, wrapping his arms around Sebastian's neck to stay stable.

"Holy Shit!" Kurt cried out.

Sebastian moaned. "Mmmhh yeah. Just like that."

Kurt allowed sebastian to fuck him with his fingers for a bit before he could hardly take it anymore. "I can't- I need you. Your cock. I want it."

Sebastian's dark eyes stared into Kurt's. "Yeah? You're ready for me?"

Kurt nodded. "I'm so fucking ready for you."

Sebastian smirked and pulled his fingers out of the man. He shifted himself a bit and straightened out his cock, putting it at the perfect angle for Kurt to sit on. "Then fucking show me."

Kurt sat up ever so slightly before lining his entrance up with the man's shaft, sinking down on it, completely filling him up. The moan that came out of both men sounded like a harmony to a melody.

"Shit. I knew we'd fuck again I just didn't think it would be this soon after..." Sebastian mused.

"Are you complaining?" Kurt teased with a raised eyebrow.

"Not at all, Hummel." He hummed, chucking. He gripped tightly at Kurt's waist.

Kurt wasn't sure what came over him, maybe it was being above Sebastian, but suddenly he felt so confident. He started deeply into the other man's eyes, and Sebastian watched them grow darker, and his cock twitched and grew slightly harder. "Good. Now stop talking and let me show you how much I want you."

"Oh-ho-ho-hoooo, yes." The taller man moaned out, relaxing into the seat, scooting down slightly giving Kurt a few more inches of head space. Kurt wasted no time showing Sebastian just how good he could bounce up and down on a cock. Sebastian's grip shifted on one side from his hip to the man's ass, holding a nice chunk of cheek in his hand. He used it as leverage to thrust himself deeper and harder into Kurt as the man continued to ride him. Sebastian's cock felt so good. But Kurt needed him to touch his own. He grabbed Sebastian's free hand and moved it down between them.

"Touch me." Kurt stated. Sebastian thrusted up inside Kurt, hard, and then stopped.

"I'm sorry. What was that?"

"I said, touch me." Kurt repeated.

A smile began to play on his lips. "What's the magic word?" He questioned.

"...please." Kurt whispered.

Sebastian grinned, leaning in and sticking his neck up in an attempt to touch his lips to Kurt's. Kurt leaned forward and just before they were about to kiss, "louder." The man whispered onto them. Kurt couldn't resist, and he attached their lips, hungrily kissing him. Breaking apart only to beg,

"Please, Sebastian, touch my cock. It's aching to be touched.."

And so, Sebastian reached back down between their bodies and wrapped his long, skinny fingers around Kurts throbbing dick, jerking the man off as he continued to slide on and off of his own. Kurt loudly cried out in pleasure. Sebastian moaning and groaning deeply and loudly.

At the sight of Kurt's pre-cum, Sebastian felt himself reaching a climax. "Oh, I'm getting close, Kurt. Please tell me you are too?"

Kurt nodded. "Yeah..." he panted. "I'm close. So close..."

Sebastian took the opportunity to bring his mouth to the other man's collarbone, biting and sucking, making sure to leave a nice, big, dark mark on him. That was enough to send Kurt over the edge. Kurts hands were tangled in the hair on the back of Sebastian's head. As he moaned out Sebastian's name, his cock twitched and he came all over both their chests and Sebastian quickly followed cumming inside the man, again. Kurt's head was once again thrown back as he allowed his entire body to feel every last bit of pleasure. He came so hard he felt himself grow light headed. Sebastian noticed and laughed. He reached his hand out to pull Kurt's head back in.

"Snap out of it, Kurt." Sebastian softly spoke in his ear. Kurt came to and as his vision came back he locked eyes with the other man.

"...your cock is amazing."

Sebastian smirked. "I know." He gave Kurt a slap on the ass to signal for him to get off his softening dick. "..look all I got are Lima bean napkins so...take it or leave it."

As Kurt adjusted himself in the passenger's seat he shook his head but couldn't fight the small smile that was growing on his face. "That's fine. It'll do."

The men cleaned themselves up, threw back on their clothes and cracked a window, letting the cold winter air come in. They sat in the car, catching their breath, appreciating the comfortable silence between them. Sebastian glanced over at the clock. 12:45.

"Merry Christmas." He said. Kurt looked over at him and smiled.

"Merry Christmas." And suddenly he felt a horrible pain in his chest, and his eyes were growing warm with tears. Before he could stop himself he started crying. Sebastian slowly turned to look at him.

"Kurt..? Are you alright? Are you hurt?" He asked, worried, but slightly uncomfortable. He didn't do well when it came to giving other's comfort. He turned his whole body to better face the man, scooting closer to him. Kurt shook his head.

"I'm fine. Well, I'm not fine. I'm not hurt...it just hurts..."

Sebastian was lost. "...Should I bring you to the hospital?" He asked with wide eyes and a jaw dropping expression. He was clueless.

Kurt once again shook his head, using the sleeve of his cardigan to wipe away the fallen, hot tears. "No. I just meant...this. The holidays. Being home. I thought leaving New York would make it hurt less." He sniffled. "But it didn't. No matter where I run it's not far enough to escape the memories. And I know I'm done for good. I left. I'm out. But...he called me tonight. And I called him back. And I hurt him, I hurt him badly. He's so...broken. I mean- it's Christmas and he's drunk and alone and...I'm fucking you in a car on the side of the road in fucking Ohio!" Kurt let out a broken sarcastic chuckle. "And, I hate to admit it but I think I miss him!" He shook his head in disbelief of it all. Sebastian nodded carefully. He understood what Kurt was trying to say.

"You guys are just processing it differently, Kurt. You thought about it for a while before deciding to leave him and to Blaine he probably didn't see it coming. Look I get it. When it comes to being home, especially for the holidays, everything just...lingers like a bad perfume. You can feel them everywhere. And I'm not gonna lie, when you go back home it's not gonna feel any easier. That ache you have...you shouldn't feel guilty for wanting to try and move on."

The tears were still rolling down Kurt's cheek but he nodded. "I know." He whispered. Sebastian was staring at Kurt.

Wow. He's pretty when he cries. Where the fuck did that come from? He thought to himself. As if his body was in a trance he found himself leaning in and gently kissing Kurt, who, though confused, kissed him back in return. When they pulled apart Kurt's wet lashes fluttered. And Sebastian's did the same.

"I..I don't know why I did that."

Kurt nodded. "It's ok. I didn't mean to just break down in front of you. Emotions are all over the place right now."

Sebastian nodded in agreement before turning the key in the ignition. "I know what'll help you."

"What's that?" He sniffled.

"Why don't we just ride around. We can talk about anything you want. It'll help you get your mind off of him for a bit."

"I like that idea."

"Good." The man smiled.

"However...I think I wanna talk about him, if that's ok."

Sebastian glanced over at him, before looking back at the road, rolling his eyes slightly. "Yeah. Go for it."

"Feel free to stop me at any point. I just need to get some things off my chest and, since you don't care, I find you the easiest to talk to..."

The taller man made a face as if to say 'go on', which Kurt did. He explained the whole break up to Sebastian. He told him how stuck he felt being in that relationship since his junior year of high school. He explained that he knows that a part of him will always love blaine. But he knows that after the first year he moved to New York and Blaine cheated on him, things had been different. He recalled the first time he came home to visit and to see the production of Grease at McKinley and how he and Sebastian bumped into one another, the memory playing back in both of their minds and he asked Sebastian if the jokes he made back then had some underlying meaning or if they were true. He replied that he truthfully didn't remember the comments he made at Kurt back then but he apologized for whatever they were or if they hurt him. He then recounted the time when after he and Blaine had gotten back together and they came home for Finn's funeral, he appreciated how kind Sebastian was to him during that time. Sebastian nodded but told Kurt he was getting off track. Kurt told Sebastian how something in his and Blaine's relationship changed forever after that cheating incident no matter how hard Blaine tried; not even a proposal could heal the hurt he had in his heart. And after all these years Kurt finally had the courage to let go, break off their engagement and move on. But even though he felt this way he knew all Blaine ever wanted to do was love him right. And Blaine always treated him well. And their sex life was great; they never had a problem there. But the last two years Kurt felt himself slipping away into someplace dark and he needed out.

"I do not mean to lay this all on you. I'm sorry. I-I should really stop." Kurt finished.

Sebastian let out a deep breath. "Holy shit. That was a lot to take in...do you want feedback?"

Kurt shrugged. "Why not. You're gonna give it to me anyway."

Sebastian giggled a bit before getting serious. "...Blaine texted me the night he cheated on you..."

Kurt's head whipped over in Sebastian's direction. "What?"

"Oh! Not like that! Blaine and I..we had reached this point of just friends for good at that time in our lives but he texted asking to meet up. It was...pfff i don't know 1:30 in the morning on a random like Wednesday. I only happened to see it because I was...well anyway. He came to Dalton. He was a mess. He told me what he did. And I told him he was a fucking idiot. And I told him he needed to get on a plane to New York the next day and go see you and tell you what he did. And he did it. But, I saw something in him that night. He really fucked up and he knew that but, he didn't wanna tell you. He wasn't going to. I told him 'then go to New York and look Kurt in the eye and lie to him, and see how that makes you feel'. Clearly, he couldn't do that. But, my point is that Blaine couldn't keep what he felt and what he did a secret from you. But you kept how you felt a secret all this time from him so that you wouldn't hurt him. If you ask me, no part of you wants to go back to that relationship. At least not right now. Who knows what's gonna happen in another year or so. It's ok to be upset. He's been your person for over ten years. Am I over-stepping?"

Kurt shook his head. "Not at all. You're being extremely nice and I'm scared." He admitted. Sebastian snapped out of it, returning to his normal state.

"Whatever. I was just trying to help. Not my fault now you wanna know what a bigger dick feels like. And for the record, I do remember what I said to you and yeah, it would've been awesome if we hooked up that first time you came back from New York because your new look was super fucking hot and I would've loved to make Blaine jealous."

"I'm glad you can make jokes about all of this."

The man behind the wheel shrugged. "Someone's gotta make you laugh."

"How lucky, it gets to be you." Kurt joked. "Ummm where are we going by the way? We've been driving for like an hour."

"Oh yeah. We're almost at my house. I thought maybe waking up on Christmas in a place with... zero memories might help. Plus, I left in such a hurry I forgot to grab your gift."

After a bit more of driving down untaken roads Kurt had never been down before they arrived at Sebastian's family home...or should he say estate. The Smythe abode was huge. There were large gates that led up a long driveway which circled up by the front door. There was only one other car, a black truck, parked in the driveway. Kurt took a quick moment to shoot his dad a text that he would be home tomorrow.

"You grew up here?" Kurt asked.

"Yeah. For the most part. I spent four years of my pre teen to teen years in Paris. That's a story for another time. And then I came home. Finished high school at Dalton. Then I moved out to LA after high school."

"You really like to tell your life story to a simple question."

"Hey, asshole, you asked."

The two men clambered out of the truck, Sebastian making his way to the front door and Kurt followed closely behind.

"Your parents are gonna be cool with you bringing me into their home?"

"Kurt. I'm almost 30 years old. They don't care how many men I bring home."

The other man nodded. "Right. Sorry."

The door unlocked and they walked in. Kurt found himself standing in an enormous foyer with two grand staircases on either side of the hall leading upstairs.

"Want a drink or anything?"

"Ummm, water's fine." Kurt mumbled out and he looked around at the decor. He noted that a lot of it was inspired by Parisian architecture and culture. He knows Sebastian mentioned he lived in Paris for some time but he was now intrigued if there was more to it. He was wildly impressed by his parents' home. "So, do you speak French?" He questioned bringing his gaze back down only to catch a glimpse of Sebastian rounding the corner. Kurt quickened his pace and followed him, not wanting to lose him in the giant home.

Sebastian chuckled as he opened up the fridge to grab Kurt a water bottle. "Oui." He smirked. "Pourquoi? Cela vous exciterait-il?" He asked, looking at Kurt through his lashes, his eyes, dark.

Kurt's eyes widened. "Un petit peu, oui." He breathed out in a chuckle.

Sebastian licked his lips. "...didn't know you were fluent."

"..didn't know you were, either."

"Why did you ask?"

Kurt took a sip of his water before speaking. "Well, in case you've forgotten you've mentioned quite a few times about your studies abroad in Paris. I also couldn't help but notice the Parisian influence on your home. It's very beautiful."

"Thanks. I'll be sure to tell my mom." He nodded with a smile. Sebastian threw his keys in the center of the island before turning around and walking out of the kitchen without a word. Kurt was quick on his feet to follow the man through the home and now up the large staircase. "I'm assuming you wanna shower? We probably reek of sex. It was so stuffy in that truck." Sebastian's voice echoed, quite literally through the entire home.

"Oh my god, Sebastian! You aren't even trying to be quiet!" Kurt whisper-yelled. "I don't need your parents hearing that!"

The other man rolled his eyes. "They don't care. I'm not worried." Brushing it off with a hand gesture.

They reached the end of the hall and stopped at a door which Kurt assumed to be Sebastian's bedroom, and he was right. His immediate reaction to the room was that it was nothing like he imagined. It was clean, organized and well decorated. So he knew it wasn't Sebastian's doing. "If only your sense of fashion was as impeccable as your bedroom."

The Dalton alumni made a quizzical expression. "What's wrong with my clothes?"

"Nothing, just everything!" Kurt grinned.

"Do you want to shower separately or...never mind. Dumb question. The guest bathr..."

"We can shower together." Kurt cut in. The taller of the two was frozen in place. "What? I'm not gonna turn down an opportunity to see you naked and wet." He smirked. Sebastian seemed to like that because he grinned right back.

"That's hot as hell." He took his finger and looped it through Kurt's belt loop and pulled him in closer. Their eyes locked and the green eyed mans' flicked down to Kurt's lips.

"Embrasse-moi.." Kurt whispered. And so Sebastian did just that, he leaned in and kissed Kurt. There was something so magnetic about him. He just couldn't keep his hands, his eyes and even his lips off of him. He never felt this way before about any guy, not even his ex. He let his free hand make its way down to the shorter man's ass.

"God, your ass looks so good in these jeans.."

Kurt cut him off again, with a kiss this time. It was soft and gentle but definitely passionate. There was an ensuite bathroom, of course. So the two men made their way to it, stripping down and getting in the shower. Sebastian used his height as an advantage to push Kurt up against the cold, wet wall, holding the man's arms above his head and kissing him deeply. Down his jaw, behind his ear, and then down his neck, sucking more dark marks all over the man. Their entire time in the shower consisted of kissing and touching and moaning and sucking and touching and feeling and more kissing.

Once out and dried off, Sebastian climbed into his bed, naked and completely exhausted. Kurt followed, snaking his way under the covers. It was weird laying next to a man who wasn't Blaine. Especially a man who wasn't even his. He didn't know the right or appropriate way to lay next to him. But his overthinking was cut short as sleep took over his body and he fell right asleep.

The next morning, Kurt woke up slightly confused before his memory caught up. He was in Sebastian's house. In his bed. Naked. On Christmas morning. He glanced over at the clock on the desk. It read 12:37. Ok. Christmas afternoon. It was at that moment he realIzed Sebastian had his arms wrapped around his waist, and his semi hard cock was pressed against his bare ass. Kurt rolled over slightly and Sebastian's eyes blinked open. He hummed.

"Finally. You're up."

There it was again. That deep thick morning voice.

"You been up a while?" Kurt asked him, clearing his throat.

"Somewhat. I didn't wanna wake you."

"You let me sleep in half the day? That was oddly nice of you."

Sebastian raised an eyebrow. "I've been nice to you all night. I let you sleep in my bed..."He defended, sitting up. He looked down at Kurt who was still laying on his side, staring up at him. "Got big, festive plans for the day?"

Kurt slowly shook his head. "Not really, no. Do you?"

Sebastian also shook his head no. "Nah, my parents are going to my uncles. I'm just chillin."

"I thought you came home so that you didn't have to spend Christmas alone?"

The taller man shrugged. "Yeah, I did. And I'm not. I'm stuck with you." He jested, flinging his hand in the direction of the other man. "Nah, it's not a big deal. I kinda like some alone time..." he let out an airy chuckle. Kurt smiled softly back at him.

"You're an interesting man..." Kurt suddenly said in a hushed tone, just barely a whisper.

"Oh yeah?" Sebastian egged on. Kurt only nodded. And that's when Sebastian felt it again. That magnetic pull. He wasn't even thinking when he leaned in and kissed Kurt. It was chaste, but it gave Kurt butterflies. When they pulled apart their eyes locked, and Sebastian shook his head as realization washed over him. "Kurt, what are we doing?" He whispered in a raspy tone.

Kurt's eyes filled with sadness. He didn't know what to say. "I don't know.." he meekly replied.

Sebastian sighed. "Hey, don't get me wrong. This has been super fun but we're both leaving. I'm flying home tonight." Sebastian abruptly informed his newly acquainted friend. The two held eye contact.

"Yeah I know. I'm going home tomorrow morning. Big New Years Eve party I must be in attendance for. Fingers crossed the male models are still coming." The New Yorker sarcastically commented, forcing a smile that didn't go unnoticed by Sebastian who decided to just give a nod

"So," he began, clearing his throat. "does that mean that you found your closure or whatever it was you were looking for?"

Kurt looked down at the bed sheets, suddenly finding them interesting. The fabric played between his fingers. He shrugged. "I guess..maybe."

"Just hook up with one of those models if you're feeling down. You can always pretend it's me!" He winked.

Kurt gave a sad smile in response. Why was his heart aching so much? The thought of going home and leaving the past few days in the past? The thought of going home and not knowing where his head was at? The possibilities of seeing Blaine? Or having those memories come flooding right back?

"Can I speak openly?" The taller of the two gently questioned.

Kurt raised an eyebrow. "Since when don't you?"

That caused Sebastian to laugh a bit before he continued on with his statement. "No matter what happens when you go back to New York, you're gonna be ok. Write this down, put it in your notes, make a mental reminder of it, I don't care, but just know that you deserve someone who's gonna make everyday feel like an adventure worth living and going on together. Honestly, I'm rooting for you and Blaine. Maybe that's not what you wanna hear, but maybe I fucked up your head more by opening up this door. I know you feel whatever this thing is between us but Kurt, I can't be that guy for you. Right now you're working on you. And that's great! You should be. Everyone needs to find themselves. But don't burn your bridge with Blaine until you know for sure where you two stand."

Kurt was staring up at Sebastian in complete and utter shock and confusion. What the fuck did he just say?

"Now, I'd love to lay here all day for old time's sake, but something tells me that would be the worst thing for us to do right now. And I'm sure your family would like to see you before you go."

Kurt nodded, trying to focus on the words Sebastian was speaking and not the ones echoing in his mind. "Uhhh, yeah. You're right. I really should get home."

Sebastian suddenly felt his heart ache. He had so much more he wanted to say. But he couldn't bring himself to do so. He knew it would be better to keep his mouth shut and to push those feelings aside.

"Right, well, I got a few things to take care of before I leave tonight anyway, so I guess we should get going." He plainly began, stretching out and throwing the covers off of himself. He grabbed himself some clothes, tossing them on the bed before turning around to look at Kurt with his half hard cock just out and about. He quickly changed, and midway through Kurt snapped out of his daze and slipped back into his own clothes from the night before. "Cmon, Hummel. I gotta bring you all the way back to Lima. I don't know what Blaine was thinking, doing this drive everyday."

Kurt cleared his throat. "Umm, can we not talk about him anymore. I thought the whole point of you bringing me to your house was so that I didn't have to think about him or memories or..."

"You're right. My bad."

"Sebastian?" Kurt gently spoke. This caused the other man to stare directly and deep into Kurt's eyes. It was strange hearing his name come out of Kurt's mouth like that. Kurt thought on it for a moment before changing his mind at the last second. "Where's my present?" He smirked. Sebastian let out a breath and his shoulders relaxed a bit and he laughed.

"Good thing you reminded me. It's under the tree, Kurt. Duh."

They headed downstairs and passed the ginormous kitchen into the living room. The ceilings were tall, and it had a skylight. The tree almost touched the top of the room. Under the tree was a good amount of gifts. And sitting right on top of a box was a small one with Kurt's name written on it. Sebastian leaned down and picked it up. He began to hand it to Kurt but then suddenly pulled back.

"Ok, look I'm not gonna lie this is probably the gayest thing I've ever done. And that's really saying soemthing cause I fuck men. But just, I know it's corny, and gay, but whatever I don't care here, open it." The man sputtered.

Kurt laughed. "Aw, you're embarrassed!" He sing-songed. Sebastian rolled his eyes and crossed his arms and watched as Kurt unwrapped the small box. Inside the box was a small tree ornament; a coffee cup to be exact.

Kurt looked up at Sebastian. "This is really sweet." He simply said.

Sebastian rocked on his feet suddenly feeling awkward. The gift was too much, wasn't it?

"Yeah we'll, it's just a little something. I don't know, it reminded me of you. So..."

After the slightly awkward gift exchange, the two men were ready to hit the road and they headed out right away. However, Kurt was still confused. Something between he and Sebastian had definitely changed. The way the man was talking to him changed. But he'd flip-flop between being overly kind to being quiet and quick.

A few minutes on the road they stopped for coffee at a local shop which Kurt of course recognized. They were only a few minutes from Dalton. And Kurt kind of wanted to visit the old building.

"Can we go to Dalton?" Kurt broke the silence in the car.

Sebastian furrowed his brows. "Now? Why?"

Kurt shrugged. "We're right by it. I haven't been back in years."

"Yeah, sure." Sebastian simply replied. They drove the short distance to the school and he parked his car between an old church and the school's gates. Kurt stared at it, sipping his coffee. And for once, he didn't feel pain thinking about the memories this place held.

"I really do miss how simple life was..."

Sebastian sipped his own coffee. "Yeah, I get that. There's definitely things I would've done differently though."

Kurt turned his attention from the fogged up window to Sebastian. "Like?"

"I would've transferred back sooner. And swept you off your gay little doc marten covered feet. And snagged that v card before him." He smiled, fully convinced he just gave Kurt a compliment. Kurt tilted his head in slight confusion.

"Ok, I wasn't gonna say anything but you've been giving me mixed signals all day."

Sebastian swallowed his sip of coffee. "What do you mean?" He shot Kurt a puzzled look. "I thought u made it clear.."

"You did. But then... last night...I don't know. I felt like we were actually connecting. And getting along."

"...Kurt, I thought we agreed this wasn't going to mean anything. We were both just lonely. And horny."

Kurt took in a breath. "Yeah. I know that. We were. We are. That's all this is. Was. But what you brought up before we left. I mean..." Kurt trailed off. He couldn't form the right words.

Sebastian was quiet for a moment. "Look, I think you're super hot and you fuck really good but that's all this thing between us was ever going to be. I'll admit I have been enjoying your company. But after tonight, I'm going back to LA. You're going to New York. We're going back to our real lives. This was all no strings attached and shit, right?" Sebastian was lying through his teeth. He knew something deeper was growing and he only had himself to blame.

Kurt nodded. "Yeah. I'm not looking for anything. Just wanted to make sure we were on the same page." He lied back. Why was he doing this? Allowing himself to hurt his own heart more. What happened to taking chances and going after what he wanted...

Sebastian smiled sadly. "Glad we're in agreement then."

They sat for a few more minutes sharing old memories about the school before hitting the road and starting the two hour drive back to Lima.

Sebastian pulled up to Kurt's old home and for the first time there was an awkwardness surrounding them.

"Thanks for the ride." Kurt quietly said, looking over at the man behind the wheel. "So, I guess this is it then?"

Sebastian nodded slowly. "Yep.."

Kurt sat staring at Sebastian. He wanted to ask him to wait. Not to leave. To just spend one last night with him. But the other man wasn't showing any signs of asking Kurt to stay. And even though Kurt knew that they were in an agreement, a small part of him that was feeling something different was holding out hope that maybe part of Sebastian was feeling it too. Something about these last two days with him and made Kurt feel things again. But Sebastian made it clear how he felt. And Kurt agreed.

"Alright. Well, I enjoyed being yours for the weekend." Kurt said with a quick wink which earned him a laugh from Sebastian. Yeah. He was gonna miss that smile.

"Anytime, babe."

He watched Kurt get out of the car and refused to let anything come out of his mouth. He could feel his heart breaking. It was a strange feeling. One he really wasn't used to.

Kurt made his way up the walkway to the front door. He didn't want to turn around. He didn't want to see Sebastian drive off. He reached the door and took the key out of his coat pocket. And as soon as he unlocked it he heard the truck take off down the road. He let out a sigh and headed inside.

The rest of the evening was spent opening gifts, going through old home videos and photos. Drinking hot chocolate and eating lots of cookies. And watching Christmas movies. But now Kurt had two men on his mind. And he felt even more confused than he did before. At this point all he wanted was to go back to his apartment in New York and just hide from everyone. He had an early morning flight; 9 am. So that night he packed his luggage back up, got ready for bed and slept for the few short hours he could. His dad offered to drive him to the airport, which he did. The car ride was fairly quiet, and Burt of course questioned his son if everything was good. Kurt just blamed it on his tiredness. He hugged his dad goodbye and headed into the airport.

The flight was quick. The cab ride home was annoying of course. But once Kurt was home in his apartment, he left his bags in the kitchen, yanked off his coat and scarf, kicked off his shoes and plopped right on the couch. That's when he heard shuffling coming from the bedroom. Kurt groaned out in frustration. He was not in the mood to deal with this right now. And sure enough Blaine came walking out of the bedroom and into the living room area. Kurt sat up and they made eye contact.

"You're back." Blaine quietly spoke.

"What are you doing here?"

"I-I didn't know you were coming back so early. I just wanted to get some of my stuff. And...I just missed our bed."

"You've been staying here?"

Blaine looked down at his feet, embarrassed. "Just the last couple nights. I-I'll leave the key. I'm sorry."

Kurt couldn't look at him much longer. Fuck. It still hurts. He turned his head, his gaze landing on the coffee table. The angle at which he had turned had exposed his entire neck and part of his collar bone. And Blaine immediately noticed the dark red and purple marks all over him.

"Who have you been fucking?" The shorter man blurted out, anger taking over him and his voice. Kurt's head snapped back in Blaine's direction.

"Excuse me?" Kurt questioned in shock. How could he even know that? Blaine began walking over to him and Kurt stood up from the couch.

"Your neck!" Blaine's voice raised, but shook as his eyes welled with tears. "Who? Who did that? Who have you been seeing? Is-Is that-Is he why?" The dark haired man couldn't even get words out. Kurt closed his eyes tightly and it took everything in him to not let that sob escape.

"No, Blaine. There is no other guy. He was no one. It was just a hookup. It doesn't matter. You and I aren't even together."

Blaine shook his head as tears streamed down his face. "That's such bullshit! What the fuck, Kurt? You could've at least told me. It was Christmas for Christ's Sake! And I was here, alone. And you were getting railed by some stranger back home? Real nice."

Kurt's breath hitched. He didn't know what to say. He shook his head as a single tear fell. "Yeah, I know! I already beat myself up about it enough, Blaine. I don't need to hear it from you. I don't need this right now. I told you we were done. I told you I needed a break and that I didn't wanna see you!"

"I gave you a break! We haven't talked in months! I deserve an explanation! You left me...with no reason why."

Kurt aggressively wiped away his tears. "The reason is that I don't feel the same way about you like I did when we were 17. I'll always have love for you. I'll always care about you. But there hasn't been a spark here in a long time."

"That's not true." Blaine's voice broke as he let out a sob.

"Yes it is. At least for me."

"And this random guy. He...he gave you a spark? He gave you something that I couldn't? I'm sorry...am I not well enough endowed for you?" The hazel eyed man was growing angry.

"It was never about sex, Blaine. You know that! Stop."

"No! Clearly not." He sarcastically spat. "That's why you went home for Christmas and came back with marks all over your fucking body from another man! Was he bigger? Better in bed? How long have you two been talking? Was it a one time thing? Probably not. He's most likely the reason you're leaving me. Oh, oh, so I cheated on you ten years ago so you decide to cheat on me to get back at me months before our wedding? Is that it? What did he have that I don't?" He was cut off by Kurts aggravated voice.

"Oh my god! Do you hear yourself right now? You sound completely out of it. We're no longer together! You need to accept that. You need to move on."

"No. No, I refuse to accept that. I will fight for you. I will fight for us!I love you. I love you so much with all my heart. I know we can fix this! I know I can give you that spark again. I just need you to give me a chance. Please. I'm begging you, Kurt. Please!" Blaine cried out.

Kurt felt the hot tears falling down his cheeks. "I'm sorry, Blaine. I just- I can't right now..."

Blaine took a few steps closer to his ex-fiancé. He reached a hand up to wipe away Kurt's fallen tears, shocked the man didn't completely pull away. But Kurt refused to look Blaine in the eyes.

"...hey." Blaine whispered. "Plesse, look at me."

Kurt shut his eyes tight and looked down as a broken sob escaped his lips. He shook his head. He didn't want to look at Blaine. It all hurt too much. Blaine's own tears were still falling. He moved his hand under Kurt's chin and placed his thumb there, then lifted up his face. Kurt reluctantly opened his eyes. His bright, wet blue eyes met Blaine's hazel ones.

"I'm sorry." Kurt whispered. "I never meant to hurt you. I just thought I was doing the right thing for me. The truth is I have no idea what I want. It isn't right to string you along. I'm just confused, I guess."

Blaine shook his head. "But that's ok! Kurt, don't you get it. I love you no matter who you are or who you wanna be. If you're confused about shit, then talk to me." He desperately pleaded. "These last couple of months have been literal hell. I miss you everyday. I can't eat. I can't sleep. I can't even play my music without you. I just want to hear your voice and see your face everyday."

Kurt aggressively wiped away his tears. The whites of his eyes were turning a bright red.

"Just tell me the truth. Is there someone else?"

"No..." Kurt breathed. "God, I...it was just a one time thing. It didn't mean anything. I was lonely and so was he. But there's no one else, Blaine."

"So then let's work on us! Let's fix this!" The shorter man boasted. Kurt shook his head no.

"I just told you I'm not ready for that. I still need time! Can you please just leave? We can finish this conversation another time."

Blaine didn't want to leave. But he knew he shouldn't push Kurt to talk anymore. Things escalated way too quickly. And Blaine wasn't in a good place mentally to have this conversation with his ex right now. He turned around, left the key on the kitchen counter and left the apartment. As soon as the door shut behind him Kurt started walking over to the counter. Anger suddenly flushed over him. He turned around and punched the wall. Bad decision. He immediately regretted it. Rushed over to the freezer and pulled out some ice. Was he crying because of the pain in his knuckles or in his heart? Maybe both.

Sebastian stood on his balcony at his home in Orange County. The weather was fairly cool, but the sun was still out. He closed his eyes and looked up at the sun, soaking in all its warmth. Since landing, his phone hadn't stopped ringing with calls about meetings and conferences and castings and agencies looking for talent. And right now, his head just wasn't there. He kept replaying that last day he saw Kurt over and over in his head. So many things he wanted to say. But he told himself he wasn't gonna jump into anything just yet. And he knew Kurt wasn't ready for anything either. He had lied and told Kurt he was rooting for him and Blaine. Not because that's what he believed but because he knew he couldn't ever be the right man for him. But he knew Blaine was willing to be. Kurt just left a twelve year relationship, and Sebastian was sure the last thing he wanted was to get involved in a long distance hook up no strings attached friends with benefits sort of thing.

Two months into the new year, and Kurt hadn't heard a word from Sebastian. He allowed himself alone time to focus on himself and his career, which was actually working out in his favor. Him and Blaine were able to have a sit down conversation and Kurt was open and honest about everything he'd been feeling. However, he never mentioned just exactly who he hooked up with that week home in December, deciding if they wanted to make this relationship work again there would be no need to start it off with such an awful bit of information.

As March was approaching, so was Kurt and Blaine's move. They decided to move back in together. Into a new place. With more space. More room for each other to do their own thing. Without being on top of one another all the time. And with that being said, Kurt found Blaine on top of him that same night after the move. Again, sex with them was never the issue. It's where they felt the most connected. And somehow, in some way, that night something inside Kurt changed, and it wasn't just the dick he was taking. He felt a spark with Blaine again. After they fucked they cuddled up in bed, and Kurt found himself wanting to be closer to the man again. To talk to him. To relearn things. To reshare things. And by mid-June the couple was back together, and re-engaged.

Kurt had made the decision that if he wanted to have control in his life and get out of his rut he should be allowed to make some of the bigger calls. And that's why they had spontaneously booked a flight to Ohio where they'd be eloping with the attendants and support of their parents (excluding Blaine's father).

The ceremony was quick and easy. Burt, Carole and Pam Anderson were there to celebrate the marriage of their sons. Both families couldn't be happier that finally, after all these years, their boys had managed to make it work. They had a lovely dinner and all reminisced on old times. Many upon many photos were taken. And for once in a very long time Kurt felt happy with where he was. He gave their love another chance. His career was at an amazing turning point. He was confident in the person he was becoming. After dessert the couple headed back to their hotel. Made love. And cuddled up for the night. And of course the following morning they just had to go to the Lima bean, for old times sake.

Blaine ordered their usual coffees along with the biggest cookie they could offer to share with his husband, and patiently waited for the drinks to be made. "Oh, babe, would you mind grabbing us some napkins?"

Kurt smiled. "Sure thing!" He made his way over to the small counter with everything from utensils to lids to napkins, grabbing a few, and as he turned around to head back over to the line he slammed right into someone's shoulder. "Shit! Sorry! I really need to start paying more attention when I come to this place..."

"I think you're doing it on purpose now." The voice of Sebastian Smythe spoke. Kurt's jaw was slightly ajar.

"Sebastian...You're back?"

"So are you." Sebastian noted with a firm nod. The memories from six short months back came flooding through Kurt's mind. And he found himself blushing. "What brings you into town this time?"

Kurt stuttered on his words and ultimately decided on just holding up his left hand. Sebastian raised an eyebrow.

"Wow. Married. I guess that means you two worked things out?"

Kurt nodded. "Yeah. We did. I have you to thank. I would've reached out but.. I just haven't heard from you. I thought maybe you and I were back to square one, you know. And by the way, before you say anything, Blaines doesn't know that we.." he trailed off, easing his eyebrows in hopes that would say the words he didn't need to say in public. He should've known better though.


Kurt's eyes nearly popped out of his skull. Sebastian laughed. And it was at that moment that Blaine walked over.

"Sebastian? No way! What the hell is going on, man?" Blaine greeted his old friend with open arms. Sebastian allowed himself to be engulfed into the hug and he winked at Kurt over Blaine's shoulder.

"Not much! I was just congratulating Kurt on the marriage! He just told me. So I suppose congratulations are in order for you as well."

Blaine smiled and nodded as he handed his husband his coffee.

"Listen I actually gotta run, but you two, enjoy married life. And Kurt, it was really good to see you again...Si la vie conjugale ne marche pas, envoie-moi un texto.." The taller man winked before striding his way out of the coffee shop.

Kurt was left speechless.

"What did he say?" Blaine slowly returned his focus back on Kurt, who cleared his throat.

"Uhhh I don't know, I'm a little rusty. Something about...a safe flight home." He lied.

"Aw. That was sweet." Blaine cooed.

Every damn time. Sebastian Smythe.

Back home in New York, Kurt was unboxing a few new packages of decor he ordered for his office when his phone started ringing. It was his publicist.

"I know Stella, Vogue still wants to do 73 Questions with me. You can let them know I just got back from my elopement and as soon as my schedule opens up- "

"Would you care to explain to me why you're all over page six naked in a pick up truck in the middle of Ohio with some random man?"



"I'm gonna have to call you back."

Kurt hung up the phone, dropped everything he was doing and immediately looked up his name and page six. And sure enough there were photos of him and Sebastian in his pick up truck from all those months ago. One thing they didn't take into consideration. Surveillance cameras.

The headline read New York Fashion Designer Kurt Hummel of 'Hummel Brug' caught red bottomed in a pickup truck in Ohio back in December

it always leads to you in my hometown....

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