The Otherworlders Academy - A...

By paulapdx

378K 1.8K 2.6K

Teenage Vampyrs, Enchanteds, and Shapeshifters join the Otherworlder Academy to train to fight off a demon ho... More

❇️ Character Art ❇️
Ep. 1.1 (R) - Sebastian & Farid
Ep. 1.2 (R) - Sir Geoffrey Sends the Boys Off
Ep. 1.3 (R) - Cameron, Inez, and Aidan
Ep. 1.4 (R) - Patrick, Ava, and Jake
Ep. 1.5 (R) - Welcome to the Academy: This is Why You're Here
Ep. 1.6 (R) - Fiona & Farid
Ep. 1.7 (R) - Show Me What You've Got - End of Episode 1
Ep. 2.1 (R) - You're Gonna Have to Work for It
Ep. 2.2 (R) - Secrets, Secrets, and More Secrets
Ep. 2.3 (R) - Secrets Never Stay Buried
Ep. 2.4 (R) - Like Oil and Water
Ep. 2.5 (R) - Will They or Won't They?
Ep. 2.6 (R) - Ava & Farid Have a Chat
Ep. 2.7 (R) - Into the Field. Into the Forest. Into the Fire.
Ep. 2.8 (R) - Well, That Was a Bust!
Ep. 2.9 (R) - It's Not As Bad As It Looks
Ep. 2.10 (R) - So... What Are You Getting At?
Ep. 2.11 (R) - This One's On Us
Ep. 2.12 (R) - Oy! - End of Episode 2
Ep. 3.1 (R) - Mission... Sort of, Impossible
Ep. 3.2 (R) - Cain and Abel
Ep. 3.3 (R) - Ride or Die
Ep. 3.4 (R) - You're Not The Boss of Me
Ep. 3.6 (R) - Who Let The Gryphon Out?
Ep. 3.7 (R) - You Want Me to Wear What?!
Ep. 3.8 (R) - So, What's in This Again?
Ep. 3.9 (R) - Did You Hear That?
Ep. 3.10 (R) - Yes 'Cause I Be Trippin'
Ep. 3.11 (R) - A Cross-Cultural Exchange
Ep. 3.12 (R) - Hmm... Something's Up...
Ep. 3.13 (R) - That's Just Bonkers!
Ep. 3.14 (R) - So, What You're Saying Is...
Ep. 3.15 (R) - Tension & Triangles
Ep. 3. 16 (R) - Can I Tell You Something?
Ep. 3. 17 (R) - Where Did He Go?
Ep. 3. 18 (R) - Are You Impressed Yet?
Ep. 3. 19 (R) - Just a Little Taste
Ep. 3.20 (R) - Sorry, My Hands Are Tied
Ep. 3.21 (R) - Can You Give Me a Hand?
Ep. 3.22 (R) - This Is Not The End - End of Episode 3
S2-Ep. 4.1 (R) - It's Good to Be Back - SEASON 2
S2-Ep. 4.2 (R) - How YOU Doin'?
S2-Ep. 4.3 (R) - Squeeee!!!
S2-Ep. 4.4 (R) - The Adventure Begins!
S2-Ep. 4.5 (R) - Have I Got a Project for You!
S2-Ep. 4.6 (R) - Going Home
S2-Ep. 4.7 (R) - Resistance is Futile
S2-Ep. 4.8 (R) - But, I Love Him
S2-Ep. 4.9 (R) - What on Earth Will I Wear?
S2-Ep. 4.10 (R) - Bigotry Abounds
S2-Ep. 4. 11 (R) - An Advdnture Awaits
S2-Ep. 4.12 (R) - The Obstacles in Our Path
S2-Ep. 4.13 (R) - The Charm Offensive
S2-Ep. 4.14 (R) - You Want Me to Go Where?
S2-Ep. 4.15 (R) - There's Always a Way
S2-Ep. 4.16 (R) - Beauty and the Beast
S2-Ep. 4.17 (R) - The Debrief
S2-Ep. 4.18 (R) - Aw, Man! - End of Episode 4
S2-Ep. 5.1 (R) - What's the Plan?
S2-Ep. 5.2 (R) - Surprise!
S2-Ep. 5.3 (R) - You Don't Say?
S2-Ep. 5.4 (R) - What'cha Doin'?
S2-Ep. 5.5 (R) - So What You're Saying Is...
S2-Ep. 5.6 (R) - Home, Sweet Home
S2-Ep. 5.7 (R) - Welcome to My Lair
S2-Ep. 5.8 (R) - Are You Serious?
S2-Ep. 5.9 (R) - This Is How We Do It
S2-Ep. 5.10 (R) - Do I, or Don't I?
S2-Ep. 5.11 (R) - A Damsel in Distress
S2-Ep. 5-12 (R) - The Plan's Afoot
S2-Ep. 5.13 (R) - Someone Get the Clown Car!
S2-Ep. 5.14 (R) - I swear to the gods!
S2-Ep. 5.15 (R) - Know Your Limits
S2-Ep. 5.16 (R) - Plan B... Sort of...
S2-Ep. 5.17 (R) - And So It Begins
S2-Ep. 5.18 (R) - To Tell You The Truth

Ep. 3.5 (R) - We're Just Hangin'

316 20 37
By paulapdx

Fiona walks across the academy courtyard, headed for the training facility.

Sebastian sees her and runs to catch up.

"Hey! Where are you headed?" he asks.

"The gym. You?"


"Cool," Fiona replies.

Sebastian shifts his gym bag from one shoulder to the other and falls into step next to her.

"So, did Farid get off okay?" Fiona asks.

"Yeah, he got off fine," Sebastian quips, scowling as he shoves his hands deeper into his pockets.

They walk together in silence for a moment, and then Fiona looks over at him, "Okay, what's wrong?" she asks.

Sebastian, clearly sulking, shrugs. "Nothing."

Fiona stops short. She tilts her head and folds her arms over her chest, leveling a very deliberate gaze at Sebastian. "Bash," she says. "I've known you for, like... well, like, forever. And I can just feel," she gestures, her hand making a figure eight in front of her, "all this frustration and self-pity oozing from your every pore." After a beat, she tugs his arm and asks again. "Come on, tell me. What's going on?"

Sebastian lets his head fall back, looks up at the sky, and sighs. He starts to walk again, and Fiona follows.

"It's just I don't understand why the Masters are sending Farid out on this first mission," he says. "Everyone knows that I should have been the one to go out, not Farid," he adds woefully. "It's not fair."

Fiona gives him a sidelong glance. "It's not fair because...?" Her voice rises to help tease out a response.

"Because it's my right, as First Son," Sebastian complains. "I should have the honor of being one of the first sent out on a mission. I'm not afraid, you know." He glances at Fiona. "It's an honor, an honor that's mine, by custom and decree."

Fiona bites back a laugh. "Oh, Bash," she says, shaking her head slowly. "I don't think our customs or decrees count for much here."

"Well, they should!" Sebastian retorts with a pout.

"Okay, so let me see if I've got this straight," Fiona posits. "You tried to play the First Son card, and it didn't work, so now you're pissed. Is that it? Is that what this is all about?"

"Well, wouldn't you be upset?" Sebastian says, as if it's a natural assumption.

"No!" Fiona scoffs. "Bash, you've been playing the First Son card your entire life. You play it on everyone, except for Farid. That's why you two get along so well--why you two are so close. Why pull this crap on him now?" she asks, nudging him gently with her shoulder.

Sebastian doesn't respond.

After a few steps, Fiona grabs him and stops him in his tracks. She places her hands on his shoulders and gently shakes him, as if to try and force some sense into his stubborn head.

Fiona leans in to make sure she's gotten Sebastian's attention. "Look," she says quietly. "I know a gesture like this is very important to you—it's important to your family's honor—but that's only in our world, Bash. Because deep down, you know our culture's social hierarchy is bullshit. It's a farce and you're better than this, much better than this. So, why be petulant and throw a temper tantrum just because as a First Son, you can?"

Sebastian looks at Fiona and sighs, then he looks away. After a long moment, he purses his lips as if he's about to say something but doesn't, perhaps thinking better of it.

As they stand in the middle of the courtyard, Fiona can see that Sebastian is grappling with the mixed emotions he's feeling. So, she cups his cheeks, forcing him to look at her. "Bash," she says. "There's something you need to understand. Your brother is not your enemy. He's not even your competition. He's your best friend. Wouldn't you agree?"

Sebastian nods silently.

"Okay, then," Fiona continues, "please don't be an ass about this and let your ego get in the way of the very special friendship. With Farid, you've got the kind of bond very few First and Second Sons ever have. And while you probably won't believe me when I say this, there is enough room here for both of you. Trust me, you'll get your chance to shine."

Sebastian stares at Fiona for quite some time. And then, out of the blue, he throws his head back and laughs. On impulse, he reaches up and pulls Fiona to him and kisses her forehead tenderly.

"You're so right, Fi," he acknowledges, gazing at her gratefully. "I'm being ridiculous, aren't I? I'm really not seeing the bigger picture here." He shakes his head and takes a deep, soothing breath. Then, he looks at her and says, "Has anyone ever told you that you're incredibly perceptive, a frickin' genius, in fact?"

Fiona smiles as she links her arm with his and guides him forward.

"Well," she says playfully. "It has  been mentioned a time or two." Her smile widens. "You know, you and Farid should listen to me more often. It'd make your life much  easier." She gives him a wink.

Sebastian scoffs "Perhaps," He says. "But why make life easier? I mean, what would be the fun in that?"

Fiona playfully punches him in the arm and they both laugh as they make their way to the gym.


Inez and Cameron are camped out on a wool blanket in the middle of the training field. They're studying for an exam on a particular set of charms and spells.

Inez is seated cross-legged next to Cameron, who's lying on his back with his arm tucked beneath his head, staring up at the sky.

Inez shuffles through a set of index cards until she spots a good question to ask him.

"Okay," she says. "Let's try this one. In order to protect yourself from either fire or a fireball you need to...?" She looks at him in anticipation.

Cameron closes his eyes, contorting his face as he tries to remember. He sucks in a breath through his teeth, as he starts to get closer to an answer. Opening one eye, he looks at Inez and says, hesitantly, "create an electromagnetic field with Alewyn's repelling spell?"

"Yes!" Inez pumps her fist in the air. She plops the cards down on the blanket. "Cam, you know this stuff! I don't know why you thought you needed me to help you study. You're so set for this exam."

Cameron rolls onto his side and bends his arm, propping his cheek in the palm of his hand. "Well, maybe, maybe not," he replies. "I haven't read Talley's Book of Diffusive and Defensive Magic in such a long time."

"Who has?" Inez shrugs. "I mean, seriously, why would you? It was all hypothetical back in our Seventh Year." She reaches into her book bag and pulls out a small container of baby carrots. She offers some to Cameron, but he refuses.

Chomping down on her snack, Inez says, "Cam, I think you'll do just fine on this exam. You have a great memory, and you often do well under pressure."

"Hmm...?" he responds. Distracted, he plays with an index card, mentally debating whether or not to bring up something that's been on his mind.

"Sooo..." he begins as he taps the corner of the index card on the blanket. "How's Jake doing?" He looks up at Inez to gauge her reaction to his question.

"Oh, not bad!" Inez answers cheerily. "Whatever that shaman did, it seems to be working because he's healing much better now." She crinkles her nose. "Although, he still complains about pains in his side."

Cameron nods, not really listening. "You seem to be spending a lot of time with him."

Inez shrugs. "Not really." Then, she thinks about it a moment. "Well, I do go by there twice a day. But I've largely been reading to him, you know, to help him take his mind off of things, help with his recovery."

"Hmm... interesting." Cameron pauses then asks, "'Nez, do you really think that's a good idea?"

Inez pulls back, a bit shocked by his question. "What do you mean?" she asks. "You don't think helping someone with their recovery is a good idea?"

"No," Cameron replies defensively. "I mean spending that much time visiting him. Is it really necessary to go every day?"

Inez tilts her head. "What an odd question to ask. Why on earth would that be a bad idea?" she asks.

"Oh, I'm not saying it's a bad idea, per se," Cameron counters. "But why does it need to be you? Why doesn't Ava do it? She probably knows best what he needs."

"Ava does come by... quite often, in fact," Inez retorts. "But that doesn't mean I can't help as well."

After a moment, she narrows her gaze, folding her arms over her chest. "Cam? What are you trying to say?" she asks him. "That I'm not capable of helping Jake out because he's a Shifter and I'm an Enchanted?"

Cameron sits up quickly. "No, no...that's not what I meant to say. It's just that, you know, sometimes when people are feeling vulnerable, they form unusually intense feelings for the person who's helping them out, or for the person they're helping, especially when they don't know each other very well."

Inez's back stiffens as she wraps her arms more tightly around her torso.

Cameron registers her discomfort, but plows on anyway. "I mean, people project all sorts of stuff onto each other in situations like these. But the moment the situation changes--say, that person's condition takes a turn for the better--well, those feelings change too. I've seen this happen before. My sister, Meredith, is a psychic healer and sometimes the people she helps get very attached to her. That is, of course, until they don't need her anymore. Then all that's left is this really weird dynamic between them. And a couple of times, she's really gotten hurt by it."

Inez's lips purse as she stares at Cameron for an uncomfortably long time. "That's not what's going on here," she finally says. "Jake and I talk. I read to him. That's all. We're friends."

Cameron holds his hands up, defensively. "Okay, okay," he pleads. "I'm just saying be careful, all right? I'd really hate to see you get hurt."

Suddenly, Inez stands. She begins to pack up her index cards, her books, and her snack pack. "Look, Cam," she says. "We've been friends for a long time. So please know that I love you, and I appreciate your concern and that you're willing to have this little 'chat' with me." She makes air quotes. "But frankly," she heaves her bookbag up onto her shoulder and glares at him, "this is none of your business."

And with that, she turns and leaves Cameron sitting on the blanket, alone, a bit stunned and deeply regretting he'd ever brought up the subject of Jake in the first place.


A/N - Just  little slice of life interlude. I cut back and forth between the mission and what's going on with the other kids still at the school a lot. 

Do you think it makes it harder to follow the story threads (the mission one and the interpersonal school ones)?

I know you can always skim the previous chapters, but I was just curious if it's challenging reading a story that way.

~ Paula ❤️

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