Finding The Truth - Unordinar...

By Tigerlily432101

162 6 1

New student arrived at Wellston, but she is not what everyone seems to think she is. Inside all those layers... More

Chapter 1


99 2 0
By Tigerlily432101

Calypso Pov

I walk into the school grounds feeling an unnoticeable force field engulfing me. I saw a man with beige hair and blue eyes. He holds out his hand for a handshake and introduces himself. "Hello, you must be the new student Calypso Reiner, I am the Vice-Principal and Head Of Security Mr. Keene." 


I did a timeskip because I was bored but basically she went to Vaughn and he sent her to Doc Darren to get her ability checked out so it continues from there.


Name: Calypso Reiner

Hair Color: Red (dyed to fade the ends to black)

Eye Color: Bright Gold/ Amber

Aura Color: Amber

DOB: 11-04-XXXX

Height: 167cm (5'6)

Ability: Shadow Control

Level: 5.3

IDK if it's legible but it goes clock wise from Power To Speed, Trick, Recovery, Defense then back to power.

Strength: 5.8

Speed: 5.5

Defense: 4.7

Regeneration: 3.5

Trick: 7.2 

Wow u have some balanced stats said Darren. Calypso had a faint smile. Darren said here is your schedule. 



Hello, My name is Calypso Reiner. I scan my eyes around the classroom no one peaking my interest I headed to my seat which the teacher kindly pointed to. 


There are 7 minutes of class left, I don't mind if you talk but keep the volume at a minimum said the teacher. I saw a cyan haired girl come up to me. She had a kind smile but it was forced it was one I had seen at many other schools. Hi Calypso, My name is Elaine how was your day here so far she said with a voice that was too sweet. Good I said maintaining the neutral voice from earlier. Someone from the other side of said loudly "Get on along with it Elaine, we're all dying to find out". I snapped my head towards them My eyes glowing. "It's rude to interrupt someone's  conversation". If looks could kill they would all be dead. Elaine starts to stutter a little, "It's okay we just wanted to find out what your ability is?". "Why do you want to know, Elaine" I said adding some aggression into my voice. She seemed terrified. Before she could give an answer I said back. "Shadow Control, 5.0". Laughter erupts from behind me. A guy with shaggy blue hair who desperately needed a trip to a barber said I'm lying. Really I say with sarcasm in my voice. Are you challenging me to a ranked match. He didn't have and ounce of fear in his voice as he replied Yes. His eyes started glowing and he stood up he was around 6 feet tall. "Lets take this outside," I say my voice reaching menacing levels. 


His eyes start glowing and and I take on a fighting stance. Even when I said I am 5 he didn't believe me so that means he is at least an elite. He didn't do anything just stood there. After a second of silence he finally said "Are you at least going to try". He was mocking me. I calmed myself down. Slowly creeping around him he didn't notice my shadow vines. He fell to his knees. I take a few steps closer, glaring down on him. "Give up yet" I taunt. His face visibly darkened. I won't lose to a bish like you. He tried to untangle himself up he ended up getting even more tangled. An idea popped into my mind. "Seriously" I taunt him even more "I barely used a fraction of my ability". The commotion starts to rise. "I will never give up" he yells at me. He must have noticed my face got darker because he flinched. Fine then its you're choice I said. Simultaneously some of the ropes turned into spikes and in 2 seconds Zeke was all bloody and unconscious. I turn around and look at the people surrounding us and they all had a look of terror on their face. A smile started to creep up on my face but I had to keep a composed look on my face. The spikes return to ropes then vines a lift Zeke up. I asked the nearest student around which was a lime green haired girl with grey eyes where the nurse is at stuttering she replied "east wing 4th door on the left". I use the vines as eyes and lead them to the east wing. My vines dropped Zeke into one of the beds and disappeared. Back to using my own eyes I walk to my next class leaving shocked faces behind me.


I stepped into the cafeteria and as soon as I got my food I scan every lunch table to find who to sit with then I see a familiar pink hair. I sneak up on her, creeping closer. Her two friends looked at me weirdly and ruined the surprise.

 Hi Rems I say. She turns around with a priceless shocked look on her face. Caly she says surprised.

 Yep its me in the flesh I said. 

There was a chair across from her because the two guys she is with are sitting on both her sides. Remi starts bombarding me with questions ranging from When did you get here to Where were you during Rei's funeral but when she got to that question, I stiffened. 

Rems I had my reasons for not coming but I'm sorry.

 Its okay Remi replied but deep down inside I knew that she was not telling me the truth. We can talk later introduce me to your friends. Oh yeah She said brightening up. This is Blyke she said pointing at the red haired guy having a slight pink tint on her cheeks. 

Nice To meet you he said. Likewise I replied with and even tone. I am Isen said the guy with pumpkin patch like hair. Okay I said quickly and returned my attention to Remi. Rems what is your next class I ask intrigued. I have English she replied. 

Upset I said "Oh bummer, I have trig". Blyke don't you have trig next? said Rems. He nodded so does Isen he said. A text message noise popped up and Isen got up and said I have to do something for Cecile see you guys around. I don't think he needs to do something for Cecile and as soon as I said that Blyke instantly said 

How do you know. I just do don't question it I snap. Remi flinched surprised at my demeanor. Lets follow him Rems I ask. Are u sure, Isen is my friend and I dont want to break his trust she says worry written all over her face. What if he needs help Rems?. She reluctantly nodded. I turn my head to Blyke. It's your choice whether you come with us or not. Are you kidding me, no way I am leaving Remi with you he exclaimed. Alright follow me them.  


You were right after all that isn't Cecile said Blyke. You two stay here I say. Neither of them refuse. 

Hi Arlo! I yell. He flinches and turns his head abruptly. What are you doing here he says sternly. Just decided to catch up with some friends, how have you been? I asked. He glares at me trying to tell if I was telling the truth. Fine, he was about to walk away but turned around for a moment. "Be careful not to anger a black haired person".

I had never seen Arlo act like that he was practically nervous. Rems who is he talking about? She trembles a little and finally replies he's talking about John he's the King and he won a fight against me Arlo, Blyke, and, Isen single handedly. From the corner of my eye I saw a flash or purple hair and Remi noticed it too because she waved and gestured the girl to come over. Seraphina let me introduce you to my friend Calypso, Caly this is Seraphina we held and awkward handshake and I quickly put my hands in my pocket.  

Caly, Seraphina will probably answer your question better than I can. Seraphina looked confused and Remi quickly said she's new and Arlo warned her not to make John mad and she asked who he is. 

Seraphina had a twinkle of light in her eyes that quickly dimmed when she heard about John. She turned her head directly facing me, We were friends before that's all but I knew inside those Cerulean eyes there was more to their relationship that just friends from the past. Sorry to cut our first time meeting short but I have to get to class soon and Rems I am your new roommate.


At 11 PM

I stalk out of the windows carefully and start running, I was running late for the meeting. I stare at the 2 story house, from the outside it might look like your average normal small family home but inside it was a meeting place for our group we never bothered to name ourselves but it might be needed soon. Helena was already in the room along with Kuyo and Ellana. Sorry I am running late. I saw as I take my shoes off not to get the carpet dirty. 

Its fine replied Kuyo. Anything interesting happen in any of your previous missions asks Helena, she was the one who started this little superhero group of ours. She and Ellana did most of the inside work because Ellana has a non combative ability. Kuyo started, "I met someone, around your age Caly, he was trying to get stronger to protect his friends and has red hair and a beam related ability". We all nod, it wasn't uncommon that we find lone vigilantes saving people for their own agenda. 

Ellana continued our little convo, "I have an idea on someone we could recruit, his name is John he is your age Caly but much stronger, a 7, his ability allows him to copy and amplify other people's ability and he goes to your school so I thought it might be easier to recruit him but the bad side is he is very aggressive and impatient and has quite a violent record, it will be super hard to recruit him." I could try but he does not have a good reputation at school either. 

I have an idea but Kuyo will disagree I speak up. Helena sides with me and says lets here it first. "We obviously need more members because our group is too small so I thought we could recruit X-Rei also known as Remi who's Rei's sister". I rush at the last few words.

You have to be joking Kuyo exclaimed. We can't drag Remi into this. I retorted quickly saying "I know but the Authorities won't give her answers and that's why she went to finding answers on her own, and it is more dangerous for her to be on her own rather than one of us". 

She's not alone she's with her friends and they're pretty strong too. Like "Nobody" I say. Kuyo flinched. Look they will both be in trouble soon and get pretty hurt and they will need backup. Kuyo opened his mouth but Helena cut him off "We wont recruit them" 

But- let me finish Caly "but we will watch over them incase they need help". 

I reluctantly agreed. I got a mission for yall said Ellana with her southern accent. "It's in York". That's like 2 hours and a half by train I say raising my voice. I know and all of you have school so you guys can do it tomorrow night, arrive here by eight and yall can get ready and boarding time is 8:30. Any close by missions I ask.

There is one in Brasstown she said. K, I will go alone. Are you sure asks Helena. Yeah I will be fine. Just be careful, I'm worried about you. I nod my head and a faint smile comes up, even if we argue sometimes I would never trade them for the anything.


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