The Wrath of the Golden Fire...

By NeonLynx120

1K 60 21


Chapter 1: On The Run
Chapter 3: Escape
Chapter 4: Catch me if you can!
Chapter 5: And the ship will sail

Chapter 2: Captured?!

139 11 8
By NeonLynx120

"Hey! Get up! Now, Storm!" I blinked. Stripe was batting at my face with her paws. I looked down. I was human. I always did that in my sleep, for some reason.

I sat up. "Hey Stripe, how come you can't change? You look like a fursona with your stripes."

"I just can't," Stripe hissed at me. "It's not your business to talk about my past."

"Maybe it is."

"Shut up!" The fur on my friend's spine was raised, her back was arched, and she was baring her fangs.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, take it easy," I said, putting my hand on her back. Stripe bit me. "Ow! Hey!" Stripe just replied with an angry hiss. I slapped her. "Calm down!"

"No!" Stripe slashed my throat lightly, and left me bleeding in a tree.

I sat up, and opened my bag, digging around for a bandage. Sharp teeth embedded themselves in my right hand.

I winced, and kept digging. When I found the bandage, I wrapped a little around my neck to stop the bleeding, then I wrapped some around my hands.

I pulled Scratch out by his tail. "Ow! Let go!" He hissed, wriggling around in my grasp.

"Hey, I just wanted to talk, dude," I replied, sitting him on the branch in front of me.

Scratch gave a quick lick to his chest. "F-Fine. What do you want?"

"Well, I want a few things," I explained. "First, why have you been chasing me for the past three years?"

Scratch sighed. "That, my friend, is classified."

I grabbed his throat.

"Okay!" He choked. "The lab wants you, ever since you've escaped! Ever since the caught me for the second time, they've been treating me like their messenger!"

I loosened my grasp. "The second time? You'd escaped before? With who?"

Scratch looked like he instantly regretted the words that slipped out of his mouth. He didn't answer.

"Who. Did. You. Escape. With?"

Scratch kept his jaws clamped tightly shut.

"Fine," I turned away, then quickly grabbed him by the scruff. "I guess you want to meet my little friends then, huh?"

"Hah," Scratch laughed. "I doubt that your little friends will do any more than give me a paper cut."

I whistled long and loud.

"Dude, what was that for?"

I began to hear barking, and claws scrabbling on concrete. Three large dogs ran up to the tree that I was sitting in.

"What now?" One of the dogs -- a black lab with green patches-- groaned. "Is it something stupid again?"

"No," I replied with a grin. "It's actually something you'd like, Bone."

"What is it?" A yellow-spotted golden retriever asked.

"Yeah! What do you have for us?" The blue-striped Shetland sheepdog stepped in front of her friends.

"I have a treat!" I said, holding Scratch out above the heads of the drooling dogs. "Bone, Sun, and Rose, prepare to taste cat tonight!"

"Whaaat?!" Scratch screeched, writhing and struggling in my firm grasp. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no! I don't want to be breakfast!"

"Stop struggling," I said, carelessly chewing a nail. "You'll just loosen my grip, and down into the dogs you go. Unless, of course, you tell me who you escaped with, and what you remember of your past."

"I'd rather go with the dogs," Scratch grumbled.

"Suit yourself," I dropped Scratch into the pile of dogs. "Good riddance." I heard my dogs whimpering. What the heck? "Stop whining, and eat the stinking cat, you.........babies......." I looked over the edge of the tree.

The dogs were laying on the grass, dead. There was a guy with black hair standing in the middle, and he was holding two daggers. He shifted.........

Into Scratch?!

"Shoot, man......." I mumbled, hopping down from the tree in my animal form.

Scratch just smiled. "Now I don't have to tell you anything!"

"You filthy little-" He slashed his claws across my eye, which (luckily) closed right before claws met flesh.

He waved his tail. "Bye bye, pussykins!" Scratch bolted, and I ran after him.

"That, was a terrible impression of me!" I yowled after him. I sped up, and clamped my teeth on Scratch's tail.

"H-Hey!" He hissed, trying to shake me off. "Let go!"

I changed human, and stepped on his tail, not in a hurry to let go. "I still have some questions, kitty."

"I'm not going to answer."

"Really? 'Cause I'm very good at disguises, and I can go and give you back to the lab, if you want."

"Fine!" Scratch cried. "Just please, let me go!"

I snorted. "So you can get away? Yeah right, kitty. You're staying with me. Now answer my questions, or I will make sure that you don't exist."

Scratch stared at me. "Fine."

"Who did you escape with?"

"My two sisters, a white tiger, and a blue-spotted dog."


"You got your answer! I'm  not going to tell you any more!" Scratch hissed.

"What was your name before the lab?"

"What was yours?" Scratch retorted.

"Why should I tell you?" I asked.

"Why should I tell you?"

"Stop copying me!" I stopped. Maybe he'll answer more questions if I answer his. "Okay, fine. My name was Kristine. It was really human-like, and I don't know why my parents named me that. I never knew them, anyways. Now, who were you?"

"Stone," Scratch whispered. "That brings back bad memories."

"Are your sisters still alive?" I asked.

"Yes," He replied, licking a paw. "I remember one of my sisters meeting a little kit just like her." He glared at me. "Now stop asking questions."

"Who was the kit?" I asked, ignoring Scratch's last remark.

"You got your answer!" Scratch hissed. "Besides, I don't know any info that far. You'd have to ask my sister."

"Do you know where she is?"

"What do you think I am, some kind of question-answering monkey?!"

"Whoa whoa whoa," I said. "Calm down, no need to flip out."

Scratch took a deep breath. "I'm sorry," He mewed. "'O great master of question-asking-ness."

I slapped his furry face. "You're mean."

Scratch smiled. "Am I?"

I nodded. "Yes, yes you are." No reply. "I'm bored," I decided.

Scratch smiled mysteriously. "Do you want to play?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Play what, exactly?"

"Our favorite game," Scratch smirked, taking slow steps toward me.

"Umm, ticklebunny?" I guesses.

"Nope. Chase!" Scratch lunged at me, but I dodged, and he hit the ground.

"Oh! So you want to play that game, now do you?" I laughed, running away across the park. I changed into a lynx, and bolted away into a building, Scratch right behind me.

I turned to the right, and squeezed into an air vent.

To my surprise, Scratch didn't even need to squeeze in; he just crawled in after me.

"I'm going to catch you," Scratch mewed playfully through gritted teeth.

"Nuh uh," I retorted, crawling a bit faster. I froze. I could hear voices underneath me.

"........There's something in the air vent?" I heard a man's voice saying.

"Yes," A female replied. I could hear her grab something. "Wait, the noise has stopped."

"Gotcha!" Scratch pounced on my tail, making a loud thump.

"Scratch!!" I hissed. "I can hear voices, so just shut up!"

".......No, there's definitely something up there," The woman decided, getting on something.

I felt the floor below me move a bit.

"Do you feel that?" Scratch hissed, pressing closer to me.

I moved away, and nodded.

Before I could crawl to safety, the floor dropped beneath me, and my paws were dangling in the air, while my front paws clung to the part that didn't fall yet.

Scratch, meanwhile, was sprawled on the floor, knocked out cold.

"Fursonas!" The woman scowled. She yanked on my long tail, and hung me in midair, upside-down. She stared at me with fiery blue eyes.

The woman slammed me on the ground hard. I was seeing black spots.

I took a few short breaths, and then there was nothing.



Lol, vote and comment! Im not updating till I get at least 5 votes on this book! >:U

-Edit- WHUT O.O 5 votes already!? Okay, im not updating until I get to SEVEN!!!!

-Edit 2- Shoot! Um, changing that to, err.......10!!!!HAHAHA!!!!

-Edit 3- WHAT?! 11!!!! Okay, you win, I'll try and update.........once I write more than a paragraph XD


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