Marrying Mr. Scrooge

By TheLadder89

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⚠️ATTENTION!⚠️ Plagiarism is a Crime When one has lost faith in love, everything is on autopilot. When one h... More

MMS Intro
MMS 10
MMS 11
MMS 12
MMS 13
MMS 15
MMS 16
MMS 17
MMS 18
MMS 19
MMS 20
MMS 21
MMS 22
MMS 23
MMS 24

MMS 14

65 8 9
By TheLadder89



Marrying Mr. Scrooge



SHE went inside and was amazed by how big the stockroom is. It has everything the facility needs. They have it all, from office supplies, kitchen and lounge area supplies, items for emergency care packages, which if someone will ask her is more than enough to use on a daily basis.

Ever since she worked here, she never remembered a time where anyone in this facility hunted or waited for supplies for hours or worse, days. They always find what they need and have it when they need it, like today.

She was in awe at how Dir. Maine Richards makes sure that it is well stocked and well organized. It is all labeled for easy finding.

Every shelf has an index card inserted in small plastic sleeves safely taped or stapled below the product with its name and quantity box with a number written on it.

She was very amazed that each index card has a column where anyone can write down how much was taken against the actual count or original amount. It was the best stockroom she had ever seen so far.

What's more amazing is that every post has a small cup nailed or maybe screwed on it with a few pencils resting in it.

This is way better than the one in Davis or anywhere I've seen. She giggled at her silent comment.

After her admiration at the things in front of her, she went and got what she needed, wrote how many she had taken on the index card right below it and returned the pencil in the cup.

Clasping the folders on her left arm she is now heading towards the door. As she opened it, she was greeted by a familiar figure. She almost jumped out of her skin as she was not expecting to see him here... well, in front of her.

"Hi, beautiful?" He was smiling from ear to ear. Scary.

"H-hi, D-deon." She greeted back, stuttering, clasping the folders closer to her chest with both arms. "W-what are you d-doing here? Y-you shouldn't be here." This man just showed up inches away from her. "I mean... here, here not here." She was waving her arms like a music conductor trying to correct her words pointing to the area where Deon shouldn't be. She was really taken by surprise and it scared her.

Deon is an activities assistant. At this hour, he was supposed to be with the young boys in the backyard playing soccer. He was not supposed to leave them by themselves or leave them unattended, unless... unless they were already done.

Deon was her schoolmate from kindergarten through high school. He's a good kid as far as she could remember. He's smart, jolly, liked by everyone, especially the girls... most girls.

Deon was the most popular kid on the campus. He's on every sport all throughout high school, was always on varsity, and was always in honor rolls.

He was also in Air Force JROTC, a school tutor/mentor, a big brother and big sister club, in a school paper and yearbook, in FFA, in drama club, and in glee club. He has the most soothing voice on the campus everyone has ever heard.

He was also the president of the class since freshman year and always an SB member. He was a very active kid. That's all she knows and remembers, because after they all left high school, she never heard anything about him and right now, he's scaring her.

"How are you doing, Lei?" He asked, smiling and he was making her uncomfortable.

"I-I am doing f-fine." She replied, as she took small steps backwards, and every time she did it, he inched forward.

"Are you busy after work or right now?" There's something about Deon's smiles that makes her feel knots in her stomach and not in a good way. He creeps her out.

"Y-yes." She answered him truthfully. The truth is she's very busy right now and maybe later, too. His facial demeanor changed. "W-we are having a presentation in a few moments... I ahh... I have to go, Deon." She quickly announces. She was about to turn away when he grabbed her by the wrist. It was not tight but still, it's inappropriate and it really scares her.

"Leaving so soon? I am still talking to you." He growled. She swallowed a lump, trying to compose herself and her mind.

"I-I know you are still t-talking to me but I... I have a presentation to attend to." She was trying to be tough but her chest was pumping so hard she was experiencing shortness of breath.

"A-and if y-you don't let go of me right now, M-mrs. Richard will hear about this." It was really hard to be tough when fear got the best of a person and it is getting the best and worst of her. Her mind is about to go blank in panic. A few more scary attempts from Deon and she will pass out.

"Let's have lunch then. Tomorrow maybe?" He loosened his grip on her wrist but did not completely let her go.

"She won't be having lunch with you tomorrow or anytime." They both turned to where the voice came from. Perfect! Her mind screams in victory and gladness.

There stood a tall, handsome, arrogant man that if this was just some regular time, her day would be ruined seeing him. But it is not, it is the time to be thankful for this savior.

"Allen?" She was so happy to see him right now. His timing is PERFECT.

She quickly tugged herself from Deon's grasp and moved to Allen's side in one stride, almost hiding behind him.

"M-mr. P-porter." Deon wasn't able to do anything when Leila got off his grip. She saw him briskly distanced himself from them.

"If you want to keep the only job you could ever have, you will not bother or pester Ms. Bautista ever again." Cold, flat, almost frozen voice came out of this man's mouth. It gives her a cold shiver. But she couldn't be happier to hear his haughtiness right now. Oh, the joy! She thought.

"Y-yes, sir." Deon stuttered. He bowed and turned away but was abruptly stopped by Allen.

"One more thing." Allen called out, Deon slowly and cautiously turned around, looking down. "You will be watched. You hear me?" Leila took a deep breath, feeling fearful for Deon, she lightly tugged on Allen's long sleeve getting his attention.

"Let's go, Allen." She encouraged him.

"First name basis?" Deon voiced out, and a scary smirk formed on this man's lips. She felt a warm-cold shiver down her spine and followed by an eerie goosebumps. She is totally fearful for the first time in her life and in her own town? Ridiculous.

"Am I clear, Mr..." There he goes again with his cold and scary way of talking.

"His name is Deon." She chimed in. "Can we go now?" Tugging on Allen's sleeve a bit harder.

"Am I clear, Mr. Deon?!" Allen sternly repeated, colder than before. Frozen cold, she felt it down her spine and gave her another whip of goosebumps.

"Y-yes, Sir." Deon replied, stuttering but firmly, tightening his jaw, bowing his head to them but gave her a creepy stare before leaving.

"What are you doing here? By yourself." Allen's voice changed from being angry into a worried one. Her heart jumped and started beating erratically. It was worse than when Deon startled her.

She understands why Allen gets worried like this, as amazing as the inside of the stockroom is, the place where it is not really that amazing it is somewhat dark, creepy and chilling. Fine, it is not safe especially around late afternoon and if one is by herself or himself.

The stockroom was actually at the very far end of the building where no one really passes by. Which means, whoever needs a supply, they have to actually go there, they can not just swing by to get something on their way to their desk.

"I-i was g-getting some supplies." She pointed at the big door of the stockroom behind her.

Allen looked up at the big door, took a deep breath and slowly but harshly released it, relaxing his shoulder. He then caressed her head down to her hair and rested on her shoulder. She looked down. She couldn't stand the warm feeling his stares and hand was giving her. It's not a frightening, creepy, hair-raising feeling but homely, pleasurable feelings and that worries her the most.

"Ate Maine." Leila heard Allen's upset voice, she looked up to see that he was already on the phone, forehead knotted and brows furrowed. "I need you to find one person just to get supplies from the storage. He or she will be in charge of all the supplies, ordering them and handing them out to any of the people working here." He wasn't yelling but he was commanding and demanding. He was talking like a real boss. Well... he is indeed the boss.

"One more thing, please send an electrician here to put better lighting around this area." He added. "And another thing, put that Deon somewhere else but not here and not anywhere near any women here, employee or not. He may not get close to any female volunteer either." She heard everything that he was saying but not Maine. He paused.

"I understand. I will tell you why later." He finishes and then turns the call off. "Let's go." He grabbed her hand lightly and was pulling her gently and she just let him. She doesn't have the strength to fight him, or to fight anyone.

"Lei?" She heard Ivanna called but when she looked up, Ivanna's eyes weren't on her, it was on hers and Allen's hand. She pulled her hands away from his. She hurriedly walked to her desk to put the folder on it.

"Why so pale? What did you do to her?!" Libby asked, angrily. Her brows are knotted. Worry written all over her friend's eyes. She closed her eyes, calmly inhaled and exhaled slowly.

"He didn't do anything to me, okay. It's a long story. I don't have to tell you, not right now anyway." She picked the folder from her desk and waved it in front of them. Everyone went quiet, but she still saw the sharp glare from Ivanna and Libby towards Allen.

"I have to go." Allen bid, caressing her left arm, then waved at them. Didn't wait for any word from her and left.

"What happened, Lei?" Libby asked very worriedly. She took a deep breath and told her friends what happened. Her hands were shaking.

"Dang! That was scary. Good thing Mr. Porter was there." Kehlani put her arms across her chest.

"You said it, girl." Ivanna agreed.

"Well, let's not think about that for now. Let's finish this and from now on stay away from that psycho schoolmate of yours." Libby said, angrily. She would too if that happens to any of her friends.

They all hover around her desk and get busy. Everyone was quiet as they took groups of papers from her printer, punched holes in it and carefully put them neatly inside each folder.

She made sure everything was put together and in order. They fastened all the paper and piled the folder on top of each other.

"Ready?" It was Kakai. They all got startled. Who wouldn't jump from the loud screeching sound of her voice.

"Oh gosh, Tita Kai!" She said loudly, holding her chest. As loud and as high pitched as Kakai is, she walks like a cat, so quiet and so light. If she is not talking, no one can hear her coming and that is why everyone is on the lookout for her. She shook her head, she forgot about everyone's warning.

"What?" Kakai asked, acting innocently. All she could do was shake her head.

"We are, Tita." Tapping the folder on top of her desk.

"Email me a copy of your presentation and give Allen a folder. Oh, his sister is here and Mrs. Porter, too." How could she forget about him? He was her savior and he was just here a few moments ago.

"Uhmm... email Maine a copy of it. We can just read it from our tablets." She nodded and did what she was told after Kakai left.

"So, what now?" Ivanna asks, leaning on the corner of her desk.

"What else can we do? Of course we wait." She said, relaxing her back on her chair.

"LITTLE Bro, I saw her. She's beautiful." Noreen teased him. She probably saw him with her earlier.

"Who was that guy?" He asked, referring to Deon. He passed Noreen to get to Maine, completely ignoring his sister purposely.

"Why? Do you know him?" Maine asked, brows furrowed. She looks worried. Bingo! He smiled.

"No, I don't and I don't want to. Do we have cameras everywhere by any chance?" He asked. Maine nodded, wondering not confused. "When you get the chance, could we check it out?" He strictly asked. Maine handed him a plastic folder.

"Why did you ask?" Kakai butted in, one brow raised. He took the folder from Maine, quickly flip the cover.

"I saw him gripping one of the female volunteers by the arm... well, sort of man-handling her in front of the stockroom." He did not mention Leila's name. He wouldn't want anyone to raise anything and make things terrible for her. He's the boss' son after all and he wouldn't want people talking 'the talk'.

"What were you doing all the way there?" Kakai aske, surprisingly in the very normal tone.

"No reason why I am there." He replied, jaw tightening.

"Well, that's Deon Arroyo." She replied, looking at a folder. She handed him the profile he asked for. "His family is a native of this town. His ancestors have been here long before mine settled here. He is a good kid. He's a well rounded student, president of his class since freshman, and an all sports varsity player. He's an honor student, and got a full scholarship in a university of his choice. He's a very friendly and happy kid. He came back just this year after graduating ahead of his class." Maine enumerated this guy's quality but not what he wanted to hear.

"Glenn, could you be a little bit more respectful?" Julia snarled at him. He turned to his mother and smiled dryly.

"I am being respectful. Mom. If I wasn't, this facility would've been on fire already!" He snarled back at his mother.

"Keith! Calm down okay." Noreen scolded him. He angrily glanced at him.

"Ate, if you are not well informed, this facility is filled with children, traumatized young ladies and abused women who are victims of all sorts of horrible things. Then they have a male worker who can man-handle a female employee or volunteer just like that. What does that tell you? Are we not going to pay attention to that since nothing happened yet? We are no better than the abusers of those individuals on the floor or outside this building." Everyone went into a complete silence. No one tried to speak for a while.

"Well, he has a point, Mom." Noreen leaned back on her seat quietly.

He sat down on the armrest of the couch next to him. He is fuming inside but he has to keep that anger at bay or he will blow up and it may affect a certain person, his sister, and his mother.

"Kai, will you get a copy of that video from Dan?" He was just quiet. He doesn't want to speak anymore because he knows himself.

"No problem." Kakai replied but did not leave the room. Instead, she got on the phone and called that person. "Hey, Dan. Will you send me two hours of video clips?!" She stopped for a while, thinking more. "Yes. Two hours from now! Wait, hold on! Make it three hours from now. Hurry up!" He almost cringed at how high Kakai pitch is.

"Why are you so worked up about this, son?" He took a deep breath before turning to his mother.

"Mom, weren't you the one that told me to be more aware of every human being, men, women or children?" He left it at that, hoping his mother would stop asking.

He will not pursue to get to the bottom of the matter after reporting it to the director. He will ask to pay more attention to this incident and he will leave it like that. But it is different, Leila is involved in it and he is not going to just report it and sit down like it was an ordinary thing. Besides... this is a children and women's facility, how could they hire a person who acts like that.

"Who hired him?" He asked. Maine looked straight in his eyes.

"I did." She answered.

"Did you do a background check?" He gritted his teeth, anticipating her wrong answer.

"Yes and no." Maine was so calm about it. He closed his eyes tightly.

He can't be mad at her, he has known her since he was in high school. His mom and sister will always bring him here for some volunteer work. He even attended her wedding. She is like another sister to him.

"I'm sorry. It just makes me so angry when people can't be respectful to others, especially to women." Says the cold, pompous, arrogant Scrooge. He got up and sat next to his sister, somewhat tired but still angry.

"Look at you." Noreen voiced out. "You are shaking with anger." He knows his sister is making light of the situation but it is not funny. He glanced at her with an angry look.

"Noreen, leave your brother alone." Julia scolded Noreen, daggers coming out of her eyes towards Noreen. Noreen went quiet, so did he. Again, he grimaced.

He made his mother mad this time. He doesn't want his mother getting upset and she also doesn't want her sister being scolded because of him.

"It's alright, Mom." He said, trying to pacify his mother. "I'm sorry Ate Noreen." Grabbing his sister's hand, gripping it tightly. It's his sincere way of apologizing to her.

"Why are you so worked up about that employee anyway? Maine and Kakai will take care of it." This time, Julia is relaxed. There's no trace of being annoyed or irritated.

"I know, Mom. It's just that..." He stopped. He couldn't go on. It is still too premature to say something about Leila.

"Oh I know why." Kakai's calm but high pitch voice filled Maine's office.

"Why?" Maine asked, almost standing up.

"Here's why." Kakai held the laptop and turned it to face them.

"What the hell?!" Maine's angry voice echoed in the whole office. "Kai, call Mr. Arroyo!" Allen was taken back at how angry Maine's voice became.

There are too many first times for him this past but this is the first time seeing these kind, sweet and gentle women being so upset, so angry and that is because of him. It's all his fault. He stood up but stopped midair.

"Mr. Arroyo is on his way." Again, Kakai's trademark voice echoed in the office, he winced. He sat back down.

"Is she that important to you?" His mother asked. Julia's gentle and loving voice came seething through his system, it calmed him down. He quietly and slowly nodded.

"I want to marry her." He looked his mother in the eye and bravely admitted to it.

All four women stopped whatever it is they're doing and stared at him, and at each other. He was taken back at the kind of look he's seeing from them. It makes him feel awkward and uneasy but loved.

Then an ear shattering scream came ripping through the entire office making him and the rest of them cover their ears and ducked. Everyone was doing more than just a wince. He got up to take his mother out of the office.

"He is in love!!!" There goes Kakai again. He doesn't know if Kakai knew that she hurts people's eardrums by doing such... he can't think or point a word to describe her.

"Kakai! Will you hush it down?!" He heard Maine scolding her as the was closing.

"Grabe ka, Ate Kakai!" Noreen said laughing, running out of Maine's office. She is also covering her own ears.

"Oh, sorry. Sorry. Sorry." Kakai was so apologetic trying to lower her voice but no one can deny that the high pitch tone is still there. Not as bad as it was earlier, but still there.

"Forget that." Noreen faced them all with a wide scary smile. "Ate Kakai is Ate Kakai. Her voice will never change but this..." Pointing at him. When did he become a 'this'? "This is new!" Noreen laughed and giggled at the same time.

"What are you talking about?" He asked, confused with the 'this' from his sister.

"You!" She said, quickly facing him. "I am talking about you being in love. That?! That is so new." She added, giggling some more and so giddy. All of sudden he felt his heart throbbing, thumping and everything else.

"You might want to see this, too." Kakai pointed at the laptop screen. They came back to the room after that ear shattering, 11 decibel scream form Kakai.

Everyone's attention focused on the screen. Kakai pressed a few keys and a clip came up. She also pressed the volume key on top of the keyboard, and they started to hear the sound, voices... of him and Leila?

"What..." He was dumbfounded. He was too excited and too eager to make Leila his, he did not think that the conference room had cameras.

"Awww!" He felt his mom melting in his arms. "My son proposed." She added and swatted him hard on the chest.

"What was that for?" He got hit with a fist on the chest, he complained, holding the part where his mom's hard fist landed.

"You are one arrogant jerk to propose to her like that!" He stared at his mother's somewhat angry eyes.

"You have been getting angry lately, I think you should calm down." He laughed, holding his mother's hand so she won't hit him again.

"Well, you could have done better than that, son!" She raised her voice at him again.

"Mom is right, Bunso. You could have done better than just doing that." Noreen laughed agreeing with their mother.

"I swear! You are worse than your father." His mother laughed, too.

"Now I understand why you are so upset at Deon's action." Maine smiled. He did not like it.

"Why do I have the feeling that I'm being ganged up on? And I will regret all of these?" He let go of his mother and took a step backward, trying to see all of the women's facial expressions.

These four ladies of different ages, different attitudes, different backgrounds, standing in front of him makes him want to run to his car and go back to Los Angeles. This is the sight that will stay with him forever. Scary? He cringed.

Kakai Baustista. Even though she is as loud as the fire truck's siren, she is very caring and willful at the same time. She may have this toothy grin that scares him sometimes, she means well.

Maine Richards. She is very kind and everybody knows that she will be there for whoever is in need and she is the hopeless romantic but beware.

Noreen Rouse. She is the worst case hopeless romantic. Everything is all about love, love and love. And that is why his brother in law could not help himself but get her pregnant. He smiled.

Julia Porter. Tough, loving, understanding, but don't piss her off and she will bite your head off. He barely found that out about their mother.

All the ladies in front of him, with eyes gazing at him, only say one thing...and that is the fearful part. He wants to run because he doesn't like what it says.

"Kai, check your email." Maine says all of a sudden. Kakai sat down and diverted her eyes to the laptop.

"What am I looking for?" Kakai asked.

"Tita Julia, look at this." Julia turned to Maine's direction. Glanced at him then back to Maine.

"What is it?" His mom asked, puzzled. He is, too.

"Wait!" Noreen spoke up. "Aren't we not going to talk about Allen's proposal?" She added.

"Ate Noreen." Stopping her sister to say more. He wants to curl in a ball. He is so embarrassed. Why? He doesn't know... he doesn't understand. In a way he does but everything is new to him and these four ladies are not helping him at all.

"Okay. Okay." Julia quickly answered, holding both her hands up.

"Well, let's get going then. Let's start these presentations so we can move on." Maine declared, getting up, gathering all that is needed and her tablet.

"Let's go. He was surprised to see Kakai at the door ready to get out. He was silent the whole time after they left Maine's office, he was right behind the four ladies, talking ang giggling and talking some more like he wasn't there.

Allen doesn't come to this facility as often as he does the LA facility. He never went to the one in Davis, because there's no reason for him to do so until he met Leila at the truck stop. He actually forgot where he was going or what he would be doing that day, he was just lucky that she was going the same way as him.

He remembered that instead of going straight to wherever he needed to go, he quietly followed Leila and her male companion all the way to Davis. He was so close and so touchy to her he wanted to wring the man's neck.

He almost punched himself when he found out that the guy is her bestfriend. Then later on, he also learned that Edgar is gay and is her brother's boyfriend.

He was happy to know that there will be another chance for him to see her again and when he did, he made sure she would remember him, no matter how.

He knows how much she is annoyed, irritated and mad at him but he did pay attention to it. He was like a kindergarten boy admiring a young girl for the first time and he pulled her braid intentionally to get her attention.

For him, that was okay. It was alright. And with the proposal he did, he fully got her attention, and now has the chance to woo her the right way. He will make sure that before the end of this month, she will be Mrs. Porter.

"Mrs. Leila Rose Porter." It has a nice ring to it. That made him smile.

End of MMS 14: Deon

Thank you for reading the chapter. Please leave your thoughts, comments or just to say Hi. Tap the 🌟 to vote. Please share the story and give good vibes.

The story may be the writer's original idea/creation, the image used on the cover made through Desynger, a Wattpad partner, so please be respectful and be kind. Do not copy any part or parts of this story. Let's enjoy reading the story.

💖 ~ Ms J ~ 💖

Daddy's Girl Project Series 2
Marrying Mr. Scrooge
©All Rights Reserved
Dec. 12, 2021

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