Eight Prodigies (You-Zitsu ×...

By Nikonagi

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Due to an 'unknown' reason, a plane carrying the brightest minds the world has to offer has suddenly crash-la... More

Chapter 01 - A New Beginning
Chapter 03 - Problems Keep Arising

Chapter 02 - Demon King In Action

844 69 22
By Nikonagi

Sanada's POV

"Then it appears we're in a deadlock." I uninterestedly responded.

"I'm sorry to hear that you're unsatisfied with the way Neutscheland Company set their prices. If you'd like, you can look for another trading firm." The fat geezer replied, not even trying to hide his sarcasm.

"I see... We're going, Elk." I stated, ending the conversation entirely.

"O-oi, wait a minute..! Where the hell are you going?!" To which Elk answered but still hesitantly followed in pursuit.

"Elk-kun. If you do perhaps locate another company here in Dormundt that is willing to do business with you, please let me know. It's because we have to follow protocol and report them if they don't have a business permit, bwuhihihihihi! " The tub added, while laughing haughtily.


(A/N) Tub - A derogatory name for someone who is fat and short.

And don't question me with the way I wrote that laugh. That's how I interpreted it when I heard that fucker's weird ass laugh WHAHAHAHAHAH


"I said wait a minute! Didn't I remind you that this is the only trading company in this town!? This is the only place we CAN do business!" Elk angrily reprimanded.

"But I refuse. I like the idea of swindling others, but I also hate being on the short-end of the stick." I countered his words.

"Your words are meaningless if you can't back it up!" Elk continued the argument.

"Ha? What kind of nonsense are you spouting on about for the last few seconds?" He seemed taken aback by my words but seemed interested about what I had to say nonetheless.

"Listen here, a deal is a tool you utilise in order to get what you want. Doing deals that don't give you any benefit whatsoever is what a foolish man would do. Do you, the treasurer of Elm village, think you can profit off of his prices?" I added, shutting off any further arguments and giving him a reality check.

"Don't take me for a fool, even I understand that we won't get by winter with those unfair rates... But what choice do we have?!" He retorted begrudgingly.

"I'd rather die than to live a life where I become people's lackey. He wasn't even being subtle about looking down on you, so no way in hell should you accept such a trade." I rebutted.

"Don't tell me... You were angry on our behalf..?" He uttered calmly, finally realising my intentions.

"Why, of course, you guys are our saviours, after all. And if there's one thing I know about entrepreneurship, it's that you should always repay your benefactors two-fold." I answered.


(A/N) Take what I said with a grain of salt as I was just spitballing that last phrase as there are circumstances that you shouldn't do the aforementioned.


"So, Elk, do you mind if I spearhead our little business venture here? If you allow me then I'll it's only a matter of time before we get the last laugh. Oh, and while we're at it, I'll demolish this sorry excuse of a company to the ground, one week tops." I stated---no, declared.

Ayanokouji's POV

It was another day for us 8 in this new world we accidentally stumbled upon. Masato and Shinobu quickly set out to accomplish 2 out of the 3 of our objectives---securing financial stability for the village and gathering information. While I'm currently in the midst of doing what I do best, teaching the older children on how to decide their future profession.

Based on statistics, jobs like corporate lawyers, neurosurgeons, chemical engineer, data scientist, and etc. are the highest paying jobs in the world. That's why you'd often encounter parents encouraging their offsprings to pursue the aforementioned careers.

But is that really the correct approach? In some cases, yes. But how about jobs such as farmers, fishermen, garbage collectors, janitors, and so on and so forth. Aren't those professions needed as well? The short and only answer to that question is yes.

So, what really is the correct approach in choosing a job? If I were allowed to input my opinionated answer then I'd say that go with a career that you can think of as your hobby rather than a job. Why? Because, if you do so then it's tantamount to not working your whole life.

Take Keine for example, she didn't become a doctor because it's a well-paying job but because she's genuinely fascinated with the concept of the human body. Or Akatsuki who feels enjoyment when people are stumped when he performs his magic tricks. Well, Masato is an exception, he just takes pleasure in earning money and fleecing others.

Speaking of Akatsuki, he's currently performing for the younger kids the famous handkerchief-to-dove trick---like the name implies, it's a skit wherein the magician pulls out a handkerchief then throws it up into the air and once it falls down to the performer's desired height, it mysteriously transforms into a dove.

A magician could do a number of tricks to give the impression that they are transforming a white handkerchief into an actual living white dove. When performing a trick, a frequent technique is "misdirection," in which the magician diverts the audience's attention. Another method is "sleight of hand," when the magician conceals the dove and reveals the handkerchief with rapid, dexterous motions. A "dove pan" is a unique mechanical gadget that some magicians employ to pull off this trick.

But in Akatsuki's case, he's using the 'misdirection' technique. He threw the blue handkerchief high up into the sky and when it fell down to his head level, a small explosion of pink smoke appeared and onced the smoke has fanned out, it revealed 3 small blue birds nestled on top of his head and shoulders whilst also carrying a bigger bird on his left hand. Obviously, as his audience were little kids, their natural reaction was of amazement. Though, they referred to him as 'Onee-san' most likely due to his effeminate facial features.

Anyways, enough of the daily random fact and get back to the topic. Whilst money is definitely a necessity, it'd all be pointless if all of it went to covering your medical bills because your current job is stressing you out. What I professionally suggest is to secure a career where you actually find yourself enjoying it.

Of course, in itself, sounds quixotic so let me add another step to that suggestion. You should have a second-to-third choice in case you don't obtain your desired work. Or better yet, you should also have a stable side hustle in case business is dry with your current occupation. I relayed those thoughts to the children I'm currently tutoring.


(A/N) Again, I also don't know what I'm saying here. All of this is just based on my own research and observation. So, if you have a counter-opinion about it then feel free to say it here. I'd like to know your thoughts about it.


"Ahhh! I think I get what you mean!" Ealric---a byuma, voiced out from the small crowd.

"Thank you for that lesson, Ayanokouji-sensei!" Ovisia commented with a rather irksome nickname.

"Uhm, I'd prefer if you referred to me with my first name rather than my last name." I politely replied.

"Eh? But isn't Ayanokouji you're first name while Kiyotaka is your last?" Oh, right, I forgot that we're in a European-style world where you introduce yourself with your first name first which is then followed by your last name.

"It's actually the opposite. Well, it's my mistake for not clarifying it. Though I'd like it if you referred to me now with the latter." I responded, clearing the misunderstanding.

"Ehhh, but Ayanokouji-sensei sounds way cooler!" Ovisia remarked to which was supported by the others.

"I'll give you guys more mayonnaise if you stop with that name." And just like that, I conquered a bunch of 10-year olds with the power of a condiment.

As I finished up on the lecture, I headed towards my lodging on the farside of the village. As I was walking, I passed by a house with an interesting conversation going on. Fortunately, the windows were wide open, making eavesdroppi---erhm, accidentally listening in a whole lot easier.

"Elk's been having a hard time obtaining funds because of a scum named Jaccoi." Winona-san revealed.

"Jaccoi? Who is he?" Tsukasa probed for more information.

"He's a money-grubbing man who's monopolising every form of trade in Dormundt. A self-centered individual who pays a small amount in exchange for our goods." Winona-san explained.

"I see. Well, if that's the kind of person they're dealing with then I feel sorry for this Jaccoi guy after the Merchant is done on his business trip." Tsukasa announced, with the immediate response of bewilderment from the two ladies.

"That man is the embodiment of capitalism, so there's no doubt he'll go above and beyond in this expedition. If they arrived earlier then the Merchant is most likely halfway done in establishing a new trading firm." Tsukasa stated, adding more to the suspense.

Sanada's POV

"O-oi, this, this isn't forged, right..?" Elk asked, inspecting the piece of paper intensely to spot any signs of forgery. The contents of the paper read:

'This business permit is granted to the Elm Trading Company.

With this certificate, the Elm Trading Company is permitted to do the following:

1. The right to sell products.

2. The right to sell wares with their own prices.

3. Excused from paying toll when entering the town of Dormundt.

Signed by the Mayor of Dormundt:
Walter Von Haizerad'


(A/N) I made up all of those benefits. Though that's what I'd expect from business permits anyway.


"You do know that entering and leaving the Mayor's estate with a fake business permit is seriously stupid, right?" I replied, asking him a rhetorical question.

"B-but, how in the world..?" Elk responded, his words still laced with disbelief.

"Doing something as simple as that is easy in Shinobu-chan's line of work." Shinobu answered, holding up her left hand and doing a peace sign.

"Since when were you there?!" Elk inquired in a shocked manner.

" ̶N̶i̶i̶-̶n̶i̶i."


(A/N) Oh wait, wrong anime.


"Nin-nin." Shinobu replied to Elk's question with her signature catchphrase.

"Elk, think logically here. In a town as big as Dormundt, why do you think Neutscheland is the only trading company present? They probably have some sort of deal where both parties profit from each other." I explained.

"Eh? What do you mean?" Elk asked, ushering me to continue.

"When I asked Shinobu to investigate the mayor, an interesting revelation happened. Turns out there is a hidden compartment in the mayor's desk containing a ledger documenting a large wad of money being transferred to the mayor. And do you have an idea who or where that money is coming from?" I explained, while also testing Elk.

"From Neutscheland, right?" Elk answered without hesitation.

"Correct. So I used that knowledge as a bargaining chip and got myself this nice gift for our continued friendship." I briefly elaborated what had transpired from our 'deal'.

"As much as I'd love to hear in detail how you coerc--erhm became friends, I'll need to take my leave now. Gotta prioritise the request of Kiyotaka-kun next." Shinobu interjected.

"Hoh~? A favor from Kiyotaka, what is it?" I probed curiously, it's not everyday you hear him asking someone for a favor, especially if it's someone as sly as Shinobu.

"Nothing special, he just wanted 'negotiation material' against the ***** *****." Shinobu revealed. After saying her piece, we bid Shinobu farewell.

I folded the business permit as we, too, needed to prepare for our incoming economic battle with Neutscheland. My gut tells me that this business venture will be fun as hell.

"We're going as well, Elk. Time to purchase some wares for our Elm Trading Company." I stated.

"Eh? Purchase? Weren't we going to sell these goods?" As he answered foolishly, I flicked him on his forehead

"What the hell was that for?!" He asked furiously.

"It's 'cause you keep asking me stupid questions, duh. Why do you think we went through all this trouble in obtaining this permit only to sell a small amount of products?" I explained but continued on, "Anyways, this is a good time to do this, since I still owe your village for saving us, I'll give you a front row seat as to how the man who controls 30% of the world's economy does his thing. You'll be seeing an influx of gold coins filling your pockets in no time."

"I-is that true?!" A high-pitched voice interjected.

We took a look to see where it originated and spotted a kid no older than 6 dressed in tattered clothes---no, what she's covered in couldn't even be classified as clothes. She had bangs that partially cover her face and neck-length, coral-colored hair that is untamed. She also has dark yellowish-green eyes and fluffy cat-like ears that are the same color as her hair.

She's either a kid from the slums or a runaway slave, a good wake-up call that we're really in another world where killing is the norm. Well, it's not like homeless people and slaves don't exist in back on Earth. In fact, if we compared the total population of slaves here and on Earth, Earth definitely has the higher amount.

Including forced labor and forced marriage, 49.6 million individuals are victims of contemporary slavery. Children make up about one-fourth of all modern slavery victims. Moreover, the rough estimate for the total number of homeless people totals up to 1.6 billion people.

Going back to the subject, she introduced herself as Roo and persistently pleaded for me to lecture her on how to earn money as well. Normally, I'd refuse but when I look into her eyes she reminds me of my younger self.

"Sure, I'll teach you as well." I answered her determination with a positive response.

"Are you out of your mind?! You're roping a random child into this!? Even though we don't know anything about her and her origin?!" Naturally, Elk complained, dishing out logical arguments.

"Why of course. Her eyes are telling me that there's a healthy kind of greed buried beneath it. A type of greed great entrepreneurs have. She'll definitely become one as well when guided properly." I replied to Elk, explaining my reason.


"A consignment sale? What's that?" A merchant asked.

A consignment is a type of business model wherein a retailer, also known as a consignee, agrees to pay a seller, or consignor, for goods when the item sells. Consignment shops are often retail establishments with a focus on a specific category of consumer goods.

As I explained this, I elaborated further by stating that we'll allow them to sell their wares alongside ours with the condition that we'll get two-tenths of their sales. I appealed that it costed us a fortune when attaining a business permit.

Though, getting two-tenths of their profit wasn't my goal from the start.
So, I gave them a 'special discount' with the camaraderie we share as we're all opposed to Neutscheland. I lowered it down to one-tenth on the condition that they'll be our manpower for our shop.

"Hey, is it alright if we gave the same offer to the other villages?" One of the three merchants asked.

"Of course. In fact, it's a welcomed idea." I replied, giving them the confirmation to spread this deal. They soon left the pub in high spirits.

"Hmm? You okay, Elk? You've been docile for quite some time." I questioned the teenage byuma.

"Yeah, it just seems surreal that the deal went smoothly..." He answered, unintentionally ignoring my remark at the end as he is still trying to process what had just transpired.


"You really were serious about stocking up despite not spending a single Luc..." Elk commented.

"Listen very well, when stocking up, it's mandatory that you need money. But, there's something more valuable than money when starting a business, it's trust." I explained to my 2 protégés---who were still somewhat confused.

"When I said trust, the meaning is still vague so I'll specificy, what I meant by trust is the trust between fellow entrepreneurs. When you translate that, it basically means how much profit can you gain from each other? And since our company is still unknown by the masses, this business permit we have negates all those doubts and let's merchants trust us wholeheartedly. " I added, elaborating further.

"Anyways, Elk, you've figured it out as well, right? The answer as to why this method is so cunning." I added, quizzing Elk.

"By doing this, we can restock our shop anytime without having to constantly worry if we can make a profit as we don't make any losses anyway. Correct?" He answered.

"Meh, I'd give your answer a 6 over 10. LI'l Roo, you remember the deal I proposed to those merchants last night?" I said, giving her a hint to the rest of the answer.

"Hmmm... Ah! You said that you'll lower the fee for letting them use our company's name to sell their goods in exchange for their manpower in helping out in the shop!" Li'l Roo responded, making me grin devilishly.

"That's right! And with that, we can repeat this process and expand our business to no end. Watch as we outnumber Neutscheland in just a few days." I declared.

It was already lunchtime when we finished setting up shop in near the central plaza. Fortunately, we finished at the perfect time as this is the time when the citizens take their breaks---or in other words, the time of day when the majority of the townsfolk are out and about the streets.

And just as planned, our potential customers flooded the area---this is because this place is near their workplace and has cheaper prices as well, unlike Neutscheland where their base of operations isn't practical at all, not to mention the rates they've set are way too expensive.


Ayanokouji's POV

It was early in the morning and I'm already hearing a commotion outside. Apparently, the cause for the noise originated from the cart full of supplies---courtesy of Masato. It contained an abundant amount of ingredients ranging from salt, pepper, and sugar to even honey jam. And since this cart has arrived safely, this also means that Shinobu is nearby.

I search around the vicinity until my eyes landed on a cherry pink short haired girl wearing a high school uniform, she was talking to Tsukasa in the middle of the forest. I wait until their business is over before approaching her.

"Shinobu, do you have a progress report on my request?" I inquired her.

"Straight to the point?! Can't you show some tact and worry about me if I arrived safely or not!?" She replied angrily.

"You and I both know that worrying about you is pointless. Though, if it makes you happy then, you weren't hurt or anything, right?" I responded, trying to ease her tantrums.

"Never mind, you worrying about me is weird anyways. And to answer your question, I've already finished it." She countered while also switching back to the previous topic.

"I'll ignore that first remark. Let's hear it." I replied, to which she responded by telling me the information I asked for.

"Thanks, Shinobu. I can use this. And as I promised, you can cash in your favor anytime." I stated as I expressed my gratitude.

"Can't wait for the day I decide to use it!" She replied enthusiastically.

Now I'm starting to worry if it was a good idea to ask a favor from Shinobu herself. But what's done is done, no use in complaining about it. I sent her off as she still had other tasks to do, she left with her usual phrase "Nin-nin."

Sanada's POV

Another day has passed and our business is booming as usual. I had Li'l Roo do a little commercial promoting the mayonnaise we're currently selling. I took advantage of Li'l Roo's naturally cute appearance to stir the customer's emotions---also known as Pathos method. Just like I've guessed, it sold out relatively quickly. Though, I've saved 1 jar of mayonnaise as it's about time they make contact with us.

After a few minutes, a man of above-average height clad clothes only high-ranking nobles wore, approached us. He had long and golden hair that is tied in a low ponytail whilst hanging on his left shoulder. His bangs were shorter but was long enough to hang freely on his face, covering one of his emerald green eyes.

"Oh, it seems like I'm late, but do you still perhaps have mayonnaise that everyone is talking about? Oh, where are my manners, my name is Klaus, the captain of the Sea Serpent fleet." The newly introduced Klaus said.


(A/N) My man looks fine as hell holy shit.


"Heh, I've been anticipating for your arrival. And yes, we still do in fact have some in stock. We'd be delighted if you tried it." I replied to him.


We closed up shop at sunrise and headed towards the docks as that was the base of operations of the Sea Serpent fleet. The guards stationed at the ship let the 3 of us in without making a fuss most likely due to their boss informing them of our appearances and time of arrival beforehand.

One of the members of ship guided us into the room where I presumed was the captain's quarters. And as I've guessed, he was in there, sitting comfortably on his chair with his hands on the desk, clasped together and leaned his head on it. His gaze seemed to be of a predator analysing his prey's movements.

He mouthed us to sit down, though there was only 1 seat available---the seat directly facing Klaus. So he was testing my subordinates, huh. If they complained about not having enough chairs to sit down on it'd reflect on their boss---leaving a bad first impression. Fortunately, I've already anticipated this and told Elk and Li'l Roo earlier.

"The grand fleet named Sea Serpent that holds the majority of the water's economy, the one handling maritime trade in the Eastern part of Freyjagard Empire. I've heard a lot about you." I spoke my general knowledge about them.

"Hoh? Coincidences can be freaky, I also heard about an interesting story about you. Elm Trading Company---the only trading firm that has the gall to compete with the once thought impregnable Neutschland." He replied, also giving me a brief explanation of his information about us.


(A/N) The first line was definitely a coincidence, I definitely did not intentionally phrase it that way. Yes, definitely not.



We finished up our meeting with the Sea Serpent captain and obtained a favorable offer. It was already nighttime so the 3 of us headed towards the inn we rented and went into our room. Once we arrived, Li'l Roo immediately gazed upon our profit and went off into her own world. Meanwhile, Elk had a look of worry in his eyes. It was still early before lights out so I decided to start a conversation with him.

"You worried about what Neutscheland's response to our actions, right?" I asked, trying to guess where his worries were placed.

"Well, yeah. With this huge of a news, there's no way Neutscheland will stay neutral. It's only a matter of time before they make a move." Elk answered, explaining his concern.

"Ooooh! That's an abundant amount of coins!" A cute female voice interjected above before I could say a word. We both looked up to see who's the source and it reveale-.

"Shinobu, can't you just enter the room normally?" I asked exasperatedly.

"Force of habit. Oh! Is this the rumored Roo-chan?! Eh, she doesn't even notice me---no, she's unintentionally ignoring me." She replied after dropping down from the wooden beam and poking Li'l Roo's cheeks.

"Probably 'cause she's way more addicted to money than I am." I responded.

"Heh~? Well, just don't infect her too much, okay? This primitive world can't handle 2 Masatos." She remarked.

"Oh yeah, now's a good time. Elk, it seems like we're about to get a report regarding about your worries." I voiced out.

"Yup! They've planned to move tomorrow with an all-out war in mind." She briefed us on the latest news.

"War?!" Of course, Elk replied frantically.

"Of course, not in the literal sense. An economic war where they'll purchase wares from the whole town and resell them at the same price, making no profit at all." I explained while walking towards the window.

"It seems like they have the confidence in doing this kind of method. Though, I'll commend them for it, it is a reckless move that bears no profit for their side---which will naturally have losses as well but can deal long-lasting damage to their enemy---that is if they did this from the start." I continued while opening the window revealing a handful of people waiting outside.

"Wait, who are they?" Elk asked me quizzically.

"They'll be my weapons for striking the heart of Neutscheland." I replied, emitting an ominous aura around the room, it even had Li'l Roo coming out of her trance.

"You're really confident in taking them down huh. Though, with the results you've been dishing out, I can't say that I'm not surprised." Elk blurted out.

"Well, duh, I'm not referred to as the Demon King for nothing." I responded, whilst smirking devilishly.


(A/N) Phew I'm finally finished with that. Now I'm kinda starting to regret making a fic that has geniuses as the leads. I wonder if this is how those CoTE author's feel when writing their Class S fanfics.

Anyways, I'm late, again, I know. Aaand I also don't have a good reason for it, teehee!


Word Count: 4370

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