Mark of an Alpha's Queen

By the_atticwriter

9.9K 1.8K 444

COMPLETED ✔️ Previously known as Catch Cassandra and Jace... Remember how their story went? But hold on... t... More

Part I - Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Bonus Chapter
Part II - Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Christmas Bonus Chapter
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Bonus Chapter
Part III - Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 2

64 17 2
By the_atticwriter

☆ Noah's POV

“Did I hear right, Luna? Is the human's child the heir?”.

“Tania, not now. Go get my sister” I hear Leilani say as she comes after me.

“But Luna...”.

“Now!” she barks at her lady-in-waiting.

I take a seat behind my desk.

“Noah, what's going to happen to me when she comes back?” she asks.

“Leilani, could you not? I'm not in the mood for this” I sigh.

“Are you going to make her Luna? If she truly a werewolf now, that's the right thing you'll do, isn't it?”.

“I said I'm not in...”.

“And your bond?” she continues to ask. “What are you going to do about the...”.

“Leilani!” I bark, slamming my fist angrily on my desk. “I said enough!”.

The terror on her face as she looks at me suddenly gets hidden when we both smell Makani heading toward my office.

“You sent for me, Lani?” she asks, coming in with Marcus following.

Leilani doesn't respond.

“Alpha Noah, I've alerted the trackers to begin the search” Marcus tells me.

I nod.

“Shouldn't we send Makani to go find her instead? She did a great job last time” Leilani finally speaks up.

I look at her.

“It's been seven whole years after that. We can't just charge up on her like that” Marcus says. “She might run”.

“Oh, she will” I say. “And that's why we must be subtle. We'll send an official letter with my seal when we find her”.

I see Makani shrug.

“I can be subtle”.

Marcus gives her a look.

“You don't do subtle... you do aggressive”.

“I can make an exception” she says.

I shake my head.

“I'm not taking any chances” I tell them.

“So let my men and I help, Alpha Noah” Makani says. “The trackers are good but my men and I can cover up the other places she might be. We find her first, I call the trackers to take care of it”.

“I think Maki is on to something, Noah” Leilani says. “It'll help save time”.

“I'll have to agree, Alpha Noah. The more people help with the search, the better. Finding her and the child and bringing them back here as soon as possible is what we need” Marcus joins in.

I look at him and he nods.

“Fine” I sigh, putting my hands in my pockets. “Makani, go ahead”.

She nods.

“See you later, sis” she gives Leilani a hard pat on the back making her flinch a bit.

“And Makani?” I call out.

“Yes, Alpha Noah?” she turns and responds.

“Be careful”.

She gives me a lopsided grin.

“When am I not?”.

✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽  

☆ Alexis' POV

I check my face in the mirror I'm holding.

If my werewolf trait wasn't back I would have been scarred for life.

A rhythmic knock on the door makes me shut the mirror and clear my throat.

“What are you doing?” she asks from the doorway.

I pretend to adjust Milton's picture on my desk.

“Nothing” I reply.

“I totally caught you checking yourself out” she chuckles. “Are you going on a date?”.

“No, Alvria. I was checking if I had spinach in between my teeth”.

“You don't like spinach” she says flatly.

Then she gasps.

“You are going on a date!”.

I make a face.

“A date? God, no”.

“Oh” she says, disappointment thick in her voice.

I shake my head.

“What can I help you with, Ria?”.

“Oh, the boss wants to see you” she says.

“Alvria please” Devin chuckles, walking in with a big gift basket. “She's the boss... our boss”.

“Another one?!” I ask, looking at the table in the corner of my office that was full of gifts.

“This one has got chocolate flavor combinations I didn't even know existed up until right now” Devin says to me.

I sigh.

“Remind me never to agree to be a set designer consultant”.

“Let them praise you and shower you with more gifts, Alexis” Devin chuckles. “Literally”.

“It was one time, one” I say.

“And it'll be your one time anything if you don't get your ass in Cane's office right now”.

I look and see my boss' assistant.

“I was getting her, Annie. I swear” Alvira says.

Annie peeks into my office, eyeing the gifts in the corner, then eyeing me.

“I'm sure you were” she says dryly and walks off.

So uptight!

“Why didn't you mention my boss was in?” I ask my assistant.

“I did” she defends. “I said the boss wanted to see you”.

“You should have said 'my', Ria” I tell her.

“Possessive pronoun” Devin sings.

Alvira rolls her eyes.

“Just get up and go” she says to me and turns out of the office.

I stand up and Devin circles my chair.

“I'll keep your chair warm for you” he grins at me.

“Up” I order before his butt touches the seat and he darts out the door.

Annie isn't behind her seat so I knock on my boss' door and enter.

“You wanted to see me, Lemaster?” I ask.

“Yes, yes, Alexis. Please, do come in and take a seat”.

I close the door behind me and take a seat across from him.

“I wanted to discuss the new project we've secured with you”.

“There's a new one?”.

“New and big” he grins, passing me the file. “It's to remodel an eighteenth-century castle”.

I frown.

“Why would anyone want to remodel a castle?” I ask. “Doesn't it hold some sort of irreplaceable history and or authenticity?”.

“And that's why you're the perfect person for the job. I know whatever you do, you'll make sure whatever culture is there in the walls of that place, will not be lost”.

I nod and close the file.

“I'll get the crew together and we'll begin as soon as possible”.

I stand.

“I knew you wouldn't refuse to take this up”.

“Lemaster, it's my job. And besides if I don't supervise, who will?” I chuckle.

“Oh no, no. Supervise?” he asks. “I want to be in charge of the entire project”.

I arch a brow.

“What?” I ask.

“You heard me. You're the best person for the job”.

“To supervise, not plan everything”.

He sighs.

“I think this will be good for you, Alexis. I've seen the work you did at Ziphy's and this shouldn't be a challenge”.

“I know, but...”.

“Take this as an opportunity to branch out”.

“But I don't want to branch out, Lemaster”.

“Fine. It's an out-of-state project so take it as an opportunity to go on a vacation”.

I shake my head.

“I don't want to go on a vacation, sir”.

He folds his arms.

“Alexis, all you do is work, work work”.

“Because it's my job”.

“It's my job as the owner of this architecture company to work too, but you overdo it” he tells me. “Sometimes I wonder if you have a life outside of this office”.

I chuckle.

“I have a life, Lemaster”.

“Really? Do you have any friends?”.

I make a face.

“Of course, I have friends” I answer. “There's Alvira...”.

“Outside of this office” he cuts me off.


“Fine. There's...”.

“The nanny doesn't count” he cuts me off again.


“Alexis, you do realize playing Legos with your son isn't an activity a grown beautiful woman like yourself should be doing every weekend”.

“I don't... not all the time” I defend.


“Mr. Cane, please” I stop him. “I have friends, okay?”.

“If that girl is who you refer to as friends, then she doesn't count either” he says.

“Well, that makes two girls because you don't count either” her voice erupts behind me.

I sigh as Lemaster narrows his eyes.

“See what I mean?” he says. “And she's everywhere”.

“Like the ladies are for you?” she chuckles from the doorway. “Oh, wait. They're not”.

I give her a look but she doesn't stop. I sigh again.

“Sir, please ignore her” I tell my boss.

“Of course. If not I'd probably be suffering from low self-confidence because nothing good ever comes out when she opens her mouth”.

“Ouu, I just got hit by the Lemaster Cane. This has got to be my happiest day!” she cheers.

“I'll be on my way now” I say to my boss as I take her hand.

“Think about what I said, okay?”.

I nod and close the door behind me.

But I won't.

“Hey, slow down”.

“When you stop making fun of my boss, Malia”.

“Never” she chuckles.

“Well, then I guess you'll have to speed walk from now onwards”.

She laughs.

“Lemaster loves my roasts. He lives for them” she says. “And besides, he fired back today so it's working”.

“And your aim is?”.

“To boost his confidence”.

“By making inappropriate comments?”.

“It's a secret formula that's supposed to...” she trails off as I let go of her hand when we near my office. “Your assistant... Alvira, was it?”.

I nod.

“She knows I'm straight, right?”.

I chuckle and look at her.

“She's straight too, Mal”.

Malia glances at Alvira who's behind her desk. She waves and Malia reluctantly waves back, a fake smile plastered on her face. Malia turns back to me, dropping the smile.

“Do you see the way she looks at me?” she whispers.

“She just admires you... and will kill for your hair right now” I tell her, threading my fingers through her long hair. “So smart for you to decide to grow it”.

“We were moving states and you refused to let us disguise ourselves”.

“Because it wasn't necessary, Mal”.

“I suggested we go under witness protection but noooo. You had to refuse”.

I chuckle.

“I don't regret it” I say.

“So I grew my hair” she crosses her arms.

“And you look great” I admit. “So chic”.

“You're one to talk” she says, eyeing me up and down. “With your fancy dresses and short ombre hair”.

I chuckle softly.

“And gifts!” she cries out as her eyes fall on the table in the corner. “Wait, is it your birthday?”.

“No, you've never forgotten my birthday. You're good with dates”.

“Numbers” she corrects. “I haven't been on a date since sophomore year in college because I'm not good with dates”.

Oh Malia.

“Is it for the TV set thing?”.

I nod.

“And they've been sending me thank-you packages for three months now”.

“Well, don't mind if I do” she chuckles and walks over.

“Help yourself” I say and watch her rip open one of the packages.

“Ouu it's a spa kit” she announces. “I know what I'll be doing this weekend”.

I smile at her enthusiasm.

“Why are you in town anyways?” I ask.

“Because I am, end of story”.

I hold my hands up.

“I won't say more”.

“Good. Now you ready to go?” she asks.

“Yeah, I...”.

“Hey, do you need any help moving the gifts to your car? Devin mentioned you could use some help so I thought I'd... help”.

No, Devin is trying to set me up with you.

I smile politely at him.

“Thank you, Ezra. But there's no way I'm loading all these gifts into my car”.

His face falls a little.

“Okay, I'll be going then. See you on Monday” he waves and walks away.

Malia turns to me with a frown.

“Why did you turn that very nice man down?”.

“Because it's a set-up” I reply. “And even if he was harmlessly offering to help, I wouldn't take it because like I said, I'm not loading all of these gifts into my car. Devin will take care of the rest I leave behind”.

“Oh, that's okay. You can load the rest into my car”.

I pause and arch a brow.

“You bought a car”.

“First of all, why isn't that a question? And second, you're not the only one earning big money, okay?”.

“I thought you said you wanted to stay on the down-low”.

“Yes, I do”.

I chuckle.

“With a booty like yours? Girl, please”.

“I got a car, not a butt lift”.

I smile.

“Now c'mon”.

We grab the gifts we can and I leave the rest to Devin who insists he's going to mail it to my house later. I load my car with the packages when Malia drives her car upfront.

“You bought a Bentley?!” I gasp.

She grins at me and lowers her sunglasses.

“You're considering selling your mom van, huh?”.

“No” I pout. “Although that's a sweet, sweet, sweet ride” I admit.

“Sell the mom-van” she smirks, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

“No. And it's not a mom van. It's an Escalade”.

“You drive your son to school in that. It's a mom van... or truck... it's too huge”.

“Well you don't expect me to drive Milton to school in a Porsche or a Rolls-Royce, do you?” I ask.

She shrugs.

“Your sister does that and she doesn't see anything wrong with that”.

“No one expects less from Mia, Mal” I chuckle. “Now, I'm going to need you to step out of that vehicle so I can drive because there is no way I'm passing off that sweet, sweet, sweet new car smell”

Malia chuckles and we swap keys. The drive home was heavenly. We get to my house and we unload the gifts inside.

“So you still won't tell me why you're in town?” I ask Malia.

“I don't need a reason to be here, Jo”.

I smile at her addressing me by my middle name.

“You flew what... nine thousand miles here for fun?” I ask.

“Eight hours. I was in Melbourne to see a certain doctor”.

I give her a look.

“You went to see my aunt? Mal!”.

“Relax. She texted me saying she was worried about you”.

“I spoke to her three days ago”.

“Yes but she still texted me. I just feel like I owe it to her to assure her that you and Mill are both fine”.

I sigh.

“Someone could have followed you”.

She laughs.

“Who'd be so stupid to do that?”.

I arch a brow.

“Relax. Everything is fine. You worry for nothing”.

“If I don't, who will? You?”.

She narrows her eyes at me.

“If you want something to worry about, worry about your creepy across-the-street neighbor”.

I start to turn when she stops my head from moving.

“You'd make a terrible spy!” she whispers.

“Malia, stop. Mr. Bure is a nice man. Not creepy, just a nice old man” I tell her.

“Till he's a suspect for murder” she murmurs. “He could be a werewolf”.

“He is, Mal. And that's how I know we can trust him” I tell her again. “Singapore doesn't have many werewolves so if we've found one, I think we should be happy”.

“Or consider moving. The man could be a spy” she says.

“Just stop worrying okay? Mr. Bure is harmless”.

“Well I don't trust him” she says.

I nod.

“Your choice. But please, get inside the house”.

She reluctantly walks inside the house and I close the door behind me.

“Would you like something to eat?” I ask her. “I could make you...”.

“Auntie Malia!” Milton screams, bursting through the door with the nanny behind him, and heads straight toward Malia.

“Mill!” Malia grins and lowers herself so he can easily run into her arms. “Ooff!” she groans from the force and lifts him.

Milton laughs.

“You weigh a ton. What have they been feeding you?” Malia asks.

“Nuggets and a lot of fruit smoothie!” he chirps.

Malia gasps dramatically.

“Without me?”.

I chuckle lightly and turn to the nanny.

“I'm sorry we're late, Alexis. He wanted to stop and pick flowers for Mr. Bure”.

I smile.

“It's okay Yara” I tell her.

She nods.

“Should I get dinner started?” she asks.

“Oh no, no, don't worry. I'll do it” I say.

“Err no” Malia says.

Yara and I turn to her.

“Why not?” I ask.

“Because we're all going out for dinner” she says. “So Yara, go get ready”.

Yara smiles.

“Yes, ma'am”.

I give Malia a look.

“Whatever happened to staying on the down-low?”.

“Just for tonight” she shushes me. “Okay, buddy. Do you want to see something cool?” she grins at Milton as she puts him back on the ground.


“Okay, but first you gotta go say hello to your mother because you didn't when you walked in”.

He turns to me and smiles widely.

“Hi mom”.

“Hi, baby boy” I say back as he wraps his arms around my waist.

He raises his head to look at me; his chin on my stomach.

“I got all A's and B's this semester too” he whispers.

“I knew you would because you worked so hard and we're all very proud of you” I tell him, leaning low to kiss his forehead.

“Do you know what she's going to show me?” he whispers again.

I laugh.

“Oh if it's the same cool thing she showed me then you're going to love it” I tell him.

He lets go of me and turns back to Malia.

“I'm ready now”.

Malia smiles.

“Let's go then. But wait, you've gotta cover your eyes first”.

My phone rings and I look away from them.

“Hi, Devin” I say, walking into my home office.

“Oh good. The delivery guy is on his way with the rest of the gifts”.

I sigh and take a seat.

“And a letter arrived for you”.

I crease my brows.

“You're obviously not replying to the person's fan mail so I guess they decided to handwrite you one”.

I check my computer and see the long list of unread fan emails.

“Of course, I don't have time to read over three thousand fan mails, Devin” I say.

“Well, I slipped it in one of the baskets being delivered to you”.

I nod.

“Thank you, Devin. I'll see you on Monday”.


I hang up and scroll through the mail.

“It was just a set decoration” I murmur under my breath.

I begin to read and I don't realize how much time is gone till I hear the doorbell.

“Yara, get the door please?!” I call out.

*Ding-Dong* *Ding-Dong*


There's no response.


*Ding-Dong * *Ding-Dong*

I push the chair back as I stand up and walk out.

*Ding-Dong* *Ding-Dong*

“Relax, I'm coming” I call out.

I turn the doorknob and it's the delivery man.

“Ms. Graham?”.

I nod.

“Yes, that's me”.

“I've got your deliveries”.

“Yes, please put them here” I say, stepping out of the doorway to let him through.

It's just three small baskets so he's done soon.

“Please sign here”.

I take the pen and sign the proof of delivery.

“Thank you” he smiles at me.

I smile back.

“Thank you too”.

I close the door and sigh at the gifts.

“Yara?” I call out, looking at the baskets. “Should we visit the foster home tomorrow? I don't need all these gifts” I sigh.

There's still no answer.

“Yara?” I call out again and begin to walk around the house.

There's no sign of her anywhere. I check the garage to see if she's there with Malia and my son but I get there and Malia's car is gone. I hurry back and I'm about to call when I see a sticky note on the fridge door.

I put the telephone back and take a look at what was written on it.

“We went to dinner without you” I read.

I make a face and see another sticky note.

“Kidding. We'd never do that”.

I look around the kitchen and see other sticky notes.

“Took Mill and Yara out for a joyride. We'll meet you at the restaurant”.

How's Malia a doctor with this handwriting?

I look at the last sticky note and I recognize my son's handwriting.

Wear your blue dress”  it read.

I smile and stick it back on the kitchen wall. I turn off the lights in my home office and go up the stairs to my bedroom to get ready.

I lay out my blue dress and go take a quick shower. Walking back out, I begin to get ready.

I spray my perfume on my pulse points, turn off the lights, and head downstairs.

“I should move these out of the way” I say to myself when my eyes fall on the gift baskets.

I put my phone away and begin to move the baskets to the living room instead.

Last one.

I lift the last basket and frown at how heavy it is.

“Since when is wine this heavy?” I whisper to myself.

“Only when it's expensive wine” a voice comes from behind me.

I jump and the basket slips from my hands and hits the ground. I spin around.

“Mr. Bure!” I let out with relief. “You startled me”.

“I'm sorry dear. I did knock. There was no answer so I decided to let myself in”.

I smile at the elderly man.

“I hope I didn't cause you to make a mess”.

I look down at the basket.

“No, no. Everything's intact” I tell him. “What can I do for you?”.

“Oh I just wanted to thank little Milton for the flowers he got me earlier today” he says, looking around the house. “Is he here?”.

“No, we're going for dinner. He took the lead with Yara. I'm meeting them at the restaurant”.

“Oh well, then I'll get going”.

“When we get back and it's not too late, we'll pass by so you can thank him”.

“I would love that” he says to me and steps out the door. “Enjoy your evening”.

“You too” I say as I close the door.

My eyes fall back on the wine basket sitting on the floor.

“I'm taking you to dinner” I say and lift it again.

I turn off all the lights and lock up before stepping into my car. I'm about to start the car when my cell phone rings.

“I'm leaving home” I say when I answer the phone.

“Good, because we're ordering for you” Malia says.

“Would you like a turkey?” I hear Yara ask.

“Sure. What's Milton having?” I ask.

“Spaghetti” they chorus.

I laugh.

“Hey, I'm bringing wine so don't order, okay?”.

“Sure but hurry up”.

I shake my head and hang up the call.

“Let's see how expensive you really are” I say and shift my weight to unpack the wine basket that was sitting in the passenger seat beside me.

I pull one bottle out and turn it around in my hand.

“Ouu, Screaming Eagle. Dad would love this” I chuckle.

My eyes fall on an envelope sticking out of the basket.

“What's this?” I ask, reaching out for it.

I turn it in my hands and remember.

Right, the handwritten fan mail.

I chuckle and glance at the time on my dashboard.

Five minutes won't hurt.

“Let's see then” I whisper.

I lay the wine in my lap and open the envelope to pull out the letter. I unfold it and my heart stops.

This isn't a fan mail!

Thank you so much for reading!

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