
By neosxul

278 18 0

Sydney and Kameron break each others habits and ways and show one another the opposite of themselves that the... More

My Life
Welcome to Atlanta

Goodbyes & Greetings

33 3 0
By neosxul

September 11th, 1995

As of right now I am absolutely dreading this morning. I am not a morning person yet I have so much to do today. Dropping my little sister off at the airport is the first thing then my aunt and I will head to HU to start moving in. While today is busy I'm just glad I'm able to get it done.

"Are you sure you have everything?" I ask Leah while I'm  sitting in the passenger seat as she buckles herself up in the back seat.

"Yes mother" Leah replies chuckling.

"Alright doors are locked let's get this day started" Aunt Joyce says after she gets in the drivers seat.

The drive to the airport is about twenty minutes from my aunts house so around fifteen minutes I remember that Leah has tryouts for cheerleading at her middle school the next day.

"Leah, is mom taking you to tryouts tomorrow?"

"Yeah, she said I might be late though so I'm hoping whatever she has to do it'll be quick" Leah responded.

"What does she have to?"

"I don't know"

Since Leah doesn't know I drop it but I also make sure to call my mom at the airport to let her know that Leah is on her way.

We finally arrive to the airport and I get out the car to help Leah with her things and get her settled in the airport, you know I'm on my big sister duties.

"Bye auntie!" Leah says while giving our aunt a hug through the window.

"Bye baby! Please be good to yourself and to your mom, okay?"

"I will!"

"I'll be right back I'm gonna call mom to let her know Leah's coming" I inform Aunt Joyce.

"Okay I'll be parked over here" Aunt Joyce says as she points the the parking lot near her.

"I'm going to call mom to let her know you're on the way and then I'm gonna help you inside" I tell Leah as we walk to the nearest pay phone.

"I don't need help inside Sydney, I can do it myself"

"You can do it yourself huh? Last week you were crying talking about your luggage was heavy and you couldn't drag it" I remind her.

"It was heavy because your stuff was in there too dummy" Leah says. I immediately shut up because she's definitely is right but she didn't have to call me a dummy I just forgot.

After two people ahead of us finish their conversation on the pay phone it's my turn to use the phone. After a few rings she finally answers.


"Hey, mom. I just wanted to call and tell you that Leah is at the airport and she'll be home around 10:30"

"Dammit Sydney you should've called me earlier now I have to take her with me!" My mom exclaims.

"Take her with you? Where are you going?"

"I have to go to some type of two day training thing in Manhattan and it starts today" my mom explains.

"Starts today? It continues tomorrow too?" I question knowing that Leah has to go somewhere important tomorrow.

"I said it's two days, but yeah from eleven to one"

"Shit! I mean- I'm sorry. Did you remember that Leah has cheer tryouts tomorrow at 11?" I remind my mom.

"Damn, I forgot all about that. Well she'll just have to go with me"

"What? She can't go with you she'll miss her tryouts!" I express to my mom. When I said this it caught the attention of Leah making her concerned while she sat on the bench next to me.

"Well I can't help that Sydney! She should've kept reminding me" my mom says arrogantly.

"Remind you?! This is all she's been talking about! You even got her clothes for tryouts!" I say to her in a angry tone. Leah gets up from the bench as she's see me angry.

"You know what! Never mind mom she'll just stay here with me!"

"Sydney, you know she can't stay there with you. She has school" my mom states. Even though I said that out of anger my mom is correct, she can't stay here.

"Wow. So you remember she has school but you don't remember something that's important....to your daughter"

"I'm sorry" my mom says.

"Don't say sorry to me say sorry to Leah. Anyways I have to go and get her settled in, bye" I say then I hang up the phone.

After slamming the phone back on the hook, Leah jumps up at the scene of me angry. I pace back and forth with both hands on my hips just thinking what to do or tell her.

"What happened? What did mom say?" Leah asks.

I was hesitant to tell her because I know that it would break her heart and I hated to see my little sister sad and upset.

"Mom says that she's going to have to bring you along with her today and tomorrow because she has a training to go to"

"Well what time is the training?" Leah asks with innocence which breaks my heart even more.

"11 til 1" I respond slowly.

"What! But that's the same time as my cheer tryouts!" Leah exclaims.

"I know! I know! Trust me Leah if I was there you know I would take you but I can't. I'm so sorry" I say with my hands on her shoulders making eye contact at her level.

"Why do you have to leave?" Leah asks as tears start to form.

"I don't want to but I have to do this for me. To start a new journey. You'll understand someday" Leah doesn't respond and still has a frown on her face.

"Look, I didn't tell you this but you're the main reason I stayed in Staten for school"


"Yeah. I didn't want to leave you because I didn't know how you would do without me but now I see that you're super strong and you'll be just fine" when I explain this I see her watery eyes turn clear again.

"How about this, when I go to HU I'll call mom back and ask her if Ms. Gonzalez can let you stay with her and also take you to your tryouts" Mentioning this made her face lights up and which makes mines light up as well.

Ms. Gonzalez is our neighbor who's in her mid fifties. We've known her since we moved into our place in Staten Island. She's a very nice and sweet lady who watched us from time to time.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!!" Leah says as she hugs me tightly. After the hug her face drops once again.

"I don't want to go. I wish I could stay here" she says.

"I get it. I don't want you to go either but trust me I will call you every day and night and tell you all the gossip" I say with a smile on my face.

"Please don't call day and night. That will annoy the hell out of me and I will not answer" Leah says.

"Welp she's back" we both chuckle at my comment.

My little sister may be a sassy little diva sometimes but she does care for me and I will always care for her. I wish our mom would do the same.

After our conversation I made sure there was someone to help Leah with everything and also look out for her since I couldn't go all the way in.

Seeing that time is flying bye and aunt Joyce is waiting in the parking lot, Leah waves goodbye at me from the line where you check in. After I wave goodbye back I made my way out the door and to the parking lot where I hop into the car and we began to drive to HU.

While we're driving there I have butterflies in my stomach from the thoughts of meeting people and things not going great. I keep thinking to myself that everything will be fine and I'm overreacting.

Once we pull up to the front of HU I see all the students moving in with the help of their parents. Seeing all of the black students here really makes me feel more comfortable. The vibes are giving an at home feeling, like I belong. Even though I haven't step foot into the school I can tell this is the place for me.

My aunt and I try to find Cleaver Hall which is the building I will be staying in. We park as close as we can and start to retrieve things out of the car.

My aunt looks around and sees that there's a lot of people. She glances at me and sees that my face is showing signs of nervousness.

"You sure you don't want to stay with me?" aunt Joyce asks.

"I'm sure, this can be a good experience for me and I don't want to miss out" I reply with a smile.

"Okay but whatever you have on your mind right now just let it go, breathe, and relax" aunt Joyce tells me with full on eye contact.

Once we grab the two bins, one containing all of my essentials and products and the other containing decor for my room we head to the entrance door where two woman are at a table sitting with clipboards and lanyards attached with a HU pass.

"Hi, how are you" one girl asks.

"I'm good, how about yourself?"

"Good thanks for asking. What's your first and last name?"

"Sydney Hicks" I reply. She turns the pages on the clipboard over until she finds my name.

"Yup, here you are. Can you write your initials next to your name for me and take one of these passes to where around your neck and you are good to go. Your room number should be on your registration paper that you received in the mail" the girl explains.


As we walk in there's different types of black artifacts and and pictures dedicated to this building. This building is named after Kathleen Cleaver who is an law professor and activist. It's nice to see a school pay homage to some one who fought for us and who stands for us.

We finally make it to my room and I open my door to see a very small room with very little space but I'm not trippin, that's the cost of living in a dorm. The right side of the dorm is somewhat decorated which lets me know that my roommate has already been here.

My aunt and I continue to get the rest of my stuff from the car and once everything is in my dorm we begin to unpack and arrange things.

My aunt starts to disinfect my side of the room because she hates germs with a passion and I don't blame her. While she's occupied cleaning I start placing decor on my wall.

I placed two posters of my favorite artist and rap group. One poster being Mariah Carey and the other poster of the Wu-Tang Clan. Me being from Staten Island aka Shaolin you know I have to represent.

After I'm done adjusting the posters I move on to the twin size bed. I take my light grey fitted sheet and began to place it on the mattress. As I'm tucking the sheet into the mattress a knock on the door echoes in the semi empty room. The footsteps coming in the room echoes as well.

"Oh girl this is nice!....Hey girl! Im your roommate Tiffany"

"Oh, hey! I'm Sydney"

"Nice to meet you! Girl I love your hair! Do you wear box braids?" Tiffany asks me.

"Uh...yeah I haven't had them in a while though"

"Well you're in luck because I do hair on the side and since you're my roommate I won't even charge you" Tiffany says.

"Are you serious? That's cool but I'm still gonna to pay you" I reply.

"Ok girl you must got money" Tiffany says exaggerating.

"Nah, but if you do a good job that's the least I can do"

"Okay, I feel that"

"Ahem" my aunt Joyce clears her throat as she comes out of the bathroom making her presence known.

"Oh auntie this is my roommate Tiffany. Tiffany this is my Aunt Joyce" I introduced them.

"Hi nice to meet you!" Tiffany says.

"Nice to meet you too Tiffany. I'm going to let your girl get to know each other, I'll be in the cafe I hear they have refreshments so if you need me I'll be there" Aunt Joyce says.


"So Sydney, how come I've never seen you around. Like I know HU is a huge campus but I'm very talkative so I know almost everybody" she says with a chuckle.

"It's because I'm a transfer student" I tell her.

"Oh really? Where did you transfer from?"

"College of Staten Island. That's where I'm from"

"Ohhh a New Yorker, well welcome to the south. And speaking of New York, I don't even know why I asked where you're from seeing that you have the Clan on your wall" Tiffany says while looking at the poster located on the wall.

"You listen to them?"

"Not really but if I'm being honest when it comes to looks, I know a lot of girls be feeling Method Man and don't get me wrong he's fine but that Ghostface Killah....he just does something for me" she says laughing making me laugh in the process.

"Yo, I actually feel you on that one" I tell her smiling.

"What's your major?" I ask Tiffany.

"Education, specifically Early childhood. I love to work with younger kids. Even if they get on my last nerve I think it's still worth it" Tiffany explains.

"Well you have the patience for it I don't. I have a younger sister whose 12 but going on 30 and she's a pain in the ass" we both chuckle.

"What's your major?" Tiffany asks.

"Journalism. Hopefully after college I get to work for a magazine company specifically Vibe magazine"

"Ohhh I love that magazine. Since you're in Journalism some majors are giving information on certain programs that they have in the student center. Wanna go?" Tiffany says.


We both leave the dorm and Tiffany shows me around as much as she can. Soon we get to the student center and I see at least seven tables and with students giving information on their majors.

"Hey, if you don't mind I'm going to the education table. I need to ask a question but I'll be right back"

"Ok, I'll be over here" I reply pointing to the journalism table.

When Tiffany leaves I head to the Journalism table where there are three students restocking flyers and other pamphlets. When I arrive at the table I grab a flyer about being an interviewer during homecoming.

"Are you interested?.....hello"

"Oh shit sorry. My bad for saying shit- I mean.....yeah I am actually it's right up my alley"

"No need to apologize......I'm Jason by the way" he introduces with his hand out gesturing a handshake.


"Yeah it's amazing experience. Is your major journalism or are you just looking" Jason asks.

"It's journalism"

"Well in that case then, you will love this activity. Here write your name, your building and room number down and we'll give you more information"

"Ok thanks!"

"No problem" After I write my information down I look up to see Jason starting at me.

"Is your major journalism as well?" I say to try to break his contact with me.

"Uh yeah....that's why I'm here" Jason says with a smirk.

"Oh yeah, duh." I say smiling in an uncomfortable way.

"Speaking of, are you taking any classes related to journalism?" Jason asks.

"Yeah, I'm taking public speaking" I reply

"Oh really? Whose your professor?" He asks.

"Ummm..... Darcy Coff-land, Cagg-land" I say trying to pronounce the professors last name.

"Let me see, oh professor Coughlan (cock-lan)
I have the same professor but sadly we have different times"

"Thank God" I say in my head as he continues to examine my schedule.

"But you might want to get this class checked out" Jason says as he points to my sociology 2 class that has two asterisks next to it.

"Why what's wrong with sociology?" I ask.

"So when a class on your schedule has two asterisks it means that either it wasn't paid for or your credits from the previous class didn't go through. Are you a transfer student?"


"Oh okay, yeah that's most likely the reason it happens to a lot of transfer students.. You should get it checked now so it won't cause you any trouble in the future. You can go to Jackson Hall that's where the nursing and journalism advisors are" Jason explains.

"Ok thank you!"

"No problem and be on the lookout for any updates for the interviews!"

I start heading off to Jackson Hall. It's my first day here and I have no idea where I'm going but I eventually find the building Jason was talking about.

I don't see anyone at the front desk so I ask one of the students whose sitting down in the waiting room to give me directions to the journalism advisors.

"Hey, do you know what floor the journalism advisors are located on?"

"It's on the 3rd floor, but you might want to take the elevator because the stairs in this building are fucked up and I wouldn't want you to get hurt" the guy says.

"Okay thanks and thanks for the heads up"

"No problem"

Once I make it to the third floor the lady at the front desk ask for my name and tells me to sit and wait for my advisor. As I sit I see the new issue of  Vibe magazine with Mike Tyson on the front cover. I look through it and I read some of the interviews.

It's crazy to be at a place where I'm starting my career to be in this exact magazine. I'm just beyond grateful for the opportunity and the decision I made. Let's hope that I can really focus and strive for my goal.

"Sydney Hicks!" The advisor calls my name from her door. I walk to the door and enter her office and immediately sit down.

"Hello, how are you today?" My advisor asks.

"I'm good. Just tryna get to know the place" I reply.

"Well that's good, you'll eventually find your way around. I'm Anne Montes and I'm going to be your advisor for fall and spring semester, any questions you have about scheduling, classes, your major, just asks me. So what brings you in today?"

"It was pointed out to me by another student that something may be wrong with my sociology class since it has two asterisks besides it" I explain.

"I see, well let me check" Anne says while she searches on her Microsoft Windows 95 computer.

"Ok yeah, it says right here that your sociology 1 grades didn't transfer so it looks like you're gonna have to take that class over again"

"What?.....is there something we can do about that? I don't want that to hold me back" I express.

"Unfortunately since it's so close for classes to start we can't get your grades transferred in time and don't worry this won't hold you back" Anne says.

"Okay, I'll deal with it"

"Okay. I'm sorry this happened, this usually occurs when we have transfer students but you're all set"


In a way I'm kind of upset that I have to take sociology 1 over again but I'm just going to go through it. It may be even a little easier for me since I know most of the curriculum.

As I'm exiting the building I see a pay phone right next to it and instantly remembered to call my mom about Leah and her cheer tryouts.

After a few rings my mom finally answers.


"Hey, it's me again. Ima make this quick because I have to finish putting things away in my dorm, but Leah really wants to go to her tryouts. She's been waiting on this since the beginning of this year and it's very important to her. If you can find some time can you please make arrangements with Ms. Gonzalez to if Leah can stay with her and take her to tryouts?"

I hear her sigh on the phone and a pause after. I'm hoping that she'll at least take it into consideration.

"I'll see what I can do" my mom replies.

"Cool, well I gotta go. I guess I'll talk to you later" I reply in a low tone.

"Bye Sydney" my mom says.

"Bye" I reply before I hang up.

I hope that my mom actually takes my advice and makes arrangements with our neighbor. Leah really wants this and I want her to be happy. Who knows her becoming a cheerleader may start something new within her, like a new start. Just like my new start is beginning now.

Authors Note: Hey y'all! I hope I'm doing this book justice so far. I just want to say bare with me when I comes to writing in things surrounding the college. This is the 90s and I don't really know how the college procedure was during that time but other than that let me know what you think of this chapter!🤸🏾‍♀️

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