The King's Woman

By MayidaWrites

74.2K 4.8K 4.5K

How far can one go to protect their love and relations? How far till that thread breaks or become stronger? _... More

A glimpse of ASR
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Author's Note (Please read)
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Author's Note

Chapter 34

1K 98 94
By MayidaWrites

Her breathing labored and struggles intensified whilst her hands trembled badly and so did she as she felt two buff arms slipping from behind to coil around her stomach and his chin resting on her shoulder. Panic doubled within her.

Even his heavy breaths fanning on bare skin didn't deter her from her goal to get out of here. To reach her baby!

Her palms were pushing through the concrete continuously even if she knew it was futile and she didn't seem like she was going to stop struggling anytime soon.

She mewled as she felt herself being yanked back against his broad chest breaking her contact with the slightly ajar hidden door before he trapped even her outstretched arms under his hold right there on her midriff causing chills to run down her spine.

He has grown stronger and more giant than ever before. Not two years, it seemed like he has aged twenty years in regard to his muscularity.

In his cage she felt so petite and helpless. She vanished under his huge shadow in the hollow of his arms. The pressure with which he was holding her as if he would never let her out of this prison of his arms made the breaths whoosh out of her.

"Please..." She twisted her wrists that were tightly held in his on her stomach. She tried to at least try and move to push him off but he has had moulded her form flushed into his frame in such a way that even as she tried she couldn't even flinch let alone try to get away.

Her head was clicked right under his chin as if they were two pieces of jigsaw puzzle.

How can she fit so perfectly in the devil's arms as if she was made to be there? How is it possible that no matter how much he ages or grow masculine but this fact doesn't change?

Her thoughts started to get jumbled. His presence added to her conflict.

Why did she even meet him at the age of ten?

Why didn't she jump off some cliff when she got out of the children shelter?

Why did she believe him at the first place and let him bring her to this point? Why?

She was on pins and needles for the last two years without him and now she was in pure hell even when he is back safe and sound.

Why is it that with or without him she was destined to suffer? To be doomed? Either way? WHY?

What bad did she ever do to anyone to have been bestowed such a tragic life since her birth?

His harsh breaths so close to her skin added up to her torment as her shattered pieces cut through her insides mercilessly.

Her gut twisted and turned whilst her heart dropped to her stomach as she realized there was no escape now and she would have to face the devil when she was already at her lowest and vulnerable state. Whether she wanted it or not.

Even before he said anything she knew what would be his exact words as she felt his lips parting against the crook of her neck.

"Hi Khush. Missed me?" At the same time he has reached over with his one arm to shut the hidden door to cut down all her ways of getting out of here.

Speechless she trembled like a leaf in his hold as she felt him nuzzling his nose at the side of her neck whilst he inhaled a lungful while peppering feathery kisses on her neck, her shoulder, the side of her face nuzzling his nose leisurely on her skin making her heart claw.

"It's okay, sweetheart. I'm here. You can relax now." He whispered huskily with his lips touching her ear. She shuddered.

"I know the last two years were really tough on you. Especially the last six months with no news of me but it's over now."

He murmured with the right side of his face touching hers with his head inclined towards her while her head rested back against the left side of his chest as she stood imprisoned in his devilish grip as his grip turned dominating around her as if he wanted to crush her into him to make them one.

Her insides twisted and turned at his softly said words that created havoc in her senses. Made her want to do things that were forbidden for her; like turning around and throwing her arms around him to cry in his embrace which she resisted with great difficulty.

Her eyes prickled as she felt like he was deliberately poking her raw throbbing wounds to get his desired reaction out of her.

But she has had developed an insane amount of restraint over the years that helped her in this moment to keep herself in check despite his constant murmuring of soothing words in her ears with his lips touching her hairs as he took a sharp intake of breaths with his nose rubbing the side of her head making a crack in her resolve.

"Oh Khush. I missed you so much." He whispered in her ear from behind before kissing her ear. A gasp left her as he took her earlobe in his mouth and sucked lightly.

"No..." She protested as it was becoming too much for her. He released her lobe and proceeded to lick the slope of her neck taking his own sweet time.

"You smell so good sweetheart. Like peace. My peace." He palmed the side of her face to tilt her head up and meshed his lips to her cheek sensually making her curl her toes. He didn't even give her a chance to protest.

She is his peace? What about her peace that he has snatched from her? Why doesn't he ever think about that? Why doesn't he give her any reprieve while he steal as well as demand peace from her and even snatch it depriving her of the same?

Even if he felt her sullen state he royally ignored it. His kisses became urgent and demanding on one side of her face close to his whilst his hand slid from her face to palm her throat cupping it lightly to rub his fingers there sensually.

"Don't." She wiggled feeling heaviness building on her chest.

"I still can't believe I'm back and embracing you in my arms and can touch you sweetheart. I thought I won't be able to do this ever again when I..." He paused and so did she as her eyes misted up.

He trailed both of of his buff arms up to wrap them on her upper body around her shoulders and sighed out loud as she felt him rubbing the tip of his nose on her temple chanting, "I missed you," over and over again testing her sanity.

It almost cracked her composure as her heart clenched so hard in her chest that she fisted her hands at her sides and closed her eyes to pray for restrain lest she blurt out her forbidden thoughts and emotions and give the devil power over herself. If that happened he would not stop to even suck her soul out wholly for his own amusement.

"Don't you have anything to say? Or maybe ask me how I have been? What I have been through? How did I come back from the testing ordeal safe and sound? Aren't you happy? Or are you disappointed?"

He poked her deliberately and his continuous assault on her already weak and vulnerable senses made her almost fall down into puddles. If he wasn't holding her trapped in his crushing embrace she might have had fallen on her knees by now.

She didn't even realize that the man gripping her in his caging hold has successfully distracted her mind off all other thoughts except for him. The cruel thief that he was he stole her attention from her son to himself without much of an effort.

He succeeded as everything flashed in front of her eyes like a panorama of all the restless days and nights she spent in his absence to the morning two days ago when she got the news of his defeat and death that cut off all her composure of years.

Khushi who thought her tears has dried already felt her vision blurring as she felt him rubbing her shoulders as he had his arms crossed on her front that he tightened further when he heard an involuntary whimper leaving her making her throat clogged.

"Shh. Shh." She heard him say when she started to protest weakly feeling helpless like never before. It was as if suddenly neither her body nor her mind or her heart were in her control anymore.

"Khush," He nudged his head lightly with her. She felt his hot breath fanning her skin continuously increasing her anguish.

She wanted to struggle. She so wanted to but still she found herself standing rigidly in his arms as if she has been deprived of all the strength off her body abruptly.

What was happening to her? Khushi move. Push him off. Why the heck are you frozen?

Even as her mind screamed, her body refused to obey her commands as it stood slumped against him whilst her heart pounded fiercely making her feel scared some more as she felt like it would leap out of her chest any moment from now.

"Calm down, sweetheart. Relax." He repeated as he loosened some of his hold when he also felt the heavy thumping of her heart against his arms and rubbed his hands up and down her arms while taking all her weight on him seeing that even as he removed his grip from around her she didn't register it at all and languidly laid against his chest as if she has been sucked dry off all the life within her to fight.

He started to get worried when neither did her body stopped trembling nor did she respond to anything he was saying.

He cupped her chin to turn it up towards him to look at her face and saw her eyes open but there was no life in there as she stared blankly at him as if she wasn't here anymore and long ago gone to some other world where no one could make her suffer. Especially him. He clenched his jaws in rage.

He was well versed with this look of her. He has been subjected to that in the children shelter for years. At that time he was a child and so was she. He wasn't mature enough to deal with it when she used to zone out and look at people and even him with unseen eyes.

He would be damned if he let her go back to that phase. He growled loudly. She didn't even flinch.

"Fine. You asked for it." He gritted out and whirling her around slammed her against the wall harshly with his palm wrapped on her throat.

"SNAP OUT OF IT KHUSH OR I SWEAR..." He bellowed on her face with his mouth almost touching her skin while he put light pressure on her neck digging his fingers on her shoulder with his other hand to jerk her back to present. To him.

She winced as she first felt the ache on her back for the rough hit to the wall before she blinked her eyes, once, twice and thrice until the hazel orbs widened in horror seeing the monster breathing on her face looking wildly at her with a warning clear in his red shaded eyes.

She gulped as she realized what happened with her. She has zoned out. Moreover she was terrified as she recalled how he once told her how much he hated it when she used to ignore him by being like this.

As she regained her composure, her mind wandered back to Arsh and her earlier realization. Slowly, slowly the spell of his sudden intimidating aura weared off. Or so she thought.

"P...Please," She stuttered. "I... Arsh..." She mumbled blinking back the tears.

What if he has already sent her son away? It has never happened before that at nights if her son isn't with her and she keeps sleeping in oblivion for more than a second.

She was aware that the secret route from which he must have brought her here requires several minutes to reach this bedroom and she had slept through it all without getting alerted.

It clearly meant that when he got her here she must have been drugged or else she would have woken up the moment she felt her arms being deprived of her son.

"What about him?" He frowned as his expressions turned impassive whilst he let his arms fall but still he didn't move back. Instead he held the sides of her waist possessively increasing Khushi's apprehension.

Their faces were inches apart. The danger emanating from him didn't waver but she saw that he wasn't much angry but confused now.

She blinked as the chills running down her spine dissipated and she started to get the hang of the surrounding and on herself.

He doesn't know what she has figured out earlier. This time she was a step ahead of him already. She needed to tread carefully.

But the problem is; he was standing so close to her that her rational thinking was colluding and her vigor wavered every time she even tried to look in his eyes.

The pair of unique shades has turned more intimidating and intense with unfathomable look as always clear in them which she couldn't decipher till date.

"I'm sorry." She blurted out the first thing that came to her mind. It's better to act submissive than to instigate the towering lion.

"For?" His frown deepened.

"For what happened on your return. If I had been careful then Arsh..." She lowered her eyes when she saw his eyes flashing with coldness. "I know you're angry..."

"Oh damn well I was. I still am." He thumped his palms on either sides of her head making her jump at her place in terror.

"If you want you can punish me but please spare Arsh. Don't hurt him. He is just a baby and he missed you that's why he..."

"Khush!" His stern tone made her shut her mouth but still she didn't dare raise her eyes to look at him.

"I won't deny I was hell angry." He tipped her chin up to make her look at him. Her insides quivered as her gaze met his dark ones.

"But more than angry I was scared sweetheart. For you and for our son." He said whilst not only his tone was tender but also his expressions has softened. So did his stance. Her stomach rippled with angst.

"More so I hated it when you're begging in front of me sitting on your knees and I could do nothing but watch." He cupped the sides of her neck firmly.

"But I'm so proud of you how you handled our stubborn son before he could say anything. You're a great mother, Khush. Arsh is so lucky to have you."

What? What is he saying? The man who would want to separate her from Arsh shouldn't be saying this.

In fact he should have taken this opportunity to tell her that she is incompetent to take care of Arsh anymore that's why he would be sending Arsh away so as to avoid any more mishaps like this.

But he was behaving exactly opposite to what ASR would have. Or did she misinterpret it all? Was her fear baseless and she has been tormenting herself all day long over nothing?

"When I'd go back to maids quarters then Arsh would still be there, right?" She croaked out with her eyes misting up.

"Of course he would be there. Where else would he be if not with you?" He pecked her nose before he looked at her suspiciously.

"Lady Akshita told me that you said you didn't want to come meet me and something like 'you'd not allow me to take Arsh away'. Why did you say that, Khush?"

Khushi was bewildered. She thanked heavens that Lady Akshita hasn't heard the conversation Khushi has had with Mehak regarding her assumption that ASR was playing a game with Arsh and her; to take Arsh away from her.

If she has had she would have surely informed the King about her biggest fear and he would then have used it to keep her under his thumb more than ever. Or who knows if he has had got angry on her next time he might have had done it the same as she was fearing just to spite her?

"I... was jealous. I feel like Arsh has started loving you more than me. That's why. I was just insecure. That's why I said that. I am sorry."

"Stop saying sorry Khush when you're not at fault. Look at me!" He made sure her eyes were on his before he said.

"I'd not allow anyone to take Arsh away from you. Including myself. No matter what. Understood?" His eyes glinted with utmost seriousness as he said that whilst Khushi stared at him agape with her heart twisting in her chest and mouth opened in disbelief.

"You're not lying, are you?" She choked.

"Why would I, Mrs. Agarwal? If I wanted to snatch Arsh from you I'd not have waited this long but would have taken him away from you the moment he was born." He caressed her cheek with the back of his hand tenderly looking intently in the bleary hazel orbs.

"Khush, I know it is not easy for you to trust me after everything I did and how I always threatened you with him but for this instance believe me, dear." He said softly holding her face in between his palms while caressing her cheeks with his thumbs making her quiver subconsciously.

"Like I told you before. I blackmailed you with Arsh only and only because I didn't want you to leave me. I'd never have separated you from Arsh even if you hadn't obliged. But this is also true that I'd have find something else to make you stay with me but I'd not even in my wildest dreams think of actually acting on my threats regarding Arsh at least."

He was looking at her earnestly with all the emotions on his face with a tinge of redness in his eyes.

Relief so great washed through her that she couldn't stand on her feet and was about to fall when he grabbed her waist and yanked her flush towards himself taking two steps back from the wall dragging her along with him.

That made her crash to his chest with her face buried under his chin, her nose touching his throat as he pressed her into his frame whilst he has literally swept her off her feet with her feet inches above the ground resting on his feet.

She breathed harshly with her mouth opening and closing like a fish as in her raging emotions she gripped his gown into fist on his chest with her other hand bunching his buff arm.

"Dev..." She cried out helplessly.

"I know. I understand. It's okay. I'm here. You are safe. Arsh is safe. You can let it out now, Khush. Your Dev will take care of you." Even before he finished she has already burst into gut wrenching sobs shaking the ground beneath the great King of RK.

The storm inside her was raging for two long years. This separation has taken even a greater toll on her than the previous two times they have had stayed apart.

Actually they have had separated almost four years ago already way before Arsh was born but he wasn't ready to come to terms with it and was doing everything in his power to cling onto the relation he himself has destroyed.

For that he crossed all the limits of cruelty and intended to do so even in future if it meant he would get what he wants at the end.

It was another thing she doesn't have any idea what he has actually in store for her. When she did she would be as helpless as she was right now in his arms crying profusely to let out years long despair in the very arms of her tormentor.

Irony wasn't lost on him as he clutched onto her burying his face in her hairs sniffling her natural scent to try and block the gut wrenching cries of his Khush.

His hands trembled a bit and eyes squinted whilst he had his stubbled cheek rested over the side of her face while sandwiching her head in between his face and the crook of his neck as she grew berserk in a few minutes as helplessness turned into rage within her and she thrashed against him cursing him out loud slapping his chest and wriggling to get out of his hold.

She remembered each and every torture he made her go through and cursed him for each and everything. In her oblivion she spoke whatever that came to her mind without any restraint.

"I hate you. I hate you. Let me go. How many times do I have to tell you that I don't want to be with you anymore. I'd never forgive you. Never. Enough is enough. For god's sake let me go. Free me. Free us!"

It only made him hold her tighter and she realized with clarity of what was he actually trying to do here. Just by breaking down in his very arms she was regaining her usual feisty self back and helpless fearful Khushi took a back seat making her want to scream out loud.

He break her, make her weak and then instigate her let it all out to infuse some strength back in her only to force her to fear him and to submit him later on all over again. The cycle continues so on and so forth.

It was his favorite game that he plays with her and so easily make her fall prey to it every single time. She thought bitterly while punching her fist on his shoulder.

He gripped the very same hand of hers and bringing it to his lips kissed her knuckles, her wrist and the inside of her palm making her whimper helplessly.

"Oww. That hurts Khush!" Arnav flinched and growled as she dug her teeth on the side of his neck when he didn't heed to any of her attempts to get out of his hold.

He huffed as she swatted his chest and flailed her legs in air while hanging vertically in his arms to get out of his embrace with her teeth digging more into his flesh almost taking out blood.

He felt the sting but as stubborn as he was he only strengthened his hold on her holding her with his one arm coiled around her waist effortlessly while with the other he had his hand threaded in her hairs to calm her down rubbing his fingers on her scalp but it made her react even more violently.

She increased the pressure of her teeth and to her disbelief he freaking chuckled in response.

"I didn't know you're craving for me this much."

Khushi stopped right there with her mouth on his neck and realized what was she doing in her hysteria. Upon that his words made chills run down her spine. Not only his words but also the tone. It was dark. Intense. Altogether insanely seductive. She felt the danger coming even from a far.

She shifted her head away from his neck and rested her forehead against his shoulder stopping all her struggles hoping he would spare her and not punish her for her subconscious outburst.

"My turn now!" These two words were enough to suck her soul. He dropped her on feet to hold her facing him and leaned down to her neck.

"I'm sorry. Please don't!" She placed her hands on his chest to keep him at bay. He grabbed her wrists, twisted them and pinned them at her waist with his one hand and with the other cupped her chin to force her to look at him.

She stared fearfully as he tugged her closer till she was glued to him. His hand on her chin trailed to her neck as he grazed his fingers on her skin making her rasp and part her lips involuntarily. That brought his attention to her quivering lips.

"Fuck!" He growled pursing his lips. She felt herself stiffening and turning cold as she saw that beast was almost taking control over him.

She was sure a brutal kiss was on her way considering the way he was lustfully looking at her lips with his jaws clenched and eyes changing to a darker shade of red.

She released the breath she has been holding when he didn't kiss her and turning her face buried his nose in her neck breathed in and out harshly.

He almost made her forget what he had said a few moments ago when she bit his neck. He has said it was his turn. But not for long.

"You decide sweetheart. Where do you want me to return your favor? On your exposed neck which everyone would be able to see or you'd choose wisely to let me have my payback without you having to worry for others to see that you had been devored by someone."

His smirk appeared but it was the dark glint in his eyes that paralyzed her there and then when her head snapped to him in horror.

With her eyes widened and her heart thudding in her ears she saw him eyeing her neck hungrily as if it was a snack. What is he? An animal? Or a real crocodile? Scratch that,

What the hell has she gotten herself into?

Who would make this giant crocodile understand that what she did was purely out of her instinct to get herself out of his grip. She wasn't trying to seduce him or anything.

Why the heck he can't understand that she doesn't want anything to do to him?

She may become conflicted every now and then due to a darkened part of her heart all thanks to him but it doesn't mean she would forgive and forget everything he had done and has still been doing with her for so many years.

"Decide yourself or I will." He ordered narrowing his eyes at her as she saw that he was growing impatient with the glint in his eyes was terrifying.

It was better to keep his rage directed at her. She didn't want his mind to divert to other things to torture her using her loved ones so she gulped her screams and did what she knew would be enough to calm the raging beast.

Her hand trembled as she slid some of her gown to the side just enough to expose a part of her left shoulder and his smirk widened in approval as he flushed her in his arms and dipped his head.

She couldn't keep the yelp in as he bit her without mercy. Brutally. His palms roamed on the sides of her waist up till her underarms to slid to her back as he locked his hands in the middle of her back while slurping the skin where he bit her hard.

"You taste like honey!" He sucked on his teeth marks before smirking victoriously as he leaned back to look at her moist eyes. She quickly covered her shoulder sniffling.

He pressed his lips on the drop of tears on her cheeks one by one before trailing his lips up to her moist eyes. He drank the moisture tenderly.

One he made sure she wasn't shedding any tears anymore did he proceeded to place his head on her right shoulder.

With his hands at her waist he was making invisible soothing patterns on her gown at her back to make her relax in his hold but despite that she stood rigidly petrified until she heard him say,

"Calm the fuck down, Khush or I'd make you!" His deep voice vibrated through her whole body erupting goosebumps on her skin. It rose her fear of him manifold there and then.

There, she found her body obeying his command as if it has the mind of its own and started relaxing until she was fully calm and collective. She felt him smirking against her neck from where he hasn't raised his head yet.

"Oh did I tell you before? I'd be returning your favors in double from here on." He spoke with his lips on her skin and before she could decipher what was he implying he himself exposed her right shoulder and sunk his teeth into her skin taking her by surprise that she couldn't restrain the loud squeal of pain leaving her whilst her fingers fisted his robe involuntarily as she tried hard to curb her whimpers but didn't much succeed.

"Shhh. Shhh." He growled and she stilled. When she did he resumed to bite on her right shoulder. This one was more painful than the mark he left on her other shoulder. It stung like bitch and this crocodile still didn't care even as mewls of protests left her.

Once he was satisfied he sucked on his teeth marks to soothe some of her ache before he slid the cloth back on her shoulder and leaned his head back to look at her. Her face was contorted in pain and she was sobbing quietly.

The fear was very much present in her stance and in her eyes. That was it that made her not protest. A shadow passed across his face as he saw her closed wet eyes and trembling lips before his face hardened more than ever as he cupped her nape ordering her to open her eyes.

Hazel orbs filled up with unshed tears opened with a start as she shook badly in his arms but didn't dare avert her eyes from his as the dark red pair of shades warned her to.

"I wish I can mark every inch of your body right here, right now but that can wait until you accept me back. I may not seem like it but I'm a very patient man Khush. I'd wait till you'd give yourself to me with your own free will."

As she heard him say that the terror within her got mixed with suffocating rage.

What does he think of himself? If given a choice she would not even look at him let alone allow him anywhere near her. Touching her was out of question. He knows that too and was deliberately poking her like this telling her who was in fucking control here.

"Next time think twice before leaving your mark on me because I'd be returning it to you with interest for sure." He gritted out pressing his fingers on her nape.

She flinched. Terror puffed into thin air and rage overcame her fully. She became furious. He knew she didn't do it deliberately and still he was playing with her like this.

She winced as her sensitive skin on her shoulders where he has bitten her stung as it kept coming in contact with her clothes making her hiss. He had the nerve to smirk smugly at that.

"Good thing. Everytime it would sting you'd remember to whom do you really belong. It will also remind you not to defy me or try and think to dominate me."

"You're deranged!" She snapped having had enough.

"Since birth!" He said proudly and shrugged royally.

She started wriggling vigorously not even caring for the way her shoulders were aching now as the brutal bites were really making their presence known with her every movement.

He rolled his eyes, threaded his fingers in her hairs at the back of her head and pulled it softly just enough to tilt her face up before he dipped his head to place his lips on her throat making her gasp. Her eyes widened as she felt his hands roaming on her back unrestrained.

He didn't stop there only. He licked and sucked her skin until there wasn't a single place he hadn't peppered open mouthed wet kisses on her throat and all over her neck ignoring her struggles.

She didn't know whether it was conscious or subconscious thing he did but as she felt his one hand cupping her breast on her gown her own hand raised on its own accord to strike it against his cheek quite harshly silencing everything around as she stared horrified at his turned head with her hand clamped on her mouth as he froze on his place and so did she.

She was dead. She was so dead. He would strangle her for real now. She could sense it. Hasn't he warned her on the day he left two years ago not to raise her hand on him ever again? She has done exactly opposite and she was sure she would face his wrath now.

Rage was emanating like waves from him and as Arsh's face swam before her eyes she felt like howling. She needed to save herself for her baby. For Arsh. She should have curbed her urge to smack him knowing how unhinged this man really was.

She gulped lowering her head shaking badly as she sensed him turning his head to look at her before he craned his neck from side to side. She heard some cracking sounds of bones and it erupted goosebumps on her skin.

She yelped taking a step back when she saw his feet moving closer and she couldn't control her panic anymore.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. It happened accidentally. Please forgive me." She raised her arms to cover her face panic-stricken as she quivered in her shoes breathing harshly. She didn't register anything nor did she hear anything he said she kept pleading until she was sobbing loudly.

"KHUSH!" He shook her hard and that finally pierced through her hysteria and she peeked a look lowering her hands a little before he held her wrists to kiss her knuckles before pressing his lips to her palm one by one.

"Relax. I'm not angry. Okay?" He held her gaze saying that. She sniffled shivering nonetheless looking at him petrified. The ache in her shoulders from his brutal bites was still lingering. In fact it was increasing only with every passing moment.

"I shouldn't have done that. I should be sorry. I am." He said softly cupping her cheeks before he bent his head to press his lips on her both shoulders right above the marks he gave her leisurely. He kept repeating it for a while while Khushi stood speechless at his fluctuating demeanor.

"I don't know what came over me. Khush, I don't want to hurt you. Believe me." He kept rubbing soothing circles over her shoulders until she literally felt the pain subsiding and only dull ache remained much to her disbelief.

How can his little rubs take away her pain in a few moments? Not only that her shoulders started slumping down on its own accord.

What the hell was happening to her? How can he have such a control on her nerves and body still? How?

"Relax. I'm not angry. I'd not hit you. I can never do that to you. I promise." He said firmly.

She looked at him in disbelief because he really looked not angry at all. In fact there wasn't any hardness on his face either except he looked... concerned? Guilty?

"Okay you know what. I'm allowing you to hit me as much as you want tonight and I promise I won't react angrily at all."

Seeing his soft expressions made her brave somewhat. Relieved some of the fear as well.

"I don't believe you." She croaked rubbing her nose blinking her eyes at him. His lips quirked up at that.

"I'm serious Khush. You won't get a golden opportunity like this ever again. Avail it. Let out all your frustration on me however you want. Slap me all you want. For as many times as you want."

"Swear on yourself." She started relaxing seeing him mellowing down. Oh because she knows he loves himself more than anything else in the world. Hence the swear.

He chuckled amused.

"Okay I swear on myself I am not playing."

Just as he finished he got smacked on his other cheek.

"Oh you could have given me a heads up sweetheart." He rubbed his stubbled cheek with a lopsided smile on his face.

The previous one doesn't count as she was so scared after that but Khushi couldn't help but feel so good with this slap she gave him. Satisfaction rushed through her being. She wanted more. She didn't hold back anymore.

She took out all of her years of frustration, agony, anguish, anger and longing on him. By slapping him left, right and centre.

For this time he was prepared. He didn't even flinch while she became exhausted just after six slaps. With every hit of her she took one step forward while he kept taking a step back deliberately until they were standing in the middle of his bedroom.

Her wrists ached and so did her arms but the man stood before her like a stone as if not slaps he was getting affectionate pats. Considering his bulky form she knew that's what it must have felt like to him.

"Done? Already?" He smirked devilishly.

She swallowed hard with her face red and eyes moist. The satisfaction puffed off and despair followed as she finally took a good look at him which she didn't before as she was too terrified first for Arsh then for herself.

But crying her heart out in the very arms of the devil and then letting out all her frustration on him infused a new kind of strength within her that she took notice of the things that she missed till now.

His stubble has grown thicker and so had his hairs. His complexion has become tanner and there were various faded scars on his face that weren't there before and the one on the left side of his face looked fresh.

It was a finger long gash clotted with blood extending from below his ear to his cheek and disappeared into his beard.

Her gaze travelled from his face to his neck where apart from her teeth marks there were various cuts and scars were also visible. She didn't know why but suddenly waves of remorse washed over her for no reason.

She was sure his face and neck weren't the only place he has these type of gashes but the rest of his body hidden in his robe must have had many like this.

She should be feeling happy seeing that he suffered and has been hurt or maybe tortured but instead she was feeling guilty as if it was all because of her. She frowned at her own thoughts process. What the hell was wrong with her?

It was his choice to leave her at the first place. It was his own choice to play twisted games with her for years. It was his choice to keep torturing her even after breaking their relation.

It was his own choice to imprison her when she refused to be his puppet. He cheated on her with multiple women. He killed so many people ruthlessly. She should be disgusted by him but instead she was feeling regret as if all of it was her fault when it wasn't. Why? Why was she feeling bad for him?

Was there more to him or was he gradually succeeding in darkening her heart like he wanted her that she was feeling compassion for even a beast like him?

"Now it's my turn." His words halted her chain of thoughts and she gasped as she realized what he meant.

She slapped him six times because he allowed her apparently and swore on himself he wouldn't do anything in return. And now he was saying...

Her eyes widened. The guilt was momentary as horror bounced back in her and she cursed herself for feeling bad for the monster.

"But you said..."

"It won't be the first time I'd be breaking my promise with you anyways. As far as swearing is concerned. So what if I broke the swear? I would die? Whatever!" He shrugged and took a step towards her.

She stepped back hurriedly in bewilderment. It continued until she felt herself backed against the wall behind with him breathing on her face harshly with amusement gone from his face and hardness followed.

She should have known. He would never back off from playing games with her. He was hell bent on torturing her often with his harshness and sometimes pretending to be soft.

The coldness in his eyes rose the hairs at the back of her neck. She shuddered and shut her eyes when she saw him leaning towards her lips. Her fingers dug into her palm at her sides.

Oh so first he would give her a kiss of punishment before proceeding to return her slaps?

She pursed her lips together and clenched her eyes shut trembling in her shoes.

Rigidly she stood there without making any move to get away because she would rather take his punishment on herself then instigate his wrath on either Arsh or Mehak. Because she knew if she protested he would direct his rage towards her loved ones.

She was sure his one slap would be enough to knock her out as she was nothing as compared to his strong physique. Anyways it won't be the first time she would faint so whatever.

For her Arsh and Mehak she can even give her life, a few slaps would be a piece of cake after everything she already has been through. She has been subjected to beating in children shelter once. Yes she can take it.

As he breathed on her lips her heart clawed in her chest before pounding in her head. She was breathing through her mouth like a fish out of water.

Her eyes snapped open as she felt his lips pressing on her forehead not on her lips. He gave her a chaste kiss on her head before leaning his face to her eyes level.

"I just realized. I don't want to die yet. Toh tum bhi kya yaad karogi. Jao maaf kiya tumhe!" He whispered looking in her frightened eyes mischievously before moving back to walk away whistling.

(So what the hell. I forgive you!)

It took her a few moments to gather herself and get out of the terror residing in her. She was so ready to be hit by him but as always the asshole was playing with her mind. He just won't give up. He enjoys torturing her.

Her blood boiled at his never ending ways to intimidate her. She huffed and puffed and in that very moment her eyes caught something. Gritting her teeth she grabbed the iron vase she found sitting on the table on her right.

I'd break his head. Period. She resolved furiously.

"You know Khush..." He turned right then and his jaws dropped as he saw her ready to throw the vase at him spitting fire at him.

She smiled sweetly at him as he raised his arms in surrender shaking his head.

"Sweetheart, that will seriously hurt. No!" He tried to play innocent.

"I don't care." She growled. "Since you won't break the swear as you don't want to die yet means I can do whatever I want tonight. And I want to beat you black and blue, you crocodile!"

She hollered ferociously and made to throw it at him when he turn around swiftly just in time and ran to the opposite direction as if his ass was lit on fire.

She didn't deter from her resolve even then. She chased him around as he jumped around Iike a monkey ridiculously from bed to sofas to chairs over the tables towards his closet, turning the mirror that was the way to his study he ran there. She followed him even there cursing him out loud.





"I will kill you!"

"I'd not leave you tonight!"

"One second. One second. Time please!" They were back in his bedroom with her standing on this side with the vase still in her hand while he was standing across the long table on one side of his master bedroom.

She stopped breathlessly before a gasp left her as she saw him unknotting the strings of his royal gown.

She quickly turned around with a shriek leaving her. He smirked evilly.

"Sweetheart, I just wanted to take off the upper layers. I did. Now let's continue the chase. I'm enjoying it so much." He announced after a minute from the same place with amusement clear in his voice.

It made her nostrils flare and eyes prickle. Her hand shivered. She didn't turn but let the vase slip away from her hand swallowing hard before she took a long stride towards the particular wall.


She felt her feet getting glued to the floor as she heard his cold tone deprived of any amusement he has had in it just a second before.

"I...Arsh wanted to meet you. I'd go bring him." She said without turning to him as her eyes squinted in fear nevertheless. She needed to keep her promise with her son too. He wanted to meet his Baba.

She didn't know whether her assumption about ASR regarding Arsh was right or wrong but she didn't want to instigate or make the monster suspicious of her even if she has figured it out correctly.

Also even if she was wrong she didn't want to give ideas to the beast to torture her and her son in new ways if he had no intention of separating them. Either way she has to tread carefully. For the safety of her son. So she has to behave as if she trusted him with Arsh until she is fully sure of his real intentions.

She gripped her gown at her sides in fists as she saw his shoes stopping right before her before she felt his hands cupping her cheeks to tilt her face up.

"I know. Even I want to meet him sweetheart." He caressed her cheeks before pecking the corner of her lips.

"But I also knew; more than him you needed to see me first. It has been rough couple of years weren't they Khush?"

Why was he doing this to her? She screamed inwardly as she felt like yelling at him and crying all over again in his arms to tell him how much tough it actually had been.

She didn't respond but kept looking at him barely hanging on the edge of her emotions.

As if he knew she needed it he threw his arms around her and pulled her in a comforting hug pressing her head on his chest burying his fingers in her hairs kissing the top of her head.

"I'm here. You can stop being strong if you want. You can drop your façade before me. I'll take care of you and our son from now on."

She heard him say before she felt him pressing a kiss on her temple. It was as if his words were getting imprinted in her mind that she felt calming effects washing through her in waves making her shell shocked.

Her eyes widened in shock and she gave him a rough shove before taking several steps back from him alarmed as well as appalled.

"Why?" She shrieked. "Why are you behaving as if you never did anything wrong with me? As if you are a saint not the devil? As if... As you care genuinely for me and Arsh?"

"As if... As if...I don't know what it is but stop it. Stop pretending already. Just tell me what have you planned this time? That before making me go through that hell you're preparing me for it by allowing me to lash out at you before executing your dubious chess games?"

He sighed heavily running his hands over his beard looking exasperated.

"Whatever I do you'd not trust me again would you? You'd always think that I'm after something else? Khush, it's been almost four years goddammit!" He snapped.

"Why don't you move on from the past and let me make amends? Everything didn't have to be this painful every time we come face to face."

"How many times do I have to tell you? All you have to do is just forgive me and give me a chance. Accept me back with all my flaws. That's all. If only you would then I won't have to play all these games to keep you with me would I?"

"If only you'd stop being so stubborn then we can be together like old times. This time with our son. A little family of three."

She stared at him stunned. She was being stubborn? She? Seriously? The audacity of this man!

Seeing the distrust on her face still lingering he huffed out.

"You think I don't genuinely care? That I am pretending? Then tell me why the fuck did I agree for sitting idle for seven days without doing anything just to save you and Arsh from being punished?"

"Why the fuck did I surround you both with my people to protect you both? Why else would I bring you to my chamber at this time of the night even when I'm so fucking exhausted after such a tiring journey back from a grueling war?"

"Why the heck would I not rest after attending back to back banquets the whole fucking day and bring you here to make sure you don't keep it all in and let it all out?"

"I knew you're most devastated than anyone else with the news of my death and I knew you needed to see me and embrace me more than anyone that despite your refusal I took the huge risk to go to maids quarters at this time of the night to bring you here? Why the fuck would I do that if you weren't improtant to me?"

"If I didn't care why would I let you see me when I didn't allow my royal family or concubines to even get a glimpse of me the whole day? Tell me DAMMIT why the fuck I'm standing here doing nothing when the moment I saw you I want to kiss you so bad yet I didn't because I know you won't like it?"

"You keep asking me why and for what I keep doing this. I told you so many a times already. Don't you know what I really want? I want you back. As mine. All effing part of you!"

"I want you to forget the past and move on with me. To forgive me for heaven's sake. That I already told you for fucking millions times. But no, you're so busy overthinking and reading between the lines when there is nothing there. It's been fucking years yet...yet..." He ran his fingers in his hairs before throwing his hands up in air.

"Have you seen any other freaking King in the world this helpless before an unarmed petite girl who is no match to either his strength or power but still is playing with his sanity without even doing anything?" He howled with his face turning red and eyes redder.

"For fucking months I was locked up and tortured. My army, my people all were captured. But you know despite that what was the thing that fucking terrified the shit out of me? It was you goddammit!"

"I was dumbshit scared if I didn't get out there and got killed then what would those people do to you or Arsh when they'd covet RK and takeover Raichand palace."

"I was scared out of my wits with even the thought of not seeing you again. Not being able to hold you, touch you, see you, talk to you. Fuck I wasn't even scared of losing RK but the thought of losing you and Arsh made me unhinged."

"And you know that was it that made me fight back so diligently that I didn't stop until all of those fuckers were torn from limb to limb. I swear I enjoyed giving them the taste of their own medicines after killing their so-called satanic King in front of their eyes."

"You tell me dammit, what is it if it's not the genuine care? Why the hell was I thinking about you and Arsh only when I should have been worried for my people and RK first?"

"Tell me? Why the fuck did I come back from death's clutches knowing that more than anyone you'd be most worried sick for me? Tell me?" He shouted his lungs out.

"In fact you know what. Don't tell me anything at all!" He bristled.

"I'm done. I'm fed up and exhausted. That's it from me Khush. This is it."

"I'm not going to fight you anymore because every argument of ours drains me out. It's enough. Do whatever you want. Think whatever you want. Neither would I ask for a chance nor your forgiveness anymore . Keep hating me all your life."

"Maybe if I hadn't come back then you might have forgiven me wholeheartedly. Maybe you'd forgive me on my death bed so go from here and wait for me to die then. Pray for it actually. Go!"

"Aisa hai toh aise hi sahi. I'm giving up on you. On us. It's over. WE ARE OVER for real this time!"

"Just go. Leave. GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE."

"And be assured ASR is done chasing after you."

"Now this Arnav Singh Raichand won't bother you anymore ever again with his suffocating presence which repels you so much!"

"Go away and I'd make sure you never get to see my face ever again which you despise so much!"

"Why the hell are you standing like a statue? I said get the hell out of my sight, KHUSHI!"


Teaser 8:


What are your thoughts regarding this very important chapter of TKW?

What's going to happen next?

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