𝒂𝒅𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖, 𝒋𝒂𝒎𝒆𝒔...

By -firelitroses-

54.9K 1.4K 251

"𝑰 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒂 𝒔𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒑𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏" "𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝑰 𝒂𝒃𝒔𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒕... More

𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒂𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒄
001. The manor
002. The other woman
003. Arrogant prick
004. Apologizes and Acceptance
005. Savior
006. Broom polish and vanilla
007. Pretty fucking beautiful
008. Raindrops
009. Parties and Hangovers
010. The tower
011. Quidditch practice
012. Stupid realizations
013. Moonlight
014. Pretty boy
015. Photgraphs
016. The slug club
017. Blue hair?
019. Snow days
020. adore you
021. daddy issues
022. Christmas party
023. Home sweet home

018. Lions vs Snakes

953 37 0
By -firelitroses-

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:✧*⋆.*:・゚✧.: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ☾

Lions vs Snakes

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:✧*⋆.*:・゚✧.: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ☾

The Quidditch game everyone had been waiting for all week had finally arrived. People were making bets on which side would win and both houses had started gathering decorations and other essentials for the banger after party later, even both houses knowing that one house would come out victorious and the other would be getting teased about it til the next game. Slytherin vs Gryffindor. Lions vs Serpents. Green vs Red. The whole school had been closely observing these two teams all week and finally, the day has come.

James Potter sat cockily at the breakfast table knowing that all eyes were on him. To be fair there were multiple reasons for the staring: Number one it was the first red vs green game, Number two the rumor still had not died down and lastly Number three was because James Potter looked damn good in his uniform. So good it made all the girls gawk at him and shoot daggers into Eva's back as she was the only girl sitting next to him. On some game days when the professors feel extra generous they give free periods throughout the afternoon so students can get ready for the game. Mcgonagall had given James Potter and the rest of the Gryffindor quidditch team a pass for today which meant they didn't have to attend classes and they could be on the pitch practicing for later today.

"Hi guys," Eva sat down next to James. She patted his shoulder. "Are you nervous?"

"Kinda. I'm just focusing on winning," he shrugged.

"WELL, I'M NERVOUS!" Sirius yelled at her. "I don't think I can do this," he banged his head on the table.

"Siri we talked about this! You'll be great," Eva rubbed circles on James's arm.

"I know I'll be great. It's just I hate playing against the Slytherins,"

"It's okay, you'll be fine. Just eat something okay," Eva nodded at him.


Eva stayed silent for the rest of breakfast. If she was being honest she was nervous, James and Lucius had been having this rivalry lately and she was scared that something bad would happen at the game.

James Potter had also stayed quiet. It's not like he was nervous but he was stressed. Since he was the captain he had the pressure of the entire Gryffindor house on him. If he didn't prove himself this year then who knew what would happen to his goal?

Eva stared intently at him, watching the side of his face while biting her lip lightly. Her line of vision went down to his hands as she noticed her pink hair tie still around his wrist. She forgot that he had it. A smile engulfed her face as she realized he hadn't taken it off since the day she gave it to him. She brought her eyes back up to his face. He's so pretty. How can one person be so beautiful?

♡ ♡ ♡

Eva sat in the stands with James's Gryffindor scarf around her. The weather had been getting colder and more unbearable as days went by but that didn't stop the swarm of students outside watching the game. It might've been weird considering she wasn't supporting her house team but she didn't care. She was there to support her two friends that she loved. It didn't matter, she didn't care. She spotted Lily and Marlene walking up to the stands and immediately waved them over to come sit with her.

She watched with a smile as Remus announced the teams coming out on the pitch. She cheered for James as she saw him leading his team out in-fact she cheered so loud that James heard her. He smiled at the scream he immediately recognized before turning to find her blonde hair. She waved at him with a soft smile. He waved back at her with a smirk and then winked back at her. She shook his head at him, the smile never leaving her face, while the girls around started rolling their eyes at her.

Some time had passed and honestly, Eva had absolutely no idea what was going on. The Slytherins were being aggressive as usual while the Gryffindors seemed like they were just trying not to get killed. Lucius had thrown multiple bludgers at James in hopes of hitting him and without fail, every single time James almost got hit, Eva would jump so bad Marlene was starting to get concerned.

Time was playing into their hands; they were a few hours into the match, and the sun that had stood high in the sky, in the beginning, was slowly edging its way toward the horizon. It shone directly into the face of James Potter forcing him to shield his eyes from its light with one hand on the broom at all times. It was not every day that quidditch games lasted more than an hour but this time it did. It really showed how both teams were giving it their all. Crossing into the hour and half mark one of Slytherin's chasers had an injury that required him to leave the game.

James Potter quickly figured out how to use the changed conditions to their advantage. James advanced on the squinting Evan Rosier, swooping in on him with the sun directly in their backs and passing the Quaffle to Sirius last moment. Evan stood no chance against them that way, having to watch helplessly as the Quaffle soared past him and through the goalposts time and time again. They made a good team.

The game was tied and everyone was in suspense. The Seekers were fighting their own battle. They zoomed across the Quidditch pitch both horizontally, vertically, and in wild spirals, trying to outsmart each other with flying maneuvers that became both more desperate and reckless by the second. The Slytherin seeker's fingers were just moments away from triumph, his fingertips almost grazing the rapidly beating wings of the Snitch, when Mary lurched forward, pushed his arm aside, and closed her fist around the fluttering golden ball. The crowd went wild. Singled-out cheers came from the Gryffindor fans.



Eva jumped up and down cheering with all the joy in her heart. The trio of girls ran down the stands on their way to the quidditch pitch to greet the boys. "James!" Eva ran towards him while he caught her in his arms, stumbling back a little because of the impact, smiling immediately. He put his hands around her waist to stabilize her and rested his chin on her head.

"I'm so proud of you! You did amazing," Eva muffled through his chest.

"Thank you, darling." He lifted up her chin looking into her eyes. "Couldn't have done without you,"

"What do you mean? I did nothing," She smiled up at him.

He stroked her cheek."You were there. That's all I needed," her eyes softened. And all she wanted at that exact moment was to pull him in and kiss his adorably stupid face.

"Well. Look who it is." A voice behind them broke the small moment they were having. She turned around to face the man whom she had been trying to avoid for months. Eva felt James tense next to her.

"The slut and the blood traitor," Lucius gestured to them. Narcissa trailed behind him unsure of what to do. James grabbed Eva's waist and wrapped his entire arm around her to pull her away from Lucius, so she now stood beside him.

"Don't call her that!" James raised his voice.

"Or what?" Lucius challenged.

"What? You don't remember last time?" James clenched his jaw. She noticed that Sirius, Remus, and Peter all stood behind her and James.

Eva grew nervous when she saw Lucius inhale and then turned to look at her. "Didn't take long for you to move on, I see."

Eva rolled her eyes. "Last time I checked, you were the one who cheated on me with her." She nodded over to the blonde who stood a few feet back.

"Well if you had given me what I wanted we wouldn't be in this situation," Lucius spoke, disgust dripping from his tongue.

"Fuck you!" Eva spat.

"What did you say to me bitch?" Lucius asked as he stepped closer to her. She took a step back.

"Back the fuck up!" James pushed him back.

"Don't touch me, blood traitor!" Lucius pushes James back.

"Lucius don't be stupid!" Narcissa tries to reason with him. By now there had been a crowd gathering around the group of teens.

"No he thinks he's all that but I'll fuck him up,"

"I'll like to see you fucking try," James yelled back.

"James come on don't make a scene," Remus tried holding him back. Sirius moved so that he was beside James in case he needed extra help. Lucius threw the first punch but James quickly blocked it. Remus had now pulled Eva away from the boys to avoid getting injured. It was James who threw the next punch and hit Malloy square in the jaw. Lucius stumbled back, shocked, however, he recovered quickly and began walking back to James but before he could fully reach him Sirius stunned him. Malfoy fell backwards and this gave the boys the perfect time to attack. James punched his face again giving him a bloody nose and Sirius punched his stomach. They continued to throw punches wherever they could not caring about the consequences.

Eva bit her lip in panic. She didn't know what she could do to stop it. She knew she couldn't go in between, she wasn't that stupid and she knew that calling a teacher to stop it would get them in trouble. She was completely useless. The one thing she didn't want was Lucius and James to get into a physical fight and now her nightmare became a reality. Remus tried calling out to them but it was no use they couldn't hear anything. The punches kept going for both parties until Madam Hooch and Professor McGonagall stormed through the gathering crowd.

"What do you think you're doing?" screamed Madam Hooch. James and Sirius both flew backward hitting the ground hard.

"What kind of behavior is this!" McGonagall shouted at them.

Remus finally let me go and I ran towards James, helping him up. As soon as he stood up he grabbed my arms. "Are you okay?" he asked.

"Are you seriously asking me if I'm okay?" Eva shook her head as he simply nodded. "Your crazy," she took note of how disheveled he looked. She noticed the scars on his face from when Malfoy threw a couple of punches and she noticed the blood on his lip. She saw the cut on the side of his forehead that had now started drawing blood. She brought her thump to his lip trying to wipe off the blood revealing the big cut on his bottom lip.

"You three to my office right now!" McGonagall yelled at them.

"I'll see you in the common room," Eva reassured. while James simply nodded again.

♡ ♡ ♡

The Gryffindor common room was silent. Everyone tensely waited for James and Sirius to come back. The big after-party in the common room was starting soon but nobody knew the punishments the boys would be facing which kinda toyed with everyone's mood. Suddenly the portrait opened to reveal the two boys. Everyone waited in anticipation of the boy's punishment.

"We got a three-week detention," Sirius said to everyone. You could feel the shift in mood in the room. Everyone sighed with relief.

"Only?" Remus asked.

"Yeah, Malfoy got more considering he threw the first punch and provoked us," James sat down next to Eva. She took his hand in hers and gently rubbed her thumb along his.

"I'm sorry you got detention," Eva said, as she leaned her head against his shoulders.

"Don't be. The asshole deserved it. Plus I got the better end anyway," James reassured. "Come on now we have a party to get ready for!" With that, the whole common room cheered. And so the party began.

♡ ♡ ♡

The loud music banged against the walls of the common room. The flashing lights give the illusion of what it's like to be in a club. The common room had been even more crowded than it has been all year considering all the houses were there even some Slytherins who didn't care about the quidditch scores. Each house contributed something to the party. Hufflepuffs brought the weed, Ravenclaws brought the secret potions that apparently got everyone fucked up and some Slytherins provided the food.

"Look who it is. The star of the show," James pointed at Eva with a red cup in his hand. She was wearing a sleeveless, sparkly rose, spaghetti strap, a v-neckline with a back lace up. Eva gave a little twirl before laughing James off.

"Well pretty boy you clean up nice too," She tilted her head at him with a soft smile.

"Wanna dance?" He asked taking a sip out of his red cup. She nodded excitedly and pulled him to the dance floor. Their bodies pressed against each other due to how crowded the room was. They jumped up and down as the song became louder. James watched as the colored strobe lights bounced off of the sparkles on her dress. Her body moved so effortlessly and naturally to the tune. The way her head fell back and her eyes closed. He watched her hips control the rest of her body. He slightly bit his lip staring at her in awe. It could be the alcohol talking but he was never this mesmerized by anybody before. Not even Lily. He was by now completely aware of how close they were. He could feel her body on his and he could smell her vanilla shampoo. His heart started beating a million miles a minute, his mouth watered and his pupils dilated. He bit the inside of his lip. And right then and there, dancing to Abba's dancing queen, James Potter knew he was completely and utterly in love with Evelyn Rosewood.

♡ ♡ ♡

A/N: Hello guys. I hope this chapter was better than the last one because i really tried. I think this chapter is quite dramatic honestly but i live for drama so i think it's fine.

So this was the dress i was imagining eva was wearing in the party scene. Isn't it beautiful. I want it so bad. I'm gonna start writing the next chapter right away and i think it's gonna be a good one soooo i'm super excited. Okay okay that's it byeeee.

love always emily <3

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